Bustos v. Global P.E.T ( 2018 )

  • Filed 12/22/17; pub. order 1/16/18 (see end of opn.)
    Plaintiff and Appellant,                          E065869
    v.                                                         (Super.Ct.No. MCC1400627)
    GLOBAL P.E.T., INC., et al.,                               OPINION
    Defendants and Respondents.
    APPEAL from the Superior Court of Riverside County. John D. Molloy, Judge.
    Gleason & Favarote and Paul M. Gleason; Becerra Law Firm and Joseph R.
    Becerra for Plaintiff and Appellant.
    Ford & Harrison, Lyne A. Richardson, Julianne Pinter and Alexandria M. Witte
    for Defendants and Respondents.
    Plaintiff and appellant William Bustos brought this disability discrimination action
    against his former employers, defendants and respondents Global P.E.T., Inc. and Global
    Plastics, Inc. (collectively, Global). A jury found that Bustos’s physical condition or
    perceived physical condition was “a substantial motivating reason” for his termination,
    but nevertheless returned defense verdicts on each of his claims. After trial, Bustos
    sought an award of attorney fees under the Fair Employment and Housing Act,
    Government Code1 sections 12900 et seq., 12965 (FEHA), citing the holding of Harris v.
    City of Santa Monica (2013) 
    56 Cal. 4th 203
    (Harris) that “a plaintiff subject to an
    adverse employment decision in which discrimination was a substantial motivating factor
    may be eligible for reasonable attorney’s fees and costs expended for the purpose of
    redressing, preventing, or deterring that discrimination,” even if the discrimination did
    not “result in compensable injury” for that particular plaintiff. (Id. at p. 235.)
    In this appeal, Bustos challenges the trial court’s ruling denying his motion for
    attorney fees. We affirm.
    Bustos was employed by Global—first as a “Sheet Line Operator,” later as a
    “Shift Supervisor”—from 2010 until his termination in October 2013. In April 2014,
    Bustos filed suit, asserting seven causes of action: (1) discrimination on the basis of
    disability; (2) failure to make reasonable accommodation for a known disability;
    (3) failure to engage in the interactive process; (4) violation of the California Family
    Rights Act; (5) retaliation in violation of the California Family Rights Act; (6) failure to
    1   Further undesignated statutory references are to the Government Code.
    prevent discrimination and retaliation; and (7) wrongful termination in violation of public
    Bustos alleged, and later argued at trial, that on the date of his termination, he was
    suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome in his left hand, and was scheduled for surgery on
    the next business day. His termination, he contended, was a result of discriminatory
    animus. Global argued that Bustos was terminated for legitimate, nondiscriminatory
    reasons, specifically, as part of economic layoffs that also resulted in the termination of a
    number of other employees, and because he had failed one or more drug tests.
    The jury returned verdicts in favor of the defense on each of Bustos’s claims,
    awarding him no damages. As relevant to the present appeal, on the special verdict form
    for Bustos’s disability discrimination/wrongful termination claim, the jury selected “Yes”
    in response to the question “Was [Bustos’s] physical condition or perceived physical
    condition a substantial motivating reason for [Global’s] decision to discharge [Bustos]?”
    The jury found, however, that Global’s “conduct” was not “a substantial factor in causing
    harm to [Bustos].”
    After trial, plaintiff requested an award of attorney fees in the amount of
    $454,857.90 pursuant to section 12965, subdivision (b), and the Supreme Court’s holding
    Harris, supra
    , 56 Cal.4th at p. 235. At the outset of the hearing on the motion, the trial
    court tentatively indicated that it was inclined to deny the motion, commenting as
    follows: “I’m mindful of [Harris]. But it’s—there’s still a lot of balancing that has to
    occur. I understand the jury did return—on their verdict, they answered one of the
    questions in the affirmative with respect to . . . was [Bustos’s] disability a motivating
    factor in his termination. However, the second part of that question was, was he harmed?
    Was it a substantial factor in causing him harm? They said no. [¶] So ultimately, at the
    end of the day, what we get to, even after Harris, is a discretionary call. And it is just too
    difficult for me to—under these circumstances, when [Bustos] lost virtually everything in
    terms of the trial on the contested issues, he did not—this did not result in, for example,
    an injunction against [Global]. It didn’t result in any declaratory relief against [Global].
