General Electric Company v. Raytheon Technologies Corp. ( 2020 )

  • Case: 19-1319    Document: 74    Page: 1   Filed: 12/23/2020
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    Appeal from the United States Patent and Trademark
    Office, Patent Trial and Appeal Board in No. IPR2017-
    Decided: December 23, 2020
    WILLIAM F. LEE, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and
    Dorr LLP, Boston, MA, argued for appellant. Also repre-
    PATRICK JOSEPH COYNE, Finnegan, Henderson,
    Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP, Washington, DC, ar-
    gued appellee. Also represented by SYDNEY KESTLE,
    lanta, GA.
    Case: 19-1319     Document: 74     Page: 2    Filed: 12/23/2020
    Before LOURIE, REYNA, and HUGHES, Circuit Judges.
    HUGHES, Circuit Judge.
    General Electric Company appeals the Patent Trial
    and Appeal Board’s decision finding Raytheon Technolo-
    gies Corporation’s gas turbine engine patent not unpatent-
    able for obviousness. Raytheon moved to dismiss the
    appeal for lack of standing. Because General Electric al-
    leged sufficient facts to establish that it is engaging in ac-
    tivity that creates a substantial risk of future
    infringement, GE has standing to bring its appeal. As to
    the merits of the appeal, we vacate the Board’s decision and
    remand the case for further consideration because the
    Board lacked substantial evidence for its conclusions.
    Raytheon (known as United Technologies Corporation
    during the appealed proceedings) and GE vigorously com-
    pete in the market to supply propulsion engines to the com-
    mercial aviation industry. This dispute revolves around
    the validity of Raytheon’s patent’s claims to a two-stage
    high pressure turbine engine for commercial airplanes and
    whether those claims would have been obvious in light of
    the prior art.
    We begin with a brief technical background. This dis-
    pute centers on turbofan gas turbine engines used to propel
    commercial airliners. See J.A. 1182. Turbofan engines rely
    on four main component sections—the fan, compressor,
    combustor, and turbine—to generate thrust from the con-
    tinuous ignition of a mixture of fuel and pressurized air.
    J.A. 1183.
    Case: 19-1319     Document: 74     Page: 3    Filed: 12/23/2020
    J.A. 1184. To do so, air enters the fan, which accelerates
    the air using rotating airfoil “blades.” Id. The specific en-
    gines here are high-bypass-ratio turbofans, in which a por-
    tion of the air, after passing through the fan, immediately
    exits the engine to generate thrust from the momentum im-
    parted upon it by the fan. J.A. 1185. That air is known as
    the “bypass flow.” Id. The rest of the air from the fan en-
    ters the engine “core,” or the compressor, combustor, and
    turbine sections. Id. That air is known as the “core flow.”
    Id. The ratio of bypass flow to core flow is called the bypass
    ratio. For commercial airliners, a higher bypass ratio (i.e.,
    more bypass flow for a given amount of core flow) increases
    fuel efficiency. See J.A. 1797.
    The compressor and turbine sections are further di-
    vided into high- and low-pressure segments. J.A. 1183.
    Each of the high- and low-pressure compressor and turbine
    sections consist of stages, or a “a matched set of rotating
    blades and stationary airfoils.” See Gen. Elec. Co. v. United
    Techs. Corp., No. IPR2017-00428, 
    2018 WL 3105491
    , at *7
    n.6 (P.T.A.B. June 22, 2018) (Final Written Decision); J.A.
    1186. In the figure above, these stages are represented by
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74     Page: 4    Filed: 12/23/2020
    vertical black lines extending from the central axis in the
    compressor and turbine sections of the engine. J.A. 1186,
    n.1. Core flow air is pressurized in the compressor section
    before it enters the combustor, where it is mixed with fuel
    and ignites. The resulting hot gas enters the turbine where
    the expansion of the gas powers the turbine’s rotating
    blades. See Appellant’s Br. 7–8.
    Artisans refer to the grouping of the high-pressure
    compressor and high-pressure turbine as the “high [pres-
    sure] spool” and the grouping of the fan, low-pressure com-
    pressor, and low-pressure turbine as the “low spool.” 
    In a conventional “direct-drive” turbofan engine the com-
    ponents comprising the low spool are all connected to the
    same shaft and rotate at the same speed. See Appellant’s
    Br. 8. The technology here, however, involves a “geared”
    turbofan, which uses a gearbox mounted between the low-
    pressure compressor and the fan to reduce the rotational
    speed of the fan compared to the low-pressure compressor
    and low-pressure turbine. 
     In a high-bypass-ratio tur-
    bofan, the fan has a much larger diameter than the engine
    core components; this discrepancy in diameter leads to a
    discrepancy in the ideal rotational speed of the fan com-
    pared to the low-pressure turbine. See J.A. 3269.
    By introducing a gearbox that allows the fan to rotate
    more slowly than the rest of the low spool, each component
    can run at an operating point much closer to its optimal
    rotational speed, yielding many benefits. Some of these
    benefits include:
    (1) improving the propulsive efficiency of the fan, re-
    ducing engine fuel consumption;
    (2) improving the aerodynamic efficiency of the low-
    pressure turbine, allowing a simpler and less costly design;
    (3) reducing the mechanical stress on the fan, improv-
    ing safety and reliability;
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74     Page: 5    Filed: 12/23/2020
    (4) reducing torque on the low-spool shaft connecting
    the low-pressure compressor and turbine to the fan (or
    gearbox), allowing the use of a smaller-diameter shaft; and;
    (5) reducing engine noise caused by high fan rotational
    speeds. See, e.g., J.A. 1333, 1351, 1361, 1797–98.
    In 2011, Raytheon applied for the patent that issued as
    U.S. Patent Number 8,695,920, entitled “Gas Turbine En-
    gine with Low Stage Count Low Pressure Turbine.” Ac-
    cording to the background, the invention relates to “an
    engine mounting configuration for the mounting of a tur-
    bofan gas turbine engine to an aircraft pylon.” ’920 patent
    at 1:13–15. Although much of the written description fo-
    cuses on the “static structure” of the engine used to help
    mount the turbofan to an aircraft, see, e.g., ’920 patent
    at cols. 5–7, the patent claims certain inventions involving
    particular turbofan gas turbine engine configurations. The
    claims in dispute, dependent claims 10–14, relate to a
    “method of designing a gas turbine engine” comprising cer-
    tain of these architectural features and performance pa-
    rameters. Each claim depends from independent claim 9,
    reproduced below.
    9. A method of designing a gas turbine engine com-
    providing a core nacelle defined about an
    engine centerline axis;
    providing a fan nacelle mounted at least
    partially around said core nacelle to define
    a fan bypass flow path for a fan bypass air-
    providing a gear train within said core na-
    providing a first spool along said engine
    centerline axis within said core nacelle to
    Case: 19-1319     Document: 74      Page: 6    Filed: 12/23/2020
    drive said gear train, said first spool in-
    cludes a first turbine section including be-
    tween three–six (3–6) stages, and a first
    compressor section;
    providing a second spool along said engine
    centerline axis within said core nacelle,
    said second spool includes a second turbine
    section including at least two (2) stages and
    a second compressor section;
    providing a fan including a plurality of fan
    blades to be driven through the gear train
    by the first spool, wherein the bypass flow
    path is configured to provide a bypass ratio
    of airflow through the bypass flow path di-
    vided by airflow through the core nacelle
    that is greater than about six (6) during en-
    gine operation.
