People v. Rodas , 239 Cal. Rptr. 3d 814 ( 2018 )

    Plaintiff and Respondent,
    Defendant and Appellant.
    Second Appellate District, Division Three
    Los Angeles County Superior Court
    November 26, 2018
    Justice Kruger filed the opinion of the court, in which Chief
    Justice Cantil-Sakauye and Justices Chin, Corrigan, Liu,
    Cuéllar, and Kline concurred.
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    Defendant Domingo Rodas was found incompetent to stand
    trial and ordered confined at a state hospital. After several
    months of treatment with antipsychotic medication, hospital
    physicians reported that defendant had regained trial
    competence, but cautioned that it was important for defendant
    to continue taking his medication. At the start of his jury trial
    some months later, however, the trial court learned that
    defendant had stopped taking his medication and that he had
    begun communicating incoherently with counsel about defense
    strategy, exhibiting some of the same symptoms he had
    displayed during earlier episodes of incompetence. Defense
    counsel declared a doubt about defendant’s competence, but the
    trial court ruled that the trial could proceed after conducting a
    brief colloquy with defendant in which defendant was able to
    identify the charges against him and stated a willingness to go
    to trial and work with counsel. Later, against counsel’s advice,
    defendant testified in his own defense. The testimony was
    incoherent and the court struck it as irrelevant. Defendant was
    ultimately convicted on several counts and sentenced to
    multiple life terms.
    We conclude the trial court erred in failing to suspend the
    criminal trial and initiate competency proceedings at the time
    counsel declared a doubt as to her client’s competence. As a
    general rule, once a defendant has been found competent to
    stand trial, a trial court may rely on that finding absent a
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    substantial change of circumstances. But when a formerly
    incompetent defendant has been restored to competence solely
    or primarily through administration of medication, evidence
    that the defendant is no longer taking his medication and is
    again exhibiting signs of incompetence will generally establish
    such a change in circumstances and will call for additional,
    formal investigation before trial may proceed. In the face of such
    evidence, a trial court’s failure to suspend proceedings violates
    the constitutional guarantee of due process in criminal trials.
    (People v. Rogers (2006) 
    39 Cal. 4th 826
    , 847.)
    Rodas, also known by his birth name, Doudley Brown, was
    charged with murdering Frederick Lombardo, Keith Fallin and
    Roger Cota, and attempting to murder Kenneth McFetridge and
    Ronald Vaughn. The victims were homeless men living on the
    street in Los Angeles. All of the victims were stabbed over the
    course of July and August 2009; four of the stabbings occurred
    within a few hours in the same area of Hollywood. Defendant
    was apprehended in the area carrying a knife. DNA from three
    of the victims was found on the knife, its sheath, or defendant’s
    shirt. A surviving victim later identified defendant from a
    photographic lineup, and one of the fatal stabbings was captured
    by surveillance cameras.
    In February 2012, before trial began, the parties raised the
    question of whether defendant was competent to stand trial.
    The parties agreed to submit the question on the reports of two
    experts, psychiatrist Kory J. Knapke and psychologist Sara
    Arroyo, without any live testimony or argument.            After
    reviewing the reports, the trial court found defendant
    incompetent to stand trial.
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    Only Dr. Knapke’s report is in the appellate record. The
    report begins by recounting defendant’s psychiatric history. In
    1974, when he was 19 years old and still known as Doudley
    Brown, defendant was hospitalized in a military hospital for a
    psychiatric disorder. He received a medical discharge from the
    United States Army and a 30 percent disability rating for
    psychiatric reasons. In 1984, he was found incompetent to stand
    trial and was committed to Patton State Hospital (Patton) for
    several months. In 1986, defendant returned to Patton when he
    was found incompetent to stand trial on burglary charges. He
    was later found competent and was convicted of those charges.
    In 1988, at the end of his state prison sentence for burglary,
    defendant was confined at Atascadero State Hospital
    (Atascadero)     and    Patton     under    a    mental    health
    conservatorship.1    He was diagnosed with schizophrenia,
    paranoid type, and schizoaffective disorder with substance
    abuse. At the hospitals, defendant refused to eat or drink,
    explaining that “ ‘Lucifer would get him out of the hospital
    sooner if he starved himself.’ ” On his admission to Atascadero,
    he showed symptoms of “ ‘florid psychosis,’ ” with marked
    disorganization to his thinking, and “ ‘speaking in nonsensical
    terms or word salad with legalistic flavor.’ ” For example, he
    kept repeating the statement, “ ‘I will have to have my mother
    review, for I need a legal recourse for my faculties, recourse of
    legal testament for legal statements of my personage. I don’t
    commit to answer any tests for legal recourse of degree of
    Under Penal Code section 2974, an inmate who has been
    released from prison may be placed in a state hospital if a
    danger to himself, herself, or others, or gravely disabled as a
    result of a mental disorder, and if he or she does not come within
    the provisions of the Mentally Disordered Offender Act.
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    recourse of trial. I did not answer questions. I do not recognize
    you as being a doctor by personage testimony witness offers.’ ”
    Dr. Knapke’s report noted that defendant had been
    examined by Dr. Arroyo in 2011. According to Knapke, Arroyo
    found that “defendant’s thought processes were fragmented,”
    that he could not rationally cooperate with his attorney, and
    that he was therefore incompetent to stand trial. Dr. Knapke
    reached a similar conclusion after examining defendant in
    January 2012. At the start of the examination, defendant
    immediately began “rambling in a nonsensical manner” about
    needing photographs and fingerprints from Patton to prove he
    had never been there. Dr. Knapke asked about defendant’s
    current charges but defendant did not answer on that subject,
    instead becoming increasingly agitated. Defendant insisted he
    was not the person Knapke was talking about and yelled,
    “ ‘You’re accusing me of being at a hospital.’ ” When asked
    whether he believed he suffers from a mental illness, defendant
    responded, “ ‘You’re basing it on wrong identification. The court
    should verify that I’ve never been [at] Patton State Hospital.’ ”
    Dr. Knapke’s report summarized defendant’s condition
    succinctly, describing defendant as “psychotic and paranoid . . .
    and does not make any sense.” Because defendant could not
    rationally cooperate with his attorney or participate in court
    proceedings, Dr. Knapke concluded, he was incompetent to
    stand trial. With “zero insight into his mental illness and need
    for medications,” Dr. Knapke wrote, defendant “will require
    involuntary medications.” On a face sheet addendum to his
    report, Knapke indicated that if untreated with medication,
    defendant “probably will suffer serious harm to his . . . physical
    or mental health,” but “[p]sychotropic medication will likely
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    restore this person to a state of mental [c]ompetency to stand
    Clinical staff at Patton submitted a progress report to the
    court in May 2012. Staff noted that when defendant was
    admitted the previous month, he presented with psychotic
    symptoms including disorganized speech and thought and
    paranoia. He had been prescribed psychotropic medication to
    control those symptoms and stabilize his mood. Although he
    was compliant with the medication regimen, he had not yet been
    restored to competence.
