P. v. Williams ( 2013 )

  • Filed 5/1/13 (unmodified opinion attached)
    THE PEOPLE,                          )
    Plaintiff and Respondent, )
    )                           S093756
    v.                        )
    COREY LEIGH WILLIAMS,                )
    )                    Contra Costa County
    Defendant and Appellant.  )                 Super. Ct. No. 961903-2-02
    The opinion herein, filed February 7, 2013, and appearing at 
    56 Cal.4th 165
    , is modified as follows:
    Footnote 14 on page 188 of 56 Cal.4th at page 188 is modified to read as
    Defendant contends the questioning by White and Reed went beyond their
    normal intake duties. The record does not support this claim. While Reed
    acknowledged that a more thorough investigation would follow the initial decision
    to place an inmate in segregated housing, he also testified that he would explore
    inmates‘ reasons for safety concerns at the intake interview. Indeed, defense
    counsel conceded at the suppression hearing that White and Reed were ―totally
    within their function‖ when they pressed defendant about the reason for his
    apprehension, and could not be expected to simply take an inmate‘s word on the
    need for segregated housing. Counsel argued that the questioning was proper, but
    nevertheless inadmissible under Morris, supra, 192 Cal.App.3d at pages 389–390.
    This modification does not affect the judgment.
    The petition for rehearing is denied.
    Filed 2/7/13 (unmodified version)
    THE PEOPLE,                          )
    Plaintiff and Respondent, )
    )                            S093756
    v.                        )
    COREY LEIGH WILLIAMS,                )
    )                     Contra Costa County
    Defendant and Appellant.  )                  Super. Ct. No. 961903-2-02
    Defendant Corey Leigh Williams was convicted of the first degree murders
    of Maria Elena Corrieo and Maria Eugenia (Gina) Roberts.1 The jury returned
    true findings on the special circumstances of multiple murder and murder in the
    commission of burglary and robbery.2 It found that defendant personally used a
    firearm in both murders,3 and that his codefendant was armed with a firearm.4
    Defendant was also convicted of two counts of first degree robbery and one count
    of first degree burglary, all with personal firearm use, arising from the same
    incident. 5
    1       Penal Code section 187. Further statutory references are to the Penal Code
    unless otherwise indicated.
    2       Section 190.2, subdivision (a)(3) and (17).
    3       Section 12022.5, subdivision (a).
    4       Section 12022, subdivision (a)(1). The codefendant, Dalton Lolohea, was
    tried separately, found guilty, and sentenced to life in prison without parole.
    5       Sections 211, 212.5, 459, 460, subdivision (a).
    Defendant was given the death penalty.6 This appeal is automatic. We
    affirm the judgment.
    I. FACTS
    A. Guilt Phase
    1. Prosecution
    Maria Elena Corrieo, age 74, lived with her disabled daughter, Gina
    Roberts, age 53. Mrs. Corrieo owned a restaurant in Concord, and did not trust
    banks. When the restaurant closed each evening she would take the paper
    currency home in her apron. Periodically she would consolidate the proceeds into
    $100 bills, which she kept in her car.
    The victims were discovered by another of Mrs. Corrieo‘s daughters, Lili
    Williams, on August 16, 1995. Williams had last seen Corrieo and Roberts the
    previous evening at the restaurant. Several times the following day she called the
    restaurant and was concerned to learn her mother was not there. Williams and her
    ex-husband drove to Corrieo‘s house, where they found her car parked at an
    unusual angle and items lying on the ground nearby. The front door of the house
    was open. Williams found Corrieo and Roberts on the floor. After hugging and
    trying to comfort them, Williams realized they were dead. The phone lines had
    been cut, but Williams‘s ex-husband was able to flag down a police officer.
    Contra Costa County criminalists examined the crime scene. Both Corrieo
    and Roberts had their hands tied behind their backs. They had been shot in the
    head. Bullets were embedded in the floor beneath them, and blood spatters also
    6      The court also sentenced defendant to a total term of eight years on each of
    the robbery and burglary counts, with the firearm use enhancements. The
    sentences on the robbery counts were stayed pending execution of the death
    sentence, and the sentence on the burglary count was stayed under section 654.
    indicated they had been shot ―in place.‖ Three .40-caliber Smith & Wesson
    cartridge casings were found near Corrieo, and four near Roberts. The parties
    stipulated that the murder weapon was People‘s exhibit No. 11, a Glock .40-
    caliber semi-automatic pistol. Autopsies revealed that the victims died from their
    gunshot wounds. Fragments of a bullet lodged in Corrieo‘s head weighed
    approximately the same as a .40-caliber Smith & Wesson bullet.
    David Ross was the principal prosecution witness. He admitted
    participating in the crimes along with defendant and Dalton Lolohea, and testified
    that defendant was the shooter. Ross‘s credibility was therefore critical, and
    highly contested at trial.
    Lolohea, Ross, and defendant were friends. Lolohea told Ross he knew of
    a car with $30,000 in the trunk. A cook in Mrs. Corrieo‘s restaurant was the
    source of the information. On the night of the murders, Ross met Lolohea and
    defendant, and the men agreed to break into the car. They drove to Ross‘s house,
    where he kept a .40-caliber Glock pistol. He testified that it was the same pistol as
    People‘s exhibit No. 11, or ―almost identical‖ to it. The men had ski masks, and
    Ross gave them socks to use as gloves. They found Corrieo‘s car at the restaurant,
    but decided not to break into it there. Instead, they followed the victims home,
    planning to coerce them into revealing where the money was. On the way they
    donned the masks and put the socks on their hands. They agreed to address one
    another as ―Baby,‖ to shield their identities. Defendant had the pistol.
    At Corrieo‘s house, defendant and Lolohea forced the victims inside while
    Ross searched their car. He ―threw everything‖ from the victims‘ car into
    Lolohea‘s car. When Ross entered the house, the victims were lying facedown on
    the floor. Defendant stood over them, holding the pistol. Ross and Lolohea
    ransacked the house looking for a safe or cashbox, then took a large television to
    Lolohea‘s car. They returned to the house, where Ross said to defendant, ―C-Dog,
    ask them where the money‘s at.‖ Defendant yelled at Ross, ―Don‘t fucking call
    me by my name. . . . Don‘t call me C-Dog.‖7
    As they were tying the women‘s hands, Roberts struggled to her knees,
    protesting. Ross kicked her in the back. At his direction, defendant hit Roberts
    ―full force with his fist in her face, hit her about three or four times. Then she fell
    down.‖ Thinking they were finished, Ross said to Lolohea, ―Let‘s go.‖ Lolohea
    told Ross to get in the car. He said he and defendant would make sure the phone
    lines were cut and the victims ―wasn‘t going anywhere for a while.‖ Ross sat in
    the car for a few minutes, heard a gunshot, and saw Lolohea run outside. By the
    time Lolohea reached the car, Ross heard three more shots. A minute later
    defendant ran from the house and jumped into the car. Ross asked him, ―What did
    you do in there?‖ Defendant said he ―shot them bitches.‖ Ross asked why.
    Defendant responded that he shot them because they heard Ross call him ―C-
    The men drove to Walnut Creek and left the television set with a friend,
    saying Ross would pick it up the next day. Next, they drove to a hangout of theirs,
    an isolated parking lot in an industrial area of Concord known as ―Stanwell.‖
    There they searched the material they had stolen. Defendant found the money.
    They ―high-fived,‖ and drove to Ross‘s house to divide the take. Ross managed to
    skim off $4,000 before they split the remaining $36,000.8 He gave his sister $500
    and asked her to hide his ski mask and black sweater.
    The next day Ross and defendant went to a mall where defendant bought a
    bracelet for his girlfriend, Wendy Beach. They drove to Beach‘s house and
    7     At trial it was stipulated that ―C-Dog‖ was tattooed on defendant‘s hands.
    8     The exact amount of the money taken is unclear. According to Ross, it was
    between $40,000 and $50,000.
    defendant gave her the bracelet. Eventually, Ross gave the murder weapon to his
    friend Clemus West, telling him to ―get rid of it.‖
    Ross testified before the grand jury with the understanding that he would
    not be subject to the death penalty for these crimes. Afterward, he was offered a
    term of 25 years to life. He declined on the advice of counsel, and eventually pled
    guilty in return for a 20-year sentence.
    On cross-examination, Ross admitted lying to the police repeatedly, at first
    denying and then minimizing his involvement in the crimes. He said it was ―all a
    lie‖ when he told the police ―all of the stories . . . about not really knowing what
    was going on, and not wanting to be part of it, and that it was all a big surprise to
    [him] when [he] showed up at this house.‖ Ross also conceded that he had not
    been forthcoming about his past criminal activity when he testified before the
    grand jury. He had admitted a theft conviction, but failed to mention crimes that
    apparently did not lead to convictions: shooting at an occupied vehicle, robbery,
    and burglary, as well as selling crack cocaine and stolen property.
    Ross testified that when the police first questioned him, they assured him
    they did not think he committed the murders and believed he may not have even
    known that anyone would be robbed, much less killed. During that session, before
    his arrest, the officers permitted Ross to confer with Lolohea for 14 minutes.
    Whispering in case the conversation was being recorded, Ross told Lolohea he had
    lied to the police to protect him. ―I told the police you were in the car [when the
    shots were fired] to make it easier on you.‖
    Bernadette Ross was Ross‘s younger sister. She testified that one evening
    Ross gave her $500 and asked her to hide a ski mask for him. He told her that he,
    defendant, and Lolohea had robbed two women of around $40,000. He said
    defendant, whom she saw in Ross‘s room that night, had killed the women. Ross
    also told her they had burned some items ―in Stanwell.‖
    Deborah Hall worked at a business on Stanwell Drive in Concord. The
    morning after the murders she noticed burned rubble in an adjoining alley.
    Among the charred materials were a matchbook cover and order pad stubs from
    Corrieo‘s restaurant, and a collectible automobile card. Sergio Corrieo testified
    that he had given the card to his mother the night she was murdered.
