People v. Loper , 60 Cal. 4th 1155 ( 2015 )

  • Filed 3/5/15
    THE PEOPLE,                          )
    Plaintiff and Respondent, )
    )                              S211840
    v.                        )
    )                        Ct.App. 4/1 D062693
    JAMES ALDEN LOPER,                   )
    )                        San Diego County
    Defendant and Appellant.  )                    Super. Ct. No. SCD225263
    Penal Code section 1170, subdivision (e) (section 1170(e))1 authorizes
    certain prison authorities to recommend that the superior court recall a previously
    imposed sentence because the prisoner is now terminally ill or medically
    incapacitated, permitting the resentencing of the prisoner to serve a new sentence
    outside the prison walls. Under this procedure, sometimes called ―compassionate
    release‖ (see Martinez v. Board of Parole Hearings (2010) 
    183 Cal. App. 4th 578
    590), a question has arisen whether an inmate denied such release by the superior
    court may appeal that decision. We conclude that when the proceeding is properly
    initiated by prison or parole authorities as required by law, the trial court‘s
    decision produces an appealable order that may be appealed by the prisoner.
    Accordingly, we reverse the Court of Appeal‘s decision, which reached a contrary
    1       All statutory references are to the Penal Code unless otherwise stated.
    The San Diego County Grand Jury indicted defendant Loper in 2010 on
    several criminal counts related to his underpayment of both taxes and worker‘s
    compensation premiums in connection with his tree trimming business. On
    November 11, 2010, he pleaded guilty to one count of violating Insurance Code
    section 11880, subdivision (a) and admitted various enhancements; the remaining
    charges were dismissed. On February 4, 2011, the trial court sentenced him to six
    years in prison. On August 14, 2012, the Secretary of the California Department
    of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) recommended that defendant‘s
    sentence be recalled pursuant to section 1170(e) and that he be granted
    compassionate release due to his medical condition. The recommendation was
    accompanied by a letter from Dr. Ronelle Campbell, staff physician for the
    CDCR, who opined that defendant suffered from a variety of health ailments and
    that ―[h]is life expectancy is short and possibly less than 6 months.‖ On August
    24, 2012, the trial court ordered the CDCR to provide it with an update on
    defendant‘s condition and an opinion from a medical doctor as to whether
    defendant was expected to die within six months, which is one of the statutory
    criteria for release. The court then continued the matter.
    The trial court revisited the case on September 14, 2012. It had before it a
    letter from Dr. Kyle Sealey, the chief medical executive at the CDCR‘s Richard J.
    Donovan Correctional Facility, which stated that defendant ―is an ill individual
    with disease processes that will continue to progress, despite treatment, leading to
    his eventual demise,‖ but that ―[h]is current status does not indicate for or against
    a prognosis of less than six months to live.‖ The CDCR was not represented at the
    hearing but the People, represented by the San Diego County District Attorney‘s
    office, argued that because Dr. Sealey could not assert defendant would die within
    six months, defendant did not fall within the terms of section 1170(e). Counsel
    appearing on behalf of defendant Loper presented the opinion of Dr. Campbell,
    who had recently retired from the CDCR and who last examined defendant on
    June 28, 2012. Counsel asserted to the court that Dr. Campbell told him ―that you
    can‘t say to any medical certainty when someone is exactly going to die. He could
    die tomorrow. It‘s possible he could live beyond six months. But it‘s clear that
    his condition is inoperable. He doesn‘t have very long to live.‖ Dr. Campbell was
    present in the courtroom and answered a few informal questions although she was
    not placed under oath. She did not dispute counsel‘s representation of her medical
    opinion. Despite the absence of formal testimony from Dr. Campbell, and there
    being no objection from the People, the trial court accepted counsel‘s recitation of
    Dr. Campbell‘s opinion but ultimately found an insufficient basis for
    compassionate release under section 1170(e). Noting that Dr. Sealey‘s letter said
    that defendant‘s ―current status does not indicate for or against a prognosis of less
    than six months to live,‖ the court opined that ―the language of the statute is quite
    definitive in terms of the determination that the department physician needs to
    make.‖ Accordingly, the court denied the CDCR‘s recommendation to recall
    defendant‘s sentence.
    Defendant, but not the Secretary of the CDCR (the Secretary), appealed the
    trial court‘s decision. The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal, finding the trial
    court‘s denial of the CDCR‘s recommendation for compassionate release was a
    nonappealable order. We thereafter granted review.
