Barefoot v. Jennings ( 2020 )

  • Reposted corrected version
    Plaintiff and Appellant,
    Defendants and Respondents.
    Fifth Appellate District
    Tuolumne County Superior Court
    January 23, 2020
    Justice Chin authored the opinion of the Court, in which Chief
    Justice Cantil-Sakauye and Justices Corrigan, Liu, Cuéllar,
    Kruger, and Groban concurred.
    Opinion of the Court by Chin, J.
    If amendments to a revocable trust made shortly before
    the settlor dies disinherit a beneficiary, does that individual, as
    one who is not named in the trust’s final iteration, have standing
    to challenge the validity of the disinheriting amendments in
    probate court on grounds such as incompetence, undue
    influence, or fraud?
    The Court of Appeal interpreted Probate Code section
    17200, subdivision (a),1 which provides that “a trustee or
    beneficiary of a trust may petition the court under this chapter
    concerning the internal affairs of the trust or to determine the
    existence of the trust,” as permitting only a currently named
    beneficiary to make such a petition. It further concluded that
    because the plaintiff was no longer a named beneficiary, she
    lacked standing to challenge the validity of the amendment that
    eliminated her interest under section 17200.
    We disagree with the Court of Appeal, and hold today that
    the Probate Code grants standing in probate court to individuals
    who claim that trust amendments eliminating their beneficiary
    status arose from incompetence, undue influence, or fraud.2
    All further statutory references are to the Probate Code
    unless otherwise indicated.
    We do not decide here whether an heir who was never a
    trust beneficiary has standing under the Probate Code to
    challenge that trust.
    Opinion of the Court by Chin, J.
    Because no party petitioned the Court of Appeal for a
    rehearing, we take this factual and procedural discussion
    largely from that court’s opinion. (Barefoot v. Jennings (2018)
    27 Cal.App.5th 1, 3-4 (Barefoot); see Cal. Rules of Court, rule
    The underlying petition in probate court alleges the
    following: Joan Lee Maynord and her now deceased husband
    established the Maynord Family Trust (Trust) in 1986. After
    her husband’s death in 1993, Maynord served as the sole
    trustor. Plaintiff Joan Mauri Barefoot (plaintiff), one of
    Maynord’s daughters, was a beneficiary and successor trustee
    under the Trust. Two of Joan Lee Maynord’s other daughters,
    Jana Susan Jennings and Shana Wren (collectively defendants),
    were also beneficiaries. (Maynord’s three other children, one
    deceased, are not involved in this litigation.)
    “In or around August 2013 and continuing through 2016,
    Maynord executed a series of eight amendments to and
    restatements of the Trust, referred to as the 17th through the
    24th amendments.       The 24th amendment was the final
    amendment prior to Maynord’s death. In these amendments
    and restatements, [plaintiff’s] share of the Trust, as set out in
    the 16th amendment, was eliminated and [plaintiff] was both
    expressly disinherited and removed as a successor trustee. At
    the same time Wren was provided with a large share of the
    Trust and named successor trustee.” 
    (Barefoot, supra
    , 27
    Cal.App.5th at p. 4.)
    After Maynord’s death on August 20, 2016, plaintiff filed
    a petition in probate court alleging the amendments
    disinheriting her were invalid on three grounds: (1) Maynord
    was incompetent to make the amendments; (2) the amendments
    Opinion of the Court by Chin, J.
    were the product of defendants’ undue influence; and (3) the
    amendments were the product of defendants’ fraud. Regarding
    standing, the petition alleged that plaintiff was “a person
    interested in both the devolution of [Maynord’s] estate and the
    proper administration of the Trust because [plaintiff] is
    [Maynord’s] daughter and both the trustee and a beneficiary of
    the Trust before the purported amendments. She will benefit by
    a judicial determination that the purported amendments are
    invalid, thereby causing the Trust property to be distributed
    according to the terms of the Trust that existed before the
    invalid purported amendments. Therefore, [plaintiff] has
    standing to bring this petition.”
