Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, Inc. v. Incyte Corporation ( 2023 )

  • Case: 19-2011   Document: 117     Page: 1   Filed: 08/22/2023
    NOTE: This disposition is nonprecedential.
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Federal Circuit
    Appeal from the United States Patent and Trademark
    Office, Patent Trial and Appeal Board in No. IPR2017-
    Decided: August 22, 2023
    WILLIAM M. JAY, Goodwin Procter LLP, Washington,
    DC, argued for appellant. Also represented by GERARD
    Case: 19-2011   Document: 117     Page: 2   Filed: 08/22/2023
    2                  SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. v.
    DAVID ZIMMER, Boston, MA.
    MARK J. FELDSTEIN, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow,
    Garrett & Dunner, LLP, Washington, DC, argued for ap-
    pellee. Also represented by DREW CHRISTIE, C. COLLETTE
    Reston, VA; TRENTON A. WARD, Atlanta, GA.
    ROBERT MCBRIDE, Office of the Solicitor, United States
    Patent and Trademark Office, Alexandria, VA, for interve-
    nor. Also represented by THOMAS W. KRAUSE, FARHEENA
    PATTERSON, Civil Division, Appellate Staff, United Depart-
    ment of Justice, Washington, DC.
    JOHN C. KAPPOS, O'Melveny & Myers LLP, Dallas, TX,
    for amicus curiae Bald Girls Do Lunch. Also represented
    by CAITLIN P. HOGAN, New York, NY.
    Before HUGHES, LINN, and STARK, Circuit Judges.
    STARK, Circuit Judge.
    Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, Inc. (“Sun”) 1 appeals
    the Final Written Decision of the Patent and Trial Appeal
    Board (“Board”) in an inter partes review (“IPR”) in which
    Petitioner, Incyte Corporation (“Incyte”), challenged all
    claims of Sun’s 
    U.S. Patent No. 9,249,149
     (“’149 patent”).
    The Board concluded that the claims were invalid as obvi-
    ous. Sun sought review by the Director of the Patent and
    Trademark Office, which was denied, and then timely filed
    an appeal to this court. We have jurisdiction pursuant to
    1    The original appellant was Concert Pharmaceuti-
    cals, Inc. (“Concert”), which merged with Sun on March 31,
    2023. We granted Sun’s motion to replace Concert as the
    appellant on April 26, 2023.
    Case: 19-2011    Document: 117     Page: 3   Filed: 08/22/2023
    SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. v.                    3
    28 U.S.C. § 1295
    (a)(4) and 
    35 U.S.C. §§ 141
    (c) and 319. We
    The ’149 patent, entitled “Deuterated Derivatives of
    Ruxolitinib,” “relates to novel heteroaryl-substituted pyr-
    rolo[2,3-d]pyrimidines, and pharmaceutically acceptable
    salts thereof,” including the compounds and their use “in
    methods of treating diseases and conditions that are bene-
    ficially treated by administering an inhibitor of Janus-as-
    sociated kinase with selectivity for subtypes 1 and 2
    (JAK1/JAK2).” ’149 patent 3:25-32. Ruxolitinib is a known
    JAK1/JAK2 inhibitor and is “currently approved for the
    treatment of patients with intermediate or high-risk
    Id. at 2:53-67
    . Common adverse reactions
    associated with ruxolitinib include thrombocytopenia, ane-
    mia, bruising, dizziness, and headache. 
    Id. at 3:15-18
    Deuteration involves replacing one or more hydrogen
    atoms of a drug with deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen, “to
    slow” the “CYP-mediated metabolism” (i.e., cytochrome
    P450 enzyme) “of a drug or to reduce the formation of un-
    desirable metabolites.” 
    Id. at 2:7-10
    . The bonds formed
    between deuterium and carbon are stronger than carbon-
    hydrogen bonds; this stronger bond “can positively impact
    the ADME [absorption, distribution, metabolism, and/or
    excretion] properties of a drug, creating the potential for
    improved drug efficacy, safety, and/or tolerability” without
    “affect[ing] the biochemical potency and selectivity of the
    drug as compared to the original chemical entity that con-
    tains only hydrogen.” 
    Id. at 2:12-20
    . These measures of
    how a human body processes a drug, ADME, are also re-
    ferred to as the drug’s pharmacokinetic properties.