    Wendy Beach confirmed that the day after the murders, defendant came to
    her house with Ross and gave her a bracelet. Defendant was arrested on unrelated
    charges later that day. He called Beach from jail and asked her to go to a friend‘s
    house to pick up some money he had left there. She collected over $20,000, which
    was recovered by police officers when they executed a search warrant at her home.
    Aziz Al-Ouran testified that he purchased a Glock pistol, similar to the
    murder weapon, from Clemus West.
    A criminalist went to Tijuana to examine a car, and found Lolohea‘s
    fingerprints on items inside. The parties stipulated that transfer material found on
    several areas underneath the trunk lid came from the stolen television set. They
    also stipulated that a heel print found at the crime scene matched a boot belonging
    to Lolohea.
    Defendant was moved from San Quentin to Folsom Prison in December
    1996, after he was charged with the murders. Upon his arrival at Folsom, he was
    recognized by Sergio Corrieo, the son and brother of the victims. Sergio had been
    incarcerated for felony drunk driving, and his work assignment included helping
    guards process new inmates. When he saw defendant, Sergio asked to be relieved
    of duty, telling his supervisor that defendant ―was a suspect in my family‘s murder
    and that I didn‘t want to do anything stupid.‖ Sergio was placed by himself in a
    nearby room, where he learned from a coworker that defendant was in an
    adjoining cell. The solid metal door between the two rooms had a three-inch gap
    at the bottom. Sergio got down on his hands and knees and called to defendant
    through the gap. Defendant responded. Sergio asked him, ―Do you remember
    Maria Elena Corrieo?‖ Defendant paused, then replied, ―Yeah.‖ Sergio said,
    ―You‘re a dead man, mother fucker.‖
    During his subsequent intake interview, defendant told the officers on duty,
    ―I need to lock up.‖ They understood him to mean that his life was in jeopardy,
    and he needed to be placed in protective custody. Asked to explain, defendant
    said ―they are going to stab me,‖ but declined to identify who ―they‖ were. When
    asked ―why would they stab you?‖ defendant replied, ―because I killed two
    Hispanics.‖ Further details surrounding this admission are discussed post, in part
    2. Defense
    William Hazelton testified that he and David Ross were housed in the same
    module of the Contra Costa County jail in the spring of 1996. Ross once showed
    Hazelton a photograph of his child and said he did not think he would ever see her
    again. Hazelton demurred, ―you don‘t know that.‖ Ross responded, ―Billy, man,
    I‘m here for some serious case. . . . I wasted these two bitches.‖
    At the time of defendant‘s trial, Hazelton was serving a sentence of 123
    years to life for a home invasion robbery and two bank robberies, with prior
    convictions. Hazelton acknowledged that one could gain status in prison by
    ―doing injury to rats and to snitches.‖ However, he insisted that he would not lie
    in court and had no animosity toward Ross.
    Defendant‘s mother Teri Barela provided an explanation for his possession
    of a large sum of cash. She said she gave defendant $20,000 to $25,000 following
    the sale of her grandmother‘s house. Barela, a prostitute from the age of 12 and a
    drug addict,9 was concerned that she was ―going through‖ her inheritance. She
    told defendant not to return the money until she was clean and sober. Barela did
    not know whether the money seized in this case was hers. ―Possible, but I don‘t
    Although Barela would not have trusted defendant ―not to steal 20 bucks
    sitting on [her] bureau,‖ she insisted she did entrust him with $25,000. When
    previously questioned by an FBI agent, she said the most she had given defendant
    was $3,000 for a car. She told the agent she would never have given defendant a
    large sum like $20,000.
    Lieutenant Raymond Ingersoll, the lead investigator in this case, confirmed
    that Ross initially denied, then minimized, his involvement in these crimes.
    Ingersoll ―very much‖ agreed with defense counsel‘s characterization of Ross as
    ―changing his story all over the place . . . on virtually every aspect of this case.‖
    When Ingersoll initially questioned Ross‘s sister Bernadette, she provided no
    relevant information. However, after Ross testified before the grand jury, Ross‘s
    attorneys contacted Ingersoll, and Ingersoll questioned Bernadette again. She
    admitted that Ross had given her $500.
    On December 5, 1995, Manuel Hernandez was brutally beaten by three men
    he confronted for suspicious behavior at a neighbor‘s house. Another neighbor,
    James Grady, saw the beating. He saved Hernandez from further injury by
    warning the attackers that the police were coming. Grady later recognized Ross as
    the principal assailant when he saw his photograph in the newspaper after his
    9      Barela said she had not engaged in prostitution or drug abuse during the
    three years before her testimony.
    B. Penalty Phase
    1. Prosecution
    Danielle DeBonneville, who lived in the same apartment complex as
    defendant, once heard him fighting with his pregnant girlfriend. DeBonneville
    and her boyfriend went to see if they could help, and found that defendant had
    ―punched [his girlfriend] in the face and knocked her out.‖ Defendant approached
    DeBonneville with a bat and threatened kill her if she tried to take his girlfriend to
    the hospital.
    About two months later, DeBonneville was in a park with her boyfriend, a
    member of the Sureno gang. They were approached by eight to 10 men carrying
    bats and guns and wearing ski masks and red bandanas, a color associated with the
    rival Norteño gang. The men asked, ―what do you claim?‖ DeBonneville replied,
    ―We do not claim anything.‖ A man hit DeBonneville in the face. In the ensuing
    melee, she pulled his mask off and saw that it was defendant. He and the others
    began ―beating me with bats and kicking me, stomping me to the ground. One of
    them picked me up and tried to break my back. . . . I lost the feelings [in] my
    legs.‖ One of the men ―started trying to pull my pants down,‖ but was unable to
    do so. DeBonneville estimated that she was ―hit or kicked or struck with bats‖ 40
    or 50 times.
    The men surrounded DeBonneville, forced her to her knees, and held her
    hands behind her back. Putting a gun to the center of her forehead, defendant said,
    ―Say good night.‖ DeBonneville managed to free one hand and strike at the gun
    as it fired, so that the bullet entered her head at the hairline. She heard voices
    saying, ―Oh, my God, is she dead? . . . You shot her man.‖ The assailants fled.
    The bullet lodged in her skull, and was removed two years later.
    Defendant represented himself during the penalty phase. He conducted this
    cross-examination of DeBonneville: ―Q. Do you think that I feel sorry that you
    were shot? [¶] A. Do I think you feel sorry? [¶] Q. Yes. [¶] A. Yes. [¶] Q.
    I‘m not.‖ There were no further questions.
    Alicia Todd testified that she had a romantic relationship with defendant for
    nine or 10 months. He once punched her in the face during an argument.
    Sergio Corrieo testified that his mother had 10 children and 37
    grandchildren. She was the nucleus of the family and cared for victim Roberts.
    After Mrs. Corrieo‘s death, the family had to sell both her house and her restaurant
    to pay off the restaurant‘s liabilities.
    2. Defense
    Defendant put on no evidence at the penalty phase. His closing argument
    was as follows:
    ―Now that you‘ve heard the aggravating circumstances against me, it‘s your
    time to decide if I receive life or death. I‘m not going to stand up here and cry or
    ask you for any sympathy. I know that you‘ve noticed that I don‘t seem to care
    what happened with DeBonneville. It‘s because I actually don‘t. That is a side of
    me you‘ll never understand. But at the same time I regret having assaulted Alicia
    Todd. She was honestly an innocent victim. I also regret leaving my daughter
    fatherless. I want to make it clear that I do feel sorry for certain things.
    ―Either today or tomorrow you will decide my punishment for a crime in
    which I still claim my innocence. No matter what you decide, I will always be
    me. You the jury have found me guilty of all counts in this case, and have heard
    aggravating circumstances. You will notice that I did not put on a defense to show
    mitigating circumstances of people testifying on my behalf. That‘s because I
    don‘t blame my lifestyle on other people. My actions are my actions and mine
    alone. I chose the life I lead. It might seem outrageous to you people, but it‘s a
    lifestyle that I understand. I would like for you 12 people to have the heart to look
    me in the eye when you‘ve decided my punishment. At least try to. I want you 12
    people to try and realize that our frame of mind is not that much different. It‘s just
    that I am willing to do whatever I feel needs to be done. I understand there are
    consequences and repercussions for everything I do in life, and I‘m willing to take
    the chance and deal with the outcome later. So in your deliberations, do as you
    deem necessary.
    ―Thank you. That‘s it.‖
    A. Jury Selection
    Defendant contends the excusal of Prospective Juror W.M. for cause was
    prejudicial error under the federal Constitution. Although the question is
    somewhat close, we disagree.
    A prospective juror in a capital case may be excused for cause if his or her
    views on capital punishment ―would ‗prevent or substantially impair the
    performance of his duties as a juror in accordance with his instructions and his
    oath.‘ ‖ (Wainwright v. Witt (1985) 
    469 U.S. 412
    , 424.) Prospective jurors ―may
    not know how they will react when faced with imposing the death sentence, or
    may be unable to articulate, or may wish to hide their true feelings.‖ (Id. at p. 425,
    fn. omitted.) Accordingly, ―deference must be paid to the trial judge who sees and
    hears the juror‖ and must determine whether the ―prospective juror would be
    unable to faithfully and impartially apply the law.‖ (Id. at p. 426; see also Uttecht
    v. Brown (2007) 
    551 U.S. 1
    , 9 [―Deference to the trial court is appropriate because
    it is in a position to assess the demeanor of the venire, and of the individuals who
    compose it, a factor of critical importance in assessing the attitude and
    qualifications of potential jurors‖].)
