People v. Resendez ( 2017 )

  • Filed 6/30/17
    THE PEOPLE,                            B269608
    Plaintiff and Respondent,       (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. KA110015)
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County, Mike Camacho, Judge. Affirmed.
    Rachel Varnell, under appointment by the Court of Appeal,
    for Defendant and Appellant.
    Xavier Becerra, Attorney General, Gerald A. Engler, Chief
    Assistant Attorney General, Lance E. Winters, Assistant
    Attorney General, Shawn McGahey Webb and David A. Voet,
    Deputy Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    Defendant Michael Resendez appeals following his jury
    conviction of (1) assault by means of force likely to produce great
    bodily injury with a gang enhancement and (2) assault with a
    deadly weapon. The jury also found true great bodily injury and
    prior prison enhancements. On appeal, defendant argues that
    under People v. Prunty (2015) 
    62 Cal.4th 59
     (Prunty), the
    prosecution failed to present sufficient evidence of predicate
    offenses to establish the existence of a criminal street gang under
    the California Street Terrorism Enforcement and Prevention Act
    (the STEP Act, Pen. Code, § 186.20 et seq.).1 We disagree.
    Prunty holds that ―when the prosecution seeks to prove the
    street gang enhancement by showing a defendant committed a
    felony to benefit a given gang, but establishes the commission of
    the required predicate offenses with evidence of crimes
    committed by members of the gang‘s alleged subsets, it must
    prove a connection between the gang and the subsets.‖ (Prunty,
    supra, 62 Cal.4th at pp. 67-68.) In Prunty, there was no evidence
    of such a connection. Here, the evidence was ample. Accordingly,
    we affirm the judgment.
    On February 7, 2015 in Baldwin Park, defendant attacked
    Eliseo A., who was traveling by bicycle from the grocery store
    toward home. Just before his assault on Mr. A., defendant rode
    his bicycle past Mr. A. and yelled, ―East Side Bolen.‖ Mr. A.
    replied, ―What did you say?‖ Defendant then got off his bike, and
    punched Mr. A. on the left eye and back of his head. Mr. A. hit
    defendant twice and then took him to the ground and held him
    there. While on the ground, defendant kicked Mr. A. in the head
    1     All further statutory references are to the Penal Code.
    several times, bit his left wrist, and put his fingers in Mr. A.‘s left
    eye. Mr. A. told defendant that he was not a gang member.
    During the struggle, defendant said things like: ―This is my
    varrio,‖ ―Get this bitch off me,‖ and ―Homies come help me.‖2
    Police arrived and arrested defendant. While he was being
    transported to the hospital, defendant stated to police: ―I‘ll fuck
    that fool up. This is my varrio, East Side Bolen.‖ In prior
    contacts with the arresting officer, defendant had previously
    identified himself as an East Side Bolen gang member and, when
    asked, did not deny that his moniker was ―Money Mike.‖
    At trial, the victim and arresting officer testified to the
    events we have just described. In addition, the parties presented
    the following evidence.
    1.     Detective Acuna
    Baldwin Park Police Detective Adam Acuna testified as an
    expert on criminal street gangs in Baldwin Park. He identified
    defendant as an East Side Bolen gang member from the Locos
    clique, based on prior consensual interactions Detective Acuna
    had had with defendant and on defendant‘s tattoos. The East
    Side Bolens had five cliques (smaller groups or subsets within the
    larger gang): the Locos, Rascals, Midgetcharros, Charros, and
    Detective Acuna testified that southern Hispanic gang
    members ―are very territorial and that‘s what they pride
    themselves on is respect and territory. Being territorial is what
    they . . . claim, what their neighborhood is, whatever they want
    to claim their boundaries and respect. It‘s what they have.‖ He
    2      We need not provide further details of the underlying
    assault, because defendant‘s only argument on appeal is the
    sufficiency of the evidence of the gang allegations.
    elaborated that East Side Bolen gang members ―challenge any
    outsider that was there and because that‘s their territory. If they
    are not familiar with you, you didn‘t grow up there, you are not
    from that neighborhood, they are going to question you.‖
    Detective Acuna testified that four rival gangs claim
    territory within Baldwin Park. The four gangs are East Side
    Bolen (defendant‘s gang), North Side Bolen, Kings Have Arrived,
    and South Side Des Madre. The boundaries of the East Side
    Bolen territory are, from the north, Ramona Boulevard east of
    the 605 Freeway; to the east, to the border with West Covina; and
    to the south, to Puente Avenue. There are also some factions of
    East Side Bolen north of Ramona Boulevard, on Los Angeles
    Street, Merced and Walnut, all east of the 605 Freeway.
