Phoenix Mechanical Pipeline v. Space Exploration etc. ( 2017 )

  • Filed 6/13/17
    PHOENIX MECHANICAL                       B269186
    (Los Angeles County
    Plaintiff and Appellant,          Super. Ct. No. BC 568084)
    Defendant and Respondent.
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County. Rafael A. Ongkeko, Judge. Reversed and
    remanded with directions.
    The Ryan Law Firm, Kelly F. Ryan and Nathaniel P.
    Loakes for Plaintiff and Appellant.
    Payne & Fears, Benjamin Avery Nix, Scott O. Luskin and
    Robert T. Matsuishi for Defendant and Respondent.
    Plaintiff and appellant Phoenix Mechanical Pipeline, Inc.
    (Phoenix Pipeline), appeals from a judgment entered after the
    trial court sustained the demurrer of defendant and respondent
    Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) without leave to
    amend. The trial court found that Phoenix Pipeline could not
    pursue its claims for payment for construction and related
    services against SpaceX because Phoenix Pipeline failed to allege
    that it had a contractor’s license. After several attempts to cure
    this defect, the trial court concluded that Phoenix Pipeline could
    not amend to comply with the licensing requirement, and
    therefore sustained SpaceX’s demurrer to Phoenix Pipeline’s
    second amended complaint (SAC) without leave to amend.
    Business and Professions Code section 7031, subdivision (a)
    requires a contractor’s license to maintain an action for
    compensation for services for which a contractor’s license is
    necessary.1 The SAC does not allege that Phoenix Pipeline has
    such a license, and Phoenix Pipeline does not claim on appeal
    that it is licensed. Rather, Phoenix Pipeline asserts a variety of
    reasons why it need not be licensed to pursue this litigation.
    Phoenix Pipeline argues that: (1) it sufficiently complied with
    section 7031 by alleging that one of its employees, whom Phoenix
    Pipeline alleges was its “responsible manager officer,” is a
    licensed contractor; (2) it did not need to be licensed to pursue its
    claims against SpaceX because SpaceX is a sophisticated
    corporate entity and section 7031 is intended to protect
    homeowners; and (3) some of the services that it allegedly
    performed did not require a contractor’s license. Phoenix
    1Subsequent undesignated statutory references are to the
    Business and Professions Code.
    Pipeline also argues for the first time on appeal that the trial
    court abused its discretion in denying further leave to amend
    because Phoenix Pipeline could have amended the complaint to
    show that it was an employee of SpaceX rather than an
    independent contractor.
    With one exception, we conclude that each of these
    arguments is precluded either by settled law or by Phoenix
    Pipeline’s own previous allegations. In light of the liberal
    pleading standards applicable to this stage of the litigation, we
    find that Phoenix Pipeline adequately alleged in its SAC that
    some of the services it provided did not require a contractor’s
    license. We therefore reverse in part and remand to provide the
    opportunity for Phoenix Pipeline to amend its complaint to allege
    claims for noncontractor services only.
    Phoenix Pipeline filed its initial complaint on December 29,
    2014, asserting claims for breach of contract and breach of the
    duty of good faith and fair dealing; common counts; intentional
    and negligent misrepresentation; and unfair business practices.
    The complaint alleged that in 2010 SpaceX requested that
    Phoenix Pipeline provide a variety of services, including
    “plumbing, general maintenance and repair, concrete removal
    and pouring, trash clean-up and disposal, demolition, car
    washing, electrical, excavation and installation,” all of which the
    complaint characterized as “Subcontracting Services.” The
    complaint alleged that Phoenix Pipeline provided SpaceX with
    invoices detailing the services that it provided, and that each
    such invoice constituted “an individual agreement between
    [SpaceX and Phoenix Pipeline].”
    Phoenix Pipeline alleged that SpaceX paid for its services
    from 2010 to October 2013, but failed to pay for services
    performed between October 2013 and August 2014. Phoenix
    Pipeline claimed that “[o]n or about August 15, 2014, [SpaceX]
    informed [Phoenix Pipeline] that their services were no longer
    required and requested [Phoenix Pipeline] to leave [SpaceX’s]
    premises.” Phoenix Pipeline claimed that SpaceX owed
    $1,037,045.66 for the services it provided. The complaint did not
    allege that Phoenix Pipeline was a licensed contractor.