    ― ‗On appeal, we will uphold the trial court‘s ruling if it is fairly supported
    by the record, accepting as binding the trial court‘s determination as to the
    prospective juror‘s true state of mind when the prospective juror has made
    statements that are conflicting or ambiguous. [Citations.]‘ ‖ (People v. Thomas
    51 Cal.4th 449
    , 462.) ― ‗In many cases, a prospective juror‘s responses to
    questions on voir dire will be halting, equivocal, or even conflicting. Given the
    juror‘s probable unfamiliarity with the complexity of the law, coupled with the
    stress and anxiety of being a prospective juror in a capital case, such equivocation
    should be expected. Under such circumstances, we defer to the trial court‘s
    evaluation of a prospective juror‘s state of mind, and such evaluation is binding on
    appellate courts [Citations.].‘ ‖ (Id. at pp. 462-463.)
    We begin with W.M.‘s views on the death penalty, as revealed by his
    answers on the jury questionnaire. Asked to state his general feelings regarding
    the death penalty, W.M. wrote: ―I believe the death penalty is right. I personally
    would have a difficult time living with the fact I was partially responsible for
    putting a person to death.‖ He was then asked whether he believed the state
    should impose the death penalty under four sets of circumstances: (1) the killing
    of a human being; (2) an intentional killing; (3) a killing during a robbery or
    burglary; and (4) more than one killing during a robbery or burglary. In each case,
    W.M. checked the box for ―Sometimes.‖ Asked whether the views he expressed
    in response to this series of questions were based on religious considerations,
    W.M. checked ―Yes.‖
    W.M. was ―moderately in favor‖ of the death penalty, and ―strongly in
    favor‖ of the penalty of life in prison without parole. In response to another
    question, he indicated he had actively supported ballot initiatives that reinstated or
    expanded the death penalty in California. He did not believe in the principle of
    ―an eye for an eye,‖ and he did believe our criminal law was based on that
    concept. He also thought the death penalty was imposed too randomly.
    The court questioned W.M. about a comment on his questionnaire that ―too
    many criminals go free because of a technicality.‖ W.M. said he could set aside
    that view and base his verdict on the evidence. The court also asked about the
    death penalty. W.M. gave an affirmative response when the court said it
    understood he believed life without parole and death were ―equal opportunit[ies]‖
    from which the jury could choose. He said he was not ―predestined to vote for
    death or . . . life.‖10
    Defense counsel‘s voir dire was largely directed at another questionnaire
    response: W.M. wrote that he did not understand why anyone would want to be a
    criminal defense attorney. He explained that his feelings about the profession
    were negative. He agreed when defense counsel asked if he might be inclined to
    ―give the guy on this corner [presumably, the prosecutor] a little bit of [a] leg up.‖
    However, when asked ―would it be fair to say . . . that you don‘t think you should
    be on this particular jury?‖, W.M. responded: ―Oh, I have feelings about what
    should happen, but I mean it‘s — my own religious convictions, I don‘t know
    whether I could actually bring myself to bring to the right conclusions that should
    be brought.‖ He added, ―I mean a person I feel is — well, how should I say?
    Everybody has got a right to life I guess.‖ Defense counsel asked if that included
    the victims in this case, and equally the defendant, and W.M. answered in the
    The prosecutor‘s voir dire, which we quote in full, focused exclusively on
    W.M.‘s death penalty views.
    10     On his questionnaire, W.M. also said he thought law enforcement was
    hampered by too many restrictions, that peace officers would not lie under oath,
    and that he did not want to serve on the jury because he wasn‘t sure he would not
    be swayed by the grief of a relative or family member. He was not questioned
    about these responses.
    ―[Prosecutor:] Mr. [M.], I don‘t think I understood your views on the death
    penalty. Were you telling [defense counsel] here a moment ago that you would be
    unable to impose the death penalty personally?
    ―[W.M.:] When weighing the evidence, probably I could, yes, if it‘s in
    such — but I — my own subconscious, I just don‘t know. I just don‘t believe it.
    Even though I voted for it, I just — my own personal — my own personal being I
    think it‘s right, but my own personal being I‘d have to pass.
    ―[Prosecutor:] Okay. So listen, just because you voted for it and agree that
    it‘s okay in principle, doesn‘t mean that‘s something you‘d want to do yourself?
    ―[W.M.:] Right.
    ―[Prosecutor:] To use an example, I am pleased to see that the Oakland
    Raiders got a decent offensive line, but it‘s not something I could do myself or
    ever would want to do myself. So that‘s my question for you, are you telling us
    that theoretically you‘re for the death penalty —
    ―[W.M.:] Right.
    ―[Prosecutor:] — and you think it ought to be carried out in appropriate
    cases, but you‘re not personally going to be the guy to do it? Is that where you
    stand on the issue?
    ―[W.M.:] I‘d have a rough time doing it, yes.
    ―[Prosecutor:] If you were actually put into a position where you had to
    make that decision, would your views make it difficult, or maybe even impossible,
    for you to actually personally vote to execute someone?
    ―[W.M.:] Would make it difficult. It would make it difficult. Have to be
    very careful about that, you know, it was really did deserve it before I could vote
    for it.‖
    Following the voir dire of another prospective juror, R.H., the court held a
    sidebar conference at which the prosecutor offered to stipulate to the excusal of
    W.M, ―the one that doesn‘t like defense attorneys.‖ When the defense declined,
    the prosecutor challenged W.M. for cause. The refusal to stipulate was somewhat
    equivocal: defense counsel said, ―Can‘t do it. Let me talk to [cocounsel] about
    it.‖ The prosecutor immediately lodged his challenge, after which defense counsel
    offered: ―Give me a minute. I could —‖ The prosecutor, however, said, ―That‘s
    all right.‖ There was no argument on the merits of the challenge to W.M. The
    court asked if the defense had any challenges, and counsel identified R.H. After
    hearing argument on the challenge to R.H., the court commented, ―Well, both of
    you have kind of — you‘re running jurors through a very fine screen now, which
    is not really what the scope of voir dire should be. Neither one of these
    challenges, in my judgment, are meritorious. I‘m either going to grant them both
    or deny them both. I‘ll let you know when you get back there.‖
    After counsel returned to their tables, the court excused both W.M. and
    R.H., saying, ―All right. . . . Both of you [were] subjected to a long amount of
    questions. You answered those questions very well, but I think on balance I‘m
    going to excuse both of you. So thank you very much.‖
    Defendant claims W.M. was improperly excused for cause.11 He contends
    this case is analogous to Gray v. Mississippi (1987) 
    481 U.S. 648
    . It is not.
    There, the court granted a prosecution challenge for cause against a qualified juror
    because the court believed it had erroneously denied other prosecution challenges.
    (Id. at pp. 655-657.) Nothing of that nature occurred here. The court dismissed
    11     At the time of trial, no objection or statement of grounds was required of
    the defense to preserve this claim of error. We have since prospectively required
    defendants to ―make either a timely objection, or the functional equivalent of an
    objection, such as a statement of opposition or disagreement, to the excusal stating
    specific grounds under [Witherspoon v. Illinois (1968) 
    391 U.S. 510
    Wainwright v. Witt, 
    469 U.S. 412
    ] in order to preserve the issue for appeal.‖
    (People v. McKinnon (2011) 
    52 Cal.4th 610
    , 643, italics added.)
    two jurors for cause, one challenged by the prosecutor and one by the defense,
    despite a previous comment to counsel that it saw no merit in either challenge.
    Notwithstanding the court‘s sidebar remarks, the record reveals ample
    grounds for both challenges. Prospective Juror R.H. was clearly excludable for
    cause, as defendant concedes. When questioned by the defense, R.H. reaffirmed
    his questionnaire answer that he did not believe life without parole was a
    legitimate punishment for someone convicted of first degree murder with special
    circumstances. When the prosecutor pressed him to say he would not
    automatically vote for death, R.H. replied, ―I honestly don‘t know. It would
    depend upon the circumstances and whether the individual was found guilty or
    not.‖ R.H. did eventually respond affirmatively when asked if he could keep an
    open mind on the penalty determination, assuming a guilty verdict. However, he
    also said he thought psychiatrists and psychologists were ―quacks,‖ and would not
    judge any evidence they produced by the same standards he would apply to other
    witnesses. Even setting aside his leanings in favor of the death penalty, R.H.‘s
    bias against mental health experts and unwillingness to evaluate their testimony
    evenhandedly were sufficient to justify defense counsel‘s challenge.
    There is also sufficient evidence that W.M. would have been substantially
    impaired in the performance of his duties as a penalty phase juror. W.M.
    repeatedly expressed extreme discomfort with the prospect of imposing the death
    penalty, telling the prosecutor at one point that even though he had voted for the
    death penalty, if personally called upon to carry it out, ―I‘d have to pass.‖ When
    the trial court has conducted voir dire and observed a prospective juror‘s responses
    to counsel‘s questioning, we defer to that court‘s evaluation. We have upheld
    excusals for cause on similar records. (E.g., People v. Souza (2012) 
    54 Cal.4th 90
    123-126 (Souza); People v. Griffin (2004) 
    33 Cal.4th 536
    , 559-560.)12 ―Deference
    is owed regardless of whether the trial court engages in explicit analysis regarding
    substantial impairment; even the granting of a motion to excuse for cause
    constitutes an implicit finding of bias.‖ (Uttecht v. Brown, 
     551 U.S. at p.
    Defendant, however, contends we may not infer a finding of bias here
    because the court expressly found that the challenge to W.M. lacked merit. We
    disagree. The court‘s comment on the merits of the challenges to W.M. and R.H.
    was not a finding, but an aside to counsel during a sidebar discussion. The court
    was evidently frustrated by the manner in which counsel were conducting voir
    dire. Earlier in the sidebar, with respect to defense counsel‘s challenge to R.H.,
    the court had noted, ―Both of you wasted an awful lot of time on that juror for not
    getting very much.‖ Its subsequent statement that ―neither one of these
    challenges, in my judgment, are meritorious,‖ followed an observation that
    counsel were inappropriately ―running jurors through a very fine screen.‖ The
    court clearly had not decided the merits of the challenges at that point. It was still
    12      Defendant relies heavily on People v. Stewart (2004) 
    33 Cal.4th 425
    , in
    which we observed that ―a prospective juror who simply would find it ‗very
    difficult‘ ever to impose the death penalty, is entitled — indeed, duty bound — to
    sit on a capital jury, unless his or her personal views actually would prevent or
    substantially impair the performance of his or her duties as a juror.‖ (Id. at p.
