Caquelin v. United States ( 2020 )

  • Case: 19-1385   Document: 124    Page: 1   Filed: 05/29/2020
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    Appeal from the United States Court of Federal Claims
    in No. 1:14-cv-00037-CFL, Senior Judge Charles F. Lettow.
    Decided: May 29, 2020
    THOMAS SCOTT STEWART, Stewart Wald & McCulley,
    LLC, Kansas City, MO, argued for plaintiff-appellee. Also
    Louis, MO.
    ERIKA KRANZ, Environment and Natural Resources Di-
    vision, United States Department of Justice, Washington,
    DC, argued for defendant-appellant. Also represented by
    ANDREA CAROL FERSTER, Rails-To-Trails Conservancy,
    Washington, DC, for amicus curiae Rails-To-Trails Con-
    Case: 19-1385     Document: 124    Page: 2     Filed: 05/29/2020
    2                                 CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES
    MEGHAN SUE LARGENT, LewisRice LLC, St. Louis, MO,
    for amici curiae Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, Illinois Ag-
    ricultural Association, Kansas Farm Bureau, Missouri
    Farm Bureau Federation. Also represented by LINDSAY
    MARK F. HEARNE, II, True North Law Group, LLC, St.
    Louis, MO, for amici curiae National Association for Rever-
    sionary Property Owners, Cato Institute, Southeastern Le-
    gal        Foundation,         Reason          Foundation,, James W. Ely, Jr. Also repre-
    sented by STEPHEN S. DAVIS.
    Before PROST, Chief Judge, LINN and TARANTO, Circuit
    TARANTO, Circuit Judge.
    Norma Caquelin owns land that was subject to a rail-
    road-held easement limited to railroad use. The railroad
    applied to the federal Surface Transportation Board for
    permission to abandon its rail line, noting that it had run
    no traffic over the line for two years. Shortly thereafter,
    the Board granted the permission to abandon, to take effect
    a month later, unless, as relevant here, the federal-law pro-
    cess for considering use of the easement land for a public
    recreational trail was duly invoked. That process was in-
    voked, and two days before the abandonment permission
    was otherwise to take effect, the Board issued a Notice of
    Interim Trail Use or Abandonment (NITU). The NITU pre-
    vented effectuation of the abandonment-authority ap-
    proval and thus blocked abandonment—and, as a result,
    blocked the ending of the railroad’s easement, for which
    abandonment was a necessary condition—for 180 days,
    during which the railroad could negotiate to try to reach an
    agreement with two entities that expressed interest in a
    transfer of the easement for trail use. The NITU expired
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    CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES                               3
    on the 180th day when no such agreement was reached.
    The railroad completed its abandonment three months
    Ms. Caquelin sued the United States in the Court of
    Federal Claims, alleging that a taking in violation of the
    Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause occurred when the gov-
    ernment, by issuing the NITU that blocked abandonment,
    prevented termination of the easement during the 180-day
    period of the NITU. The trial court granted Ms. Caquelin’s
    motion for summary judgment of liability. Caquelin v.
    United States, 
    121 Fed. Cl. 658
     (2015) (Caquelin I). The
    court relied on our decisions in Ladd v. United States,
    630 F.3d 1015
     (Fed. Cir. 2010) (Ladd I), Caldwell v. United
    391 F.3d 1226
     (Fed. Cir. 2004), and Barclay v.
    United States, 
    443 F.3d 1368
     (Fed. Cir. 2006). The parties
    stipulated to compensation of $900. Deferring the issue of
    attorneys’ fees, the court entered judgment under Court of
    Federal Claims Rule 54(b).
    The government appealed. It argued that this court
    should overrule at least Ladd I, and perhaps also Caldwell
    and Barclay. And it argued that a NITU, when not fol-
    lowed by a trail agreement, should not be treated as a cat-
    egorical taking; instead, either it should be subject to a
    general regulatory-taking analysis under Penn Central
    Transportation Co. v. City of New York, 
    438 U.S. 104
    , 124
    (1978), and Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council, Inc. v. Ta-
    hoe Regional Planning Agency, 
    535 U.S. 302
    , 321–24
    (2002), or it should be analyzed using the multi-factor ap-
    proach adopted for government-created flooding in Arkan-
    sas Game & Fish Commission v. United States, 
    568 U.S. 23
    , 38–40 (2012).
    Without ruling on the merits of the government’s argu-
    ments, we remanded for the trial court to receive additional
    evidence, as needed, and to make findings under an Arkan-
    sas Game approach, so that consideration of the legal chal-
    lenges could proceed on a fuller record. Caquelin v. United
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    4                                 CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES
    States, 697 F. App’x 1016, 1019–20 (Fed. Cir. 2017)
    (Caquelin II). On remand, the trial court again held that a
    taking had occurred. Caquelin v. United States, 
    140 Fed. Cl. 564
     (2018) (Caquelin III).
