Laitram, LLC v. Ashworth Bros., Inc. ( 2023 )

  • Case: 22-1044    Document: 40    Page: 1   Filed: 05/15/2023
    NOTE: This disposition is nonprecedential.
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    2022-1044, 2022-1045, 2022-1084
    Appeals from the United States Patent and Trademark
    Office, Patent Trial and Appeal Board in Nos. IPR2020-
    00593, IPR2020-00594.
    Decided: May 15, 2023
    LAUREN J. DREYER, Baker Botts LLP, Washington, DC,
    argued for appellant. Also represented by JENNIFER
    ROBERT FRANCIS ALTHERR, JR., Banner & Witcoff, Ltd.,
    Washington, DC, argued for cross-appellant. Also repre-
    Before LOURIE, TARANTO, and HUGHES, Circuit Judges.
    Case: 22-1044     Document: 40     Page: 2     Filed: 05/15/2023
    2                       LAITRAM, LLC   v. ASHWORTH BROS., INC.
    HUGHES, Circuit Judge.
    Laitram, LLC appeals a decision from the Patent Trial
    and Appeal Board that claims 9 and 11–13 of 
    U.S. Patent No. 10,023,388
     and claims 1–4 of 
    U.S. Patent No. 10,189,645
     are unpatentable as obvious. Ashworth Bros.,
    Inc. cross-appeals the Board’s decision that claim 10 of the
    ’388 patent is patentable over Roinestad and other prior
    art. As to the lead appeal, we affirm because the Board cor-
    rectly construed the claims and because substantial evi-
    dence supports the Board’s factual findings. As to the cross-
    appeal, we vacate and remand for the Board to give proper
    weight to Ashworth’s arguments and evidence about Roin-
    estad as a whole.
    The ’388 and ’645 patents relate to spiral conveyor sys-
    tems that include belts that move up and around a central
    tower like a spiral staircase. As shown in the side-view
    schematic below, the tower or drum (10) of the system spins
    around a central axis (12) such that the conveyor belt (20)
    is moved along the spinning tower in a spiral fashion.
    ’388 patent, Fig. 1.
    The patents discuss two well-known types of spiral con-
    veyors. The first is a friction spiral conveyor, or an
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    LAITRAM, LLC   v. ASHWORTH BROS., INC.                     3
    overdrive spiral conveyor. In this type of conveyor, the
    spinning central tower presses tightly against the side of
    the conveyor belt and the friction between the tower and
    the belt naturally pulls the belt forward as the tower spins.
    This design requires the tower to spin faster than the con-
    veyor belt, and one known feature of a friction drive system
    is that the conveyor belt will sometimes “slip” along the
    tower. ’388 patent, 1:41–45.
    The second type of spiral conveyor is a positive drive
    conveyor. Instead of pressing up against the tower itself, a
    positive drive conveyor has structures jutting out of the
    tower that grab onto a corresponding structure on the side
    of the belt. This type of engagement is like a bike chain and
    gear, where the bike chain is the pocket-like structure on
    the side of the belt and the gear is the tower with positive
    drive structures jutting out. While these positive drive sys-
    tems do not experience the same “slip” as in friction drive
    systems, positive drive systems sometimes have difficulty
    “cleanly engaging the belt with and disengaging it from the
    drive structure” on the tower. 
     at 1:41–48.
    The ’388 and ’645 patents claim positive drive spiral
    conveyor systems with structures called “ridges” that en-
    gage with the side of the conveyor belt. These ridges are
    vertical bars that extend from top to bottom of the central
    tower along similarly vertical drive members. The ridges
    have a distance from the vertical axis that varies from the
    bottom to the top of the tower. Such variations are achieved
    by what the patents call “taper[ing].” ’388 patent, 1:56–67.
    Claim 9 of the ’388 patent below is representative of
    the claims at issue. Emphasis is added to highlight the dis-
    puted terms.
