Rexnord Industries, LLC v. Kappos , 705 F.3d 1347 ( 2013 )

  •   United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    Appeal from the United States Patent and Trademark
    Office, Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences.
    Decided: January 23, 2013
    DAVID R. CROSS, Quarles & Brady, LLP, of Milwau-
    kee, Wisconsin, argued for appellant. With him on the
    brief was JOHANNA WILBERT.
    2                           REXNORD INDUSTRIES   v. KAPPOS
    MARY L. KELLY, Associate Solicitor, United States Pa-
    tent and Trademark Office, of Alexandria, Virginia. With
    her on the brief were RAYMOND T. CHEN, Solicitor, and
    WILLIAM LAMARCA, Associate Solicitor.
    MATTHEW T. BAILEY, McKeena Long & Aldridge, LLP,
    of Washington, DC, argued for appellee. With him on the
    brief was RANDALL C. PYLES.
    Before NEWMAN, LOURIE, and PROST, Circuit Judges.
    NEWMAN, Circuit Judge.
    Rexnord Industries requested inter partes reexami-
    nation of U.S. Patent No. 6,523,680 (the ’680 patent),
    owned by Habasit Belting, Inc. The United States Patent
    and Trademark Office (PTO) Board of Patent Appeals and
    Interferences (Board) confirmed claims 1–14 of the ’680
    patent. Rexnord appeals. We affirm that the claims are
    not anticipated, and reverse the Board’s determination
    that the claimed invention is not obvious in view of cer-
    tain prior art.
    In 2003 Habasit filed an infringement suit against
    Rexnord in the United States District Court for the Dis-
    trict of Delaware, Civil Action No. 03-185-JJF. Rexnord
    then filed a request for reexamination of the ’680 patent,
    and the district court stayed the infringement suit pend-
    ing completion of reexamination. On reexamination, the
    examiner held all of the claims in the ’680 patent un-
    patentable for anticipation and obviousness. On appeal
    by Habasit, the PTO Board reversed the examiner’s
    decision and held the claims patentable. That decision is
    appealed by Rexnord.
    REXNORD INDUSTRIES   v. KAPPOS                             3
    The ’680 patent is for a mechanical conveyor belt
    that is formed of rows of belt modules interlinked by
    transverse rods. The interlinked modules form an endless
    belt that is capable of following a curved path. The spaces
    between the belt modules are blocked by plastic “webs” so
    that the spaces are too small to pinch small items such as
    a finger; the claims state that the spaces are smaller than
    10 mm in diameter. Claim 1 is representative (boldface
    added to the limitation here at issue):
    1.   A radius conveyor belt, comprising:
    a plurality of belt modules having a plurality of
    first link ends disposed in the direction of belt
    travel and having a plurality of second link ends
    disposed in the opposite direction, a cross-rib dis-
    posed between the first and second link ends and
    having a web, and a corrugated portion disposed
    adjacent to the web, the first and second link ends
    disposed such that a space capable of receiving a
    link end is formed between each adjacent link
    end, the space being open at one end and termi-
    nating in rounded region at the opposite end, the
    plurality of first link ends being offset from the
    plurality of second link ends such that the first
    link ends align with the space between the second
    link ends such that adjacently positioned belt
    modules are capable of intercalating so that the
    first link ends of one belt module fit into the spac-
    es defined therein, the slot disposed transverse to
    the direction of belt travel and extending in the
    direction of belt travel, the plurality of second link
    ends having a transverse opening defined therein;
    a pivot rod extending transverse to the direc-
    tion of belt travel through the openings in the sec-
    ond link end of one of the plurality of belt modules
    4                            REXNORD INDUSTRIES   v. KAPPOS
    and extending through the slotted openings in the
    first link end of an adjacent belt module such that
    the first and second link ends of the adjacent belt
    modules are intercalated and the adjacent belt
    modules are interlinked into adjacent hinged rows
    capable of following a curved path;
    wherein the web on the cross-rib extends in the
    direction of belt travel such that, when the belt is
    at maximum extension in the direction of belt
    travel, a space bounded by the web, an outer
    end of the first link ends and the sidewalls of
    second link ends has a diameter less than 10
    The belt modules are illustrated in the ’680 patent as
    The link ends of the modules are intercalated and con-
    nected by pivot rods to form a hinge. Patent Figure 7
    shows the belt formed by the interlinked modules, with
    the critical “space” limitation marked as “Example
    Space,” also marked as space 200:
    REXNORD INDUSTRIES   v. KAPPOS                        5
    The Habasit patent describes, and the claims state, that
    the space between the link ends has a diameter of less
    than 10 mm when the belt is at its maximum extension,
    “to prevent fingers from penetrating the grid.” ’680
    patent, col.1 l.60.