    In a second report, dated October 2012, staff noted that
    defendant continued to show symptoms of schizophrenia,
    including “tangential and circumstantial thought processes, and
    disorganized non-sensical speech.”            With psychotropic
    medications, defendant had “demonstrated some symptom
    stabilization,” though not to the point of restored trial
    competence. Due to his confused thought and speech patterns,
    defendant was still unable to “logically and meaningfully assist
    his attorney” or to “appreciate his legal situation in a
    meaningful way.” He showed some progress toward “gaining
    knowledge of the legal procedures,” but while he sometimes
    began answering a question about court proceedings correctly,
    he would “become derailed by irrelevant and odd ideas, and
    ultimately spoil his partially correct response.” Clinical staff
    believed that with continued psychiatric treatment there was a
    substantial likelihood defendant would achieve trial competence
    in the foreseeable future, but that without it he was not expected
    to improve. Staff concluded: “There are no effective alternatives
    to treatment with antipsychotic medication.”
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    Defendant was transferred from Patton to Atascadero in
    February 2013. In May, the Atascadero medical director filed
    with the court a certification of mental competency under Penal
    Code section 1372. The certification was supported by a clinical
    report dated April 18, 2013. According to the report, defendant
    suffered from schizophrenia, but since his transfer he had
    “presented with organized thought processes and ha[d] not
    expressed any delusional or paranoid ideation,” “appear[ed] to
    have an adequate factual understanding of his charges and the
    different court procedures and did not express any delusional
    thought content about his charges” and was “able to logically
    discuss his legal options and has the capacity to return to court
    and cooperate with his attorney.” The report noted, however,
    that defendant “has limited insight into his history of mental
    illness and continues to deny he was involved in the charges and
    insists it was somebody else.” The report cautioned: “He should
    remain on his current medication regimen once he is returned
    to custody to prevent mental decompensation and maintain
    competency related abilities while he waits to return to court.”
    Further opining on defendant’s discharge readiness, the
    Atascadero report explained that while defendant wished to
    plead not guilty and go to trial, he understood his plea choices
    and was willing to listen to his attorney’s advice. In a
    recommendation for continuing care in defendant’s next facility,
    the report stated: “It is recommended that Mr. Rodas continue
    to take the medication he is being prescribed to prevent mental
    decompensation and maintain competency related abilities once
    he returns to custody and is waiting to return to court.” The
    Atascadero medical director reiterated this point in a letter to
    the trial judge accompanying the report and certification: “It is
    important that the individual remain on this medication for his
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    own personal benefit and to enable him to be certified under
    Section 1372 of the Penal Code.”
    In May 2013, without conducting an evidentiary hearing,
    the court ruled that defendant was competent to stand trial and
    reinstituted criminal proceedings. In so ruling, the court stated
    it was proceeding with no case file before it, only a “docket
    sheet,” and with the understanding that “he was found
    competent.” In later proceedings to settle the record, the
    superior court judge who presided on that date stated that she
    had before her only a “dummy file” containing the Atascadero
    medical director’s certification of competence. There being no
    defense request for a hearing on competence and no objection
    from either party, the judge explained that she had
    “inferentially found him competent based upon the doctor’s
    letter.”2 At the hearing, the court and defense counsel discussed
    the possible need for a court order to ensure defendant received
    his antipsychotic medication at the jail, but the court made no
    order at the time or, so far as the record indicates, at a later
    In March 2014, after jury selection was completed and
    before opening statements were given, defense attorney Carole
    Telfer told the court that after recent communications with
    defendant, she had developed a doubt as to defendant’s trial
    On appeal, defendant contended the trial court could not
    properly proceed in this manner without a stipulation
    submitting the matter on the medical report. The Court of
    Appeal, relying on People v. Mixon (1990) 
    225 Cal. App. 3d 1471
    1480, held that absent a request for a hearing, the trial court
    could summarily approve the state hospital certification of
    competency. We did not grant review on that issue, and we do
    not decide it here.
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    competence. Counsel explained her concerns in an in camera
    hearing. The previous day, defendant told her he wished to
    testify on his own behalf, which they had previously agreed he
    would not do. When she tried to find out what he intended to
    say in testimony, he sent her a note that said: “Playing record
    Hollywood department Westside Honor Ranch L.A. County.
    Two police officers visiting. Four records. Call to testify in
    court. Statement you are the one that murdered a series of
    persons in a tunnel.” On another page, the note continued (in
    counsel’s reading): “Transcriptures of acquittal of execution,
    transcriptures of the advance of the court date from May 2nd,
    2012 from April 6th, 2012, and transcriptures of the name plake,
    P-L-A-K-E, Rodas, Domingo to Doudley Brown.”
    According to counsel, defendant’s reference to two police
    officers visiting him in jail was not accurate. Counsel asked
    defendant what he meant about “playing record,” and from his
    response she gathered that “he was indicating something about
    the video, but was asserting that the video they had, all three of
    them were assimilations and were not the correct video.”
    According to counsel, defendant said that what he had been
    shown were all “assimilations,” though she did not know what
    he meant by that term. When counsel asked defendant what he
    meant by “transcriptures of acquittal of execution,” he
    responded in a “word salad”—that is, by “using a lot of
    polysyllabic words that go around in a circle and don’t really
    make sense.”
