Brand v. Miller ( 2007 )

  •   United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
    (Interference No. 105,215)
    Meredith Martin Addy, Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione, of Chicago, Illinois, argued for
    appellants. With him on the brief was Raymond W. Green.
    Clifford W. Browning, Krieg Devault LLP, of Indianapolis, Indiana, argued for
    Appealed from: United States Patent and Trademark Office, Board of Patent Appeals and
    United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
    (Interference No. 105,215)
    DECIDED: May 14, 2007
    Before MICHEL, Chief Judge, ARCHER, Senior Judge, and DYK, Circuit Judge.
    DYK, Circuit Judge.
    Appellants Robert D. Brand, Capital Machine Co., Inc. and Indiana Forge, LLC
    (“Brand”) appeal from the judgment of the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences
    (“Board”) of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO”) in Interference No. 105,215,
    entering judgment for appellees Thomas A. Miller, Darrel C. Pinkston, and Miller
    Veneers, Inc. (“Miller”) on the issue of priority. The Board concluded that Brand derived
    the subject matter of the single count from Miller. We hold that the Board impermissibly
    relied on its own expertise in determining the question of derivation and that the Board’s
    conclusion is not supported by substantial record evidence. We therefore reverse and
    remand for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    The invention here relates to methods of cutting veneer from logs of wood.
    Typically logs are cut lengthwise into a pair of “flitches,” which are then mounted onto
    the rotating “staylog” of a veneer cutting machine. The flitch is held in place on the
    staylog by clamping “dogs.” The veneer-cutting knife then cuts off slices of veneer from
    the flitch as it rotates on the staylog.
    Because logs are typically thicker at their base than at their end, traditionally the
    butt-ends of the resulting tapered flitches were cut off in order to make them more
    uniform in cross-section from end to end. The ends that had been cut off were then
    discarded. The invention at issue allows a tapered flitch to be mounted on a staylog
    such that the flitch’s veneer-producing face (the uppermost surface region of 16 in the
    diagram below from 
    U.S. Patent No. 5,865,232
     (“’232 patent”)) is parallel to the veneer-
    cutting knife. This results in more efficient use of the flitches.
    Traditional dogs could not be used to mount a tapered flitch (16) onto a staylog (10)
    because traditional dogs did not allow the length of the dog extending from the staylog
    to vary based on the flitch’s taper. The inventors here used different types of dogs to
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    solve that problem.
    During the relevant period Robert Brand was the Chief Engineer for Capital
    Machine Co. (“Capital”), which makes machines for cutting veneer. He is now retired
    from Capital and works as an unpaid consultant with Miller Veneers. Brand is the
    named inventor of U.S. Patent Application No. 09/377,120 (’120 application). Thomas
    Miller was Production Manager of Miller Veneers, a customer of Capital. Miller is the
    named inventor of the ’232 patent.           The two companies had a close working
    relationship, and Thomas Miller on occasion communicated new design concepts to
    On April 28, 2004, the Board declared an interference with a single count to
    determine whether Miller or Brand should have priority. The count, which is claim 1 of
    Miller’s ’232 patent and the identical claim 38 of Brand’s ’120 application. The count
    A method for cutting veneer sheets from a tapered flitch,
    comprising the steps of
    providing a staylog for a veneer slicing machine having a
    veneer slicing knife;
    attaching a flitch having a tapered veneer producing face to
    the staylog with the tapered veneer producing face affixed in a
    stable, parallel relationship with the veneer slicing knife; and
    cutting veneer sheets with the veneer slicing knife from the
    tapered veneer producing face of the flitch.
    While the same claim appears in both the ’232 patent and the ’120 application,
    the inventors used different methods to solve the problem of attaching a tapered flitch to
    a staylog.     Miller’s ’232 patent employs radially-expandable round “collett dogs”
    (depicted below at left) to support the flitch while Brand’s ’120 application uses multi-
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    headed tall pin dogs (depicted below at right) for the same purpose.
    In the interference proceeding, Brand was the Senior Party, having filed his
    application on May 31, 1995. 1 Miller, the Junior Party, made two arguments for priority.
