Agility Defense v. United States , 847 F.3d 1345 ( 2017 )

  •   United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    Appeal from the United States Court of Federal
    Claims in Nos. 1:13-cv-00055-TCW, 1:13-cv-00097-TCW,
    Judge Thomas C. Wheeler.
    Decided: February 6, 2017
    WALTER BRAD ENGLISH, Maynard, Cooper & Gale,
    P.C., Huntsville, AL, argued for plaintiff-appellant. Also
    MICHAEL DUANE AUSTIN, Commercial Litigation
    Branch, Civil Division, United States Department of
    Justice, Washington, DC, argued for defendant-appellee.
    Also represented by BENJAMIN C. MIZER, ROBERT E.
    2                                     AGILITY DEFENSE   v. US
    Before MOORE, WALLACH, and TARANTO, Circuit Judges.
    MOORE, Circuit Judge.
    Agility Defense (“Agility”) appeals from the Court of
    Federal Claims (“Claims Court”)’s denial of its claim for
    an equitable adjustment arising out of its fixed price
    indefinite delivery contract with the Defense Logistics
    Agency (“DLA”)’s Defense Reutilization and Marketing
    Service (“DRMS”). For the reasons discussed below, we
    reverse and remand.
    DLA is an agency of the United States Department of
    Defense that provides supplies for the military. DRMS is
    a primary level field activity of DLA that disposes of
    surplus military property at Defense Reutilization and
    Marketing Offices (“DRMOs”) after the military departs
    an area of operations. Property that cannot be reutilized
    is demilitarized and/or reduced to scrap. Property re-
    duced to scrap can be sold on the market.
    Historically, the government operated all DRMOs, but
    in 2006, DLA’s Director determined that DRMS could not
    sustain its workload unless it brought in outside contrac-
    tors. DRMS issued a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) in
    January 2007. The RFP sought performance of DRMO
    activities for up to five years. Three offerors responded to
    DRMS’s RFP.
    During solicitation, DRMS issued several amend-
    ments relevant to anticipated workload and costs. In
    Amendment 002 on February 26, 2007, in response to a
    request for “workload history and projection by category
    and location,” DRMS stated: “Workload history and
    current    inventory    levels  can    be    found    at and link to
    ‘DRMS Information for Southwest/Central Asia.’ Addi-
    tional workload data will be provided via amendment.
    AGILITY DEFENSE   v. US                                   3
    The Government does not have workload projections.”
    J.A. 810. The referenced website showed DRMS’s histori-
    cal workload by line item and scrap weight. Line items
    are the number of military property items received at
    each DRMO for processing. Scrap weight is the amount of
    scrap processed at each DRMO. DRMS updated its
    website approximately biweekly to reflect the line items
    received, scrap weight, and scrap sales during the prior
    In Amendment 004 on June 20, 2007, DRMS respond-
    ed to a request for an estimate on workload, stating this
    time, “[w]e anticipate an increase in property turn-ins.”
    J.A. 945.     Amendment 004 added clause H.19, titled
    “DRMO Workload Changes,” which contemplated that
    “the contractor may experience significant workload
    increases or decreases” and outlined a process for the
    contractor to “renegotiate the price” if workload increased.
    J.A. 836–37. As originally drafted, to warrant a pricing
    adjustment under clause H.19, the contractor had to
    experience an increased workload 150% above the work-
    load it experienced the previous three months. Amend-
    ment 004 also added that the contractor to whom the
    contract is awarded may sell any scrap, and the contrac-
    tor “is entitled to all sales proceeds” from the scrap sales
    to “offset some of the costs incurred in performing this
    contract.” J.A. 893–94.
    On July 24, 2007, DRMS issued Amendment 007. In
    response to an offeror’s request for an estimate of scrap
    sales, DRMS directed offerors to an attachment projecting
    scrap quantities for the duration of the contract (hereinaf-
    ter, the “Amendment 007 Chart”). The Amendment 007
    Chart projected a stable workload for the first two years
    and then “workload declines” for option years three
    through five, down 75%, 50%, and 30%, respectively.
    J.A 990–91. With Amendment 007, DRMS specified that
    contractors would keep their scrap proceeds “without any
    type of reduction in payments,” asking contractors to
    4                                     AGILITY DEFENSE   v. US
    describe their anticipated proceeds “to demonstrate the
    Government received consideration for providing the
    scrap.” J.A. 1010–11.
