People v. Valdivia CA4/2 ( 2021 )

  • Filed 9/8/21 P. v. Valdivia CA4/2
    California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for
    publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). This opinion has not been certified for publication
    or ordered published for purposes of rule 8.1115.
    Plaintiff and Respondent,                                      E077149
    v.                                                                      (Super.Ct.No. RIF125904)
    ARNALDO A. MERCADO VALDIVIA,                                            OPINION
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from the Superior Court of Riverside County. Larrie R. Brainard, Judge.
    (Retired judge of the San Diego Super. Ct. assigned by the Chief Justice pursuant to
    art. VI, § 6 of the Cal. Const.) Affirmed.
    Richard Jay Moller, under appointment by the Court of Appeal, for Defendant and
    No appearance for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    Defendant and appellant Arnaldo A. Mercado Valdivia appeals the Riverside
    County Superior Court’s denial of his petition for resentencing made pursuant to section
    1170.95 of the Penal Code.1 We affirm.
    1. The circumstances leading to defendant’s conviction
    The background leading up to defendant’s petition for resentencing is taken from
    our opinion issued in defendant’s appeal from the judgment. (People v. Valdivia (Jul. 28,
    2009, E045656) [nonpub. opn.].) A copy of the opinion is included in the record on
    In August 2005, defendant was the driver during a gang-related shooting. After
    driving by three men standing in the front yard of an occupied home, defendant made a
    U-turn and stopped the car. A passenger in the car, Richard Granillo, began repeatedly
    shooting a semiautomatic weapon at the men, killing one of them. A jury convicted
    defendant of four felonies with enhancements: second degree murder, two counts of
    attempted murder, and shooting at an occupied house. (§§ 186.22, subd. (b), 187,
    subd. (a), 246, 664, 12022.53, subds. (d) & (e).) The court sentenced defendant to a total
    prison sentence of 126 years to life. Defendant appealed his conviction to this court, and
    we affirmed the judgment. (People v. Valdivia, supra, E045656.)
    1   All further statutory references are to the Penal Code.
    2. Defendant’s petition for resentencing
    In February 2019, defendant filed a petition for resentencing pursuant to section
    1170.95. He requested counsel and one was appointed for him. The People filed an
    opposition to the petition, arguing Senate Bill No. 1437 (Stats. 2018, ch. 1015.) violates
    the California Constitution and, in all events, defendant is not eligible for relief because
    he was convicted as an aider and abettor. In his reply, defendant disagreed with the
    People. In January 2021, the People moved for summary denial of the petition on the
    grounds the jury had not been instructed on the felony-murder rule or the natural and
    probable consequences doctrine, and it had found defendant guilty of second degree
    murder as an aider and abettor.
    Defendant was not present when his petition was heard in May 2021. Counsel for
    the parties agreed defendant was not eligible for relief under Senate Bill No. 1437, and
    the court denied the petition.
    Defendant appealed and we appointed counsel to represent him.
    Defendant’s counsel has filed a brief under the authority of People v. Wende
    25 Cal.3d 436
     and Anders v. California (1967) 386 U.S 738, setting forth
    statements of the case and facts. Counsel suggests two potentially arguable issues:
    (i) whether the trial court improperly relied on an incomplete record and facts from the
    opinion in the appeal from the judgment when denying the resentencing petition; and
    (ii) whether the People establish defendant was ineligible for relief as a matter of law.
    Counsel states this court is required to undertake a review of the entire record.
    When, in an indigent defendant’s first appeal of right, appointed appellate counsel files
    an opening brief that does not present an arguable issue, it is well settled that the
    appellate court must offer the defendant an opportunity to submit a personal supplemental
    brief and to review the entire record whether or not the defendant files a brief. (Wende,
    supra, 25 Cal.3d at pp. 441-442.)
    We acknowledge People v. Cole (2020) 
    52 Cal.App.5th 1023
    , 1032, (Cole) review
    granted October 14, 2020, S264278, held the constitutional bases for Wende procedures
    apply only to a defendant’s direct appeal from the judgment. We also recognize that we
    have discretion to exercise our inherent supervisory powers to apply Wende procedures to
    appeals from denials of postconviction relief in which appointed appellate counsel files a
    no-issues brief. Accordingly, appellate courts have traditionally afforded defendants an
    opportunity to personally file a supplemental brief when appointed counsel has submitted
    a no-issues brief in a postjudgment appeal. (People v. Scott (2020) 
    58 Cal.App.5th 1127
    1131 (Scott), review granted Mar. 17, 2021, S266853.)
    Appellate courts are divided, however, with respect to whether we should exercise
    our discretion to conduct an independent review of the record if a defendant does not
    respond to an invitation to file a supplemental brief. (E.g., Cole, supra, 52 Cal.App.5th at
    pp. 1038-1039 [Second Dist., Div. Two, no independent review of record when no
    supplemental brief filed, dismissed the appeal as abandoned]; People v. Flores (2020) 54
    4 Cal.App.5th 266
    , 269, 273-274 [Fourth Dist., Div. Three conducted independent review
    of record even though defendant did not file a supplemental brief].)
    Recent opinions issued by this court reflect the division in approach to the
    situation in which defendant does not file a supplemental brief. In Scott, one panel
    concluded there is no reason to conduct an independent review of the record or to issue
    an opinion in such a case and dismissed the appeal as abandoned. (Scott, supra, 58
    Cal.App.5th at pp. 1131-1132 (but see dis. opn. of Miller, J.); accord People v. Figueras
    61 Cal.App.5th 108
    , review granted May 12, 2021, S267870.)
    In People v. Gallo (2020) 
    57 Cal.App.5th 594
     (Gallo), another panel of this court
    concluded the interests of justice call for independent review of the record in
    postjudgment no-issue appeals even if the defendant has not filed a supplemental brief.
    (Id. at p. 599 (but see dis. opn. of Menetrez, J.); accord People v. Flores (2020) 
    54 Cal.App.5th 266
    , 269 [when an appointed counsel files a Wende brief in an appeal from a
    summary denial of a section 1170.95 petition, reviewing court is not required to
    independently review the entire record, but the court can and should do so in the interests
    of justice]; see People v. Allison (2020) 
    55 Cal.App.5th 449
    , 456 [court of appeal has the
    discretion to review the record in the interests of justice].)
    We respectfully disagree with Scott and find the procedure in Gallo provides
    indigent defendants an additional layer of due process while consuming comparatively
    little in judicial resources.
    Here, we offered defendant an opportunity to file a personal supplemental brief,
    which he has not done. Pursuant to the mandate of People v. Kelly (2006) 
    40 Cal.4th 106
    , and in keeping with Gallo, supra, 
    57 Cal.App.5th 594
    , we have independently
    reviewed the record for potential error and find no arguable issues.
    The judgment is affirmed.
    P. J.
    We concur:

Document Info

Docket Number: E077149

Filed Date: 9/8/2021

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 9/8/2021