    Miller argued it was entitled to priority as the party first to conceive and first to reduce to
    practice, and also argued it was entitled to priority because Brand derived the invention
    from Miller. The Board first addressed Miller’s argument that it was first to conceive and
    first to reduce to practice, and determined the respective conception and reduction to
    practice dates of Brand and Miller. The Board held that Miller’s conception date was no
    earlier than October 27, 1994, and denied Miller’s attempt to amend its priority
    statement to claim an earlier date. The Board held that Miller failed to prove an actual
    reduction to practice prior to Brand’s May 31, 1995, benefit date. The Board concluded
    that, since Junior Party Miller failed to prove it reduced to practice first, it failed to
    establish that it was entitled to an award of priority as the party first to conceive and first
    to reduce to practice. Miller has not raised this issue on appeal.
    The Board then turned to Miller’s other argument, that Miller was entitled to
    priority because Brand derived the invention from Miller. Miller’s case for derivation was
    The Board then held that Brand failed to prove a conception date earlier
    than its May 31, 1995, constructive reduction to practice date. The Board reasoned
    that, while several Brand drawings did demonstrate conception of the subject matter of
    the count, there was no corroborated evidence of the completion dates of these
    drawings because witness William Koss, the Executive Vice President of Capital, did not
    distinguish between commencement and completion dates. In light of our holding that
    Brand was entitled to priority, we need not describe or address Brand’s alternate
    argument that he was entitled to an earlier date for conception and reduction to practice.
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    based primarily on two drawings that Miller allegedly showed Brand before Brand’s own
    conception. The first, Miller Exhibit 2001 (“MX2001”), depicts an end view of a tapered
    The Board found that Miller showed Brand and Koss (the Executive Vice President of
    Capital), the drawing in MX2001 at a meeting held sometime between October 7, 1994
    and October 12, 1994, well before Brand’s conception date of May 31, 1995. The
    drawing in MX2001 does not depict any dogs or any holes in the flitch for receiving
    The second drawing that Miller alleged supported its case for derivation was
    Miller Exhibit 2002 (“MX2002”), which the Board found was contained in a fax from
    Miller to Brand on October 7, 1994, and which depicts a type of screw called a “bugle
    headed screw dog:”
    The Board addressed whether Miller had proven that Brand derived the invention
    from Miller based on the information in Miller Exhibits [“MX”] 2001 and 2002, either
    separately or taken together.     While Brand was aware that the bugle-headed dogs
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    depicted in MX2002 were intended as substitutes for standard dogs, the Board rejected
    as uncorroborated the testimony of Miller that he explicitly told Brand how to practice
    the invention of the count by using the bugle-headed dogs to support a tapered flitch.
    The Board nonetheless held that Miller had established derivation based on the
    combination of MX2001 and 2002. The Board reasoned that “one skilled in the art . . .
    would have recognized [the] suitability [of Miller’s bugle-headed screw dogs MX2002]
    for securely supporting a tapered flitch in the position depicted in [MX2001].” J.A. at 62.
    The Board did not cite any testimony or record evidence to support its conclusion. The
    Board further held that “[t]he ability of the bugle-headed screw dogs to tightly clamp the
    flitch would have been readily apparent.” 
    The Board also held, in the alternative, that the information in MX2001, taken
    alone, was sufficient to teach one of ordinary skill in the art how to practice the method
    of the count.    Again without citing record evidence, the Board concluded that the
    drawing in MX2001 disclosed the invention. Although MX2001 does not depict the
    relationship between a flitch and the veneer-cutting knife, the Board concluded that
    “[a]lthough not discussed in the exhibit, it is apparent that the flitch is supported [in the
    required position].” While MX2001 does not show the size and shape of supporting
    dogs, the Board concluded that “it is nevertheless clear that the position of the flitch is
    due to the fact that the dogging holes have different depths.” 
    Id. at 60-61
    Brand filed a request for rehearing, arguing principally that the Board failed to
    take into account declarations by witnesses that favored Brand’s position, inter alia, on
    the derivation issue. The Board denied the request. In particular, on the question of
    derivation, the Board described as “unconvincing” the declaration of witness Bobby
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    Deckard, who stated that “there is no way one could deduce from [MX2001] how to
    build a machine or attach a tapered flitch to the machine,” because it failed to explain
    why an artisan “would not have known to use screw dogs which are longer than the
    screw dog depicted in MX2002.” J.A. at 77-78. Brand timely filed this appeal. We have
    jurisdiction pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1295
    Under § 554 of the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”), if an agency
    adjudication is “required by statute to be determined on the record after opportunity for
    an agency hearing,” the adjudication becomes a formal proceeding, subject to the
    requirements of §§ 556 and 557 of the APA. 