    The Right to Appeal
    The right to appeal is statutory only, and a party may not appeal a trial
    court‘s judgment, order or ruling unless such is expressly made appealable by
    statute. (Teal v. Superior Court (2014) 
    60 Cal. 4th 595
    , 598; People v. Totari
    28 Cal. 4th 876
    , 881; People v. Mazurette (2001) 
    24 Cal. 4th 789
    , 792.)
    Appeals by criminal defendants are governed by section 1237, and defendant
    contends subdivision (b) authorizes his appeal: ―An appeal may be taken by the
    defendant: [¶] . . . [¶] From any order made after judgment, affecting the
    substantial rights of the party.‖ (Italics added.) There being no dispute the trial
    court‘s order denying the recommendation to recall defendant‘s sentence pursuant
    to section 1170(e) was one made after defendant‘s original judgment, or that
    defendant is a ―party,‖ section 1237, subdivision (b) authorizes him to appeal if
    the trial court‘s denial of compassionate release constitutes (1) ―any order‖ that
    (2) affects his ―substantial rights.‖
    Compassionate release was first authorized by statute in 1997 when the
    Legislature added new subdivision (e) to section 1170, permitting trial courts to
    recall the criminal sentences of terminally ill prisoners and resentence them to
    serve their sentences outside prison. (Stats. 1997, ch. 751, § 1, pp. 5071–5072.)
    The Legislature amended the law 10 years later to provide the same option for
    medically incapacitated prisoners. (Stats. 2007, ch. 740, § 1, pp. 6196–6197.) (A
    separate statute permits medically incapacitated prisoners to seek a medical parole
    directly from the Board of Parole Hearings (BPH) without intervention of the trial
    court. See § 3550, subd. (a).) Motivated in part by the Legislature‘s desire to save
    the prison system money (see Martinez v. Board of Parole 
    Hearings, supra
    , 183
    Cal.App.4th at pp. 590–592), section 1170(e) now provides in pertinent part that
    ―if the secretary[2] or the Board of Parole Hearings or both determine that a
    2      Read in context, reference to ―the secretary‖ means the Secretary of the
    CDCR. A prior version of section 1170(e) provided, ―the Director of Corrections
    or the Board of Prison Terms or both‖ could ―recommend to the court that the
    prisoner‘s sentence be recalled.‖ (As amended by Stats. 2004, ch. 747, § 1,
    pp. 5807, 5809, italics added.) This was later changed to read: ―the secretary or
    (footnote continued on next page)
    prisoner satisfies the criteria set forth in paragraph (2), the secretary or the board
    may recommend to the court that the prisoner‘s sentence be recalled.‖ Section
    1170(e)(2), in turn, provides that ―[t]he court shall have the discretion to
    resentence or recall if the court finds that the facts described in subparagraphs (A)
    and (B) or subparagraphs (B) and (C) exist:
    ―(A) The prisoner is terminally ill with an incurable condition caused by an
    illness or disease that would produce death within six months, as determined by a
    physician employed by the department.
    ―(B) The conditions under which the prisoner would be released or receive
    treatment do not pose a threat to public safety.
    ―(C) The prisoner is permanently medically incapacitated with a medical
    condition that renders him or her permanently unable to perform activities of basic
    daily living, and results in the prisoner requiring 24-hour total care, including, but
    not limited to, coma, persistent vegetative state, brain death, ventilator-
    dependency, loss of control of muscular or neurological function, and that
    incapacitation did not exist at the time of the original sentencing.‖
    (footnote continued from previous page)
    the Board of Parole Hearings . . . .‖ (Stats. 2007, ch. 740, § 1, pp. 6194, 6196,
    italics added.)
    As we have explained, ―[f]ormerly, the administrative head of the
    department (then the Department of Corrections) was called the Director of
    Corrections. In 2005, the Legislature abolished the office of the Director of
    Corrections and replaced it with the secretary. (Pen. Code, §§ 5050, 5054.) Some
    Penal Code provisions still use the term ‗Director of Corrections,‘ but any such
    reference now ‗refers to the Secretary of the Department of Corrections and
    Rehabilitation.‘ (Pen. Code, § 5050.)‖ (In re Jenkins (2010) 
    50 Cal. 4th 1167
    1173, fn. 1.)
