In Re FERNANDEZ ( 2020 )

  • Case: 19-1334    Document: 47    Page: 1    Filed: 02/06/2020
    NOTE: This disposition is nonprecedential.
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    Appeal from the United States Patent and Trademark
    Office, Patent Trial and Appeal Board in No. 11/385,054.
    Decided: February 6, 2020
    DENNIS S. FERNANDEZ, Fernandez & Associates, LLP,
    Atherton, CA, pro se.
    MONICA BARNES LATEEF, Office of the Solicitor, United
    States Patent and Trademark Office, Alexandria, VA, for
    appellee Andrei Iancu. Also represented by THOMAS W.
    Before REYNA, TARANTO, and STOLL, Circuit Judges.
    Pro se appellant Dennis S. Fernandez appeals from a
    decision of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board affirming an
    examiner’s rejection of Fernandez’s applied-for claims as
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    obvious.   Because substantial evidence supports the
    Board’s obviousness determination, we affirm.
    Inventor Fernandez filed U.S. Patent Application
    No. 11/385,054 (“the ’054 application”) with the United
    States Patent and Trademark Office on March 20, 2006.
    The ’054 application is directed to implantable network-bi-
    osensors and software for monitoring and analyzing biolog-
    ical hosts. According to the ’054 application, biosensors
    and software were both known in the art but were not eas-
    ily integrated or reconfigurable. The ’054 application aims
    to overcome this difficulty by disclosing “an integrated bio-
    sensor-simulation system” that encompasses sensors with
    a software platform and that provides the user with a di-
    agnosis or proposed therapy.
    Figure 1(a), reproduced below, illustrates an implanta-
    ble network biosensor.
    J.A. 106.
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    IN RE: FERNANDEZ                                           3
    Central to this appeal are the “simulation” and “recon-
    figurable” limitations of independent claim 11 of the ’054
    application. Claim 11 recites:
    11. Implantable network-biosensor comprising:
    a sensor unit for receiving a multi-sensor signal
    from a biosensor platform for detecting a bio-
    logical material of a host;
    a controller comprising multi-levels of incorpo-
    rations of computational and/or simulation
    data for processing a systems-biology plat-
    form for configuring said sensor unit and/or
    analyzing said multi-sensor signal; and
    a wireless communication unit, whereby said
    multi-sensor signal and/or data generated by
    said controller could be communicated wire-
    lessly with external sources, devices or ser-
    vices, from which a suggested diagnosis or
    therapy is accessible to patients or medical
    wherein the suggested diagnosis or therapy is
    generated automatically by the controller
    running the systems-biology platform as a
    computer-automated multi-model simulation
    application that computationally models a di-
    agnostic or therapeutic computer-modeling of
    the biological material or host automatically
    in response to the multi-sensor signal repre-
    senting actually sensed stimuli to the biologi-
    cal material or host, whereby the systems-
    biology platform automatically simulates to
    generate the diagnostic or therapeutic sugges-
    tion in response to the actually sensed multi-
    sensor signal stimuli using computationally
    modeled simulation of the biological material
    or host as a whole biological system using
    Case: 19-1334     Document: 47      Page: 4    Filed: 02/06/2020
    4                                            IN RE: FERNANDEZ
    multiple levels of simulation modeling; [i.e.,
    the “simulation limitation”]
    wherein the sensor unit couples to the systems-
    biology platform via a hardware-reconfigura-
    ble logical interconnect, thereby enabling sig-
    nal switching of such interconnect that is
    logically multiplexed between the sensor unit
    and the systems-biology platform, such that
    the systems-biology platform provides elec-
    tronic feedback automatically to reconfigure
    the hardware-reconfigurable logical intercon-
    nect according to the computationally mod-
    eled simulation of the biological material or
    host as a whole biological system using both
    multifunctional sensing by the sensor unit
    and multiple levels of simulation modeling by
    the systems-biology simulation unit [i.e., the
    “reconfiguration limitation”].
    J.A. 2682-2683 (disputed limitations emphasized).
    The examiner rejected appellant’s claims 11-12, 15, 18,
    21, 32-33 and 35 as obvious over Arent 1 in view of Petrella 2,
    Parker 3, Brown 4, and Halperin 5. Arent discloses an im-
    plantable medical device for real-time monitoring of a
    host’s physiological parameters at multiple anatomical lo-
    cations. The device can also be mounted externally on the
    1  U.S. Patent No. 6,358,202 BA.
    2  U.S.    Patent Application      Publication No.
    2003/0184577 A1.