    SpaceX demurred on the ground that Phoenix Pipeline was
    not licensed. Rather than oppose the demurrer, Phoenix Pipeline
    elected to file an amended complaint.
    Phoenix Pipeline’s first amended complaint (FAC)
    contained essentially the same factual allegations as its initial
    complaint, but added the allegation that Harold Hill, whom
    Phoenix Pipeline characterized as the “Responsible Managing
    Employee” for Phoenix, “oversaw all services that [Phoenix
    Pipeline] provided to any contractors, companies, or institutions,
    including [SpaceX].” The FAC alleged that Hill was the owner of
    another entity, Phoenix Mechanical Plumbing, Inc. (Phoenix
    Plumbing), and that he held a California contractor’s license,
    No. 670382. The FAC alleged that Hill “supervised the
    Subcontracting Services that [Phoenix Pipeline] provided
    [SpaceX] for the duration of their relationship.” Phoenix Pipeline
    attached a copy of contractor’s license No. 670382 to the FAC.
    The copy showed that the license had been issued to Phoenix
    SpaceX filed another demurrer arguing that the license
    issued to Phoenix Plumbing was not sufficient to satisfy the
    requirements of section 7031. On July 13, 2015, the trial court
    sustained the demurrer with leave to amend.
    Phoenix Pipeline filed its SAC on July 23, 2015. The SAC
    made two changes to the allegations in the FAC. First, it
    relabeled Hill as a “responsible manager officer” rather than as
    the “Responsible Managing Employee” and expanded the
    description of his role. The SAC alleged that Hill “supervised
    construction related services, managed construction activities by
    making technical and administrative decisions, checked jobs for
    proper workmanship, and directly supervised construction job
    sites.” Second, the SAC distinguished between alleged
    construction related services, which it categorized as
    “Subcontracting Services,” and alleged nonconstruction related
    services, which it labeled as “Non-Contracting Services.” The
    SAC claimed that no valid contractor’s license was required for
    the Non-Contracting Services.
    SpaceX again demurred. Phoenix Pipeline opposed the
    demurrer, and in the alternative requested 30 days leave to file a
    third amended complaint. Phoenix Pipeline’s opposition did not
    explain how it proposed to amend the SAC. The trial court
    sustained the demurrer without leave to amend and entered
    judgment against Phoenix Pipeline on October 21, 2015.
    1.     Standard of Review
    An order sustaining a demurrer is reviewed de novo to
    determine whether the complaint states a cause of action as a
    matter of law. (Lazar v. Hertz Corp. (1999) 
    69 Cal. App. 4th 1494
    1501.) On appeal, we “ ‘treat the demurrer as admitting all
    material facts properly pleaded, but not contentions, deductions
    or conclusions of fact or law.’ ” (Blank v. Kirwan (1985) 
    39 Cal. 3d 5
    311, 318.) However, an appellate court is not required to accept
    the truth of alleged facts in an amended complaint that are
    inconsistent with the allegations in a superseded complaint
    unless the inconsistencies are adequately explained. (Owens v.
    Kings Supermarket (1988) 
    198 Cal. App. 3d 379
    , 383–384
    When a trial court sustains a demurrer without leave to
    amend, the court’s decision not to permit further amendment is
    reviewed for abuse of discretion. (Code Civ. Proc., § 472c, subd.
    (a); Ellenberger v. Espinosa (1994) 
    30 Cal. App. 4th 943
    , 947.) If
    the complaint does not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause
    of action, the appellate court must determine whether there is a
    reasonable possibility that the defect can be cured by
    amendment. (Ellenberger, at p. 947.)
    2.     Phoenix Pipeline’s SAC Fails to State a Claim for
    Construction Related Services Because It Does Not
    Allege that Phoenix Pipeline is a Licensed Contractor
    Section 7031, subdivision (a) provides that, with identified
    exceptions not relevant here: “[N]o person engaged in the
    business or acting in the capacity of a contractor, may bring or
    maintain any action, or recover in law or equity in any action, in
    any court of this state for the collection of compensation for the
    performance of any act or contract where a license is required by
    this chapter without alleging that he or she was a duly licensed
    contractor at all times during the performance of that act or
    contract regardless of the merits of the cause of action brought by
    the person.” Under section 7025, subdivision (b), “ ‘Person’ ”
    includes a corporation.
