D.Z. v. Los Angeles Unified School Dist. ( 2019 )

  • Filed 5/14/19
    D.Z.,                                      B283799
    Plaintiff and Appellant,           (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. BC484110)
    Defendant and Respondent.
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County,
    Malcolm H. Mackey, Judge. Reversed and remanded with directions.
    Carrillo Law Firm, Luis A. Carrillo, Michael S. Carrillo; Esner, Chang
    & Boyer, Holly N. Boyer, Shea S. Murray and Steffi A. Jose, for Plaintiff and
    Baute Crochetiere & Hartley, Mark D. Baute, David P. Crochetiere for
    Defendant and Respondent.
    Appellant D.Z.1 sued respondent Los Angeles Unified School District
    (LAUSD), alleging negligent supervision arising out of her claim that she was
    sexually abused by her high school teacher, James Shelburne. She further
    alleged that LAUSD knew or should have known of the danger posed by
    Shelburne, and the district’s failure to respond appropriately to that
    knowledge resulted in harm to her. The jury found in favor of LAUSD.
    Appellant asserts numerous errors on appeal. First, she contends that
    the court erred in limiting the evidence of Shelburne’s purported misconduct
    to acts involving touching students, thereby excluding a relevant history of
    escalating inappropriate conduct that went unchecked by LAUSD. Second,
    appellant contends the court committed prejudicial error in giving several
    jury instructions and using the special verdict form proposed by LAUSD.
    Finally, she argues that the court improperly excluded her rebuttal expert
    witness from trial.
    We conclude that the court abused its discretion in excluding all
    evidence of conduct by Shelburne that did not involve physical touching.
    Further, this error was prejudicial to appellant. We therefore reverse the
    judgment and remand the matter for retrial. In addition, although we need
    not reach appellant’s jury instruction claims, we address them for the benefit
    of any retrial in this matter.
    I.    Complaint
    Appellant filed her complaint in May 2012 alleging a cause of action for
    negligence against LAUSD, Shelburne, and other district employees, as well
    as a cause of action for respondeat superior liability against LAUSD. She
    The record reflects some inconsistency regarding reference to
    appellant, as well as other students, by full name or by initials only. The
    students were minors at the time of the incident in 2010 and appellant filed
    her complaint in 2012 as a minor through her guardian ad litem. However,
    by the time of trial in 2017, they were adults. Appellant requests that we
    refer to her by her initials. In light of that request, the sensitive nature of
    the case, and their status as minors at the time the alleged conduct occurred,
    we refer to appellant and the other students by first name or by initials. (See
    California Rules of Court, rules 8.90(b) and 8.401.)
    alleged that in September 2010, she was 16 years old, in eleventh grade at
    Miguel Leonis High School (MLHS), and enrolled in three classes taught by
    Shelburne. Between September and October 26, 2010, appellant alleged that
    Shelburne engaged in multiple acts of sexual abuse, including hugging her
    tightly, touching her hands and back in a way that made her uncomfortable,
    and pressing his genitals against her. She also alleged that Shelburne took
    inappropriate photographs of female students. In her first cause of action for
    negligence, she alleged that LAUSD failed to properly train and supervise its
    staff to protect students from sexual abuse. Further, she alleged that
    LAUSD knew or should have known of Shelburne’s harmful conduct and
    nevertheless continued to retain him as an employee.
    Appellant later dismissed Shelburne and the other individual
    defendants, as well as her respondeat superior claim, proceeding to trial in
    April 2017 on her negligence claim against LAUSD.
    II.    Evidence at trial
    A.    The school
    MLHS is a continuation high school within LAUSD that enrolls “at-
    risk” students who struggled in the larger, traditional high school setting.
    The school is small, with around 130 students, four to five teachers, a few
    assistant teachers, and one or two administrators. Each teacher is
    responsible for multiple subjects and the students move between classrooms
    and subjects each day based on their individual needs; the witnesses largely
    agreed that the relationship between teacher and student was “closer” than
    in a traditional high school. While the testimony varied at trial as to how
    much time a student was required to spend in a particular teacher’s
    classroom, the witnesses generally testified that for some portion of the day,
    each student was required to check in and work with a specific teacher, but
    that for the rest of the day, the students were independent and could choose
    where to work. The school used timecards to determine students’ credit
    toward each class.
    Shelburne taught math, physical education, and several electives at
    MLHS from 1994 to 2010. MLHS had three principals during that time
    period—Odus Caldwell from 1986 to 2007, Collura Franklin from 2007 to
    2009, and Wendy Garcia from 2009 to June 2011. The four classrooms at
    MLHS are connected to each other and to the principal’s office. Shelburne’s
    classroom was located next to the principal’s office; when leaving the office,
    one would walk through Shelburne’s classroom to reach any other classroom.
    Caldwell and Garcia both testified at trial that they would walk through the
    classrooms multiple times per day observing staff and students; in addition, if
    the principal’s office door was open, he or she could see directly into
    Shelburne’s class.
    Multiple witnesses testified regarding the LAUSD policies, code of
    conduct, and training on sexual harassment and child abuse. Garcia testified
    that administrators and teachers received semi-annual training on the
    policies and reporting requirements. She also discussed training on the code
    of conduct, including that employees should avoid touching or having
    physical contact with students that is not age appropriate or within the scope
    of their employment. As mandated reporters, the teachers and
    administrators were required to report any suspected abuse by filing a
    Suspected Child Abuse Report (SCAR) with the child abuse unit of the Los
    Angeles Police Department (LAPD), as well as an LAUSD incident report.
    B.    Appellant
    Appellant began attending MLHS in September 2010, after she was
    expelled from her prior school for throwing a book at the dean. She testified
    that Shelburne first touched her during her first week at the school. She was
    sitting in the back of Shelburne’s classroom, when he “came and rested his
    body really close to mine.” She described that Shelburne leaned over her
    desk, with one hand on her desk and the other hand on her back. He also
    pressed his body into hers, so that she “felt his stomach and his thing.” She
    moved away from him and he eventually walked away. Afterward, she
    “thought it was in [her] head” and did not tell anyone because she was
    Appellant testified that Shelburne also touched her and made her
    uncomfortable and scared later that same day, during volleyball class. He
    told her he was going to teach her to serve the ball, then stood behind her and
    put his arms around her so that she could feel his arms and stomach. He
    started massaging her hands. He then moved away, caressing her arms as
    he did so.
    In addition, appellant detailed other instances of touching by
    Shelburne when she would approach his desk to have him approve her time
    card or retrieve other paperwork. She testified that Shelburne hugged her
    from behind about four times, and that she could feel his stomach and penis.
    He also hugged her from the front eight or nine times, tightly enough so that
    her chest was on his. After the first instance, she told then-principal Garcia
    about the hugging, that she was very uncomfortable and Shelburne was
    being “very inappropriate.” According to appellant, Garcia responded that
    Shelburne was a good teacher and it was “probably just me.” Appellant said
    that she then “cussed [Garcia] out.”
