Marenco v. DirecTV , 233 Cal. App. 4th 1409 ( 2015 )

  • Filed 2/5/15
    FRANCISCO MARENCO,                                 B238421
    Plaintiff and Appellant,                   (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. BC434357)
    Defendant and Respondent.
    APPEAL from a judgment (order) of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County,
    Alan S. Rosenfield, Judge. Affirmed.
    Karasik Law Firm and Gregory N. Karasik for Plaintiff and Appellant.
    O’Melveny & Myers, Apalla U. Chopra, Beata L. Ng, and Adam Karr for
    Defendant and Respondent.
    In this putative class action, plaintiff Francisco Marenco contends that defendant
    DirecTV LLC violated state wage and unfair competition laws. (Lab. Code, § 212; Bus.
    & Prof. Code, § 17200 (UCL).) DirecTV moved to compel arbitration as the successor to
    an arbitration agreement between Marenco and his previous employer, 180 Connect, Inc.,
    which was acquired by DirecTV. The trial court granted the motion over Marenco’s
    objections that DirecTV is not a signatory to the agreement, and that the agreement’s
    class action waiver is unconscionable under state law.
    In this appeal from the judgment (order) staying the class claims and compelling
    arbitration of the individual claims, we conclude that DirecTV has standing to enforce the
    agreement, that the agreement’s class action waiver is enforceable under AT&T Mobility
    LLC v. Concepcion (2011) 563 U.S. ___, 
    131 S. Ct. 1740
    (Concepcion), and that the
    California Supreme Court’s recent decision in Iskanian v. CLS Transportation Los
    Angeles LLC (2014) 
    59 Cal. 4th 348
    (Iskanian), which was issued while this appeal was
    pending, is controlling.
    Before it was acquired by DirecTV, 180 Connect entered into an employment
    arbitration agreement with Marenco. The agreement required both parties to submit all
    claims arising from and related to the employment relationship to binding arbitration.1
    1   The arbitration agreement included the following provisions:
    “In consideration of the Employee’s employment with 180 Connect (and/or any of
    its affiliates) as good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are
    hereby acknowledged, the Employee and 180 Connect agree that, except as otherwise
    provided in this Agreement, any claim, controversy and/or dispute between them, arising
    out of and/or in any way related to Employee’s application for employment, employment,
    and/or termination of employment, whenever and wherever brought, shall be resolved by
    “Except as it otherwise provides, this Agreement requires all such disputes that
    have not otherwise been resolved to be resolved only by an arbitrator through final and
    binding arbitration and not by way of court or jury trial. Such disputes include without
    limitation disputes arising out of or relating to interpretation or application of this
    Agreement, but not as to the enforceability or validity of the Agreement or any portion of
    The agreement prohibited filing a class or collective action, or a representative or private
    attorney general action2 on behalf of a class of persons or the general public.
    After acquiring 180 Connect, DirecTV retained 180 Connect’s employees,
    including Marenco. Marenco continued working for DirecTV until February 2010.
    In 2012, Marenco filed the present action against DirecTV. In the operative
    pleading, the first amended complaint, he alleged that DirecTV had issued “ADP
    the Agreement. Issues arising out of or related to the enforceability or validity of this
    Agreement are governed by the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. §§ 1 et seq. The
    Agreement also applies, without limitation, to disputes regarding the employment
    relationship, trade secrets, unfair competition, compensation, breaks and rest periods,
    termination, or harassment and claims arising under the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Civil
    Rights Act of 1964, Americans With Disabilities Act, Age Discrimination in
    Employment Act, Family Medical Leave Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, Employee
    Retirement Income Security Act, and state statutes, if any, addressing the same or similar
    subject matters, and all other state statutory and common law claims (excluding workers
    compensation, state disability insurance, unemployment insurance claims, and claims for
    benefits from a 180 Connect-sponsored ‘employee benefit plan,’ as that term is defined in
    29 U.S.C. § 1002(3)). . . .”
    “In arbitration, the parties will have the right to conduct civil discovery and bring
    motions, as provided by the forum State’s procedural rules. However, there will be no
    right or authority for any dispute to be brought, heard or arbitrated as a class or
    collective action, or in a representative or private attorney general capacity on behalf of
    a class of persons or the general public.” (Italics added.)