    Rexnord cited four references for the reexamina-
    tion: U.S. Patent No. 6,382,405 (Palmaer), U.S. Patent
    No. 6,471,048 (Thompson), U.S. Patent 5,372,248 (Hor-
    ton), and U.S. Patent No. 5,253,749 (Ensch). Each refer-
    ence describes a conveyor belt comprising modules that
    are assembled similarly to the modules in the ’680 patent.
    The reference modules are pictured as follows:
    6                             REXNORD INDUSTRIES             v. KAPPOS
    Ensch Figure 6 (A781)
    REXNORD INDUSTRIES   v. KAPPOS                         7
    Two of the reference patents, Palmaer and Thomp-
    son, discuss the problem of objects such as fingers getting
    caught in the space between the modules, and state that
    the structure of their belt reduces the size of the space.
    Neither Palmaer nor Thompson states the size, or maxi-
    mum size, of the space when the conveyor belt is at its
    maximum extension. Palmaer describes a solid deck 34,
    which functions to reduce the space between the first and
    second link ends by partially covering the gap between
    the link ends. Palmaer states that the remaining gaps
    between the solid deck are “substantially closed” by the
    interdigitated link ends, “so that only relatively small
    objects would be capable of falling through” when the belt
    is at its maximum extension. Palmaer, col.1 l.64–col.2 l.2.
    The remaining space is labeled gap 38 in Palmaer Figure
    Palmaer Figure 1
    Thompson describes a conveyor belt of modules containing
    a plate 51, which forms the boundaries of gap 37 along
    with the first and second link ends, and prevents objects
    from getting caught in gap 37. The Board found that
    8                           REXNORD INDUSTRIES   v. KAPPOS
    when the Thompson belt is at its maximum extension
    plate 51 completely covers gap 37. A top view of the
    Thompson belt is shown in Figure 11:
    Thompson Figure 11
    On Rexnord’s request for reexamination, the exam-
    iner found that Horton shows all of the elements of inde-
    pendent claims 1 and 8 of the ’680 patent except for “a
    web adjacent the corrugated portion positioned such that
    a space . . . has a diameter less than 10 mm.” J.A. 183.
    The examiner cited Thompson for teaching a web between
    modules to prevent pinching of objects between modules,
    and cited Palmaer and Thompson for showing a space
    sufficiently small to prevent pinching of small objects
    such as a finger. The examiner concluded that it would
    have been obvious for a person of ordinary skill in this
    field to combine the Horton modules with the Thompson
    web to create a space with a diameter less than 10 mm to
    prevent pinching of small objects. The examiner summa-
    rized in the Right of Appeal Notice:
    REXNORD INDUSTRIES   v. KAPPOS                            9
    Thompson ’048 discloses the broad teaching of
    providing a corrugated intermediate portion with
    an adjacent web portion to prevent objects from
    being pinched between adjacent modules where a
    space bounded by the web, an outer end of the
    first link end and the sidewalls of the second link
    ends is completely closed. It would have been ob-
    vious to one of ordinary skill in the art to [include
    in] the modules of Horton ’248 . . . a web adjacent
    the corrugated portion to prevent objects from be-
    ing pinched between adjacent modules as taught
    by Thompson ’048.
    Right of Appeal Notice at 11 (Sept. 25, 2007).
    Habasit appealed to the PTO Board. Habasit ar-
    gued that the cited references were not properly com-
    bined, because the Thompson and Horton conveyor belts
    served different purposes, in the food industry and for
    baggage handling. Rexnord responded that the references
    all relate to conveyor belts, and argued that “[o]ne skilled
    in the art looking to solve a problem of pinching objects
    between belt modules of a plastic radius conveyor belt in
    one application, such as the food industry, would look to
    other applications of plastic radius conveyor belts, such as
    in the baggage handling industry.” The Board did not
    discuss this argument.
    Habasit also argued to the Board that the 10 mm
    maximum dimension of the space is not stated in any
    reference, and that some reference belts have no space.
    Rexnord responded that a 10 mm maximum space is
    inherent in the structures described in the references, and
    that “Thompson, Jr. et al. teaches solving this very prob-
    lem by extending a web portion to at least partially cover
    gaps between modules, which will prevent objects from
    falling between modules and getting pinched. See col. 6,
    10                           REXNORD INDUSTRIES   v. KAPPOS
    lines 46–49 of Thompson, Jr. et al.” Rexnord Board Br.