    Detective Acuna testified there are about 500 documented
    members of East Side Bolen (including all the cliques). This
    number includes those in custody, not in custody, and those who
    had moved out of Baldwin Park. Only a small group of about
    20 members are dedicated and active, out of custody and still on
    the streets, and defendant was among this small group when he
    committed the assault in this case.
    Detective Acuna described East Side Bolen‘s primary
    criminal activities, and opined that the attack on a victim like
    Mr. A. was committed to benefit the gang as a whole by instilling
    fear of the gang members in the community. This fear was
    intended to facilitate the commission of future crimes by gang
    members with impunity.
    Detective Acuna also testified to the predicate felonies
    committed by Francisco Marin and Juan Ledezma, both of whom
    self-identify with the larger East Side Bolen gang in addition to
    the Rascals subset. Detective Acuna testified, ―I have several
    contacts with Francisco Marin. He goes by Tiny by East Side
    Bolen Parque as well from the Rascals clique, which is another
    subset within East Side Bolen. He was convicted of possession of
    firearm where he fought and ran from officers during this
    incident.‖ Further, Detective Acuna testified, ―Juan Ledezma is
    also an East Side Bolen Parque gang member from the Rascals
    clique, who goes by Sicko. He was also arrested and convicted
    with possession of a firearm. He participated with other East
    Side Bolen Parque gang members.‖
    2.     Additional Testimony
    In addition to the expert testimony of Detective Acuna, four
    other witnesses testified. Joshua Patino and Carmelo Placeres,
    incarcerated members of the East Side Bolen gang (who are
    members of the Rascals and Midgetcharros subsets, respectively),
    agreed to be removed from prison to testify as character
    witnesses for defendant. Ryan Felton and Jeffrey Honeycutt,
    officers with the Baldwin Park Police Department, testified as
    rebuttal witnesses for the prosecution.
    a.    Mr. Patino
    Mr. Patino testified that defendant ―had to pull [him] down
    from prison to come here for [defendant],‖ and that he ―wanted to
    come for [defendant].‖ Mr. Patino is serving a 13-year sentence
    for robbery and for beating up his cellmate in prison, who he
    described as ―a rapist.‖ Mr. Patino, who has known defendant for
    about 13 years, described defendant as loyal, respectful, humble,
    trustworthy, reliable, and honest. Defendant gives a person,
    ―whoever it was, total respect, either if he‘s a cop, a girl, guy, you
    know.‖ He testified defendant ―would take [his] shirt off for me,‖
    and that ―I would trust you--I would leave my girl around you,‖ to
    which defendant replied, ―I trust you the same way, fool.‖
    Defendant, who represented himself at trial, said during
    his examination of Mr. Patino that he wished he had been there
    when Mr. Patino beat up his cellmate in prison, and that
    Mr. Patino ―should have got a purple heart or something.‖
    Mr. Patino testified that if defendant had been there, he would
    have expected defendant to back him up.
    b.    Mr. Placeres
    Mr. Placeres testified he is a member of the Midgetcharros
    clique. He described defendant as ―good hearted‖ and a ―good
    person‖ who ―looks out for folks around him, like family.‖ When
    asked by defendant to further describe his character,
    Mr. Placeres replied, ―Respectful. Loyal. To those who deserve
    it, you know, you‘re an upstanding guy in I guess in our culture,
    you know.‖ Mr. Placeres described the tattoo on his own forehead
    that says ―Bolen‖ as ―pretty big,‖ yet also testified he ―know[s]‖
    himself as from East Side Bolen Midgetcharros; ―[p]retty much
    like in my eyes I‘m a Charro and that‘s it.‖
    c.    Officer Felton
    Officer Felton testified as a rebuttal witness, describing
    defendant‘s disrespectful behavior toward the police and others.
