Schep v. Capital One ( 2017 )

  • Filed 6/26/17
    RAYMOND A. SCHEP,                         B269724
    Plaintiff and Appellant,            (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. BC533555)
    Defendant and Respondent.
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County. Maureen Duffy-Lewis, Judge. Affirmed.
    George E. Omoko for Plaintiff and Appellant.
    Doll Amir Eley, Hunter R. Eley and Amy I. Borland for
    Defendant and Respondent.
    Are a trustee’s acts in recording a notice of default, a notice
    of sale, and a trustee’s deed upon sale in the course of a
    nonjudicial foreclosure privileged under Civil Code section 47?1
    We conclude that they are and that a plaintiff does not state a
    cause of action for slander of title based on the recording of those
    documents. Accordingly, we affirm the trial court’s order
    sustaining a demurrer to plaintiff’s slander of title claim without
    leave to amend.
    I.     Factual Background
    A.    Original loan and deed of trust
    In April 2007, Raymond A. Schep (plaintiff) borrowed
    $910,000 from a mortgage company secured by a deed of trust to
    a home in Beverly Hills (the property). The deed of trust
    designated Chevy Chase Bank, F.S.B. (Chevy Chase) the trustee
    and Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS) the
    beneficiary. In July 2009, Chevy Chase merged with defendant
    Capital One, N.A. (Capital One), and Capital One became the
    new trustee to the deed of trust.
    B.    Arrears and foreclosure
    By October 2009, plaintiff was $29,206.66 behind on his
    loan payments. In the fall of 2009, MERS named defendant T.D.
    Service Company (T.D. Service) as the new trustee on the deed of
    trust, and T.D. Service recorded a “Notice of Default and Election
    to Sell Under Deed of Trust” (Notice of Default). In April 2010,
    T.D. Service recorded a Notice of Trustee’s Sale. In January
    2011, Capital One purchased the property at the foreclosure
    auction, and T.D. Service recorded the Trustee’s Deed Upon Sale.
    1    All further statutory references are to the Civil Code unless
    otherwise indicated.
    C.     Wild deed
    In February 2010, after the Notice of Default was recorded
    and before the Notice of Trustee’s Sale was recorded, Timothy
    Fitzgerald (Fitzgerald) of US Banc Trustee TTE, recorded a
    “Substitution of Trustee and Full Reconveyance.” In this
    document, Fitzgerald inaccurately represented that he was the
    “Original Beneficiary” of the April 2007 deed of trust and
    purported to “substitute [himself] as the new Trustee” and to
    “reconvey, without warranty,” the deed of trust to plaintiff.
    II.    Procedural Background
    In the operative second amended complaint (SAC), plaintiff
    sued Capital One and T.D. Service for slander of title.2 Plaintiff
    based his claim on the “filing . . . of the Notice of Default, of the
    Notice of Auction Sale, and of the Trustee’s Deed Upon Sale.”
    Capital One demurred, arguing that the filing of the three
    documents underlying the claim was privileged and thus could
    not form the basis for a slander of title claim; plaintiff opposed
    the motion.
    The trial court sustained the demurrer without leave to
    amend. The court cited two reasons: (1) the slander of title claim
    was based entirely on the recording of documents in nonjudicial
    foreclosure proceedings that are privileged communications; and
    (2) plaintiff lacked standing to bring the claim because he had no
    2     Plaintiff also sued T.D. Service for breach of contractual
    duties owed under the original deed of trust. The court later
    sustained a demurrer to that claim and to a slander of title claim
    against T.D. Service. That dismissal order is the subject of a
    separate appeal. (See Schep v. T.D. Service Company (B276066,
    app. pending).)
    titular or possessory interest in the property.
    Plaintiff filed a motion for reconsideration. The trial court
    denied the motion because it failed to raise new facts or law that
    would compel reconsideration.
    After the court entered judgment, plaintiff filed a timely
    notice of appeal.
    I.     Demurrer
    In reviewing a trial court’s order sustaining a demurrer
    without leave to amend, we must ask (1) whether the demurrer
    was properly sustained, and (2) whether leave to amend was
    properly denied. The first question requires us to “‘“determine
    whether the complaint states facts sufficient to constitute a cause
    of action.”’” (Centinela Freeman Emergency Medical Associates v.
    Health Net of California, Inc. (2016) 1 Cal.5th 994, 1010.) In so
    doing, we independently “‘examine the complaint . . . to
    determine whether it alleges facts sufficient to state a cause of
    action.’” (Lee v. Hanley (2015) 
    61 Cal. 4th 1225
    , 1230.) We accept
    as true “all material facts properly pled” in the operative
    complaint. (Winn v. Pioneer Medical Group, Inc. (2016)
    63 Cal. 4th 148
    , 152 (Winn); accord, Blank v. Kirwan (1985)
    39 Cal. 3d 311
    , 318 (Blank).) We also accept as true all materials
    properly “subject to judicial notice,” and disregard any allegations
    in the operative complaint that those judicially noticed facts
    contradict or negate. (Evans v. City of Berkeley (2006) 
    38 Cal. 4th 1
    , 20 (Evans) [“a demurrer assumes the truth of the complaint’s
    properly pleaded allegations, but not of mere contentions or
    assertions contradicted by judicially noticeable facts”]; Stanton v.