    5 U.S.C. § 554
    . Sections 554, 556 and
    557 require hearings to be held, impose detailed conditions for the creation of a written
    record and forbid ex parte communications. 
    5 U.S.C. §§ 554
    , 556-557.
    As the Supreme Court has held, adjudicatory proceedings before the Board are
    governed by the requirements of the APA. Dickinson v. Zurko, 
    527 U.S. 150
    , 154
    (1999).   In In re Gartside, 
    203 F.3d 1305
     (Fed. Cir. 2000), an appeal from an
    interference proceeding, we held that PTO proceedings are not formal adjudications
    governed by §§ 556 and 557 of the APA. Id. at 1313. We reasoned that APA § 554
    excludes from formal adjudications under §§ 556 and 557 those proceedings that are
    subject to subsequent trial de novo, and that the patent statute allows applicants to
    obtain in district court such trials after PTO proceedings. Id.; see 
    35 U.S.C. §§ 145-146
    Although PTO proceedings are not formal adjudications governed by §§ 556 and
    557 of the APA, the Supreme Court has held that our review of those proceedings is
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    governed by another section of the APA, § 706. Dickinson, 
    527 U.S. at 152
    . The
    Supreme Court in Dickinson did not decide which of the several standards of review in
    APA § 706 applies to PTO proceedings. We first considered that question in Gartside,
    an appeal from a Board interference proceeding. We noted that APA § 706 provides
    that “[t]he reviewing court shall . . . hold unlawful and set aside agency action, findings,
    and conclusions found to be . . . unsupported by substantial evidence in a case subject
    to sections 556 and 557 of this title or otherwise reviewed on the record of an agency
    hearing provided by statute.” Gartside, 
    203 F.3d at 1311
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    added). We then noted that 
    35 U.S.C. § 144
     directs us to review “on the record” the
    decisions of the Board.    
    35 U.S.C. § 144
     (“The United States Court of
    Appeals for the Federal Circuit shall review the decision from which an appeal is taken
    on the record before the Patent and Trademark Office.”) (emphasis added).               We
    concluded that findings of fact by the Board must in all cases be supported by
    substantial evidence in the record.
    Under the substantial evidence standard of review, we search for evidence,
    clearly set forth in the record below, to justify the conclusions that the Board has drawn.
    See Gartside, 
    203 F.3d at 1312
    . As we noted in Gartside, “[i]n appeals from the Board,
    we have before us a comprehensive [factual] record . . . including all of the relevant
    information upon which the Board relied in rendering its decision.”           
    Id. at 1314
    Crucially, we held that “[t]hat record, when before us, is closed, in that the Board’s
    decision must be justified within the four corners of that record.” Id.; see also Ass’n of
    Data Processing Serv. Orgs., Inc. v. Bd. of Governors of Fed. Reserve Sys., 
    745 F.2d 677
    , 683 (D.C. Cir. 1984) (“[When cases are governed by the substantial evidence
    2006-1419                                8
    standard of review] the factual support must be found in the closed record as opposed
    to elsewhere.”).
    The fact that section 706 of the APA requires that the Board’s decision be
    reviewed on the record does not directly answer the question whether the Board’s
    decisions may be based on the Board’s substantive expertise reflected in the record.
    However, in a contested proceeding involving “resolution of conflicting private claims to
    a valuable privilege,” it is particularly important that the agency’s decision on issues of
    fact be limited to the written record made before the agency. See Sangamon Valley
    Television Corp. v. United States, 
    269 F.2d 221
    , 224 (D.C. Cir. 1959). 2 The Supreme
    Court rejected an agency’s attempt to rely on its own expertise in a contested
    proceeding in Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Co. v. Aberdeen & Rockfish R.R. Co., 
    393 U.S. 87
    91-92 (1968).      The Interstate Commerce Commission (“ICC”), in a ratemaking
    proceeding involving competing claims by Northern and Southern railroads, determined
    that the costs of North-South traffic were fairly represented by territorial average costs.