    Officer Felton testified to defendant‘s behavior, in concert
    with another East Side Bolen gang member, in a park in territory
    claimed by their gang. Officer Felton saw defendant with his
    fellow gang member, Paul Pacheco, and Mr. Pacheco‘s brother,
    ―sitting there smoking, hanging out‖ at a picnic table with several
    different drugs and open beer cans spread out on the table.
    Officer Felton told them all to put their hands up; none complied;
    he told them to have a seat; Mr. Pacheco did not comply.
    Defendant told Mr. Pacheco, ―Come on, we got this. Let‘s fight
    him. We can do this. Fuck this guy. He‘s not going to do
    anything.‖ Defendant called Officer Felton a ―pussy‖; said, ―Take
    off your badge, bitch. Let‘s do this right now‖; and said ―I‘ll fuck
    you up.‖ Other officers arrived. Mr. Pacheco and defendant both
    tried to fight and get away from the officers.
    Officer Felton also testified that he had talked with one of
    defendant‘s character witnesses, Mr. Patino, about his
    (Mr. Patino‘s) gang membership, and that Mr. Patino told him
    ―[t]hat he‘s an Eastsider,‖ and ―I believe he‘s a member of their
    Rascals clique.‖
    d.     Officer Honeycutt
    Officer Honeycutt is now an undercover narcotics officer
    but previously was a gang officer with the Baldwin Park Police
    Department. He testified to an encounter he had with defendant
    in jail when he and other officers attempted to speak with him
    and complete a field information card. Defendant appeared to be
    under the influence, was very angry and upset, and refused to
    speak to them other than to yell profanities at them.
    Officer Honeycutt was also familiar with both of
    defendant‘s character witnesses. He testified both men claimed
    membership in East Side Bolen Parque, though he was uncertain
    which subsets they claimed. Officer Honeycutt testified that ―it‘s
    common to see somebody from the Rascals hanging out with
    somebody from the Locos.‖
    The jury found defendant guilty of the substantive offenses
    and found true the gang and great bodily injury allegations. In a
    bifurcated trial, defendant admitted the prior prison term
    allegations. The court sentenced defendant to an aggregate term
    of 10 years in state prison.
    Defendant filed a timely appeal.
    1.     Standard of Review
    ―In considering a challenge to the sufficiency of the
    evidence to support an enhancement, we review the entire record
    in the light most favorable to the judgment to determine whether
    it contains substantial evidence—that is, evidence that is
    reasonable, credible, and of solid value—from which a reasonable
    trier of fact could find the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable
    doubt. [Citation.] We presume every fact in support of the
    judgment the trier of fact could have reasonably deduced from
    the evidence. [Citation.] If the circumstances reasonably justify
    the trier of fact‘s findings, reversal of the judgment is not
    warranted simply because the circumstances might also
    reasonably be reconciled with a contrary finding.‖ (People v.
    Albillar (2010) 
    51 Cal.4th 47
    , 59-60.)
    2.     The STEP Act and Prunty
    a.       The background principles
    The STEP Act imposes a sentencing enhancement on those
    who commit felonies ―for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in
    association with any criminal street gang . . . .‖ (§ 186.22,
    subd. (b).) As Prunty explains, ―A criminal street gang, in turn, is
    defined by the Act as any ‗ongoing organization, association, or
    group of three or more persons‘ that shares a common name or
    common identifying symbol; that has as one of its ‗primary
    activities‘ the commission of certain enumerated offenses; and
    ‗whose members individually or collectively‘ have committed or
    attempted to commit certain predicate offenses.‖ (Prunty, supra,
    62 Cal.4th at p. 67, quoting § 186.22, subd. (f).) To prove a
    criminal street gang exists, ―the prosecution must demonstrate
    that the gang satisfies the separate elements of the STEP Act‘s
    definition and that the defendant sought to benefit that
    particular gang when committing the underlying felony.‖
    (Prunty, at p. 67.)
    In Prunty, the court concluded the STEP Act ―requires the
    prosecution to introduce evidence showing an associational or
    organizational connection that unites members of a putative
    criminal street gang. The prosecution has significant discretion
    in how it proves this associational or organizational connection to
    exist . . . .‖ (Prunty, supra, 62 Cal.4th at p. 67.) As indicated
    above, when the prosecutor shows the defendant committed a
    felony to benefit a given gang, but establishes the necessary
    predicate offenses were committed by members of the gang‘s
    subsets, the prosecutor ―must prove a connection between the
    gang and the subsets.‖ (Id. at pp. 67-68.)