    About a week later, on October 26, 2010, appellant was sitting in
    Shelburne’s classroom when he came up and asked if she needed a ride home.
    She said no and started to get up. Shelburne had one hand on the classroom
    door and put his other hand under her clothes, touching her bare buttocks.
    Appellant left the room, feeling like the encounter was her fault.
    The following day, October 27, appellant was again sitting in the back
    of Shelburne’s classroom. Shelburne called her to his desk, but she ignored
    him; he called her name louder and then enlisted other students to get her
    attention until she went up to him. He showed her a paper but would not
    give it to her unless she came closer. When she did, he put his hand on her
    buttocks, under her clothes. Appellant did not remember how she responded,
    but testified that Shelburne yelled at her to get out of his class, and she left
    crying. She went to the bathroom.
    Later that morning, appellant’s friend, Tania R., convinced her to
    report the incident to Garcia. Appellant testified that she did not want to
    speak to Garcia, because “I tried talking to her before.” But she agreed to go
    with Tania, who had been in the classroom during the incident. Appellant
    told Garcia only that Shelburne had touched her back; she did not report
    everything that happened because she was scared Garcia would not believe
    her. Garcia asked appellant to prepare a written statement reporting what
    had happened. In the statement, appellant stated that she “felt weird when
    [Shelburne] put his hand on my back. Like it just didn’t feel normal.” She
    moved away and told him, “don’t touch me.” Shelburne then “told me to leave
    his class so I did.”
    Appellant called Garcia two days later with additional information.
    She testified that her father “forced” her to make the telephone call because
    he wanted her to tell Garcia everything. According to Garcia’s report of that
    call, appellant said Shelburne “didn’t just touch her on the back...he touched
    her on the behind” more than twice. Garcia asked appellant to come back to
    school to provide another report, but appellant was hospitalized shortly
    afterward for cutting her arms and legs and threatening to kill herself.
    Appellant remained in the hospital for several days on an involuntary hold.
    C.     Other reports of potential misconduct
    In September of 2009, about a year prior to the incident between
    appellant and Shelburne, Garcia met with several female students and
    MLHS teacher Janet Silverstein regarding their complaints about Shelburne.
    That meeting was documented by Garcia in a single page of notes dated
    September 29, 2009. As reflected in the notes, the students first complained
    about a comment by Shelburne that “If [student] fell forward her face would
    not hit the ground.”2 The students also told Garcia that they had “heard
    before coming to Leonis that Mr. Shelburne was a ‘perv.’ That he patted
    them on their back and made comments.” Garcia’s notes reflect that she
    asked the students if they were uncomfortable going into Shelburne’s
    classroom and they said they were not. The students’ statements about
    Shelburne being a “perv” and patting them were admitted at trial through
    several witnesses, along with Garcia’s redacted notes.
    Tania, appellant’s friend, attended MLHS from 2008 to 2013 and had
    several classes with Shelburne. She testified that she did not like going up to
    Shelburne’s desk because “he tended not to have eye contact with you.” As
    she would hand over her time card, he would “hit your breast, like random
    weird things like that. Accidental or not, but still not comfortable.” She did
    not think Shelburne touching her breast was accidental more than maybe the
    2 This portion of the notes was redacted from the version admitted at
    trial as Exhibit 23. As discussed further below, prior to trial, the court
    granted two motions in limine filed by LAUSD, excluding evidence of conduct
    by Shelburne other than conduct involving touching. As a result, the exhibit
    and testimony about the students’ complaints did not discuss the substance of
    the comment Shelburne made or the investigation subsequently done by
    first or second time. After he hit her breast two or three times, Tania started
    avoiding Shelburne by asking the student teaching assistant to clock her out.
    Tania also testified that Shelburne would go around the classroom
    “massaging” students on the shoulders or lower back, saying they “looked
    stressed out” and patting them on the back. She felt there was no choice,
    because “as long as you played nice, he let you get away with things and let
    you do whatever you want as long as you kind of kept him on your good side.”
    He would also touch her when teaching how to serve in volleyball, standing
    right behind her so that she could feel his belly behind her and his hands on
    her hands. She felt “uncomfortable” and that the conduct was “kind of
    disrespectful.” Tania stated that sometimes when Shelburne talked to her or
    other students, he would “place his hand on your hand or on your arm, on
    your leg.”
    Tania testified that she saw Shelburne touch appellant on multiple
    occasions, including during volleyball practice and leaning over to explain a
    math problem. Tania stated that she was in the classroom during the
    incident between appellant and Shelburne on October 27, 2010; she did not
    see where he was touching appellant, she looked up when appellant said
    something to Shelburne and saw “his hand coming off.” She said that “every
    time you saw Shelburne, his hands was coming off of somebody.” Tania
    claimed it was a “shock” for appellant to verbally react, because “nobody
    really says nothing. Everybody goes with it.” When appellant spoke out,
    everyone stopped and looked, Shelburne turned red, and appellant’s eyes
    became watery. Shelburne then got mad and kicked appellant out of the
    Tania found appellant outside of class and convinced appellant to talk
    to Garcia. In addition, Tania and several other female students complained
    to Garcia that day. Tania testified that they “gave [Garcia] our thoughts and
    concerns and how things weren’t being done, even it being said for a couple
    years already. Kind of like everybody had enough already.” Tania told
    Garcia about prior disrespectful comments made by Shelburne, as well as the
    touching, said that she felt uncomfortable, and asked if there was any way to
    switch to classes not taught by Shelburne. Tania also wrote a statement on
    October 27, 2010, reporting that appellant had told her Shelburne “was
    holding her lower back,” appellant told him not to touch her, and Shelburne
    kicked appellant out of class.
    Tania testified that she met with Garcia two or three times to report
    that Shelburne touched her. She could not recall complaining to Garcia in
    Silverstein testified that she felt “incredibly strongly” that Shelburne
    “had caused harm to the students, and I was glad that this was being
    followed up with.” She was a teacher at MLHS from 2007 to 2012.
    Silverstein stated that from 2007 to 2009, during Franklin’s tenure as
    principal, Silverstein saw Shelburne hug female students, massage their
    shoulders, and rub their hands. She also saw him stare at the breasts of
    female students. In addition, female students reported to her negative
    behavior by Shelburne and told her that they were uncomfortable with him
    touching them. Silverstein testified that she did not feel it was appropriate
    for her to report this to the principal, so she encouraged the students to do so.
    She continued to observe this behavior between 2009 and 2011 under
    principal Garcia. In total, students reported to her over half a dozen times
    that they were uncomfortable with Shelburne’s behavior. Silverstein testified
    that she encouraged them to report to Garcia, and she also followed up
    directly with Garcia and discussed those reports. She discussed complaints
    regarding physical touching several times with Garcia and believed that
    Garcia was keeping a log of the complaints. She received a complaint from
    one male student regarding Shelburne’s touching of his girlfriend; that
    student told Silverstein that he wanted to be violent toward Shelburne
    because of the touching.