    ’920 patent at 8:14–34. Claim 10 claims the method of
    claim 9, adding the limitation that “said first turbine sec-
    tion defines a pressure ratio that is greater than about five
     at 8:35–37. Claim 11 depends from claim 10’s
    method, adding the limitation that “a fan pressure ratio
    across the plurality of fan blades is less than about 1.45.”
     at 8:38–41. Claim 12 depends from claim 11, adding
    the limitation that “the gear train is configured to provide
    a speed reduction ratio greater than about 2.5:1.” 
    8:42–44. Claim 13 depends from claim 12, further requir-
    ing that “the plurality of fan blades [be] configured to ro-
    tate at a fan tip speed of less than about 1150 feet/second
    during engine operation.” 
     at 8:44–46. Finally, claim 14
    depends from claim 13, requiring, together with all the lim-
    itations disclosed in claims 9–13, that “the second turbine
    section includes two (2) stages.” 
     at 8:47–48.
    As the parties do, we will refer to the “first” spool, tur-
    bine, and compressor as the low-pressure spool, turbine,
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74     Page: 7    Filed: 12/23/2020
    and compressor; the “second” spool, turbine, and compres-
    sor, as the high-pressure spool, turbine, and compressor.
    The ’920 patent issued in April 2014. In December
    2016, GE petitioned the Patent Trial and Appeal Board for
    inter partes review of claims 1–4, 7–14, 17, and 19 of the
    ’920 patent. In its petition, GE asserted that claims 1, 4,
    9–14, 17, and 19 were unpatentable as obvious based on
    the combination of two prior art references, Wendus and
    Wendus—Follow-On Technology Requirement Study
    for Advanced Subsonic Transport, by Bruce E. Wendus, et
    al.—is a research paper by four employees of Raytheon sub-
    sidiary Pratt & Whitney, published internally in August
    1995 before being publicly distributed as a NASA “contrac-
    tor report” in August 2003. Wendus provides a computa-
    tional study comparing a “baseline,” “state-of-the-art” 1995
    turbofan engine to a hypothetical advanced technology en-
    gine it dubs the “Advanced Ducted Propulsor” that incor-
    porates technology thought to be feasible for engines
    entering service in 2005. J.A. 1310–12. Wendus compares
    these engines to determine the advanced engine’s perfor-
    mance gains and its effects on the economics of airline op-
    eration compared to the baseline. 
     Wendus then
    suggests future research for technologies that are “critical
    or enabling” to implementing the advanced engine’s design
    and attaining its performance advantages. J.A. 1311. In
    its description of the advanced engine, Wendus discloses all
    elements of claims 9–14 except that it teaches a one-stage
    high-pressure turbine instead of the “at-least-two-stage”
    high-pressure turbine taught in claim 9 and narrowed to
    two stages in claim 14. See J.A. 16.
    Moxon is a July 1983 magazine article—How to Save
    Fuel in Tomorrow’s Engines, by Julian Moxon—published
    in FLIGHT International, a long-running weekly aviation
    magazine. Among other topics, Moxon discusses how the
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74      Page: 8   Filed: 12/23/2020
    high-pressure turbine of a turbofan engine can be modified
    to improve fuel consumption. Moxon concludes that be-
    cause of increased performance demands on the high-pres-
    sure turbine required to improve fuel efficiency, “a move to
    one instead of two HP turbine stages is thought unlikely,
    although designs have been carried out and demonstra-
    tions have been run.” J.A. 1360–61.
    Before the Board decided to institute inter partes re-
    view of the ’920 patent based on GE’s Wendus and Moxon
    combination, Raytheon disclaimed claims 1–4, 7, 8, 17, and
    19. The Board then instituted review of only claims 9–14.
    See generally Gen. Elec. Co. v. United Techs. Corp., No.
    2017 WL 2785055
    , at *2 (P.T.A.B. June
    26, 2017). The Board had also instituted review of inde-
    pendent claim 9 in a separate inter partes review; Ray-
    theon disclaimed claim 9 while that dispute was ongoing.
    The Board was then left to rule on only the patentability of
    dependent claims 10–14 of the ’920 patent.
    In its final written decision, the Board found dependent
    claim 10, and thus dependent claims 11–14, nonobvious.
    Final Written Decision at *5. In so deciding, the Board
    found that the prior art disclosed all limitations in claim
    10. Id. at *7. In particular, it found that “high pressure
    turbines used in . . . gas turbine engines prior to the ’920
    patent generally had either one stage or two stages,” mak-
    ing high-pressure turbine stage-count selection a “binary
    choice.” Id. at *10. The Board found that, in making this
    binary choice, an artisan would have known of various
    tradeoffs between either choice. Id. The Board found the
    two-stage high-pressure turbine of Moxon to advanta-
    geously “reduce[] the stress placed on the turbine, and pro-
    vide[] a higher efficiency, versus a one-stage turbine,
    thereby improving the life, reliability, and fuel consump-
    tion of the turbine.” Id.
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74       Page: 9   Filed: 12/23/2020
    The Board then found that “Wendus expressly consid-
    ered at least some of the one-stage versus two-stage
    tradeoffs and specifically chose the one-stage option.” Id.
    at *11. According to the Board, this express consideration
    meant that Wendus taught away from combination with
    Moxon—despite the Board’s prior findings about the bene-
    fits of the two-stage high-pressure turbine. Id. The Board
    alternatively held that, even if Wendus did not teach away
    from combination with Moxon, “the evidence presented in
    this proceeding as a whole does not persuasively demon-
    strate a motivation to modify” Wendus to “include [Moxon’s
    teaching of] a two-stage high pressure turbine.” Id. And
    according to the Board, GE did “not establish[] the obvious-
    ness of claim 10, when considered as a whole.” Id. at *14.
    In support of this last conclusion, the Board found that GE
    did not “provide a persuasive motivation or justification for
    why a person of ordinary skill in the art, when modifying
    the Wendus [advanced] engine to include a two-stage high
    pressure turbine, would maintain the other claimed pa-
    rameters within the scope of claim 10.” Id. at *15.
    GE filed a request for rehearing challenging the
    Board’s application of the legal standard for both teaching
    away and motivation to combine. The Board denied its re-
    quest for rehearing. See Gen. Elec. Co. v. United Techs.
    Corp., No. IPR2017-00428, 
    2018 WL 5099737
     at *4
    (P.T.A.B. Oct. 18, 2018). GE timely appealed. We have ju-
    risdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1295
    Before reaching the merits, we must first address our
    authority to decide this case. Raytheon moved to dismiss
    this appeal for lack of standing. See Gen. Elec. Co. v. Ray-
    theon Techs. Corp., No. 2019-1319, ECF No. 17. The mo-
    tion panel denied the motion, instead asking the parties to
    address standing in their merits briefing. See 
     ECF No.
    26. After briefing and argument, we agree with GE that it
    has alleged facts establishing that it is currently engaged
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74      Page: 10     Filed: 12/23/2020
    in conduct creating a substantial risk of infringement of the
    ’920 patent, and thus has standing for this appeal.
    Raytheon argues that because it has never “sued or
    threatened to sue GE” for infringing the ’920 patent, and
    because GE “had never alleged that an engine exists that
    presents a concrete and substantial risk of infringing the
    ’920 patent,” GE lacks standing to appeal the Board’s deci-
    sion. Appellee’s Br. 1. Elaborating on the latter point, Ray-
    theon argues that GE’s allegations of a risk of infringement
    rely on events in the past or speculation about GE’s engi-
    neering and business choices in the future. Raytheon as-
    serts that this case presents “substantially similar
    evidence and arguments” to a previous standing dispute
    between these parties, Gen. Elec. Co. v. United Techs.