    The court offered several ―illustrative examples‖ of
    strategies prosecutors may pursue to prove the necessary
    ―associational or organizational connection.‖ (Prunty, supra, 62
    Cal.4th at pp. 67, 76-81.) In one example, ―the facts may suggest
    the existence of behavior reflecting such a degree of collaboration,
    unity of purpose, and shared activity to support a fact finder‘s
    reasonable conclusion that a single organization, association, or
    group is present.‖ (Id. at p. 78.) The evidence ―need not be
    direct, and it need not show frequent communication . . . among
    the members who communicate. For instance, evidence that
    two . . . subsets have professed or exhibited loyalty to one another
    would be sufficient to show that the two subsets collaborate or
    cooperate. . . . [¶] Even evidence of more informal associations,
    such as proof that members of two gang subsets ‗hang out
    together‘ and ‗back up each other,‘ can help demonstrate that the
    subsets‘ members have exchanged strategic information or
    otherwise taken part in the kinds of common activities that imply
    the existence of a genuinely shared venture.‖ (Ibid.)
    b.     The evidence in Prunty
    Defendant relies on Prunty, contending the evidence in his
    case ―was not sufficient to demonstrate an associational or
    organizational connection between the Rascals subset [who
    committed the predicate offenses] and the larger East Side Bolen
    gang . . . .‖ As may already be apparent from our recitation of the
    evidence, defendant is mistaken. The circumstances in Prunty
    stand in glaring contrast to the evidence in this case.
    In Prunty, the defendant was charged with attempted
    murder and assault with a firearm. To prove a gang
    enhancement, the prosecution introduced testimony from a gang
    expert who had interviewed the defendant after his arrest.
    (Prunty, supra, 62 Cal.4th at p. 68.) The expert stated that the
    defendant admitted he was ―a ‗Northerner,‘ or a Norteño gang
    member,‖ and a member of the Detroit Boulevard Norteño
    ― ‗set,‘ ‖ and testified that the defendant‘s clothing, previous
    contacts with police, and possessions were consistent with
    Norteño gang membership. (Ibid.) The expert described the
    Norteños as a Hispanic gang active in Sacramento and
    throughout California, with 1,500 local members. (Id. at p. 69.)
    He testified that ―Sacramento-area Norteños are not associated
    with any particular ‗turf‘ but are instead ‗all over Sacramento‘
    with ‗a lot of subsets based on different neighborhoods.‘ ‖ (Ibid.)
    As to the predicate offenses, the expert in Prunty testified
    that two Varrio Gardenland Norteños committed a variety of
    offenses, and that one Varrio Centro Norteño shot at a former
    Norteño gang member. The expert testified that the subsets
    referred to themselves as Norteños. (Prunty, supra, 62 Cal.4th at
    p. 69.) The prosecution produced no specific evidence showing
    the subsets identified with a larger Norteño group; ―[n]or did [the
    expert] testify that the Norteño subsets that committed the
    predicate offenses shared a connection with each other, or with
    any other Norteño-identified subset.‖ (Ibid.)
    Prunty held the testimony just described was insufficient to
    prove ―that the Sacramento-area Norteños were indeed the ones
    who committed the . . . predicate offenses . . . .‖ (Prunty, supra,
    62 Cal.4th at pp. 69, 82.) ―Although [the expert] characterized
    these groups [(the subsets who committed the predicate offenses)]
    as Norteños, he otherwise provided no evidence that could
    connect these groups to one another, or to an overarching
    Sacramento-area Norteño criminal street gang. [The expert] did
    not describe any evidence tending to show collaboration,
    association, direct contact, or any other sort of relationship
    among any of the subsets he described. None of his testimony
    indicated that any of the alleged subsets had shared information,
    defended the same turf, had members commonly present in the
    same vicinity, or otherwise behaved in a manner that permitted
    the inference of an associational or organizational connection
    among the subsets.‖ (Id. at p. 82.)