    The purpose of this section is to “protect the public from
    incompetence and dishonesty in those who provide building and
    construction services.” (Hydrotech Systems, Ltd. v. Oasis
    Waterpark (1991) 
    52 Cal. 3d 988
    , 995 (Hydrotech).) The
    section “advances this purpose by withholding judicial aid from
    those who seek compensation for unlicensed contract work.”
    Our Supreme Court has explained that, in light of the
    “strength and clarity” of this purpose, “section 7031 applies
    despite injustice to the unlicensed contractor. ‘Section 7031
    represents a legislative determination that the importance of
    deterring unlicensed persons from engaging in the contracting
    business outweighs any harshness between the parties, and that
    such deterrence can best be realized by denying violators the
    right to maintain any action for compensation in the courts of
    this state.’ ” 
    (Hydrotech, supra
    , 52 Cal.3d at p. 995, quoting
    Lewis & Queen v. N. M. Ball Sons (1957) 
    48 Cal. 2d 141
    , 151
    (Lewis & Queen).) The court has interpreted the section strictly
    to fulfill its purpose. For example, in Hydrotech, the court held
    that section 7031 barred a claim for fraud by a subcontractor
    against a contractor who was aware that the subcontractor was
    unlicensed. (Hydrotech, at p. 997.) And in Lewis & Queen, the
    court held that a claim by an unlicensed partnership against a
    contractor was barred, even though one of the partners was
    individually licensed. (Lewis & Queen, at pp. 146, 148–149.)
    More recently, in MW Erectors, Inc. v. Niederhauser Ornamental
    & Metal Works Co., Inc. (2005) 
    36 Cal. 4th 412
    (MW Erectors), the
    court held that, where applicable, section 7031, subdivision (a)
    bars a person from recovering compensation for any work
    performed under a contract that requires a contractor’s license if
    the person was unlicensed at any time during performance of the
    contract. (Id. at p. 419.)
    Because Phoenix Pipeline did not allege that it was
    licensed, section 7031 precludes its claims for work that required
    a license. None of the arguments that Phoenix Pipeline makes to
    escape the effect of section 7031 can avoid this result, however
    a.    Phoenix Pipeline may not rely upon a license
    issued to another
    Phoenix Pipeline argues that it did not need its own license
    to maintain its action, as its alleged “Responsible Manager
    Officer,” Hill, was licensed and supervised all the services that
    Phoenix Pipeline provided.2 Phoenix Pipeline cites no authority
    for this proposition, which is inconsistent with settled law.
    Section 7031 precludes any unlicensed “person” from
    maintaining an action for contracting services. Consistent with
    this provision, the court in Lewis & Queen rejected the argument
    that the partnership that entered into the contract at issue and
    filed the action did not need a license because one of its partners
    had an individual license. The court held that “[t]he ‘person’ that
    did the contracting work, and was required by section 7028 to
    have a license . . . was the partnership of Lewis and Queen, and it
    had no license.” (Lewis & 
    Queen, supra
    , 48 Cal.2d at p. 149.)3
    2From Phoenix Pipeline’s FAC, it appears that the license
    was actually issued to another entity allegedly owned by Hill,
    Phoenix Plumbing. However, the ambiguity is irrelevant, as
    Phoenix Pipeline may not rely on the license to avoid the
    consequences of section 7031 whether the license was held by Hill
    or some other entity.
    3 Section 7029 even requires that two licensed partners
    who engage in a joint venture obtain a separate license for the
    joint venture. Section 7031 provides for an exception to the
    requirement of a license to bring suit when contractors are “each
    The “person” that contracted with SpaceX and that has filed suit
    here is Phoenix Pipeline. (See § 7025, subd. (b).) It needed its
    own license to maintain this action, which it did not have.
