Homeland Housewares, LLC v. Sorensen Research , 581 F. App'x 869 ( 2014 )

  •        NOTE: This disposition is nonprecedential.
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant-Cross Appellant,
    AND DOES 1-10,
    Counterclaim Defendants,
    2013-1345, -1383
    Appeals from the United States District Court for the
    Central District of California in No. 11-CV-3720, Judge
    George H. Wu.
    Decided: September 8, 2014
    R. JOSEPH TROJAN, Trojan Law Offices, of Beverly
    Hills, California, argued for plaintiff/counterclaim de-
    fendant-cross appellant. With him on the brief was
    PATRICIA A. SHACKELFORD, Law Office of Patricia A.
    Shackelford, of Encinitas, California, argued for defend-
    ant/counterclaimant-appellant. With her on the brief was
    CHRISTIAN FENTON, Law Office of Christian Fenton, of
    San Diego, California.
    Before LOURIE, BRYSON, and CHEN, Circuit Judges.
    BRYSON, Circuit Judge.
    Declaratory judgment defendant Sorensen Research
    and Development Trust (“Sorensen”) appeals from the
    decision of the United States District Court for the Cen-
    tral District of California granting the plaintiff Homeland
    Housewares, LLC (“Homeland”) summary judgment of
    noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 6,599,460 (“the ’460
    patent”).    Homeland has conditionally cross-appealed
    from the district court’s decision granting Sorensen sum-
    mary judgment of validity and denying Homeland’s
    motion for summary judgment of invalidity of the ’460
    patent. We affirm summary judgment of noninfringement
    and do not reach the invalidity cross-appeal.
    The ’460 patent recites a method for manufacturing
    “thin wall” plastic products by injection molding. Injec-
    tion molding is a process in which molten plastic is inject-
    ed under pressure into a mold shaped in the form of the
    desired final product, such as a plastic cup.
    Using injection molding to manufacture plastic prod-
    ucts with thin walls can pose difficulties, because molten
    plastic cools and solidifies rapidly upon contact with a
    mold. In a thin-wall mold, cooling plastic may solidify
    and fill the parts of the mold near where the molten
    plastic is injected (referred to as the “injection gate”),
    blocking the further flow of plastic before the mold is
    filled. One solution to that problem, well known in the art
    of injection molding, is to use “flow chambers,” also known
    as “flow leaders.” Flow chambers are portions of a plastic
    mold that are relatively thick compared to adjacent thin-
    wall sections. Because the flow chambers are thicker,
    they do not fill with solidified plastic before the molten
    plastic has filled the entire mold. Flow chambers can
    therefore be used to direct molten plastic into adjacent
    thin-wall portions of the mold that are relatively far from
    the injection gate and that might otherwise have been
    blocked off from the flow of molten plastic.
    Under some circumstances, using injection molding to
    manufacture thin-wall plastic products can result in
    undesirable “gaseous voids” in the thin-wall portions of
    the final product. Such voids can result in gaps in the
    plastic walls, discoloration, or areas of reduced wall
    Jens Ole Sorensen and Paul Brown—the named in-
    ventors of the ’460 patent—sought to solve the problem of
    gaseous voids in plastic products having thin walls that
    increase in thickness in the direction that the plastic
    flows in the mold during manufacturing. They discovered
    that they could eliminate the risk of gaseous voids in such
    products by ensuring that the wall thickness increased at
    less than a “threshold rate.” They did not discover how to
    calculate the threshold rate for any given mold under any
    given set of injection parameters. Instead, they discov-
    ered only that there is such a threshold rate, which they
    defined, with some circularity, as the rate below which
    gaseous voids are not observed for any given injection-
    molding process.
    Claim 1 is the primary independent claim in the ’460
    patent and is representative of the claims on appeal. The
    portions of claim 1 relevant to this appeal read as follows:
    A method of injection-molding a product that in-
    cludes at least one thin wall, comprising the steps
    (a) combining a plurality of mold parts to define
    a mold cavity for forming the product and at
    least one gate from which fluid plastic mate-
    rial may be injected into the mold cavity,
    wherein the mold cavity includes at least
    one thin-wall cavity section and at least two
    opposed flow chambers that adjoin opposite
    edges of the thin-wall cavity section for di-
    recting injected fluid plastic material . . . in-
    to . . . the at least one thin-wall cavity section
    wherein . . . the thickness of the at least one thin-
    wall cavity section increases in the general direc-
    tion of flow within the flow chambers . . . at less
    than a threshold rate . . . .