    3   U.S. Patent No. 6,997,882 B1.
    4   U.S. Patent No. 7,167,818 B2 (“Brown ’818”) and
    U.S. Patent No. 7,877, 274 B2 (“Brown ’274”). Hereinafter,
    Brown ’818 and Brown ’274 will be referred to as “Brown.”
    5   U.S. Patent No. 5,810,735.
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    IN RE: FERNANDEZ                                          5
    host. The examiner found, and no party disputes, that Ar-
    ent discloses most of the limitations in claim 11. The only
    two limitations that Arent does not disclose are the simu-
    lation and reconfigurable limitations emphasized above.
    The examiner found that Petrella, Parker, and Brown
    each disclose the simulation limitation. Petrella discloses
    a method of using simulation to analyze a prosthetic de-
    vice. Parker discloses a device and method that uses sim-
    ulation to monitor and analyze a host’s movements and
    physiological status. Brown discloses a system that moni-
    tors the physiological status of a host through monitoring
    certain parameters, such as blood glucose and blood pres-
    sure. The Brown system also simulates and predicts the
    effects of an action on a disease parameter.
    The examiner found that Halperin discloses the recon-
    figuration limitation. Halperin discloses a system for long-
    term monitoring of a host’s physiological status through
    sensors and a monitoring apparatus. In a preferred em-
    bodiment, Halperin teaches that a sensor is implanted in
    the host and the data collected from the sensor can be used
    to “adaptively reconfigure or change the functioning of the
    implanted device.” J.A. 2839. The examiner found that a
    person of ordinary skill in the art (“POSITA”) would have
    been motivated to combine the five references with a rea-
    sonable expectation of success.
    The Board affirmed the examiner’s rejection of claim
    11 as obvious and adopted the findings and rationale pro-
    vided by the examiner. Fernandez appeals the Board’s de-
    termination. This court has jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C.
    § 1295(a)(4) and 35 U.S.C. § 141.
    Fernandez challenges the Board’s obviousness rejec-
    tion on three separate grounds. First, Fernandez chal-
    lenges the Board’s findings as to the scope and content of
    Petrella.   Second, Fernandez challenges the Board’s
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    motivation-to-combine finding by arguing that Halperin
    teaches away from the claimed invention. Third, Fernan-
    dez argues that the Board failed to articulate a motivation
    to combine the references.
    We review the Board’s factual determinations for sub-
    stantial evidence and its legal determinations de novo. Li-
    qwd, Inc. v. L’Oreal USA, Inc., 
    941 F.3d 1133
    , 1136 (Fed.
    Cir. 2019). Whether an invention would have been obvious
    is a legal conclusion based on underlying factual findings.
    Graham v. John Deere Co., 
    383 U.S. 1
    , 17-18 (1966). De-
    terminations about the scope and content of prior art, and
    whether an artisan would be motivated to modify prior art
    with a reasonable expectation of success, are questions of
    Id. I. Fernandez
    argues that the Board erred when it
    adopted the examiner’s findings as to the scope and content
    of Petrella. Fernandez asserts that the Board should have
    engaged in its own analysis of Petrella and rendered its
    own factual findings. We reject this argument. As this
    court has explained:
    It is commonplace in administrative law for a re-
    viewing body within an agency to adopt a fact-find-
    ing body’s findings. On judicial review, the adopted
    material is treated as if it were part of the review-
    ing body’s opinion. This court does the same in the
    case of Board opinions adopting patent examiners’
    In re Cree, Inc., 
    818 F.3d 694
    , 698 n. 2 (Fed. Cir. 2016) (in-
    ternal citations omitted); see also In re Hyatt, 
    211 F.3d 1367
    , 1370-71 (Fed. Cir. 2000); In re Kulling, 
    897 F.2d 1147
    , 1149 (Fed. Cir. 1990).
    Fernandez also argues that in adopting the examiner’s
    findings, the Board erred by improperly shifting the bur-
    den to Fernandez to prove patentability. This is not true.
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    IN RE: FERNANDEZ                                             7
    When examining patent claims, the examiner has the ini-
    tial burden to set out a prima facie case that the claims at
    issue are obvious over the prior art. ACCO Brands Corp.
    v. Fellowes, Inc., 
    813 F.3d 1361
    , 1365 (Fed. Cir. 2016). The
    burden then shifts to the applicant to produce evidence or
    argument supporting patentability. 