    J.A. 8225-46.
    Case: 19-2011   Document: 117       Page: 4   Filed: 08/22/2023
    4                     SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. v.
    The ’149 patent has two independent claims, 1 and 9.
    Claim 1 claims deuterated variations of Formula A and is
    reproduced below:
    1. A compound of Formula A:
    or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof,
    Y1 is hydrogen;
    each Y2 is selected from hydrogen and deuterium,
    and each Y2 is the same;
    each Y3 is selected from hydrogen and deuterium,
    and each Y3 is the same;
    Y4 is selected from hydrogen and deuterium;
    each Y5 is the same and is selected from hydrogen
    and deuterium; and
    Y6, Y7, Y8, Y9, and Y10 are each independently se-
    lected from hydrogen and deuterium; provided
    each Y2 is deuterium; or
    Case: 19-2011       Document: 117   Page: 5   Filed: 08/22/2023
    SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. v.                    5
    each Y3 is deuterium; or
    each Y2 and each Y3 is deuterium.
    Id. at 36:17-53
    The IPR focused primarily on three compounds, pic-
    tured below, all of which are within the scope of claim 7,
    which depends from claim 1: an “octo-deuterated” rux-
    olitinib analog, in which every Y2 and Y3 hydrogen is deu-
    and two “tetra-deuterated” ruxolitinib analogs,
    in which either Y2 hydrogens or Y3 hydrogens are deuter-
    Id. at 36:66-40
    Sun named the octo-deuterated analog with a high iso-
    topic purity CTP-543. Sun contends that CTP-543 has the
    potential to be a desirable treatment for alopecia areata.
    The FDA has given “Fast Track” and “Breakthrough Ther-
    apy” designations to CTP-543, which means the FDA will
    Case: 19-2011    Document: 117      Page: 6    Filed: 08/22/2023
    6                    SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. v.
    expedite its review of CTP-543 as a new drug. See, e.g., J.A.
    In its IPR petition, Incyte presented two obviousness
    grounds, but the Board only considered one: the combina-
    tion of Rodgers, Shilling, and the Concert Backgrounder. 2
    We summarize these prior art references below.
    Rodgers is a U.S. patent directed to “heteroaryl substi-
    tuted pyrrolo[2,3,-b]pyridines and heteroaryl substituted
    pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyrmidines that modulate the activity of Ja-
    nus kinases.” J.A. 1747. Rodgers’ claimed compounds all
    depend on “Formula I,” reproduced below, and include rux-
    olitinib. J.A. 1749, 1933.
    Shilling discloses a study of the “metabolism, excretion,
    and pharmacokinetics” of ruxolitinib and teaches that rux-
    olitinib is a “potent, selective inhibitor” of JAK1/JAK2.
    J.A. 1729.      It adds that ruxolitinib was the “first
    U.S. Patent No. 7,598,257
     (“Rodgers”) (J.A. 1744-
    933); Adam D. Shilling et al., Metabolism, Excretion, and
    Pharmacokinetics of [14C]INCB018424, a Selective Janus
    Tyrosine Kinase 1/2 Inhibitor, in Humans, 38 Drug Metab-
    olism & Disposition 2023 (2010) (“Shilling”) (J.A. 1729-37);
    Concert Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Precision Deuterium
    Chemistry Backgrounder (2007) (“Concert Backgrounder”)
    (J.A. 1738-43).
    Case: 19-2011      Document: 117        Page: 7      Filed: 08/22/2023
    SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. v.                              7
    investigational drug of its class in phase III studies for the
    treatment of myelofibrosis.” 
     Importantly, Shilling also
    identifies ruxolitinib’s metabolic “hotspots,” which are the
    sites on a compound where oxidative metabolism occurs
    during in vivo metabolism. J.A. 154, 1734. The study iden-
    tifies that the majority of ruxolitinib’s metabolism occurs
    on its cyclopentyl ring at its four methylene carbons (the Y2
    and Y3 positions in Formulas A and I of the ’149 patent and
    the positions that are deuterated in octo-deuterated and
    tetra-deuterated ruxolitinib). See J.A. 1736.