    “Each party will pay the fees for his, her, or its own attorneys, subject to any
    remedies to which that party may later be entitled under applicable law. However, in all
    cases where required by law, 180 Connect will pay the arbitrator’s and arbitration fees. If
    under applicable law 180 Connect is not required to pay all of the arbitrator’s and/or
    arbitration fees, such fee(s) will be apportioned between the parties by the arbitrator in
    accordance with said applicable law.”
    “An Employee may submit a form stating that the Employee wishes to opt out and
    not be subject to this Agreement. . . . An Employee choosing to opt out will not be
    subject to any adverse employment action as a consequence of that decision.”
    “The parties acknowledge that this Agreement shall not alter the at-will nature of
    their employment relationship. This Agreement is the full and complete Agreement
    relating to the formal resolution of employment-related disputes. Nothing contained in
    this Agreement shall be construed to prevent or excuse an Employee from utilizing 180
    Connect’s existing internal procedures for resolution of complaints.”
    2   Private Attorneys General Act of 2004 (PAGA) (Lab. Code, § 2698 et seq.).
    TotalPay debit cards” (debit cards) in payment of wages to the putative class of employee
    plaintiffs. Plaintiffs who used their debit cards to withdraw cash at ATM machines were
    required to pay an activation fee of either $.50 or $3.50, and a cash withdrawal fee.
    These fees resulted in DirecTV’s failure to pay plaintiffs’ full wages in violation of the
    UCL and Labor Code section 212—which requires that instruments issued for payment
    of wages must be negotiable and payable in cash, on demand, and without discount. The
    complaint, which did not include a representative PAGA claim for civil penalties,
    requested statutory damages, penalty wages, restitution, prejudgment interest, costs, and
    attorney fees on behalf of the putative class.
    As successor to 180 Connect’s rights and obligations under the arbitration
    agreement, DirecTV moved to compel arbitration of Marenco’s individual claims, and
    stay the class claims. In support of this motion, DirecTV submitted the declaration of its
    assistant secretary Janet Williamson. She attested that during the acquisition of 180
    Connect, DirecTV had assumed all of 180 Connect’s assets, debts, rights, responsibilities,
    liabilities and obligations, including “all the rights and obligations arising from 180
    Connect, Inc.’s employee relationships.”
    In opposition to the motion to compel, Marenco argued that as a nonsignatory,
    DirecTV lacked standing to enforce the arbitration agreement. He also argued that the
    agreement’s waiver of the employee’s right to bring class claims and representative
    PAGA claims was unconscionable and unenforceable under California law.
    After initially granting DirecTV’s motion to compel, the trial court granted
    Marenco’s request for a rehearing. Before the rehearing date, the United States Supreme
    Court issued its decision in 
    Concepcion, supra
    131 S. Ct. 1740
    , which held that the
    Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) preempts the California rule of unconscionability set forth
    in Discover Bank v. Superior Court (2005) 
    36 Cal. 4th 148
    (Discover Bank).
    Concepcion, supra
    , 131 S.Ct. at p. 1748.)
    On rehearing the motion to compel, the trial court ordered arbitration of
    Marenco’s individual claims. The court found that: (1) as successor to 180 Connect’s
    rights and obligations, DirecTV had standing to enforce the arbitration agreement; (2) the
    agreement’s class action waiver is not unconscionable under state law because, according
    to Concepcion, the FAA preempts the Discover Bank rule of unconscionability; and
    (3) the agreement’s prohibition of PAGA representative actions does not violate the
    National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) (29 U.S.C. § 157). This appeal followed.