    446.) In Stewart, however, the court excused prospective jurors based solely on
    their written questionnaires. (Id. at p. 444.) Here, the court engaged W.M. in voir
    dire, and ―[u]nder such circumstances, a juror‘s conflicting or ambiguous answers
    may indeed give rise to the court‘s definite impression about the juror‘s
    qualifications, and its decision to excuse the juror deserves deference on appeal.‖
    (People v. Tate (2010) 
    49 Cal.4th 635
    , 674, fn. 22; see also People v. Thomas,
     51 Cal.4th at p. 360.)
    weighing its options, and told counsel it would rule once they returned to their
    The court‘s statement that it would either grant both challenges or deny
    both may suggest it believed the merits of the challenges were such that it could
    decide them either way, in the lawful exercise of its discretion. Its comment that
    neither challenge appeared meritorious may reflect disapproval of counsel‘s
    questioning of the prospective jurors. But in any event, defendant‘s claim that the
    court expressly found the challenges meritless is belied by the fact that, after an
    opportunity for reflection, the court proceeded to grant both challenges with solid
    grounds in the record for doing so.
    Presented with ambiguous comments from the bench, we will not draw the
    strained inference that the court ruled in direct contravention of its own findings
    and in disregard of the law. Rather, we view the court‘s sidebar remarks as
    preliminary musings to counsel. The ruling on the merits that followed must be
    upheld if fairly supported by the record. Voir dire was extensive in this case, and
    while W.M.‘s statements were sometimes conflicting, we defer to the trial court‘s
    ultimate evaluation of his fitness to serve on the jury, as reflected in its grant of the
    prosecutor‘s challenge. (People v. Thomas, 
     51 Cal.4th at pp. 462-463.)
    B. Guilt Phase Issues
    1. The Admission of Defendant’s Statement in Prison
    Before trial, defendant moved to suppress the admission he made to the
    Folsom correctional officers at his intake interview. He argued that the statement
    was involuntary, and also inadmissible under both Miranda v. Arizona (1966) 
    384 U.S. 436
     (Miranda) and Massiah v. United States (1964) 
    377 U.S. 201
    Defendant‘s moving papers set out the circumstances of the admission,
    which the prosecution did not dispute. Ross and Lolohea were arrested and
    charged with the Corrieo murders in January 1996. Defendant, then incarcerated
    in San Quentin, was questioned and denied involvement. In October he was
    indicted by a grand jury, charged with capital murder, assigned counsel, and
    arraigned. He was then transferred to Folsom on December 19, 1996. Upon
    arrival he was recognized by Sergio Corrieo, who was working in the receiving
    office. Sergio told his supervisor, Officer Darryl White, about defendant‘s
    connection with the murders. Sergio was placed in a separate area, but was able to
    speak to defendant through the space under a door. Sergio asked if defendant
    remembered Maria Elena Corrieo, and told him, ― ‗You‘re a dead man.‘ ‖
    At the subsequent intake interview, defendant told White and Lieutenant
    Keith Reed that he needed to ―lock up.‖ However, he refused to say who had
    threatened him. His explanation that he had killed two Hispanic women was
    recorded in White‘s report. The report was discovered by investigators when
    Sergio‘s sister reported that he had some important information about the case.
    Sergeant Raymond Ingersoll interviewed Sergio in Folsom, and learned that
    Sergio had heard about defendant‘s admission from White. Sergio had not told
    White that he had threatened defendant.
    Ingersoll spoke with White, who confirmed the episode. Reed told
    Ingersoll that he had responded to defendant‘s request to be segregated by asking
    ―what his crime was because everyone is there for something.‖ Reed recalled that
    after defendant said he had killed two people, he added that he ―[ran] with
    Hispanics‖ and the shooting was gang related.
    Sergio Corrieo testified at the suppression hearing. He said he was ―pretty
    upset‖ after recognizing defendant and being removed from the reception area at
    Folsom. Sergio had asked a coworker where defendant was being held, which was
    how he learned that he was in the adjoining cell. Officer White testified that
    defendant told him and Reed that ―they‘re going to stab me,‖ but refused to say
    who ―they‖ were. White then asked, ―why are they going to stab you?‖13
    Defendant replied, ―Because I killed two Hispanics.‖ White‘s question and the
    report he wrote were solely for purposes of the intake interview, and not for
    investigating any crimes defendant may have committed. White took no steps to
    send the report to any investigating agency.
    Lieutenant Reed testified, but had little memory of the interview with
    defendant. After reviewing Ingersoll‘s report, he remembered defendant ―saying
    that it was some type of gang-related thing . . . and that, you know, he had safety
    concerns.‖ When Reed asked defendant what his crime was, he was thinking of
    the commitment offense, not any other crime that might be the subject of a current
    investigation. He was surprised when defendant responded by saying he had
    killed two people. Reed acknowledged, however, that the intake form he received
    included the entry ―hold capital crime,‖ which could have explained defendant‘s
    high security classification. He did not forward White‘s report to any outside
    agency until the sheriff‘s department contacted him.
    The trial court declined to exclude defendant‘s admission, reasoning as
    follows: Reed and White did not know, and had no reason to know, that the
    questions they posed to defendant were likely to elicit an incriminating statement.
    They were responding to an immediate prison security problem, brought to their
    attention by defendant‘s claim that he had been threatened. Thus, although
    13     At another point in his testimony, White said he thought it was Reed who
    asked the question. White noted that ―[w]e process anywhere from ten to a
    hundred inmates a night through R[eceiving] and R[elease]. Names and numbers
    and faces disappear quickly.‖ White said Reed was responsible for questioning
    inmates to determine their housing placement, and that his own questions were
    generally limited to ascertaining an inmate‘s gang affiliation.
    defendant was ―in custody,‖ his intake interview did not amount to ―custodial
    interrogation‖ for purposes of Miranda or Massiah.
    Defendant claims the court erred. We accept the trial court‘s resolution of
    factual issues when it is supported by substantial evidence, and independently
    review its legal conclusions. (People v. Gonzales and Soliz (2011) 
    52 Cal.4th 254
    284; People v. Guerra (2006) 
    37 Cal.4th 1067
    , 1092-1093.)
    First, defendant contends his statement to the officers was involuntary
    because it was coerced by Sergio Corrieo, a state actor working as a prison intake
    clerk. This argument fails. Although Sergio was working as a clerk when he first
    saw defendant, he promptly informed Officer White of his problem and was
    relieved of his duties. When he threatened defendant, he was acting not in any
    official capacity but on his own initiative. Defendant notes that in People v. Berve
    51 Cal.2d 286
    , this court held a confession involuntary when it followed a
    beating and threats by the victim‘s husband. Berve, however, is inapposite.
    Berve was suspected of performing an abortion leading to the victim‘s
    death. He was kidnapped at gunpoint by the victim‘s husband and taken to a
    house where other vengeful relatives had gathered. He was told to confess, his life
    was threatened, and his parents were threatened with harm. For nearly two hours
    he was beaten, kicked, and subjected to other forms of severe physical abuse.
    Throughout this period he was told he would be murdered if he did not confess.
    When the police arrived, Berve was relieved to be rescued. He was taken to the
    station and interrogated without being given medical attention or even an
    opportunity to wash. He was given only a cup of water, and during the interview
    showed ―complete temporal disorientation.‖ (People v. Berve, supra, 51 Cal.2d at
    p. 289.) Berve moved to suppress the confession this interrogation produced,
    testifying that he had been ―fatigued, numb, confused, and in increasing pain,‖ and
    ― ‗would have said ―Yes‖ to anything in the world if they had let me lay down and
    let me rest.‘ ‖ (Id. at pp. 289-290.)
    The Berve majority rested its holding on the following analysis: ―The
    precise purpose in threatening the defendant was to force a confession. The two-
    hour inquisition was to instill in defendant such a fear for his own safety and that
    of his parents that he would confess to proper authorities although removed from
    immediate danger. Thus, merely liberating the defendant could not wipe out the
    threats of violence ringing in his ears if he did not confess. The price exacted for
    freedom from future reprisals was a confession. Momentary police sanctuary
    could not still defendant‘s terror unless accompanied by promises of effective
    police protection. Only then can there be grounds for assuming that the defendant
    has freedom of choice.‖ (People v. Berve, supra, 51 Cal.2d at pp. 292-293.)
    Here, by contrast, defendant was neither physically abused nor pressed to
    confess. He was briefly threatened in the holding cell. Yet Sergio was not in the
    same cell, and his threat was not linked with a demand for a confession.
    Defendant initiated the conversation that produced his admission, asking the
    correctional officers for secure housing. The officers‘ questions were directed to
    that purpose. A confession was not the price for a secure prison placement; the
    officers were simply seeking the information they needed to protect defendant.
    Berve provides no support for defendant‘s claim that his statement was
    Defendant also relies on federal cases, claiming the totality of the
    circumstances indicates his confession was coerced. However, the surrounding
    circumstances show that defendant made his statement while the officers were
    performing routine prison intake duties. They were unaware of the threat until
    defendant brought it to their attention. He had been committed to San Quentin for
    other crimes before being charged with these murders. His request for secure
    placement in Folsom because ―they‖ were going to stab him certainly called for
    further inquiry. There was no indication the threat was related to pending charges,
    as opposed to the crimes for which he was already in custody, or indeed for
    grudges developed during his incarceration. The officers‘ questions sought to
    discover the source of the threat, not defendant‘s guilt of any particular offense.
    He was under no compulsion to admit the murders in order to attain a secure
    prison placement. Defendant falls far short of showing that his admission was the
    product of coercion flowing from promises or threats by agents of the state, as in
    the cases he cites. (Arizona v. Fulminante (1991) 
    499 U.S. 279
    , 288; Lam v.