    The Concert Backgrounder is a marketing publication
    issued by the original owner of the ’149 patent, Concert. It
    teaches that deuteration of compounds provides the poten-
    tial for improved safety, better tolerability, and enhanced
    efficacy. J.A. 1739 (“[S]ince deuterium is heavier than hy-
    drogen, it forms significantly stronger bonds with carbon
    resulting in differentiated ADME (Adsorption, Distribu-
    tion, Metabolism and Excretion). . . . [Hence,] [d]euterium
    substitution has the potential to create NCEs [new chemi-
    cal entities] with improved safety, tolerability and effi-
    cacy.”). The Concert Backgrounder observes that “the
    magnitude and nature of the deuterium benefit cannot be
    predicted a priori,” so it is necessary to first “test multiple
    compounds in a range of assays to identify those that are
    differentiated.” J.A. 1740. It further emphasizes, however,
    that “[d]euteration provides novel agents with the poten-
    tial for . . . [i]mproved safety[,] . . . [b]etter tolerability[,] . .
    . [and] [e]nhanced efficacy,” adding that Concert “is deploy-
    ing its product technology platform to rapidly assemble a
    pipeline of valuable new deuterated drugs.” J.A. 1740,
    1743 (emphasis omitted).
    “Obviousness under 
    35 U.S.C. § 103
     is a mixed ques-
    tion of law and fact. We review the Board’s ultimate obvi-
    ousness determination de novo and underlying fact-
    Case: 19-2011    Document: 117      Page: 8     Filed: 08/22/2023
    8                    SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. v.
    findings for substantial evidence.” Hologic, Inc. v. Smith &
    Nephew, Inc., 
    884 F.3d 1357
    , 1361 (Fed. Cir. 2018). “A
    claimed invention is unpatentable if the differences be-
    tween the claimed invention and the prior art are such that
    the claimed invention as a whole would have been obvious
    to one of ordinary skill in the relevant art.” Intercontinen-
    tal Great Brands LLC v. Kellogg N. Am. Co., 
    869 F.3d 1336
    1343 (Fed. Cir. 2017) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The presence or absence of a motivation to combine prior
    art references, and a reasonable expectation of success in
    doing so, are questions of fact. See Intelligent Bio-Sys., Inc.
    v. Illumina Cambridge Ltd., 
    821 F.3d 1359
    , 1366 (Fed. Cir.
    In an IPR, it is the petitioner’s burden to prove, by a
    preponderance of the evidence, that a person of ordinary
    skill in the art would have been motivated to combine the
    prior art references the petitioner is relying on in its obvi-
    ousness grounds. See 
    35 U.S.C. § 316
    (e) (“In an inter
    partes review instituted under this chapter, the petitioner
    shall have the burden of proving a proposition of unpatent-
    ability by a preponderance of the evidence.”). 3 Motivation
    3   The parties disagree as to whether our case law
    limits the reasonable expectation of success inquiry to only
    those properties that are actually claimed in the patent be-
    ing challenged. Compare, e.g., Appellee Resp. Br. at 51
    (“Although an unclaimed property may be relevant to the
    motivation-to-combine inquiry where it is the reason prof-
    fered for the motivation, unclaimed properties are ‘of no
    moment’ to the separate ‘reasonable expectation of success’
    inquiry directed to ‘success in meeting the claims.’”) (inter-
    nal emphasis omitted; quoting Intelligent BioSystems, 
    821 F.3d at 1367-68
    ), with Appellant Reply Br. at 18-19 (re-
    sponding “that has never been this Court’s approach to
    compound patents” and citing Takeda Chem. Indus., Ltd.
    Case: 19-2011     Document: 117      Page: 9    Filed: 08/22/2023
    SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. v.                        9
    to combine “need not be [based on] an explicit teaching that
    the claimed compound will have a particular utility; it is
    sufficient to show that the claimed and prior art com-
    pounds possess a sufficiently close relationship to create an
    expectation, in light of the totality of the prior art, that the
    new compound will have similar properties to the old.”
    Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH v. Lupin, Ltd., 
    499 F.3d 1293
    , 1301 (Fed. Cir. 2007) (internal quotation marks
    and alterations omitted). “[T]he greater the structural sim-
    ilarity between the compounds, the greater the motivation
    to combine and reasonable expectation of success.” Anacor
    Pharms. Inc. v. Iancu, 
    889 F.3d 1372
    , 1385 (Fed. Cir. 2018).
