Ibormeith Ip, LLC v. Mercedes-Benz USA , 732 F.3d 1376 ( 2013 )

  •   United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    District of New Jersey in No. 10-CV-5378, Judge Faith S.
    Decided: October 22, 2013
    PATRICK F. SOLON, Niro, Haller & Niro, of Chicago, Il-
    linois, argued for plaintiff-appellant. With him on the
    brief was OLIVER D. YANG.
    SCOTT W. DOYLE, Shearman & Sterling, LLP, of
    Washington, DC, argued for defendants-appellees. With
    him on the brief were JONATHAN R. DEFOSSE and MICHEL
    E. SOUAYA.
    Before LOURIE, PROST, and TARANTO, Circuit Judges.
    2                     IBORMEITH IP, LLC   v. MERCEDES-BENZ USA
    TARANTO, Circuit Judge.
    Ibormeith IP, LLC, the assignee of 
    U.S. Patent No. 6,313,749,
     appeals a district court’s grant of summary
    judgment of indefiniteness in favor of defendants Mer-
    cedes-Benz USA, LLC, and Daimler AG (collectively,
    “Mercedes”). We affirm.
    U.S. Patent No. 6,313,749,
     entitled “Sleepiness Detec-
    tion for Vehicle Driver or Machine Operator,” addresses
    the monitoring of conditions affecting, or behavior reflect-
    ing, a vehicle driver’s sleepiness and the issuing of a
    warning to the driver before the driving is unduly im-
    paired. ’749 patent, col. 1, lines 5-17; 
     at col 2, lines 55-
    62. The monitor disclosed in the patent may take into
    account multiple factors associated with sleepiness,
    including natural body-clock (circadian) rhythm, the
    magnitude and number of corrective steering actions the
    driver is taking, the cabin temperature, the monotony of
    the road, and how long the driver has been driving. 
    col. 2, lines 55-62; see 
     at col. 12, line 25 through line
    39. Some factors involve actions or conditions at the
    moment, like steering behavior and light conditions,
    which are measured by sensors in the vehicle. See 
    col. 3, lines 43-45; 
     at col. 6, lines 14-17; 
     at col. 6,
    lines 61-64. Others involve general or driver-specific
    background information, such as circadian rhythm or a
    driver’s recent sleep patterns and alcohol consumption,
    which are not measured by sensors but must be input into
    the monitor by other means (e.g., by the programmer or
    the driver). 
     at col. 3, lines 45-49. The factors are
    “individually weighted, according to contributory im-
    portance, and combined in a computational decision
    algorithm or model, to provide a warning indication of
     at col. 3, lines 39-42.
    Claims 1 and 9 of the ’749 patent are the two inde-
    pendent claims at issue. Both claims contain a “computa-
    IBORMEITH IP, LLC   v. MERCEDES-BENZ USA                 3
    tional means” element that is undisputedly subject to the
    requirements of 
    35 U.S.C. § 112
    (f) for claims to means of
    performing specified functions. 1 Claim 1 requires that the
    means take account of sleepiness-related time-of-day
    information to determine the likelihood of driver sleepi-
    ness and to produce an output that, according to a sepa-
    rate claim element, triggers a warning. ’749 patent, col.
    16, lines 21-30. Claim 1 reads:
    A sleepiness monitor for a vehicle driver, or ma-
    chine operator, comprising:
    a sensor for sensing a driver or operator
    control input;
    a memory for storing an operational model
    that includes a physiological reference
    model of driver or operator circadian
    rhythm pattern(s) and a vehicle or ma-
    chine operating model or algorithm;
    computational means for weighting the
    operational model according to time of day
    in relation to the driver or operator circa-
    dian rhythm pattern(s) and for deriving,
    from the weighted model, driver or opera-
    tor sleepiness condition and producing an
    output determined thereby; and
    a warning indicator triggered by the com-
    putational means output, to provide a
    1    When this case arose, what is now section 112(f)
    was designated paragraph 6 of 
    35 U.S.C. § 112
    .        The
    Leahy–Smith America Invents Act, Pub. L. No. 112-29,
    125 Stat. 284
     (2011), changed the internal organization of
    section 112. It made no other change of relevance to this
    appeal. For convenience we refer to section 112(f).
    4                     IBORMEITH IP, LLC   v. MERCEDES-BENZ USA
    warning indicator of driver or operator
     at col. 16, lines 13-30.
    Whereas claim 1 does not specify what driver conduct
    or other conditions may factor into the determination
    along with sleepiness-related time-of-day information,
    claim 9 focuses on the driver’s steering. Claim 9 reads:
    A sleepiness monitor for a driver and vehicle,
    a sensor for sensing a steering movement,
    about a reference position;
    a memory, for storing a circadian rhythm
    pattern or time-of-day physiological refer-
    ence profile of pre-disposition to sleepi-
    ness; and
    computational means for computing steer-
    ing transitions and weighing that compu-
    tation according to time of day, to provide
    a warning indication of driver sleepiness.
     at col. 16, lines 50-61.