    Agility submitted its initial proposal on August 2,
    2007, reflecting a $20,342,608 offset for expected scrap
    revenues during the life of the contract. After receiving
    final proposed revisions from Agility on September 24,
    2007, on November 29, 2007, DRMS awarded its first-ever
    contract to Agility to operate six DRMOs for one base year
    with four option years at a fixed price of $45,233,914.92
    per year. The other two offerors proposed prices well
    above Agility’s, at $68,394,500.47 and $71,507,029.78,
    In early 2008, DRMS issued its first Task Orders,
    which incorporated a workload baseline dated August 4,
    2007 for each DRMO (hereinafter, “the Baseline Data”).
    DRMS retrieved the Baseline Data from the same website
    it referred offerors to in Amendment 002 to view DRMS’s
    historical workload data. The Baseline Data detailed the
    received line items and scrap weight during the periods
    July 13 to July 19 and July 20 to July 26, 2007. The first
    Task Order requested work at the DRMO in Arifjan,
    Kuwait, with a period of performance from March 3, 2008
    to March 2, 2009.
    Upon commencing work in Arifjan, the largest of the
    six DRMOs, Agility immediately fell behind. It inherited
    a backlog of approximately 70,000 line items, which when
    compared to the Baseline Data would have equated to the
    line items received over approximately 30 weeks. From
    the start of Agility’s performance at Arifjan, the volume of
    line items received at Arifjan was also greater than
    Agility anticipated. Over the next several months, Agility
    began performance at the other five DRMOs, where it also
    encountered backlogs at each location other than the
    DRMO in Speicher, Iraq. In short, the workload from the
    outset was substantially higher than predicted. After
    AGILITY DEFENSE   v. US                                  5
    receiving a June 2008 letter from DRMS expressing its
    concerns, Agility stated it would increase staffing at the
    DRMOs “by more than 50% at no additional cost to the
    government.” J.A. 1693.
    It was around this time that Agility requested clarifi-
    cation from DRMS regarding when it could invoke
    clause H.19 to request compensation for its increased
    workload. The parties disputed whether clause H.19’s
    requirement that workload must increase “by more than
    150% above the average workload at the DRMO location
    for the preceding three (3) consecutive months,” J.A. 836,
    permitted Agility to compare its workload to the Baseline
    Data or required Agility to compare its workload to what
    it experienced upon beginning performance.         Agility
    explained that if it was required to carry an increased
    workload for several months before initiating its request
    for increased compensation for additional staffing, it
    would be overwhelmed and unable to meet DRMS’s needs.
    DRMS expressed that Agility could only invoke
    clause H.19 if its workload exceeded the average work it
    experienced the three preceding months, and opined that
    Agility had not met the requirements of clause H.19.
    DRMS argued that clause H.19 only allowed a contractor
    to ask for an increase if the workload was originally low
    and then increased by 150%. It did not, according to
    DRMS, allow the contractor to ask for an increase if the
    workload was from the outset 150% or more higher than
    After months of discussion, DRMS and Agility agreed
    to modify clause H.19 in March 2009. Instead of requir-
    ing the parties to react to a surge, the modification per-
    mitted a pricing adjustment if DRMS or Agility
    anticipated “an average monthly workload increase of
    scrap or line items at any DRMO location by more than
    25% above the monthly average of [fiscal year 2008] scrap
    or line items received . . . .” J.A. 1621. As amended,
    clause H.19 also required Agility to maintain its current
    6                                     AGILITY DEFENSE   v. US
    level of staffing. Agility never submitted a formal request
    for costs under either the original or amended
    clause H.19.