    WSS Industrial Construction, Inc. v. Great West
    Contractors, Inc. (2008) 
    162 Cal. App. 4th 581
    (WSS) is directly on
    point. In that case, Division Eight of this district held that a
    corporation (WSS) could not maintain an action for contracting
    services even though its “Responsible Managing Officer”
    “previously qualified a . . . partnership for a contractor’s license
    and held various individual contractor licenses of his own at all
    times.” (Id. at p. 594.) “WSS, the corporate entity or ‘person’
    engaged in the business, which acted in the capacity of
    contractor, does not and cannot argue it was ever licensed as a
    contractor or held that status at a time that preceded its
    performance in this case.” (Id. at p. 596.) Section 7031 therefore
    precluded its action.
    Similarly, in Opp v. St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. (2007)
    154 Cal. App. 4th 71
    , the court held that neither the owner of an
    unlicensed corporation nor the corporation itself could maintain
    an action for contracting services performed by the corporation
    despite the fact that the owner was licensed. The contracting
    entity was the unlicensed corporation, and it could not show that
    individually licensed under this chapter but who fail to comply
    with Section 7029.” But this express exception, which obviously
    does not apply here, simply serves to reinforce the Legislature’s
    intention that the “person” that files suit—whether an individual
    or an entity—must have a license to maintain the action unless a
    statutory exception exists. (See also § 7075.1, subd. (a) [“No
    license, regardless of type or classification, shall be transferable
    to any other person or entity under any circumstances”].)
    it complied with section 7031 by virtue of its owner’s individual
    license. (Id. at pp. 76–79.)
    Thus, the allegation that Phoenix Pipeline’s responsible
    manager officer was licensed is not sufficient to permit Phoenix
    Pipeline to sue for work that it contracted to perform. Phoenix
    Pipeline was the contracting entity and the entity that filed suit.
    Its inability to allege that it was licensed is fatal to its claims for
    compensation for work that required a license.
    b.    Section 7031 is not limited to contracts with
    unsophisticated persons or homeowners
    Phoenix Pipeline argues that it does not need a contractor’s
    license to sue SpaceX because the “underlying purpose” of section
    7031 is to “protect unsuspecting homeowners and not meant to
    shield sophisticated corporate entities.” The contention is not
    supported by the language of section 7031 or by decisions
    applying that section.
    Nothing in section 7031 either limits its application to a
    particular class of homeowners or excludes protection of
    “sophisticated” persons.4 Reading that limitation into the statute
    would be inconsistent with its purpose of “ ‘deterring unlicensed
    persons from engaging in the contracting business.’ ” 
    (Hydrotech, supra
    , 52 Cal.3d at p. 995.) Indeed, in Hydrotech, the court
    rejected the argument that section 7031 should not be applied to
    4 The vagueness of such a supposed class reinforces the
    conclusion that the Legislature would not have intended such a
    limitation without definition. Phoenix Pipeline’s interpretation of
    section 7031 would create an unworkable standard. What should
    the courts do with a particularly sophisticated homeowner? How
    about an unsophisticated small business owner who hires a
    contractor for a commercial project?
    a lawsuit by a subcontractor against a contractor because the
    subcontractor “did not hold itself out to the public.” (Id. at
    p. 997.) The court applied section 7031 even though the suit was
    against a general contractor for a large commercial construction
    project who allegedly was aware of the subcontractor’s unlicensed
    status. (Ibid.) The court declined to find an implied exception in
    section 7031 for a foreign contractor who allegedly engaged in
    “isolated” activities in California. (Id. at p. 996.)
    The holdings in Hydrotech and in numerous other cases
    contradict Phoenix Pipeline’s assertion that California courts
    have only “exacted [the] severe prohibition” in section 7031 “in
    contractor-homeowner relationships.” For example, in Lewis &
    Queen, our Supreme Court applied section 7031 to a suit by a
    subcontractor against a contractor on a contract for construction
    of a roadway, noting that “[t]he class protected by the statute
    includes those who deal with a person required by the statute to
    have a license.” (Lewis & 
    Queen, supra
    , 48 Cal.2d at pp. 145,
    153.) WSS applied section 7031 to a lawsuit by a subcontractor
    against a contractor for work involving “improvements on a
    public works project” at a school. 
    (WSS, supra
    , 162 Cal.App.4th
    at p. 585.) WSS cited Banis Restaurant Design, Inc. v. Serrano
    134 Cal. App. 4th 1035
    (Banis), which involved a contract
    for design services for a restaurant and market construction
    project. (See WSS at p. 591; see also Vallejo Development Co. v.