    The Board stated that “the dispositive issue on ap-
    peal is: did the examiner err in determining that both
    Palmaer and Thompson, Jr. disclose a space having a
    diameter of less than 10 mm as recited by the claims?”
    Board Op. 6. The Board observed that the references do
    not state the dimensions of the space between modules,
    and “the Examiner has not identified where the prior art
    discloses that this space has a diameter of less than 10
    mm as required by the claims.” 
    Id. at 11. The
    stated that “[t]o the extent the Examiner’s rejection relies
    on an interpretation of ‘space’ as allowing for situations
    where the space itself is completely closed or is part of a
    contiguous surface or body . . . so as to have a diameter of
    0 mm, this interpretation essentially reads the limitation
    space, a positively recited feature, out of the claims.”
    Board Op. 12. The Board, reversing the examiner, held
    that the ’680 claims are not anticipated by any cited
    reference, and are unobvious over the cited references.
    Rexnord requested rehearing, arguing that the
    Board overlooked the examiner’s analysis in the rejection
    of the claims over Horton in view of Thompson, and that
    the Board misapprehended the fact that space of less than
    10 mm between the modules is inherently present in both
    Palmaer and Thompson. The Board responded that it had
    not overlooked the examiner’s analysis, and that Rexnord
    had waived its inherency arguments for anticipation. The
    Board stated that “Rexnord’s reliance on ‘design choices’ .
    . . is more consistent with an obviousness analysis,” Dec.
    on Rehearing, at 4, but did not discuss Rexnord’s argu-
    ments for obviousness. The Board stated that “Rexnord’s
    reasons as to why it would have been obvious to construct
    a space as recited in the claims (Request, 3–5) were not
    REXNORD INDUSTRIES   v. KAPPOS                           11
    the rationale of the Examiner’s rejection.” Dec. on Re-
    hearing at 3.
    Rexnord appeals the Board’s reasoning and conclu-
    sions, and criticizes the Board’s refusal to review all of the
    arguments that Rexnord had presented as grounds for
    Rexnord argues that each of the Palmaer and
    Thompson references anticipates or renders obvious the
    ’680 claims, because the “less than 10 mm” space is pre-
    sent in the prior art conveyor belts, although the space is
    not measured in millimeters. Rexnord does not dispute
    that neither Palmaer nor Thompson states the size of its
    space between modules, but argues that “a prior art
    reference may anticipate without disclosing a feature of
    the claimed invention if that missing characteristic is
    necessarily present, or inherent, in the single anticipating
    reference,” Schering Corp. v. Geneva Pharm., 
    339 F.3d 1373
    , 1377 (Fed. Cir. 2003).
    The PTO responds that the Board correctly found
    that neither Palmaer nor Thompson states the size of the
    space between modules, and that the inherency argument
    fails because a space of less than 10 mm is not necessarily
    present in any reference belt. This court explained in In
    re Omeprazole Patent Litigation, 
    483 F.3d 1364
    (Fed. Cir.
    2007) that “anticipation by inherent disclosure is appro-
    priate only when the reference discloses prior art that
    must necessarily include the unstated limitation, [or the
    reference] cannot inherently anticipate the claims.” 
    Id. at 1378. We
    agree with the Board that the precise less-than-
    10 mm size limitation is not inherent in Palmaer or
    Thompson, for neither reference shows this limitation and
    that it would necessarily be recognized. However, the
    references all state that the space between modules
    12                          REXNORD INDUSTRIES   v. KAPPOS
    should be limited against small objects and to prevent
    pinching of fingers. Thus we conclude that the Board
    erred in holding that it would not have been obvious to
    limit the space to the 10 mm maximum, and in reversing
    the examiner’s ruling of obviousness on this ground,
    without considering any of the other grounds of obvious-
    ness that had been raised for reexamination.
    The Board stated that the only issue for Board re-
    view related to the 10 mm space, since that was the basis
    of the examiner’s decision. The PTO states on this appeal
    that the Board need not consider other grounds that had
    been presented during the reexamination, for they had
    not been raised on the appeal to the Board.
    In its request for reexamination, Rexnord discussed
    the references to Palmaer, Thompson, Horton, and Ensch,
    as mentioned ante, and argued, inter alia, that “the only
    difference between the teaching of the Thompson, Jr. ’048
    Patent and the ’680 Patent is that the ’680 Patent teaches
    a design choice which allows pinching a small child’s
    finger having a diameter of less than 10 mm in the gap
    between adjacent links.” J.A. 673. On this appeal, the
    PTO states that the Board does not consider aspects
    beyond those relied on by the examiner. The PTO states
    that Rexnord’s argument that it would have been “a mere
    design choice,” in view of Horton and Thompson, to create
    a 10 mm space was not raised until Rexnord’s motion for
    Board rehearing. PTO Br. 15–16. The PTO brief states
    that “[t]he Board correctly declined Rexnord’s invitation
    to reject representative claim 1 as obvious over the com-
    bined teachings of Horton and Thompson under this new
    theory – presented by Rexnord for the first time in its
    request for rehearing.” 