    928 F.3d 1349
     (Fed. Cir. 2019), cert. denied sub nom.
    Gen. Elec. Co. v. Raytheon Techs. Corp., No. 19-1012, 
    2020 WL 2622041
     (U.S. May 26, 2020), and that we should dis-
    miss this appeal, as we did with that appeal. Appellee’s Br.
    1. GE responds that it has alleged facts that show it “is
    currently undertaking activities” likely to lead Raytheon to
    sue it for infringement. Appellant’s Reply Br. 1.
    “Although we have jurisdiction to review final decisions
    of the Board under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1295
    (a)(4)(A), an appellant
    must meet ‘the irreducible constitutional minimum of
    standing.’” Amerigen Pharm. Ltd. v. UCB Pharma GmBH,
    913 F.3d 1076
    , 1082 (Fed. Cir. 2019) (quoting Lujan v. De-
    fenders of Wildlife, 
    504 U.S. 555
    , 560 (1992)). That “irre-
    ducible constitutional minimum” requires the appellant to
    “have (1) suffered an injury in fact, (2) that is fairly trace-
    able to the challenged conduct of the [appellee], and
    (3) that is likely to be redressed by a favorable judicial de-
    cision.” Spokeo, Inc. v. Robins, 
    136 S. Ct. 1540
    , 1547 (2016),
    as revised (May 24, 2016). “[W]here Congress has accorded
    a procedural right to a litigant, such as the right to appeal
    an administrative decision” some requirements of
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74      Page: 11     Filed: 12/23/2020
    standing—but not the requirement of injury in fact—“may
    be relaxed.” Consumer Watchdog v. Wis. Alumni Research
    753 F.3d 1258
    , 1261 (Fed. Cir. 2014). The standing
    dispute here, then, centers on whether GE has alleged an
    injury in fact.
    When an appellant “relies on potential infringement li-
    ability as a basis for injury in fact, but is not currently en-
    gaging in infringing activity, it must establish that it has
    concrete plans for future activity that creates a substantial
    risk of future infringement or would likely cause the pa-
    tentee to assert a claim of infringement.” JTEKT Corp. v.
    GKN Auto. LTD., 
    898 F.3d 1217
    , 1221 (Fed. Cir. 2018), cert.
    139 S. Ct. 2713
     (2019); accord Susan B. Anthony
    List v. Driehaus, 
    573 U.S. 149
    , 158 (2014) (“An allegation
    of future injury may suffice if the threatened injury is ‘cer-
    tainly impending,’ or there is a ‘“substantial risk” that the
    harm will occur.’” (quoting Clapper v. Amnesty Int’l USA,
    568 U.S. 398
    , 414 (2013))).
    Since JTEKT, this court has explained that “to estab-
    lish the requisite injury in an appeal from a final written
    decision in an inter partes review,” “[a]n appellant need not
    face ‘a specific threat of infringement litigation by the pa-
    tentee[.]’” Adidas AG v. Nike, Inc., 
    963 F.3d 1355
    , 1357
    (Fed. Cir. 2020) (quoting E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. v.
    Synvina C.V., 
    904 F.3d 996
    , 1004 (Fed. Cir. 2018)). “In-
    stead, ‘it is generally sufficient for the appellant to show
    that it has engaged in, is engaging in, or will likely engage
    in activity that would give rise to a possible infringement
     (quoting Grit Energy Sols., LLC v. Oren Techs.,
    957 F.3d 1309
    , 1319 (Fed. Cir. 2020)).
    “GE has the burden of showing that it suffered an in-
    jury in fact sufficient to confer Article III standing to ap-
    peal.” Gen. Elec. Co., 928 F.3d at 1353. “[T]he summary
    judgment burden of production applies in cases where an
    appellant seeks review of a final agency action and its
    standing comes into doubt.” Phigenix, Inc. v. Immunogen,
    Case: 19-1319     Document: 74      Page: 12    Filed: 12/23/2020
    845 F.3d 1168
    , 1172–73 (Fed. Cir. 2017). As a result,
    “[w]e accept as true [an appellant’s] material representa-
    tions of fact for purposes of assessing its standing.” Amer-
    igen, 913 F.3d at 1083. GE has met its requisite burden of
    production to show that it will likely engage in activity that
    would prompt an infringement suit.
    GE has made concrete plans for future activity. It
    spent $10–12 million in 2019 developing a geared turbofan
    architecture and design. DiTommaso Decl. ¶ 24. Because
    of customer requirements for the lucrative next-generation
    narrow body market segment, GE intends to keep develop-
    ing its geared turbofan engine design; that design is GE’s
    technologically preferred design for the next-generation
    narrow body market. Id. In fact, GE has offered this pre-
    ferred geared turbofan design to Airbus in response to a
    request for information Airbus dispatched for its next-gen-
    eration narrow body aircraft. Id. ¶ 22.
    Although none of these statements prove that GE will
    select this engine as its final bid for the Airbus next-gener-
    ation narrow body program or for any other aircraft pro-
    grams, “[a]ctivities that ‘will likely’—but might not—occur
    in the future can be sufficient to confer standing . . . .” Grit
    Energy, 957 F.3d at 1320. GE’s specific investment in con-
    tinued development of a geared turbofan engine design, its
    avowed preference to offer this design for sale, and its in-
    formal offer of this engine to Airbus in an ongoing bidding
    process together establish that GE will likely engage in the
    sale of this geared turbofan engine design to customers. Cf.
    JTEKT, 898 F.3d at 1220 (noting that “[t]he fact that
    JTEKT has no product on the market at the present time
    does not preclude Article III standing,” but finding that
    JTEKT lacked standing because its potentially infringe-
    ment product design was so preliminary that it could not
    yet be analyzed for infringement).
    GE has also established that such a sale would raise a
    substantial risk of an infringement suit. According to the
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74      Page: 13    Filed: 12/23/2020
    sworn statement of GE Aviation’s Chief IP Counsel, “GE
    fully expects that [Raytheon] would accuse this engine of
    infringing of the ’920 patent . . . .” Long Decl. ¶ 9. The
    most reasonable inference from this statement is that GE
    believes its preferred design raises a substantial risk of in-
    fringement. 1 “IPR petitioners need not concede infringe-
    ment to establish standing to appeal.” JTEKT, 898 F.3d
    at 1221. Beyond explicit statements that this preferred
    geared turbofan design includes a gear train driven by the
    low-pressure spool and a two-stage high-pressure turbine,
    see DiTommaso Decl. ¶ 22; 2d DiTommaso Decl. ¶ 5, GE
    only obliquely alludes to how its preferred engine design
    meets the claimed limitations. See 2d DiTommaso Decl.
    ¶ 3–4 (declaring that “virtually every turbofan engine” has
    certain claimed features such as the core and fan nacelles,
    low-pressure and high-pressure spools and rotating ma-
    chinery, and fan, and that to provide a “commercially com-
    petitive engine,” the engine must meet certain other claim
    limitations, such as a bypass ratio of at least seven.). Alt-
    hough GE does itself no favors by making its allegations so
    coyly, GE’s declarations plausibly establish that its pre-
    ferred next-generation engine design substantially risks
    infringing the ’920 patent. 2
    1    The alternative would be to infer that GE’s counsel
    presumes Raytheon will file a baseless infringement suit.