    When counsel tried to talk to defendant about his name
    change (from Doudley Brown to Domingo Rodas), she reported:
    “[H]e got very angry at me and again started doing this word
    salad, talking about—something about forgery and . . . how
    could they say he was Doudley Brown.” Counsel was unsure
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    whether defendant meant that he should be charged with
    forgery for using the wrong name or that law enforcement
    authorities were committing forgery by referring to him as
    Doudley Brown. Counsel was concerned because on previous
    occasions when defendant had been incompetent to stand trial
    he had used the same “word salad,” though sometimes in the
    past he had spoken in Spanish instead of English. Defendant
    had also told defense counsel he was not taking his medication,
    and unlike earlier interactions since defendant’s return to court,
    counsel was now having difficulty understanding her client: “I
    don’t know what he’s saying, I don’t know what he wants, and
    he wants—apparently wants to testify and I’m afraid to put him
    on the stand because I don’t know what’s going to come out of
    his mouth.”
    After hearing from counsel, the court addressed defendant
    in the following colloquy:
    “The court: . . . Mr. Rodas how you doing?
    “The defendant: I’m fine, thank you, your Honor. Since I
    have returned from Atascadero Hospital, that I’ve been proved
    mentally competent to stand trial, it is the first time that I made
    those notes and I had a conversation with Carole Telfer just
    yesterday. And I really didn’t mean to be obstructive to the
    person’s attention. I didn’t know that that was the person
    means. I was being belligerent as how the—antagonistic as how
    the person said, and I didn’t know that I was being obstructive
    or confrontive, or con –
    “The court: Confrontational.
    “The defendant: Yeah, confrontational. And I didn’t know
    that I was being by anyone—being obstructive against the
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    “The court: Well, how are you feeling today?
    “The defendant: I feel perfectly fine, your Honor. I don’t—
    I don’t consider—I only wanted to ask the person’s pardon if I
    possibility was being obstructive that I made up those notes, and
    I really don’t mind how the person to continue defending my case
    for me and I do mean to keep quiet. I didn’t know, at least the
    first time I spoke to the person admittedly, and I didn’t know
    that I was being—that the person was considering me to be
    confrontative or obstructive.
    “The court: Well, let’s slow down here. [¶] You know what
    we have a jury now?
    “The defendant: Yes, your Honor.
    “The court: And we’re set to start the trial?
    “The defendant: Yes, your Honor.
    “The court: And do you understand that you’ve been
    charged with some serious crimes?
    “The defendant: Yes, your Honor.
    “The court: You’ve been—can you tell me what you’ve
    been charged with?
    “The defendant:     Yes, I understood yesterday the
    proceedings were going over and that I was being charged with
    three counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder.
    “The court: And you know Ms. Telfer is here to defend you
    on those charges?
    “The defendant: Yes, your Honor.
    “The court: And are you willing to help her to the best of
    your ability?
    “The defendant: Yes, your Honor.”
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    Addressing defense counsel, the court said it was
    “impressed with his clarity of speech and apparent clarity of
    reasoning in addressing the court. He understands the charges.
    He says he’s willing to help you.” The court then asked
    defendant if he thought it was “okay to go ahead and have the
    trial,” to which Rodas said, “Yes, your Honor. That will be
    properly fine, yes, your Honor.” The court confirmed that was
    Rodas’s “request.” When the court asked Rodas if he was taking
    his medication, Rodas replied, “No, your Honor, I’ve been doing
    without the medication. I’ve been doing fine. I’ve been getting
    along well. I’ve been there about a year already. I returned from
    Atascadero Hospital since May of last year and I’ve been doing
    fine. I have been doing without my medications. It was just the
    notes that I made to Ms. Telfer and she thought I was being
    obstructive or confrontative.” Answering the court’s leading
    questions, defendant affirmed he understood what was going on
    and would try to help his counsel with his defense. The court
    said, “I think we should go forward.” Counsel replied, “Fine. I
    just wanted to make a record.”
    The trial proceeded. Against counsel’s advice, defendant
    testified in his own defense. In his testimony, defendant asked
    the court to “order the three video record exhibition and report
    for video filming in the nature exhibited, the copy from the
    Hollywood Police Department, the copy that Carole Telfer
    showed me at Wayside Honor Ranch, and the copy in the nature
    that is being exhibited here at the courtroom . . . .” Defendant
    maintained “that the three copies are disassimilated copies, that
    they’re not perfectly alike copies, and that they have divulginary
    and arbitrary information of casting of images.” He also asked
    that the police officers who he said had visited him in jail and
    who had “committed” him “the statements to the four video
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    record copies that you are the one that committed a serious of
    murders in a tunnel” be called to testify regarding the “four
    record copies on their video copy of record of filming in their
    possession . . . .” The court granted the prosecution’s motion to
    strike the testimony as irrelevant.
    The jury convicted defendant of the murder of Fallin, with
    a special circumstance of murder by lying in wait, and of both
    attempted murders, but acquitted him on two of the charged
    murders. He was sentenced to life without possibility of parole,
    plus two additional life terms.
    The Court of Appeal affirmed. The appellate court rejected
    defendant’s argument that the trial court erred in failing to
    suspend proceedings when counsel raised a doubt about his
    competence in March 2014. While counsel’s description of
    defendant’s behavior “certainly suggested mental illness,” the
    court reasoned, it “did not necessarily constitute substantial
    evidence of defendant’s incompetence.” Rather, the court
    continued, defendant’s responses to the trial court’s questions
    suggested competence: “[Defendant] knew he was in a jury trial;
    he recited the charges against him with precision; he knew that
    Ms. Telfer was defending him; he was willing to help her; he
    wanted to go forward with trial; and he apologized for his
    ‘obstructive’ and ‘belligerent’ behavior. The record therefore
    shows that Rodas understood the nature of the criminal
    proceedings and could assist counsel in the conduct of a defense
    in a rational manner.” The Court of Appeal acknowledged that
    defendant’s 2013 psychiatric report “connected taking
    medication to maintaining competence,” but reasoned that the
    report did not condition its competence finding on continued
    medication, and the trial court had “no current medical report
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    from 2014 describing the effect, if any, of Rodas’s failure to take
    his medication.”
    We granted defendant’s petition for review, limited to the
    question of whether the trial court erred in failing to suspend
    the criminal proceedings after defense counsel expressed her
    doubts as to defendant’s competence to stand trial.