    Id. at 29–30. However,
    the “new theory” was not new. These ref-
    erences had previously been presented to the examiner.
    REXNORD INDUSTRIES   v. KAPPOS                            13
    See Request for Inter Partes Reexamination at 7 (“the
    ’680 patent teaches a design choice which allows pinching
    a small child’s finger having a diameter of less than 10
    mm in the gap between adjacent links”; “the limitation of
    10 mm is merely a design choice”; “A design choice was
    made by the Patentee in the ’680 patent”; “The Patentee
    clearly indicated that 10 mm is merely a design choice.”)
    The issue was fully raised before the examiner, and these
    references were not again a patentability issue until after
    the Board reversed the examiner.
    When Habasit appealed the examiner’s decision,
    Rexnord was not barred from presenting this argument in
    defense of the examiner. The PTO states in its brief on
    this appeal:
    Just as this Court does not entertain arguments
    made outside of appellant’s opening brief, see, e.g.,
    In re Watts, 
    354 F.3d 1362
    , 1367 (Fed. Cir. 2004);
    In re Schreiber, 
    128 F.3d 1473
    , 1479 (Fed. Cir.
    1997), the Board has a rule that similarly bars the
    presentation of new arguments outside appellant’s
    opening brief (absent circumstances not alleged
    here), see 37 C.F.R. § 41.79(b).
    PTO Br. 24. We observe that Rexnord was not the appel-
    lant before the Board, and that the premise is an incorrect
    statement of the appellate process. On judicial review,
    the correctness of the decision appealed from can be
    defended by the appellee on any ground that is supported
    by the record, whether or not the appellant raised the
    argument. See Jaffke v. Dunham, 
    352 U.S. 280
    , 281
    (1957) (“A successful party in the District Court may
    sustain its judgment on any ground that finds support in
    the record.”); Glaxo Group Ltd. v. TorPharm, Inc., 
    153 F.3d 1366
    , 1371 (Fed. Cir. 1998) (“an appellate court may
    affirm a judgment of a district court on any ground the
    14                           REXNORD INDUSTRIES   v. KAPPOS
    law and the record will support so long as that ground
    would not expand the relief granted”); Datascope Corp. v.
    SMEC, Inc., 
    879 F.2d 820
    , 822 n.1 (Fed. Cir. 1989) (“Ap-
    pellees always have the right to assert alternative
    grounds for affirming the judgment that are supported by
    the record.”); Bio-Rad Labs., Inc. v. Nicolet Instrument
    807 F.2d 964
    , 969 (Fed. Cir. 1986) (“a court of
    appeals may affirm the judgment of a district court on
    any ground, including grounds not relied upon by the
    district court”).
    Rexnord asked the Board on rehearing to consider
    the other grounds before the examiner, in support of the
    examiner’s decision. Rexnord again pointed out that the
    conveyor belts of the prior art show every element of the
    claims except the specific measure in millimeters of the
    maximum space between modules. The examiner stated
    that “Palmaer . . . teaches openings extending from the
    top surface to a bottom surface as can be seen in Figures
    2, 5, and 6.” J.A. 194. The examiner observed that the
    Thompson reference is directed to the same problem as in
    the ’680 patent, namely, preventing fingers from being
    caught in the conveyor belt, citing Thompson, col.1 ll.26–
    35, col.14 ll.13–17. The examiner found that the “less
    than 10 mm” recitation in the claims is met because
    Palmaer and Thompson both show spaces that are com-
    pletely closed and thus are less than 10 mm in diameter.
    J.A. 187–88. No error has been shown in these findings.
    All of the structural elements of the claims are
    shown in the references. A space that is small enough to
    avoid pinching of fingers is taught in the prior art, with
    the 10 mm dimension a design choice that takes account
    of the size of fingers and other small objects. The Board
    erred in declining to consider the references presented for
    reexamination, and in declining to consider Rexnord’s
    arguments in support of the examiner’s decision. The
    REXNORD INDUSTRIES   v. KAPPOS                     15
    Board’s decision is reversed as to obviousness, and the
    examiner’s reexamination decision is reinstated. The
    Board’s decision as to anticipation is affirmed.