    The government appeals. We affirm. We reject the
    contention that Arkansas Game calls for displacing the cat-
    egorical-taking analysis adopted in our precedents for a
    NITU that blocks termination of an easement, an analysis
    applicable even when that NITU expires without a trail-
    use agreement that would indefinitely extend the federal-
    law blocking of the easement’s termination. We clarify,
    however, that a NITU does not effect a taking if, even in
    the absence of a NITU, the railroad would not have aban-
    doned its line (a necessary prerequisite for termination of
    the easement under state law) during the period of the
    NITU: in such a case, the NITU takes nothing from the
    landowner that the landowner would have had in the ab-
    sence of the NITU. We leave to future cases further ques-
    tions about that issue. Here, the government has not
    sought a remand for findings on when the railroad would
    have abandoned the line in the absence of a NITU, and the
    evidence permits a finding that abandonment would have
    occurred during the NITU period if the NITU had not is-
    The Transportation Act of 1920, ch. 91, § 402, 
    41 Stat. 456
    , 476–78, requires a rail carrier that intends to abandon
    or discontinue a railroad line to file an application with the
    Surface Transportation Board. See 
    49 U.S.C. § 10903
    49 C.F.R. §§ 1152.20
    –1152.22. A rail carrier qualifies for
    an exemption from certain requirements if it certifies that
    no local traffic has moved over the line for at least two
    years and that any overhead traffic can be rerouted over
    other lines. 
    49 C.F.R. § 1152.50
    (b). The National Trails
    System Act Amendments of 1983, Pub. L. No. 98-11, § 208,
    Case: 19-1385    Document: 124      Page: 5    Filed: 05/29/2020
    CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES                                 5
    97 Stat. 42
    , 48 (Trails Act), provides for blocking of “aban-
    donment,” however, despite the absence of any rail use,
    present or in prospect, if a proper entity agrees with the
    railroad to take over the rail right-of-way for trail use. 
    16 U.S.C. § 1247
    (d). Such trail use is deemed “interim,” 
    and the term “rail banking” is applied, 
    49 C.F.R. § 1152.29
    (a), because rail use might someday be restored.
    When a rail carrier applies for permission to abandon,
    as relevant here, the Board’s regulations provide that any
    prospective trail sponsor may file a comment indicating an
    interest “in acquiring or using a right-of-way of a rail line
    . . . for interim trail use and rail banking.” 
    49 C.F.R. § 1152.29
    (a). If the rail carrier agrees to negotiate an
    agreement with such a potential trail sponsor, the Board
    will issue to the rail carrier and potential trail sponsor a
    NITU providing for a 180-day negotiation period. 
    § 1152.29(d)(1); see also Preseault v. Interstate Commerce
    494 U.S. 1
    , 7 n.5 (1990) (Preseault I). Con-
    sistent with the limitation of potential outcomes recognized
    in the full name—“a Notice of Interim Trail Use or Aban-
    donment”—the NITU generally provides that the rail car-
    rier may, during the NITU period, continue the process of
    physical abandonment, i.e., may “discontinue service, can-
    cel any applicable tariffs, and salvage track and materials.”
    49 C.F.R. § 1152.29
    (d)(1); see also Preseault I, 
    494 U.S. at
    n.5. If the parties reach an agreement, and duly notify the
    Board, the right-of-way remains under Board jurisdiction
    indefinitely while used as a recreational trail, and state law
    may not treat that “interim use . . . as an abandonment of
    the use of such rights-of-way for railroad purposes.” 
    16 U.S.C. § 1247
    (d); see also Government Opening Br. 8 (noti-
    fication to Board of trail-use agreement “prevents a rail-
    road easement from being abandoned as it might otherwise
    under applicable law”). If the parties fail to reach an agree-
    ment, and the NITU expires, the rail carrier gains author-
    ity to abandon; that authority does not mandate
    abandonment, but if the rail carrier does not exercise the
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    6                                 CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES
    authority within a one-year period defined by regulation, it
    cannot abandon without filing a new request for abandon-
    ment authority. 
    49 C.F.R. § 1152.29
    (d)(1), (e)(2).
    In Preseault I, the Supreme Court held that, to the ex-
    tent that the application of the Trails Act results in a Fifth
    Amendment taking by preventing a property owner from
    regaining an unencumbered interest in the land subject to
    a right-of-way, the Tucker Act authorizes suit in the Court
    of Federal Claims. 
    494 U.S. at
    11–17. We subsequently
    held that establishment of a trail under the Trails Act re-
    sults in a Fifth Amendment taking when the original ease-
    ment granted to the rail carrier under state property law is
    not sufficiently broad in scope to encompass recreational
    trail use. Preseault v. United States, 
    100 F.3d 1525
    (Fed. Cir. 1996) (en banc) (Preseault II).
    In Caldwell, we addressed a statute-of-limitations
    question, and we “h[e]ld that the Fifth Amendment taking,
    if any, under the Trails Act is accomplished when an NITU
    is issued and state law reversionary interests that would
    otherwise take effect pursuant to normal abandonment
    proceedings are forestalled.” 
    391 F.3d at 1236
    id. at 1233
    (“The taking, if any, when a railroad right-of-way is con-
    verted to interim trail use under the Trails Act occurs when
    state law reversionary property interests that would other-
    wise vest in the adjacent landowners are blocked from so
    vesting.”). We followed that rule in Barclay, 
    443 F.3d at
    1373–74. Later, in Ladd I, we applied Caldwell and
    Barclay, along with the principle that “physical takings are
    compensable, even when temporary,” 630 F.3d at 1025 (cit-
    ing Hendler v. United States, 
    952 F.2d 1364
    , 1376 (Fed. Cir.