    Silverstein also testified generally regarding an instance when three
    students came to her to report a comment made by Shelburne. She could not
    recall when that occurred. She also could not recall whether there was any
    instance when she went to Garcia with a complaint and it resulted in a
    SCAR. In response to a question by LAUSD’s counsel, she began to state that
    she thought Garcia “was aware when she came on board . . . that Mr.
    Caldwell, a prior principal, had already started documenting . . .” LAUSD’s
    counsel cut her off, objected to his own question based on the rulings on the
    motion in limine, and proceeded to a different question.
    Silverstein acknowledged that she was a mandatory reporter, but
    stated she felt she had done her job by reporting the conduct to the principal.
    She also said that she felt the touching was inappropriate, but not abuse.
    However, she testified that, in retrospect, she should have formally reported
    it and regretted failing to file SCARs based on the students’ reports of
    Nicole Rose-Manning worked at MLHS as a special education trainee,
    then assistant, from 2005 to 2010. She testified that she worked in all of the
    classrooms helping students, but spent most of her time working on math in
    Shelburne’s class. She said that Shelburne “made me feel uncomfortable in
    different ways” including in his comments to her and things she witnessed in
    class. According to Rose-Manning, Shelburne showed “complete favoritism”
    toward the female students, including allowing girls to wear flip-flops in P.E.
    and allowing female students to input time on their own timecards. Under
    Caldwell, she often saw Shelburne hugging female students. She described
    seeing Shelburne engaging in “a lot of close hugging,” putting one arm
    around students, and putting his hand on a girl’s leg or thigh. She did not
    report this conduct to Caldwell because she was new and scared of the
    Rose-Manning continued to witness the same conduct when Franklin
    was principal, and she reported it to Franklin three times. She also saw the
    same conduct under Garcia and reported one incident. She was not aware of
    any investigation following that report. She did not witness anything
    involving appellant, as Rose-Manning left in March 2010.
    Robin Cunningham worked at MLHS from 2006 to 2012 as the office
    manager under Caldwell, Franklin, and Garcia. She testified that Caldwell
    and Garcia mostly kept the door to the principal’s office open; Franklin kept
    the door mostly closed during her time as principal. Cunningham admitted
    that she thought Shelburne was creepy. She saw him hug students, but
    stated that she did not think the hugs were inappropriate. She denied seeing
    Shelburne touch students’ hands or massage their shoulders, and denied ever
    telling Garcia that Shelburne was touching students inappropriately.
    Cunningham was not aware of any complaints to Garcia about Shelburne by
    appellant, any other student, or Silverstein prior to October 27, 2010. She
    also testified that she thought Garcia’s investigation following appellant’s
    October 27, 2010 complaint was “extremely” thorough.
    D.      Principals Caldwell and Garcia
    Caldwell testified that he performed teacher evaluations, including of
    Shelburne, every two years. He did not recall receiving complaints about
    Shelburne after Shelburne started in 1995. He did not recall documenting
    any complaints or initiating any investigations related to Shelburne. He
    never saw Shelburne touching a student’s private parts and never received
    any such complaint. Caldwell considered Shelburne one of the best teachers
    at the school and gave him positive performance evaluations.
    Garcia testified that when she came to MLHS as principal, she worked
    closely with Caldwell during the transition, but never spoke to Franklin, who
    had left at the end of the prior school year. When she began as principal, no
    one on staff told her about any complaints about Shelburne touching
    students. However, Cunningham did say Shelburne was “sleazy.” Garcia
    testified that she observed the teachers and students very carefully and “was
    in and out of those [class]rooms all day long.”
    Garcia denied that Rose-Manning ever reported that Shelburne
    touched students inappropriately. She did receive a complaint in September
    2009 from Silverstein and two students. As documented in her notes, the
    students reported that they “had heard before coming to Leonis that Mr.
    Shelburne was a perv and that he patted them on the back and made
    comments.” Garcia interpreted this as meaning that the students were
    reporting rumors of patting, not that they had personally been touched by
    Shelburne or seen him do so. Both students told Garcia they were not
    uncomfortable returning to Shelburne’s classroom. Garcia did not file a
    SCAR regarding this report of touching, but testified vaguely that she did file
    one for something else at that time. She did not testify as to that SCAR
    report or detail the comment that precipitated it. Garcia did not recall
    whether she discussed the patting allegation with Shelburne or documented
    it in his file. She did not do any reporting or investigation related to the
    patting. She did acknowledge that the allegation regarding patting “raise[d]
    a red flag.”
    Garcia did not recall receiving any complaint from appellant prior to
    October 27, 2010. She received four complaints on the morning of October 27,
    2010. The first was by Tania, reporting what had happened to appellant.
    Garcia had Tania write a statement and asked her to try to convince
    appellant to come speak with her. About a half hour later, Garcia received a
    complaint from a second student, who said she witnessed the interaction
    between Shelburne and appellant. This student wrote a report, stating that
    she saw Shelburne’s “hand backing off but I didn’t see it on [appellant].” The
    student said that appellant told her “she doesn’t like it when he touches her
    that next time she’s going to tell him off.”
    The third report that morning came from appellant, a short time later.
    According to Garcia, appellant was very quiet and soft-spoken during the
    interview and appeared to be sincere. Garcia agreed that the conduct
    appellant reported was sexual harassment and sexual abuse under
    respondent’s policies. She asked appellant to write a statement.
    Garcia received a fourth complaint from another student, B.P., later
    that morning. B.P. wrote a statement and told Garcia that Shelburne had
    touched her and her friends. Garcia completed a SCAR based on B.P.’s
    Garcia then called the district office and reported the allegations; she
    also filed a SCAR based on appellant’s complaint. Appellant called her two
    days later and reported additional information. Appellant seemed upset
    during the call, and Garcia felt appellant was afraid to talk because she was
    whispering. During that call, appellant told Garcia that Shelburne had also
    touched her on the buttocks, more than twice. Garcia then prepared an
    updated report with this information. She also filed an LAUSD incident
    Garcia detailed at length her investigation following the October 27,
    2010 complaints. She met with appellant’s parents and interviewed other
    students. She sent Shelburne home the following day, October 28, 2010. She
    told Shelburne not to speak with any of the students about his absence or
    anything regarding the situation. Shelburne then took a leave of absence and
    ultimately retired in April 2011.
    Following Garcia’s updated SCAR on October 29, 2010, investigating
    officers from the LAPD interviewed the students with Garcia present.
    According to Garcia, B.P. told the officers, consistent with her prior report,
    that Shelburne touched her leg and lower back while assisting her in the
    classroom. B.P. also said that Shelburne touched all of the students in this
    manner and she was uncomfortable around him. Tania told the officers that
    Shelburne touched her and other female students on the back and the legs.