    He prevailed on nothing in terms of getting—well, he got nothing from the ultimate
    verdict. [¶] And so for those reasons, it would be difficult for me . . . to award attorneys’
    fees notwithstanding the fact that the ultimate judgment is in favor of [Global].” After
    hearing argument from Bustos’s counsel, the trial court adopted the tentative as its ruling,
    denying the motion.
    A. Standard of Review.
    By statute, the “prevailing party” in a FEHA action may be awarded reasonable
    attorney fees. (§ 12965, subd. (b); Chavez v. City of Los Angeles (2010) 
    47 Cal. 4th 970
    984 (Chavez).) Because FEHA does not define the term “prevailing party,” prevailing
    party status is determined in this context “based on an evaluation of whether a party
    prevailed ‘“on a practical level,”’ and the trial court’s decision should be affirmed on
    appeal absent an abuse of discretion.” (Donner Management Co. v. Schaffer (2006) 
    142 Cal. App. 4th 1296
    , 1310 (Donner Management).) In applying this standard, the trial court
    must identify the prevailing party “by analyzing the extent to which each party has
    realized its litigation objectives.” (Castro v. Superior Court (2004) 
    116 Cal. App. 4th 1010
    , 1023 (Castro).)
    We review the trial court’s denial of attorney fees for abuse of discretion.
    (Chavez, supra
    , 47 Cal.4th at p. 989.) “Although precise definition is difficult, it is
    generally accepted that the appropriate test of abuse of discretion is whether or not the
    trial court exceeded the bounds of reason, all of the circumstances before it being
    considered. [Citations.] . . . [W]hen two or more inferences can reasonably be deduced
    from the facts, a reviewing court lacks power to substitute its deductions for those of the
    trial court.” (In re Marriage of Connolly (1979) 
    23 Cal. 3d 590
    , 597-598.) Nevertheless,
    we review the question of whether the trial court applied the proper legal standards de
    novo; a reasoned decision based on a reasonable, but mistaken, view of the scope of
    discretion would still be an abuse of judicial discretion, even though it would not exceed
    the bounds of reason in the ordinary meaning of the phrase. (Horsford v. Board of
    Trustees of California State University (2005) 
    132 Cal. App. 4th 359
    , 393-394.)
    Additionally, in the FEHA context, the trial court’s discretion is guided by the
    principle that “a prevailing plaintiff should ordinarily recover attorney fees unless special
    circumstances would render the award unjust, whereas a prevailing defendant may
    recover attorney fees only when the plaintiff’s action was frivolous, unreasonable,
    without foundation, or brought in bad faith.” 
    (Chavez, supra
    , 47 Cal.4th at p. 985.)
    B. Analysis.
    The gravamen of Bustos’s claims of error on appeal is that 
    Harris, supra
    , 56
    Cal.4th at p. 235, together with the jury’s finding that his physical condition or perceived
    physical condition was a substantial motivating reason for his termination, requires the
    trial court to award him attorney fees. We disagree, and find no abuse of the trial court’s
    In Harris, the Supreme Court considered, among other things, the remedies
    potentially available to a plaintiff who “has shown that discrimination was a substantial
    factor motivating a termination decision,” but whose employer “has shown that it would
    have made the same decision in any event.” (
    Harris, supra
    , 56 Cal.4th at p. 232.) Its
    holding is phrased broadly enough to encompass not only the same-decision context, but
    other situations where a plaintiff proves employment discrimination, but for one reason
    or another that discrimination “does not result in compensable injury” to that “particular
    plaintiff.” (Id. at p. 235.) Specifically, with respect to attorney fees, the Supreme Court
    held that “a plaintiff subject to an adverse employment decision in which discrimination
    was a substantial motivating factor may be eligible for reasonable attorney’s fees and
    costs expended for the purpose of redressing, preventing, or deterring that
    discrimination.” (Ibid.)
