Whittaker v. DVA , 695 F. App'x 557 ( 2017 )

  •        NOTE: This disposition is nonprecedential.
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    Petition for review of the Merit Systems Protection
    Board in No. DA-0752-15-0157-I-1.
    Decided: June 12, 2017
    JANICE E. WHITTAKER, Edmond, OK, pro se.
    LAUREN MOORE, Commercial Litigation Branch, Civil
    Division, United States Department of Justice, Washing-
    ton, DC, for respondent. Also represented by CHAD A.
    Before WALLACH, CHEN, and STOLL, Circuit Judges.
    2                  WHITTAKER   v. DEP’T. OF VETERANS AFFAIRS
    Petitioner Janice E. Whittaker appeals a final order of
    the Merit Systems Protection Board (“MSPB”) dismissing
    her appeal for lack of jurisdiction. See Whittaker v. Dep’t
    of Veterans Affairs¸ No. DA-0752-15-0157-I-1, 
    2017 WL 56220
    , at ¶ 1 (M.S.P.B. Jan. 3, 2017). We affirm.
    Ms. Whittaker worked as a Clinical Dietetic Techni-
    cian at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (“VA”)
    hospital in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Resp’t’s App. 30.
    In 2014, Ms. Whittaker received a notice of proposed
    removal for providing inaccurate information. 
    Id. at 30−32.
    The Notice stated that Ms. Whittaker represented
    to the VA that she was employed part-time as an instruc-
    tor at a university, allowing her to maintain a flexible
    work schedule at the VA, when she actually had not been
    employed at the university for over a decade. 
    Id. at 30–
    After a deciding official at the VA sustained the re-
    id. at 47−50,
    Ms. Whittaker and the VA entered
    into a last chance settlement agreement (“LCA”) to allow
    Ms. Whittaker to continue her employment at the VA, 
    id. at 51−54.
    The LCA placed a number of restrictions on
    Ms. Whittaker’s employment given Ms. Whittaker’s prior
    actions. In relevant part, the LCA provided that if Ms.
    Whittaker “fails to comply with any term of th[e LCA], on
    even one occasion during the three (3) calendar years
    from the date of th[e LCA], the original removal will be
    Id. at 51.
    Further, the LCA provided that
    any offense punishable under the VA’s Table of Penalties
    would be grounds for reinstatement of the removal and
    that, “[i]n the event that the [VA] reinstates the removal,
    . . . Ms. Whittaker waives her right to appeal the removal
    if she is removed due to a breach of th[e LCA].” 
    Id. at 52.
        Approximately one month after Ms. Whittaker’s rein-
    statement, her supervisor noted several issues with her
    job performance, including evaluation of a patient without
    WHITTAKER   v. DEP’T OF VETERANS AFFAIRS                 3
    authorization, errors in record-keeping, and improper
    assessment of patient information on nutritional risk. 
    Id. at 55−60.
    Ms. Whittaker met with her supervisor and
    was unable to explain these irregularities. 
    Id. The VA
    then determined that Ms. Whittaker’s performance
    demonstrated “Careless or Negligent Workmanship
    Resulting in Waste or Delay,” i.e., offense category 16 on
    the VA’s Table of Penalties, and notified Ms. Whittaker of
    her reinstated removal in accordance with the LCA. 
    Id. at 61.
        Ms. Whittaker appealed her removal to the MSPB.
    After receiving submissions from the parties and conduct-
    ing a hearing on the MSPB’s jurisdiction, an administra-
    tive judge (“AJ”) issued an initial decision dismissing Ms.
    Whittaker’s appeal for lack of jurisdiction. See Whittaker
    v. Dep’t of Veterans Affairs, No. DA-0752-15-0157-I-1
    (M.S.P.B. July 20, 2016) (Resp’t’s App. 14−29).
    The full MSPB subsequently denied Ms. Whittaker’s
    petition for review and affirmed the AJ’s Initial Decision.
    2017 WL 56220
    , at ¶ 1. Ms. Whittaker ap-
    pealed to this court. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28
    U.S.C. § 1295(a)(9) (2012).
    I. Standard of Review
    We review determinations of the MSPB’s jurisdiction
    de novo as questions of law and underlying factual find-
    ings for substantial evidence. Parrott v. Merit Sys. Prot.
    519 F.3d 1328
    , 1334 (Fed. Cir. 2008). Ms. Whittaker
    has the burden of establishing jurisdiction before the
    MSPB by a preponderance of the evidence. Clark v. U.S.
    Postal Serv., 
    989 F.2d 1164
    , 1167 (Fed. Cir. 1993); 5
    C.F.R. § 1201.56(b)(2)(i)(A) (2015).
    4                   WHITTAKER   v. DEP’T. OF VETERANS AFFAIRS
    II. The MSPB Properly Held That It Lacked Jurisdiction
    “The [MSPB]’s review of an employee’s removal pur-
    suant to a last-chance settlement agreement is limited.”
    Buchanan v. Dep’t of Energy, 
    247 F.3d 1333
    , 1337 (Fed.
    Cir. 2001). “It is settled that an employee can waive the
    right to appeal in a last-chance agreement.” Gibson v.
    Dep’t of Veterans Affairs, 
    160 F.3d 722
    , 725 (Fed. Cir.
    1998). To overcome a waiver, an employee must show
    that (1) she complied with the agreement; (2) the agency
    materially breached the agreement; or (3) she did not
    enter into the agreement knowingly and voluntarily. See
    Link v. Dep’t of Treasury, 
    51 F.3d 1577
    , 1582 (Fed. Cir.