    She also reported that Shelburne sometimes stood behind students and
    looked over their shoulders and it made her very uncomfortable. Appellant
    was not present for the LAPD interview because she was hospitalized at the
    time. Garcia also acknowledged her notes reflecting other statements made
    by students during the course of the investigation, including several
    references to Shelburne pressing his belly against a student, holding a
    student’s hand, standing “way too close,” touching a student’s hips, and
    grabbing “you by your waist. He’s a pervert. He likes to hug.”
    E.    Shelburne
    Shelburne testified that prior to October 2010, he had never been
    subject to a claim that he had inappropriately touched a student and no one
    had complained to him about any touching or standing too close. He denied
    all of the conduct alleged. In response to appellant’s claim that she could feel
    his erect penis against her on several occasions, Shelburne testified that he
    had been taking blood thinners since 2006, which “makes it practically
    impossible” to have an erection; in fact, he stated that he had not had one
    since 2006. Shelburne was interviewed by the LAPD and the city attorney’s
    office as part of the investigation. He testified that he was told it was a “he-
    said she-said” issue and the matter would not be pursued. Conversely, the
    LAPD did not determine that the report of suspected child abuse was
    F.    Experts
    Both parties presented testimony from education experts regarding the
    standard of care for the district. Appellant’s expert, Dr. Marian Stephens,
    acknowledged that LAUSD’s policies were “excellent” but nevertheless opined
    that LAUSD did not meet the standard of care, because “they were faced with
    information that told them, at various stages, that there were students at
    risk . . . subjected to kind of inappropriate behaviors on the part of the
    teacher that made them uncomfortable,” which administrators failed to
    adequately report or thoroughly investigate. Dr. Stephens also discussed
    grooming conduct that could lead to child abuse, such as where a teacher has
    “more and more contact with the student and offers to give the student rides
    home where they can be alone in the car; offers to assist the student . . .
    again, having increased contact and even, to some extent, touching.” She
    noted that the touching could be subtle at first, such as hugging or minor
    body contact, to test the victim’s comfort level and response. She opined that,
    in this case, the reports of patting should have been identified and addressed
    as potentially inappropriate. She also testified that LAUSD had notice of
    inappropriate touching by Shelburne as early as September 2009. She did
    not have any criticism of Garcia’s handling of the incident from October 27,
    2010 onward.
    Defense expert Larry Perondi opined that Garcia’s response was
    appropriate to both the 2009 and 2010 complaints. He acknowledged that the
    report of touching in 2009 would obligate the principal to investigate.
    Both parties also presented psychological experts, who diagnosed
    appellant with various disorders, opined whether any of those disorders were
    caused by the incident with Shelburne, and opined as to appellant’s
    emotional distress and damages.
    III. Verdict and Judgment
    After a nearly two-week trial, the jury returned a verdict in LAUSD’s
    favor. In response to the first question of the special verdict—“Do you find
    that James Shelburne, as an employee of [LAUSD], posed a risk of sexually
    abusing students?”—the jury answered “no” by a vote of ten to two.
    The court entered judgment in LAUSD’s favor. Appellant timely
    I.     Exclusion of Evidence
    Appellant contends the court erred by excluding all evidence of prior
    inappropriate conduct by Shelburne that did not involve physical touching of
    students. She argues that by doing so, the court excluded “a substantial body
    of evidence” relevant to showing that Shelburne posed a risk of sexual abuse
    to the students and that LAUSD knew or should have known of such a risk.
    We agree. The trial court abused its discretion by finding that the only
    evidence relevant to this case was other instances of physical touching and
    excluding other relevant evidence, such as a sexual comment by Shelburne to
    a student that was egregious enough to trigger an investigation by the school.
    Further, this error was prejudicial to appellant, as it distorted much of the
    evidence presented and severely hampered appellant’s ability to present her
    A.     Legal standards
    Under Evidence Code3 section 352, a trial court has the discretion to
    exclude otherwise relevant evidence when its probative value is substantially
    outweighed by “the probability that its admission will . . . create substantial
    danger of undue prejudice, of confusing the issues, or of misleading the jury.”
    We review the trial court’s ruling excluding evidence under section 352 for an
    abuse of discretion. (People v. Fuiava (2012) 
    53 Cal. 4th 622
    , 663; People ex
    rel. Lockyer v. Sun Pacific Farming Co. (2000) 
    77 Cal. App. 4th 619
    , 639.)
    “‘Discretion is abused whenever, in its exercise, the court exceeds the bounds
    of reason, all of the circumstances before it being considered.’” (Denham v.
    Superior Court (1970) 
    2 Cal. 3d 557
    , 566; see also People v. Carrington (2009)
    47 Cal. 4th 145
    , 195 [an abuse of discretion is “established by ‘a showing the
    trial court exercised its discretion in an arbitrary, capricious, or patently
    absurd manner that resulted in a manifest miscarriage of justice’”].)
    It is well established that “school personnel owe students under their
    supervision a protective duty of ordinary care.” (C.A. v. William S. Hart
    Union High Sch. Dist. (2012) 
    53 Cal. 4th 861
    , 865 (C.A.); Dailey v. Los Angeles
    Unified Sch. Dist. (1970) 
    2 Cal. 3d 741
    , 747.) Further, “a school district is
    liable for the negligence of supervisory or administrative personnel who
    knew, or should have known,” of the foreseeable risk to students of sexual
    abuse by an employee and nevertheless hired, retained, and/or inadequately
    supervised that employee. 
    (C.A., supra
    , 53 Cal.4th at p. 865.)
    In C.A., a student sued his school district for negligent hiring,
    retention, and supervision, based on alleged sexual harassment and abuse by
    3All further statutory references are to the Evidence Code unless
    otherwise stated.
    his high school guidance counselor. 
    (C.A., supra
    , 53 Cal.4th at p. 866.) The
    Supreme Court held that school authorities, by the nature of their special
    relationship with their students, have “a duty to ‘supervise at all times the
    conduct of the children on the school grounds and to enforce those rules and
    regulations necessary to their protection,’” which “includes the duty to use
    reasonable measures to protect students from foreseeable injury at the hands
    of third parties.” (Id. at pp. 869-870.) The court then concluded that the
    school district could be liable for the negligent breach of that duty by district
    employees acting within the scope of their employment. (Id. at p. 879.) With
    this framework in mind, we turn to the evidence at issue here.
    B.    Background
    1.     Motions in limine
    Prior to trial, LAUSD filed motion in limine number 1, seeking to
    exclude evidence of alleged bad acts by Shelburne “directed to parties other
    than plaintiff,” and motion in limine number 5, to exclude evidence of alleged
    bad acts by Shelburne “unrelated to plaintiff’s negligence claim.” In
    particular, LAUSD sought exclusion of the following evidence:
    (1) Comments by Shelburne to students that LAUSD claimed were
    “non-sexual” but otherwise inappropriate. Most notably, this included the
    2009 comment Shelburne made in front of his class about the size of a
    student’s breasts, that : “If [student] fell forward her face would not hit the
    ground.” Several students reported this comment to Garcia at the time it was
    (2) Shelburne’s offers to give female students a ride home. LAUSD
    argued that several students reported such offers only after the incident with
    appellant on October 27, 2010. Appellant argued that the evidence was
    relevant to show actual or constructive notice to LAUSD; it is unclear from
    the record before us whether there was any evidence that anyone complained
    to administrators about this issue prior to October 2010.