    The court continued: ―Nor did [the expert]‘s testimony
    demonstrate that the subsets that committed the predicate
    offenses, or any of their members, self-identified as members of
    the larger Norteño association that [the] defendant sought to
    benefit. . . . [T]he prosecution presented no evidence that the
    members of the Varrio Gardenland and Varrio Centro Norteños
    self-identified as part of the umbrella Norteño gang. . . . [[T]he
    expert] simply described the subsets by name, characterized
    them as Norteños, and testified as to the alleged predicate
    offenses. He offered no additional information about their
    behavior or practices that could reasonably lead the jury to
    conclude they shared an identity with a larger group.‖ (Prunty,
    supra, 62 Cal.4th at pp. 82-83, fn. omitted.)
    The court concluded: ―[T]he evidence provided no way for
    the jury to determine that the Norteños were an ‗organization,
    association, or group‘ under the STEP Act‘s meaning—or,
    critically, that the alleged subsets that committed the predicate
    offenses were part of that group.‖ (Prunty, supra, 62 Cal.4th at
    p. 84.)
    3.     This Case
    Unlike Prunty, the record in this case provides substantial,
    indeed compelling, evidence of collaboration, association, and
    direct contact among the various subsets of the East Side Bolen
    Parque gang—clearly allowing the jury to infer both that
    defendant and the subset that committed the predicate offenses
    identified with the larger East Side Bolen gang and that they
    shared connections with each other. Indeed, the contrasts
    between the evidence in this case and in Prunty are stark—both
    in the scope, nature and territory of the gangs and subsets at
    issue, and in the evidence presented of shared connections and
    identification with a single gang.
    The first point is less significant, but illuminates the
    evidentiary differences between the two cases: the East Side
    Bolen gang and its subsets bear no similarity to the Sacramento-
    area Norteño gang and its subsets.
    In contrast with Prunty‘s 1,500 Norteños spread ― ‗all over
    Sacramento‘ ‖ and with ― ‗a lot of subsets based on different
    neighborhoods‘ ‖ (Prunty, supra, 62 Cal.4th at p. 69), in this case
    there are only 500 documented members of East Side Bolen—
    including those in prison and those who have moved out of the
    city. And there were only 20 active members when defendant
    was arrested. Unlike the Norteños, who are not associated with
    any particular turf in the Sacramento area, the East Side Bolen
    gang claims a well-defined territory within the city of Baldwin
    Park – which is also home to three other, rival gangs. While the
    record does not contain statistics for comparison, it is scarcely
    open to doubt that the East Side Bolen gang‘s defined territory
    within Baldwin Park is substantially smaller than the area that
    is home to the ―Sacramento-area Norteños.‖ (Prunty, supra, 62
    Cal.4th at p. 69.) And unlike the Norteños, Detective Acuna
    testified in this case that southern Hispanic gangs in general,
    and East Side Bolen in particular, are ―very territorial.‖
    In short, this is a case where a gang, East Side Bolen, with
    20 active members not in custody, and with five subsets, claims a
    well-defined area within a relatively small city also plagued by
    three rival gangs. This alone at least suggests the likelihood of
    collaboration among the subsets and identification by those
    subsets with East Side Bolen. But there is, as we have seen,
    much more.
    The second and critical difference between Prunty and this
    case is that the prosecution in Prunty provided no evidence of a
    connection between the defendant‘s gang and the subsets that
    committed the predicate offenses. (Prunty, supra, 62 Cal.4th at
    pp. 69, 82.) In contrast, here there was testimony showing
    contacts among the Locos (defendant‘s subset) and Rascals
    (subset of the perpetrators of the predicate offenses), and showing
    they all self-identified with the East Side Bolen gang.
    Officer Honeycutt testified that it is common to see
    members of the Rascals subset hanging out with members of the
    Locos subset. Juan Ledezma, perpetrator of one of the predicate
    crimes, committed that crime in concert with other East Side
    Bolen gangsters. Detective Acuna testified that Mr. Ledezma
    and Mr. Marin, the perpetrators of the predicate crimes, both
    self-identified with East Side Bolen as well as with the Rascals
    subset. Mr. Patino, who Officer Felton identified as a member of
    the Rascals subset, and Mr. Placeres, who testified to
    membership in the Midgetcharros subset, agreed to be removed
    from prison to testify as character witnesses for defendant.