    Beck Development Co. (1994) 
    24 Cal. App. 4th 929
    , 943–944
    (Vallejo) [rejecting the argument “that there is less reason to
    regulate incompetence and dishonesty among master developers
    than among others who act in the capacity of a general
    engineering contractor for smaller-scale projects”].)
    None of the cases that Phoenix Pipeline cites supports its
    position. Phoenix Pipeline cites Matchett v. Gould (1955) 
    131 Cal. App. 2d 821
    , but our Supreme Court disapproved that case in
    Lewis & Queen to the extent the opinion reasoned that section
    7031 did not apply to a suit by a subcontractor against a
    contractor. (Lewis & 
    Queen, supra
    , 48 Cal.2d at pp. 152–154.) In
    Lewis & Queen, the Supreme Court also distinguished Norwood
    v. Judd (1949) 
    93 Cal. App. 2d 276
    , Galich v. Brkich (1951) 
    103 Cal. App. 2d 187
    , and Wold v. Luigi Consenstino & Sons (1952)
    109 Cal. App. 2d 854
    , which Phoenix Pipeline also cites, on the
    ground that those cases were actions against partners for a share
    of profits in an unlicensed enterprise, not suits against third
    parties who contracted with an unlicensed entity. (See Lewis &
    Queen, at pp. 151–152.)
    In Gatti v. Highland Park Builders, Inc. (1946) 
    27 Cal. 2d 687
    , both plaintiffs had individual contractors’ licenses but
    formed a partnership that did not have its own license during
    performance of the contract. The court found “substantial
    compliance” with section 7031 under circumstances that are now
    covered by an express exception to the licensing requirement.
    (Id. at pp. 689–690; see §§ 7029, 7031, subd. (a).) Moreover, as
    the court noted in WSS, the judicial substantial compliance
    doctrine as described in Gatti is “no longer the law” in light of
    legislative changes to codify the doctrine strictly. (See 
    WSS, supra
    , 162 Cal.App.4th at p. 595.)
    In Citizens State Bank v. Gentry (1937) 
    20 Cal. App. 2d 415
    the plaintiff contractor was licensed at the time of the contract
    but renewed the license while work was still ongoing in the name
    of a corporation that he owned. Under those facts, the court
    concluded that “the individual plaintiff in whose name the license
    stood at the time the contract was made and the corporate entity
    organized by him in whose name the license stood at the time the
    cause of action accrued, should be considered as one.” (Id. at
    p. 420.) Those facts are not applicable here.
    There is no basis to read into section 7031 the limitation
    that Phoenix Pipeline suggests. Phoenix Pipeline’s claim that
    SpaceX is a sophisticated corporate entity is therefore irrelevant
    to Phoenix Pipeline’s obligation to show that it was licensed.
    3.    Phoenix Pipeline Adequately Alleged that It Provided
    Some Services for Which No Contractor License Was
    In a brief argument, Phoenix Pipeline asserts that some of
    the tasks that it performed were “non-construction related
    services” and therefore did not require a contractor’s license.
    These tasks, which the SAC labels as “Non-Contracting Services,”
    allegedly included work such as “general maintenance and
    repair, trash clean-up, hauling, and disposal, and car washing.”
    The SAC distinguishes these services from “construction related
    services,” which it alleges included “plumbing, concrete
    pouring/removal, excavation, demolition, and electrical.”
    Phoenix Pipeline’s argument raises several questions,
    including: (1) whether the tasks that Phoenix Pipeline groups in
    the category of “Non-Contracting Services” actually were
    nonconstruction related work for which no license was necessary,
    and (2) whether those tasks can be segregated from other work
    that Phoenix Pipeline performed that admittedly did require a
    license. Phoenix Pipeline does not attempt to answer these
    questions with any analysis or citation to authority.
    Nevertheless, on review of an order sustaining a demurrer we
    liberally construe the allegations of the complaint “to attain
    substantial justice.” (Scientific Cages, Inc. v. Banks (1978) 
    81 Cal. App. 3d 885
    , 887 (Scientific Cages).) Applying that standard,
    we answer these questions in Phoenix Pipeline’s favor.