    As a preliminary matter, we must decide whether the trial court’s order granting
    DirecTV’s motion to stay the class claims and compel arbitration of Marenco’s individual
    claims is appealable. Because the issue is jurisdictional (Koshak v. Malek (2011) 
    200 Cal. App. 4th 1540
    , 1544), we raised it on our own motion and invited the parties to
    present further briefing and be prepared to argue the point at oral argument.
    Although an order denying a motion to compel arbitration is appealable, an order
    granting a motion to compel arbitration generally is not. (Code Civ. Proc., § 1294,
    subd. (a); Nelsen v. Legacy Partners Residential, Inc. (2012) 
    207 Cal. App. 4th 1115
    1122–1123.) Recognizing this, Marenco invoked the so-called “death knell” doctrine in
    his notice of appeal, citing In re Baycol Cases I and II (2011) 
    51 Cal. 4th 751
    , 757
    (Baycol). Marenco also cited the death knell doctrine in his opening brief, and no
    challenge to the doctrine’s application was raised by DirecTV in its respondent’s brief.
    The death knell doctrine applies where an order effectively terminates class claims
    and preserves only the plaintiff’s individual claims. As the Supreme Court explained in
    Baycol, the doctrine applies where the order “amounts to a de facto final judgment for
    absent plaintiffs, under circumstances where . . . the persistence of viable but perhaps de
    minimis individual plaintiff claims creates a risk no formal final judgment will ever be
    entered . . . .” 
    (Baycol, supra
    , 51 Cal.4th at p. 759.) The doctrine addresses the concern
    that a single plaintiff may lack incentive to pursue his or her individual claims to
    judgment, thereby foreclosing review of class issues. (Id. at p. 758.) This case fits within
    that description because there is little incentive for a single plaintiff, such as Marenco, to
    pursue de minimis individual claims for reimbursement of ATM cash withdrawal fees
    and debit card activation fees ranging from $.50 to $3.50. Marenco states that his
    potential recovery—a $3.00 debit card activation fee and $5,510 in penalty wages—is too
    small to pursue on an individual basis.
    However, this case does not fall within the death knell doctrine’s procedural
    requirements as discussed in Sandquist v. Lebo Automotive, Inc. (2014) 
    228 Cal. App. 4th 65
    , 72–75. According to Sandquist, the doctrine applies only if there is a final order
    dismissing the class claims with prejudice. In this case, our record does not indicate the
    status of the class claims, which were not mentioned in the order granting the motion to
    compel arbitration; presumably, they were stayed. (See Code Civ. Proc., § 1281.4 [action
    must be stayed pending completion of court-ordered arbitration].) At oral argument, we
    were informed that the class claims have not been dismissed. In contrast with its
    respondent’s brief, DirecTV argued at the hearing that under Sandquist, the death knell
    doctrine does not apply, and the order compelling arbitration is not appealable.
    Assuming the order is not appealable, we exercise our discretion to treat the appeal
    as a petition for a writ of mandate. (See Szetela v. Discover Bank (2002) 
    97 Cal. App. 4th 1094
    , 1098.) This is appropriate because the question of DirecTV’s standing as a
    successor in interest, which both parties have extensively briefed, is an issue of first
    impression that will otherwise evade appellate review. (See Olson v. Cory (1983) 
    35 Cal. 3d 390
    , 401.)
    Code of Civil Procedure section 1281.2 allows a party to an arbitration agreement
    to petition to compel arbitration. By stating that a party to an arbitration agreement may
    petition to compel arbitration, the statute assumes that a proceeding to compel arbitration
    will be between the signatories to the agreement. (Thomas v. Westlake (2012) 
    204 Cal. App. 4th 605
    , 614, fn. 6.)