    (3) Questions from Shelburne to female students about their boyfriends
    and sexual experiences. Appellant proffered testimony by Rose-Manning, the
    assistant teacher, that she was in Shelburne’s classroom in 2007 and heard
    him ask students about their first sexual experiences (unrelated to any
    educational matter), and students complained to her that the inquiry made
    them uncomfortable. Rose-Manning also stated that she heard Shelburne
    make inappropriate comments to female students about having boyfriends
    and how they were treated by their boyfriends, and that she complained
    about these comments to Franklin. During the investigation into appellant’s
    claims in 2010, B.P. told police that on October 25, 2010, Shelburne
    approached her and said, “You are so pretty, do you have a boyfriend? Does
    he treat you like the princess you are?” She said the questions made her
    (4) Photographs of students taken by Shelburne, which he kept on his
    computer and posted on his personal Facebook page, as well as Facebook
    friend requests sent by Shelburne to female students. It appears undisputed
    that Garcia first discovered these photographs on Shelburne’s computer in
    his classroom and his district-issued laptop during the investigation in
    October 2010. Appellant claims that LAUSD’s expert, Perondi, was shown
    the picture of a female student posted to Shelburne’s Facebook page during
    Perondi’s deposition. Perondi testified that the picture was “more sexual in
    nature than not,” and that posting the picture was a violation of the LAUSD
    code of conduct. Appellant’s counsel also stated that former principal
    Caldwell would testify “that he went into the darkroom at [MLHS], found
    inappropriate photographs and reported [Shelburne] to the school district,”
    and that the district took “some action” in response that did not include
    disciplining Shelburne.
    (5) Favoritism by Shelburne toward his female students. This included
    claims that Shelburne let his female students violate the dress code, approve
    their own timecards, drink in class, and store drugs in his classroom. Rose-
    Manning claimed she had complained about this issue to Franklin.
    LAUSD argued that this evidence was irrelevant to appellant’s claim,
    did not put the district on notice of any relevant conduct, and was prejudicial
    to LAUSD. Appellant opposed the motions, arguing that the evidence was
    highly relevant to establish that the district knew or should have known that
    Shelburne was likely to engage in “sexually deviant behavior” with students,
    and failed to protect appellant from this risk.
    The court first heard argument on the motions in limine at a hearing
    on March 23, 2017, although the motions had not yet been fully briefed by
    either party. Turning to LAUSD’s motion in limine number 1, the following
    exchange occurred:
    “The court: Yes, they should be excluded. I know there are a number
    of facts that should be excluded. We’re talking about touching -- your
    client has been touched.
    “Mr. Khehra [appellant’s counsel]: It goes to the issue of notice, your
    “The court: How has she been touched? What is it, twice, or what?
    “Mr. Khehra: Several times, your honor. It’s . . .
    “The court: Patting on the rear end or touching the breast? What is it?
    “Mr. Khehra: Rubbing his privates on her and then actually grabbing
    her buttocks as well. And the issue with the other prior bad acts, this
    is not a classic case of character evidence or anything like that. These
    bad acts go directly to the issue of notice.
    “The court: Well, these other bad acts are not important as to his acts .
    . . We’re concerned about the touchy-feely item. They would be
    excluded unless you have another reason to bring all that.
    “Mr. Khehra: For notice, your honor. . . . All of these other prior
    allegations and his history and his conduct as a teacher at the school,
    all goes to the issue of notice, that the administrators should have
    known what was going on with this teacher and he was unfit for his
    The court stated it was deferring a decision but indicated it would
    likely exclude the evidence “other than something of touching of other
    students,” finding that the other evidence “is a 352 problem.” The court made
    the same determination regarding motion in limine number five, stating that
    “anything that’s touching, that’s fine, but not other limits. 352 on that.”
    At the next hearing,4 the court reiterated that it would allow evidence
    related to “touching or hugging” only. The court suggested that some of the
    4 During this hearing, the court also denied several of appellant’s
    motions in limine, including those seeking to exclude evidence of appellant’s
    prior sexual relationships and prior sexual abuse against her. In response to
    appellant’s petition, we issued a notice of intention to grant a peremptory
    other alleged acts, such as offering female students rides home, were not
    reported until after the incident at issue occurred. Appellant’s counsel
    argued that the evidence helped to establish a pattern slowly escalating
    toward touching. The court responded: “To give someone a ride home is
    going to lead to touching, no. . . . 352 on that issue.” Similarly, appellant’s
    counsel argued that Shelburne’s questions to female students about their
    boyfriends was evidence of grooming. The court responded: “This is what
    people ask: do you have a boyfriend, how are you doing. . . . 352. We’re not
    getting into that, counsel.”
    At a subsequent hearing, LAUSD’s counsel asked for clarification as to
    whether the court was excluding the comment Shelburne made in 2009
    “about a girl falling forward -- she has large breasts. If she fell forward, she
    wouldn’t hit her face. . . . I would assume that under the court’s ruling that
    would be out as well.” LAUSD’s counsel further argued that the comment
    was “a bad joke, which [Shelburne] admitted to, made in class,” and that
    Shelburne was disciplined for it. Appellant’s counsel argued that it was
    sexual in nature and was relevant to notice because the comment led to an
    investigation by the district. The argument continued:
    “The court: You have a 352 -- no. I’m not going to allow that.
    “Mr. Carillo [Appellant’s counsel]: Your honor, this is sexual
    “The court: Sexual harassment when a girl is falling?
    “Mr. Carillo: Yes, your honor. Mr. Shelburne was actually brought in,
    given a conference memo, a SCAR . . . was prepared. . . . This is pure
    notice evidence, your honor, because it put the district on notice the
    year prior to our client coming in that. . . . Mr. Shelburne . . . could
    have the propensity to touch kids.
    “The court: No. That goes too far. Touch kids? No. That will not be
    allowed. . . . It’s a statement he made. It doesn’t show touching or
    notice of touching, so that will not be allowed.”
    writ of mandate on this issue. The trial court then granted appellant’s
    motions and excluded the evidence from trial.
    Later during the hearing, when appellant’s counsel again argued that the
    evidence was admissible and “not 352, your honor, because it is sexual,
    because it is a sexual comment about a girl,” the court queried, “A comment
    about a girl falling?” Appellant’s counsel responded that the comment “puts
    the district on notice that Mr. Shelburne is engaging in unlawful and
    unpermitted sexual conduct.” The court disagreed, stating: “No. That does
    not show that. It shows he made a comment -- what you would call a risque
    comment, but I don’t know if it’s risque in that situation. No. That’s
    2.    Effect at trial
    As a result of the court’s rulings on the motions in limine, no evidence
    was presented at trial regarding the substance of Shelburne’s 2009 comment,
    details regarding the SCAR prepared by Garcia as a result of that comment,
    or any resulting investigation.5 However, several witnesses did refer to the
    comment, often in the course of discussing the portion of the 2009 complaint
    that involved touching.