    Section 1170(e) thus authorizes only two parties to seek a prisoner‘s
    compassionate release: the Secretary or the BPH (or both). Although ―the
    prisoner or his or her family member or designee may independently request
    consideration for recall and resentencing by contacting the chief medical officer at
    the prison or the secretary‖ (§ 1170(e)(6)), nothing in the statutory scheme
    authorizes a prisoner (or his family) to initiate a proceeding in the trial court for
    compassionate release independently of prison or parole authorities.
    Unsurprisingly, the statutory scheme similarly contains no express provision
    permitting a prisoner to appeal an adverse decision.
    The law thus presents a slight anomaly, for although a terminally ill or
    medically incapacitated prisoner is the party whose rights are most directly
    affected by a trial court‘s grant or denial of compassionate release, section 1170(e)
    does not specifically authorize the prisoner to seek recall of his sentence. Both the
    Court of Appeal below and respondent found this aspect of the law dispositive of
    defendant‘s right to appeal. Thus, the appellate court concluded that because ―a
    defendant has no right to apply to the court for an order recalling the sentence on
    compassionate release grounds,‖ his ―substantial rights are not affected by the trial
    court‘s order denying recall of his sentence‖ and he thus ―may not appeal from the
    order.‖ Similarly, respondent, represented by the Attorney General, argues in this
    court that ―because [Loper] did not have a right to request that the trial court recall
    his sentence and release him, the trial court‘s denial of the [CDCR‘s]
    recommendation could not affect his substantial rights.‖ 3
    3       Our cases do not provide a comprehensive interpretation of the term
    ―substantial rights‖ as used in section 1237, subdivision (b), and we do not intend
    in this case to offer a generally applicable definition of that phrase. Given the
    circumstances here, however, the conclusion that defendant‘s substantial rights are
    at issue in the operation of the compassionate release statute is difficult to escape.
    (footnote continued on next page)
    Although respondent‘s argument, and the appellate court‘s holding, proceed
    on the assumption that one must be the moving party in the trial court to acquire
    the right to appeal an adverse ruling, no such universal rule exists. (See, e.g.,
    People v. Carmony (2004) 
    33 Cal. 4th 367
    , 376 [―the defendant‘s inability to move
    to dismiss [a strike conviction] under section 1385 should not . . . preclude him or
    her from raising the erroneous failure to do so on appeal‖]; People v. Gillispie
    60 Cal. App. 4th 429
    , 433–434 [same].) To be sure, in the typical case the
    moving party who receives an adverse decision from the trial court is the one
    likely to appeal. Indeed, we recently explained that because a prisoner had
    standing to bring a motion to recall his sentence under section 1170.126 (pursuant
    to the Three Strikes Reform Act of 2012), denial of that motion affected his
    substantial rights and he could thus appeal the adverse ruling. (Teal v. Superior
    Court, supra
    , 60 Cal.4th at p. 601.) But section 1237, subdivision (b) is not tied to
    standing or the identity of the moving party. Instead, it permits a party to appeal
    ―any order‖ (italics added) made after judgment if it affects that party‘s
    ―substantial rights.‖ When interpreting statutes, we give the law its plain,
    commonsense meaning (In re Jennings (2004) 
    34 Cal. 4th 254
    , 263), giving effect
    (footnote continued from previous page)
    Although defendant has no independent right to initiate compassionate release
    proceedings in the trial court, the Secretary evaluated defendant‘s medical
    condition and made a recommendation for compassionate release on his behalf.
    By providing a mechanism for releasing eligible prisoners from custody, section
    1170(e) implicates a prisoner‘s substantial interest in personal liberty. Moreover,
    although section 1170(e) authorizes the trial court to exercise discretion whether to
    release a prisoner for compassionate reasons, the statute also establishes clear
    eligibility criteria (§ 1170(e)(2)), suggesting that discretion is not unfettered when
    evidence is presented satisfying the statutory criteria. These factors lead us to
    conclude the trial court‘s ruling clearly affected defendant‘s substantial rights for
    purposes of section 1237, subdivision (b).
    to the Legislature‘s intent in enacting the law (People v Anderson (2011) 
    51 Cal. 4th 989
    , 1002). Here the plain meaning of section 1237‘s use of the phrase
    ―any order‖ shows the Legislature did not intend to limit appealability to parties
    who had standing to bring the original motion.