    The constitutional guarantee of due process forbids a court
    from trying or convicting a criminal defendant who is mentally
    incompetent to stand trial. (People v. Mickel (2016) 2 Cal.5th
    181, 194; U.S. Const., 14th Amend.; Cal. Const., art. I, §§ 7, 15.)
    Section 1367 of the Penal Code, incorporating the applicable
    constitutional standard, specifies that a person is incompetent
    to stand trial “if, as a result of mental disorder or developmental
    disability, the defendant is unable to understand the nature of
    the criminal proceedings or to assist counsel in the conduct of a
    defense in a rational manner.” (Id., subd. (a); see Dusky v.
    U.S. (1960) 
    362 U.S. 402
    [competence requires “ ‘sufficient
    present ability to consult with his lawyer with a reasonable
    degree of rational understanding’ ” and “ ‘a rational as well as
    factual understanding of the proceedings against him’ ”].)
    Penal Code section 1368 requires that criminal proceedings
    be suspended and competency proceedings be commenced if “a
    doubt arises in the mind of the judge” regarding the defendant’s
    competence (id., subd. (a)) and defense counsel concurs (id.,
    subd. (b)).    This court has construed that provision, in
    conformity with the requirements of federal constitutional law,
    as meaning that an accused has the right “to a hearing on
    present sanity if he comes forward with substantial evidence
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    that he is incapable, because of mental illness, of understanding
    the nature of the proceedings against him or of assisting in his
    defense.” (People v. Pennington (1967) 
    66 Cal. 2d 508
    , 518,
    discussing Pate v. Robinson (1966) 
    383 U.S. 375
    , 385–386.)
    “Once such substantial evidence appears, a doubt as to the
    sanity of the accused exists, no matter how persuasive other
    evidence—testimony of prosecution witnesses or the court’s own
    observations of the accused—may be to the contrary.”
    (Pennington, at p. 518.) As we have explained in more recent
    cases, substantial evidence for this purpose is evidence “that
    raises a reasonable or bona fide doubt” as to competence, and
    the duty to conduct a competency hearing “may arise at any time
    prior to judgment.” (People v. 
    Rogers, supra
    , 39 Cal.4th at
    p. 847; accord, People v. Sattiewhite (2014) 
    59 Cal. 4th 446
    , 464.)
    When a doubt exists as to the defendant’s mental
    competence, the court must appoint an expert or experts to
    examine the defendant. The issue is then tried to the court or a
    jury under the procedures set out in Penal Code section 1369.
    Except as provided in Penal Code section 1368.1 (allowing for
    probable cause and motion hearings in certain circumstances),
    all criminal proceedings are to be suspended until the
    competence question has been determined. (Pen. Code, § 1368,
    subd. (c).)
    If, after a competency hearing, the defendant is found
    competent to stand trial, a trial court may rely on that finding
    unless the court “ ‘is presented with a substantial change of
    circumstances or with new evidence’ casting a serious doubt on
    the validity of that finding.” (People v. Jones (1991) 
    53 Cal. 3d 1115
    , 1153 (Jones); accord, People v. Mendoza (2016) 
    62 Cal. 4th 856
    , 884.)
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    Defendant contends that the trial court was presented with
    substantial evidence of his mental incompetence at the March
    2014 hearing and that the circumstances at that time had
    substantially changed from those prevailing in May 2013, when
    defendant was found competent to stand trial. We agree. Given
    the circumstances, the trial court erred by proceeding with trial
    without undertaking the required formal inquiry into
    defendant’s competence.
    First, a brief review of the facts. As the trial court was
    aware, defendant had a history of mental illness dating at least
    to 1974, and he was found incompetent to stand trial on criminal
    charges in 1984 and 1986. In 1988, he was again confined at
    Atascadero and Patton and diagnosed with schizophrenia.
    Besides delusional thinking, his communication was
    disorganized: he spoke in “word salad,” using nonsensical terms
    with no connection to one another.
    In 2011 and 2012, experts found him incompetent to stand
    trial based on his “fragmented” thought processes, “rambling”
    and “nonsensical” speech and his delusional belief he was
    misidentified as the person who previously had been confined at
    Patton. But with psychotropic medication, Dr. Knapke noted in
    2012, defendant could probably be returned to a state of mental
    competence to stand trial. After several months of treatment, a
    report from Patton found that with medication defendant had
    shown some progress in reducing symptoms of psychosis. With
    continued treatment, he likely would regain competence, but
    without it he likely would not: “There are no effective
    alternatives to treatment with antipsychotic medication.”
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    When, several months later, the Atascadero medical director
    ultimately certified defendant as competent, the report twice
    cautioned that he should remain on his medication regimen “to
    prevent mental decompensation and maintain competency
    related abilities.” In a cover letter to the court on filing the
    certificate of competence, the Atascadero medical director
    repeated the warning: “It is important that [defendant] remain
    on this medication . . . to enable him to be certified under Section
    1372 of the Penal Code.”
    In sum, the psychiatric reports and letters in the record
    established two critical facts. First, defendant’s schizophrenia
    causes him to suffer paranoid ideation and severe difficulties in
    organizing his thoughts and speech, periodically rendering him
    incompetent to stand trial.          Second, while consistent
    administration of antipsychotic and mood-stabilizing
    medication can control these symptoms, maintenance of
    competence depends on continued medication.
    It was against this backdrop that defense counsel informed
    the trial court in March 2014 that she had formed a new doubt
    about defendant’s competence. At that time, the trial court
    learned that defendant had stopped taking his medication and
    his condition had severely deteriorated. Defendant was now
    focused on a paranoid theory that the videotapes the prosecution
    was using against him were “assimilations” and that
    identifications of him as Doudley Brown (his original name,
    under which he had been previously confined in state hospitals)
    were somehow “forge[d].” Beyond that, his communications to
    his attorney were incoherent, consisting of a “word salad” like
    that reported during his earlier bouts of mental incompetence.
    Defendant had told counsel he now wanted to testify, contrary
    to their earlier agreement, but counsel did not understand what
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    defendant was saying to her and hence did not know “what’s
    going to come out of his mouth” if he took the stand. Taken as a
    whole, this information constituted substantial evidence of
    mental incompetence. The facts made known to the court raised
    a reasonable doubt as to whether defendant was able to
    communicate rationally with his attorney and thus “to assist
    counsel in the conduct of a defense in a rational manner.” (Pen.