    Officer Honeycutt testified he is familiar with both of them and
    knows they both claim membership in East Side Bolen.
    Indeed, it is difficult to conceive of more powerful, direct
    evidence of a long-term relationship of trust and collaboration
    between members of different subsets of East Side Bolen than is
    found in the testimony of Mr. Patino and Mr. Placeres. Clearly,
    defendant communicated and worked together with Mr. Patino
    and Mr. Placeres to arrange for them to be transported from
    prison to testify in his defense. Mr. Patino described defendant
    as someone who would take off his shirt for Mr. Patino, and who
    Mr. Patino would trust with his girlfriend. Defendant said
    during his examination of Mr. Patino that he wished he had been
    with Mr. Patino in prison when he assaulted his cellmate, and
    that Mr. Patino deserved a Purple Heart for his crime. In turn,
    Mr. Patino testified he would have expected defendant to back
    him up if he had been there during the attack on Mr. Patino‘s
    Both Mr. Patino and Mr. Placeres specifically used the
    word ―loyal‖ to describe defendant. Notably, Mr. Placeres had the
    word ―Bolen‖ tattooed in large letters on his forehead, yet he
    testified that he thinks of himself only as a member of the
    Midgetcharros subset. Despite declaring self-identity only with
    the Charros, Mr. Placeres agreed to be removed from prison to
    help his Locos associate beat an assault conviction. (Mr. Patino
    and defendant also took the opportunity to promote the interests
    of their gang in court by bragging about and congratulating one
    another for the beating of a cell mate who they believed deserved
    retribution, and by declaring their desire to cover one another‘s
    In short, could there possibly be any more direct evidence
    that members of different subsets ―professed‖ and ―exhibited
    loyalty to one another‖? (Prunty, supra, 62 Cal.4th at p. 78
    [evidence that two subsets ―have professed or exhibited loyalty to
    one another would be sufficient to show that the two subsets
    collaborate or cooperate‖]; ibid. [―proof that members of two gang
    subsets ‗hang out together‘ and ‗back up each other,‘ can help
    demonstrate that the subsets‘ members have exchanged strategic
    information or otherwise taken part in the kinds of common
    activities that imply the existence of a genuinely shared venture.
    [Citations.] This type of evidence routinely appears in gang
    enhancement cases.‖]; id. at pp. 78-79 [―In general, evidence that
    shows subset members have communicated, worked together, or
    share a relationship (however formal or informal) will permit the
    jury to infer that the subsets should be treated as a single street
    We could go on, but the point is clear. Prunty tells us that
    ―[e]vidence—even indirect evidence—showing collaboration
    among subset members, long-term relationships among members
    of different subsets, use of the same ‗turf,‘ behavior
    demonstrating a shared identity with one another or with a
    larger organization, and similar proof will show that individual
    subsets are part of a larger group . . . .‖ (Prunty, supra, 62
    Cal.4th at pp. 73-74.) In this case, there was direct evidence of
    all of that.
    In sum, defendant in this case was one of 20 East Side
    Bolen members who actively promoted his gang and protected its
    turf when he committed the assault in this case. He acted alone
    when he committed the assault in the name of East Side Bolen,
    but he and fellow East Side Bolen associates made themselves
    highly visible to the police and civilians in Baldwin Park.
    Defendant had extremely close ties with Mr. Patino, a member of
    the Rascals subset, which subset committed the two predicate
    felonies. He also commanded the respect and loyalty of
    Mr. Placeres, a member of the Midgetcharros subset. Officer
    Honeycutt testified that both Mr. Patino and Mr. Placeres claim
    membership in East Side Bolen. Detective Acuna testified that
    the perpetrators of the predicate crimes, Francisco Marin and
    Juan Ledezma, both self-identify with East Side Bolen. Unlike
    the facts in Prunty, there is substantial evidence from which the
    jury could infer that defendant committed the assault for the
    benefit of East Side Bolen and all its subsets.
    The judgment is affirmed.
    GRIMES, J.
    RUBIN, Acting P. J.
    FLIER, J.

Document Info

Docket Number: B269608

Filed Date: 6/30/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 6/30/2017