    In evaluating an obviousness claim, we also consider,
    where present, the objective indicia of nonobviousness. See
    Apple Inc. v. Samsung Elecs. Co., 
    839 F.3d 1034
    , 1048 (Fed.
    Cir. 2016). These can include “commercial success enjoyed
    by devices practicing the patented invention, industry
    praise for the patented invention, copying by others, and
    the existence of a long-felt but unsatisfied need for the in-
    Id. at 1052
    . A patentee’s evidence of objective
    indicia can rebut a petitioner’s prima facie showing of ob-
    viousness. See WMS Gaming, Inc. v. Int’l Game Tech., 
    184 F.3d 1339
    , 1359 (Fed. Cir. 1999).
    For new chemical compounds, we apply a two-step test
    for determining obviousness. “First, the court determines
    v. Alphapharm Pty., Ltd., 
    492 F.3d 1350
     (Fed. Cir. 2007)).
    This case does not call on us to resolve this dispute. In-
    stead, we conclude that the Board had substantial evidence
    to support its conclusion of obviousness even assuming
    (without deciding) that a skilled artisan would have needed
    to have reasonably expected success in obtaining the bene-
    ficial (though possibly unclaimed) properties Sun posits for
    it claimed compounds.
    Case: 19-2011    Document: 117      Page: 10     Filed: 08/22/2023
    10                   SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. v.
    whether a chemist of ordinary skill would have selected the
    asserted prior art compounds as lead compounds, or start-
    ing points, for further development efforts.” Otsuka
    Pharm. Co. v. Sandoz, Inc., 
    678 F.3d 1280
    , 1291 (Fed. Cir.
    2012). “The second inquiry in the analysis is whether the
    prior art would have supplied one of ordinary skill in the
    art with a reason or motivation to modify a lead compound
    to make the claimed compound with a reasonable expecta-
    tion of success.” 
    Id. at 1292
    The parties do not dispute that a person of ordinary
    skill would have selected ruxolitinib as the lead compound.
    Rather, Sun argues that the Board erred, in three respects,
    in connection with the second portion of this test. Specifi-
    cally, Sun contends the Board failed to (1) ask whether a
    person of ordinary skill would have been motivated to deu-
    terate ruxolitinib to alter its pharmacokinetic properties,
    (2) determine whether the skilled artisan would have been
    motivated to make the specific molecular modifications
    claimed in the ’149 patent, and (3) consider whether the
    person of ordinary skill would have reasonably expected
    success in modifying ruxolitinib. We review each of these
    arguments in turn.
    Sun asks us to reject the Board’s finding of obviousness
    because the Board purportedly failed to consider whether
    a person of ordinary skill would have been motivated to
    deuterate ruxolitinib to modify its pharmacokinetic prop-
    erties, including its ADME. We conclude that the Board
    had substantial evidence, including the testimony of In-
    cyte’s expert, Dr. Guengerich, to find that the combined
    teachings of Shilling, Rodgers, and the Concert Back-
    grounder would have provided a skilled artisan with moti-
    vation to deuterate ruxolitinib, at its metabolic hotspots, in
    order “to achieve the potential benefits that the Concert
    Backgrounder disclosed, e.g., improved safety, tolerability,
    Case: 19-2011     Document: 117      Page: 11    Filed: 08/22/2023
    SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. v.                      11
    and efficacy.” J.A. 23-24; see also J.A. 1472-87 (Dr.
    Guengerich testifying to deuteration’s effect on compound’s
    ADME, including improved safety, tolerability, and effi-
    cacy), J.A. 1491-92 (Dr. Guengerich stating that Concert
    Backgrounder teaches deuteration has “substantially re-
    duced R&D risk, time and expense”). The close structural
    similarity between prior art ruxolitinib and the deuterated
    ruxolitinib analogs of the ’149 patent is undisputed and
    was reasonably found by the Board to have motivated a
    skilled artisan to modify ruxolitinib to retain its potency
    and selectivity, but improve the pharmacokinetic proper-
    ties identified in the Backgrounder. This conclusion is fur-
    ther supported by Sun’s own expert, Dr. Harbeson, J.A.
    6016, and Concert’s chief executive officer, who added
    “we’ve never seen any biologically relevant differences in
    target selectivity or potency of a drug when we deuterate
    it,” J.A. 2406; see also J.A. 2919 (“The attraction of specific
    deuterium substitution as a parameter in drug design is
    based on the facts that not only is the replacement of one
    or a few hydrogens in a drug molecule by deuterium the
    smallest structural change that can be made but also such
    a change will have negligible steric consequences or influ-
    ence on physicochemical properties . . . .”).