    Marenco argues that as a nonsignatory, DirecTV lacks standing to enforce the
    arbitration agreement. He relies on the rule that “[b]ecause arbitration is a matter of
    contract, generally “‘one must be a party to an arbitration agreement to be bound by it or
    invoke it.”’ (Molecular Analytical [Systems v. Ciphergen Biosystems LLC (2010)] 186
    Cal.App.4th [696], 706 . . . .)” (DMS Services, Inc. (2012) 
    205 Cal. App. 4th 1346
    , 1352.)
    Marenco contends that he never agreed to arbitrate any disputes with DirecTV. (See
    Rodriguez v. Superior Court (2009) 
    176 Cal. App. 4th 1461
    , 1468 [in order for an
    arbitration agreement to be valid, there must be mutual consent of the parties].)
    “The party seeking arbitration bears the burden of proving the existence of an
    arbitration agreement, and the party opposing arbitration bears the burden of proving any
    defense, such as unconscionability. [Citation.]” (Pinnacle Museum Tower Assn. v.
    Pinnacle Market Development (U.S.), LLC (2012) 
    55 Cal. 4th 223
    , 236 (Pinnacle).)
    Where, as here, there are no disputed issues of fact, we determine whether a nonsignatory
    may enforce an arbitration agreement under the de novo standard of review. (See
    Daniels v. Sunrise Senior Living, Inc. (2013) 
    212 Cal. App. 4th 674
    , 680 [whether an
    arbitration agreement is binding on a nonsignatory is a question of law subject to de novo
    Nonsignatory defendants may enforce arbitration agreements “where there is
    sufficient identity of parties.” (Valley Casework, Inc. v. Comfort Construction, Inc.
    76 Cal. App. 4th 1013
    , 1021.) Enforcement is permitted where the nonsignatory is
    the agent for a party to the arbitration agreement (id. at p. 1021, citing Dryer v. Los
    Angeles Rams (1985) 
    40 Cal. 3d 406
    , 418), or the nonsignatory is a third party beneficiary
    of the agreement (Valley 
    Casework, supra
    , 76 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1021–1022). In
    addition, a nonsignatory may enforce an arbitration agreement under the doctrine of
    equitable estoppel. The doctrine applies where, for example, a signatory plaintiff sues a
    nonsignatory defendant for claims that are based on an underlying contract. In such
    instance, the plaintiff may be equitably estopped to deny the nonsignatory defendant’s
    right to enforce an arbitration clause that is contained within the contract that the plaintiff
    has placed at issue. (See Molecular Analytical Systems v. Ciphergen Biosystems, 
    Inc., supra
    , 186 Cal.App.4th at p. 706.)
    In this case, we must decide whether a nonsignatory defendant may enforce an
    arbitration agreement between a signatory plaintiff and a corporation that was acquired
    by the nonsignatory defendant, which assumed all of the rights and obligations of the
    acquired corporation. We have found no California cases on this point.
    The arbitration agreement stated that issues related to the enforceability or validity
    of the agreement would be governed by the FAA. One of the cardinal principles of
    arbitration, whether under the FAA or California law, is that “arbitration . . . ‘is a matter
    of consent, not coercion.’ [Citation.] Thus, ‘“a party cannot be required to submit to
    arbitration any dispute which he has not agreed so to submit.”‘ [Citations.]” 
    (Pinnacle, supra
    , 55 Cal.4th at p. 236.)
    Under the FAA, state contract law applies in order to “‘determine whether the
    parties have entered a binding agreement to arbitrate.’ [Citations.] Generally, an
    arbitration agreement must be memorialized in writing. [Citation.] A party’s acceptance
    of an agreement to arbitrate may be express, as where a party signs the agreement. A
    signed agreement is not necessary, however, and a party’s acceptance may be implied in
    fact (e.g., Craig [v. Brown & Root, Inc. (2000) 
    84 Cal. App. 4th 416
    ,] at p. 420
    [employee’s continued employment constitutes acceptance of an arbitration agreement
    proposed by the employer]) or be effectuated by delegated consent [citation]. An
    arbitration clause within a contract may be binding on a party even if the party never
    actually read the clause. (24 Hour Fitness, Inc. v. Superior Court (1998) 
    66 Cal. App. 4th 1199
    , 1215.)” 