    Section 7026 defines a “contractor” as one who undertakes
    particular tasks. Performing those tasks requires a license. (See
    § 7028 [acting in the capacity of a contractor without a license is
    a misdemeanor]; 
    WSS, supra
    , 162 Cal.App.4th at pp. 592–593
    [preparation of shop plans was included within the scope of
    section 7026 and therefore required a license].) And, as
    discussed, section 7031 prohibits any unlicensed person “engaged
    in the business or acting in the capacity of a contractor” from
    maintaining any action for compensation “for the performance of
    any act or contract where a license is required by this chapter.”
    (§ 7031, subd. (a).)
    The scope of the tasks that section 7026 identifies is broad.5
    However, Phoenix Pipeline’s SAC identifies several tasks (e.g.,
    5  Under section 7026, the capacity of “contractor” applies to
    persons who “construct, alter, repair, add to, subtract from,
    improve, move, wreck or demolish any building, highway, road,
    parking facility, railroad, excavation or other structure, project,
    development or improvement, or to do any part thereof, including
    the erection of scaffolding or other structures or works in
    connection therewith, or the cleaning of grounds or structures in
    connection therewith, or the preparation and removal of roadway
    construction zones, lane closures, flagging, or traffic diversions,
    or the installation, repair, maintenance, or calibration of
    monitoring equipment for underground storage tanks, and
    whether or not the performance of work herein described involves
    the addition to, or fabrication into, any structure, project,
    development or improvement herein described of any material or
    article of merchandise.” Subsequent sections also elaborate upon
    the definition of a contractor in particular circumstances and
    “hauling” and “car washing”) that might not be included within
    the scope of work that requires a contractor’s license. The
    invoices attached as exhibit C to Phoenix Pipeline’s SAC (which
    Phoenix Pipeline alleges constitute the agreements governing the
    Non-Contracting Services that it performed) appear to describe
    some such services, such as car washing and transporting “tools
    and material.”
    We do not attempt to resolve whether Phoenix Pipeline has
    appropriately identified the tasks that did not require a
    contractor’s license.6 At this stage of the proceedings, it is
    sufficient to conclude that a “reasonable interpretation of the
    agreement[s] between the parties” is that at least some of the
    work that Phoenix Pipeline performed did not require a license.
    Cages, supra
    , 81 Cal.App.3d at p. 888 [demurrer
    should have been denied where a “reasonable interpretation” of
    the agreement between the parties would bring the agreement
    within the licensing exception for persons who simply supply
    materials under section 7045]; Executive Landscape Corp. v. San
    Vicente Country Villas IV Assn. (1983) 
    145 Cal. App. 3d 496
    , 501
    [demurrer should not have been sustained, as the contract at
    issue “can reasonably be interpreted to require Executive to
    perform work for which no license was required”].)
    with respect to particular license classifications. (See §§ 7026.1,
    7026.2, 7026.3, 7055–7058.)
    6 For example, section 7026 includes in the scope of a
    contractor’s tasks the “cleaning of grounds or structures” in
    connection with construction. Phoenix Pipeline includes “trash
    clean up” in the category of Non-Contracting Services. We cannot
    tell from the SAC whether the “trash clean up” that Phoenix
    Pipeline performed falls within the scope of section 7026.
    This leads to the second question as to whether that work
    can be severed from tasks that admittedly did require a
    contractor’s license. Several cases have held that specific tasks
    that do not require a license may not be carved out of a single
    contract where those tasks are “ ‘part of an integrated whole.’ ”
    (WSS, supra
    , 162 Cal.App.4th at p. 593 [tasks of ordering anchor
    bolts and preparing shop drawings could not be severed from the
    parties’ integrated agreement to avoid the license requirement
    under section 7031], quoting 
    Banis, supra
    , 134 Cal.App.4th at
    p. 1047.)
    However, we are guided again by the standards applicable
    to reviewing an order sustaining a demurrer. We must accept as
    true all facts pleaded in the complaint. (Tameny v. Atlantic
    Richfield Co. (1980) 
    27 Cal. 3d 167
    , 170.) Among Phoenix
    Pipeline’s allegations is the claim that Phoenix Pipeline did work
    on a “project-by-project basis” and that each invoice that it
    submitted for the work “constitutes an individual agreement”
    between SpaceX and Phoenix Pipeline. Phoenix Pipeline
    included this allegation in each iteration of its complaint.