    1991)), and held that the Board’s issuance of a NITU effects
    a taking—“when state law reversionary property interests
    are blocked,” 
     at 1023—even if the rail carrier and po-
    tential trail sponsor never reached an agreement, so that
    no conversion to trail use occurred. 
     at 1022–25.
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    CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES                                   7
    This appeal is the second in this rails-to-trails case, see
    Caquelin II, 697 F. App’x 1016, which involves land now
    owned by Norma Caquelin in Franklin County, Iowa. The
    North Central Railway Association, Inc. and its predeces-
    sors had held an easement over the land since acquiring
    the easement by condemnation in 1870. J.A. 201–04;
    Caquelin III, 140 Fed. Cl. at 569. It is undisputed that the
    railroad’s interest was an easement. United States’ Pre-
    trial Memorandum of Contentions of Fact and Law at 21,
    Caquelin III, 
    140 Fed. Cl. 564
     (2018) (No. 1:14-cv-00037),
    ECF No. 50 (“Under Iowa law, the interest acquired in this
    segment was an easement.”); United States’ Cross-Motion
    for Summary Judgment and Memorandum in Support at 1,
    Caquelin I, 
    121 Fed. Cl. 658
     (2015) (No. 1:14-cv-00037),
    ECF No. 18. It is also undisputed that the easement was
    limited to rail use and that Norma Caquelin has owned the
    fee interest in the land subject to the easement since before
    the Board proceedings began in 2013.
    In May 2013, the railroad applied to the Board for au-
    thority to abandon the line. J.A. 1332–35. Invoking a pro-
    vision that exempts qualifying applicants from some
    requirements for such authority, 
    49 C.F.R. § 1152.50
    the railroad certified that it had not run trains over the rail
    line for at least two years, J.A. 1334. The railroad also cer-
    tified that the abandonment would be “consummated on or
    after the effective date of a Board decision.” J.A. 1333.
    On June 5, 2013, the Board sent a notice to the railroad
    indicating that, if the Board did not receive a trail-use/rail-
    banking request under 
    49 C.F.R. § 1152.29
    , the exemption
    would become effective on July 5, 2013, and that the rail-
    road could then abandon the rail line on that date.
    J.A. 1400; Caquelin III, 140 Fed. Cl. at 569–70. In late
    June, however, the Board received such a request—which
    the railroad supported—jointly submitted by a city and an
    organization. J.A. 1391–98; Caquelin III, 140 Fed. Cl.
    Case: 19-1385     Document: 124      Page: 8     Filed: 05/29/2020
    8                                  CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES
    at 570. On July 3, 2013, two days before the abandonment
    authority was set to take effect, the Board issued a NITU,
    which prevented the abandonment-authority approval
    from taking effect and instead gave the railroad 180 days
    (until December 30, 2013) to negotiate with the city and
    organization that had expressed interest in sponsoring a
    recreational trail on the land. J.A. 1403–06; Caquelin III,
    140 Fed. Cl. at 570. The NITU authorized the railroad,
    while the NITU was in effect, to “discontinue service and
    salvage track and related materials,” J.A. 1405, and, relat-
    edly, provided that “[i]f no agreement is reached [by De-
    cember 30, 2013], [the railroad] may fully abandon the
    line,” J.A. 1406. See Caquelin III, 140 Fed. Cl. at 570.
    The negotiating parties did not reach agreement dur-
    ing the 180-day negotiation period, and when the organiza-
    tion interested in operating a trail sought an extension of
    the NITU, the railroad declined to consent. Id. at 570. The
    NITU expired on December 30, 2013, and the railroad was
    authorized to abandon the line. See id. The railroad later
    notified the Board that, as of March 31, 2014, it had “exer-
    cised the authority granted [to it by the Board] . . . and fully
    abandoned the . . . rail line.” J.A. 1409; see Caquelin III,
    140 Fed. Cl. at 570–71.
    In January 2014, Ms. Caquelin sued the United States
    in the Court of Federal Claims. We have already described
    the trial court’s initial ruling, our remand for further de-
    velopment, and the trial court’s ruling on remand, namely,
    Caquelin III. See supra, pp. 3–4. In that remand ruling,
    rendered after a trial and now before us, the court summa-
    rized how takings doctrine should be applied in various cir-
    cumstances, Caquelin III, 140 Fed. Cl. at 573–78, and,
    based on that analysis, concluded that the Arkansas Game
    approach is “inapplicable,” id. at 578. It reiterated its ear-
    lier conclusion, which reflected this court’s holding in
    Ladd I, that the Board in this case effected a categorical
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    CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES                                 9
    taking, for the period of the NITU, because the NITU pre-
    vented the end of the easement by denying abandonment
    authority during that time—under governing state law,
    abandonment is a precondition to extinguishment of rail-
    road easement rights and reversion of easement-free rights
    to the relevant fee owner. See Iowa Code § 327G.76 (2020);
    Caquelin III, 140 Fed. Cl. at 578.
    The court went on to apply the Arkansas Game ap-
    proach on the assumption that it legally governed, an as-
    sumption we had directed the court to indulge for the sake
    of completeness of record development and analysis. The
    court determined that the NITU “blocked [Ms.] Caquelin’s
    reversionary interest in the property . . . for a total period
    of 180 days,” during which time “the NITU deprived [Ms.]