    Kelchner (3d Cir. 2002) 
    304 F.3d 256
    , 265; U.S. v. McCullah (10th Cir. 1996) 
    76 F.3d 1087
    , 1100.)
    Next, defendant claims his statement was inadmissible under Miranda,
    384 U.S. 436
    . He relies, as he did below, on People v. Morris (1987) 
    192 Cal.App.3d 380
     (Morris). Morris had been arrested for murder, booked, and
    placed in a holding cell. The booking officer remembered that he had forgotten to
    give Morris an identification bracelet, and took him from the cell. Morris, who
    was nervous and tearful when booked, had calmed down. The officer asked him
    ― ‗if we should anticipate any type of problem with his being there in jail.‘ ‖ (Id.
    at p. 388.) Morris said he didn‘t think so. The officer then asked, ― ‗ ―Who are
    you accused of killing?‖ ‘ ‖ (Ibid.) Morris ― ‗cried a little bit and then he stated,
    ―My brother, Randy Morris, was in last October for it.‖ And ―I never did anything
    like this before — I killed my sister-in-law.‖ ‘ ‖ (Ibid.) The officer testified that
    he had questioned Morris solely for the purpose of jail security, thinking there
    might be a problem with the victim having relatives or friends who might retaliate
    against Morris. This was a normal procedure when someone was jailed for a
    serious offense. (Ibid.)
    The Morris court held that the admission was inadmissible at trial under
    384 U.S. 436
    , and Rhode Island v. Innis (1980) 
    446 U.S. 291
    (Innis). (Morris, supra, 192 Cal.App.3d at pp. 389-390.) In Innis, the high court
    stated: ―[T]he term ‗interrogation‘ under Miranda refers not only to express
    questioning, but also to any words or actions on the part of the police (other than
    those normally attendant to arrest and custody) that the police should know are
    reasonably likely to elicit an incriminating response from the suspect. . . . [T]he
    Miranda safeguards were designed to vest a suspect in custody with an added
    measure of protection against coercive police practices, without regard to
    objective proof of the underlying intent of the police. . . . [S]ince the police
    surely cannot be held accountable for the unforeseeable results of their words or
    actions, the definition of interrogation can extend only to words or actions on the
    part of police officers that they should have known were reasonably likely to elicit
    an incriminating response.‖ (Innis, supra, 446 U.S. at pp. 301-302, fns. omitted.)
    The Morris court did not explain why, in light of the officer‘s testimony
    that the questions he asked were a normal booking procedure for those jailed on
    serious charges, the Innis exception for questioning ―normally attendant to arrest
    and custody‖ did not apply. (Innis, supra, 446 U.S. at p. 301.) Nor did the court
    explain its rejection of the notion that ―simply phrasing a question addressed to a
    criminal suspect in terms of ‗accusation‘ removes the question from the realm of
    those which the police should reasonably expect to produce an incriminating
    response.‖ (Morris, supra, 192 Cal.App.3d at p. 389.) It concluded that while the
    police may ask whatever questions are required for jail security, if the inquiries are
    reasonably likely to yield an incriminating response, the suspect‘s responses are
    not admissible at trial unless they were preceded by Miranda warnings. (Morris,
    at pp. 389-390.)
    Since Morris was decided, the ―booking exception‖ mentioned in Innis has
    become well established. In Pennsylvania v. Muniz (1990) 
    496 U.S. 582
    the plurality opinion recognized a ― ‗routine booking question‘ exception which
    exempts from Miranda‘s coverage questions to secure the ‗biographical data
    necessary to complete booking or pretrial services.‘ ‖ (Muniz, at p. 601 (plur. opn.
    of Brennan, J.).) Quoting an amicus curiae brief, the plurality noted:
    ― ‗recognizing a ‗booking exception‘ to Miranda does not mean, of course, that
    any question asked during the booking process falls within that exception.
    Without obtaining a waiver of the suspect‘s Miranda rights, the police may not ask
    questions, even during booking, that are designed to elicit incriminatory
    admissions.‘ ‖ (Muniz, at p. 602, fn. 14.)
    A concurring and dissenting opinion in Muniz, joined by four justices,
    presumed the validity of the ― ‗booking exception.‘ ‖ (Muniz, 
     496 U.S. at
    p. 607 (conc. & dis. opn. of Rehnquist, C.J.).) The exception is now settled. (See
    People v. Gomez (2011) 
    192 Cal.App.4th 609
    , 630; U.S. v. Brown (8th Cir. 1996)
    101 F.3d 1272
    , 1274; Presley v. City of Benbrook (5th Cir.1993) 
    4 F.3d 405
    , 408,
    fn. 2.) The Gomez court summarized the governing considerations as follows: ―In
    determining whether a question is within the booking question exception, courts
    should carefully scrutinize the facts surrounding the encounter to determine
    whether the questions are legitimate booking questions or a pretext for eliciting
    incriminating information. [Citation.] Courts have considered several factors,
    including the nature of the questions, such as whether they seek merely identifying
    data necessary for booking [citations]; the context of the interrogation, such as
    whether the questions were asked during a noninvestigative clerical booking
    process and pursuant to a standard booking form or questionnaire [citations]; the
    knowledge and intent of the government agent asking the questions [citations]; the
    relationship between the question asked and the crime the defendant was
    suspected of committing [citations]; the administrative need for the information
    sought [citations]; and any other indications that the questions were designed, at
    least in part, to elicit incriminating evidence and merely asked under the guise or
    pretext of seeking routine biographical information [citations].‖ (Gomez, at pp.
    Here, defendant‘s intake interview at Folsom Prison was closely analogous
    to the process of being booked into jail. Whether it was White or Reed who asked
    defendant either ―why are they going to stab you?‖ (as White remembered), or
    ―what his crime was‖ (as Reed recalled), neither question was designed to elicit an
    incriminating response. The officers were appropriately responding to defendant‘s
    own security concern, and would not reasonably have expected him to produce a
    confession.14 It was plain from White‘s testimony that he was seeking only to
    determine the nature of the danger facing defendant, in order to minimize it.
    According to Reed, he had defendant‘s commitment offense in mind when he
    questioned defendant, rather than crimes for which defendant might be under
    investigation. The report on defendant‘s statement was not passed along to the
    police until Ingersoll inquired about it. The questioning was part of a routine,
    noninvestigative prison process, well within the scope of the booking exception
    14      At oral argument, defendant contended the questioning by White and Reed
    went beyond their normal intake duties. The record does not support this claim.
    While Reed acknowledged that a more thorough investigation would follow the
    initial decision to place an inmate in segregated housing, he also testified that he
    would explore inmates‘ reasons for safety concerns at the intake interview.
    Indeed, defense counsel conceded at the suppression hearing that White and Reed
    were ―totally within their function‖ when they pressed defendant about the reason
    for his apprehension, and could not be expected to simply take an inmate‘s word
    on the need for segregated housing. Counsel argued that the questioning was
    proper, but nevertheless inadmissible under Morris, supra, 192 Cal.App.3d at
    pages 389-390.
    recognized in Innis and Muniz. Accordingly, defendant‘s Miranda arguments are
    without merit.15
    Defendant also claims the questioning by Lieutenant Reed and Officer
    White violated his right to counsel under Massiah, 
    377 U.S. 201
    . The
    claim fails. We have stated Massiah‘s holding as follows: ―[W]hen, after
    adversarial judicial criminal proceedings have been initiated and in the unwaived
    absence of counsel, a government agent deliberately elicits from a defendant
    incriminating statements, those statements are inadmissible at a trial on the
    charges to which the statements pertain. [Citations.] Such a Sixth Amendment
    violation occurs when the government intentionally creates or knowingly exploits
    a situation likely to induce the defendant to make incriminating statements without
    the assistance of counsel, but not when the government obtains such statements
    through happenstance or luck. [Citations.]‖ (People v. Dement (2011) 
    53 Cal.4th 1
    , 33; see also People v. Huggins (2006) 
    38 Cal.4th 175
    , 244-245.)
    Here, as discussed above, defendant fails to show any deliberate elicitation
    by the officers. During a routine prison intake interview, defendant voluntarily
    reported threats to his safety. The questioning that followed was pertinent to that
    subject, and fell far short of the intentional exploitation required for a Massiah
    2. The Questioning of Ross
    Before the prosecutor questioned witness David Ross about defendant‘s
    role in the robbery and shootings, he asked Ross about the plea agreement under
    which Ross would receive a 20-year prison term, rather than the death penalty, if
    15       We disapprove People v. Morris, supra, 
    192 Cal.App.3d 380
    , to the extent
    it is inconsistent with our conclusion.
    he testified truthfully. Defendant contends this questioning was improperly
    leading and argumentative, and amounted to vouching for the witness.16
    The prosecutor questioned Ross as follows:
    ―Q. What are you required to do when you testify?
    ―A. Tell the truth.
    ―Q. You‘re charged right now with murder, aren‘t you?
    ―A. Yes, sir.
    ―Q. Of two women?
    ―A. Yes, sir.
    ―Q. Burglary?
    ―A. Yes.
    ―Q. Robberies?
    ―A. Yes, sir.
    ―Q. Enhancements?
    ―A. Yes, sir.
    ―Q. You recognize what your potential penalty for those crimes could be?
    ―A. Yes, sir.
    ―Q. Tell that to the jury.
    ―A. The death penalty.
    ―Q. Now, if you tell the truth here, Mr. Ross, you expect to get a benefit,
    don‘t you?
    ―A. Yes, sir.
    ―Q. And what is that benefit?
    ―A. Not to get the death penalty.
    16   He asserts violation of his rights under the Sixth and Fourteenth
    Amendments, and unspecified ―state constitutional corollaries.‖
    ―Q. And if you tell the truth here, Mr. Ross, how much actual time will you
    spend in jail or prison before you‘re released?
    ―A. Twenty years.
    ―Q. Twenty actual years in prison?