    We doubt that either party would prefer this inference.
    2   We also note that independent claim 9, from which
    the disputed claims depend, claims a “method of designing
    a gas turbine engine.” ’920 patent at 8:14–34. This con-
    trasts with disclaimed independent claim 1, which recites
    “a gas turbine engine” comprising elements nearly identi-
    cal to those recited in the steps of claim 9’s method. See id.
    at 7:43–58. Given GE’s concession that Raytheon would
    accuse its preferred next-generation engine of infringing
    the ’920 patent, and that GE continues to develop this
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74      Page: 14     Filed: 12/23/2020
    Our conclusion today that GE has shown concrete
    plans raising a substantial risk of future infringement fully
    harmonizes with our conclusion that GE failed to do so in
    the prior dispute between these parties. GE’s allegations
    of fact in the prior case left a great deal to the imagination.
    For example, we faulted GE for “contend[ing] only that GE
    expended some unspecified amount of time and money to
    consider engine designs that could potentially implicate
    the” patent at issue in that case. Gen. Elec. Co., 928 F.3d
    at 1353. We also criticized GE for “provid[ing] no evidence
    that GE actually designed a geared-fan engine . . . .” Id. at
    1354. And we condemned GE for providing “no evidence
    that GE is in the process of designing an engine covered by”
    the disputed claims. Id. GE’s factual allegations here ad-
    dress all of these specific deficiencies and provide overall
    much more support for its assertions that it has made
    design, GE may be now infringing the ’920 patent by its
    method of designing the engine. If currently infringing, GE
    would undeniably have standing. “A patent claim could
    have a harmful competitive effect on a would-be challenger
    if the challenger was currently using the claimed fea-
    tures . . . .” AVX Corp. v. Presidio Components, Inc.,
    923 F.3d 1357
    , 1365 (Fed. Cir. 2019) (emphasis in original).
    Whether GE’s method for designing its engine offends the
    patent is unclear: the Board did not construe this “method
    for designing” preamble, the contours of the “method of de-
    signing” the engine are not apparent on the face of the ’920
    patent, and GE does not develop arguments on this point
    outside a footnote in a reply brief. See Appellant’s Reply
    Br. at 7 n.3. That said, the claims at issue covering the
    design process rather than the final product favors finding
    standing during the design process, even if GE never offers
    for sale an engine meeting the claimed parameters.
    Case: 19-1319     Document: 74      Page: 15     Filed: 12/23/2020
    concrete plans raising a substantial risk of infringement of
    the ’920 patent.
    Our criticisms of GE’s factual allegations in the prior
    case were well-earned. In that case, GE submitted an ini-
    tial declaration of its Aviation-division Chief IP counsel al-
    leging only that, in a mid-1970s research program, GE had
    developed a similar turbofan engine design to the claimed
    design and still owned several engines of that design. Long
    Decl. ¶¶ 14–15, Gen. Elec. Co. v. United Techs. Corp.,
    No. 2017–2497 (Fed. Cir. Jan. 16, 2018), ECF No. 36. GE
    did not suggest that Raytheon would accuse that design of
    infringement—GE opined generally that Raytheon had “a
    history of threatening the aviation industry with their pa-
    tent portfolio.” Id. ¶ 17. Instead, GE alleged that its ina-
    bility to use its design, or the fruits of its research into that
    design, would “result[] in economic harm to GE, by increas-
    ing its research, development, and design costs,” and cause
    “competitive harm by limiting GE’s ability to compete in
    the supply of engines to aircraft makers.” Id. ¶ 15. GE
    noted that it was “discussing with airframers possible fu-
    ture engine designs for next-generation aircraft applica-
    tions,” but never specified that it had developed or offered
    a potentially infringing modern design. Id. ¶ 16. Instead,
    it only referred to an infringing design as a “valid option[].”
    Id. ¶ 22.
    GE sought to patch some of these holes with a second
    declaration from the Aviation Chief IP Counsel. See Suppl.
    Long Dec., Gen. Elec. Co. v. United Techs. Corp., No. 2017–
    2497 (Fed. Cir. Nov. 28, 2018), ECF No. 64. This declara-
    tion gave more details of “discuss[ions] with airframers”
    about future engine designs, noting that GE had submitted
    information to Boeing “regarding various engine architec-
    tures potentially meeting Boeing’s requirements” for its
    new mid-market aircraft, including one engine architec-
    ture including some features of the disputed patent claim.
    Suppl. Long Dec. ¶¶ 4–5. Even so, GE had only “investi-
    gated and discussed with Boeing the possible use” of a
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74     Page: 16    Filed: 12/23/2020
    design that would “potentially implicate” the patent claims
    at issue. Id. ¶ 5. GE made vague and conclusory allega-
    tions that “[i]n response to Boeing’s request, GE expended
    time and money researching and further developing [an]
    engine architecture” implicating the patent claims “with
    the option” of using the key inventive feature of those
    claims. Id. ¶ 7. These shaky allegations were weakened
    even more because the bidding for that Boeing new mid-
    market aircraft engine had ended before the appeal—and
    GE’s bid had employed a design not implicating the patent.
    Id. ¶ 9.
    Considered together, all the allegations in the prior
    case relevant to this analysis were not just speculative, but
    overtly theoretical. GE did not allege concrete plans for
    future activity that would raise a future risk of infringe-
    ment. It alleged that it had spent money in the past to de-
    velop technology that it might consider using in the future.
    GE’s factual allegations here are in stark contrast.
    To recap, here, GE has alleged that it has conceived a
    geared turbofan engine design that Raytheon would likely
    argue falls within the scope of claims 10–14 of the ’920 pa-
    tent. It has alleged specific ongoing expenditures in 2019
    of $10–12 million to continue to develop and refine that de-
    sign. And it provides that this geared turbofan engine de-
    sign is its preferred engine design to offer to its customers
    for the next-generation narrow body market segment.
    More concretely, GE identifies an Airbus aircraft program
    where it intends to offer this design for sale to Airbus. And
    GE supports the concreteness of these plans by showing
    that it in fact submitted the design to Airbus for the pre-
    liminary stage of the bidding process. It has not yet sub-
    mitted any other design to Airbus. Finally, GE alleges that
    it believes Raytheon would accuse this specific design of in-
    fringement. These new factual allegations remedy the
    problems we identified in the prior appeal.
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74      Page: 17   Filed: 12/23/2020
    By remedying those shortcomings, GE has met the re-
    quirements for establishing standing. Cf. AVX Corp. v.
    Presidio Components, Inc., 
    923 F.3d 1357
    , 1365 (Fed. Cir.
    2019) (finding that AVX was not engaging in, and did not
    have non-speculative plans to engage in, conduct covered
    by the patent at issue because “AVX does not assert, for
    example, that it is developing a new capacitor that Presidio
    would likely argue falls within the scope of the upheld
    claims.”). We therefore turn to the merits of GE’s appeal.
