Carpenter v. Wilkie ( 2020 )

  • Case: 19-2207   Document: 31     Page: 1   Filed: 04/22/2020
    NOTE: This disposition is nonprecedential.
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    Appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for
    Veterans Claims in No. 18-2404, Judge Amanda L. Mere-
    Decided: April 22, 2020
    PAUL MICHAEL SCHOENHARD, McDermott, Will & Em-
    ery LLP, Washington, DC, for claimant-appellant. Also
    represented by IAN BARNETT BROOKS.
    DAVID PEHLKE, Commercial Litigation Branch, Civil
    Division, United States Department of Justice, Washing-
    ton, DC, for respondent-appellee. Also represented by
    Case: 19-2207     Document: 31     Page: 2    Filed: 04/22/2020
    2                                       CARPENTER   v. WILKIE
    Office of General Counsel, United States Department of
    Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC.
    Before LOURIE, WALLACH, and HUGHES, Circuit Judges.
    LOURIE, Circuit Judge.
    Cecil Carpenter appeals from a decision of the Court of
    Appeals for Veterans Claims (“the Veterans Court”) deny-
    ing service connection. See Carpenter v. Wilkie, No. 18-
    2019 WL 2305860
    (Vet. App. May 31, 2019) (“Deci-
    sion”). Because Carpenter raises only factual issues over
    which we lack jurisdiction, we dismiss the appeal.
    Carpenter served on active duty in the U.S. Army from
    1984 to 1987. Carpenter’s service records reveal that he
    experienced numerous injuries during his service, includ-
    ing complaints of lower back pain, hip pain after being
    struck by a vehicle, a knee injury suffered during a softball
    game, and a back injury after falling while waxing a floor.
    His separation examination report documents no knee or
    spine conditions, symptoms, or other significant injuries.
    In the months after his separation, Carpenter complained
    of neck and knee pain, but VA examinations found his
    head, neck, and knees to be normal.
    In 2007, Carpenter filed a claim for benefits for a right
    knee condition, which was denied. In 2010, Carpenter filed
    a second claim for benefits for cervical spondylosis and
    right knee patella chondromalacia. Carpenter also filed a
    report from a private orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Allen, con-
    cluding that there is a “probable association” between Car-
    penter’s present conditions and the injuries suffered during
    his service. The Regional Office denied Carpenter’s claim,
    and he appealed to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (“the
    Case: 19-2207     Document: 31     Page: 3    Filed: 04/22/2020
    CARPENTER   v. WILKIE                                      3
    At a Board hearing, Carpenter testified that he told his
    examiner about his neck, back, and knee injuries during
    his separation examination, but the examiner failed to note
    them. He also testified that he separated his patella dur-
    ing the softball game in which he injured his knee and had
    not suffered any post-service knee injuries. Additionally,
    Carpenter’s wife testified that he had experienced knee,
    back, and neck pain during the entire 26 years for which
    she had known him.
    The Board reopened Carpenter’s claim and ordered a
    VA examination. The VA examiner determined that Car-
    penter’s present conditions were not related to his in-ser-
    vice injuries, concluding that it is most likely that
    Carpenter’s conditions, identified many years after his sep-
    aration, were the result of physical stress since his separa-
    tion. The Board denied Carpenter’s claims, and he
    appealed to the Veterans Court.
    The Veterans Court affirmed the Board’s decision. The
    court determined that the Board did not err in crediting the
    results of the VA examination over the statements of
    Dr. Allen. Decision at *4. Specifically, the court held that
    the Board did not err in determining that Dr. Allen’s opin-
    ions lack probative value because his opinions were based
    on Carpenter’s statements of continuity of neck and knee
    pain, which the Board determined were inconsistent with
    other evidence of record.
    Id. Carpenter appealed.
    Our jurisdiction to review decisions of the Veterans
    Court is limited. We may review a decision of the Veterans
    Court with respect to a rule of law or interpretation of a
    statute or regulation relied on by the Veterans Court in its
    decision. 38 U.S.C. § 7292(a). However, except with re-
    spect to constitutional issues, we may not review chal-
    lenges to factual determinations or challenges to the
    application of a law or regulation to the facts of a case.
    § 7292(d)(2).
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    4                                      CARPENTER   v. WILKIE
    On appeal, Carpenter argues that the Veterans Court
    erred in denying service connection for his knee and spine
    conditions. Specifically, Carpenter argues that the court
    failed to give him the benefit of the doubt as required by
    38 U.S.C. § 5107(b). Carpenter also argues that the court
    failed to credit the opinion of Dr. Allen and consequently
    imposed an improperly heightened burden on Carpenter to
    demonstrate continuity between his in-service injuries and
    his present conditions.
    The government responds that we lack jurisdiction to
    review the Veterans Court’s decision because Carpenter
    raises only factual issues on appeal—specifically, the
    Board’s credibility determinations and its weighing of the
    evidence in denying service connection.
    We agree with the government that Carpenter raises
    only factual challenges and we therefore lack jurisdiction
    over this appeal. Although Carpenter argues that the Vet-
    erans Court committed legal error by failing to give Car-
    penter the benefit of the doubt, § 5107(b) applies only when
    the evidence is approximately in equipoise. See Ortiz v.
    274 F.3d 1361
    , 1364–65 (Fed. Cir. 2001). Here,
    the Board did not determine that the evidence was approx-
    imately equal but rather that “the preponderance of evi-
    dence is against the claim.” J.A. 30. Accordingly, the
    benefit-of-the-doubt rule was not engaged, and Carpenter’s
    argument amounts to a request for this court to reweigh
    the evidence, which we lack jurisdiction to do.
    Carpenter similarly attempts to cast the Board’s credi-
    bility determinations as a legal error, arguing that the
    Board improperly discounted Dr. Allen’s report solely be-
    cause it was based on statements made by Carpenter.
    However, as the Veterans Court observed, the Board did
    not discount Dr. Allen’s opinion solely because it was based
    on Carpenter’s statements as Carpenter contends, but ra-
    ther because Carpenter’s statements themselves were con-
    tradicted by other evidence of record. Decision at *4. It is
    Case: 19-2207     Document: 31    Page: 5    Filed: 04/22/2020
    CARPENTER   v. WILKIE                                     5
    the appropriate role of the Board, as factfinder, to deter-
    mine the credibility of evidence. See Buchanan v. Nichol-
    451 F.3d 1331
    , 1337 (Fed. Cir. 2006). Here, the Board
    performed this role in determining that Carpenter’s state-
    ments were contradicted by other evidence and discounting
    Dr. Allen’s opinion accordingly, and its “credibility deter-
    mination is a question of fact beyond this court’s jurisdic-
    tion.” Gardin v. Shinseki, 
    613 F.3d 1374
    , 1380 (Fed. Cir.
    We have considered Carpenter’s remaining arguments
    but find them unpersuasive. For the foregoing reasons, we
    dismiss the appeal for lack of jurisdiction.