    Courts have recognized appeals from other than the moving party in a
    variety of circumstances. For example, in People v. Herrera (1982) 
    127 Cal. App. 3d 590
    (Herrera), the defendant appealed the denial of the motion by the
    former Board of Prison Terms to recall his sentence under a previous version of
    section 1170, subdivision (f), which at that time provided for disparate sentence
    review by the trial court.4 As here, the state argued the trial court‘s denial of the
    board‘s motion was not appealable by the defendant but the Herrera court
    disagreed. After establishing the Board of Prison Terms properly brought the
    motion to recall the sentence, the Herrera court explained:
    ―The question here is: Assuming that the motion for recall was properly
    initiated by the Board, does the prisoner have the right to appeal from the denial of
    that motion even though he could not have initiated the motion himself?
    4       In August 1979, when the motion to recall the sentence was denied by the
    trial court in Herrera 
    (Herrera, supra
    , 127 Cal.App.3d at p. 594), section 1170,
    subdivision (f) provided in pertinent part: ―In all cases the Community Release
    Board [precursor to the former Board of Prison Terms and the present BPH] shall,
    not later than one year after the commencement of the term of imprisonment,
    review the sentence and shall by motion recommend that the court recall the
    sentence and commitment previously ordered and resentence the defendant in the
    same manner as if he had not been previously sentenced if the board determines
    the sentence is disparate.‖ (As amended by Stats. 1978, ch. 579, § 29, pp. 1987,
    This subdivision was repealed in 1992, and its provisions rewritten and
    moved to section 1170, subdivision (d). (As amended by Stats. 1992, ch. 695,
    § 10, pp. 2975, 2977.)
    ―Section 1237, subdivision 2 [now subd. (b)] provides that a criminal
    defendant may appeal ‗[f]rom any order made after judgment, affecting the
    substantial rights of the party.‘ (Italics added.) Application of this section is not
    confined to orders resulting from motions initiated by defendant; rather, by its own
    terms, the statute applies to ‗any‘ order affecting the substantial rights of the party.
    ―The ‗right‘ which appellant is asserting is his ‗right‘ to receive a sentence
    which is not disparate when compared to sentences received by other similarly
    situated convicts. Underlying this is appellant‘s right to liberty—and to suffer
    only that deprivation of liberty which his crimes warrant.‖ (People v. 
    Herrera, supra
    , 127 Cal.App.3d at p. 596, underscoring added.) Although this court later
    disapproved Herrera on another ground in People v. Martin (1986) 
    42 Cal. 3d 437
    id. at pp.
    446 & 451, fn. 13), we specifically endorsed Herrera‘s holding on
    (Martin, supra
    , at p. 450).
    Other cases have recognized a defendant‘s right to appeal in situations in
    which he was not, and could not be, the moving party. For example, in People v.
    Sword (1994) 
    29 Cal. App. 4th 614
    (Sword), the defendant was found not guilty of
    murder by reason of insanity and confined in a state hospital (§ 1026, subd. (a)).
    In such a case, the patient may later be released from confinement in three
    circumstances: (1) on a showing of restoration of sanity pursuant to section
    1026.2; (2) on expiration of the maximum term of commitment pursuant to section
    1026.5; or (3) upon placement on outpatient status pursuant to the provisions of
    section 1600 et seq. (§ 1026.1.) For a defendant to take advantage of the third
    option—placement on outpatient status—―the director of the state hospital or other
    treatment facility to which the person has been committed‖ must recommend to
    the committing court that the person is eligible for outpatient status. (§ 1604,
    subd. (a).)
    In Sword, the medical director at Patton State Hospital ―found that [the]
    defendant was no longer dangerous and recommended that [he] be placed on
    outpatient status pursuant to section 1603, subdivision (a)(1).‖ 
    (Sword, supra
    , 29
    Cal.App.4th at p. 620.) The committing court denied the recommendation and the
    defendant appealed. The appellate court found the appeal was proper under
    section 1237, subdivision (b) as an appeal from an order after judgment affecting
    the defendant‘s substantial rights, despite the fact the defendant was not himself
    authorized to seek an order releasing him to outpatient status. 
    (Sword, supra
    , at
    p. 619, fn. 2; see People v. Cross (2005) 
    127 Cal. App. 4th 63
    , 66, citing Sword
    with approval.)