    Caquelin of all use of the land at issue.” Caquelin III,
    140 Fed. Cl. at 579. The court also determined that the
    Board “issued the NITU with intent to block Ms. Caquelin
    from any use of the corridor segment while a potential trail
    use was being negotiated,” and that “[t]he very purpose of
    the [Trails] Act is to effectuate a taking to preserve the op-
    tion for interim trail use and railbanking.” Id. at 580. Re-
    latedly, “the result of the NITU was foreseeable, as the very
    point of a NITU is to prevent a landowner’s reversionary
    interest from taking effect so the trail negotiating process
    can take place.” Id. As to the character of the land, and
    reasonable investment-backed expectations, the court
    found, “reclamation of the corridor plus tiling could put the
    land into productive use,” id. at 581, and such reclamation
    could have begun in July 2013 without the NITU, id.
    at 582–84. Finally, although the dollar value of use of the
    land was low, “the NITU act[ed] as a complete interference
    to the plaintiff’s use and enjoyment of their land,” which
    “would have reverted to [Ms.] Caquelin but for the issuance
    of the NITU.” Id. at 584.
    The government appeals. We have jurisdiction under
    28 U.S.C. § 1295
    Case: 19-1385    Document: 124      Page: 10     Filed: 05/29/2020
    10                                CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES
    We review the Court of Federal Claims’ legal conclu-
    sions de novo and its factual findings for clear error. Love
    Terminal Partners, L.P. v. United States, 
    889 F.3d 1331
    1340 (Fed. Cir. 2018). Whether a taking has occurred is a
    question of law based on factual underpinnings. Wyatt v.
    United States, 
    271 F.3d 1090
    , 1096 (Fed. Cir. 2001). The
    property rights of the parties in a rails-to-trails case are
    analyzed under the relevant state’s law, which in this case
    is Iowa law. Rogers v. United States, 
    814 F.3d 1299
    , 1305
    (Fed. Cir. 2015).
    The government accepts that the trial court’s judgment
    is supported by Ladd I, but it renews its two arguments
    that this court should no longer adhere to Ladd I. First, it
    contends, the Supreme Court’s decision in Tahoe-Sierra re-
    quires that the general regulatory-takings analysis of Penn
    Central be applied to assess whether a NITU is a taking
    when no trail-use agreement has been reached before it ex-
    pires, and that such a NITU should not be treated as a cat-
    egorical taking. Second, it contends, at a minimum we
    should replace the categorical approach with the multi-fac-
    tor approach of Arkansas Game—which shares certain fea-
    tures of the Penn Central analysis.
    Ladd I governs this panel’s decision unless we conclude
    that it has been superseded by an intervening Supreme
    Court decision. See, e.g., Lone Star Silicon Innovations
    LLC v. Nanya Technology Corp., 
    925 F.3d 1225
    , 1235
    (Fed. Cir. 2019); Troy v. Samson Mfg. Corp., 
    758 F.3d 1322
    1326 (Fed. Cir. 2014); Doe v. United States, 
    372 F.3d 1347
    1354 (Fed. Cir. 2004). The only post-Ladd I decision of the
    Supreme Court invoked by the government is Arkansas
    Game. We do not think, however, that Ladd I is incon-
    sistent with the decisions on which the government relies,
    including Arkansas Game. In this section, we explain this
    conclusion. (In the next section of this opinion, we clarify
    Case: 19-1385     Document: 124      Page: 11    Filed: 05/29/2020
    CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES                                 11
    a point not previously litigated or decided in our cases
    about when a taking occurs as a result of a NITU.)
    It is important to identify the nature of the government
    action at issue. The NITU in this case, as in similar cases,
    was a government action that compelled continuation of an
    easement for a time; it did so intentionally and with spe-
    cific identification of the land at issue; and it did so solely
    for the purpose of seeking to arrange, without the land-
    owner’s consent, to continue the easement for still longer,
    indeed indefinitely, by an actual trail conversion. The gov-
    ernment seems to accept, and in any event has not mean-
    ingfully contradicted, the foregoing characterization of the
    NITU as allowing occupation by someone other than the
    landowner. 1
    It is likewise not meaningfully disputed before us that,
    if the negotiations for a trail conversion had succeeded, the
    resulting indefinite federal-law continuation of the
    1    See Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United
    572 U.S. 93
    , 104–05 (2014) (“The essential features
    of easements—including, most important here, what hap-
    pens when they cease to be used—are well settled as a mat-
    ter of property law. An easement is a ‘nonpossessory right
    to enter and use land in the possession of another and ob-
    ligates the possessor not to interfere with the uses author-
    ized by the easement.’ Restatement (Third) of Property:
    Servitudes § 1.2(1) (1998). ‘Unlike most possessory estates,
    easements . . . may be unilaterally terminated by abandon-
    ment, leaving the servient owner with a possessory estate
    unencumbered by the servitude.’ Id., § 1.2, Comment d;
    id., § 7.4, Comments a, f. In other words, if the beneficiary
    of the easement abandons it, the easement disappears, and
    the landowner resumes his full and unencumbered interest
    in the land.”).