    For example, during cross-examination, Silverstein testified about
    receiving complaints from several students and that she followed up with the
    principal more than once, but could not remember the timing. When
    LAUSD’s counsel asked her about “the nature of the allegation” made by the
    student, Silverstein started to explain that the complaint was about “falling
    on the face,” but immediately afterward was cut off by LAUSD’s counsel and
    directed to focus on “physical touching.” The court reiterated, “We’re talking
    about physical touching. That’s what the case is about.” LAUSD’s counsel
    also questioned Silverstein at length about the fact that there were no
    written reports generated based on complaints she received about touching
    prior to October 2010, suggesting that the 2009 touching reports were less
    serious. During redirect examination, appellant’s counsel asked whether
    Silverstein was “aware of at least one time where [a prior complaint] did
    5Similarly, there was no evidence admitted at trial regarding
    Shelburne’s alleged questions to female students about sexual experiences or
    having boyfriends, offering them rides home (except for appellant’s testimony
    about Shelburne’s offer to her), or taking, keeping, or posting photographs of
    female students.
    result in documentation and a SCAR report?” Silverstein stated that she did
    not remember. When appellant’s counsel tried to ask about additional details
    related to the 2009 comment, the court sustained several objections by
    LAUSD’s counsel based on the motion in limine. Ultimately, Silverstein did
    not testify regarding her knowledge of Shelburne’s comment in 2009 or the
    ensuing SCAR and investigation.
    Similarly, during Tania’s testimony, she stated that she could not recall
    whether she spoke with Garcia about Shelburne touching her prior to
    October 2010. When appellant’s counsel attempted to refresh her recollection
    using exhibit 23 (Garcia’s notes from 2009), the court sustained respondent’s
    objection based on the motion in limine. After further questioning, Tania
    again testified that she could not recall reporting any conduct prior to
    October 2010.
    In addition, appellant’s expert, Dr. Stephens, referred in her testimony
    to a comment by Shelburne “that was sexual in nature” and “inappropriate”
    as an example of an instance where Garcia failed to appropriately report or
    investigate Shelburne’s behavior. During cross-examination, LAUSD’s
    counsel focused on notice to the district related to Shelburne’s alleged
    touching of appellant, much of which Dr. Stephens agreed was only
    discovered in October 2010. Dr. Stephens’ attempts to refer to other, prior
    conduct were restricted based on the rulings on the motions in limine.
    In closing arguments, LAUSD’s counsel argued that in all of
    Shelburne’s years of teaching, the only notice to the district was “one
    complaint in 2009 about a comment only, not touching, and then the
    following year there was one complaint about low-back touching.” He then
    cautioned the jury to “be careful” with respect to exhibit 23, Garcia’s notes
    from the 2009 interview with students (redacted to remove the comment),
    stating that the basis of the exhibit, “which is a single verbal comment, not
    touching, was excluded from this trial due to lack of relevance. That’s why
    you didn’t hear what the comment was.” He continued to refer to the exhibit
    throughout his closing argument, arguing that the comment was irrelevant
    and the exhibit was “innocuous.” Counsel further suggested that that “not
    once during her direct exam did [Tania] ever say she felt unsafe in class, or
    did she say anything about comments.”
    C.      Analysis
    1.    Exclusion under Evidence Code section 352
    Appellant contends the trial court erred in excluding evidence under
    section 352 of all conduct by Shelburne other than touching. As an initial
    matter, she argues that the evidence was relevant and therefore admissible.
    “Relevant” evidence is evidence “having any tendency in reason to
    prove or disprove any disputed fact that is of consequence to the
    determination of the action.” (§ 210; see also, e.g., People v. Scheid (1997) 
    16 Cal. 4th 1
    , 13–14 [“The test of relevance is whether the evidence tends
    ‘“logically, naturally, and by reasonable inference” to establish material
    facts,’”].) Here, appellant asserts that the evidence at issue was relevant to
    prove that there was a foreseeable risk of harm to her. We agree that at least
    some of the excluded evidence was relevant to this issue.
    As the court in C.A. explained, a negligent supervision claim depends,
    in part, on a showing that the risk of harm was reasonably foreseeable.
    (C.A., supra
    , 53 Cal.4th at p. 869-870; see also Leger v. Stockton Unified
    Dist., supra
    , 202 Cal.App.3d at p. 1459 [“The existence of a duty of
    care of a school district toward a student depends, in part, on whether the
    particular harm to the student is reasonably foreseeable.”].) “Foreseeability
    is determined in light of all the circumstances and does not require prior
    identical events or injuries.” (M. W. v. Panama Buena Vista Union School
    Dist. (2003) 
    110 Cal. App. 4th 508
    , 518–519 (M.W.), citing Frances T. v. Village
    Green Owners Assn. (1986) 
    42 Cal. 3d 490
    , 502–503.) “‘It is not necessary to
    prove that the very injury which occurred must have been foreseeable by the
    school authorities. . . . Their negligence is established if a reasonably
    prudent person would foresee that injuries of the same general type would be
    likely to happen in the absence of [adequate] safeguards.’” (Ibid.; see also
    Leger v. Stockton Unified School 
    Dist., supra
    , 202 Cal.App.3d at p. 1460
    [harm reasonably foreseeable from threats of violence known by school
    authorities even where violence had yet to occur].)
    In M.W., for example, the court found the school district owed a duty of
    care to a student who was sexually assaulted by another student in a school
    (M.W., supra
    , 110 Cal.App.4th at p. 511.) The court concluded
    that the risk of assault was foreseeable based on (1) the district’s lack of
    supervision in the early morning when the assault occurred in a known
    “trouble spot,” (2) the assailant’s extensive prior record of discipline; and (3)
    the unique vulnerabilities of special education students such as the victim.
    (Id. at pp. 519-520.)
    As such, to support her negligent supervision claim, appellant had to
    prove both that Shelburne posed a risk of harm to students and that the risk
    of harm was reasonably foreseeable, i.e., that LAUSD knew or should have
    known of the risk. (See 
    C.A., supra
    , 53 Cal.4th at p. 869-870; CACI No. 426.)
    Evidence tending to prove either of these elements was relevant to her claim.6
    Here, the trial court appeared to conclude that the evidence related to
    touching was relevant to the foreseeability analysis, while any other
    evidence, even if sexual in nature and directed toward female students, was
    not. LAUSD cites no authority to support this premise, and we have found
    none. The arbitrary nature of this determination was evidenced by the fact
    that the court admitted the students’ reference to touching in 2009, which all
    witnesses seemed to agree was comparatively minor, while excluding the
    sexual comment that prompted the students to complain in the first place
    and spurred Garcia to investigate. This allowed LAUSD to argue that the
    touching incident in 2009 was not serious enough to require an investigation,
    while preventing appellant from introducing evidence showing conduct that
    was investigated, simply because the latter conduct was not physical
    touching. Indeed, appellant was permitted to elicit expert testimony
    regarding types of grooming behavior that could lead to sexual abuse, but
    was prevented from offering evidence that Shelburne had engaged in such
    behavior and that the district knew or should have known about it.