    Id. Here, the
    did not shift the burden to Fernandez but instead found
    that the examiner made out his prima facie case and that
    Fernandez failed to rebut it.
    Fernandez next argues that even if the Board articu-
    lated sufficient factual findings, Petrella does not disclose
    the simulation limitation because it does not control a pros-
    thetic device. The examiner found that Petrella discloses a
    method for controlling a prosthetic device. Fernandez did
    not challenge this factual finding before the Board and in-
    stead raised it for the first time in its opening brief in this
    appeal. Therefore, Fernandez waived this argument. In re
    354 F.3d 1362
    , 1367 (Fed. Cir. 2004) (“[I]it is im-
    portant that the applicant challenging a decision not be
    permitted to raise arguments on appeal that were not pre-
    sented to the Board. We have frequently declined to hear
    arguments that the applicant failed to present to the
    Fernandez argues that claim 11 is not obvious because
    Halperin teaches away from the claimed invention. He as-
    serts that Halperin teaches “against a solely internal sys-
    tem-biology monitoring platform and require[s] an external
    monitoring system.” Appellant Br. 25 (emphasis in origi-
    nal). We reject this argument. Fernandez’s claimed inven-
    tion is not limited to a solely internal system-biology
    monitoring platform. Claim 11 provides that the biosensor
    comprising a monitoring platform be “implantable.” It does
    not state that the biosensor must be implanted. Addition-
    ally, the specification of the ’054 application indicates that
    the “implantable network biosensor” can “also operate
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    8                                           IN RE: FERNANDEZ
    without being implanted” and can function “through exter-
    nal contact or attachment thereto.” J.A. 33. Accordingly,
    Halperin’s external monitoring system does not conflict
    with or teach away from claim 11.
    Lastly, Fernandez summarily argues that substantial
    evidence does not support the Board’s finding of a motiva-
    tion to combine. We disagree.
    As an initial matter, Fernandez argues that the Board
    erred because it “rubber stamped” the examiner’s motiva-
    tion-to-combine finding and did not present its own. As
    noted above, the Board may adopt the examiner’s factual
    findings and analysis as its own. In re Cree, 
    Inc., 818 F.3d at 698
    n. 2. Here, the Board adopted the examiner’s moti-
    vation-to-combine finding. Because this finding was sup-
    ported by substantial evidence, the Board committed no
    reversable error.
    No party disputes that Arent discloses all of claim 11’s
    limitations except for the simulation and reconfigurable
    limitations. Regarding the simulation limitation, the ex-
    aminer found that Arent meets most of this limitation’s re-
    quirements, including a biosensor that interacts
    physiologically with the host, collects data, and produces a
    therapeutic response such as the monitoring or controlling
    of artificial organs and prosthetic devices and the dispens-
    ing of medicine. The examiner noted that what was miss-
    ing from Arent was disclosure of computational modeling
    necessary to process Arent’s data. The examiner found
    that Petrella, Parker, and Brown all disclose methods of
    computational modeling for controlling prosthetics, artifi-
    cial organs, and monitoring of a host’s vitals. The examiner
    explained that a POSITA would have been motivated to
    combine the known data processing of computational mod-
    eling taught by these three references with Arent’s inven-
    tion because, in order to perform the functions taught by
    Arent, “a required amount of data processing is necessary.”
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    IN RE: FERNANDEZ                                          9
    This is substantial evidence that supports the examiner’s
    motivation-to-combine finding for the simulation limita-
    Regarding the reconfiguration limitation, the examiner
    found that Arent does not explicitly disclose a reconfigura-
    ble sensor. The examiner, however, found that Arent sug-
    gests this limitation because Arent discloses implantable
    devices capable of dispensing or delivering medicine. The
    examiner explained that Arent teaches the delivery or dis-
    pensing of medicine based on the host’s current conditions.
    The examiner also found that a POSITA would have recog-
    nized that because a host’s conditions change, an implant-
    able device that dispenses medicine would need to be
    reconfigured. As a result, the examiner found that a
    POSITA would have been motivated to combine Halperin’s
    reconfigurable and reprogrammable implantable sensor
    with the implantable biosensor network system disclosed
    by the combination of Arent, Petrella, Parker, and Brown.
    Taken together, this is substantial evidence that supports
    the examiner’s motivation-to-combine finding for the re-
    configuration limitation.
    We have considered Fernandez’s other arguments and
    find them unpersuasive. We affirm.
    No costs.