    Defendants moved to dismiss the petition under sections
    17200 and 17202 (authorizing dismissal of a petition if
    reasonably necessary to protect the Trust), arguing that
    plaintiff lacked standing because she was neither a beneficiary
    nor a trustee under the Trust. Plaintiff responded that she had
    standing because she was a beneficiary before the amendments
    — which, she argued, were invalid — were executed. The trial
    court ultimately agreed with defendants and dismissed the
    petition. Plaintiff appealed.
    The Court of Appeal affirmed judgment in defendant’s
    favor. We granted plaintiff’s petition for review to resolve the
    narrow standing question.
    Underlying this action is the revocable trust that Maynord
    and her deceased husband created in 1986. “A revocable trust
    is a trust that the person who creates it, generally called the
    settlor, can revoke during the person’s lifetime.” (Estate of
    Giraldin (2012) 
    55 Cal. 4th 1058
    , 1062, fn. omitted.) The
    primary duty of a court in construing a trust is to give effect to
    Opinion of the Court by Chin, J.
    the settlor’s intentions. (Brock v. Hall (1949) 
    33 Cal. 2d 885
    Our review concerns whether plaintiff has standing to
    assert the invalidity of the Trust amendments that left her
    without an interest in her mother’s trust estate. In concluding
    that plaintiff does not have standing to challenge the
    amendments to the Trust, the Court of Appeal suggested that
    plaintiff relied exclusively on section 17200, subdivision (a),
    which provides: “Except as provided in Section 15800, a trustee
    or beneficiary of a trust may petition the court under this
    chapter concerning the internal affairs of the trust or to
    determine the existence of the trust.” Section 15800 generally
    provides that so long as the trust remains revocable (that is, as
    long as the settlor is alive) and the settlor is competent, the
    settlor, “and not the beneficiary, has the rights afforded
    beneficiaries under this division.” (Id., subd. (a); see Estate of
    Giraldin, supra
    , 55 Cal.4th at p. 1066.) Here, the settlor
    (Maynord) has died, so section 15800 is no longer relevant.
    The Court of Appeal interpreted section 17200’s reference
    to “a trustee or beneficiary” in subdivision (a) to mean that even
    wrongly disinherited beneficiaries are prohibited from making
    the petition. As we will explain, the Court of Appeal’s approach
    runs counter to both the Probate Code and cases interpreting it.
    Initially, we note that when a demurrer or pretrial motion
    to dismiss challenges a complaint on standing grounds, the court
    may not simply assume the allegations supporting standing lack
    merit and dismiss the complaint. Instead, the court must first
    determine standing by treating the properly pled allegations as
    true. If, having taken the allegations as true, the court finds no
    standing, it should sustain the demurrer or dismiss the petition.
    If it finds standing by contrast, the court should allow the
    Opinion of the Court by Chin, J.
    litigation to continue. (Warth v. Seldin (1975) 
    422 U.S. 490
    , 501
    [standing in federal courts]; Estate of Plaut (1945) 
    27 Cal. 2d 424
    426, 429-430 [will contest].)
    The applicable Probate Code provisions support plaintiff’s
    standing to challenge the merits of the Trust amendments on
    the grounds of incompetence, undue influence, or fraud. Section
    17200, subdivision (a), authorizes a beneficiary to petition the
    court concerning the trust’s affairs “or to determine [its]
    existence.” Section 17200, subdivision (b)(3) contemplates the
    court’s determination of “the validity of a trust provision.”
    Plainly, the term “trust provision” incorporates any
    amendments to a trust. Section 24, subdivision (c) defines a
    “beneficiary” for trust purposes, as “a person who has any
    present or future interest, vested or contingent.” Assuming
    plaintiff’s allegations are true, she has a present or future
    interest, making her a beneficiary permitted to petition the
    probate court under section 17200.
