Johnson v. Opm , 664 F. App'x 919 ( 2016 )

  •        NOTE: This disposition is nonprecedential.
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    Petition for review of the Merit Systems Protection
    Board in No. SF-0831E-15-0377-I-1.
    Decided: November 3, 2016
    BRENDA JOHNSON, San Diego, CA, pro se.
    LAUREN MOORE, Commercial Litigation Branch, Civil
    Division, United States Department of Justice, Washing-
    ton, DC, for respondent. Also represented by BENJAMIN C.
    Before MOORE, WALLACH, and HUGHES, Circuit Judges.
    2                                          JOHNSON   v. OPM
    Brenda Johnson appeals the Final Order of the Merit
    Systems Protection Board (“MSPB”), which denied
    Ms. Johnson’s petition for review of an administrative
    judge’s Initial Decision denying as untimely her applica-
    tion for disability retirement annuity and affirmed the
    Office of Personnel Management’s (“OPM”) reconsidera-
    tion decision. See Johnson v. Office of Pers. Mgmt.,
    No. SF-831E-15-0377-I-1, 
    2016 WL 910505
    Mar. 9, 2016). We affirm.
    Between 1973 and 1990, Ms. Johnson was employed
    by several Federal Government agencies.        Resp’t’s
    App. 30–34. On May 5, 1990, Ms. Johnson resigned from
    her last federal position, 
    id. at 30,
    and subsequently
    withdrew the retirement contributions she made during
    her employment, 
    id. at 35–36.
        In July 2014, Ms. Johnson submitted a Statement of
    Disability to OPM seeking disability retirement annuity
    because of a right wrist injury that allegedly occurred in
    1984 as a result of her job duties with the Government.
    Id. at 37–51.
    The OPM responded by letter, stating that
    Ms. Johnson’s application did not include the required
    Standard Form 2801 (“SF-2801”), Application for Imme-
    diate Retirement. 
    Id. at 52.
    In August 2014, Ms. Johnson
    submitted the SF-2801 to complete her application. 
    Id. at 53–58.
         In December 2014, the OPM informed Ms. Johnson
    that “[t]he law requires that applications for disability
    retirement [annuity] be filed with OPM either prior to
    separation from the service or within one year thereafter,”
    unless the “former employee was mentally incompetent at
    the time of separation or became incompetent within one
    year thereafter.” 
    Id. at 59.
    Because “[r]eview of the
    record show[ed] that [Ms. Johnson] separated from the
    [f]ederal service on May 5, 1990” and “the applica-
    tion . . . was not filed with OPM until July 15, 2014,” the
    JOHNSON   v. OPM                                           3
    OPM informed Ms. Johnson that her application would be
    dismissed absent additional evidence that waiver was
    appropriate. Id.; see 
    id. at 61–62
    (dismissing Ms. John-
    son’s application). Ms. Johnson timely filed a reconsider-
    ation request, appending a physician’s consultation report
    and other documentation regarding her wrist injury, 
    id. at 65–77,
    but the OPM denied Ms. Johnson’s reconsidera-
    tion request on the same grounds, 
    id. at 81–83.
        Ms. Johnson appealed the OPM’s denial of her appli-
    cation to the MSPB. 
    Id. at 86.
    In its Initial Decision, the
    Administrative Judge affirmed the OPM’s denial of Ms.
    Johnson’s reconsideration request on all grounds. 
    Id. at 22–23.
    Ms. Johnson filed a petition for review of the
    Initial Decision. Johnson, 
    2016 WL 910505
    at ¶ 1. In its
    Final Order, the MSPB denied Ms. Johnson’s petition,
    holding that she “ha[d] not established any basis . . . for
    granting the petition for review,” and affirmed the Admin-
    istrative Judge’s Initial Decision. 
    Id. Ms. Johnson
    appealed. We have jurisdiction pursuant
    to 28 U.S.C. § 1295(a)(9) (2012).
    I. Standard of Review and Filing Requirements
    We set aside the MSPB’s decision only if it is
    “(1) arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or other-
    wise not in accordance with law; (2) obtained without
    procedures required by law, rule, or regulation having
    been followed; or (3) unsupported by substantial evi-
    dence . . . .” 5 U.S.C. § 7703(c) (2012). We review the