    (Pinnacle, supra
    , 55 Cal.4th at p. 236.)
    In Craig v. Brown & Root, 
    Inc., supra
    84 Cal. App. 4th 416
    , an employee (Craig)
    sued her employer for wrongful termination; the employer petitioned to compel
    arbitration; and the petition was granted. In her appeal from the order confirming the
    arbitration award, Craig challenged the sufficiency of the evidence to prove the existence
    of an arbitration agreement. The evidence showed that on the one hand, the employer’s
    documents setting forth its dispute resolution procedure and binding arbitration
    requirement had been mailed to Craig’s home address and had not been returned. On the
    other hand, Craig provided an “equivocal denial of receipt.” (84 Cal.App.4th at p. 421.)
    The trial court’s finding that Craig had received the documents was deemed binding on
    appeal. (Ibid.) Based on Craig’s continued employment after receiving those documents,
    the appellate court found there was a binding agreement to arbitrate: “General principles
    of contract law determine whether the parties have entered a binding agreement to
    arbitrate. (Chan v. Drexel Burnham Lambert, Inc. (1986) 
    178 Cal. App. 3d 632
    , 640–641.)
    This means that a party’s acceptance of an agreement to arbitrate may be express (e.g.,
    Mago v. Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. (9th Cir. 1992) 
    956 F.2d 932
    [agreement to
    arbitrate included in job application]; Nghiem v. NEC Electronic, Inc. (9th Cir. 1994) 
    25 F.3d 1437
    [agreement to arbitrate included in handbook executed by employee]; Lagatree
    v. Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps (1999) 
    74 Cal. App. 4th 1105
    [employer may
    terminate employee who refuses to sign agreement to arbitrate]) or implied-in-fact where,
    as here, the employee’s continued employment constitutes her acceptance of an
    agreement proposed by her employer (Asmus v. Pacific Bell (2000) 
    23 Cal. 4th 1
    , 11
    [implied acceptance of changed rules regarding job security]; DiGiacinto v. Ameriko-
    Omserv Corp. (1997) 
    59 Cal. App. 4th 629
    , 635 [implied acceptance of changed
    compensation rules]).” (Craig v. Brown & Root, 
    Inc., supra
    , 84 Cal.App.4th at pp. 420–
    DirecTV relied on the Williamson declaration to establish that as a result of its
    acquisition of 180 Connect, it retained 180 Connect’s employees and assumed all of the
    rights and obligations arising from its employment relationships, including the arbitration
    agreement between 180 Connect and Marenco. In response to our inquiry whether that
    declaration was sufficient to establish the existence of a merger under Corporations Code
    section 1107, subdivision (a),3 Marenco argued the declaration was not sufficient. He
    stated that “[a]t most, the Williamson declaration asserts only that DIRECTV ‘purchased’
    3 “Upon merger pursuant to this chapter the separate existence of the disappearing
    corporations ceases and the surviving corporation shall succeed, without other transfer, to
    all the rights and property of each of the disappearing corporations and shall be subject to
    all the debts and liabilities of each in the same manner as if the surviving corporation had
    itself incurred them.” (Corp. Code, § 1107, subd. (a).)