    Similarly, in People v. Connor (2004) 
    115 Cal. App. 4th 669
    (Connor), the
    defendant pleaded no contest to a sex offense on a dependent adult and the trial
    court sentenced him to probation with certain conditions. More than one year
    later, the San Jose Mercury News filed a petition to disclose the defendant‘s
    probation report pursuant to section 1203.05, subdivision (b). That statute
    provides in pertinent part: ―Any report of the probation officer filed with the
    court, including any report arising out of a previous arrest of the person who is the
    subject of the report, may be inspected or copied only as follows: [¶] (a) By any
    person, from the date judgment is pronounced or probation granted or, in the case
    of a report arising out of a previous arrest, from the date the subsequent accusatory
    pleading is filed, to and including 60 days from the date judgment is pronounced
    or probation is granted, whichever is earlier. [¶] (b) By any person, at any time,
    by order of the court, upon filing a petition therefor by the person.‖ The law thus
    provides a 60-day window in which probation reports are generally available to
    the public, but thereafter requires third parties to file a petition with the court
    seeking disclosure. The defendant himself or herself need never file a petition for
    disclosure because subdivision (f) of the same statute provides the probation report
    may be inspected or copied ―[b]y the subject of the report at any time.‖
    (§ 1203.05, subd. (f).)
    The trial court granted the newspaper‘s petition and the defendant appealed.
    On appeal, the newspaper contended the trial court‘s order granting the petition for
    disclosure was not appealable by the defendant, but the appellate court rejected
    that argument. Finding that probation reports contain highly personal information
    about criminal offenders, the appellate court concluded that the terms and history
    of section 1203.05 showed the Legislature intended to maintain some degree of
    privacy over the information, that the defendant gained a degree of conditional
    confidentiality over the report when 60 days had elapsed, and thus the court‘s
    postjudgment ruling ordering the disclosure of the report to the newspaper affected
    the defendant‘s substantial rights within the meaning of section 1237, subdivision
    (Connor, supra
    , 115 Cal.App.4th at pp. 677–678.) Accordingly, the
    defendant could appeal the adverse ruling despite being unauthorized himself to
    petition the court for disclosure.
    The holdings of 
    Herrera, supra
    127 Cal. App. 3d 590
    (disparate sentence
    review under § 1170, former subd. (f)), 
    Sword, supra
    29 Cal. App. 4th 614
    (outpatient placement under § 1604, subd. (a)) and 
    Connor, supra
    115 Cal. App. 4th 669
    (disclosure of probation report pursuant to § 1203.05), all
    demonstrate that a defendant may appeal an adverse decision on a postjudgment
    motion or petition if it affects his substantial rights, even if someone else brought
    the original motion.
    Respondent relies on a different line of cases that, the Attorney General
    argues, together establish a rule that a party must have standing to bring a motion
    before being able to appeal an adverse decision on that motion. (See People v.
    Pritchett (1993) 
    20 Cal. App. 4th 190
    ; People v. Chlad (1992) 
    6 Cal. App. 4th 1719
    People v. Gainer (1982) 
    133 Cal. App. 3d 636
    ; People v. Druschel (1982) 132
    11 Cal. App. 3d 667
    ; People v. Niren (1978) 
    76 Cal. App. 3d 850
    .) These cases all
    concern section 1170, subdivision (d) (section 1170(d)), which provides that after
    a trial court sentences a criminal defendant to prison, ―the court may, within 120
    days of the date of commitment on its own motion, or at any time upon the
    recommendation of the secretary or the Board of Parole Hearings, recall the
    sentence and commitment previously ordered and resentence the defendant in the
    same manner as if he or she had not previously been sentenced, provided the new
    sentence, if any, is no greater than the initial sentence.‖ (§ 1170(d)(1).) Section
    1170(d) is superficially similar to section 1170(e), the section at issue in this case,
    in that both laws authorize a trial court to recall a prisoner‘s criminal sentence
    previously imposed; while section 1170(e) permits the trial court to recall a
    criminal sentence for medical reasons, section 1170(d) is a more general statute
    and ―permits recall and resentencing for any otherwise lawful reason.‖ (Dix v.
    Superior Court (1991) 
    53 Cal. 3d 442
    , 460.) Both statutes authorize the Secretary
    or the BPH to seek a sentence recall but neither law authorizes a prisoner
    personally to initiate a sentence recall proceeding in the trial court. Unlike section
    1170(e), however, section 1170(d)(1) also authorizes the trial court to recall the
    sentence on its own motion if done within 120 days of commitment. (See 
    Dix, supra
    , at p. 456.)
    Despite the superficial similarity of these two statutes, these cases do not
    control this case because they arose in distinguishable circumstances. In both
    People v. 