    1995); see also 
    Buchanan, 247 F.3d at 1338
    Ms. Whittaker appears to challenge the MSPB’s find-
    ing that she waived her appeal rights on three grounds.
    First, she disputes the finding that she committed an
    offense listed in the VA’s Table of Penalties sufficient to
    reinstate her removal under the LCA. She contends that
    her “position description allowed for 10% error rate,” and
    her alleged error of neglecting “only two patients” did not
    exceed the permissible rate. Pet’r’s Br. 3. She further
    states that “there was no Doctor’s sign off on any records
    to show where any patient was neglected.” 
    Id. Substan- tial
    evidence supports the MSPB’s conclusion that Ms.
    Whittaker mishandled patient records and, thus, commit-
    ted an offense sufficient for her removal under the LCA.
    “[H]aving entered into the LCA, Ms. [Whittaker] and the
    [VA] were bound by its terms.” Scott v. Dep’t of Agric.,
    484 F. App’x 522, 524 (Fed. Cir. 2012) (citation omitted).
    “An agency can impose additional conditions upon an
    employee in connection with a [last chance settlement
    agreement] and can discipline the employee for failing to
    comply with those conditions . . . .” 
    Id. (citation omitted).
    Here, there is substantial evidence that Ms. Whittaker
    admitted to recording inaccurate or unverified infor-
    mation regarding patient consults, see Resp’t’s App. 56,
    and to writing incorrect information on risk categories for
    WHITTAKER   v. DEP’T OF VETERANS AFFAIRS                   5
    several patients, see 
    id. at 58
    (“This was a big error on my
    part.”). Ms. Whittaker does not contest that such evi-
    dence is sufficient to support the finding of misconduct
    under offense category 16, Careless or Negligent Work-
    manship Resulting in Waste or Delay, within the VA’s
    Table of Penalties. See generally Pet’r’s Br. As for her
    contention that no doctor verified that patients were
    neglected, this cannot suffice to show compliance with the
    LCA because “[t]he LCA contains no [such] requirement.”
    Rosell v. Merit Sys. Prot. Bd., 191 F. App’x 954, 956 (Fed.
    Cir. 2006).
    Second, Ms. Whittaker alleges that the VA removed
    her “because [she] filed an [Equal Employment Oppor-
    tunity Commission (‘EEOC’)] case” against her VA super-
    visor. Pet’r’s Br. 3. “Because it is an implied term of
    every agreement that each party will act in good
    faith . . . , a party may breach an agreement by acting in
    bad faith,” which includes retaliation by a supervisor.
    Posey v. Dep’t of Def., 180 F. App’x 931, 935 (Fed. Cir.
    2006) (citation omitted). Ms. Whittaker did not raise this
    argument before the MSPB, and we generally “do[] not
    consider an issue not passed upon below.” Singleton v.
    428 U.S. 106
    , 120 (1976). In any case, while we
    interpret the pleadings of a pro se plaintiff liberally, see,
    e.g., Durr v. Nicholson, 
    400 F.3d 1375
    , 1380 (Fed. Cir.
    2005), Ms. Whittaker has not presented any evidence
    beyond bare assertions to suggest her removal was moti-
    vated by her EEOC complaint, see generally Pet’r’s Br. As
    such, her removal was not appealable on this basis. See
    Seda v. Merit. Sys. Prot. Bd., 638 F. App’x 1006, 1009
    (Fed. Cir. 2016) (affirming the MSPB’s dismissal of a case
    for lack of jurisdiction where petitioner “did not provide
    the [MSPB] with evidence in support of his bare asser-
    Third, Ms. Whittaker appears to argue that she invol-
    untarily entered into the LCA because she initially re-
    fused to sign the LCA and was not represented by counsel
    6                   WHITTAKER   v. DEP’T. OF VETERANS AFFAIRS
    during its negotiation. Pet’r’s Br. 3. Whether she initially
    refused to sign the LCA, the record indicates that Ms.
    Whittaker later signed the document and, in so doing,
    signified her “voluntary, knowing[,] and unconditional
    acceptance” of its terms “without reservation.” Resp’t’s
    App. 54 (capitalization omitted). She has presented no
    further evidence to show her signature was involuntary or
    coerced. See generally Pet’r’s Br. As for her alleged lack
    of counsel, Ms. Whittaker did not raise this argument
    before the MSPB, and we would normally find it waived.
    Singleton, 428 U.S. at 120
    . Even if we were to exam-
    ine Ms. Whittaker’s contention, though, she has not made
    non-frivolous allegations of fact sufficient to establish that
    her lack of counsel prevented her from freely entering into
    the LCA. See Worrell v. Dep’t of Navy, 168 F. App’x 425,
    428 (Fed. Cir. 2006). The AJ found that Ms. Whittaker
    “testified that she was represented by counsel,” Resp’t’s
    App. 17, and the LCA states that she “affirms that she
    has read th[e] entire [LCA], that she has consulted with
    an attorney, or has freely decided not to consult with an
    id. at 52.
    Therefore, Ms. Whittaker has not
    shown that she did not knowingly and voluntarily enter
    into the LCA. In sum, as the MSPB found, Ms. Whittaker
    waived her appeal rights in the LCA.
    We have considered Ms. Whittaker’s remaining ar-
    guments and find them unpersuasive. Accordingly, the
    Final Order of the Merit Systems Protection Board is
    No costs.