    Ibormeith sued Mercedes for infringing claims 1, 5, 8,
    and 9 of the ’749 patent. Before and at a claim-
    construction hearing held on April 25, 2012, Mercedes
    argued that the means-plus-function “computational
    means” limitations in independent claims 1 and 9 were
    indefinite. (If so, the dependent claims 5 and 8 would also
    be invalid, because they incorporate the elements of
    independent claim 1.) The district court reserved its
    ruling on claim construction and indicated that a motion
    for summary judgment concerning indefiniteness should
    be pursued as a threshold issue. With the parties’ agree-
    ment, the court directed that expert discovery take place
    on that issue.
    IBORMEITH IP, LLC   v. MERCEDES-BENZ USA                   5
    That process occurred, and Mercedes moved for sum-
    mary judgment of indefiniteness. On September 5, 2012,
    after receiving the parties’ briefs, the district court ruled
    that the asserted claims were invalid because the “compu-
    tational means” limitations were indefinite. Ibormeith IP,
    LLC v. Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC, 
    889 F. Supp. 2d 677
    (D.N.J. 2012). The court granted summary judgment for
    To comply with section 112(f), the specification of
    Ibormeith’s patent has to disclose a structure for perform-
    ing the functions claimed in the “computational means”
    limitation, the statute providing that the claim limitation
    covers that disclosed structure and its equivalents. If
    there is no such structure, the claim limitation is indefi-
    nite, i.e., fails to “particularly point[] out and distinctly
    claim[]” the invention, because there is insufficient defini-
    tion of something that, by virtue of section 112(f), is
    incorporated into the claim. See, e.g., Function Media,
    LLC v. Google, Inc., 
    708 F.3d 1310
    , 1319 (Fed. Cir. 2013);
    Blackboard, Inc. v. Desire2Learn Inc., 
    574 F.3d 1371
    1382-83 (Fed. Cir. 2009). Ibormeith argued that the
    required structure is an algorithm, or any of several
    algorithms, it said could be found in three portions of the
    specification: (1) column 2, lines 55-62; (2) column 3, lines
    5-30; and (3) Table 10. Ibormeith, 889 F. Supp. 2d at 685.
    The district court held that those passages are inadequate
    to disclose the needed structure.
    As to claim 1, the district court concluded that the cit-
    ed passages did not disclose an algorithm for “weighting
    the operational model according to time of day in relation
    to the driver or operator circadian rhythm pattern(s) and
    for deriving from the weighted model, driver or operator
    sleepiness condition and producing an output determined
    thereby.” Id. at 685-91. The court explained that column
    2, lines 55-62, and column 3, lines 5-30, described the
    claimed functions but did “not disclose the algorithm by
    which the computational means performs those func-
    6                    IBORMEITH IP, LLC   v. MERCEDES-BENZ USA
    tions.” Id. at 685-86. The court also concluded that Table
    10 did not disclose an algorithm for performing all of
    claim 1’s “computational means” functions. Id. at 686-90.
    It reasoned that, although one skilled in the art might
    understand Table 10, along with Figures 3 and 17, to
    disclose a structure corresponding to the “weighting the
    operational model” function, Table 10 does not disclose an
    algorithm for deriving a score for “driver . . . sleepiness
    condition” or an “output.” See id. at 687-90. Even putting
    aside Ibormeith’s insistence that the various elements
    listed in Table 10 are merely options for inclusion in a
    calculation, the district court concluded: “Neither Table
    10 nor any other clearly identified portion of the specifica-
    tion states the steps to obtain the listed elements’ scores,
    or how to weight them according to their relative im-
    portance.” Id. at 687-88.
    The district court also concluded that claim 9’s “com-
    putational means” limitation was indefinite because the
    specification does not contain an algorithm that adequate-
    ly provides structure for the claimed functions. Id. at 691-
    93. The court reasoned that, although Table 10 appears
    to disclose an algorithm for the “computing steering
    transitions” function of claim 9, the specification “fails to
    disclose the steps necessary to actually perform that
    suggested algorithm.” Id. at 692. The court rejected
    Ibormeith’s argument that no algorithm is required for
    the “providing a warning indication” function because
    that function is intended to be carried out by a visual
    display panel (hardware) and not the computational
    means. Id. at 693. The court stated: the specification
    does “not explain how the monitor determines when the
    computation of steering transitions and time of day
    weighing leads to the issuance of a warning.” Id.
    Ibormeith appeals.     We have jurisdiction under 28
    U.S.C. 1295(a)(1).