    Code, § 1367, subd. (a).)3
    In concluding that the trial could proceed, the trial court
    relied on a brief colloquy with defendant, in which defendant
    displayed a general understanding of the nature of the
    proceedings and the charges against him. But nothing in the
    colloquy dispelled the specific concerns that counsel had raised
    The record does not support the Attorney General’s
    speculative     suggestion     that    defendant’s    incoherent
    communication with counsel was attributable to his use of
    English rather than Spanish. Defendant’s sister testified at
    trial that he was fluent in both English and Spanish. Defendant
    was born in Puerto Rico but, according to Dr. Knapke’s report,
    his father was “British from Honduras.” On one occasion,
    defendant insisted to an interviewer that he spoke only Spanish,
    but he nevertheless “spontaneously began speaking English in
    the middle of an interview about any problem.” The record
    reflects, moreover, that the problems counsel described arose
    when defendant was speaking Spanish as well as when he was
    speaking English. Dr. Knapke also noted that when he
    interviewed defendant through a Spanish interpreter,
    defendant began “rambling in a nonsensical manner,” and the
    interpreter told Knapke he was having difficulty understanding
    defendant because of defendant’s “bizarre use of words and
    syntax.” Even to the interpreter, defendant “was using words
    out of context” and “was not making any sense.” In declaring
    her doubts as to competence, defense counsel explained to the
    trial court that defendant had previously used a “word salad” in
    Spanish and was now doing so in English.
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    about defendant’s ability to rationally assist her in conducting
    his defense. Indeed, the transcript of the colloquy is suggestive
    of some of the very communication difficulties counsel had
    described: In response to the court’s opening question about
    how he was doing, defendant responded that he was fine, but
    then continued: “[I]t is the first time that I made those notes
    and I had a conversation with Carole Telfer just yesterday. And
    I really didn’t mean to be obstructive to the person’s attention.
    I didn’t know that that was the person means. I was being
    belligerent as how the—antagonistic as how the person said,
    and I didn’t know that I was being obstructive or confrontive.”
    And critically, while aspects of defendant’s performance in
    this colloquy could be seen as weighing to some degree against
    counsel’s evidence of incompetence, the colloquy did not provide
    an adequate basis for resolving any conflict in the evidence
    concerning defendant’s competence. In Pate v. 
    Robinson, supra
    383 U.S. 375
    (Pate), the high court made clear that when
    substantial evidence of incompetence otherwise exists, a
    competency hearing is required even though the defendant may
    display “mental alertness and understanding” in his colloquies
    with the trial judge. (Id. at p. 385.) The court explained that
    while the defendant’s in-court behavior “might be relevant to the
    ultimate decision as to his sanity, it cannot be relied upon to
    dispense with a hearing on that very issue.” (Id. at p. 386.)
    This court has followed the same principle: When faced
    with conflicting evidence regarding competence, the trial court’s
    role under Penal Code section 1368 is only to decide whether the
    evidence of incompetence is substantial, not to resolve the
    conflict. Resolution must await expert examination and the
    opportunity for a full evidentiary hearing. (People v. Lightsey
    54 Cal. 4th 668
    , 703–704; People v. 
    Pennington, supra
    , 66
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    Cal.2d at p. 518.) Had the issue of defendant’s competence been
    tried to the court under Penal Code section 1369, the trial court
    might legitimately have weighed defendant’s demeanor and the
    nature of his responses to the court’s questioning against the
    experts’ reports and other available evidence relating to his
    condition. But in the face of substantial evidence raising a doubt
    about defendant’s competence, defendant’s demeanor and
    responses supplied no basis for dispensing with further inquiry.
    It is true that, generally speaking, when a defendant has
    already been found competent to stand trial, “a trial court need
    not suspend proceedings to conduct a second competency
    hearing unless it ‘is presented with a substantial change of
    circumstances or with new evidence’ casting a serious doubt on
    the validity of that finding.” 
    (Jones, supra
    , 53 Cal.3d at p. 1153.)
    We have also said that when a competency hearing has already
    been held, “the trial court may appropriately take its personal
    observations into account in determining whether there has
    been some significant change in the defendant’s mental state,”
    particularly if the defendant has “actively participated in the
    trial” and the trial court has had the opportunity to observe and
    converse with the defendant. (Ibid.)
    This rule does not, however, alter or displace the basic
    constitutional requirement of 
    Pate, supra
    , 383 U.S. at pages 385
    to 386, and People v. 
    Pennington, supra
    , 66 Cal.2d at page 518,
    which require the court to suspend criminal proceedings and
    conduct a competence hearing upon receipt of substantial
    evidence of incompetence even if other information points
    toward competence. The effect of the Jones rule is simply to
    make clear that the duty to suspend is not triggered by
    information that substantially duplicates evidence already
    considered at an earlier, formal inquiry into the defendant’s
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    competence; when faced with evidence of relatively minor
    changes in the defendant’s mental state, the court may rely on
    a prior competency finding rather than convening a new hearing
    to cover largely the same ground.
    Whether there has been a change in circumstances
    sufficient to call for a new competency hearing is necessarily a
    fact-specific inquiry. Under the facts of this case, however, it is
    plain that the standard was met; the evidence before the trial
    court made it unreasonable to continue to rely on the prior
    competence finding in allowing the trial to proceed. The May
    2013 competence finding had followed a finding of incompetence
    in February 2012; in the interim, defendant had been confined
    in state hospitals and treated with antipsychotic medication.
    When the competence finding was made, it was based solely on
    the certification of the medical director, who stated clearly that
    it was “important that [defendant] remain on this medication
    . . . to enable him to be certified.”4
    Considering this context, the information presented to the
    court at the March 2014 in camera hearing showed a substantial
    change in circumstances since May 2013. At that hearing, the
    court learned that defendant had stopped taking his
    antipsychotic medication—on which his prior competence
    Not only was no evidentiary hearing held at that time, but
    the court had before it no case file; it made its determination
    based solely on the “docket sheet,” as the judge presiding at the
    hearing said at the time, or at most on a “dummy file” containing
    only “the letter from the doctor, finding the defendant
    competent,” as the judge stated in settling the record.