    LAUSD also contends that most of the excluded evidence was
    irrelevant to notice because it involved conduct that was not reported or
    discovered until October 2010. While it appears to be undisputed that the
    district was unaware of certain conduct prior to October 2010, such as
    6As  such, evidence relevant to whether Shelburne posed a risk of harm
    could be admissible, even if that evidence did not also demonstrate notice. Of
    course, the court retains the discretion to exclude such evidence under section
    352 as, for example, unduly prejudicial or inflammatory. Here, because the
    trial court concluded any evidence other than touching was irrelevant, it did
    not reach this step.
    Shelburne taking photographs of female students and posting them on
    Facebook, appellant offered witness testimony that much of the conduct was
    reported prior to that time. Moreover, given that the standard is what the
    district knew or should have known, the court’s blanket exclusion of this
    evidence was error. For example, appellant’s proffer of evidence that the
    district had notice of Shelburne’s potentially inappropriate conduct involving
    photos of students while Caldwell was principal is relevant to appellant’s
    argument that the district should have investigated and discovered
    Shelburne’s later conduct in taking photos of female students and posting
    those photos in violation of school and district policies. The court’s failure to
    consider this evidence because it was not related to physical touching was
    We do not suggest that all of the evidence proffered by appellant was
    improperly excluded. But because the court drew a bright line excluding all
    evidence of conduct other than touching, it arbitrarily excluded evidence that
    was relevant to appellant’s claim.
    Moreover, we find no support for any countervailing considerations
    under section 352 of undue prejudice, confusion, or undue consumption of
    time, nor did the court make any such findings on the record. Indeed, the
    testimony of several of the witnesses was likely more confusing with the
    evidentiary exclusions, as both witnesses and counsel struggled to discuss
    Shelburne’s past conduct and LAUSD’s knowledge without violating the
    court’s orders. As such, we conclude that the court’s order granting LAUSD’s
    motion in limine numbers one and five was an abuse of discretion.
    2. Prejudice
    LAUSD also argues that any erroneous exclusion of evidence was
    harmless, because the jury heard information about the 2009 comment other
    than its “actual wording,” and because the other evidence excluded was “non-
    sexual” and “seemingly innocuous” conduct by Shelburne. We disagree.
    7LAUSD    argued that the court did not expressly rule on Caldwell’s
    proffered testimony regarding the discovery of photos and that appellant
    “made no effort to elicit this testimony” at trial. However, as LAUSD
    acknowledged, this testimony was squarely within the scope of the evidence
    excluded by the court.
    We review claims of evidentiary error for prejudice applying the
    “‘miscarriage of justice’” or “reasonably probable” harmless error standard.
    (See Christ v. Schwartz (2016) 2 Cal.App.5th 440, 447, citing People v.
    Watson (1956) 
    46 Cal. 2d 818
    , 836.) Thus, an erroneous evidentiary ruling
    requires reversal only if “‘there is a reasonable probability that a result more
    favorable to the appealing party would have been reached in the absence of
    the error.’” (Twenty-Nine Palms Enterprises Corp. v. Bardos (2012) 
    210 Cal. App. 4th 1435
    , 1449
    Thus, a “miscarriage of justice” warranting reversal “should be declared
    only when the court, “after an examination of the entire cause, including the
    evidence,” is of the “opinion” that it is reasonably probable that a result more
    favorable to the appealing party would have been reached in the absence of
    the error.” (Cassim v. Allstate Ins. Co. (2004) 
    33 Cal. 4th 780
    , 800; see also
    Twenty-Nine Palms Enterprises Corp. v. Bardos (2012) 
    210 Cal. App. 4th 1435
    1449.) “We have made clear that a ‘probability’ in this context does not mean
    more likely than not, but merely a reasonable chance, more than an abstract
    possibility.” (College Hospital Inc. v. Superior Court (1994) 
    8 Cal. 4th 704
    Having examined the record, we conclude that the erroneous exclusion
    of evidence prejudiced appellant. We are not persuaded by LAUSD’s attempts
    to minimize the effect of the content of Shelburne’s comment in 2009–
    suggesting that “hearing the actual joke actually would likely have served to
    diminish the impact of this evidence.” In contrast to the witnesses’ vague
    assertions regarding an inappropriate comment, the comment itself involved
    Shelburne’s crude comment on the size of a student’s breasts. This comment,
    along with evidence regarding Shelburne’s inappropriate questions to
    students about boyfriends and sexual experiences, all of which appellant
    claims the district knew about prior to October 2010, was therefore crucial to
    her argument that LAUSD knew or should have known of the risk that
    Shelburne would commit sexual abuse of a student.
    Moreover, the exclusion of non-touching evidence impacted appellant’s
    ability to offer otherwise admissible evidence of prior complaints. Several
    witnesses became confused when asked to discuss complaints of touching
    only, omitting the evidence of inappropriate comments, and were unable to
    testify about what they had said or when. Capitalizing on this confusion,
    LAUSD’s counsel repeatedly suggested, during cross-examination and in
    closing argument, that there were no complaints relevant to the case prior to
    October 2010. Conversely, appellant’s counsel was unable to offer evidence of
    the one complaint—the 2009 comment—that Garcia felt was serious enough
    to document in a SCAR, nor could appellant question Garcia or Shelburne
    about that comment or whether an adequate investigation was done. As
    such, it was reasonably probable that the admission of this evidence would
    have led to a result more favorable to appellant.
    II.    Jury Instructions and Special Verdict
    Appellant contends the trial court erred in giving several form jury
    instructions, CACI Nos. 3701, 3703, and 426, with modifications proposed by
    LAUSD. She also asserts that the same errors occurred in the special verdict
    form used. Although we need not reach these issues in light of our reversal
    on the basis of the court’s evidentiary rulings, we examine appellant’s claims
    as the same issues would doubtless be raised in the event of any retrial. The
    propriety of jury instructions is a question of law that we review de novo.
    (See Cristler v. Express Messenger Systems, Inc. (2009) 
    171 Cal. App. 4th 72
    We agree with appellant that CACI Nos. 3701 and 3703 were
    unnecessary and potentially confusing given the issues in dispute in this
    case. We find no error with respect to CACI No. 426 and corresponding
    issues on the special verdict form.
