Young v. The Leland Stanford Junior Univ. CA1/3 ( 2021 )

  • Filed 9/16/21 Young v. The Leland Stanford Junior Univ. CA1/3
    California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for
    publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). This opinion has not been certified for publication or
    ordered published for purposes of rule 8.1115.
    Plaintiff and Respondent,                                    A161237
    v.                                                                       (Alameda County
    THE LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR                                               Super. Ct. No. RG17877051)
    UNIVERSITY et al.,
    Defendants and Appellants.
    Defendant Stanford Health Care (Stanford Health) appeals from an
    order denying its motion to strike plaintiff Qiqiuia Young’s defamation claim
    under Code of Civil Procedure section 425.16 (anti-SLAPP1 motion or motion
    to strike).2 Young alleged Stanford Health’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
    published a defamatory letter implying she lied about facts in her lawsuit
    against Stanford Health. Stanford Health contends this letter is not
    actionable because it simply expressed a predictable opinion about the merits
    of Young’s lawsuit. It argues the trial court thus erroneously rejected its
    “ ‘SLAPP’ is an acronym for ‘strategic lawsuit against public
    participation.’ ” (Baral v. Schnitt (2016) 
    1 Cal.5th 376
    , 381, fn. 1 (Baral).)
    All further references are to the Code of Civil Procedure unless
    otherwise noted.
    motion to strike because Young failed to demonstrate a probability of
    prevailing on her defamation claim. We disagree and affirm.
    I.    Young’s Lawsuit
    Young is an African American employee of Stanford Health. In
    September 2017, she filed a lawsuit against Stanford Health, alleging
    employees failed to perform required emergency equipment checks and
    falsified safety records. She also claimed Stanford Health created a hostile
    and abusive work environment where she was subjected to racial
    harassment, discrimination, and retaliation for whistleblowing. In one
    instance, she claimed a coworker dressed like a Ku Klux Klan member for
    Halloween. A photograph of her costumed coworker circulated widely
    throughout the office. After she reported the incident, Young claims her
    supervisors retaliated against her by denying her, among other things,
    promotional opportunities and pay commensurate with her experience.
    Other alleged incidents included a co-worker calling Young the N-word—an
    incident Young reported to her supervisor who then failed to properly
    investigate. The lawsuit immediately garnered attention from the press.
    II.   Stanford Health’s Letter
    The day after Young filed her complaint, Stanford Health’s CEO
    emailed a letter to all Stanford Health employees addressing the lawsuit. It
    began, “I am writing in relation to media coverage you may have seen this
    week regarding a Stanford Health Care employee. I want to ensure that you
    have the facts about this unfortunate situation. A lawsuit has been filed by a
    current employee with allegations of racism and patient safety issues that
    are grossly exaggerated and largely inaccurate. SHC is fully committed to a
    diverse, respectful, and inclusive workplace, and not only encourages, but
    requires, all employees to raise concerns that they believe may affect the
    patient experience or the workplace.”
    The letter continued, disputing Young’s allegations of racism and
    patient endangerment: “Contrary to what you may see in the media, SHC
    has been extremely proactive in addressing the employee’s concerns. [¶] . . .
    Although the employee filing the suit was shown a photo of another employee
    covered in a sheet in 2014, all of the employees involved in that incident were
    terminated by SHC, including those who merely saw the photo and did not
    report it to management. [¶] . . . I, and the Dean of the School of Medicine at
    Stanford, have personally met with Cancer Center leaders and faculty to
    deliver the broader message that, while SHC did the right thing to terminate
    all those involved in the 2014 incident, such behavior . . . will never be
    tolerated at SHC. I have conveyed, and will continue to convey, that SHC
    has zero tolerance for conduct that promotes disrespect of another’s race,
    culture, gender or lifestyle, and anyone who learns of any behavior which is
    offensive, demeaning or hurtful, needs to act on it immediately using the
    many resources SHC has, including HR and leadership. [¶] . . .
    Finally . . . an independent agency that certifies and accredits health care
    organizations, has investigated those issues raised by the employee and
    found that either there was no issue, or that SHC has resolved the issue. No
    action has ever been taken against SHC for the purported safety issues
    raised by the employee. SHC is fully dedicated to patient safety and takes
    aggressive proactive efforts to ensure safe and quality care.”
    The letter concluded by noting “[a]t every turn, SHC has responded
    proactively and lawfully when this employee raised concerns about her
    workplace and SHC will vigorously defend this lawsuit . . . [¶] . . . [¶] I
    regret that it is necessary to communicate broadly about any individual SHC
    employee; however, the media coverage in relation to this lawsuit requires
    that our community receive this information.” The Dean of the School of
    Medicine subsequently forwarded this letter to all School of Medicine faculty,
    staff, students, and postdoctoral researchers as well as some affiliates. As a
    result, over 22,000 people received the letter.