    9. A spiral conveyor comprising:
    a drive tower extending from a bottom to a top and
    rotating about a vertical axis;
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    4                       LAITRAM, LLC   v. ASHWORTH BROS., INC.
    a plurality of parallel drive members extending in
    length from the bottom to the top of the drive tower;
    wherein each of the drive members includes an out-
    wardly projecting ridge whose distance from the
    vertical axis varies from the bottom to the top of
    the drive tower; and
    wherein each drive member includes a lower seg-
    ment at the bottom of the drive tower and wherein
    the ridge in the lower segment is tapered along a
    portion of its length;
    a conveyor belt positively driven without slip on a
    helical path around the drive tower by the ridges of
    the drive members engaging an inside edge of the
    conveyor belt.
    ’388 patent, 8:10–24 (emphases added).
    Both friction and positive drive spiral conveyors were
    well-known in the art before the priority date of the pa-
    tents. Relevant here are three prior art references disclos-
    ing such systems: Pupp, Roinestad, and Roinestad ’430. 1
    There is no dispute that Pupp discloses a spiral con-
    veyor; the dispute is whether Pupp discloses a positively
    driven system. Relevant to this question are figures 5, 6,
    and 8 of Pupp (reproduced below). Figure 5 is a schematic
    of the drum with the conveyor belt, Figure 6 is a top view
    1   U.S. Pat. No. 6,062,375, issued May 16, 2000
    (Pupp); U.S. Pat. No. 3,348,659, issued October 24, 1967
    (Roinestad); U.S. Pat. No. 4,741,430, issued May 3, 1988
    (Roinestad ’430).
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    LAITRAM, LLC   v. ASHWORTH BROS., INC.                      5
    of the drum, and Figure 8 shows the “strips” that flank the
    side of the drum and contact the conveyor belt.
    Similarly, there is no dispute that Roinestad discloses
    a friction drive spiral conveyor; the disputes involve the ta-
    pering in Figures 1 and 11 (reproduced below) and their
    applicability to a positive drive system. Figure 1 shows an
    embodiment where “[e]ach of the drums is tapered in the
    direction of belt travel axially of the drum.” Roinestad,
    5:25–26. Figure 11 shows other possible embodiments in-
    cluding both the vertical driving bars and some tapering of
    the drum.
    Finally, there is no dispute that Roinestad ’430 dis-
    closes a “positive drive helical conveyor system,” J.A. 786;
    the dispute is whether Roinestad ’430 discloses a positive
    drive conveyor without slip. As in the ’388 and ’645 patents,
    the Roinestad ’430 system uses rods to engage with corre-
    sponding structures on the conveyor belts. These rods run
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    6                       LAITRAM, LLC   v. ASHWORTH BROS., INC.
    from the bottom to the top of a spinning central tower and
    are spaced around the circumference of the tower.
    Ashworth filed two inter partes review petitions chal-
    lenging claims 9–13 of the ’388 patent and claims 1–4 of
    the ’645 patent as unpatentable. The IPR proceedings
    raised many of the same issues, and the Board issued sim-
    ilar final written decisions in both IPRs. For the ’388 pa-
    tent, the Board found claims 9 and 11–13 unpatentable as
    obvious over Pupp and Roinestad, but the Board found that
    claims 9 and 10 were not obvious over Roinestad and Roin-
    estad ’430. Thus, claim 10 of the ’388 patent survived. For
    the ’645 patent, the Board found claims 1–4 unpatentable
    as obvious.
    Laitram appeals the Board’s unpatentability conclu-
    sions for claims 9 and 11–13 of the ’388 patent and claims
    1–4 of the ’645 patent. Ashworth cross-appeals the Board’s
    conclusion that claims 9 and 10 of the ’388 patent are non-
    obvious over Roinestad and Roinestad ’430.
    We set aside the Board’s actions if they are “arbitrary,
    capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in ac-
    cordance with law,” or “unsupported by substantial evi-
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    (2). The Board’s legal determinations
    are reviewed de novo, and its factual findings are reviewed
    for substantial evidence. Arendi S.A.R.L. v. Google LLC,
    882 F.3d 1132
    , 1133 (Fed. Cir. 2018). Claim construction
    and obviousness are both questions of law that depend on
    underlying findings of fact, which are reviewed for substan-
    tial evidence. Teva Pharms. USA, Inc. v. Sandoz, Inc., 
    574 U.S. 318
    , 325–28 (2015); In re Brandt, 
    886 F.3d 1171
    , 1175
    (Fed. Cir. 2018).