    A.    CACI Nos. 3701 and 3703
    CACI Nos. 3701, “Tort liability asserted against principal, essential
    factual elements,” and 3703, “Legal relationship not disputed,” are part of the
    series of instructions regarding vicarious liability. Although appellant
    initially requested their inclusion, she later argued that CACI No. 3701 was
    unnecessary as the parties did not dispute that principal Garcia, as well as
    Franklin and Caldwell before her, were employees of LAUSD and acting
    within the course and scope of their employment when engaged in the alleged
    negligent supervision at issue. She also objected to LAUSD’s proposed
    version of both CACI Nos. 3701 and 3703, which inserted only Garcia as the
    applicable agent, rather than all three administrators. The court disagreed
    and accepted respondent’s proposed version.
    Thus, the jury was instructed using CACI No. 3701 as follows:
    “[D.Z.] claims that she was harmed by Wendy Garcia’s negligence.
    “[D.Z.] also claims that LAUSD is responsible for the harm.
    “If you find that Wendy Garcia’s negligence harmed [D.Z.], then you
    must decide whether LAUSD is responsible for the harm. LAUSD is
    responsible if [D.Z.] proves both of the following:
    “1. That Wendy Garcia was LAUSD’s employee; and
    “2. That Wendy Garcia was acting within the scope of her employment
    when she harmed [D.Z.].”
    The jury was similarly instructed using CACI No. 3703:
    “In this case Wendy Garcia was the employee of LAUSD.
    “If you find that Wendy Garcia was acting within the scope of her
    employment when the incident occurred, then LAUSD is responsible for
    any harm caused by Wendy Garcia’s negligence.”
    First, we agree with appellant that CACI Nos. 3701 and 3703 were
    unnecessary and potentially confusing to the jury, as it was undisputed that
    the administrators were acting within the course and scope of their
    employment with LAUSD during all relevant times. Indeed, the special
    verdict did not ask the jury to make any findings on this issue.
    Second, we also agree that both instructions as given did not reflect the
    scope of appellant’s claim. As proposed by LAUSD, the instructions used
    Garcia’s name to replace the bracketed term “name of agent.” The use notes
    of both instructions state: “The term ‘name of agent,’ in brackets, is intended
    in the general sense, to denote the person or entity whose wrongful conduct is
    alleged to have created the principal’s liability.” Here, appellant contended
    that MLHS administrators, including Caldwell, Franklin, and Garcia,
    negligently supervised and retained Shelburne, causing her harm. Thus, the
    wrongful conduct alleged should not have been limited to that committed by
    the administrator in place at the time of the injury (Garcia) but rather
    reflected the full scope of appellant’s claim. As such, it was error for the court
    to give these instructions as proposed by the district. (See Joyce v. Simi
    Valley Unified School District (2003) 
    110 Cal. App. 4th 292
    , 303 [“An
    instruction correct in the abstract, may not be given where it is not supported
    by the evidence or is likely to mislead the jury.”]; Harris v. Oaks Shopping
    Center (1999) 
    70 Cal. App. 4th 206
    , 209 [“Irrelevant, confusing, incomplete or
    misleading instructions need not be given.”].)
    B.     CACI 426 and special verdict
    Appellant also argues that the court erred in giving respondent’s
    version of CACI No. 426 as follows:
    “[D.Z.] claims that she was harmed by James Shelburne and that
    LAUSD is responsible for that harm because LAUSD negligently
    supervised and/or retained James Shelburne. To establish this claim,
    “[D.Z.] must prove all of the following:
    “1. That LAUSD hired James Shelburne;
    “2. That James Shelburne posed a risk of sexual abuse towards
    “3. That LAUSD knew or should have known that James Shelburne
    posed a risk of sexual abuse towards students and that this risk of
    sexual abuse towards students created a particular risk to others;
    “4. That James Shelburne’s posed risk [sic] of sexual abuse towards
    students harmed [D.Z.]; and
    “5. That LAUSD’s negligence in supervising and/or retaining James
    Shelburne was a substantial factor in causing [D.Z.]’s harm.”
    Appellant takes issue with the insertion of “posed a risk of sexual abuse
    toward students” into the second, third, and fourth element of the
    instruction. The model instruction reads as follows for element two: “That
    [name of employee] [[was/became] [unfit [or] incompetent] to perform the
    work for which [he/she] was hired/[specify other particular risk]].” (CACI No.
    426.) Appellant argues that the instruction should have focused on whether
    Shelburne was unfit or incompetent as a teacher. She contends that by using
    the phrase “posed a risk of sexual abuse,” the court “imposed a standard
    which required Plaintiff to show that evidence of identical prior sexual
    misconduct by Shelburne existed.”
    We are not persuaded. The language of the instruction used specifies
    the particular risk at issue in this case. That is consistent with the model
    instruction, which prompts the user to “specify other particular risk,” as well
    as the use notes, which state: “In most cases, ‘unfitness’ or ‘incompetence’ (or
    both) will adequately describe the particular risk that the employee
    represents. However, there may be cases in which neither word adequately
    describes the risk that the employer should have known about.” It is also
    consistent with the case law, discussed above, holding that a claim for
    negligent supervision requires a showing of foreseeability of a particular risk
    of harm. (See 
    C.A., supra
    , 53 Cal.4th at p. 869-870; Leger v. Stockton Unified
    Dist., supra
    , 202 Cal.App.3d at p. 1459.) This standard is echoed in
    the cases cited as “sources and authority” for CACI No. 426. (See Lopez v.
    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, Inc. (2016) 
    246 Cal. App. 4th 566
    , 591 [“To prevail on his negligent hiring/retention claim, Lopez will be
    required to prove Campos was Watchtower's agent and Watchtower knew or
    had reason to believe Campos was likely to engage in sexual abuse.”]; Phillips
    v. TLC Plumbing, Inc. (2009) 
    172 Cal. App. 4th 1133
    , 1139 [“Negligence
    liability will be imposed on an employer if it ‘knew or should have known that
    hiring the employee created a particular risk or hazard and that particular
    harm materializes.’”].)
    Nothing about the instruction deviated from the appropriate
    foreseeability analysis or required appellant to show Shelburne committed
    identical prior sexual misconduct.8 We therefore find no error with respect to
    CACI No. 426 or the corresponding language in the special verdict form.
    III. Rebuttal witness
    Appellant also contends that the court erred when it refused to let her
    call a rebuttal witness to address Shelburne’s claim that he could not have an
    erection due to the blood thinners he was taking. She argues that Shelburne
    made this claim for the first time at trial and she should have been able to
    8 We reject appellant’s argument, raised largely in her reply, that
    LAUSD’s duty to supervise its students gives rise to a “separate and distinct”
    claim of negligence, as distinguished from its duty to protect her by
    adequately supervising Shelburne. Her contention that she had alleged or
    shown a broader duty of care that would give rise to liability based on
    Shelburne’s general “unfitness”—as distinct from a foreseeable risk that he
    would sexually abuse a student— is not supported by the record or by the
    applicable case law on foreseeability, discussed herein.
    call a rebuttal witness to impeach this claim. This issue is moot, given our
    reversal on other grounds. We therefore need not reach it.
    The judgment is reversed and the matter is remanded for a new trial.
    Appellant is awarded her costs on appeal.
    We concur:
    CURREY, J.