    Ms. Telfer, who had represented defendant in earlier
    proceedings and who later represented him at trial, was not
    present for the May 2013 hearing; two other deputy public
    defenders stood in for her.
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    finding was effectively conditioned—and was again displaying
    symptoms similar to those he exhibited during prior bouts of
    incompetence. Far from duplicating the evidence considered in
    the course of making the prior competency finding, this new
    information painted a starkly different picture from that
    contained in the medical director’s certification. Nothing the
    trial court heard in its colloquy with defendant negated the
    showing of changed circumstances—nor, for that matter, did the
    trial court justify its decision not to declare a doubt after the in
    camera hearing by any determination that the circumstances
    had not significantly changed since defendant was found
    competent in May 2013. This change in circumstances required
    additional, formal inquiry under Penal Code section 1368.5
    This conclusion is consistent with that of another published
    decision of the Court of Appeal, in which the court held that a
    competency hearing was required under circumstances strongly
    Even if the information the court received at the March
    2014 in camera hearing were not deemed to show substantially
    changed circumstances from the May 2013 competence finding,
    defendant’s nonsensical and irrelevant testimony during trial,
    together with counsel’s earlier presentation, clearly did so.
    When the court tried to clarify defendant’s testimony that the
    tape copies were “divulginary and arbitrary information of
    casting of images” by asking whether defendant was saying the
    jury had been shown a different tape than he had seen in jail,
    defendant responded: “No, your Honor, not explicitly that
    nature. I am just saying that the physical material copies in the
    fact of knowledge identified consistency, a prototype of the
    nature of the assimilated nature.” Although defense counsel did
    not at that point renew her caution that defendant appeared
    incompetent to stand trial, the court’s duty to assess competence
    is a continuing one. (People v. 
    Sattiewhite, supra
    , 59 Cal.4th at
    p. 464.)
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    resembling those presented in this case. In People v. Murdoch
    194 Cal. App. 4th 230
    (Murdoch), the court held that the
    trial court was required to suspend criminal proceedings under
    Penal Code section 1368 when confronted with evidence that the
    defendant had stopped taking his medication and was pursuing
    a delusional theory of defense. The defendant there, charged
    with assault, was found competent to stand trial based on expert
    reports stating that he was competent so long as he remained
    medicated. But the same reports noted that defendant had
    either completely or mostly stopped taking his medication and
    could “decompensate and become incompetent if he continued to
    refuse medication.” (Murdoch, at p. 233.) At trial a few months
    later, the defendant, now representing himself, told the court
    that he wanted to introduce parts of the Bible and other books
    to prove that the alleged victim was not a human being because
    he did not have shoulder blades, which “ ‘are symbolic of angelic
    beings,’ ” and instead had a single bone that prevented him from
    shrugging his shoulders. (Id. at p. 234.) When the victim
    testified, the defendant asked him on cross-examination if he
    could shrug his shoulders. The victim did so, and the defendant
    stated, “ ‘That’s all I have. This isn’t the man that I believe
    attacked me.’ ” (Id. at p. 235.) The Murdoch court held that in
    light of the experts’ reports, which described the defendant’s
    “fragile competence and its evident dependence upon continued
    medication,” and evidence that the defendant had stopped
    taking that medication, the defendant’s bizarre explanation of
    his defense required new proceedings to determine competence.
    (Id. at p. 237.)
    Although the Court of Appeal in this case attempted to
    distinguish Murdoch, the cases are similar in relevant respects.
    Like the defendant in Murdoch, defendant here had been
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    diagnosed with a mental illness that threatened his trial
    competence if untreated; as in Murdoch, the trial court was
    faced with evidence defendant had stopped taking his
    medication and was now insisting on presenting a defense that
    threatened to be nonsensical or delusional. In this case, the
    evidence before the court also showed that defendant could no
    longer communicate rationally with his attorney about his
    defense. In both cases, the defendants’ behavior, in combination
    with the warnings of the health professionals about the
    likelihood that they would become incompetent if they did not
    take antipsychotic medication, was substantial evidence giving
    rise to a doubt as to their competence. Here, as in Murdoch, the
    trial court was required to suspend proceedings and launch a
    formal inquiry to resolve the matter.
    The Attorney General raises two main arguments in
    defense of the trial court’s ruling, but neither is persuasive. The
    Attorney General first attempts to minimize the concerns
    defense counsel raised at the March 2014 hearing, arguing that
    defendant’s note and remarks to counsel do not reflect
    delusional thinking on par with that of the Murdoch defendant.
    We grant there are differences between the Murdoch
    defendant’s mental state and the mental state of defendant in
    this case. But the differences do not render defendant’s
    condition less concerning from the standpoint of due process.
    Defendant’s insistence that the prosecution’s videotapes were
    “assimilations” and that the accusation against him involved
    some type of “forgery” of his identity reflected paranoid thinking
    like that he had displayed in previous episodes of mental
    incompetence. And defendant’s descent into speaking in “word
    salad” in response to questions about his desire to change trial
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    strategy—which had also characterized his previous episodes of
    incompetence—showed him unable to coherently discuss his
    defense with counsel, which meant he could not rationally assist
    his attorney with his defense.
    Second, echoing the Court of Appeal’s rationale, the
    Attorney General also argues that the record does not clearly
    establish the connection between the administration of
    medication and defendant’s competence. The medical reports in
    the record, the Attorney General contends, did not “necessarily
    condition” his mental competence on continued medication. And
    the record contains no contemporaneous medical report
    indicating that defendant’s symptoms had returned after he
    stopped taking his medication.
    For reasons already stated, we disagree with the Attorney
    General’s characterization of the medical reports in the record.
    While the reports did not state in so many words that defendant
    would decompensate and become incompetent if he stopped
    taking his medication, the reports did make several points clear:
    that defendant had been incompetent while unmedicated; that
    defendant had required involuntary medication to be restored to
    a state of competency to stand trial; that for defendant “[t]here
    are no effective alternatives to treatment with antipsychotic
    medication”; that “to prevent mental decompensation and
    maintain competency related abilities,” defendant should
    continue his medication; and that it was “important” for
    defendant to remain on medication “to enable him to be
    certified” as competent to stand trial. Given that human
    psychology rarely involves absolutes, a closer link between
    continued medication and defendant’s mental competence could
    hardly be demanded.