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    LAITRAM, LLC   v. ASHWORTH BROS., INC.                      7
    On appeal, Laitram makes three primary arguments:
    (1) the Board erred in construing and applying the “posi-
    tively driven without slip” limitation, (2) the Board erred
    in construing and applying the “tapered along a portion of
    its length limitation,” and (3) the Board erred in finding
    motivation to combine the prior art.
    We begin with the “positively driven without slip” lim-
    itation. Because the Board did not err in construing the
    claim, and because substantial evidence supports the
    Board’s findings that Pupp and Roinestad ’430 disclose this
    limitation, we affirm.
    We consider the Board’s claim construction de novo,
    giving the claim language its plain and ordinary meaning
    in light of a skilled artisan’s understanding of the specifi-
    cation and prosecution history. Phillips v. AWH Corp., 
    415 F.3d 1303
    , 1312–13 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (en banc). Here, the
    Board properly construed “without slip” to have its plain
    and ordinary meaning: “a system in which there is essen-
    tially no slip between the conveyor belt and the drive
    tower.” J.A. 15. Here, the Board’s construction captures
    both the plain and ordinary meaning of “without slip,” and
    the meaning used in the specification and prosecution his-
    tory. See ’388 patent, 1:41–45 (“Because there is positive
    engagement between regularly spaced drive structure on
    the cage and regularly spaced edge structure on the inside
    edge of the belt, there is no slip as in overdrive systems.”)
    (emphasis added); ’645 patent, 1:55–59 (same); see also J.A.
    531 (’388 Patent Notice of Allowability) (“The prior art does
    not teach or disclose a non-slip spiral conveyor . . . .” (em-
    phasis added)). Thus, we agree with the Board’s construc-
    Laitram argues the Board erred because this is a new
    construction raised sua sponte by the Board for the first
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    8                       LAITRAM, LLC   v. ASHWORTH BROS., INC.
    time in its final written decisions. We disagree. A slight dif-
    ference in wording does not amount to a difference in con-
    struction. See, e.g., Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc. v. f’real
    Foods, LLC, 
    908 F.3d 1328
    , 1338–39 (Fed. Cir. 2018)
    (“[T]he Board’s final adopted construction of the nozzle
    terms, while not identical to those proposed by f’real, are
    similar enough to f’real’s proposed constructions so as to
    not constitute changing theories midstream in violation of
    the APA.”). Here, although the Board slightly varied its
    wording in the final written decisions, in effect the Board’s
    construction remained the same. In the institution deci-
    sions, the Board applied the plain and ordinary meaning of
    this term given the intrinsic record, phrasing that meaning
    as “a system in which there is no slip between the conveyor
    belt and the drive tower.” J.A. 827. In the final written de-
    cisions, the Board continued to apply the plain and ordi-
    nary meaning based on the same intrinsic record and
    reiterated that same meaning: “a system in which there is
    essentially no slip between the conveyor belt and the drive
    tower.” J.A. 15. The Board’s addition of “essentially” simply
    clarified that the plain and ordinary meaning of “without
    slip” is not stringent enough to mean there is no slip at all
    in any part of the system. Rather, the plain and ordinary
    meaning of “without slip” is met where there is no slip in
    the system overall, even if an individual piece within that
    system experiences slip. This understanding is just as true
    under the wording “no slip” as it is under “essentially no
    Laitram also argues the Board erred by construing
    “positive drive” as necessarily having no slip. We disagree.
    Expert testimony makes clear that the plain and ordinary
    meaning of a “positively driven” system means that the sys-
    tem necessarily does not experience slip, and this under-
    standing is expressly supported by the patent
    specifications. See, e.g., ’645 patent, 1:55–59 (“Because
    there is positive engagement between regularly spaced
    drive structure on the cage and regularly spaced edge
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    LAITRAM, LLC   v. ASHWORTH BROS., INC.                      9
    structure on the inside edge of the belt, there is no slip as
    in overdrive systems.” (emphasis added)); ’388 patent,
    1:41–45 (same); see also J.A. 1974 at 67:17–20 (“Q. But if
    you’re using positive engagement, you’re not going to have
    any slip, are you? A. Correct.”); J.A. 975 ¶ 11.