    180 Connect and ‘assumed’ its rights and liabilities. The Williamson declaration does
    not remotely establish that 180 Connect ceased to exist or was ‘dead.’”4
    In response, DirecTV argued that the requirements of a Corporations Code section
    1107 merger were met in this case: 180 Connect—the disappearing corporation—no
    longer exists; and DirecTV—the surviving corporation—succeeded to all rights and
    liabilities of the disappearing corporation. (See Maudlin v. Pacific Decision Sciences
    Corp. (2006) 
    137 Cal. App. 4th 1001
    , 1016; McClellan v. Northridge Park Townhome
    Owners Assn. (2001) 
    89 Cal. App. 4th 746
    , 753–754 [when one corporation is acquired by
    another, the purchasing corporation will become liable for the debts and liabilities of the
    acquired corporation if it expressly or impliedly agrees to such assumption]; Friedman et
    al., Cal. Practice Guide: Corporations (The Rutter Group 2014) ¶ 8:191, pp. 8-59 (rev. #1
    2014)) [on effective date of merger, disappearing corporation ceases to exist and is
    absorbed by surviving corporation, which inherits by operation of law all of its business,
    assets, rights and liabilities].)
    By suing DirecTV for unpaid wages, Marenco acknowledged the existence of an
    employment relationship with the entity that survived the merger. DirecTV, the
    surviving corporation, assumed all of the disappearing corporation’s rights and liabilities,
    including the obligations owed to the disappearing corporation’s employees. Although
    DirecTV was not a signatory to the employment arbitration agreement between Marenco
    and 180 Connect, there is no doubt that the agreement formed one of the terms of
    Marenco’s employment. When Marenco sued DirecTV for violating the terms of his
    employment, DirecTV was entitled to invoke the arbitration clause to compel Marenco,
    as a signatory plaintiff, to arbitrate his claims pursuant to the employment agreement. As
    the court stated in Boucher v. Alliance Title Company, Inc. (2005) 
    127 Cal. App. 4th 262
    271–272: “[U]nder both federal and California decisional authority, a nonsignatory
    4In his supplemental letter brief, Marenco raised evidentiary objections to the
    Williamson declaration (lack of personal knowledge, lack of foundation, hearsay, best
    evidence rule) that were not mentioned in the opening or reply briefs. We deem these
    objections to have been waived. (See Stoll v. Shuff (1994) 
    22 Cal. App. 4th 22
    , 25, fn. 1.)
    defendant may invoke an arbitration clause to compel a signatory plaintiff to arbitrate its
    claims when the causes of action against the nonsignatory are ‘intimately founded in and
    intertwined’ with the underlying contract obligations. [Citations.] By relying on contract
    terms in a claim against a nonsignatory defendant, even if not exclusively, a plaintiff may
    be equitably estopped from repudiating the arbitration clause contained in that agreement.
    We would reach the same conclusion regardless of whether 180 Connect
    disappeared on the date of the merger. The evidence is undisputed that DirecTV acquired
    all of 180 Connect’s assets, employees, rights, and liabilities. There is no indication that
    the original terms of Marenco’s employment were modified, superseded, revoked,
    canceled, or nullified in any manner. The record thus supports a reasonable inference
    that the 180 Connect employees who continued working after the merger implicitly
    accepted DirecTV’s decision to maintain their existing terms of employment, including
    the arbitration agreement. (See 
    Pinnacle, supra
    , 55 Cal.4th at pp. 236–246 [continued
    employment constitutes acceptance of arbitration agreement proposed by successor
    employer].) Marenco offers no persuasive authority to refute the general contract law
    principle that his continued employment provided implied consent to maintaining the
    existing terms of employment, including the arbitration agreement. (See Boucher v.
    Alliance Title Company, 
    Inc., supra
    , 127 Cal.App.4th at pp. 271–272.)