    We “review the Board’s compliance with the governing
    legal standards de novo and its underlying factual deter-
    minations for substantial evidence.” Belden Inc. v. Berk-
    Tek LLC, 
    805 F.3d 1064
    , 1073 (Fed. Cir. 2015). Obvious-
    ness is a question of law, based on underlying factual find-
    ings. See In re Baxter Int’l, Inc., 
    678 F.3d 1357
    , 1361
    (Fed. Cir. 2012). Relevant underlying factual questions
    here include whether a prior art reference teaches away,
    Icon Health & Fitness, Inc. v. Strava, Inc., 
    849 F.3d 1034
    1047–48 (Fed. Cir. 2017); whether a skilled artisan would
    have been motivated to combine references, see Medichem,
    S.A. v. Rolabo, S.L., 
    437 F.3d 1157
    , 1164–65 (Fed. Cir.
    2006); and a skilled artisan’s reasonable expectation of suc-
    cess in combining references. PAR Pharm., Inc. v. TWI
    Pharm., Inc., 
    773 F.3d 1186
    , 1196–97 (Fed. Cir. 2014).
    GE highlights deficiencies in all three of the Board’s
    conclusions undergirding its holding of non-obviousness.
    GE asserts that the Board erred by misreading Wendus to
    find that it disparages or discourages the use of a two-stage
    high pressure turbine, and therefore erred in finding that
    Wendus taught away from a two-stage high-pressure tur-
    bine. GE also argues that, in the alternative to its teaching
    away finding, the Board applied an overly rigorous require-
    ment for motivation to combine the Wendus and Moxon ref-
    erences. In particular, GE asserts that the Board erred in
    its conclusion that no motivation to combine existed, for at
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74      Page: 18     Filed: 12/23/2020
    least the reason that the Board made explicit findings that
    should constitute an adequate motivation to combine. GE
    argues that the Board also erred by requiring GE to show
    that an artisan would be motivated to retain the claimed
    performance parameters taught in Wendus in combining
    Wendus and Moxon.
    Raytheon, for its part, argues that we must affirm the
    Board’s decision if we find substantial evidence that
    (1) Wendus teaches away from modifying its advanced en-
    gine to add a two-stage high-pressure turbine; (2) no mat-
    ter if Wendus teaches away, Wendus discloses a strong
    preference for a one-stage high-pressure turbine, under-
    mining GE’s motivation-to-combine arguments; or (3) GE
    failed to establish a motivation for modifying the Wendus
    advanced engine to achieve the invention of claim 10, “as a
    We agree with Raytheon that we must affirm if we find
    substantial evidence of any of these. But we find the Board
    lacked substantial evidence for each finding.
    The Board lacked substantial evidence for its finding
    that Wendus teaches away from using a two-stage high
    pressure turbine. The Board correctly set forth the stand-
    ard for teaching away, Final Written Decision at *11,
    providing a long quote from Polaris Indus., Inc. v. Arctic
    Cat, Inc., 
    882 F.3d 1056
     (Fed. Cir. 2018), in which this
    court explained that “[a] reference does not teach away ‘if
    it merely expresses a general preference for an alternative
    invention but does not “criticize, discredit, or otherwise dis-
    courage” investigation into the invention claimed.’” 
    (quoting DePuy Spine, Inc. v. Medtronic Sofamor Danek,
    567 F.3d 1314
    , 1327 (Fed. Cir. 2009)). In applying this
    standard, however, the Board found that criticism of the
    use of a two-stage high-pressure turbine in prior art—at
    most—suggests a general preference for a one-stage high-
    pressure turbine.
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74     Page: 19    Filed: 12/23/2020
    But in summarizing its evidence, the Board found that
    Wendus discourages the use of a two-stage high-pressure
    turbine rather than merely suggesting a general prefer-
    ence for a one-stage high-pressure turbine because
    Wendus describes the one-stage turbine as a criti-
    cal and enabling technology providing significant
    advantages over a prior art engine having a two-
    stage turbine, with such advantages representa-
    tively including reduced weight and cost. A person
    of ordinary skill in the art would have known that
    modifying the Wendus [advanced] engine to in-
    clude a two-stage turbine would have increased the
    weight and cost of the engine, which Wendus criti-
    cizes, discredits, or otherwise discourages.
    Final Written Decision at *13. Wendus simply does not
    support these conclusions.
    Wendus cannot be accurately characterized as defining
    a single-stage turbine as a “critical” or “enabling” technol-
    ogy, as the Board found. The reference to “critical or ena-
    bling” technology comes from Table 16 of Wendus, which
    provides a “a component-by-component identification of 39
    technology improvements” that are “critical or enabling” to
    the Wendus advanced engine, “along with the attendant
    characteristic and system benefits” of those technologies.
    J.A. 1351. The table lists a single-stage high-pressure tur-
    bine not as a “critical or enabling” technology, but as the
    “[s]ystem [b]enefit” of three technologies the table de-
    scribes as “critical” technologies: “[i]mproved strength
    shaft material,” “[i]mproved disk material,” and
    “[a]dvanced turbine blade attachment.” J.A. 1353.
    The correct reading of Table 16 in the full context of
    Wendus establishes that the improved shaft and disk ma-
    terials and advanced turbine blade attachment encompass
    the “critical” technologies. Wendus explains that the one-
    stage high-pressure turbine suffers from “substantial me-
    chanical and structural challenges” resulting from the
    Case: 19-1319      Document: 74      Page: 20   Filed: 12/23/2020
    “high wheel speed and [] large rotor annulus area” used in
    the advanced engine high-pressure turbine design “to re-
    duce losses in the turbine.” J.A. 1320. Table 16 of Wendus
    itself explains that the improved shaft material, improved
    disk material, and advanced turbine blade attachment pro-
    vide the characteristic benefit of allowing increased wheel
    speed and rotor annulus area. The development of these
    three technologies makes feasible the high wheel speed and
    large rotor annulus area used in the Wendus advanced en-
    gine to mitigate the aerodynamic losses inherent in the
    one-stage high-pressure turbines. See J.A. 1320, 2941–42.
    Thus, the single-stage high-pressure turbine is not the
    “critical or enabling” technology, but a system benefit that
    cannot be implemented into an advanced engine without
    successful development of other “critical and enabling”
    technologies. Table 16 shows a general preference for a
    one-stage turbine. But the difference between a “critical or
    enabling” technology and a mere “system benefit” under-
    mines the Board’s conclusion that Wendus displays a
    “strong preference” for the one-stage turbine. 3
    Additionally, Wendus itself only weakly supports that
    a one-stage high-pressure turbine has weight and cost ad-
    vantages over a two-stage high pressure turbine. At sev-
    eral points in Wendus, the authors describe particular
    advantages of their advanced engine concept. In none of
    these sections does Wendus set forth a single-stage high-
    pressure turbine or the reduced weight and cost of the sin-
    gle-stage design as an advantage of its planned advanced
    engine. See J.A. 1310 (Summary); J.A. 1333 (2005 EIS
    ADP Advantage); J.A. 1350 (Conclusions).
    3  Wendus leaves the exact “system benefit” of the
    single-stage high-pressure turbine design undefined—re-
    inforcing the generality of Wendus’s general preference for
    a one-stage high-pressure turbine.
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74     Page: 21    Filed: 12/23/2020
    Wendus does provide that the advanced engine in-
    cludes technology advances like “significant reductions in
    weight, price, and maintenance cost in the [high-pressure
    compressor] and [high-pressure turbine].” J.A. 1349 (acro-
    nyms for the components altered to the full name). But
    these reductions in weight, price, and maintenance cost are
    not definitively derived from a reduced stage count: “The
    [advanced engine] represents significant technology ad-
    vances compared to present day engines because the [ad-
    vanced engine’s] components assume 10 years technology
     And these technological advances
    yielding weight, price, and maintenance cost reductions do
    not relate solely to the reduction in stage count. See
    J.A. 1353 (listing, for example, that “[i]mproved thermal
    barrier coating” will allow increased combustor exit tem-
    perature while maintaining turbine part life, benefiting the
    engine by “reduc[ing] . . . maintenance cost”).