    ―A. Yes. Yes, sir.
    ―Q. Mr. Ross, what happens to you if you minimize your involvement in
    these crimes?
    ―A. I get my deal taken away from me.
    ―Q. What happens to you, Mr. Ross, if you maximize anybody else‘s
    involvement in these crimes?
    ―A. Well, it‘s taken away from me, my deal.
    ―Q. You understand that there is one thing and one thing only you are
    required to do in order to get the benefit of this agreement and spend 20 actual
    years in prison?
    ―[Defense counsel]: Objection. It‘s leading and argumentative.
    ―The Court: Well, it‘s somewhat leading but for this purpose, overruled.
    ―[Prosecutor]: It‘s foundational. Thank you.
    ―By [the prosecutor:]
    ―Q. Answer the question. What one thing are you required to do in order
    to get the benefit of your agreement?
    ―A. To tell the truth.
    ―Q. If telling the truth makes you look bad, do you still get the benefit of
    your agreement?
    ―A. Yes, sir.
    ―Q. If telling the truth shows that you injured either or both of those
    women, do you still get the benefit of your agreement?
    ―A. Yes, sir.
    ―Q. If telling the truth shows that you murdered one or both of those
    women, do you still get the benefit of your agreement?
    ―A. Yes, sir.
    ―Q. And what happens if you lie and falsely cast blame on anybody else?
    ―A. My deal gets taken away.
    ―Q. You understand that quite clearly?
    ―A. Yes, sir.‖
    Defendant claims the trial court should not have permitted such leading
    questions. ―A question is ‗leading‘ if it ‗suggests to the witness the answer the
    examining party requires.‘ (Evid. Code, § 764; see also 3 Witkin, Cal. Evidence
    (3d ed. 1986) § 1820, p. 1779 et seq.; 1 McCormick on Evidence (4th ed. 1992) §
    6, p. 17; 3 Wigmore, Evidence (Chadbourn ed. 1970) § 769, p. 154.)‖ (People v.
    Williams (1997) 
    16 Cal.4th 635
    , 672.)17 ―Evidence Code section 767, subdivision
    (a)(1), provides that leading questions ‗may not be asked of a witness on direct or
    17       We note that only a few of the questions asked of Ross were unequivocally
    leading. ―It is a common misconception that all questions asking for a ‗yes‘ or
    ‗no‘ answer are leading. [Citation.] In fact only questions that contain a direction
    to the witness are so. Perhaps the easiest example is a question that begins, ‗Isn‘t
    it true that . . . ?‘ Some questions that begin ‗Did X do [a detailed set of facts]?‘
    may be covered. The California Supreme Court has referred to this explanation of
    leading questions by McCormick: ‗A question may be leading because of its
    form, but often the mere form of a question does not indicate whether it is leading.
    The question which contains a phrase like ‗did he not?‘ is obviously and
    invariably leading, but almost any other type of question may be leading or not,
    dependent upon the content and context . . . . The whole issue is whether an
    ordinary man would get the impression that the questioner desired one answer
    rather than another. The form of a question, or previous questioning, may indicate
    the desire, but the most important circumstance for consideration is the extent of
    the particularity of the question itself.‘ (1 McCormick on Evidence (4th ed.
    [1992]) § 6, pp. 17-18, cited with approval in [People v. Williams, 
    Cal.4th at p. 672].)‖ (Simons, Cal. Evidence Manual (2012 ed.) § 3:27, p. 250.)
    redirect examination‘ except in ‗special circumstances where the interests of
    justice otherwise require.‘ Trial courts have broad discretion to decide when such
    special circumstances are present. (See Estate of Siemers (1927) 
    202 Cal. 424
    437; People v. Garbutt (1925) 
    197 Cal. 200
    , 207.)‖ (Williams, at p. 672.)
    ―Leading questions may be asked on direct examination if there is little danger of
    improper suggestion and where such questions are necessary to obtain relevant
    evidence. Examples include preliminary matters . . . .‖ (Simons, Cal. Evidence
    Manual, supra, § 3:27, p. 250.) Here, it was well within the court‘s discretion to
    allow the prosecutor some latitude in questioning Ross about the preliminary
    matter of his plea agreement. (Ibid.; see also 3 Witkin, Cal. Evidence (5th ed.
    2012) Presentation at Trial, § 181, p. 279.)
    Nor were the prosecutor‘s questions argumentative. ―An argumentative
    question is a speech to the jury masquerading as a question. The questioner is not
    seeking to elicit relevant testimony. Often it is apparent that the questioner does
    not even expect an answer. The question may, indeed, be unanswerable.‖ (People
    v. Chatman (2006) 
    38 Cal.4th 344
    , 384; see Simons, Cal. Evidence Manual, supra,
    § 3:30, p. 252.) Here, the prosecutor was not being argumentative. His witness
    had been promised a relatively lenient sentence for his involvement in these
    serious offenses. Ross‘s credibility was squarely at issue, and the terms of the plea
    agreement and his understanding of what it required were highly relevant to that
    critical point. (People v. Bonilla (2007) 
    41 Cal.4th 313
    , 337 (Bonilla), and cases
    therein cited.) It was entirely proper for the prosecutor to advise the jury of the
    terms of the agreement.
    Defendant‘s claim of vouching was forfeited by his failure to object.
     41 Cal.4th at p. 336.) His objection that the questioning was
    ―leading and argumentative‖ did not extend to the matter of vouching. Contrary to
    defendant‘s assertion, the fact that the court overruled his objection provided no
    reason to believe that a properly stated and founded vouching objection would
    have been futile.
    In any event, the vouching claim fails on the merits. The prosecutor did not
    place the prestige of the government behind Ross through personal assurances of
    veracity, or suggest that information not presented to the jury supported his
    testimony. (See People v. Zambrano (2007) 
    41 Cal.4th 1082
    , 1167; People v.
    Fierro (1991) 
    1 Cal.4th 173
    , 211.) It is settled that making a record of the terms
    of a plea agreement requiring a witness to tell the truth does not constitute
    impermissible vouching. (People v. Frye (1998) 
    18 Cal.4th 894
    , 971-972; see also
     41 Cal.4th at pp. 336-337.) Here, as in Bonilla, ―The jury might
    believe the prosecutor thought [the witness] was being truthful, but there is no
    reason to think it would have concluded the prosecutor had special information
    outside the record on which to base that belief, nor is there any reason to think this
    inference would have led the jury to conclude it no longer needed to evaluate [the
    witness‘s] credibility for itself.‖ (Id. at p. 337, fn. 9.)
    C. Penalty Phase Issues
    1. The Grant of Defendant’s Faretta Motion
    Defendant claims the court erred by allowing him to represent himself at
    the penalty phase.18 He acknowledges that his motion under Faretta v. California
    422 U.S. 806
     was belated, and therefore it was within the court‘s discretion
    to grant or deny it. However, defendant contends the court failed to exercise that
    discretion or to inquire into the ―specific factors underlying the request,‖ as
    18    Defendant claims violation of his rights to due process under the Fourteenth
    Amendment, and to a fair and reliable penalty trial under the Sixth, Eighth, and
    Fourteenth Amendments.
    required by People v. Windham (1977) 
    19 Cal.3d 121
    , 128. We have held that any
    such error is invited.
    Under the federal constitution, a mentally competent defendant has the
    right of self-representation. (Indiana v. Edwards (2008) 
    554 U.S. 164
    , 177-178;
    People v. Johnson (2012) 
    53 Cal.4th 519
    , 530-531.) That right, however, must be
    asserted within a reasonable time before trial. ―When a motion for self-
    representation is not made in a timely fashion prior to trial, self-representation no
    longer is a matter of right but is subject to the trial court‘s discretion. [Citations.]‖
    (People v. Bradford (1997) 
    15 Cal. 4th 1229
    , 1365.) ―Among [the] factors to be
    considered by the court in assessing such requests made after the commencement
    of trial are the quality of counsel‘s representation of the defendant, the defendant‘s
    prior proclivity to substitute counsel, the reasons for the request, the length and
    stage of the proceedings, and the disruption or delay which might reasonably be
    expected to follow the granting of such a motion.‖ (People v. Windham, supra, 19
    Cal.3d at p. 128.)
    The inquiry contemplated by Windham is intended to ―ensur[e] a
    meaningful record in the event that appellate review is later required.‖ (People v.
    Windham, supra, 19 Cal.3d at p. 128.) Here, appellate review is not required.
    (See id. at p. 129, fn. 6, contemplating a record sufficient to ―evaluate alleged
    abuses of discretion when motions for self-representation are denied.‖ (Italics
    added.)) As we held in People v. Clark (1992) 
    3 Cal.4th 41
    : ―[D]efendant may
    not be heard to argue on appeal that his own motion should not have been granted.
    [¶] Defendant is correct that the court has discretion to deny a midtrial motion for
    self-representation. (People v. Windham, supra, 
    19 Cal.3d 121
    . . . .) However,
    ‗[t]he Windham factors primarily facilitate efficient administration of justice, not
    protection of defendant‘s rights.‘ (People v. Hill (1983) 
    148 Cal.App.3d 744
    760.) Because the court granted defendant‘s motion for self-representation at his
    own insistence, he may not now complain of any error in the court‘s failure to
    weigh the Windham factors. (People v. Brownlee (1977) 
    74 Cal.App.3d 921
    , 934;
    see also People v. Bloom [(1989)] 48 Cal.3d [1194,] 1219-1220.)‖ (Clark, at p.
    In any event, defendant‘s claims are meritless. At the court‘s direction, the
    prosecutor questioned defendant at length about his request for self-representation
    and his understanding of the consequences. Asked about his reasons, defendant
    said: ―It‘s just a belief. I‘ve had it from day one. I‘ve always wanted to represent
    myself. That‘s basically it. It‘s simple. You know, I‘m happy with my lawyers
    but it‘s a belief that I had. And I told them from day one that if it comes to a
    penalty phase time, I would like to represent myself. That‘s basically it.‖
    No more was required. The court exercised its discretion to grant defendant
    the self-representation he sought, and he is in no position to assert error.