    Nevertheless, it is important to emphasize that Harris does not require the trial
    court to award attorney fees to any plaintiff who proves discrimination was a substantial
    motivating factor of an adverse employment decision; rather, such a plaintiff “may be
    eligible” to recover attorney fees. (
    Harris, supra
    , 56 Cal.4th at p. 235.) Implicitly,
    therefore, such a plaintiff may not be eligible to recover attorney fees under FEHA,
    because he or she is not a “prevailing party” as the term is defined in section 12965. (See
    Management, supra
    , 142 Cal.App.4th at p. 1310; 
    Castro, supra
    116 Cal. App. 4th 6
    at p. 1023.) Or, alternatively, in unusual circumstances, the trial court might exercise its
    discretion not to make an award of attorney fees, even to a plaintiff who is deemed to
    have prevailed. (See 
    Chavez, supra
    , 47 Cal.4th at p. 985.) As the Supreme Court
    reiterated in Harris: “An award of attorney’s fees is discretionary under section 12965,
    subdivision (b). An award may take into account the scale of the plaintiff’s success, and
    it must not encourage ‘unnecessary litigation of claims that serve no public purpose either
    because they have no broad public impact or because they are factually or legally weak.’
    [Citation.] Like Congress in enacting Title VII, our Legislature did not ‘“enact[]
    legislation whose benefit inures primarily to lawyers in the form of a substantial fee
    recovery, even if relief to the plaintiff is otherwise trivial and the lawsuit promotes few
    public goals.”’” (
    Harris, supra
    , 56 Cal.4th at p. 235.)
    In the present case, we find no error in the trial court’s determination that Bustos
    should not be awarded attorney fees. It is not beyond reason to conclude that a plaintiff
    who obtains no relief at trial—either monetary or equitable—has not “realized [his]
    litigation objectives,” regardless of whether one or more preliminary questions on a
    special verdict form were answered in his favor. (
    Castro, supra
    , 116 Cal.App.4th at p.
    1023.) Similarly, defendants who obtain judgment in their favor on all claims are
    reasonably viewed to have “realized [their] litigation objectives,” regardless of how the
    judgment was reached. (Ibid.) As such, the trial court did not exceed the scope of its
    discretion by ruling that Bustos should not be awarded attorney fees as a prevailing party
    pursuant to section 12965 under these circumstances.
    Bustos takes issue with the trial court’s characterization of the results of the trial,
    that he “‘lost virtually everything in terms of the trial on the contested issues.’” In
    Bustos’s view, the “seminal issue decided by the jury was whether [he] was terminated as
    part of a legitimate economic layoff” or whether it “was substantially motivated by his
    disability.” Since that issue was decided in his favor, he contends that the trial court’s
    comment demonstrates an abuse of discretion. Taken in context, however, the trial
    court’s comments do not demonstrate any misunderstanding of the record. The trial court
    explicitly remarked on the jury’s selections on the special verdict form, as well as its
    bottom line verdicts in favor of the defense. And as discussed above, it was reasonable
    for the trial court to give priority to the result embodied by the judgment, rather than the
    jury’s special verdict findings, in determining who prevailed in this matter “‘on a
    practical level.’” (See Donner 
    Management, supra
    , 142 Cal.App.4th at p. 1310.)
    Bustos also asserts that the trial court denied his motion for attorney fees because
    it “ignored the holding” in Harris. The record does not support this contention. The trial
    court explicitly acknowledged Harris in its remarks regarding its tentative ruling. The
    trial court correctly recognized, moreover, that even under Harris, the award of attorney
    fees pursuant to section 12695 is discretionary, and it appropriately exercised that
    discretion. We reject Bustos’s arguments to the contrary, which are based on a
    misreading of Harris.
    The order appealed from is affirmed. Respondents are awarded their costs on
    We concur:
    Filed 1/16/18
    Plaintiff and Appellant,                    E065869
    v.                                                  (Super.Ct.No. MCC1400627)
    GLOBAL P.E.T., INC., et al.,                       ORDER CERTIFYING
    Defendants and Respondents.
    Requests having been made to this court pursuant to California Rules of Court,
    rule 8.1120(a) for publication of a nonpublished opinion heretofore filed in the above-
    entitled matter on December 22, 2017, and it appearing that the opinion meets the
    standard for publication as specified in California Rules of Court, rule 8.1105(c),
    IT IS ORDERED that said opinion be certified for publication pursuant to
    California Rules of Court, rule 8.1105(b). The opinion filed in this matter on
    December 22, 2017, is certified for publication.
    We concur:
    P. J.

Document Info

Docket Number: E065869

Filed Date: 1/16/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/16/2018