    Although a skilled artisan may intuitively understand
    that a one-stage turbine may be lighter and cheaper to
    manufacture and maintain than a two-stage turbine, Wen-
    dus itself does not criticize the use of a two-stage turbine
    for weight or cost reasons. In discussing the high-pressure
    turbine specifically, Wendus never compares weight and
    cost of a single-stage turbine with that of a two-stage tur-
    bine. See J.A. 1320. Instead, Wendus notes that “[t]he [sin-
    gle-stage turbine] design results in a combination of high
    efficiency (low fuel burn) at a minimum number of parts
    (lower acquisition and maintenance costs).” J.A. 1320.
    But Wendus references neither efficiency nor number
    of parts in comparison to any other high-pressure turbine
    design. And Wendus discusses other design choices for the
    high-pressure turbine that would alter the cost and weight
    of the turbine—like airfoil count, design expansion ratio,
    wheel speed, and rotor annulus area. J.A. 1320. The choice
    of stage count will influence these choices, (and vice versa)
    but all these parameters have independent significance
    and may be changed without changing the stage count.
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74     Page: 22    Filed: 12/23/2020
    See, e.g., J.A. 1319 (noting that, in Wendus’s study of an
    eight-stage high-pressure compressor, “22 additional air-
    foils were required [within the one-stage high-pressure tur-
    bine] to maintain efficiency”).
    This lack of even implicit comparison between a one-
    and two-stage turbine based on weight and cost differences
    is peculiar because Wendus actually offers implicit compar-
    isons between one-stage and two-stage high-pressure tur-
    bine designs on other bases.         And notably, these
    comparisons are unfavorable to the one-stage design.
    Table 1 of Wendus shows that the advanced engine
    (one-stage) high-pressure turbine has a lower aerodynamic
    efficiency than the baseline engine (two-stage) high-pres-
    sure turbine, with an asterisk noting that advanced engine
    efficiency result is “[s]ingle stage based.” J.A. 1312. This
    implicit comparison of the aerodynamic efficiency of a one-
    stage and two-stage turbine is reinforced by Wendus’s ex-
    plicit acknowledgment that the single-stage high-pressure
    turbine contributed to a reduction in the advanced engine’s
    fuel efficiency compared to the two-stage turbine in the
    baseline. J.A. 1323.
    The dearth of explicit comparisons between a one-stage
    and two-stage turbine designs also contrasts with the overt
    comparison of the benefits of different numbers of stages in
    the high-pressure compressor. Wendus distinctly studied
    the differences between a six-stage and eight-stage design,
    explicitly noted its findings, and pointedly noted the re-
    duced engine length and airfoil count of the six-stage de-
    sign made it preferable to the eight-stage design.
    J.A. 1317–19.
    And even if an artisan recognized that a one-stage tur-
    bine would have led to reduced engine weight and lower
    engine cost than a two-stage turbine, Wendus is hardly
    consistent in indicating that weight and cost concerns
    alone mandate the correct design choices of an improved
    engine, compared to other factors like fuel efficiency or
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74     Page: 23    Filed: 12/23/2020
    reliability. For example, the Wendus advanced engine
    costs more both to produce and to maintain than the base-
    line engine. See J.A. 1344. The advanced engine also
    weighs more than the baseline engine—and even has a
    lower thrust-to-weight ratio. J.A. 1343. Given that the ad-
    vanced engine weighs more and costs more, it is hard to
    conclude that reduced weight and cost are paramount to
    the teachings of Wendus.
    Besides the fact that Wendus used a one-stage high-
    pressure turbine design and not a two-stage design, Wen-
    dus provides no evidence that reduced weight and cost of
    the one-stage design is preferable to the improved aerody-
    namic—and therefore fuel—efficiency of the two-stage de-
    sign. Rather, in preferring the advanced engine to the
    baseline engine, Wendus teaches that a heavier and more
    expensive engine is preferable—at least if this engine pro-
    vides the attendant benefits of the advanced engine, i.e.,
    fuel efficiency. See J.A. 1333 (highlighting reduced thrust-
    specific fuel consumption as a benefit of the advanced en-
    Moreover, other than the bare statement that a single-
    stage high-pressure turbine provides an unexplained “sys-
    tem benefit,” Wendus does not straightforwardly explain
    that its use of a one-stage high-pressure turbine in the ad-
    vanced engine was a choice based on a design preference
    for that turbine, as the Board concludes. The engine core—
    the portion encompassing the high-pressure compressor,
    combustor, and high-pressure turbine—used for Wendus’s
    advanced engine was an “85 percent scale version of [Ray-
    theon’s pre-existing] Advanced Technology Common Core”
    engine design. J.A. 1313. That Wendus adopted a pre-ex-
    isting engine core design without suggesting that it chose
    the existing core for its use of a single-stage high-pressure
    turbine undercuts the inference that Wendus has a “strong
    preference” for a single-stage high-pressure turbine. To be
    sure, the baseline engine used a two-stage turbine, sug-
    gesting that Wendus was moving away from that design.
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74     Page: 24    Filed: 12/23/2020
    But that choice alone does not show the benefits of a one-
    stage turbine design, or the drawbacks of a two-stage tur-
    bine design. An artisan could conclude based on Wendus
    that the single-stage turbine represented part of an “ad-
    vanced turbofan” core that improves fuel efficiency. J.A.
    1312. But this is not a repudiation—or even discourage-
    ment—of a two-stage turbine, which other parts of Wendus
    note improves fuel efficiency compared to a one-stage tur-
    And the Board’s assertion that Wendus “was designed
    to use a one-stage high pressure turbine, in that other en-
    gine components were specifically designed to accommo-
    date the turbine,” Final Written Decision at *13, lacks
    support in Wendus. Because the design of the fan, low-
    pressure compressor, and low-pressure turbine allowed
    them to “run at optimum speeds and efficiencies,” see
    J.A. 1333, and enabled a “very high bypass ratio,” the
    torque on the shaft transmitting power from the low-pres-
    sure turbine to the low-pressure compressor and fan gear-
    box greatly increased, see J.A. 1313 (detailing how changes
    to the fan and low-pressure compressor increase the torque
    on the low-spool shaft). And because of the increased pro-
    pulsive efficiency of the fan in the advanced engine, the en-
    gine core size could be decreased to 85 percent of the
    original Advanced Technology Common Core. See J.A.
    1333. This reduction in core size required the low-spool
    shaft to fit within a smaller bore diameter. These changes
    would greatly increase the stress on the low-spool shaft be-
    yond what Wendus thought a material feasibly available in
    2005 could withstand. J.A. 1313.
    As a possible solution to this problem, Wendus investi-
    gated modifying the core to have a larger bore diameter, so
    that the engine could use a larger diameter low-spool shaft.
     But after performing this analysis, Wendus found that
    the larger bore diameter would place too much stress on
    the high-pressure turbine disk. 