    Case: 19-1385     Document: 124      Page: 12     Filed: 05/29/2020
    12                                 CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES
    easement would have been a categorical taking, not an ac-
    tion whose evaluation under the Takings Clause requires
    a multi-factor analysis. See Ladd I, 630 F.3d at 1019 (“It
    is settled law that a Fifth Amendment taking occurs in
    Rails-to-Trails cases when government action destroys
    state-defined property rights by converting a railway ease-
    ment to a recreational trail, if trail use is outside the scope
    of the original railway easement.”). The NITU, which ex-
    pired without a trail agreement in this case, mandated con-
    tinuation of the easement for a shorter period, providing a
    right of occupation by someone other than the landowner
    and, the trial court found, barring the landowner from us-
    ing the ground burdened by the easement. Caquelin III,
    140 Fed. Cl. at 580. Ladd I, following Caldwell and Bar-
    clay, along with Hendler concerning temporary takings,
    held that this federal-law maintenance of an easement is a
    categorical, though temporary, taking, because, for tak-
    ings-law purposes, it is relevantly the same in character as
    the longer-duration coerced continuation of an easement
    that a NITU effects when a trail conversion takes place.
    This categorical treatment of a coerced easement that
    impairs the landowner’s right to exclude by allowing oth-
    ers’ occupation finds support in Supreme Court precedent.
    See Preseault I, 
    494 U.S. at 24
     (O’Connor, J., concurring)
    (“We recently concluded . . . that a taking would occur if the
    Government appropriated a public easement.” (citing Nol-
    lan v. Cal. Coastal Comm’n, 
    483 U.S. 825
    , 831–32 (1987)));
    483 U.S. at 832
     (a “permanent physical occupation”
    occurs “where individuals are given a permanent and con-
    tinuous right to pass to and fro, so that the real property
    may continuously be traversed, even though no particular
    individual is permitted to station himself permanently
    upon the premises”); Yee v. City of Escondido, 
    503 U.S. 519
    522, 523 (1992) (explaining that “[w]here the government
    authorizes a physical occupation of property (or actually
    takes title), the Takings Clause generally requires
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    CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES                                13
    compensation” and that “[this] category of cases requires
    courts to apply a clear rule”); Kaiser Aetna v. United States,
    444 U.S. 164
    , 179–80 (1979) (“[T]he ‘right to exclude,’ so
    universally held to be a fundamental element of the prop-
    erty right, falls within this category of interests that the
    Government cannot take without compensation”; “even if
    the Government physically invades only an easement in
    property, it must nonetheless pay just compensation.”); see
    also Dolan v. City of Tigard, 
    512 U.S. 374
    , 384 (1994)
    (“Without question, had the city simply required petitioner
    to dedicate a strip of land along Fanno Creek for public use,
    rather than conditioning the grant of her permit to rede-
    velop her property on such a dedication, a taking would
    have occurred. Nollan, 
    483 U.S. at 831
    . Such public
    access would deprive petitioner of the right to exclude oth-
    ers, ‘one of the most essential sticks in the bundle of rights
    that are commonly characterized as property.’” (quoting
    Kaiser Aetna, 
    444 U.S. at 176
    Tahoe-Sierra did not depart from that treatment of a
    coerced easement allowing physical occupation. The Court
    in Tahoe-Sierra held that the ordinary regulatory process
    subject to the Penn Central standard includes, as a neces-
    sary tool, a temporary moratorium on landowners’ develop-
    ment on their own land while the consideration of use-
    regulation possibilities is underway, and such a morato-
    rium should therefore be subject to a Penn Central analy-
    535 U.S. at
    321–44. Tahoe-Sierra involved neither a
    government creation or continuation of an easement nor
    any taking of a comparable recognized land interest to force
    the landowner to allow others on the land. Indeed, the
    court introduced its analysis by stressing the “distinction
    between physical takings and regulatory takings,” 
    id. at 321
    , and made clear that its ruling was addressing the
    latter only—namely, government “regulations that pro-
    hibit a property owner from making certain uses of her pri-
    vate property,” 
     at 321–22. The Court reiterated that
    Case: 19-1385    Document: 124      Page: 14     Filed: 05/29/2020
    14                                CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES
    “[w]hen the government physically takes possession of an
    interest in property for some public purpose, it has a cate-
    gorical duty to compensate the former owner,” including
    when the government takes a leasehold and occupies it
    even temporarily. 
    Id. at 322
    . The question in Tahoe-Si-
    erra, the Court stressed, was not about that, but about gov-
    ernment regulations of landowners’ own uses of their
     at 322–24.
    As we ruled in Casitas Municipal Water District v.
    United States, the Tahoe-Sierra analysis applies only in a
    regulatory-taking case. 
    543 F.3d 1276
    , 1296 (Fed. Cir.
    2008). And as Ladd I holds, a NITU like this one does not
    present a regulatory-takings case. 630 F.3d at 1022–25.
    Indeed, in the present context, “unless the [Board] attaches
    postabandonment conditions to a certificate of abandon-
    ment, the [Board’s] authorization of an abandonment
    brings its regulatory mission to an end.” Hayfield N. R.R.