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    The Attorney General is correct that the court did not have
    the benefit of expert reports or testimony evaluating defendant’s
    condition after he stopped taking his medication in 2013 or
    2014.6 But under the circumstances, substantial evidence of
    incompetence existed without such a report. The court already
    had the benefit of the medical reports described above, which
    related to defendant’s history of incompetence while
    unmedicated and which made clear that medication should be
    continued to ensure that defendant’s competence continued. At
    the March 2014 hearing, the trial court learned not only that
    defendant had ceased taking his medication, but also that he
    had begun displaying some of the same symptoms he had
    displayed during earlier periods of incompetence and, as a
    consequence, was unable to communicate rationally or
    coherently with his attorney. As in 
    Murdoch, supra
    , 194
    Cal.App.4th at pages 236 to 238, the evidence before the court
    went beyond a simple report that defendant was speaking or
    acting bizarrely; against the background of medical reports
    detailing defendant’s history of schizophrenia and the
    importance of medication in controlling his symptoms, counsel’s
    report raised a reasonable doubt as to defendant’s continued
    competence. To the extent a new expert examination and report
    were needed to resolve that doubt, the procedures are contained
    in Penal Code section 1369, subdivision (a). The court could not
    properly proceed with the criminal trial without first invoking
    those procedures to determine whether defendant was
    A psychiatrist testified for the defense at trial, but did not
    examine defendant or prepare any written report.
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    A question remains as to the appropriate remedy. The
    Attorney General asks that if we determine the trial court was
    required to suspend criminal proceedings and hold a competency
    hearing following the March 2014 hearing, we order the case
    remanded to the trial court for a hearing to determine whether
    defendant was in fact competent at the time of his trial.
    This court has never decided whether remand for such a
    retrospective competency hearing is an appropriate remedy for
    what we have sometimes referred to as Pate error—that is, a
    court’s due process error in failing to suspend criminal
    proceedings and determine the defendant’s competence. In Pate
    itself, the high court rejected a proposal to remand for a
    retrospective competency hearing, citing the difficulty of
    determining the defendant’s competence some six years after
    the fact. (
    Pate, supra
    , 383 U.S. at p. 387.) The court did the
    same in Drope v. Missouri (1975) 
    420 U.S. 162
    , 183 (Drope),
    emphasizing “the inherent difficulties of such a nunc pro tunc
    determination under the most favorable circumstances.”
    For many years, these decisions were generally understood
    to mean automatic reversal was the only remedy for Pate error.
    (People v. 
    Lightsey, supra
    , 54 Cal.4th at p. 704 (Lightsey).) But
    at some point, some courts began to take a different view,
    concluding that retrospective competency hearings might in
    some instances be feasible and appropriate. This included the
    Court of Appeal in People v. Ary (2004) 
    118 Cal. App. 4th 1016
    1029 (Ary I), which remanded to the trial court to determine
    whether a retrospective hearing was feasible where the record
    contained “extensive expert testimony and evidence . . .
    regarding defendant’s mental retardation and his ability to
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    function in the legal arena” at the time of his disputed
    competence. When the same case later arrived at this court for
    review, we assumed, without deciding, that this remedy was
    permissible. (People v. Ary (2011) 
    51 Cal. 4th 510
    , 516–517 (Ary
    II).) We emphasized, however, that if the remand procedure is
    in fact permissible, it requires the trial court to “first decide
    whether a retrospective determination is indeed feasible.
    Feasibility in this context means the availability of sufficient
    evidence to reliably determine the defendant’s mental
    competence when tried earlier.” (Id. at p. 520.)
    In Lightsey, we again declined to answer the question
    whether a retrospective competency hearing is ever an available
    remedy for Pate error, deeming the question “complex and
    subject to debate.” (
    Lightsey, supra
    , 54 Cal.4th at p. 704.) We
    instead concluded that such a hearing might be an appropriate
    remedy for a different sort of error—namely, a trial court’s error
    in failing to appoint counsel to represent a defendant in a
    competency hearing. (Id. at pp. 702, 706–710.) In so holding,
    we distinguished cases of Pate error, explaining: “[D]espite the
    error in the manner in which the competency proceedings were
    conducted, the subject of defendant’s mental competence
    actually was reviewed at the time of the trial and
    contemporaneous evidence specifically addressing that issue
    presumably still exists.” (Id. at p. 707.) “In contrast, in the
    circumstances of Pate error, where there was substantial
    evidence of incompetence but no proceedings to develop the
    record further, there is by definition a shortcoming in the
    evidence, and the trier of fact at a retrospective competency
    hearing would have to rely on after-the-fact opinions and
    evidence in the record (such as the defendant’s courtroom
    behavior) that might only circumstantially assist in determining
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    the defendant’s mental state at the time of trial.”      (Id. at
    pp. 707–708.)
    Assuming that in some circumstances a retrospective
    hearing may be proper when the trial court has erred in failing
    to hold a competency hearing, we conclude that here, much as
    in Pate and Drope, “the inherent difficulties of such a nunc pro
    tunc determination” 
    (Drope, supra
    , 420 U.S. at p. 183) cannot be
    overcome under the circumstances of the case. As we have
    previously explained, the critical question in determining
    whether a retrospective competency hearing is feasible is
    whether there is “sufficient evidence to reliably determine the
    defendant’s mental competence when tried earlier.” (Ary 
    II, supra
    , 51 Cal.4th at p. 520, italics added.) The burden of proof
    in a retrospective hearing is on the defendant, and feasibility
    requires finding that such a hearing “will provide defendant
    a fair opportunity to prove incompetence, not merely [that] some
    evidence exists by which the trier of fact might reach a decision
    on the subject.” (
    Lightsey, supra
    , 54 Cal.4th at p. 710.)
    Several factors might bear on this inquiry. (See Ary 
    II, supra
    , 51 Cal.4th at pp. 516–517 [suggesting various factors
    that might be relevant to the feasibility of retrospective
    competency hearings].)7     Here, however, the dominant
    In Ary 
    II, supra
    51 Cal. 4th 510
    , we declined to address
    the theoretical question whether Pate error may ever be cured
    by a retrospective competence hearing. (Ary II, at pp. 516–517.)