     Because this modifica-
    tion of the high-pressure turbine to accommodate the
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74      Page: 25    Filed: 12/23/2020
    requirements of the low-spool shaft was not feasible, Wen-
    dus modified other components until a low-spool shaft
    made of a material feasibly used in 2005 could accommo-
    date the stress. See J.A. 1313–14. Most accurately, Wen-
    dus explored (but eventually rejected) modifying the
    chosen one-stage high-pressure turbine’s disk bore diame-
    ter to accommodate the new low-spool design. 4 And Wen-
    dus makes no suggestion that this outcome would have
    been different for a two-stage turbine, or that it did this
    specifically so that it could avoid using a two-stage turbine.
    Wendus designed other components of its advanced engine
    to accommodate the high-pressure turbine—not for a one-
    stage high-pressure turbine or a two-stage high-pressure
    turbine, but for a mechanically robust high-pressure tur-
    All of this goes to show that the Board’s conclusion that
    Wendus “expressly weigh[ed] the tradeoffs [between a one-
    stage and two-stage turbine] and cho[se] the one-stage op-
    tion” cannot withstand scrutiny. Final Written Decision
    at *11. Wendus never distinctly compares a one-stage
    high-pressure turbine and a two-stage high-pressure tur-
    bine. And when it compares the one-stage turbine of the
    advanced engine to the two-stage turbine of the baseline
    engine, implicitly comparing the designs, it notes the unfa-
    vorable performance of the one-stage design. Disclosing
    that one-stage high-pressure turbine design has an unde-
    fined “system benefit” with the implication of improved
    weight and cost, but “substantial,” yet-unsolved “mechani-
    cal and structural challenges” to attain that benefit does
    4   In addition, when Wendus modified the high-pres-
    sure compressor by adding two stages, it modified the high-
    pressure turbine (albeit not the stage count) to accommo-
    date that change, further suggesting that the high-pres-
    sure turbine design was hardly a sacrosanct key feature of
    the advanced engine design. J.A. 1320.
    Case: 19-1319      Document: 74      Page: 26   Filed: 12/23/2020
    not teach away from the two-stage high-pressure turbine
    design acknowledged to have better efficiency and thus to
    improve the fuel consumption. Cf. Tyco Healthcare Grp.
    LP v. Ethicon Endo–Surgery, Inc., 
    774 F.3d 968
    , 977 (Fed.
    Cir. 2014) (“Yet simply because the curved blade configu-
    rations are not preferred embodiments does not result in
    the Davison patent teaching away from use of a curved
    blade, ‘absent clear discouragement of that combination.’”
    (quoting Santarus, Inc. v. Par Pharm., Inc., 
    694 F.3d 1344
    1356 (Fed. Cir. 2012))).
    Wendus does not make a single negative statement
    about the use of a two-stage high-pressure turbine; there-
    fore, Wendus does not criticize, credit, or discourage the
    use of a two-stage high-pressure turbine. For that reason,
    substantial evidence does not support the Board’s conclu-
    sion that “Wendus teaches away from modifying the Wen-
    dus ADP engine to include the two-stage option.” Final
    Written Decision at *11. Cf. Galderma Labs., L.P. v. Tol-
    mar, Inc., 
    737 F.3d 731
    , 739 (Fed. Cir. 2013) (“A teaching
    that a composition may be optimal or standard does not
    criticize, discredit, or otherwise discourage investigation
    into other compositions.”). Nothing the Board cites ade-
    quately supports its holding that if engine designers sought
    greater fuel efficiency or reliability, Wendus would discour-
    age them from using a two-stage turbine or lead them away
    from using a two-stage turbine. 5 Cf. In re Gurley, 
    27 F.3d 551
    , 553 (Fed. Cir. 1994) (“A known or obvious composition
    does not become patentable simply because it has been
    5   The goal of improved fuel efficiency is not set forth
    in the ’920 patent; the patent notes no express purpose and
    says nothing about the number of high-pressure turbine
    stages outside the claims. The patent does, however, char-
    acterize one of the deficiencies of the prior art as “in-
    crease[d] fuel burn.” ’920 patent at 1:26–38.
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74      Page: 27    Filed: 12/23/2020
    described as somewhat inferior to some other product for
    the same use.”).
    For similar reasons, the Board lacks substantial evi-
    dence for its conclusion that GE did not establish a motiva-
    tion to combine Wendus and Moxon.
    An invention claimed in a patent would have been ob-
    vious if “a person of ordinary skill in the art would have
    had reason to attempt to make the composition or device,
    or carry out the claimed process, and would have had a rea-
    sonable expectation of success in doing so.” PharmaStem
    Therapeutics, Inc. v. ViaCell, Inc., 
    491 F.3d 1342
    , 1360
    (Fed. Cir. 2007). The Board made certain findings that, on
    their own, could establish obviousness. It found that, at
    the time of the invention, “high pressure turbine stage
    count generally was a binary choice, such that there were
    usually only two options.” Final Written Decision at *10.
    It also found that, in making this binary choice,
    a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of
    the ’920 patent’s invention would have known of
    various tradeoffs involved in choosing between one
    or two stages for the high pressure turbine of a two-
    spool gas turbine engine. A one-stage turbine ad-
    vantageously is axially shorter, and has fewer
    parts, versus a two-stage turbine, thereby reducing
    the weight of the engine and the cost of obtaining
    parts. A two-stage turbine reduces the stress
    placed on the turbine, and provides a higher effi-
    ciency, versus a one-stage turbine, thereby improv-
    ing the life, reliability, and fuel consumption of the
    Final Written Decision at *10 (citations omitted). It sum-
    marized this design tradeoff by noting that the evidence as
    a whole established both that “a two-stage high pressure
    turbine had certain advantages over a one-stage high
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74     Page: 28    Filed: 12/23/2020
    pressure turbine” and that “a one-stage high pressure tur-
    bine had certain advantages over a two-stage high pressure
    turbine.” Id. at *13. The Board also rejected Raytheon’s
    argument that an artisan would not have a reasonable ex-
    pectation of success combining Moxon’s disclosure of a two-
    stage turbine with the rest of the engine features taught by
    Wendus. See id. at *16. These findings set forth reasons
    that an artisan might seek to modify Wendus by choosing
    a two-stage high-pressure turbine instead of a one-stage
    turbine—improved turbine life and reliability and better
    engine fuel consumption—and a reasonable expectation of
    success in doing so.
    But the Board then held that “it makes little engineer-
    ing sense for a person of ordinary skill in the art, when
    seeking to improve upon or otherwise modify the Wendus
    [advanced] engine, to go against Wendus’s strong prefer-
    ence for a one-stage high pressure turbine, despite the
    known advantages provided by a two-stage design.” Final
    Written Decision at *13 (internal quotation marks and ci-
    tations omitted). It again based this purported “strong
    preference” on its faulty findings that Wendus described
    “the one-stage turbine as a critical and enabling technology
    providing significant advantages over a prior art engine
    having a two-stage turbine,” and that “other [Wendus] en-
    gine components [being] specifically designed to accommo-
    date the [one-stage] turbine.” Id.