    Chlad, supra
    6 Cal. App. 4th 1719
    , and People v. 
    Gainer, supra
    133 Cal. App. 3d 636
    , the defendants requested resentencing by invoking section
    1170(d) but did so more than 120 days after the date of commitment. The trial
    court in each case properly denied the motion for lack of jurisdiction because
    section 1170(d) provides that the trial court loses jurisdiction to resentence on its
    own motion after 120 days has elapsed. (See People v. Roe (1983) 148
    12 Cal. App. 3d 112
    , 118 [―[T]he 120-day limitation of section 1170, subdivision (d) is
    jurisdictional].‖) Because the trial courts in Chlad and Gainer had no jurisdiction
    to resentence on their own motion, their refusal to act on a defective defense
    motion for resentencing could not have affected any legal rights the defendants in
    those cases possessed, and the appellate courts properly dismissed the appeals.
    People v. 
    Pritchett, supra
    20 Cal. App. 4th 190
    (Pritchett), is also
    distinguishable but for a different reason. In that case, the defendant missed the
    deadline for filing a notice of appeal. (Id. at p. 192.) Then, 119 days after his
    sentence was imposed, he moved under section 1170(d) for a reduction in his
    sentence or, in the alternative, to have his sentence recalled and for the court to
    impose exactly the same term of imprisonment, believing the time for filing a
    notice of appeal would start anew and he could then appeal the sentence.
    Pritchett, supra
    , at pp. 192–193.)
    The trial court granted his second request but the appellate court held the
    court‘s order did not impose a ―sentence‖ and, as a result, was not a ― ‗final
    judgment of conviction‘ ‖ within the meaning of section 1237, subdivision (a).
    Pritchett, supra
    , 20 Cal.App.4th at pp. 193–195). The Pritchett court explained:
    ―The recall provisions of section 1170, subdivision (d) were not designed to
    permit a court to extend the time within which a defendant may file a notice of
    appeal. Instead, section 1170, subdivision (d) permits the sentencing court to
    recall a sentence only for reasons ‗rationally related to lawful sentencing.‘
    [Citations.] In effect, the section creates a limited exception to the common law
    rule that a trial court loses jurisdiction to resentence once the defendant
    commences his or her sentence. [Citations.] Here, the trial court did not recall
    defendant‘s sentence for a reason rationally related to lawful sentencing . . . .
    Instead, the court recalled the sentence for the sole purpose of permitting
    defendant to file a notice of appeal after he had failed to do so within the period
    provided by law.‖ (
    Pritchett, supra
    , at pp. 194–195.) The trial court had ―no
    ‗jurisdiction‘ ‖ to do so and so abused its discretion. (Id. at p. 195.)
    Because an appealable order must be validly issued, and because a
    sentencing order cannot be valid if the trial court lacks jurisdiction to issue it, the
    trial court‘s action in Pritchett was neither a ―final judgment of conviction‖ nor an
    ―order‖ within the meaning of section 1237. In contrast to Pritchett, in this case
    the Secretary recommended that defendant‘s sentence be recalled for medical
    reasons, as authorized by statute, and the trial court thus had jurisdiction to act on
    that recommendation. In any event, the Pritchett court was responding to ―unique
    circumstances‖ not present here (
    Pritchett, supra
    , 20 Cal.App.4th at p. 194), and
    we find its reasoning inapplicable to the instant case.
    Finally, in People v. 
    Druschel, supra
    132 Cal. App. 3d 667
    , and in People v.
    Niren, supra
    76 Cal. App. 3d 850
    , the defendant moved to have his sentence
    recalled, and attempted to appeal when the trial court denied the motion. The
    appellate court in each case dismissed the appeal on the ground the defendant
    lacked statutory authority, or ―standing,‖ to make the motion in the first place.
    Although these cases provide facial support for respondent‘s view that the right to
    appeal depends on statutory authority to make the motion, Druschel and Niren are
    unpersuasive because their reasoning cannot be squared with that in People v.