    ’460 patent, col. 7, ll. 5-33 (emphases added).
    Homeland manufactures the Magic Bullet and Baby
    Bullet food blender systems. Those products are sold with
    an assortment of plastic cups and mugs that fit directly
    onto the blender. Homeland uses a plastic injection
    molding process to manufacture the cups that are sold
    with the blenders. In that process, plastic is injected
    through an injection gate located at the part of the mold
    that forms the closed, bottom portion of the cup. The
    mold is shaped so that the completed cups have ribs that
    run lengthwise along the insides of the cups and that are
    slightly thicker than the adjoining plastic cup walls.
    In March 2011 Sorensen sent a cease-and-desist letter
    to Homeland accusing certain of Homeland’s plastic cups
    of infringing the ’460 patent. The following month, Home-
    land filed suit seeking a declaratory judgment that its
    cup-manufacturing process did not infringe the ’460
    patent and that the patent was invalid and unenforceable.
    Sorensen filed a counterclaim alleging infringement of the
    manufacturing process used to make three of Homeland’s
    cups: the Magic Bullet Short Cup, the Baby Bullet Stor-
    age Cup, and the Baby Bullet Short Cup.
    After the district court issued a claim construction
    ruling and substantial discovery had been completed,
    Homeland moved for summary judgment of noninfringe-
    ment. The district court granted Homeland’s motion on
    three primary grounds. First, the court found that
    Sorensen had no evidence to support its contention that
    the portions of the molds that formed the ribs along the
    cup walls were “flow chambers” that directed plastic into
    the allegedly thin-wall portions of the mold.
    Second, the court found that Sorensen had not pointed
    to any evidence that the thickness of the walls of the
    accused cups increased at less than a threshold rate
    because there was no admissible evidence that the walls
    increased in thickness at all. The court ruled that three
    drawings submitted by Sorensen that depicted measure-
    ments of wall thickness increasing in the direction of flow
    for each accused cup were unauthenticated and therefore
    Finally, the district court determined that there was
    no evidence that Homeland’s accused manufacturing
    processes met the “threshold rate” limitation. The court
    had construed “threshold rate” to mean “the rate of in-
    crease in the thickness of the thin wall section as empiri-
    cally determined by conducting test strips at the time the
    mold is made in order to prevent gaseous voids.” Because
    there was no evidence that Homeland had ever performed
    empirical testing to determine a “threshold rate,” the
    court found that there was no infringement under the
    court’s construction of that term.
    After the entry of summary judgment of noninfringe-
    ment, Homeland continued to prosecute its claim that the
    ’460 patent was invalid for obviousness and for indefi-
    niteness of the claim term “threshold rate.” The district
    court subsequently denied Homeland’s motion for sum-
    mary judgment of invalidity and granted Sorensen’s cross-
    motion, holding that Homeland had presented insufficient
    evidence to create a genuine dispute of fact over the
    validity of the patent.
    Sorensen subsequently took this appeal from the dis-
    trict court’s noninfringement ruling and the district
    court’s construction of the term “threshold rate.” Home-
    land cross-appealed from the district court’s ruling on
    validity. During oral argument, Homeland clarified that
    its cross-appeal was conditional and that it was asking us
    to reach the question of validity only if we reversed the
    district court’s claim construction.
    1. Sorensen argues that the district court erred in
    holding that it had presented no admissible evidence to
    establish that the walls of the accused cups increase in
    thickness, as required by the ’460 patent. Sorensen
    points to three drawings offered through the declaration
    of Mr. Sorensen, one of the named inventors of the patent.
    Those drawings depict measurements of wall thickness
    that increase along the direction of plastic flow in a dis-
    crete “accused zone” of each accused cup. According to
    Sorensen, the measurements depicted in its drawings
    contradicted measurements offered by Homeland and
    thereby created a factual dispute over whether the ac-
    cused products had walls of increasing thickness.
    Sorensen asserts that the district court erred when it
    found that the three drawings were inadmissible because
    they had not been authenticated.
    A careful review of the record in this case reveals that
    Sorensen did not present the district court with sufficient
    evidence from which a reasonable finder of fact could
    conclude that the measurements depicted in the three
    drawing were authentic. See Fed. R. Evid. 901(a) (“To
    satisfy the requirement of authenticating . . . an item of
    evidence, the proponent must produce evidence sufficient
    to support a finding that the item is what the proponent
    claims it is.”). In his declaration, Mr. Sorensen testified
    that the drawings were “based upon [Mr. Brown’s and Mr.