    In dicta, however, we discussed the feasibility of such hearings,
    citing with approval an appellate decision identifying four
    factors bearing on feasibility:     the passage of time, the
    availability of contemporaneous medical evidence, any
    statements by defendant in the trial record, and the availability
    of individuals who interacted with defendant before and during
    trial. (Id. at p. 520, fn. 3.)
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    considerations are the fluctuating nature of defendant’s
    symptoms, the passage of time, and the lack of contemporaneous
    expert evaluations. To saddle defendant with the burden of
    proving his incompetence in March 2014, around five years after
    the fact, without the benefit of any contemporaneous
    psychiatric, psychological, or neurological evaluation, would
    neither be fair nor produce a reliable result. Without any
    significant prospect of evidence showing competence being
    produced, moreover, a retrospective hearing could not feasibly
    cure the Pate error.8 Defense counsel already put her negative
    view of defendant’s competence on the record at the trial’s
    outset, and defendant’s testimony at trial only served to
    reinforce counsel’s showing that his mental condition made it
    impossible for him to rationally assist in his defense.
    Here, as in all cases of Pate error, the trial record itself
    supplies substantial evidence of defendant’s incompetence. The
    critical question is not whether the trial court could reliably
    find, on the basis of this evidence, that defendant was in fact
    incompetent. The critical question, rather, is whether the trial
    court could reliably find competence: whether evidence exists
    both to show defendant’s competence at the time of trial and to
    permit defendant to respond fully to that showing, such that a
    fair and reliable determination that defendant was competent
    to stand trial could be made.
    We recognize that a retrospective hearing might be
    thought technically “feasible” as long as the court had
    information sufficient to make a determination either way. But
    it would serve no purpose to remand for a hearing that could do
    no more than confirm that defendant was incompetent at the
    time of trial; our analysis therefore focuses on the feasibility of
    holding a hearing that could fairly and reliably show that
    defendant was in fact competent at the time of trial.
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    Had the trial court declared a doubt about competence in
    March 2014, the court would have appointed two experts to
    examine defendant and report on aspects of his mental condition
    relevant to competence, as well as the appropriateness of
    medical treatment for any condition found. (Pen. Code, § 1369,
    subd. (a).) Such evaluations would have been crucial in
    determining whether defendant’s failure to adhere to his drug
    regimen had resulted in a return of his schizophrenic symptoms
    to such a degree as to render him once more incompetent. A
    retrospective hearing, in contrast, would presumably require an
    attempt by psychologists or psychiatrists to reconstruct
    defendant’s mental condition at trial based on the prior medical
    reports and defendant’s behavior at the time of trial. But the
    most recent expert evaluation, dating from April 2013, tied
    defendant’s competence to continuation of his medication.
    Given the showing that by March 2014 defendant had long since
    stopped taking his medication and had suffered a significant
    relapse into a more florid psychotic condition, it is difficult to see
    how a psychologist or psychiatrist appointed to make a
    retrospective evaluation could reliably find defendant was
    nonetheless competent at the time of trial. Under the particular
    circumstances of this case, at a distance of around five years and
    without any expert evaluations from the time of trial, we do not
    believe the trial court could fairly come to a reliable conclusion
    that defendant was competent at that time.
    By contrast, when courts have permitted retrospective
    hearings, they have generally done so in cases involving unusual
    circumstances where reliable evidence of the defendant’s mental
    condition at the time of trial would be available at the hearing.
    (See Ary 
    I, supra
    , 118 Cal.App.4th at p. 1028; Tate v. State
    (Okla.Crim.App. 1995) 
    896 P.2d 1182
    , 1188 ; cf. 
    Lightsey, supra
    Opinion of the Court by Kruger, J.
    54 Cal.4th at pp. 707-708 [retrospective hearing might be
    feasible to cure the error of failing to appoint counsel for the
    defendant at the original competence hearing].) Absent such
    contemporaneous evidence here, and given the fluctuating
    nature of defendant’s symptoms and the considerable passage of
    time, we conclude no retrospective competency hearing could
    “ ‘place[] [defendant] in a position comparable to the one he
    would have been placed in prior to the original trial.’ ” (Ary 
    II, supra
    , 51 Cal.4th at p. 520.)
    Without either approving or foreclosing the possibility that
    a retrospective hearing might be found feasible in other cases of
    Pate error, we hold that under the circumstances of this case
    such a hearing would not supply an adequate remedy.
    We reverse the judgment of the Court of Appeal and remand
    the matter to that court with directions to reverse the judgment
    of conviction. Defendant may be retried on the charges for which
    he was convicted if he is not presently incompetent to stand
    KRUGER, J.
    We Concur:
    CHIN, J.
    LIU, J.
    KLINE, J.*
    Presiding Justice of the Court of Appeal, First Appellate
    District, Division Two, assigned by the Chief Justice pursuant
    to article VI, section 6 of the California Constitution.
    See next page for addresses and telephone numbers for counsel who argued in Supreme Court.
    Name of Opinion People v. Rodas
    Unpublished Opinion XXX NP opn. filed 8/15/16 – 2d Dist., Div. 3
    Original Appeal
    Original Proceeding
    Review Granted
    Rehearing Granted
    Opinion No. S237379
    Date Filed: November 26, 2018
    Court: Superior
    County: Los Angeles
    Judge: Robert J. Perry
    Joanna McKim, under appointment by the Supreme Court, for Defendant and Appellant.
    Kamala D. Harris and Xavier Becerra, Attorneys General, Gerald A. Engler, Chief Assistant Attorney
    General, Lance E. Winters, Assistant Attorney General, Steven E. Mercer, Susan Sullivan Pithey and Zee
    Rodriguez, Deputy Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    Counsel who argued in Supreme Court (not intended for publication with opinion):
    Joanna McKim
    P.O. Box 19493
    San Diego, CA 92159
    (619) 303-6897
    Zee Rodriguez
    Deputy Attorney General
    300 South Spring Street, Suite 1700
    Los Angeles, CA 90013
    (213) 576-1342