    2. The Victim Impact Testimony
    At the outset of the penalty phase, the prosecutor disclosed that he might
    ―call one or two family members . . . on the matter of victim impact.‖ Defendant
    objected and asked for more specificity. The prosecutor said there would be no
    more than two family members, and identified Lili Williams and Sergio Corrieo as
    possible witnesses. Defendant asked for an offer of proof as to ―what areas
    they‘re going to be testifying in.‖ The prosecutor responded that defendant was
    not entitled to that information, and that he himself did not know exactly what the
    witnesses might say. The court advised defendant to be ―on your toes‖ and object
    if the testimony strayed into improper areas. It told him he could simply raise his
    hand if he became concerned, and the court would stop the proceedings to allow
    him to consult with advisory counsel. Defendant said he understood, and thanked
    the court.
    Only Sergio Corrieo testified as to the impact of the murders on his family.
    At the end of his testimony, the prosecutor mentioned that Sergio had testified at
    the guilt phase about his feelings regarding defendant when he encountered him at
    Folsom Prison. The prosecutor asked Sergio if his feelings remained the same.
    He replied, ―Absolutely.‖19 The prosecutor asked no further questions, and
    defendant declined to cross-examine.
    Defendant subsequently moved to strike Sergio‘s testimony ―as being
    outside the scope of the permissible victim‘s impact,‖ and specifically objected to
    his testimony ―as to the punishment that should be imposed.‖ The prosecutor
    argued that Sergio‘s testimony was appropriate, and that he had offered no opinion
    on penalty. The court observed, ―Except inferentially that you asked him whether
    his viewpoints are still the same.‖ The prosecutor said his question was asked
    ―solely for the purpose of [showing] motive and bias.‖ The court ruled that
    Sergio‘s testimony was within the scope of appropriate victim impact evidence.
    Defendant raises two claims with respect to this evidence. First, he claims
    the court erred by failing to grant his request for an offer of proof as to the
    substance of the victim impact testimony.20 However, we have held that
    19      Sergio‘s guilt phase testimony on his feelings about defendant was limited
    to two areas. First, he said he was ―very agitated‖ when he saw defendant getting
    off the bus from San Quentin, which led him to ask to be relieved from his duties
    in the receiving area. Second, while he was waiting in a separate room, a co-
    worker told him that defendant was in a holding cell next door, which prompted
    Sergio to call out to defendant through a space at the bottom of a door, ask him if
    he remembered Maria Elena Corrieo, and tell him, ―You‘re a dead man, mother
    20      Defendant relies on his due process right to adequate notice and a fair trial
    under the Fourteenth Amendment and article I, sections 7 and 15 of the California
    Constitution, and on his Eighth Amendment right to a fair and reliable penalty
    disclosure of the identity of victim impact witnesses is sufficient, and that
    defendants are ―not entitled to a summation of the witnesses‘ expected testimony.‖
    (People v. Benavides (2005) 
    35 Cal.4th 69
    , 107; cf. People v. Scott (1997) 
    15 Cal.4th 1188
    , 1219; People v. Roberts (1992) 
    2 Cal.4th 271
    , 330.) Defendant‘s
    references to procedures followed in other jurisdictions are not persuasive.
    Second, defendant contends the trial court should have granted his motion
    to strike Sergio‘s testimony.21 He asserts that the prosecutor‘s elicitation of a
    reaffirmation of Sergio‘s feelings when he saw defendant at Folsom Prison was
    improper under Payne v. Tennessee (1991) 
    501 U.S. 808
    . ―[T]he United States
    Supreme Court has made clear that ‗admission of a victim‘s family members‘
    characterizations and opinions about the crime, the defendant, and the appropriate
    sentence violates the Eighth Amendment.‘ (Payne, 
     501 U.S. at p. 830, fn. 2
    [leaving intact the portion of Booth v. Maryland (1987) 
    482 U.S. 496
    exclusion of such evidence].)‖ (People v. Taylor (2010) 
    48 Cal.4th 574
    , 646-647.)
    Here, Sergio‘s testimony did not reflect his view of the appropriate sentence, but it
    did reflect animosity toward defendant. However, there is no reasonable
    possibility that defendant was prejudiced by this brief and general reference. The
    jury had already, and properly, heard Sergio‘s account of the episode at Folsom
    Prison during the guilt phase. The prosecutor did not walk Sergio through his
    prior testimony, but merely asked if his feelings had changed.
    21     Defendant contends the admission of Sergio‘s opinion testimony violated
    the Eighth Amendment, his federal and state rights to trial by jury (U.S. Const.,
    6th & 14th Amends.; Cal. Const., art. I, § 16), the relevance requirement of
    Evidence Code section 350, and his right to a fair trial (U.S. Const., 14th Amend.;
    Cal. Const., art. I, §§ 7 & 15.)
    3. The Denial of a Limiting Instruction
    Defendant contends the trial court prejudicially erred in refusing a proposed
    special instruction on victim impact evidence.22 He focuses on two elements of
    his proposed instruction.
    First, he claims the court should have told the jury: ―Victim impact
    evidence is not the same as an aggravating circumstance. Proof of an adverse
    impact on the victim‘s family is not proof of an aggravating circumstance.‖ This
    instruction was properly refused because it incorrectly stated the law. ―[A] jury at
    the penalty phase of a capital case may properly consider in aggravation, as a
    circumstance of the crime, the impact of a capital defendant‘s crimes on the
    victim‘s family . . . .‖ (People v. Pollock (2004) 
    32 Cal.4th 1153
    , 1195.)
    Defendant argues that this statement in Pollock was not a holding. However, we
    have made it plain that victim impact evidence is admissible as an aggravating
    factor. (People v. Robinson (2005) 
    37 Cal.4th 592
    , 650, citing cases.) There is no
    merit in defendant‘s assertion that such evidence cannot be aggravating because it
    is common to all murders. ― ‗[T]he State has a legitimate interest in counteracting
    the mitigating evidence which the defendant is entitled to put in, by reminding the
    sentencer that just as the murderer should be considered as an individual, so too
    the victim is an individual whose death represents a unique loss to society and in
    particular to his family.‘ [Citation.]‖ (Payne v. Tennessee, 
     501 U.S. at p.
    Second, defendant challenges the court‘s refusal to instruct the jury that it
    could not consider victim impact evidence unrelated to personal characteristics of
    the victim that were known to defendant at the time of the crime. We have
    22      He relies on the Eighth Amendment.
    repeatedly rejected this argument. (People v. Nelson (2011) 
    51 Cal.4th 198
    , 219,
    fn. 17, citing cases.) We have also held that the standard instructions given here,
    including CALJIC No. 8.85, adequately convey to the jury the proper
    consideration and use of victim impact evidence. (See, e.g., People v. Tate, 
    49 Cal.4th at p. 708.)
    4. The Family Impact Instruction
    The court instructed the jury in part: ―Sympathy for the family of the
    defendant is not a matter you can consider in mitigation. Evidence, if any, of the
    impact of an execution on family members should be disregarded unless it
    illuminates some positive quality of the defendant‘s background or character.‖
    (CALJIC No. 8.85.)
    Defendant contends this aspect of the standard instruction violated
    California‘s death penalty statute and his rights under the Eighth Amendment.
    Established precedent is to the contrary. ―The impact of a defendant‘s execution
    on his or her family may not be considered by the jury in mitigation. (People v.
    Smith (2005) 
    35 Cal.4th 334
    , 366–367; People v. Smithey (1999) 
    20 Cal.4th 936
    1000; People v. Ochoa (1998) 
    19 Cal.4th 353
    , 454-456 (Ochoa).)‖ (People v.
    Bennett (2009) 
    45 Cal.4th 577
    , 601.) ―[N]othing in the federal Constitution
    requires a different result (Ochoa, at p. 456) and defendant identifies no reason to
    reconsider our conclusion.‖ (Bennett, at p. 602.) Defendant‘s reference to family
    considerations in probation determinations is not on point. ―Unlike [the probation
    statutes], section 190.3 identifies examples of matters relevant to aggravation,
    mitigation, and sentence including, but not limited to, the ‗circumstances of the
    present offense, any prior felony conviction . . . , and the defendant‘s character,
    background, history, mental condition and physical condition.‘ We concluded
    that, ‗[i]n this context, what is ultimately relevant is a defendant‘s background and
    character — not the distress of his or her family.‘ (Ochoa, . . . at p. 456, italics
    added [in Bennett].)‖ (Bennett, at p. 602.)
    We note, in any event, that defendant was in no position to seek sympathy
    based on the effect his execution might have on his family. He adamantly
    declined to present any evidence at all in the penalty phase. Although in closing
    argument he expressed regret over the impact his execution might have on his
    daughter, the jury was given no evidence to consider on that point.
    5. The Instructions on Aggravating Factors
    Contrary to defendant‘s arguments, nothing in the federal Constitution
    requires the penalty phase jury to agree unanimously that a particular aggravating
    circumstance exists, or to find all aggravating factors beyond a reasonable doubt
    or by a preponderance of the evidence. (People v. Thomas (2011) 
    52 Cal.4th 336
    365; People v. Burney (2009) 
    47 Cal.4th 203
    , 267-268; People v. Williams (2008)
    43 Cal.4th 584
    , 648-649.) This conclusion is not altered by the United States
    Supreme Court‘s decisions in Apprendi v. New Jersey (2000) 
    530 U.S. 466
    , Ring
    v. Arizona (2002) 
    536 U.S. 584
    , and Blakely v. Washington (2004) 
    542 U.S. 296
    (People v. Thomas, 
     52 Cal.4th at p. 365; People v. D’Arcy (2010) 
    48 Cal.4th 257
    , 308; People v. Carrington (2009) 
    47 Cal.4th 145
    , 200.)