    The parties terminated their contract for convenience
    in June 2010. Agility thereafter requested funding for its
    additional costs associated with performance with the
    contract. It submitted two claims for increased costs to
    the contracting officer, claiming DRMS provided inaccu-
    rate workload estimates during solicitation. Agility’s
    claims requested $4,359,071.79 covering the period before
    the parties modified clause H.19 and $1,602,148.67 cover-
    ing the period after the parties modified clause H.19. The
    contracting officer awarded Agility only $236,363.93 for
    its first claim and nothing for the second, determining
    Agility could not recover the remainder because it had not
    satisfied the requirements of clause H.19 and noting that
    Agility received an offset from its scrap sales. Agility
    pursued its claims in the Claims Court. 1
    The Claims Court found that, with the exception of
    the DRMO in Speicher, Agility experienced workloads
    “much greater” than the Baseline Data during the base
    year of performance:
    DRMO       Annualized        Actual      Percent of
    Baseline      Workload      Annualized
    (received      (received     Baseline
    line items)    line items)
    Speicher      12,768          9,561        74.9%
    Victory      13,992         21,899        156.5%
    1   Agility pursued three theories of recovery in the
    Claims Court and on appeal to this court: (1) constructive
    change of contract; (2) negligent estimate; and (3) breach
    of warranty of reasonable accuracy. Because Agility’s
    theories of recovery are alternative to one another, we
    reach only Agility’s claim of negligent estimate.
    AGILITY DEFENSE   v. US                                  7
    Al Asad          14,616       24,392        166.9%
    Anaconda          19,994       71,653        358.4%
    Arifjan         109,560       242,401       221.3%
    Bagram            6,480       15,364        237.1%
    However, it denied Agility’s claims, holding that DRMS’s
    conduct was acceptable because it provided Agility with
    reasonably available historical data. The Claims Court
    did not reach what impact, if any, clause H.19 had on
    Agility’s claims. It found that Agility provided “no cause-
    and-effect links to isolate its damages” and referenced the
    revenue Agility received from its scrap sales to hold the
    equities did not weigh in Agility’s favor. J.A. 16–18.
    Agility timely appealed. We have jurisdiction under 28
    U.S.C. § 1295(a)(3).
    We review the Claims Court’s conclusions of law de
    novo and its findings of fact for clear error. Mass. Bay
    Transp. Auth. v. United States, 
    254 F.3d 1367
    , 1372 (Fed.
    Cir. 2001). Contract interpretation is a matter of law we
    review de novo. 
    Id. A contractor
    can recover damages from the govern-
    ment for increased costs it incurred in performing a
    contract under a negligent estimate theory, which re-
    quires the contractor to show by preponderant evidence
    that the government’s estimates were “inadequately or
    negligently prepared, not in good faith, or grossly or
    unreasonably inadequate at the time the estimate was
    made.” Medart, Inc. v. Austin, 
    967 F.2d 579
    , 581 (Fed.
    Cir. 1992). The parties agree that DRMS’s contract with
    Agility is a requirements contract. In a requirements
    contract, Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”) 16.503
    requires DRMS to provide offerors with a realistic esti-
    mate of workload. 48 C.F.R. § 16.503. FAR 16.503(a)(1)
    8                                      AGILITY DEFENSE   v. US
    For the information of offerors and contractors,
    the contracting officer shall state a realistic esti-
    mated total quantity in the solicitation and result-
    ing contract. This estimate is not a representation
    to an offeror or contractor that the estimated
    quantity will be required or ordered, or that condi-
    tions affecting requirements will be stable or
    normal. The contracting officer may obtain the es-
    timate from records of previous requirements and
    consumption, or by other means, and should base
    the estimate on the most current information
    The Claims Court rejected Agility’s claim of negligent
    estimate, finding, “[r]ather than carelessly form[] esti-
    mates by asking DRMOs to guess their upcoming needs,
    DRMS provided objective, historical workload data from
    which the offerors could extrapolate future needs.”
    J.A. 15–16. It noted that DRMS informed offerors that
    property turn-ins would increase, and found “the offerors
    in this case were well aware of volume variations in the
    processing of surplus property.” J.A. 16. It cited Medart,
    where we applied FAR 16.503 to a scenario in which a
    contractor sought reimbursement where the government’s
    estimated needs varied significantly from those actually
    required. 967 F.2d at 580
    . We held that the government
    did not negligently estimate its needs when it provided
    the contractor with historical data from the prior year.
    Id. at 581–82.
    Relying on Medart, the Claims Court found
    that DRMS “used reasonably available historical data and
    did not negligently estimate its needs.” J.A. 17.