    IBORMEITH IP, LLC   v. MERCEDES-BENZ USA                    7
    Ibormeith recognizes that the structure required for
    “computational means” in claims 1 and 9 must be an
    algorithm—a sequence of computational steps to follow—
    that must be found in the specification. See Typhoon
    Touch Techs., Inc. v. Dell, Inc., 
    659 F.3d 1376
    , 1384 (Fed.
    Cir. 2011); In re Freeman, 
    573 F.2d 1237
    , 1245 (C.C.P.A.
    1978). It is clear, as the district court ruled, that the only
    substantial question is whether such an algorithm is
    found in Table 10, along with Figures 3 and 17 and any
    other specification material that may clarify the meaning
    of Table 10. As Ibormeith agrees, whether there is ade-
    quate disclosure is a question of law that we decide de
    novo. Typhoon Touch, 
    659 F.3d at 1383
    Section 112(f) allows patentees to put structural de-
    tails into the specification and build into the literal cover-
    age of the claim a certain scope for equivalents in
    performing a defined function. See Chiuminatta Concrete
    Concepts, Inc. v. Cardinal Indus., Inc., 
    145 F.3d 1303
    1310 (Fed. Cir. 1998). The price of using this form of
    claim, however, is that the claim be tied to a structure
    defined with sufficient particularity in the specification.
    id. at 1308
    ; Functional Media, 708 F.3d at 1317;
    Typhoon Touch, 
    659 F.3d at 1383-84
    . For a claim to be
    definite, a recited algorithm, or other type of structure for
    a section 112(f) claim limitation, need not be so particu-
    larized as to eliminate the need for any implementation
    choices by a skilled artisan; but it must be sufficiently
    defined to render the bounds of the claim—declared by
    section 112(f) to cover the particular structure and its
    equivalents—understandable by the implementer. See
    AllVoice Computing PLC v. Nuance Comm’cns, Inc., 
    504 F.3d 1236
    , 1245-46 (Fed. Cir. 2007). Here, we conclude,
    the disclosed algorithm does not adequately define the
    IBORMEITH IP, LLC   v. MERCEDES-BENZ USA                9
    Related to the algorithm are Figures 3 and 17 of the
    ’749 patent. Figure 3 is a graph depicting the likelihood
    of falling asleep at different times during the day. ’749
    patent at Fig. 3; 
     at col. 5, lines 25-27. Figure 17,
    shown below, appears to reflect the same reference mod-
    els as Figure 3. It too depicts how sleepiness varies
    depending on time of day, but it includes three warning
    lines meant to represent warning threshold levels.
     at Fig. 17; 
     at col. 5, lines 50-52.
    In Ibormeith’s view, Table 10 identifies factors that
    may be related to driver drowsiness, but there is no
    disclosure of even a single concrete relationship between
    the various factors that are used to compute an outcome
    to warn of driver drowsiness. Ibormeith’s expert, Dr.
    Jochem, opined that the algorithm is not based on simple
    adding of already weighted inputs. In his expert report,
    Dr. Jochem described the disclosed computational means
    as an algorithm “template.” J.A. 617-18 ¶ 54 (“I believe
    that the patent authors meant for Table 10 to be used as a
    template for constructing a specific formula(s) or equa-
    tion(s) to compute sleepiness.”); see also J.A. 618 ¶ 57
    (explaining that while circadian rhythm pattern and
    corrective steering actions are mandatory factors for
    10                   IBORMEITH IP, LLC   v. MERCEDES-BENZ USA
    claims 1 and 9, respectively, “[t]he other terms are op-
    tional” and that “some terms are less important than
    others”); J.A. 621 ¶ 70 (“it is very important to note that it
    is obvious in the patent specification that the examples
    given are meant to be just that—examples of a possible
    way to implement the described algorithm”). He further
    stated that the ’749 patent requires one who implements
    the drowsiness detection system to determine which
    factors to use in the algorithm, how to obtain them, how
    to weight them (for example, by multiplication or addi-
    tion), how to combine them, and when to issue the warn-
    ing. See, e.g., J.A. 621 ¶ 71 (“the use of specific numerical
    values in the context of the algorithm description does not
    limit the algorithm to use only those values”); J.A. 662
    (testifying that the method of weighting, either by adding
    or multiplying, is determined by the implementer); J.A.
    686 (testifying at his deposition that the claim terms are
    optional); J.A. 660 (Dr. Jochem testifying that weighting
    could be performed by multiplication or a function that
    has some linear or nonlinear terms); J.A. 666 (Dr. Jochem
    testifying that weighting can mean “the value you would
    [as]sign to a constant value in an algorithm,” “the output
    of a function that has some linear and nonlinear terms,”
    or multiplication).