    Years ago, this court observed that as a general matter,
    the Probate Code “ ‘was intended to broaden the jurisdiction of
    the probate court so as to give that court jurisdiction over
    practically all controversies which might arise between the
    trustees and those claiming to be beneficiaries under the trust.’ ”
    (Estate of Bissinger (1964) 
    60 Cal. 2d 756
    , 765 (Bissinger),
    quoting Estate of Marre (1941) 
    18 Cal. 2d 184
    , 187.) The wisdom
    of those decisions has not lessened over time. More recently, the
    Court of Appeal in Estate of Heggstad (1993) 
    16 Cal. App. 4th 943
    explained that an expansive reading of the standing afforded to
    trust challenges under section 17200 “not only makes sense as
    a matter of judicial economy, but it also recognizes the probate
    court’s inherent power to decide all incidental issues necessary
    to carry out its express powers to supervise the administration
    Opinion of the Court by Chin, J.
    of the trust.” (Estate of Heggstad, at p. 951.) Other Courts of
    Appeal that have addressed the same question are in
    agreement. (Drake v. Pinkham (2013) 
    217 Cal. App. 4th 400
    , 407-
    409 [individual petitioned under § 17200 claiming two
    amendments to a trust that disinherited her were invalid on the
    ground the settlor was incompetent]; Conservatorship of Irvine
    40 Cal. App. 4th 1334
    , 1341 [“it is clear from viewing
    section 17200 as a whole that a probate court has jurisdiction
    over both inter vivos and testamentary trusts to entertain
    petitions for instructions regarding the validity (and thus,
    invalidity) of trust agreements or amendments”].)
    Reading the Probate Code section consistent with the
    statutory scheme as a whole, and examining the statutory
    language to give it commonsense meaning, we conclude that
    claims that trust provisions or amendments are the product of
    incompetence, undue influence, or fraud, as is alleged here,
    should be decided by the probate court, if the invalidity of those
    provisions or amendments would render the challenger a
    beneficiary of the trust.         (See Coalition of Concerned
    Communities, Inc. v. City of Los Angeles (2004) 
    34 Cal. 4th 733
    737 [courts should not examine statutory language in
    isolation].) So when a plaintiff claims to be a rightful beneficiary
    of a trust if challenged amendments are deemed invalid, she has
    standing to petition the probate court under section 17200.
    Defendants argue that interpreting section 17200 to
    permit purported beneficiaries to challenge a trust or its
    amendments would “invite chaos” because it would permit
    individuals with no present interest in the trust to “meddle”
    with its administration. We think defendants overstate the
    matter. Our holding does not allow individuals with no interest
    in a trust to bring a claim against the trust. Instead, we permit
    Opinion of the Court by Chin, J.
    those whose well-pleaded allegations show that they have an
    interest in a trust — because the amendments purporting to
    disinherit them are invalid — to petition the probate court.
    Additionally, section 17206 provides the probate court
    with wide latitude to “make any orders and take any other
    action necessary or proper to dispose of the matters presented
    by the petition.” This section supports a finding of standing
    here. We have held that although the probate court has no
    general equity jurisdiction, it does have the power to apply
    equitable and legal principles in order to assist its function as a
    probate court. 
    (Bissinger, supra
    , 60 Cal.2d at pp. 764-765.)
    Indeed, the probate court is given broad jurisdiction “ ‘over
    practically all controversies that might arise between the
    trustees and those claiming to be beneficiaries of the trust.’ ”
    (Id. at p. 765, quoting Estate of 
    Marre, supra
    , 18 Cal.2d at p.
    187.) Using such discretion, the court can preserve trust assets
    and the rights of all purported beneficiaries while it adjudicates
    the standing issue. As one court explained, interpreting section
    17200 as we do here “not only makes sense as a matter of judicial
    economy, but it also recognizes the probate court’s inherent
    power to decide all incidental issues necessary to carry out its
    express powers to supervise the administration of the trust.”
    (Estate of 
    Heggstad, supra
    , 16 Cal.App.4th at p. 951.)3
    We also note that defendants’ restrictive interpretation of
    the Probate Code does not promote the public interest in
    preventing the administration of trust property that is procured
    through fraud or undue influence. This interest is expressed
    most clearly in section 21380, which provides that certain
    donative transfers (e.g., transfers to the drafter of the trust or to
    the settlor’s caregiver) are presumptively the product of fraud or
    undue influence. Courts have held that “no contest” provisions
    Opinion of the Court by Chin, J.
    Defendants also contend that section 850 allows “any
    interested person” to file a petition to take certain actions
    challenging title and property transfer issues, and provides the
    exclusive means to challenge trust provisions. That section
    concerns “the transfer of property of the trust.” (See § 17200.1.)