    Laitram argues that the Board’s construction is incor-
    rect because it renders “without slip” superfluous and that
    “without slip” must have independent meaning because it
    is not used in all claims that use “positive drive.” We find
    neither argument persuasive. Our preference for avoiding
    superfluous language is not an inflexible rule—we must
    still consider all other principles of claim construction, in-
    cluding how a skilled artisan would have understood the
    term and how it is used in the specification. SimpleAir, Inc.
    v. Sony Ericsson Mobile Commc’ns AB, 
    820 F.3d 419
    , 429
    (Fed. Cir. 2016). Here, the plain and ordinary meaning of
    “positively driven” is supported by the specification and re-
    inforced by expert testimony. We decline to use the super-
    fluous language canon to arrive at a conflicting conclusion.
    Similarly, our claim differentiation doctrine is not a
    rigid rule and should not be used to overcome the specifica-
    tion’s description of a term. Wi-Lan USA, Inc. v. Apple Inc.,
    830 F.3d 1374
    , 1391 (Fed. Cir. 2016). This is particularly
    true here. Laitram argues that “without slip” must have
    independent meaning because “positive drive without slip”
    is used in claim 9 but only “positive drive” is used in claim
    11. But claim 11 does not only drop the “without slip” lan-
    guage. It also has a more specific requirement about the
    distance between the ridges and the axis of the tower that
    is not present in claim 9. Given that there is more than one
    meaningful difference between claims 9 and 11, we decline
    to apply the claim differentiation doctrine to conclude that
    “without slip” has an independent meaning that contra-
    dicts how positive drive is described in the specification.
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    10                      LAITRAM, LLC   v. ASHWORTH BROS., INC.
    Thus, the Board did not err by concluding that a posi-
    tively driven system necessarily has no overall slip.
    Substantial evidence also supports the Board’s finding
    that Roinestad ’430 discloses “a conveyor belt positively
    driven without slip.” As discussed above with respect to
    claim construction, the evidence relied on by the Board in
    finding that a skilled artisan would have understood that
    a positive drive system necessarily has no slip includes ex-
    pert testimony, the disclosure of Roinestad ’430, and ad-
    missions in the patents’ disclosures. J.A. 139–43. The
    Board also relied on Roinestad ’430 and expert testimony
    in finding that Roinestad ’430 discloses a positive drive sys-
    tem. J.A. 217–19. The Board’s conclusion that Roinestad
    ’430 discloses this limitation is thus supported by substan-
    tial evidence.
    Laitram does not contest the finding that Roinestad
    ’430 discloses a positively driven conveyor belt. Rather,
    Laitram argues that Roinestad ’430 does not disclose the
    “without slip” portion of the limitation. Laitram points to
    the following passage in Roinestad ’430 to argue that the
    Roinestad ’430 system experiences slip:
    Miniscule variances in the speed of the cage 21 rel-
    ative to the supplemental drives can be tolerated
    by occasional slippage of individual rod ends 14
    from engagement with one of the channel legs 48
    or 49. Said occasional slippage does not interfere
    with the positive character of the drive. When slip-
    page at one of the driving bars occurs, the positive
    driving engagement of all or most of the remaining
    bars is maintained.
    Roinestad ’430, 8:42–50 (emphases added).
    First, Laitram did not make this argument until its
    sur-reply, and so it is forfeited. See, e.g., General Access
    Sols., Ltd. v. Sprint Spectrum L.P., 
    811 F. App’x 654
    , 658
    Case: 22-1044     Document: 40     Page: 11     Filed: 05/15/2023
    LAITRAM, LLC   v. ASHWORTH BROS., INC.                      11
    n.2 (Fed. Cir. 2020) (citing SmithKline Beecham Corp. v.