    We hold that these findings are clearly erroneous for
    two primary reasons. First, the Claims Court ignored
    that DRMS did not only provide historical data; it also
    estimated its requirements via the Amendment 007
    Chart. Second, the Claims Court failed to address evi-
    dence indicating that DRMS’s historical data was not “the
    AGILITY DEFENSE   v. US                                    9
    most    current       information    available.”         See
    FAR 16.503(a)(1).
    First, the Amendment 007 Chart provided by DRMS
    is itself an estimate of projected requirements. The RFP
    expressly states that “[t]he scope of this contractual effort
    includes all tasks DRMS performs in support of the
    Department of Defense mission.” J.A. 752. One such task
    requires the contractor to “receive, segregate, store and
    dispose of scrap material and items downgraded to scrap.”
    J.A. 779. By “providing quantity estimates of scrap
    commodities” for “the purpose of assisting offerors in
    preparing their proposals,” DRMS provided an estimate of
    its requirements for processing scrap. See J.A. 1003. The
    Amendment 007 Chart is also relevant to the projected
    amount of property turn-ins or line items. As noted by
    the government, because scrap is created from processing
    the military property, the weight of scrap would be ex-
    pected to correlate with the number of line items. See
    Appellee’s Br. 32 (“As an intuitive matter, if Agility
    processed more property than anticipated, corresponding-
    ly its [scrap] sales proceeds increased.”). DRMS’s con-
    tracting officer likewise testified that he knew of no way
    to project scrap weight without projecting the amount of
    property turn-ins. Thus, by projecting stable and then
    declining scrap weight in the Amendment 007 Chart,
    DRMS estimated that property turn-ins would, to some
    extent, remain constant and then decline. It was clear
    error for the Claims Court not to treat the Amend-
    ment 007 Chart as an estimate.
    Second, the fact that DRMS “provided objective, his-
    torical workload data” does not end the inquiry as to
    whether it provided a realistic estimate. See J.A. 15–16.
    Medart does not hold, and we do not hold now, that
    providing an offeror with historical data is reasonable per
    se. See J.A. 14 (citing 
    Medart, 967 F.2d at 582
    ). In
    Medart, we recognized that FAR 16.503 explicitly states
    that the government “may obtain the estimate from
    10                                    AGILITY DEFENSE   v. US
    records of previous 
    requirements.” 967 F.2d at 582
    . But
    an important distinction between Medart and the case
    before us is that in Medart, the contractor did not present
    evidence that “the most current information available” to
    the government was something other than its historical
    requirements. See FAR 16.503(a)(1). Instead, the con-
    tractor’s arguments in that case rested on information it
    contended the government could have uncovered to devel-
    op a more accurate estimate. See 
    Medart, 967 F.2d at 581
    –82. We rejected that argument, holding the gov-
    ernment “need not search for or create additional infor-
    mation” and need only use “information that was
    reasonably available.” 
    Id. at 582.
         Here, unlike Medart, Agility presented evidence that
    DRMS possessed information regarding its anticipated
    requirements above and beyond its historical require-
    ments. Agility presented a memorandum dated Novem-
    ber 16, 2007, before DRMS awarded Agility its contract,
    indicating DRMS was aware of planned troop movement
    and a “surge of equipment and material that will be
    turned over to DRMS as units depart.” J.A. 1303–04.
    The memorandum explicitly states the anticipated surge
    is “[o]ne of the key reasons the contract was contemplat-
    ed” and concedes “DRMS is not staffed or equipped to
    handle this requirement.” J.A. 1304. In fact, DRMS
    considered this very information in connection with its
    decision to award the contract to Agility. Id.; see also
    J.A. 1179 (evaluating the sufficiency of Agility’s proposal
    as compared to its “projected workload”).
    Because DRMS anticipated increased workload, simp-
    ly providing offerors with historical workload was not “the
    most current information available” sufficient to provide a
    realistic estimate under FAR 16.503. DRMS should have
    based its estimate on its anticipated “surge” in workload.
    Although DRMS informed offerors that it “anticipate[d]
    an increase in property turn-ins,” it did so on June 20,
    2007, J.A. 945, before it seemingly changed course on
    AGILITY DEFENSE   v. US                                  11
    July 24, 2007 with its updated estimate in the Amend-
    ment 007 Chart, projecting stable workload for two years
    followed by “workload declines.” J.A. 980, 990–91. DRMS
    was not obligated to guarantee the accuracy of its esti-
    mates or perfectly forecast its requirements, and Agility
    ultimately bore the risk associated with any variance in
    workload from a realistic estimate. See 
    Medart, 967 F.2d at 581
    . But it was clearly erroneous for the Claims Court
    to find that DRMS complied with the requirements of
    FAR 16.503 by providing historical data.