    Sorensen’s] physical examination of actual product sam-
    ples.” Mr. Sorensen, however, acknowledged that he was
    not the one who measured the accused cups. Instead, the
    other inventor, Mr. Brown, was responsible for making
    the measurements and the drawings on which the meas-
    urements are depicted. Mr. Sorensen’s contribution to the
    drawings was limited to assigning Mr. Brown the task of
    producing drawings of products that might infringe the
    ’460 patent. Sorensen has pointed to no other testimony
    from Mr. Sorensen that could serve to authenticate meas-
    urements that Mr. Sorensen did not himself take. His
    declaration is therefore inadequate to authenticate the
    measurements depicted in Sorensen’s three drawings.
    To the extent that Sorensen’s argument on appeal is
    that Mr. Sorensen’s declaration incorporated authenticat-
    ing testimony from Mr. Brown by reference, that argu-
    ment fails. In its brief opposing Homeland’s summary
    judgment motion in the district court, Sorensen cited two
    brief excerpts from Mr. Brown’s deposition. In those
    excerpts, totaling four and a half pages, Mr. Brown testi-
    fied that he examined one of the three accused cups (the
    Magic Bullet cup), that he “found there was an increase in
    wall thickness . . . between the flow chambers” in that
    cup, and that he believed the difference in wall thickness
    was “sufficient to go beyond manufacturing tolerances.”
    Setting aside the fact that those excerpts do not mention
    the other two accused cups, Mr. Brown did not authenti-
    cate, or even mention, Sorensen’s three drawings, nor did
    he testify that the measurements depicted on those draw-
    ings were accurate. Instead, testimony from Mr. Brown
    that might have authenticated the drawings’ measure-
    ments occurred in a much later portion of the deposition,
    which was not before the district court. Sorensen failed to
    refer to that testimony in its brief in opposition to sum-
    mary judgment, and it did not even include the relevant
    portions of the Brown deposition as an exhibit accompa-
    nying its brief. Sorensen cannot now rely on portions of
    the Brown deposition that were not presented to the
    district court at the time of the summary judgment mo-
    tion. See In re Cygnus Telecomm. Tech., LLC, Patent
    536 F.3d 1343
    , 1352-53 (Fed. Cir. 2008), quoting
    Carmen v. San Francisco Unified Sch. Dist., 
    237 F.3d 1026
    , 1029-31 (9th Cir. 2001) (district court cannot be
    expected to “examine reams or file cabinets full of paper
    looking for genuine issues of fact” when the attorneys fail
    to point out the evidence that supports their case).
    On appeal, Sorensen does not argue that the brief ex-
    cerpts of Mr. Brown’s testimony that it cited to the district
    court were sufficient to create a factual dispute for a jury.
    Nor would such an argument be plausible given the
    conclusory nature of that portion of Mr. Brown’s testimo-
    ny. See Moore U.S.A., Inc. v. Standard Register Co., 
    229 F.3d 1091
    , 1112 (Fed. Cir. 2000) (“A party may not over-
    come a grant of summary judgment by merely offering
    conclusory statements.”); see also Regents of Univ. of
    Minn. v. AGA Med. Corp., 
    717 F.3d 929
    , 941 (Fed. Cir.
    2013), quoting Sitrick v. Dreamworks, LLC, 
    516 F.3d 993
    1001 (Fed. Cir. 2008) (“Conclusory expert assertions
    cannot raise triable issues of material fact on summary
    Rather than relying on Brown’s conclusory statement
    in his deposition that he “found that there was an in-
    crease in wall thickness . . . between the flow chambers”
    in the Magic Bullet cup, Sorensen makes a number of
    arguments attacking the wall-thickness measurements
    that Homeland provided in photographic form through
    the declaration of Joe Meyer. Sorensen asserts that
    Homeland’s measurements were not properly authenti-
    cated and that the district court applied a more lenient
    standard of authentication to Homeland’s measurements
    than it did to Sorensen’s. Sorensen also argues that
    Homeland’s measurements are flawed because they do
    not represent the average wall thickness from two oppos-
    ing sides of a cup, which Mr. Sorensen testified was the
    correct way to measure wall thickness.
    Sorensen’s arguments attacking Homeland’s meas-
    urements, however, miss the point. Under the Supreme
    Court’s decision in Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 316
    (1986), Homeland was not required to produce affirmative
    evidence of noninfringement. Instead, as the moving
    party that would not have the burden of proof at trial,
    Homeland needed only to point out to the district court
    “the absence of evidence to support the nonmoving party’s
    Id. at 325.