    Apotex Corp., 
    439 F.3d 1312
    , 1319 (Fed. Cir. 2006) (“Our
    law is well established that arguments not raised in the
    opening brief are waived.”)). Second, even if this argument
    were not forfeited, the Board relied on substantial evidence
    in finding that the “occasional slippage” of individual rods
    in Roinestad ’430 does not mean that Roinestad ’430 expe-
    riences “slip” as used in the patents. The Board reviewed
    the language of Roinestad ’430 and correctly found that,
    when Roinestad ’430 uses the term “slippage,” it is not do-
    ing so to convey the same type of “slip” between the con-
    veyor belt and the drive tower described in the patents.
    Rather, Roinestad ’430 explains that even if individual rod
    ends disengage from or slip out of individual pockets on the
    conveyor belt, the system overall does not experience slip.
    We agree with this reading of Roinestad ’430 and thus
    agree that Roinestad ’430 discloses “without slip,” as con-
    strued in subsection III.A.
    Substantial evidence also supports the Board’s finding
    that Pupp discloses “a conveyor belt positively driven with-
    out slip.” The Board relied on expert testimony and the dis-
    closures of Pupp to support its finding that Pupp discloses
    positive drive. E.g., J.A. 42–51 (citing, e.g., Pupp, 1:30–33,
    3:3–8, 4:14–36, Figs. 5 and 8; O’Keefe Decl. ¶¶ 13, 58, 79–
    81, 83). For example, the Board credited Ashworth’s expert
    when finding “one of ordinary skill in the art would view
    Pupp’s Figure 8 as implicitly describing ‘positive engage-
    ment’ or, as phrased in element 9F, ‘positive[] drive[].’” J.A.
    44 (citing O’Keefe Decl. ¶¶ 58, 79–81, 83). This constitutes
    substantial evidence supporting the Board’s finding that
    Pupp discloses a positive drive system. And, as discussed
    above in subsection III.A, the Board properly construed the
    limitation such that a positive drive system is necessarily
    “without slip.” Thus, the Board did not err by concluding
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    12                      LAITRAM, LLC   v. ASHWORTH BROS., INC.
    that Pupp discloses “a conveyor belt positively driven with-
    out slip.”
    Laitram argues that, because Pupp does not expressly
    state that it is a positive drive system, the Board improp-
    erly found that positive drive is inherently disclosed in
    Pupp. We disagree. A reference need not use the explicit
    words required by the claim for the Board to find that a
    limitation is disclosed. Instead, the proper inquiry is
    whether a skilled artisan, reading Pupp, would have un-
    derstood the reference to disclose positive drive. The Board,
    relying on expert testimony and the disclosures of Pupp,
    properly found that this limitation was disclosed.
    We have considered Laitram’s remaining arguments
    about “a conveyor belt positively driven without slip” and
    find them unpersuasive. For the reasons above, we affirm
    the Board’s claim construction and decision that Roinestad
    ’430 and Pupp disclose “a conveyor belt positively driven
    without slip.”
    Next, we address the “tapered along a portion of its
    length” limitation, which is relevant only to claims 9 and
    10 of the ’388 patent. Again, because we agree with the
    Board’s claim construction, and because substantial evi-
    dence supports the Board’s finding that Roinestad discloses
    this limitation, we affirm.
    The Board properly construed “the ridge in the lower
    segment is tapered along a portion of its length,” to mean
    “at least including a change in the distance from the outer
    surface of the ‘ridge’ to the axis of rotation of the drive
    tower along at least a portion of the ridge’s length.” J.A. 33
    (emphases added). This construction reflects the plain and
    ordinary meaning of “taper” given the ’388 patent’s entire
    The term “taper” is used broadly in the ’388 patent to
    refer to at least varying the distance from the ridge to the
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    LAITRAM, LLC   v. ASHWORTH BROS., INC.                      13
    vertical axis. For example, the ’388 patent explains that
    “[e]ach of the drive members has an outwardly projecting
    ridge whose distance from the vertical axis varies from the
    bottom to the top of the drive tower.” ’388 patent, 1:56–58.