    We need not examine in detail what section 850 does and does
    not do because plaintiff is asserting her standing as a
    beneficiary to challenge the validity of several amendments to
    the Trust only, and not contesting any transfer or sale of
    property into or out of the Trust. We therefore leave the
    statute’s interpretation to a future case.
    To hold other than we do today would be to insulate those
    persons who improperly manipulate a trust settlor to benefit
    themselves against a probate petition. Today’s narrow holding
    in fact provides an orderly and expeditious mechanism for
    limited challenges like plaintiff’s to be litigated early in the
    probate process, in probate court, and to ensure that the settlor’s
    intent is honored. (See 
    Brock, supra
    , 33 Cal.2d a p. 885.)
    in trusts cannot be used to avoid this section because that would
    undermine the Legislature’s intent to deter persons from
    procuring trust benefits through fraud or undue influence.
    (Graham v. Lenzi (1995) 
    37 Cal. App. 4th 248
    , 256.) Similarly,
    where a person fraudulently induces a settlor to amend a trust
    so that it transfers all of the settlor’s estate to that person and
    disinherits all prior beneficiaries, it would undermine the public
    interest if a court were to rule that those valid beneficiaries had
    no standing to contest the fraudulently procured amendment.
    Opinion of the Court by Chin, J.
    We reverse the judgment of the Court of Appeal and
    remand the matter to that court for further proceedings
    consistent with this opinion.
    CHIN, J.
    We Concur:
    LIU, J.
    KRUGER, J.
    GROBAN, J.
    See next page for addresses and telephone numbers for counsel who argued in Supreme Court.
    Name of Opinion Barefoot v. Jennings
    Unpublished Opinion
    Original Appeal
    Original Proceeding
    Review Granted XXX 27 Cal.App.5th 1
    Rehearing Granted
    Opinion No. S251574
    Date Filed: January 23, 2020
    Court: Superior
    County: Tuolumne
    Judge: Kate P. Segerstrom
    The Singhal Law Firm, Dinesh H. Singhal; Law Offices of Nathan D. Pastor and Nathan D. Pastor
    for Plaintiff and Appellant.
    Anglin Flewelling, Robert Collings Little; Haskett Law Firm and Amber C. Haskett for Bonnie Sterngold
    as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Plaintiff and Appellant.
    Artiano Shinoff, Howard A. Kipnis, Steven Barnes; Forethought Law, Bryan L. Phipps; The Law Office of
    Ciarán O’Sullivan, Ciarán O’Sullivan; McCormick Barstow and Herbert A. Stroh for Executive Committee
    of the Trusts and Estates Section of the California Lawyers Association as Amicus Curiae on behalf of
    Plaintiff and Appellant.
    Jones & Lester, Mark A. Lester and Theresa Loss for Ventura County Bar Association – Probate and Estate
    Planning Section as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Plaintiff and Appellant.
    Law Offices of Nancy Reinhardt and Nancy Reinhardt for San Fernando Valley Bar Association – Trusts
    and Estates Section as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Plaintiff and Appellant.
    Astor & Kingsland and Lya R. Kingsland for Orange County Bar Association – Trusts and Estates Section
    as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Plaintiff and Appellant.
    Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer, Sean M. SeLegue; Gianelli & Associates, Gianelli | Nielsen, Eric T.
    Nielsen, Michael L. Gianelli and Sarah J. Birmingham for Defendants and Respondents.
    Counsel who argued in Supreme Court (not intended for publication with opinion):
    Nathan D. Pastor
    Law Offices of Nathan D. Pastor
    2033 N. Main St., Ste. 750
    Walnut Creek, CA 94596
    (925) 322-1012
    Herbert A. Stroh
    McCormick Barstow, LLP
    656 Santa Rosa Street, Suite 2A
    San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
    (805) 541-2800
    Sean M. SeLegue
    Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP
    Three Embarcadero Center, 10th Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94111-4024
    (415) 471-3100

Document Info

Docket Number: S251574A

Filed Date: 1/23/2020

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/30/2020