    6. The Prosecutor’s Argument on Mitigation
    Defendant claims the prosecutor‘s arguments on two mitigating factors
    were so misleading as to deny him his right to meaningful jury deliberation on
    mitigation.23 First, he complains the prosecutor misrepresented the concept of
    23     Defendant claims his rights under the Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth
    Amendments were violated, as well as unspecified ―corollaries‖ under the state
    ―extreme mental or emotional disturbance‖ under section 190.3, factor (d).
    Defendant refers to the following comments by the prosecutor:
    ―What that brings to mind is someone who kills for religious purposes, for
    mistaken moral purposes as a result of mental disease; those who, because of brain
    defects or the like, aren‘t able to understand the consequences of their acts. Yet,
    what we see is that the defendant suffers from none of this. He suffers from no
    extreme mental or emotional disturbance. He suffers from no mental illness or no
    organic brain disease. He knew what he was doing when he committed the
    murders. He knew what he was doing and why he wanted it; in short, for greed
    and to kill women to leave no surviving witnesses.
    ―So unlike those who believe that they are commanded by God mistakenly
    to kill or to maim people, the defendant did this for the most venal of reasons, and,
    as a consequence, this factor in mitigation, although it might apply to some
    criminal defendants, does not apply to Corey Williams.‖
    Defendant also claims the prosecutor misrepresented the ―age of the
    defendant‖ factor. (§ 190.3, factor (i).) The prosecutor argued: ―A factor to be
    considered by you is the age of the defendant. . . . What this means to me is there
    could be an individual who, having lived for 30 or 40 or 50 or 60 years, a law-
    abiding life, then commits two murders and you might take into account that law-
    abiding pattern over those period of years and consider that age in that capacity.
    What this really means to my mind is: Does the defendant know the difference
    between right and wrong? Does he know the harm he causes? And all evidence in
    this case suggests that he does. He knows the pain that he inflicts, and he did
    everything in his power to avoid those consequences: ski masks, murdering
    witnesses, fleeing the scene, hiding the money. He knows all those things, ladies
    and gentlemen. And so for those who might not be able to — this might be a
    factor in mitigation, but in Corey Leigh Williams‘s case, it simply does not apply.‖
    Defendant contends these arguments prejudiced him by preventing the jury
    from considering his mental disturbance and age as mitigating factors. The
    Attorney General correctly notes that defendant has forfeited these claims by
    failing to object below. (People v. Bemore (2000) 
    22 Cal.4th 809
    , 853-854.) In
    any event, they lack merit. No evidence of extreme mental or emotional
    disturbance was presented at either phase of trial. Defendant claims mental
    disturbance could be inferred from his behavior and his childhood experience of
    being raised by a drug-addicted prostitute. Such an inference would have been
    entirely speculative, and defendant did not urge it at trial. Nor did the prosecutor
    tell the jury it was barred from considering mental disturbance as a mitigating
    factor. To the contrary, he said it was a factor in mitigation, but did not apply on
    the facts of this case. There was nothing improper about that assertion.
    As for defendant‘s age, the prosecutor‘s argument was rather confused.
    First, he suggested that an older, previously law-abiding defendant might assert
    age as a mitigating factor, then he said that the crux of the factor was whether a
    defendant knew the difference between right and wrong. The older defendant
    posited by the prosecutor would presumably not be in a position to claim
    ignorance of the difference between right and wrong. However, confusion is not
    misconduct, nor did the prosecutor say that the jury could not consider defendant‘s
    age in mitigation. Indeed, he said the jury should consider age, but that it was not
    a relevant factor here.
    The court properly instructed the jury that it must consider ―the age of the
    defendant at the time of the crime‖ as a sentencing factor, ―if applicable.‖24 We
    24      The court also told the jury: ―You must accept and follow the law as I state
    it to you . . . . If anything concerning the law said by the attorney or the defendant
    (footnote continued on next page)
    have long held that ―age‖ as statutory sentencing factor includes ―any age-related
    matter suggested by the evidence or by common experience or morality that might
    reasonably inform the choice of penalty. Accordingly, either counsel may argue
    any such age-related inference in every case.‖ (People v. Lucky (1988) 
    45 Cal.3d 259
    , 302; see also, e.g., People v. Carrington, 
     47 Cal.4th at p. 202.)
    Defendant did not argue below that the jury should consider that he was 19 at the
    time of the crimes. Nevertheless, the jury was free to disregard the prosecutor‘s
    less than coherent argument on this factor and view his relative youth as a
    mitigating factor.
    Defendant made his own strategic decisions at the penalty phase. He chose
    not to present mitigating evidence. He told the court he was calling no witnesses.
    The court advised him that his attorneys had prepared documents they wanted to
    introduce at the penalty phase, and which they had brought to court. Defendant
    said he had looked at these documents, but did not want to present them. The
    court urged him to reconsider, and gave him time to reflect on his decision. At a
    subsequent hearing, defendant confirmed that he had seen all the mitigating
    evidence turned over to the defense by the prosecutor, as well as material prepared
    by his counsel that pertained to his family history and background. These exhibits
    were displayed on the wall when defendant told the court that he had given ―very
    careful thought‖ to his decision not to present them.
    Nor did defendant argue any mitigating circumstance, telling the jury, ―I‘m
    not going to stand up here and cry or ask you for any sympathy.‖ He added, ―You
    (footnote continued from previous page)
    during their arguments or at any other time during the trial conflicts with my
    instructions on the law, you must follow my instructions.‖
    will notice that I did not put on a defense to show mitigating circumstances of
    people testifying on my behalf. That‘s because I don‘t blame my lifestyle on other
    people. My actions are my actions and mine alone. I chose the life I lead. . . .‖
    Defendant was given ample opportunity to invite the jury‘s consideration of
    mitigating evidence. Nothing in the prosecutor‘s arguments detracted from that
    opportunity or kept the jury from considering all the evidence.
    7. Cumulative Error
    Defendant argues that the cumulative effect of the errors he has asserted
    require reversal. We have found no error that, either alone or in conjunction with
    others, prejudiced defendant.
    8. The Constitutionality of the Death Penalty Law
    Defendant raises a series of constitutional challenges to the death penalty
    law, which he acknowledges we have previously considered and rejected. We do
    so again here.
    The capital sentencing scheme does not violate the Eighth Amendment by
    failing to distinguish defendants sentenced to death from other defendants.
    (People v. Thomas, 
     51 Cal.4th at p. 506; People v. Schmeck (2005) 
    37 Cal.4th 240
    , 304 (Schmeck.) Section 190.3, factor (a), establishing the
    circumstances of the crime as a sentencing factor, does not result in arbitrary and
    capricious capital sentences. (Thomas, at p. 506; Schmeck, at p. 304.) The
    absence of instructions on the need for a unanimous determination of aggravating
    facts, or as to the burden of proof for determining whether aggravating factors
    outweigh mitigating factors, does not violate the Sixth, Eighth, or Fourteenth
    Amendments to the federal Constitution. (Thomas, at p. 506; Schmeck, at p. 304.)
    CALJIC No. 8.85 does not violate the Sixth, Eighth, or Fourteenth Amendments
    by including vague factors, by failing to delete inapplicable factors or differentiate
    between aggravating and mitigating factors, by using the adjectives ―extreme‖ and
    ―substantial,‖ or by omitting a burden of proof as to either mitigation or
    aggravation. (Souza, supra, 54 Cal.4th at p. 140; Schmeck, at p. 305.)
    The death penalty scheme does not violate international law, including The
    International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. (Souza, supra, 54 Cal.4th at
    p. 142; Schmeck, 
     37 Cal.4th at p. 305.) Introducing the facts underlying a
    prior conviction at the penalty phase does not violate the double jeopardy clauses
    of the federal or state Constitutions. (People v. Stansbury (1993) 
    4 Cal.4th 1017
    1072; People v. Bacigalupo (1991) 
    1 Cal.4th 103
    , 134-135.) Allowing a jury that
    has convicted the defendant of first degree murder to decide if he has committed
    other criminal activity does not violate the right to an unbiased decisionmaker
    under the Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the federal Constitution.
    (People v. Hawthorne (1992) 
    4 Cal.4th 43
    , 77; People v. Medina (1990) 
    51 Cal.3d 870
    , 907.) Written findings on aggravating circumstances are not required by
    federal due process considerations or the Eighth Amendment. (Souza, at p. 142;
    People v. Thomas, 
     51 Cal.4th at p. 506.)
    Finally, without supporting authority, defendant asserts that the state‘s
    likely failure to provide him with habeas corpus counsel in a timely manner
    violates his right to counsel, confrontation, and to appear and defend under the
    Sixth Amendment. He contends this situation constitutes cruel and unusual
    punishment under the Eighth Amendment, and a violation of due process under
    the Fourteenth Amendment. These claims are entirely speculative. We reject
    The judgment is affirmed.
    BAXTER, J.
    CHIN, J.
    LIU, J.
    See next page for addresses and telephone numbers for counsel who argued in Supreme Court.
    Name of Opinion P. v. Williams
    Unpublished Opinion
    Original Appeal XXX
    Original Proceeding
    Review Granted
    Rehearing Granted
    Opinion No. S093756
    Date Filed: February 7, 2013
    Court: Superior
    County: Contra Costa
    Judge: Richard E. Arnason
    Jeanne Keevan-Lynch, under appointment by the Supreme Court, for Defendant and Appellant.
    Edmund G. Brown, Jr., and Kamala D. Harris, Attorneys General, Dane R. Gillette, Chief Assistant
    Attorney General, Gerald A. Engler, Assistant Attorney General, Alice Lustre and Ann P. Wathen, Deputy
    Attorney General, for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    Counsel who argued in Supreme Court (not intended for publication with opinion):
    Jeanne Keevan-Lynch
    P.O. Box 2433
    Mendocino, CA 95460
    (707) 895-2090
    Ann P. Wathen
    Deputy Attorney General
    455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 11000
    San Francisco, CA 94102-7004
    (415) 703-5972