    In addition to the Claims Court’s clear error in finding
    DRMS did not provide a negligent or inadequate estimate,
    the Claims Court clearly erred in finding that “Agility
    points to no specific cause-and-effect links to isolate its
    damages.” J.A. 16–17. The Claims Court cited no evi-
    dence and provided no reasoning in support of this find-
    ing. The government argues that Agility failed to show
    that it actually relied on the Amendment 007 Chart or
    DRMS’s historical data based on the dates DRMS provid-
    ed these estimates to Agility. Appellee’s Br. 36. It argues
    the Amendment 007 Chart was provided just eight days
    before Agility submitted its initial proposal, and the
    Baseline Data was provided two days after Agility sub-
    mitted its proposal. 
    Id. Neither of
    the government’s
    arguments are supported by the record.
    As for the Amendment 007 Chart, Agility’s initial
    proposal expressly states that Agility “used the workload
    data provided by the government in Amendment 007 to
    determine manning requirements and the amount of
    potential revenue from the sale of scrap.” J.A. 1063. A
    witness for Agility testified that Agility used the Amend-
    ment 007 Chart in formulating its proposal. This is the
    very purpose for which DRMS provided the Amend-
    ment 007 Chart to offerors: “For the purpose of assisting
    offerors in preparing their proposals.” J.A. 1003.
    12                                    AGILITY DEFENSE   v. US
    As for the Baseline Data, we note that only Agility’s
    initial proposal was submitted before the Baseline Data;
    Agility submitted its final revisions on September 24,
    2007, well after DRMS provided the Baseline Data on
    August 4, 2007. Regardless, the Baseline Data was
    retrieved from the same website to which DRMS directed
    offerors in order to view historical data during Amend-
    ment 002. DRMS provided this website on February 26,
    2007, over five months before Agility submitted its initial
    proposal. Agility’s initial proposal expressly states that
    “[m]anpower estimates . . . are based on the historical size
    of the workload at each facility.” J.A. 1175. A witness for
    Agility testified that Agility visited DRMS’s website “on a
    regular basis” and that it factored DRMS’s historical
    workload data into its proposal. J.A. 127:16–23, 133:16–
    18. And again, this was the very purpose for which the
    government provided its historical data, to provide “the
    offerors who were going to bid on the contract a view of
    what was going on at the site and the most current infor-
    mation we had available to us . . . .” J.A. 508:2–6.
    FAR 16.503 requires the government to provide a re-
    alistic estimate to offerors in requirements contracts
    because “presumably contractors rely on the proffered
    estimates in formulating their bids.” 
    Medart, 967 F.2d at 581
    . The evidence overwhelmingly shows that Agility
    relied on DRMS’s estimates when formulating its pro-
    posal. The Claims Court found, and the parties do not
    dispute, that Agility experienced workloads “much great-
    er” than the workload data DRMS provided to Agility.
    J.A. 8. And Agility’s claim for damages seeks to recover
    the costs it incurred from performing in excess of DRMS’s
    negligent estimates. It was clear error for the Claims
    Court to find there was no causal link between DRMS’s
    estimates and Agility’s damages.
    The Claims Court declined to address whether clause
    H.19, which provides a mechanism for the parties to
    adjust the contract price if specified changes in workload
    AGILITY DEFENSE   v. US                                 13
    are observed, forecloses Agility’s claims. J.A. 12. As an
    issue of contract interpretation, we hold that Agility’s
    claim of negligent estimate is not foreclosed by
    clause H.19.
    The government does not contend that Agility’s claim
    for compensation arises under clause H.19. Instead, it
    argues clause H.19 is Agility’s only means of recovery.