    Having dispensed with the error of Wendus’s “strong
    preference” in Part IV.A, supra, we need not explain again
    why the Board’s conclusion is not supported by substantial
    evidence. Final Written Decision at *10. And without Wen-
    dus’s purported “strong preference” for a one-stage turbine,
    the problem with the Board finding a lack of motivation to
    combine unmistakably appears. An artisan seeking to im-
    prove upon or otherwise modify the Wendus advanced en-
    gine would have tried to implement a two-stage high-
    pressure turbine because of the known advantages pro-
    vided by a two-stage design. PAR, 773 F.3d at 1197–98
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74     Page: 29    Filed: 12/23/2020
    (“Our precedent . . . does not require that the motivation be
    the best option, only that it be a suitable option from which
    the prior art did not teach away.”); In re Fulton, 
    391 F.3d 1195
    , 1200 (Fed. Cir. 2004) (holding that “a particular com-
    bination” need not “be the preferred, or the most desirable,
    combination described in the prior art in order to provide
    Moreover, “any need or problem known in the field of
    endeavor at the time of invention and addressed by the pa-
    tent can provide a reason for combining the elements in the
    manner claimed.” KSR Int’l Co. v. Teleflex Inc., 
    550 U.S. 398
    , 420 (2007). Even assuming the Board’s finding of
    Wendus’s “strong preference” for a one-stage turbine was
    supported by substantial evidence, the Board does not ad-
    equately explain why an artisan more concerned with fuel
    efficiency rather than engine weight or cost would have
    credited this “strong preference” for a one-stage turbine
    over the known fuel efficiency advantage that a two-stage
    turbine offers. “[A] given course of action often has simul-
    taneous advantages and disadvantages, and this does not
    necessarily obviate motivation to combine.” Medichem, 
    437 F.3d at 1165
    The Board quoted DePuy Spine, 
    567 F.3d at 1326
    , that
    “[a]n inference of nonobviousness is especially strong
    where the prior art’s teachings undermine the very reason
    being proffered as to why a person of ordinary skill would
    have combined the known elements.” Final Written Deci-
    sion at *12. But the Board made findings echoing the rea-
    sons for combination that GE proffered—that an artisan
    would have combined Wendus and Moxon because a two-
    stage turbine “would have predictably yielded lower me-
    chanical stresses and thereby lowered the risk of compo-
    nent failure in the high pressure turbine, and would also
    increase efficiency.” Id. at *8. And the Board makes no
    findings that Wendus contradicts this conclusion. Unless
    the Board can show how Wendus teaches that a two-stage
    turbine would not lower mechanical stresses or improve
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74     Page: 30    Filed: 12/23/2020
    fuel efficiency, adequately contradicting its own explicit,
    supported findings that a two-stage turbine would do so,
    the Board lacks substantial evidence for its conclusion that
    GE did not establish a motivation to combine Wendus and
    Finally, the Board lacked substantial evidence for hold-
    ing that GE did not establish the obviousness of claim 10
    “as a whole.” Final Written Decision at *14. The Board
    faulted GE for not “provid[ing] a persuasive motivation or
    justification for why a person of ordinary skill in the art,
    when modifying the Wendus [advanced] engine to include
    a two-stage high pressure turbine, would maintain the
    other claimed parameters within the scope of claim 10.” Id.
    at *15. In particular, the Board criticized GE for failing to
    “provide a reason why a person of ordinary skill in the art
    would maintain the low pressure turbine stage count be-
    tween 3 and 6, and the low pressure turbine pressure ratio
    greater than about 5, when incorporating a two-stage high
    pressure turbine in the Wendus [advanced] engine.” Id.
    at *16.
    The Board’s decision misunderstands the requirement
    to show obviousness of the claim as a whole. We have ex-
    plained that the purpose of this requirement is to prevent
    a patent challenger from merely showing that all elements
    of the claim exist, without showing why an artisan might
    combine the elements. See Princeton Biochemicals, Inc. v.
    Beckman Coulter, Inc., 
    411 F.3d 1332
    , 1337 (Fed. Cir.
    2005). But the law has always evaluated the motivation to
    combine elements based on the combination of prior art ref-
    erences that together disclose all of the elements of the in-
    vention. Cf. Unigene Labs., Inc. v. Apotex, Inc., 
    655 F.3d 1352
    , 1361 (Fed. Cir. 2011) (“[T]he claimed invention is not
    obvious if a person of ordinary skill would not select and
    combine the prior art references to reach the claimed com-
    position or formulation.” (emphasis added)). In contrast,
    Case: 19-1319    Document: 74     Page: 31    Filed: 12/23/2020
    the Board’s approach would require a motivation to com-
    bine each element of the claim—even those present to-
    gether in a reference. This analysis unduly dissects prior
    art references into collections of individual elements, re-
    quiring a party showing obviousness to re-do the work al-
    ready done in the prior art reference. The claimed
    invention and an invention in the prior art must both be
    analyzed as a whole for the same reason: an invention is
    more than the sum of its individual elements.
    This does not change when combining prior art refer-
    ences would require some alteration of the apparatuses dis-
    closed in the prior art. The Board justified the need to show
    motivation to combine each element of claim 10 with its
    finding that “incorporating a two-stage high pressure tur-
    bine within the Wendus [advanced] engine would likely
    lead to changes to other components in the engine.” Final
    Written Decision at *16. But “‘[a] person of ordinary skill
    is also a person of ordinary creativity, not an automaton,’
    so the fact that it would take some creativity to carry out
    the combination does not defeat a finding of obviousness.”
    Facebook, Inc. v. Windy City Innovations, LLC, 
    953 F.3d 1313
    , 1333 (Fed. Cir. 2020) (quoting KSR Int’l Co. v. Tele-
    flex Inc., 
    550 U.S. 398
    , 421 (2007)).
    We fail to accept the Board’s evidence that GE did not
    establish motivation to combine Wendus and Moxon to
    achieve the elements of claim 10 as a whole. Wendus meets
    all the elements of claim 10 except for the two-stage high-
    pressure turbine, which Moxon discloses. GE does not
    merely identify each claim element as present in Wendus
    and Moxon. Instead, GE’s obviousness theory combines
    the elements disclosed in Wendus’s advanced engine with
    Moxon’s teaching of a two-stage high-pressure turbine to
    attain better turbine reliability and efficiency. And the
    Board did not adopt Raytheon’s argument that GE did not
    show a reasonable expectation of success in combining
    Wendus and Moxon. Final Written Decision at *16.
    Case: 19-1319      Document: 74      Page: 32   Filed: 12/23/2020
    It does not matter that GE did not explain why an ar-
    tisan would be motivated to use each element disclosed in
    Wendus. That Wendus treats the claim parameters as de-
    sirable is enough motivation for an artisan to combine
    them with a two-stage turbine, as long as the artisan can
    make the combination with a reasonable expectation of
    success. For that reason, the Board’s finding that GE did
    not show the obviousness of claim 10 “as a whole” lacks
    substantial evidence.
    We have considered the parties’ remaining arguments;
    we find them unpersuasive. 6 Because the Board lacked
    substantial evidence for its underlying factual conclusions
    from which it found claims 10–14 of the ’920 patent non-
    obvious, we vacate the Board’s decision and remand the
    case to the Board for further proceedings consistent with
    this opinion.
    Costs to appellant.
    6  We decline to reach GE’s legal arguments on estop-
    pel because the Board found that claims 10–14 are patent-
    ably distinct from claim 9. Final Written Decision at *4.
    We leave it to the Board’s discretion on remand to deter-
    mine whether our opinion changes its conclusion in this re-
    spect. If the Board determines it proper to revisit its
    conclusion, it should determine whether claims 10–14 “pre-
    sent materially different issues that alter the question of
    patentability, making them patentably distinct from”
    claim 9. MaxLinear, Inc. v. CF CRESPE LLC, 
    880 F.3d 1373
    , 1378 (Fed. Cir. 2018).