    Once that occurred, the burden shifted
    to Sorensen, the nonmoving party with the burden of
    proof, to “designate ‘specific facts showing that there is a
    genuine issue for trial.’” 
    Id. at 324.
    Even if Homeland’s
    measurements were not properly authenticated and were
    otherwise flawed, that would not help Sorensen, as
    Sorensen had no authenticated evidence that the accused
    cups had walls of increasing thickness. The district court
    therefore correctly concluded that Sorensen had not met
    its burden under Celotex in opposing summary judgment.
    2. As an alternative ground for summary judgment
    of noninfringement, the district court found that Sorensen
    had failed to produce any evidence that the accused cup
    molds have “flow chambers” that direct the flow of plastic
    into adjacent thin-wall areas. Sorensen did not conduct
    testing of its own to determine whether molten plastic
    flowed from the thicker rib-forming portions of the ac-
    cused molds into the adjacent walls. Instead, Sorensen
    relied on evidence that Homeland generated and offered
    in an effort to prove noninfringement with respect to the
    “flow chambers” limitation. Sorensen argued that Home-
    land’s evidence actually proved infringement. Additional-
    ly, Sorensen sought to undercut the probative value of
    other evidence that Homeland offered to prove nonin-
    fringement with respect to the flow-chambers limitation.
    In an effort to demonstrate that molten plastic in the
    accused molds does not flow from the rib-forming portions
    to the adjacent walls, Homeland produced a series of
    “short shots.” The short shots are a set of incomplete,
    partially formed cups that are intended to show how
    plastic flows through an accused mold during production.
    Each cup in the series is made by partially filling an
    accused mold with plastic; each time, the mold is filled
    with somewhat more plastic than the time immediately
    before. The first cup in the series therefore consists of
    just the bottom portion of a cup, while the final one is an
    almost completely formed cup that is missing only the cup
    rim. The ridge that forms the top of each short shot is
    called the “flow front.” The flow front shows how far the
    plastic in the mold had flowed in each partially formed
    The flow fronts of each of Homeland’s short shots ex-
    hibit a slight scalloping around the four ribs of each
    partially formed cup. Even though each of the four ribs in
    each of the short shots is a different height, the flow
    fronts slope gently downward on either side of each rib.
    Before the district court, the parties offered competing
    interpretations of the short-shot evidence. Homeland
    argued that the short-shot flow fronts do not resemble the
    flow fronts illustrated in the ’460 patent, which are highly
    scalloped relative to the flow chambers. Homeland there-
    fore asserted that plastic in the accused molds does not
    flow as required by the ’460 patent. Sorensen, on the
    other hand, offered the declaration of Mr. Sorensen, who
    explained that one could establish the direction of plastic
    flow in a mold by drawing a series of lines perpendicular
    to the flow front. Because such lines drawn with respect
    to the slightly concave flow fronts of the Homeland short
    shots would intersect the ribs, Mr. Sorensen asserted that
    the short shots prove that plastic flows from the rib-
    forming portions to adjacent walls in the accused molds.
    While Sorensen is entitled to rely on evidence offered
    by Homeland as affirmative evidence of infringement, the
    short-shot evidence does not help Sorensen.
    As Sorensen itself argues on appeal, the short shots
    were not made with the same injection-molding parame-
    ters used to make the accused cups. The record shows
    that the accused cups are manufactured with an injection
    pressure value between 100 and 120 and an injection
    speed of 35 cubic centimeters per millisecond (cm3/ms).
    The short shots, however, were manufactured with injec-
    tion pressures ranging from 40 to 70 and injection speeds
    ranging from 40 to 50 cm3/ms. Sorensen did not offer any
    evidence to explain why short shots made with a different
    process than the accused processes are probative of how
    plastic flows in the accused processes.
    Mr. Sorensen, who was not offered as an expert, testi-
    fied that the opinion he formed about the short shots was
    based on his experience in the field of plastic injection
    molding. Even assuming his testimony would be admis-
    sible as lay opinion evidence, see Fed. R. Evid. 701, he did
    not explain why the evidence of short shots that were
    made under different conditions nonetheless proved that
    the accused processes infringed.
    As in the case of the wall-thickness limitation,
    Sorensen’s showing on the “flow chambers” limitation
    failed to satisfy the requirements of Celotex. Sorensen’s
    affirmative evidence that plastic flows from the rib-
    forming portions to the adjacent walls in the accused
    molds during manufacturing consists solely of a lay
    opinion based on observations of the output of a process
    that is different from the accused process. As the district
    court held, that is not sufficient evidence from which a
    jury could find that Sorensen has met its burden to prove
    that the accused injection-molding processes use flow
    chambers to direct the flow of plastic in the mold.