    Sun argues that the Board erred in failing to ask
    whether a person of ordinary skill would have pursued the
    specific modifications claimed in the ’149 patent, particu-
    larly those that would have resulted in the tetra- and octo-
    deuterated analogs of ruxolitinib. But the combination of
    the Concert Backgrounder, Shilling, and Dr. Guengerich’s
    declaration provides substantial evidence for the Board’s
    finding that a person of ordinary skill would have been mo-
    tivated to modify ruxolitinib at its metabolic hotspots on its
    cyclopentyl ring. J.A. 23-24; see also J.A. 1736 (Shilling
    identifying ruxolitinib’s metabolic hotspots as four meth-
    ylene carbons on its cyclopentyl ring); J.A. 1739-42
    Case: 19-2011     Document: 117      Page: 12    Filed: 08/22/2023
    12                   SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. v.
    (Concert Backgrounder teaching that “[m]etabolic
    ‘hotspots’” are deuterated to improve compound’s efficacy,
    safety, and tolerability). Dr. Guengerich testified that a
    skilled artisan “would have deuterated at the site corre-
    sponding to Y2 and/or Y3 in Formula A or Formula I . . . at
    every Y2 and/or every Y3,” meaning that the “most reason-
    able deuterated analogs” would be the tetra- and octo-deu-
    terated analogs of dependent claim 7. J.A. 1500-02
    (emphasis omitted). Hence, there is substantial evidence
    that an ordinarily skilled artisan would have been moti-
    vated to make the specific modifications necessary to mod-
    ify ruxolitinib to its deuterated analogs.
    Sun argues that, in finding Incyte had proven a reason-
    able expectation of success, the Board erred by ignoring the
    unpredictable effects of deuterating ruxolitinib and by not
    considering how that unpredictability would have deterred
    a skilled artisan. “The reasonable expectation of success
    requirement refers to the likelihood of success in combining
    references to meet the limitations of the claimed invention.
    . . . [O]ne must have . . . a reasonable expectation of achiev-
    ing what is claimed in the patent-at-issue.” Intelligent Bio-
    821 F.3d at 1367
    The Board had substantial evidence to conclude that a
    person of ordinary skill would have had a reasonable ex-
    pectation that she could succeed in modifying ruxolitinib to
    arrive at its tetra- and octo-deuterated analogs, which she
    would expect to display “superior ADME properties.” J.A.
    32; see also J.A. 1491-92, 1495-96 (Dr. Guengerich Decl.).
    Dr. Guengerich opined that a person of ordinary skill would
    have viewed the deuteration strategy as predictable, would
    have been able to synthesize the claimed compounds of the
    ’149 patent, and would also have expected the resulting
    compounds to demonstrate metabolic stability. J.A. 1503-
    22.     The Board acknowledged that the Concert
    Case: 19-2011    Document: 117      Page: 13     Filed: 08/22/2023
    SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. v.                     13
    Backgrounder discloses that the “magnitude and nature of
    the deuterium benefit cannot be predicted a priori,” J.A.
    14, 31, 1740, but found, nonetheless, that an ordinarily
    skilled artisan would have reasonably expected – based on
    the overall teachings of the Backgrounder and the opinions
    of Dr. Guengerich – that deuterium modification could “re-
    sult[] in differentiated ADME,” including potential
    “[r]educed Cmax-driven side effects” and “[i]mproved effi-
    cacy, convenience and compliance,” J.A. 1739; see also J.A.
    1491-92 (Dr. Guengerich explaining that deuteration “sub-
    stantially reduce[s] R&D risk, time, and expense,” notwith-
    standing lack of a priori predictability). “[O]bviousness
    cannot be avoided simply by a showing of some degree of
    unpredictability in the art so long as there was a reasona-
    ble probability of success.” Pfizer, Inc. v. Apotex, Inc., 
    480 F.3d 1348
    , 1364 (Fed. Cir. 2007).
    Thus, the Board had substantial evidence to support its
    findings that a person of ordinary skill in the art would
    have been motivated to modify ruxolitinib to create the ’149
    patent’s deuterated analogs to alter its pharmacokinetic
    properties and would have reasonably expected that such
    modifications would lead to the beneficial changes sug-
    gested by the Concert Backgrounder.