    The summary also lists three ways in which this variation
    in distance can be achieved: (1) with “a skirt portion ta-
    pered outwardly away from the vertical axis,” (2) with a
    “ridge in the upper segment [that] tapers down toward the
    top of the drive tower,” and (3) with a “ridge in the lower
    segment [that] is tapered along a portion of its length.” 
    at 1:58–67. “Taper” is used in all three examples, suggest-
    ing there are multiple ways to achieve tapering.
    The claim language does not specify which type of ta-
    pering is required. It merely recites that “the ridge in the
    lower segment is tapered along a portion of its length.” This
    language then, should be read to include all types of lower
    portion tapering that are described in the ’388 patent. This
    does not only include the example of tapering in Figures 2A
    and 2B, where the tapering is achieved by varying the
    height of the ridge. It also includes the example in Figures
    17 and 18, where tapering is achieved by varying the shape
    of the tower. Thus, it was proper for the Board to construe
    this limitation broadly, requiring “at least including a
    change in the distance from the outer surface of the ‘ridge’
    to the axis of rotation of the drive tower along at least a
    portion of the ridge’s length.” J.A. 33 (emphases added).
    Laitram argues for a narrower construction that would
    limit claim 9 to only the first example of tapering, as shown
    in Figures 2A and 2B. Under that construction, Figures 17
    and 18 would not fall under a “ridge in the lower segment
    is tapered along a portion of its length.” This disregards our
    longstanding precedent that a claim should not be con-
    strued as limited to a single embodiment absent some clear
    indication that a claim relates only to that embodiment.
    See, e.g., Arlington Indus., Inc. v. Bridgeport Fittings, Inc.,
    632 F.3d 1246
    , 1254 (Fed. Cir. 2011). Here, nothing ties
    claim 9 to the single embodiment in Figures 2A and 2B.
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    Thus, the Board was correct not to narrow the claim lan-
    guage to that embodiment.
    Laitram also argues that the Board was wrong to cite
    portions of the specification that refer to tapering in the
    context of components other than the ridges themselves.
    But the ridges are affixed to these other components of the
    system. If the skirt portions in Figures 17 and 18 taper
    away from the vertical axis, then the ridges necessarily
    also taper away from the vertical axis because they are at-
    tached to the outside of the skirt portion and follow the
    same angular trajectory. Thus, the Board did not err in con-
    sidering how the specification uses the term “taper,” and it
    arrived at the correct construction.
    Under the Board’s proper construction, substantial ev-
    idence supports the Board’s finding that Roinestad dis-
    closes “tapered along a portion of its length.” The Board
    relied on Figure 1, which shows a conical central tower, ra-
    ther than a cylindrical central tower. J.A. 41 (referring to
    “the purely conical drive tower” of Roinestad as meeting
    this limitation); J.A. 30–31 (focusing on Figure 1 of Roines-
    tad, which is the purely conical tower). Because of this con-
    ical shape, the distance from the outside of the ridges to the
    cone’s axis increases from top to bottom, including in the
    lower segment of the cone. This is substantial evidence to
    support the Board’s finding that Roinestad discloses this
    We have considered Laitram’s remaining arguments
    about the “tapered along a portion of its length” limitation
    and find them unpersuasive. For the reasons above, we
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    affirm the Board’s conclusion that Roinestad discloses the
    “tapered along a portion of its length” limitation.
    Third, we address Laitram’s argument that substantial
    evidence does not support the Board’s motivation to com-
    bine findings. We disagree and thus affirm.
    The Board found that a skilled artisan would have been
    motivated to combine the conical shape of Roinestad with
    the positive drive system of Roinestad ’430 because doing
    so “would provide lower belt tension and reduce the
    amount of stress on the belt.” J.A. 111. In doing so, the
    Board relies on the references themselves and expert testi-
    mony that supports this finding. J.A. 111 (citing e.g.,
    O’Keefe Decl. ¶ 168). This constitutes substantial evidence.