    We disagree. Under FAR 16.503, DRMS was required to
    provide Agility with a realistic estimate of its require-
    ments. DRMS failed to provide a realistic estimate. We
    see no reason why DRMS’s negligence in providing an
    adequate estimate during solicitation should be excused
    by its inclusion of a provision directed to workload chang-
    es upon performance. See J.A. 836. Agility’s claim for
    relief is rooted in DRMS’s violation of FAR 16.503, leading
    to a large disparity between pre-contract estimates and
    actual workloads during the performance period. Agility’s
    claim does not involve the limited subject of H.19, namely,
    sufficiently large changes in workload levels that might
    occur between earlier and later times entirely within the
    performance period. On the merits of Agility’s claim of
    negligent estimate, clause H.19 bears no relevance.
    Finally, we address the effect of Agility’s receipt of
    scrap sales on its claim for an equitable adjustment. The
    Claims Court explained that the contract provision per-
    mitting Agility to retain scrap sale revenue somewhat
    mitigated Agility’s risk, stating, “if contract quantities
    were higher than expected, theoretically the contractor’s
    revenue from the sale of scrap would be higher.” J.A. 2.
    It found that, despite the increased workload, Agility
    realized less scrap proceeds than it had projected. None-
    theless, the Claims Court held, “[a]lthough Agility faced
    workloads significantly in excess of what it anticipated,
    Agility still received over $44 million in scrap proceeds
    over the 27 months of the contract. The fact that the
    scrap proceeds were ‘22.9% lower’ than Agility’s projec-
    tions does not move the equities in Agility’s favor.”
    14                                     AGILITY DEFENSE   v. US
    J.A. 18. Under the parties’ contract, however, Agility’s
    receipt of scrap proceeds does not limit Agility’s recovery.
    The government argues Agility improperly seeks to
    recover both its costs associated with increased workload
    while retaining all of its proceeds from scrap sales. Appel-
    lee’s Br. 32. It contends DRMS anticipated that the very
    reason the contractor would retain scrap proceeds was to
    “offset some of the costs incurred in performing the con-
    Id. (quoting J.A.
    894). It suggests that by pro-
    cessing more property than anticipated, Agility must have
    received more sales proceeds. 
    Id. The government’s
    arguments are without merit.
    The parties’ contract expressly contemplated that
    Agility would retain its scrap proceeds. DRMS’s RFP
    stated that the contractor “is entitled to all sales pro-
    ceeds” from scrap sales. J.A. 894. During solicitation,
    DRMS explained that the contractor would retain such
    scrap proceeds “‘free and clear’ without any type of reduc-
    tion in payments.” J.A. 1010–11. While DRMS stated
    such scrap sales were intended to “offset some of the costs
    incurred in performing this contract,” J.A. 894, the only
    impact Agility’s scrap proceeds were to have on the con-
    tract price was the offset Agility offered to DRMS in its
    proposal. Agility proposed an offset of $20,342,608 from
    scrap proceeds over the life of the contract, offering an
    offset of $5,730,312 for both the base year and first option
    year. The government does not dispute that Agility
    honored this commitment and DRMS received an offset of
    $11,460,624 during its two years of performance. That
    Agility received scrap proceeds above what it offered to
    DRMS does not mean Agility would recover more than it
    is entitled to by prevailing on its negligent estimate claim.
    Under the contract, Agility is entitled to its scrap pro-
    ceeds above the offset it offered DRMS regardless of its
    workload. Moreover, as found by the Claims Court, the
    scrap proceeds Agility actually retained were below the
    amount it projected. Agility’s scrap proceeds do not offset
    AGILITY DEFENSE   v. US                                 15
    the additional cost it incurred in performing the contract.
    There is nothing in the record to suggest that Agility
    benefited from DRMS’s failure to provide a realistic
    estimate as required by FAR 16.503.
    We thus hold that the Claims Court’s findings that
    DRMS did not inadequately or negligently prepare its
    estimates and that Agility did not rely on those estimates
    are clearly erroneous. We hold Agility’s receipt of scrap
    sales and the parties’ agreement to clause H.19 do not
    preclude Agility from recovering under this claim. We
    reverse the Claims Court’s denial of Agility’s negligent
    estimate claim and remand for calculation of Agility’s
    equitable adjustment.
    For the foregoing reasons, we reverse the Claims
    Court’s denial of Agility’s claim for increased costs and
    remand for further proceedings consistent with this
    Costs to Agility.

Document Info

Docket Number: 16-1068

Citation Numbers: 847 F.3d 1345

Filed Date: 2/6/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/13/2023