    The Supreme Court held that the ICC’s decision was not supported by record evidence,
    and that in such a context agency expertise cannot substitute for record evidence
    because “[t]he requirement for administrative decisions based on substantial evidence
    and reasoned findings—which alone make effective judicial review possible—would
    become lost in the haze of so-called expertise.” Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Co., 393 U.S. at
    That case held that letters that “did not go into the public record” fatally
    tainted the Federal Communication Commission’s proceedings because the proceeding
    involved “resolution of conflicting private claims to a valuable privilege and . . . basic
    fairness requires such a proceeding to be carried on in the open.” Sangamon Valley,
    269 F.2d at 224
    2006-1419                                9
    92 . 3
    The detailed PTO regulations governing interferences and other contested
    proceedings also highlight the importance of the comprehensive record that is required
    in contested administrative proceedings before the Board. See 
    37 C.F.R. §§ 41.100
    41.158 (regulations governing contested cases); 
    37 C.F.R. § 41.200
    (a) (“A patent
    interference is a contested case.”); 
    37 C.F.R. §§ 41.200-41.208
     (regulations specific to
    patent interferences). All motions must be accompanied with “appropriate evidence,
    such that, if unrebutted, it would justify the relief sought.” 
    37 C.F.R. § 41.208
    . Detailed
    rules govern depositions and the taking of testimony, requiring objections to be served
    and entered on the record, and permitting parties to move to exclude evidence from the
    37 C.F.R. § 41.155
    . Transcripts of such testimony serve as the “true record of
    the testimony given by the witnesses.” 
    37 C.F.R. § 41.157
    (e)(6)(ii). Finally, the Federal
    Rules of Evidence apply to contested proceedings unless regulations specifically
    provide otherwise. 
    37 C.F.R. § 41.152
    . These detailed regulations governing contested
    cases highlight the Board’s role in such cases as an impartial adjudicator of an
    adversarial dispute between two parties.
    We therefore hold that, in the context of a contested case, it is impermissible for
    the Board to base its factual findings on its expertise, rather than on evidence in the
    record, although the Board’s expertise appropriately plays a role in interpreting record
    Quite a different standard applies when agencies interpret ambiguous
    statutes. See Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Res. Def. Council, Inc., 
    467 U.S. 837
    (1984). In most situations deference is due to agency positions on a legal question.
    But this is not a Chevron situation both because the issue is factual, not legal, and
    because we have held in any event that the Board does not earn Chevron deference on
    questions of substantive patent law. Merck & Co. v. Kessler, 
    80 F.3d 1543
    , 1549-50
    (Fed. Cir. 1996).
    2006-1419                                 10
    evidence. We do not—and need not—decide here the extent to which the Board in ex
    parte proceedings is so limited.
    We now turn to the facts of this case. The Board here adjudicated the questions
    of priority of invention and derivation. Priority of invention is awarded “to the first party
    to reduce an invention to practice unless the other party can show that it was the first to
    conceive of the invention and that it exercised reasonable diligence in later reducing that
    invention to practice.” Medichem, S.A. v. Rolabo, S.L., 
    437 F.3d 1157
    , 1169 (Fed. Cir.
    35 U.S.C. § 102
    (g). Priority is a question of law which is determined based on
    underlying factual determinations. Price v. Symsek, 
    988 F.2d 1187
    , 1190 (Fed. Cir.
    A party may also assert that the patentee did not invent the patented invention by
    showing derivation.     
       In an interference proceeding, the person challenging the
    Senior Party’s priority date bears the burden of proof on derivation and must make two
     First, he must “establish prior conception of the claimed subject matter.” 4
     Second, he must prove “communication of that conception to the patentee that is
    sufficient to enable [him] to construct and successfully operate the invention.”         Int’l
    Rectifier Corp. v. IXYS Corp., 
    361 F.3d 1363
    , 1376 (Fed. Cir. 2004) (internal quotation
    marks omitted). This court reviews a finding of derivation as a question of fact. Gambro
    Conception is defined as “formation in the mind of the inventor, of a
    definite and permanent idea of the complete and operative invention, as it is hereafter to
    be applied in practice. Conception is complete when the idea is so clearly defined in the
    inventor's mind that only ordinary skill would be necessary to reduce the invention to
    practice, without extensive research or experimentation.” Stern v. Trustees of Columbia
    University in New York, 
    434 F.3d 1375
    , 1378 (Fed. Cir. 2006) (internal citations and
    quotation marks omitted).
    2006-1419                                11
    Lundia AB v. Baxter Healthcare Corp., 
    110 F.3d 1573
    , 1576 (Fed. Cir. 1997).
    The Board decision here turns on the second issue—communication. On this
    issue Brand argues that the Board improperly substituted its own opinion for evidence of
    the knowledge of one of ordinary skill in the art. We agree. As the Board correctly
    noted, in this case, “Miller, as the proponent of derivation by Brand . . . bears the burden
    of proving that one skilled in the art would have been capable, without undue
    experimentation, of making a staylog for securely supporting a tapered flitch in the
    position depicted [in MX2001].” J.A. at 61. The Board rejected as unconvincing the
    only relevant testimony, Miller’s testimony that he explicitly told Brand how to practice
    the invention of the count. There was also no testimony from one skilled in the art that
    the drawings communicated an enabling invention to a skilled recipient of the drawings.