    Dumke (1966) 
    64 Cal. 2d 199
    , 201-202 [same].) The second
    question “requires us to decide whether ‘“‘there is a reasonable
    possibility that the defect [in the operative complaint] can be
    cured by amendment.’”’” (McClain v. Sav-On Drugs (2017)
    9 Cal.App.5th 684, 695, review granted June 14, 2017, S241471.)
    A.     Was the demurrer properly sustained?
    To state a claim for slander of title, a plaintiff must allege
    “(1) a publication, (2) which is without privilege or justification,”
    (3) which is false, and (4) which “causes direct and immediate
    pecuniary loss.” (Manhattan Loft, LLC v. Mercury Liquors, Inc.
    173 Cal. App. 4th 1040
    , 1050-1051; La Jolla Group II
    v. Bruce (2012) 
    211 Cal. App. 4th 461
    , 472.)
    Plaintiff failed to state a cause of action for slander of title
    because all of the documents underlying his claim are privileged.
    The recording of a notice of sale and notice of default are
    privileged. Section 2924, subdivision (d)(1), provides that “[t]he
    mailing, publication, and delivery of notices as required” by
    section 2924 “constitute privileged communications pursuant to
    Section 47.” (§ 2924, subd. (d)(1).) Section 2924 mandates the
    recording of both a notice of default (id., subd. (a)(1)), and a notice
    of sale (id., subd. (a)(3)). Indeed, plaintiff conceded in his SAC
    that the recording of both of these documents was privileged.
    The recording of a trustee’s deed upon sale is also
    privileged. Section 2924, subdivision (d)(2) complements and
    broadens subdivision (d)(1) by providing that “[p]erformance of
    the procedures set forth in this article” also “constitute privileged
    communications pursuant to Section 47.” (§ 2924, subd. (d)(2).)
    Section 2924 is part of the article dealing with “Mortgages in
    General,” and two other sections within that article—sections
    2924.12 and 2924.19—specifically contemplate that a trustee’s
    deed upon sale will be recorded as the capstone of the process of
    nonjudicial foreclosure. (See §§ 2924.12, subds. (a)(1), (b)
    & 2924.19, subds. (a)(1), (b).) Our Legislature’s purpose in
    declaring these procedures privileged was “to give trustees some
    measure of protection from tort liability arising out of the
    performance of their statutory duties.” (Kachlon v. Markowitz
    168 Cal. App. 4th 316
    , 340 (Kachlon).) That purpose is
    fulfilled only if all of the procedural steps attendant to a
    nonjudicial foreclosure are privileged, from the recording of the
    notice of default and notice of sale through the recording of the
    trustee’s deed upon sale following the foreclosure sale. (Accord,
    Ward v. Pickett (N.D.Cal. 2013, No. C-13-01735 DMR)
    2013 U.S.Dist. Lexis 144129 [recording a trustee’s deed upon sale
    is authorized by statute and therefore privileged under §§ 47 and
    Plaintiff points to the allegation in his SAC that the
    privilege does not extend to the recording of a trustee’s deed upon
    sale. However, this allegation is a legal conclusion that we are to
    (Winn, supra
    , 63 Cal.4th at p. 152 [on demurrer, courts
    may disregard “logical inferences, contentions, or conclusions of
    fact or law” pled in the operative complaint].)
    Of course, section 47 creates two privileges: (1) an absolute
    privilege, commonly called the litigation privilege, that applies
    irrespective of the speaker’s motive (§ 47, subd. (b)); and (2) a
    qualified privilege that “applies only to communications made
    without malice” (id., subd. (c)). (Hagberg v. California Federal
    Bank (2004) 
    32 Cal. 4th 350
    , 360.) Section 2924, subdivision (d),
    refers only to “Section 47” without specifying which of the two
    privileges applies. The courts have split on this question.
    Kachlon, supra
    , 168 Cal.App.4th at pp. 335-341
    [section 2924 incorporates § 47’s qualified privilege] with
    Garretson v. Post (2007) 
    156 Cal. App. 4th 1508
    , 1517 [section
    2924 incorporates § 47’s absolute privilege].) We need not take a
    position on this issue because the publication of documents at
    issue in this case are privileged even under section 47’s narrower
    qualified privilege.