    Sun further argues the Board erred in its evaluation of
    two objective indicia of nonobviousness: unexpected results
    and long-felt need. We disagree. Nothing about Sun’s ob-
    jective indicia evidence rebuts Incyte’s prima facie showing
    of obviousness. 4
    4   Incyte argues that none of Sun’s objective indicia
    evidence is probative of nonobviousness because it all re-
    lates solely to CTP-543, which is a single embodiment and
    Case: 19-2011    Document: 117      Page: 14    Filed: 08/22/2023
    14                  SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. v.
    Sun argues that CTP-543, the highly pure octo-deuter-
    ated embodiment of claim 7 of its ’149 patent, displays two
    unexpected results: (1) a flatter pharmacokinetic curve,
    which increases the time of the drug in the therapeutic
    window, and (2) a greater relative increase in half-life for
    patients who metabolized ruxolitinib most quickly. The
    record contains substantial evidence to support the Board’s
    contrary finding that CTP-543’s results were “an increase
    in the same clinical activity observed with ruxolitinib, and
    therefore represent merely a difference in degree and not
    in kind.” J.A. 35; see Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. v. Teva
    Pharms. USA Inc., 
    752 F.3d 967
    , 977 (Fed. Cir. 2014)
    (“While a ‘marked superiority’ in an expected property may
    be enough in some circumstances to render a compound pa-
    tentable, a ‘mere difference in degree’ is insufficient.”).
    That is, the Board reasonably concluded that CTP-543’s in-
    creased time in the therapeutic window and increased clin-
    ical response at a given dose were differences in degree that
    did not indicate a marked superiority in these properties.
    See J.A. 6636-37, 6745-55 (Incyte’s experts testifying that
    therapeutic differences between CTP-543 and ruxolitinib
    were not “clinically meaningful” or “clinically impactful”).
    “The existence of a long-felt but unsolved need that is
    met by the claimed invention is further objective evidence
    of non-obviousness.” Millennium Pharms., Inc. v. Sandoz
    862 F.3d 1356
    , 1369 (Fed. Cir. 2017). “Evidence of a
    long-felt need is particularly probative of obviousness when
    it demonstrates both that a demand existed for the
    not commensurate with the scope of any claim of the ’149
    patent. It is sufficient for our purposes, as it was for the
    Board, see J.A. 35, to assume without deciding that Sun has
    met its burden to show that CTP-543 is representative of
    all embodiments within the scope of a challenged claim, as
    Sun’s evidence lacks significant probative value for other
    reasons that we explain.
    Case: 19-2011    Document: 117       Page: 15   Filed: 08/22/2023
    SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. v.                    15
    patented invention, and that others tried but failed to sat-
    isfy that demand.” 
     (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Assuming, without deciding, that the need for an effective
    and safe alopecia areata treatment existed, the Board had
    substantial evidence for its finding that CTP-543 had not
    actually satisfied this long-felt need, but only had the “po-
    tential” and “likelihood” to do so. J.A. 36-37; see also J.A.
    9385-86 (Dr. Mackay-Wiggin Decl.). While we agree with
    Sun (and amicus Bald Girls Do Lunch) that FDA approval
    is not a prerequisite to showing that a long-felt need has
    been met, and FDA’s designation of CTP-543 for “Break-
    through Therapy” and “Fast-Track” approval are probative
    of nonobviousness, here Sun expressly framed its objective
    indicia argument as “CTP-543 satisfies the long-felt need
    for an FDA-approved, evidence-based alopecia areata
    treatment,” J.A. 465 (emphasis added), and the Board rea-
    sonably found that CTP-543 had not met this need because
    it lacked FDA approval, see J.A. 1366. 5 Thus, substantial
    evidence supports the Board’s conclusion that Sun did not
    prove that CTP-543 has satisfied this long-felt need.
    We have considered Sun’s remaining arguments and
    find them unpersuasive. For the foregoing reasons, we af-
    5   Evidence provided by the amicus, Bald Girls Do
    Lunch, but not otherwise in the record cannot be consid-
    ered on appeal. See In re Watts, 
    354 F.3d 1362
    , 1367 (Fed.
    Cir. 2004).