    The Board’s conclusion that “one skilled in the art . . . would have recognized
    [the] suitability [of Miller’s bugle-headed screw dogs MX2002] for securely supporting a
    tapered flitch in the position depicted in [MX2001]” was not supported by any citation to
    the record. J.A. at 62. Similarly, the Board did not anchor in the record its conclusion
    that an artisan would have deduced from the drawing of a flitch in MX2001 standing
    alone a method of securely fastening a tapered flitch to a staylog, given that the drawing
    did not depict any dogs or holes in the flitch. The Board here did not just interpret the
    drawings in MX2001 and MX2002 from the standpoint of one skilled in the art. Those
    drawings simply depicted a flitch (without dogs) and a bugle-headed dog (without a
    flitch), and did not show the relationship between the two or the position of the flitch with
    respect to the veneer-cutting knife. Indeed, the Board’s own description of MX2001
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    notes specifically that these relationships were “not shown.” J.A. at 60. 5
    Lacking an explanation in the record as to how the depicted flitch or dogs would
    be arranged to perform the claimed method, the Board substituted its own expertise for
    record evidence that Miller was obligated to provide. The Board’s finding that an artisan
    would have known how to securely fasten a tapered flitch to a staylog using bugle-
    headed dogs does not represent a simple substitution of bugle-headed dogs for existing
    dogs, but detailed inferences as to the mounting process. The detailed nature of the
    findings that the Board found necessary to make demonstrates the inappropriateness of
    its approach. 6 Finally, the path that the Board determined that a skilled artisan would
    The Board found that “[a]lthough not discussed in the exhibit, it is apparent
    that the flitch is supported by the dogs (not shown) with its uppermost surface region
    parallel to the staylog mounting surface (not shown) and thus parallel to the edge of the
    veneer-cutting knife (not shown). J.A. at 60 (emphases added).
    Among its multiple findings the Board found that:
    we are persuaded that one skilled in the art, having been informed
    of Miller's proposed bugle-headed screw dogs, would have
    recognized their suitability for securely supporting a tapered flitch in
    the position depicted in that exhibit. Furthermore, the artisan further
    would have recognized that Miller's dogs would permit the dogging
    holes to take the form of round holes or longitudinal pockets, with
    round holes offering the advantage of requiring less time and effort
    to form. The ability of the bugle-headed screw dogs to tightly clamp
    the flitch would have been readily apparent, since the hydraulic
    transverse clamping action would be expected to drive the facing
    parts of the edges of each pair of dogs into the walls of the dogging
    holes, whether formed as round holes or as longitudinal pockets.
    Although an artisan would have recognized that increasing the
    transverse dimension of the dogging holes while maintaining the
    two-inch transverse spacing shown in the exhibit would come at the
    expense of part or perhaps all of the expected increase in yield the
    exhibit attributes to a "reduced staylog, shallower dogs, and closer
    spacing of dogs" (shown in blue in the original sketch), the artisan
    would have recognized that this modification would have little, if
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    follow has, so far as the record reflects, never been followed. The Board found that
    bugle-headed dogs were not depicted in either Miller’s application or Miller’s ’232 patent
    as used to support a tapered flitch, and the Board found no evidence that bugle-headed
    dogs had been used for the purpose of supporting a tapered flitch. 7              Under such
    circumstances the Board’s decision was not supported by substantial evidence in the
    Accordingly, we reverse the Board’s award of judgment to Miller, order that
    judgment be entered for Brand and remand to the Board for entry of judgment and
    appropriate orders.
    For the foregoing reasons, the decision below is reversed and remanded.
    No costs.
    any, effect on the expected increase in yield the exhibit attributes to
    "keeping wedge, deep dogging holes, and less severe milling of
    sides of flitch" (shown in yellow in the original sketch).
    J.A. at 62-64.
    The Board stated: “We did not overlook fact [sic] that the record includes
    no allegation, let alone proof, that Miller’s proposed bugle-headed dogs were used
    (either successfully or unsuccessfully) to support a tapered flitch or a nontapered flitch
    on a staylog prior to Brand’s May 31, 1995, benefit date.” J.A. at 79.
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