    Co. v. Chicago & N. W. Transp. Co., 
    467 U.S. 622
    , 633
    (1984); see Preseault I, 
    494 U.S. at
    21–22 (O’Connor, J., con-
    curring). In the Board’s June 5, 2013 notice authorizing
    abandonment as of July 5, 2013, and in the NITU itself (the
    Notice of Interim Trail Use or Abandonment), the Board
    confirmed the absence of any federal regulatory interest ex-
    cept, as relevant here, the Trails Act interest in seeking to
    arrange an indefinite continuation of the easement, i.e., an
    indefinite taking. As the government acknowledged in the
    trial court, “[t]he only purpose of the NITU [was] to allow
    the railroad time to negotiate with a third party regarding
    railbanking and interim trail use under the Trails Act.”
    United States’ Reply in Support of Cross-Motion for Sum-
    mary Judgment at 2, Caquelin I, 
    121 Fed. Cl. 658
    (No. 1:14-cv-00037), ECF No. 20. Neither in Tahoe-Sierra
    nor any other case cited by the government did the Court
    treat as a “regulationf” subject to the Penn Central stand-
    ard a government action aimed only at securing a coerced
    easement for others to use the landowner’s land.
    Case: 19-1385     Document: 124     Page: 15    Filed: 05/29/2020
    CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES                               15
    In short, the purpose of the compelled maintenance of
    an easement in this NITU situation was simply to try to
    arrange for a longer-term taking. Tahoe-Sierra does not
    address such a situation. And such a situation does not fall
    within Tahoe-Sierra’s rationale that a moratorium on cer-
    tain uses of land by the landowner can be a necessary part
    of the process of making decisions about regulations of
    landowners’ own uses. For those reasons, Tahoe-Sierra
    does not show that Ladd I is incorrect.
    Nor does Arkansas Game show that Tahoe-Sierra now
    must be held to provide the governing standard or other-
    wise show that Ladd I is incorrect. In Arkansas Game, the
    Court reversed a ruling of this court that temporary gov-
    ernment-induced flooding could not be a taking. 
    568 U.S. at
    31–40. Reiterating its rejection of “the argument that
    government action must be permanent to qualify as a tak-
    id. at 33
    , the Court concluded that government-in-
    duced flooding was not immune from that principle. The
    Court explained that a number of facts could bear on
    whether particular government-induced flooding activities
    would constitute a taking, 
     at 36–39, but the Court
    stated its holding in terms of rejecting a categorical exemp-
    tion from Takings Clause liability: “We rule today, simply
    and only, that government-induced flooding temporary in
    duration gains no automatic exemption from Takings
    Clause inspection.” 
    Id. at 38
    We do not think that Arkansas Game implies that a
    non-categorical approach to finding a taking applies to the
    NITU situation at issue here—a mandated continuation of
    an easement, not to regulate the landowner’s conduct on
    her land, but only to buy time to arrange a permanent tak-
    ing by indefinite coerced maintenance of an easement. No
    such situation was involved in Arkansas Game and the
    Court did not call for a non-categorical approach to such a
    narrowly defined situation. Indeed, the Court reaffirmed
    Case: 19-1385    Document: 124      Page: 16     Filed: 05/29/2020
    16                                CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES
    the recognition of Tahoe-Sierra that “‘[w]hen the govern-
    ment physically takes possession of an interest in property
    for some public purpose, it has a categorical duty to com-
    pensate the former owner.’” Arkansas Game, 
    568 U.S. at 31
     (quoting Tahoe-Sierra, 
    535 U.S. at 322
    ) (emphasis
    added). In addition, the Court, pointing to several categor-
    ical-takings cases, stated that “the takings claims ap-
    proved in these cases were not confined to instances in
    which the Government took outright physical possession of
    the property involved.” Id. at 33.
    Arkansas Game did not involve government action to
    maintain a recognized formal legal interest in land (an
    easement) that limited the landowner’s interests, much
    less an action taken only to buy time to try to arrange a
    categorical taking. Nor did it involve government authori-
    zation of intrusions by persons other than a landowner.
    Rather, it involved intrusions by water, which the Court
    made clear form a broad class of situations having quite
    different characteristics, not neatly classified into subcate-
    gories, with many of the possible government-induced
    flooding actions comfortably characterized as the exercise
    of regulatory power of a public resource, where the burdens
    and benefits affect a broad segment of the public. See id.
    at 36–39; see also Br. for Respondent at 40–41, 44–45, Ar-
    kansas Game, 
    568 U.S. 23
     (2012) (No. 11-597), 
    2012 WL 3680423
    , at *40–41, *44–45. Government-induced flooding
    therefore comes within the rationale for more flexible tak-
    ings standards—recognition of “the nearly infinite variety
    of ways in which government actions or regulations can af-
    fect property interests.” Arkansas Game, 
    568 U.S. at 31
    The NITU situation involved here does not readily come
    within that rationale.