    Carmony, supra
    33 Cal. 4th 367
    . Carmony, which involved a trial court‘s power
    to dismiss a strike pursuant to section 1385, explained: ―A defendant has no
    [statutory] right to make a motion [to dismiss a strike], and the trial court has no
    obligation to make a ruling, under section 1385. But he or she does have the right
    to ‗invite the court to exercise its power by an application to strike a count or
    allegation of an accusatory pleading, and the court must consider evidence offered
    by the defendant in support of his assertion that the dismissal would be in
    furtherance of justice.‘ [Citation.] And ‗[w]hen the balance falls clearly in favor
    of the defendant, a trial court not only may but should exercise the powers granted
    to [it] by the Legislature and grant a dismissal in the interests of justice.‘ ‖
    Carmony, supra
    , at p. 375.) Accordingly, ―the defendant’s inability to move to
    dismiss under section 1385 should not . . . preclude him or her from raising the
    erroneous failure to do so on appeal.‖ (
    Carmony, supra
    , at p. 376, italics added.)
    There being no apparent reason why this analysis would not apply to motions for
    resentencing under section 1170(d), we hereby disapprove People v. 
    Druschel, supra
    132 Cal. App. 3d 667
    , and People v. 
    Niren, supra
    76 Cal. App. 3d 850
    , to the
    extent they are inconsistent with 
    Carmony, supra
    , at page 376.
    In sum, we find the cases relied on by respondent and, to some extent, the
    Court of Appeal, distinguishable.
    Although our conclusion that defendant may appeal is based on the plain
    meaning of section 1237, subdivision (b), respondent argues that permitting
    defendant to appeal the denial of compassionate release is contrary to the
    Legislature‘s purpose of expediting cases in which prisoners who meet the criteria
    for compassionate release can quickly be released from custody. Respondent
    suggests prisoners should instead seek writ relief because that avenue would more
    quickly resolve the case. We disagree: ―A remedy by immediate direct appeal is
    presumed to be adequate, and a party seeking review by extraordinary writ bears
    the burden of demonstrating that appeal would not be an adequate remedy under
    the particular circumstances of that case.‖ (Powers v. City of Richmond (1995) 
    10 Cal. 4th 85
    , 113, italics added.) While not foreclosing the possibility of writ relief
    in all cases, we observe that prisoners remain free to seek expedited processing of
    their appeal on a showing of good cause, as defendant did in this case. (See Cal.
    Rules of Court, rule 8.68 [―For good cause and except as these rules provide
    otherwise, the Chief Justice or presiding justice may shorten the time to do any act
    required or permitted under these rules.‖]; 
    id., rule 8.240
    [a party may seek
    ―calendar preference,‖ meaning ―an expedited appeal schedule, which may include
    expedited briefing and preference in setting the date of oral argument‖].)
    The trial court‘s denial of compassionate release was an order made after
    judgment that affected defendant‘s substantial rights. Accordingly, his appeal was
    authorized by section 1237, subdivision (b). Because the Court of Appeal
    improperly dismissed his appeal, we reverse that decision and remand the case to
    Division One of the Fourth District Court of Appeal for further proceedings
    consistent with this opinion.5
    CHIN, J.
    LIU, J.
    KRUGER, J.
    5       See In re Zeth S. (2003) 
    31 Cal. 4th 396
    , 405 (―It has long been the general
    rule and understanding that ‗an appeal reviews the correctness of a judgment as of
    the time of its rendition, upon a record of matters which were before the trial court
    for its consideration.‘ ‖); but see, 
    id., p. 413,
    fn. 11 (suggesting ―particular
    circumstances may give rise to an exception to the general rule that postjudgment
    evidence is inadmissible‖).
    See next page for addresses and telephone numbers for counsel who argued in Supreme Court.
    Name of Opinion People v. Loper
    Unpublished Opinion
    Original Appeal
    Original Proceeding
    Review Granted XXX 
    216 Cal. App. 4th 969
    Rehearing Granted
    Opinion No. S211840
    Date Filed: March 5, 2015
    Court: Superior
    County: San Diego
    Judge: Laura H. Parsky
    Raymond M. DiGuiseppe, under appointment by the Supreme Court, for Defendant and Appellant.
    Nora E. Wilson for Justice Now as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Defendant and Appellant.
    Kamala D. Harris, Attorney General, Dane R. Gillette, Chief Assistant Attorney General, Julie L. Garland,
    Assistant Attorney General, Steven T. Oetting and Lise S. Jacobson, Deputy Attorneys General, for
    Plaintiff and Respondent.
    Counsel who argued in Supreme Court (not intended for publication with opinion):
    Raymond M. DiGuiseppe
    Post Office Box 10790
    Southport, NC 28461
    (910) 713-8804
    Lise S. Jacobson
    Deputy Attorney General
    110 West A Street, Suite 1100
    San Diego, CA 92101
    (619) 645-2293