    Thus, Phoenix Pipeline has not alleged one contract, but
    rather a series of agreements for each separate task that it was
    asked to perform. It may therefore seek compensation under
    those alleged agreements that apply to tasks for which no license
    was required.7
    7 We therefore need not reach the issue whether there are
    any circumstances in which tasks performed pursuant to a single
    contract may be segregated between those that require a license
    and those that do not. (Compare Johnson v. Mattox (1968) 
    257 Cal. App. 2d 714
    , 719 [rejecting the argument that the
    construction contract at issue was “an entire one and not
    SpaceX argues that Phoenix Pipeline’s argument
    concerning noncontractor services is precluded by the allegations
    in the first two versions of its complaint. Those two versions
    labeled all of the services that Phoenix Pipeline provided as
    “Subcontracting Services” without distinguishing between those
    services that required a contractor’s license and those that
    allegedly did not. SpaceX characterizes this label as an
    “admission” that all the services Phoenix Pipeline performed for
    SpaceX “were subcontracting services.”
    We do not find a fatal inconsistency between the use of the
    label “Subcontracting Services” in prior complaints and the later
    allegation that some of those services did not require a
    contractor’s license. The factual allegations identifying the
    particular services that Phoenix Pipeline provided did not change
    materially; Phoenix Pipeline simply added the allegation that
    some of those services required a license and some did not.
    Moreover, the label “Subcontracting Services” does not
    necessarily imply that all the services included in that category
    required a contractor’s license. “Subcontracting” as used in that
    label could simply refer to services that were covered by a
    contract rather than to services that could be performed only by a
    “contractor” as defined in section 7026. Construing the
    divisible,” and permitting recovery for the sale of a tractor and
    mowers pursuant to the contract despite the lack of a license]
    with The Fifth Day, LLC v. Bolotin (2009) 
    172 Cal. App. 4th 939
    964 (dis. opn. of Mosk, J.) [to permit an unlicensed contractor to
    recover compensation for services not requiring a license under
    the same contract that governs services that do require a license
    would be inconsistent with the Supreme Court’s decision in MW
    Erectors, supra
    36 Cal. 4th 412
    allegations liberally, we conclude that Phoenix Pipeline was not
    precluded from alleging in its SAC that it entered into some
    agreements with SpaceX for services that did not require a
    We offer no view as to whether the facts will ultimately
    support the allegation that Phoenix Pipeline’s work was governed
    by separate agreements for each task, or its claim that some of
    those tasks required no contractor’s license. At this stage of the
    case, we hold only that Phoenix Pipeline has adequately alleged
    particular agreements to perform work that did not require a
    contractor’s license. Section 7031 does not bar an action for
    compensation for such work.
    4.    The Trial Court Acted Within Its Discretion in
    Declining to Permit an Amendment Alleging that
    Phoenix Pipeline Was an Employee
    For the first time on appeal, Phoenix Pipeline argues that it
    could amend its SAC to allege that it was an employee rather
    than a contractor. We need not consider whether this theory is
    legally viable, as it is inconsistent with Phoenix Pipeline’s own
    As mentioned, each version of Phoenix Pipeline’s complaint,
    including its SAC, alleged that Phoenix Pipeline entered into a
    series of individual agreements with SpaceX to perform
    particular services. Phoenix Pipeline alleged that each of its
    invoices memorialized the services that Phoenix Pipeline
    performed under these agreements. Each of the invoices
    attached to the complaints stated that it was from Phoenix
    Pipeline and billed to SpaceX. Thus, Phoenix Pipeline has
    consistently characterized itself as a contractor and it cannot rely
    upon the possibility of new, inconsistent allegations to save its
    claim. (See 
    Owens, supra
    , 198 Cal.App.3d at pp. 383–384;
    Vallejo, supra
    , 24 Cal.App.4th at p. 946.)
    The judgment is reversed, and the case is remanded to
    permit further pleading consistent with this opinion. Each party
    is to bear its own costs on appeal.
    LUI, J.
    We concur:
    CHANEY, J.