    Finally, as the government has observed in this case,
    the trial court, in applying the Arkansas Game factors pur-
    suant to our remand, relied in large part on the aspects of
    the NITU that are built into the Ladd I treatment of the
    NITU as a categorical taking. The additional findings
    Case: 19-1385     Document: 124     Page: 17   Filed: 05/29/2020
    CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES                              17
    focus on whether the particular portion of land burdened
    by the easement was capable of being productively used by
    Ms. Caquelin and when such use would have begun. See
    Caquelin, 140 Fed. Cl. at 581–84. As far as we have been
    shown, the only identified difference between applying Ar-
    kansas Game and the categorical-takings analysis is that
    the former might permit the government to mandate an
    easement, without giving rise to takings liability, as long
    as, during the time of the easement, the landowner could
    or would not have made productive use of the land on which
    the easement ran. We see nothing in Arkansas Game, or
    in other takings law to which we have been pointed, to sup-
    port such a result.
    We conclude that Ladd I remains governing precedent
    and has not been undermined by Arkansas Game in favor
    of a non-categorical approach.
    In the course of arguing for a multi-factor approach to
    the takings question here—an argument we reject for the
    reasons we have set forth—the government makes one
    much more limited contention. It suggests that a taking
    should not be found to have occurred during the period a
    NITU is in effect if, even in the absence of the NITU, the
    railroad would not have abandoned its rail line during that
    period. This causation-based suggestion amounts to a re-
    quest for a clarification of our case law on the timing of a
    NITU-based taking, to address a situation not presented or
    therefore ruled on in the Caldwell–Barclay–Ladd I line of
    Our discussion of this contention here is appropriately
    limited. The government does not seek a remand for find-
    ings on when the railroad would have abandoned its line
    had there been no NITU from July 3, 2013 to December 30,
    2013. Instead, it makes the legal suggestion just noted and
    simply asserts that there was no evidence that the railroad
    would have abandoned its line during that 180-day period
    Case: 19-1385    Document: 124      Page: 18     Filed: 05/29/2020
    18                                CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES
    had there been no NITU. At most, then, the government
    has presented only a request for a clarification of the legal
    standard—to incorporate an inquiry into when abandon-
    ment would have occurred in the absence of the challenged
    government action—together with an assertion of eviden-
    tiary insufficiency as to whether the railroad would have
    abandoned its line during the 180-day period. The precise
    timing is immaterial to liability if abandonment would
    have occurred during the NITU period, and there is no is-
    sue of damages here. 2 We agree with the government’s le-
    gal point but not its assertion of evidentiary insufficiency.
    It is a fundamental principle of takings law that a gov-
    ernment action is not a taking of property if, even in the
    absence of the challenged government action, the plaintiff
    would not have possessed the allegedly taken property in-
    terest. St. Bernard Parish Gov’t v. United States, 
    887 F.3d 1354
    , 1359–60, 1362 (Fed. Cir. 2018); see United States v.
    241 U.S. 119
    , 132 (1916). That causation principle
    focuses on comparing the plaintiff’s property interest in the
    presence of the challenged government action and the prop-
    erty interest the plaintiff would have had in its absence.
    See Preseault I, 
    494 U.S. at 24
     (O’Connor, J., concurring)
    (endorsing the proposition, acknowledged by the govern-
    ment, that “the existence of a taking will rest upon the na-
    ture of the state-created property interest that [the
    landowners] would have enjoyed absent the federal action
    and upon the extent that the federal action burdened that
    interest”). It reflects a causation principle hardly unique
    to takings law. See, e.g., Babb v. Wilkie, 
    140 S. Ct. 1168
    2  For example, it is immaterial here that there was
    a short gap between the date of issuance of the NITU
    (July 3, 2013) and the date on which the Board’s grant of
    abandonment authority would have taken effect (July 5,
    2013) had no NITU issued.
    Case: 19-1385     Document: 124     Page: 19    Filed: 05/29/2020
    CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES                               19
    1178 (2020) (explaining general but-for rule governing
    damages and certain other result-altering relief).
    The application of that causation principle to the NITU
    situation at issue is straightforward. The challenged gov-
    ernment action is the legally mandated maintenance of the
    easement through denying abandonment authority to the
    railroad. It is undisputed that, without abandonment by
    the railroad, the easement would remain. It follows that
    the NITU would not have altered the continuation of the
    easement during the NITU period—i.e., would not have
    caused the only alleged taking of property—if the railroad
    would not have abandoned the rail line during that period
    even in the absence of the NITU.
    The government stated at oral argument that our line
    of cases on NITUs and takings, growing out of Caldwell,
    does not foreclose applying the general causation principle
    in just this way. We agree. To begin with, this line of cases
    grows out of and seeks to follow Caldwell, and the conclud-
    ing statement of the holding in Caldwell by its terms incor-
    porates this causation inquiry: “We hold that the Fifth
    Amendment taking, if any, under the Trails Act is accom-
    plished when an NITU is issued and state law reversionary
    interests that would otherwise take effect pursuant to nor-
    mal abandonment proceedings are forestalled.” Caldwell,
    391 F.3d at 1236
     (emphasis added). The court used similar
    language at the outset of its analysis, stating that “when a
    railroad right-of-way is converted to interim trail use,” the
    taking, if any, occurs “when state law reversionary prop-
    erty interests that would otherwise vest in the adjacent
    landowners are blocked from so vesting.” 