    For the purposes of section 47’s qualified privilege, “malice”
    means that the defendant (1) “‘was motivated by hatred or ill will
    towards the plaintiff,’” or (2) “‘lacked reasonable grounds for [its]
    belief in the truth of the publication and therefore acted in
    reckless disregard of the plaintiff’s rights.’” (Sanborn
    v. Chronicle Pub. Co. (1976) 
    18 Cal. 3d 406
    , 413; Taus v. Loftus
    40 Cal. 4th 683
    , 721; § 48a, subd. (d)(4) [defining “actual
    malice” as “hatred or ill will toward the plaintiff”].)
    Plaintiff has not alleged that either Capital One or T.D.
    Service acted with malice in recording any of the three
    nonjudicial foreclosure documents underlying his slander of title
    claim. He has not alleged that either entity acted with hatred or
    ill will toward him. Nor has plaintiff explicitly alleged that they
    lacked reasonable grounds for believing in the truth of the
    documents they recorded. Instead, plaintiff alleges that Capital
    One and T.D. Service were deemed to be constructively aware of
    his competing claim to title due to his recording of the wild deed.
    However, the existence of the wild deed did not defeat the
    reasonableness of Capital One’s or T.D. Service’s belief in the
    legitimacy of the nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings they were
    pursuing. We may judicially notice the 2007 deed of trust and
    subsequent recordings naming T.D. Service as trustee, even if the
    trial court did not so notice them. (Evid. Code, §§ 452, subd. (c)
    [judicial notice of “[o]fficial acts” permitted], 459 [judicial notice
    by appellate courts permitted]; Yvanova v. New Century
    Mortgage Corp. (2016) 
    62 Cal. 4th 919
    , 924 & fn. 1 (Yvanova)
    [noting propriety of taking judicial notice of deed of trust,
    assignment of deed of trust, notice of default, notice of sale, and
    trustee’s deed upon sale].) These documents establish an
    unbroken chain of title that make reasonable T.D. Service’s belief
    in the legitimacy of the nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings and
    Capital One’s belief in the legitimacy of the sale that concluded
    those proceedings.
    Plaintiff asserts that it is inappropriate for us to give
    judicially noticed documents greater weight than the allegations
    in his operative complaint. Doing so, he complains, amounts to
    the resolution of evidentiary questions, which is impermissible on
    demurrer. Plaintiff is incorrect. He is wrong on the law because,
    as noted above, courts may—and, indeed, must—disregard
    allegations that are contrary to judicially noticed facts and
    documents. (See 
    Evans, supra
    , 38 Cal.4th at p. 20.) More to the
    point, he is wrong on the facts because our conclusion that
    judicially noticed documents provided T.D. Service and Capital
    One a reasonable basis to believe in the viability of the
    nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings (and the truth of the
    documents they recorded as part of those proceedings) is not a
    conclusion that their belief is accurate (or that plaintiff’s wild
    deed is invalid).
    For these reasons, the demurrer was properly sustained.3
    B.    Was leave to amend properly denied?
    There is also no “reasonable possibility [that] an
    amendment . . . would cure the complaint’s legal defect.”
    (Yvanova, supra
    , 62 Cal.4th at p. 924; accord, 
    Blank, supra
    3     Because we resolve the demurrer on this basis, we have no
    occasion to decide whether plaintiff also lacked standing to
    prosecute a slander of title claim.
    39 Cal.3d at p. 318.) That is because the documents forming the
    basis for plaintiff’s slander of title claim are at least conditionally
    privileged and the judicially noticed chain of title preceding the
    recording of those documents definitively establishes the absence
    of malice. Plaintiff offers no argument on appeal as to how he
    could amend the complaint to cure this fatal defect in his slander
    of title claim.
    II.     Motion for reconsideration
    Plaintiff also argues that the trial court erred in denying
    his motion for reconsideration under Code of Civil Procedure
    section 1008, subdivision (a). We review a court’s ruling on a
    motion for reconsideration for an abuse of discretion. (New York
    Times Co. v. Superior Court (2005) 
    135 Cal. App. 4th 206
    , 212-
    213.) Plaintiff’s motion did not raise new factual allegations or
    demonstrate any change in circumstances or law that would call
    into question the court’s ruling on demurrer. (Code Civ. Proc,
    § 1008, subd. (a) [requiring moving party show new or different
    facts, circumstances, or law and an explanation for not producing
    the new information at the original hearing]; accord, Yolo County
    Dept. of Child Support Services v. Myers (2016) 
    248 Cal. App. 4th 42
    , 50.) There was no abuse of discretion.
    The judgment is affirmed. Capital One is entitled to its
    costs on appeal.
    ______________________, J.
    We concur:
    _________________________, Acting P. J.
    _________________________, J.*
    *     Retired judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court, assigned
    by the Chief Justice pursuant to article VI, section 6 of the
    California Constitution.