    Sorensen contends that statements made in two prior
    art patents and in the specification of the ’460 patent are
    sufficient to create a factual dispute over the “flow cham-
    bers” limitation. Those statements, Sorensen asserts,
    “show that it was known and understood in the prior art
    that the thicker walled sections of a mold cavity that form
    the flow chambers or ribs feed plastic resin into adjacent
    thin-wall cavity sections.” The prior-art patents that
    Sorensen points to, however, describe thin-walled plastic
    lids of the sort used, for example, on coffee cans and that
    have thinner walls than those on Homeland’s cups.
    Because those patents describe products that are com-
    pletely different from Homeland’s accused cups, they are
    not probative of infringement. Likewise, the statement in
    the ’460 patent that “[s]ome thin-wall portions of some
    plastic products” use flow chambers to direct the flow of
    plastic into adjacent walls, ’460 patent, col. 1, ll. 13-17,
    says nothing about how plastic flows in the accused
    Finally, Sorensen attacks the significance of “dye
    tests” conducted by Homeland and offered through the
    declaration of Mr. Meyer to prove noninfringement.
    Those tests purportedly trace the flow of plastic in a mold
    by placing red dye at certain locations in the mold and
    then observing how the dye has spread in a finished
    product. Sorensen offered evidence that Homeland’s dye
    tests were not reliable and were not properly admitted
    through the testimony of Mr. Meyer, a nonexpert witness.
    Even assuming that the dye tests are unreliable, however,
    Sorensen is still left with no affirmative evidence to
    support its infringement case with respect to the “flow
    chambers” limitation. Because Sorensen failed to meet its
    burden under Celotex, summary judgment of nonin-
    fringement was properly granted on the “flow chambers”
    3. Because Homeland was entitled to summary
    judgment of noninfringement on both grounds discussed
    above, we do not need to address the district court’s
    construction of the claim term “threshold rate,” which was
    not implicated in the two portions of the court’s summary
    judgment decision reviewed above. As to the district
    court’s third ground for summary judgment of nonin-
    fringement, which relied on the court’s construction of the
    term “threshold rate,” we need not and do not address
    that ground for decision.
    At oral argument, Homeland clarified that it was ask-
    ing us to reach the validity of the ’460 patent, as raised in
    its cross-appeal, only if we modified the district court’s
    construction of the term “threshold rate.” Because we
    have decided this case without addressing the construc-
    tion of “threshold rate,” we decline to reach Homeland’s
    invalidity cross-appeal.
    Sorensen also argues that the district court abused its
    discretion when it denied Sorensen’s motion to revise (i.e.,
    reconsider) the summary judgment of noninfringement.
    Sorensen asserts that the district court should have
    reconsidered its grant of summary judgment after it was
    discovered that Mr. Meyer’s declaration contained the
    false statement that the short shots were made according
    to the same injection-molding process that was used to
    make the accused products. The false nature of Mr.
    Meyer’s statement, however, does not change the fact that
    Sorensen had no affirmative evidence of infringement. In
    fact, the revelation that the short shots were made using
    a different injection-molding process from that used to
    make the accused cups substantially undermines the force
    of Sorensen’s reliance on the short-shot evidence as af-
    firmative evidence of infringement. In any event, Mr.
    Meyer’s false statement did not relate to whether the
    walls of the accused cups increase in thickness, which was
    an alternative and independent ground of noninfringe-
    ment. The district court therefore did not abuse its dis-
    cretion by denying Sorensen’s motion for reconsideration.
    Finally, Homeland has requested sanctions against
    Sorensen for filing this appeal, which it characterizes as
    frivolous. Homeland’s request is rejected, however, be-
    cause Homeland did not comply with the requirements of
    Rule 38 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure,
    which requires that a request for sanctions for a frivolous
    appeal be filed as a separate motion, not simply included
    in the appellee’s brief. See Riverwood Int’l Corp. v. R.A.
    Jones & Co., 
    324 F.3d 1346
    , 1358-59 (Fed. Cir. 2003);
    Nordberg, Inc. v. Telsmith, Inc., 
    82 F.3d 394
    , 398 (Fed.
    Cir. 1996). In any event, we do not view this case as an
    appropriate case for sanctions based on a frivolous appeal.