    MSPB’s legal conclusions de novo. Welshans v. U.S.
    Postal Serv., 
    550 F.3d 1100
    , 1102 (Fed. Cir. 2008).
    An application for disability retirement annuity must
    be filed with the OPM “before [an] employee . . . is sepa-
    rated from the service or within 1 year thereafter.”
    5 U.S.C. § 8337(b). That time limitation may be waived if,
    “at the date of separation from service or within 1 year
    4                                           JOHNSON   v. OPM
    thereafter,” the applicant was “mentally incompetent,”
    and “the application is filed with the [OPM] within [one]
    year from the date of restoration of . . . competency.” 
    Id. II. Ms.
    Johnson’s Application Was Untimely
    The sole issue before the court is whether the OPM
    properly rejected Ms. Johnson’s application as untimely, a
    conclusion that the MSPB affirmed. We agree that
    Ms. Johnson’s application was untimely.
    The record demonstrates, and the parties do not con-
    test, that Ms. Johnson separated from federal service on
    May 5, 1990. Resp’t’s App. 30. As a result, the statutory
    deadline for filing occurred on May 5, 1991. And because
    the facts are not in dispute, we must assess whether the
    MSPB properly applied the law to these undisputed facts.
    The MSPB properly concluded that the time limit in
    § 8337(b) barred Ms. Johnson’s application as untimely.
    Ms. Johnson filed her application in 2014, i.e., 23 years
    after the statutory filing deadline mandated by § 8337(b).
    As to waiver, the MSPB held that the evidence submitted
    by Ms. Johnson said nothing about her mental status at
    the time she ended her federal service, Johnson, 
    2016 WL 910505
    at ¶¶ 10−15, and nothing in the record warrants a
    different conclusion. 1 Thus, based on the record before it,
    the statute required the OPM to reject Ms. Johnson’s
    application as untimely, and the MSPB properly affirmed
    the OPM’s decision to do so.
    1   At various points in her informal brief, Ms. John-
    son appears to raise her mental status anew. See Pet’r’s
    Br. 3, 11, 18–19. However, she does not substantiate
    these assertions with evidence, and unsubstantiated
    assertions do not equal evidence. See Lucent Techs., Inc.
    v. Gateway, Inc., 
    580 F.3d 1301
    , 1327 (Fed. Cir. 2009)
    (“[S]peculation does not constitute substantial evidence.”
    (internal citations and quotation omitted)).
    JOHNSON   v. OPM                                         5
    Finally, Ms. Johnson alleges violations of the Federal
    Employee Compensation Act (“FECA”), 5 U.S.C. §§ 8101–
    8193, unspecified medical guidelines requiring that the
    patient reach maximum medical improvement (“MMI”)
    before a disability determination is reached, and viola-
    tions of the Civil Code of California, see Pet’r’s Br. 10;
    Johnson v. Office of Pers. Mgmt., No. 2016-2005, Docket
    No. 28 at 2–3 (Fed. Cir. Aug. 3, 2016); 
    id., Docket No.
    at 2–3 (Fed. Cir. Aug. 3, 2016). These arguments are
    meritless. First, the FECA precludes judicial review of
    decisions made by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to that
    statutory scheme. See 5 U.S.C. § 8128(b)(2) (stating that
    the Secretary’s actions under this subchapter are “not
    subject to review by . . . a court”). Second, the require-
    ments of unspecified medical guidelines do not supersede
    the filing requirements in § 8337(b), and even if they did,
    Ms. Johnson’s 2014 application still was filed more than
    one year after she reached MMI in 2006. Pet’r’s App. 4.
    Finally, California law is inapplicable because federal law
    (i.e., § 8337(b)) is determinative of Ms. Johnson’s appeal.
    See LaRochelle v. Office of Pers. Mgmt., 
    774 F.2d 1079
    1080 (Fed. Cir. 1985) (“OPM will consult state law where
    federal law is not determinative . . . .”).
    We have considered Ms. Johnson’s remaining argu-
    ments and find them unpersuasive. For these reasons,
    the Merit Systems Protection Board’s Final Order is
    No costs.

Document Info

Docket Number: 16-2005

Citation Numbers: 664 F. App'x 919

Filed Date: 11/3/2016

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 1/13/2023