    Id. at 1233
    phases added). This language incorporates the causation
    inquiry we have described. In Barclay, this court repeated
    the “would otherwise vest” language from Caldwell, see
    443 F.3d at 1373
    , and it subsequently explained
    that one of the plaintiffs admitted that, “after issuance of
    the NITU, ‘the easement continued in existence beyond the
    time when it otherwise would have been abandoned,’”
    Case: 19-1385    Document: 124     Page: 20     Filed: 05/29/2020
    20                               CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES
    concluding: “Thus, the NITU triggers accrual,” 
    id. at 1374
    (emphasis added). And in Ladd I, this court quoted the
    “otherwise would have been abandoned” language from
    Barclay in describing the legal rule being followed. 630
    F.3d at 1021.
    It is true that other language in Caldwell, Barclay, and
    Ladd I uses a shorter formulation referring simply to the
    NITU date as the date of taking. See, e.g., Caldwell,
    391 F.3d at 1235
     (“We therefore hold that the appropriate
    triggering event for any takings claim under the Trails Act
    occurs when the NITU is issued.”); Barclay, 
    443 F.3d at 1378
    ; Ladd I, 630 F.3d at 1020. But that language is
    better read so as not to run counter both to the fuller for-
    mulation and to basic causation principles. It can be read
    as a shorthand that applies where no party has pointed to
    any legally material difference between the NITU date of
    issuance (or expiration) and a date of abandonment in the
    but-for world in which there was no NITU. That was true
    in Caldwell, and it was also true in the follow-on cases of
    Barclay and Ladd I: nothing in those opinions suggests
    that a party in those cases argued to this court that, even
    in the absence of the NITU, the railroad would not have
    abandoned the rail line until some date that would make a
    difference to the outcome of the issue on appeal—whether
    timeliness, in Caldwell and Barclay, or liability for a tak-
    ing, in Ladd I. In that situation, the shorthand formula-
    tion simply reflects the lack of any difference in the case
    between the shorter formulation and the fuller formula-
    tion. Its presence in the cases should not erase the fuller
    formulation where the difference matters.
    These are circumstances calling for application of the
    principle that prior decisions do not establish controlling
    precedent on an issue “never squarely addressed.” Brecht
    v. Abrahamson, 
    507 U.S. 619
    , 631 (1993); see, e.g., Arthrex,
    Inc. v. Smith & Nephew, Inc., 
    880 F.3d 1345
    , 1349
    (Fed. Cir. 2018). We recognized and applied that principle
    in Ladd v. United States (Ladd II), where we held that the
    Case: 19-1385     Document: 124     Page: 21    Filed: 05/29/2020
    CAQUELIN   v. UNITED STATES                               21
    statement of the accrual rule in Caldwell and Barclay does
    not control where the facts give rise to an issue of suspend-
    ing the accrual, because “[n]either case addressed whether
    and under what circumstances the claim accrual suspen-
    sion doctrine should apply in Trails Act cases” and “there
    is no indication that the landowners in those cases” met the
    conditions for suspension. 
    713 F.3d 648
    , 654 (Fed. Cir.
    2013). The principle is especially applicable where the
    foundational case prominently states its holding in terms
    that already do account for the causation inquiry that is
    part of takings law. We conclude, therefore, that there is
    no taking until the time as of which, had there been no
    NITU, the railroad would have abandoned the rail line,
    causing termination of the easement that the NITU contin-
    ued by law.
    We decide no more on the doctrinal issue. Other ques-
    tions could well arise in the future, such as questions about
    whether the plaintiff or the government has the burden of
    production or persuasion on what the railroad would have
    done if there had been no NITU. With no request from the
    government for a remand for further proceedings on the
    but-for-NITU issue in this case, we do not address such
    questions here.
    The government suggests that there is insufficient evi-
    dence to support a finding that the railroad would not have
    abandoned the line at issue between July 3, 2013 and De-
    cember 30, 2013, even if no NITU had issued. We reject
    the suggestion. The government does not point to any evi-
    dence at all affirmatively indicating that the railroad
    would have delayed abandonment past December 30, 2013,
    had there been no NITU to interfere with the grant of au-
    thority of abandonment that was set to take effect on
    July 5, 2013. In the absence of any such evidence, there is
    no clear error in a contrary finding on the evidence of rec-
    ord in this case.
    Case: 19-1385     Document: 124      Page: 22      Filed: 05/29/2020
    22                                 CAQUELIN    v. UNITED STATES
    The railroad filed an application to abandon, indicating
    an affirmative intent to abandon. When it was asked for
    consent to an extension of the December 30 expiration date,
    it refused, confirming an interest in abandoning sooner ra-
    ther than later (in the absence of a promising negotiation
    for a trail agreement). It completed the abandonment just
    three months after December 31, 2013, the date on which
    it became legally authorized to abandon the line, suggest-
    ing a comparable time period had authority been granted
    as of July 5, 2013. The statute itself provides generally for
    authorization to remove track during the NITU, an author-
    ization that was included in the NITU here, suggesting an
    expectation of comparatively prompt completion of aban-
    donment. And there was evidence that the railroad in this
    case did remove track in 2012 or 2013, see J.A. 282, a pre-
    condition to abandonment-based easement termination
    under Iowa law, Iowa Code § 327G.76. In the absence of
    contrary evidence, this evidence suffices to support an in-
    ference that, had there been no NITU, the railroad would
    have completed abandonment during the period in which
    the NITU was in effect.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of
    the Court of Federal Claims.
    The parties shall bear their own costs.