    Similarly, the Board found “that an ordinarily skilled
    artisan would have been motivated to make a system in
    which the belt may be smoothly and economically driven
    under low tension,” as disclosed by the conical shape of
    Roinestad. J.A. 57. In doing so, the Board relied on Ash-
    worth’s expert testimony that a skilled artisan would have
    been motivated to combine the positive drive system of
    Pupp with the conical shape disclosed in Roinestad because
    the Pupp system adds the benefit of reduced circumferen-
    tial friction as compared to friction systems and the shapes
    disclosed in Roinestad achieve a smoother and more eco-
    nomical result. J.A. 57–58 (citing e.g., O’Keefe Decl. ¶ 66;
    Roinestad, 1:11–18). This constitutes substantial evidence.
    We have considered Laitram’s remaining arguments
    about motivation to combine and find them unpersuasive.
    For the reasons above, we affirm the Board’s conclusion
    that a skilled artisan would have been motivated to
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    combine Pupp with Roinestad and Roinestad with Roines-
    tad ’430.
    Thus, we affirm the Board’s conclusion that claims 9
    and 11–13 of the ’388 patent and claims 1–4 of the ’645 pa-
    tent are unpatentable as obvious over the prior art.
    Finally, we address Ashworth’s cross-appeal. Ash-
    worth’s primary argument on cross-appeal is that the
    Board applied the wrong legal standard by requiring Ash-
    worth to reconcile Figures 1 and 11 of Roinestad and ignor-
    ing the arguments and evidence presented in the petition.
    We agree. Because the Board did not give proper weight to
    Ashworth’s evidence about how a skilled artisan would
    have understood Roinestad as a whole, we vacate and re-
    mand for the Board to consider all the evidence given the
    correct legal standard.
    The Board understood Ashworth as relying on Figure 1
    to show tapering for claim 9 but relying on Figure 11 to
    meet the added tapering limitation in dependent claim 10.
    Because it thought Ashworth to be relying on two figures,
    the Board held that Ashworth was required to “reconcile”
    Figure 1 with Figure 11 when relying on Figure 11 for
    claim 10. But Ashworth did not rely solely on the conical
    shape in Figure 1 to meet the tapering limitation in claim
    9. Rather, it argued with respect to claim 9 that a skilled
    artisan would have understood Roinestad to disclose a lim-
    ited number of shapes for the drive tower, including in Fig-
    ure 11. J.A. 315–16. Ashworth argued that it would have
    been obvious to a skilled artisan to use any of these shapes,
    or a combination of these shapes, because doing so would
    be a simple design choice. J.A. 311–15. It also argued that
    these various shapes would have solved a known problem
    in the art by routine optimization. J.A. 314–15. Ashworth
    then applied that same logic to the added tapering limita-
    tion in claim 10. J.A. 322–33.
    Case: 22-1044     Document: 40     Page: 17   Filed: 05/15/2023
    LAITRAM, LLC   v. ASHWORTH BROS., INC.                   17
    Given Ashworth’s arguments, the appropriate obvious-
    ness analysis is not whether the conical shape of Figure 1
    can be physically combined or “reconciled” with the non-
    conical shape of Figure 11. Rather, the correct legal stand-
    ard is whether a skilled artisan, considering Roinestad as
    a whole, would have arrived at the claimed shapes. To the
    extent arriving at the claimed shapes would require a com-
    bination of elements, the motivation to combine analysis
    does not require the Board to “seek out precise teachings
    directed to the specific subject matter of the challenged
    claim,” because the Board “can take account of the infer-
    ences and creative steps that a person of ordinary skill in
    the art would employ.” KSR Int’l Co. v. Teleflex Inc., 
    550 U.S. 398
    , 418 (2007)). Ashworth presented evidence to this
    effect in the petition, but the Board ignored this evidence
    because it focused only on whether the exact shape of Fig-
    ure 1 would work with the exact shape of Figure 11. Thus,
    the Board erred by failing to consider whether a skilled ar-
    tisan, considering Roinestad for all that it teaches, would
    have arrived at the claimed shapes.
    We have considered Laitram’s arguments on cross-ap-
    peal and find them unpersuasive. Accordingly, we vacate
    and remand for the Board to properly consider Ashworth’s
    arguments and evidence that a skilled artisan would have
    arrived at the shapes in claims 9 and 10 based on the teach-
    ings of Roinestad as a whole.
    No costs.