    Marenco does not argue that the arbitration agreement was modified or rescinded,
    but simply argues that because DirecTV did not sign the agreement, it lacks standing to
    enforce it. Under these circumstances, the fact that Marenco did not sign a new
    arbitration agreement with DirecTV is not a sufficient basis to invalidate his original
    agreement that constituted one of the established terms of his employment and was never
    extinguished, rescinded, altered, or revised. Based on the record and arguments
    presented to us, Marenco’s continued employment with DirecTV served as his implied
    consent to preserving the original terms of employment, including the arbitration
    agreement. Our determination is consistent with the established principle that “[a]
    voluntary acceptance of the benefit of a transaction is equivalent to a consent to all the
    obligations arising from it, so far as the facts are known, or ought to be known, to the
    person accepting.” (Civ. Code, § 1589; El Escorial Owners’ Assn. v. DLC Plastering,
    Inc. (2007) 
    154 Cal. App. 4th 1337
    , 1360; see Prograph International, Inc. v. Barhydt
    (N.D.Cal. 1996) 
    928 F. Supp. 983
    , 991 [nonsignatory successors and alleged alter egos
    may enforce arbitration agreements signed by the corporations whose liabilities they have
    Shortly before DirecTV’s motion to compel arbitration was granted, the United
    States Supreme Court issued the Concepcion decision (
    131 S. Ct. 1740
    ), which overruled
    the Discover Bank rule of unconscionability regarding class arbitration waivers in
    consumer contracts. Because Concepcion did not address Gentry v. Superior Court
    42 Cal. 4th 443
    (Gentry), which found certain class action waivers in employment
    arbitration agreements to be unenforceable, Marenco urged the trial court to invalidate
    the agreement’s class action waiver under Gentry. The trial court, however, upheld the
    class action waiver and this appeal followed.
    While this appeal was pending, the California Supreme Court issued the Iskanian
    decision. Based on Concepcion, the court concluded that Gentry’s rule—that certain
    class action waivers in employment arbitration agreements are invalid under state law—is
    preempted by the FAA. 
    (Iskanian, supra
    , 59 Cal.4th at p. 366.) Marenco’s argument on
    appeal—that the agreement’s class action waiver is unenforceable under Gentry—was
    rejected by Iskanian, which is binding on this court. (Auto Equity Sales, Inc. v. Superior
    Court (1962) 
    57 Cal. 2d 450
    , 455.)
    Marenco contends the trial court erred in finding the arbitration agreement’s
    PAGA waiver does not violate the NLRA. Since the complaint does not indicate that
    Marenco seeks to bring a representative PAGA claim, that issue is not before us for
    review. We note, however, that while the appeal was pending, the California Supreme
    Court held that PAGA waivers are contrary to public policy and unenforceable as a
    matter of state law. 
    (Iskanian, supra
    , 59 Cal.4th at pp. 383–384.)5 The Supreme Court
    also held that the NLRA does not prohibit class action waivers in employment arbitration
    (Iskanian, supra
    , 59 Cal.4th at p. 372, citing D.R. Horton, Inc. v. NLRB
    (5th Cir. 2013) 
    737 F.3d 344
    The judgment (order) staying the class claims and compelling arbitration of
    Marenco’s individual claims is affirmed. DirecTV is awarded its costs on appeal.
    EPSTEIN, P. J.
    We concur:
    5 We recognize that of the federal district courts to pass on this issue in this state
    the majority have found PAGA waivers to be enforceable under the FAA and
    Concepcion. (Ortiz v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. (E.D. Cal. 2014) ___ F.Supp.3d ___,
    ___ [listing unpublished district court cases in which PAGA waivers were found to be
    enforceable].) However, decisions of lower federal courts interpreting federal law,
    although persuasive, are not binding on state courts. (Godfrey v. Oakland Port Services
    Corp. (2014) 
    230 Cal. App. 4th 1267
    , 1277, fn.10.) Until the United States Supreme Court
    resolves this issue, we are bound under the doctrine of stare decisis to follow the
    California Supreme Court’s decision in Iskanian that PAGA waivers are invalid under
    state law. (Auto Equity Sales, Inc. v. Superior 
    Court, supra
    , 57 Cal.2d at p. 455; see 9
    Witkin, Cal. Proc. (5th ed. 2008) Appeal, § 492, p. 551.)