    In determining that the specification does not suffi-
    ciently disclose an algorithm providing the structure for
    “computational means,” we take Ibormeith and its expert
    at their word in insisting on the breadth, rather than
    specificity, of what Table 10 discloses. With means-plus-
    function claiming, the narrower the disclosed structure in
    the specification, the narrower the claim coverage. To
    succeed ultimately in proving that the “computational
    means” elements cover the accused Mercedes products
    (vehicles with a feature called Attention Assist),
    Ibormeith’s argument therefore needs to be based on a
    reading of Table 10 that is broad enough to reach the
    accused products. With consequences of such importance,
    IBORMEITH IP, LLC   v. MERCEDES-BENZ USA                 11
    Ibormeith’s position as to Table 10’s breadth is fairly
    treated as a binding admission.
    That position, however, fails in the necessary attempt
    to steer a course that permits proof of infringement yet
    avoids invalidity. Even if Table 10 could be read as
    providing a single, definite algorithm that simply adds all
    of the disclosed variables—a possibility we need not rule
    on—Ibormeith and its expert assert that it does not so
    provide, but instead equally covers all ways of taking into
    account the listed variables, or some subset of the varia-
    bles, that a skilled artisan would find appropriate. Such a
    reading of Table 10 leaves the disclosure without an
    algorithm whose terms are defined and understandable.
    If, as Dr. Jochem testified, the algorithm in the ’749
    patent is not disclosing addition, then the S circ factor in
    Table 10 merely indicates that weighting based on circa-
    dian patterns occurs. Neither Table 10 nor the associated
    tables disclose how to perform the weighting of the S circ
    or any other factor. Table 10 merely lists inputs without
    specifying any single formula or function or algorithm
    defining the contribution of any of the inputs to a compu-
    tation. As recognized by Mercedes’s expert Dr. Knipling,
    a person of ordinary skill in the art “would need to devise
    his or her own method for determining driver drowsiness
    based on the factors generally disclosed in Tables 10, 11
    and 12.” J.A. 805 ¶ 19.
    With its insistence that Table 10 does not disclose ar-
    riving at a warning threshold by simply adding the dis-
    closed factors—e.g., S circ (circadian-rhythm factor), S
    zerox (steering direction changes), and S rms (magnitude
    of corrective steering actions)—Ibormeith cannot rely on
    Figures 3 and 17 to supply the structure that Table 10
    does not. Ibormeith does not argue that the weighting
    function of claim 1 is limited to a structure allegedly
    disclosed in Figures 3 and 17, which in any event do not
    specify anything about other inputs. At best, the two
    figures provide raw circadian information that a person of
    12                  IBORMEITH IP, LLC   v. MERCEDES-BENZ USA
    ordinary skill in the art could use to design his or her
    own method of weighting. A description of an algorithm
    that places no limitations on how values are calculated,
    combined, or weighted is insufficient to make the bounds
    of the claim understandable.
    Ibormeith’s argument that the disclosed algorithm
    provides as much specificity as the patents in Typhoon
    659 F.3d 1376
    , and WMS Gaming, Inc. v. Int’l
    Game Tech., 
    184 F.3d 1339
     (Fed. Cir. 1999), is incorrect.
    In Typhoon Touch, the claim term at issue was “means for
    cross-referencing said responses with one of said libraries
    of said possible responses.” 
    659 F.3d at 1383
    . This court
    found the disclosed algorithm sufficient because the
    specification stated that “cross-referencing entails the
    steps of data entry, then storage of data in memory, then
    the search in a library of responses, then the determina-
    tion if a match exists, and then reporting action if a match
    is found.” 
    Id. at 1386
    . The described process of straight-
    forward matching of user-entered data with data in
    memory was a routine, concrete algorithm.
    In WMS Gaming, the claim term at issue—concerning
    slot machines that use a reel for generating responses to
    what in a traditional slot machine is a user’s pull of the
    lever—was “means for assigning a plurality of numbers
    representing said angular positions of said reel, said
    plurality of numbers exceeding said predetermined num-
    ber of radial positions such that some rotational positions
    are represented by a plurality of numbers.” 
    184 F.3d at 1346-47
    . A figure in the patent depicted a series of con-
    centric circles (like a dart board) that showed the rela-
    tionship between 44 stop positions on a virtual reel with
    22 stop positions on a physical reel. See 
    id. at 1347-48
    see also 
    U.S. Patent No. 4,448,419
     at Fig. 6. This court
    found that an algorithm was sufficiently disclosed because
    the relationship between the virtual stop positions and
    the physical stop positions was limited by the figure. See
    id. at 1349-50
    . WMS Gaming, like Typhoon Touch, did
    IBORMEITH IP, LLC   v. MERCEDES-BENZ USA                  13
    not rely on a specification passage like the one in the ’749
    patent, which, Ibormeith itself insists, does not indicate
    which factors should be used and in what combination
    and with what relative weights.
    For these reasons, the judgment of the district court is