    III.   Defamation Claim and Anti-SLAPP Motion
    Young amended her complaint to add a defamation claim based on the
    letter. She alleged the letter implied that she was dishonest and that her
    reports and complaints about racial discrimination and patient safety were
    false. Stanford Health filed an anti-SLAPP motion, which the trial court
    I.     Anti-SLAPP Law and Standard of Review
    The anti-SLAPP statute authorizes early dismissal of unmeritorious
    claims that interfere with a person’s constitutional right of petition or free
    speech. (§ 425.16, subd. (a); Simmons v. Bauer Media Group USA, LLC
    50 Cal.App.5th 1037
    , 1043.) There are two prongs for resolving an
    anti-SLAPP motion. (, Inc. v. Gradient Analytics, Inc. (2007)
    151 Cal.App.4th 688
    , 699 ( The defendant must first
    establish the challenged claim arises out of “acts in furtherance of the
    defendant’s constitutional right of petition or free speech in connection with a
    public issue.” (Martinez v. Metabolife Internat., Inc. (2003) 
    113 Cal.App.4th 181
    , 186.)
    After making this showing, the burden shifts to the plaintiff who must
    “establish a probability of prevailing on the merits” of the claim.
    (, supra, 151 Cal.App.4th at p. 699.) Under the second prong,
    the court accepts the plaintiff’s evidence as true and merely inquires whether
    the plaintiff stated a legally sufficient claim and made a prima facie showing
    sufficient for a favorable judgment. (Baral, supra, 1 Cal.5th at pp. 384–385.)
    To do so, the plaintiff need only show “ ‘minimal merit.’ ” (Id. at p. 385.) We
    review the trial court’s ruling on the anti-SLAPP motion de novo. (Park v.
    Board of Trustees of California State University (2017) 
    2 Cal.5th 1057
    , 1067.)
    II.   Liability Arising from Protected Activity
    Stanford Health demonstrated that Young’s defamation claim, based
    entirely on its CEO’s letter, satisfied the first prong because it is a “written or
    oral statement or writing made in connection with an issue under
    consideration or review by a . . . judicial body,” such as a lawsuit. (§ 425.16,
    subd. (e)(2); Neville v. Chudacoff (2008) 
    160 Cal.App.4th 1255
    , 1266
    (Neville).) “[A] statement is ‘in connection with’ litigation under section
    425.16, subdivision (e)(2) if it relates to the substantive issues in the
    litigation and is directed to persons having some interest in the litigation.”
    (Neville, at p. 1266.)
    Here, Stanford Health’s letter, by referring to Young’s litigation and
    disputing her allegations, was issued in connection with a judicial proceeding.
    (See Healy v. Tuscany Hills Landscape & Recreation Corp. (2006) 
    137 Cal.App.4th 1
    , 5–6 [letter informing association members of pending
    litigation involving association was made “unquestionably ‘in connection
    with’ judicial proceedings”].) The letter was also directed at persons with an
    interest in that litigation. The letter was sent to Stanford Health employees
    and those who work directly with them. All of those persons reasonably had
    an interest in Stanford Health’s position on pervasive race discrimination
    and harassment and neglect of patient safety alleged to be occurring at their
    workplace. (See Neville, supra, 160 Cal.App.4th at p. 1268.) This is more
    than a generalized curiosity about the litigation, contrary to Young’s
    A person’s “interest in the litigation” is not established solely by
    involvement in the litigation, contrary to Young’s assertions. While
    participation in a lawsuit may certainly satisfy that criterion (see, e.g.,
    Contemporary Services Corp. v. Staff Pro Inc. (2007) 
    152 Cal.App.4th 1043
    1055 [email sent to customers involved in discovery for the litigation was a
    protected activity under section 425.16, subd. (e)(2)]), there is no such
    requirement in the statute (Neville, supra, 160 Cal.App.4th at p. 1270
    [subdivision (e)(2) “has been held to protect statements to persons who are
    not parties or potential parties to litigation, provided such statements are
    made ‘in connection with’ pending or anticipated litigation”]).
    We further reject Young’s claim that the letter is not privileged under
    Civil Code section 47 and thus not a protected activity. Although courts have
    examined “the scope of the litigation privilege to determine whether a given
    communication falls within the ambit of [Code of Civil Procedure section
    425.16,] subdivisions (e)(1) and (2),” Civil Code section 47 does not operate as
    a limitation on the scope of the anti-SLAPP statute. (Flatley v. Mauro (2006)
    39 Cal.4th 299
    , 322–323, 325; City of Costa Mesa v. D’Alessio Investments,
    LLC (2013) 
    214 Cal.App.4th 358
    , 366–367, 373 [finding statements were
    made in connection with litigation without assessing whether the
    communication was privileged].) The litigation privilege, as Young admits, is
    simply an “aid,” not a requirement for determining whether the letter is
    protected under Code of Civil Procedure section 425.16, subdivision (e)(2).
    (Neville, supra, 160 Cal.App.4th at p. 1263 [whether a statement is privileged
    does not resolve whether a statement is protected under Code of Civil
    Procedure section 425.16, subd. (e)(2), the “two statutes are not
    In sum, Stanford Health has satisfied this first anti-SLAPP prong.
    II.   Probability of Prevailing on the Merits
    Stanford Health maintains there is no probability that Young will
    prevail on the merits of her defamation claim, the second prong of the anti-
    SLAPP inquiry. According to Stanford Health, the letter contained a
    deprecatory statement about the merits of Young’s lawsuit that was “nothing
    more than ‘the predictable opinion’ of one side to the lawsuit” and is therefore
    not actionable. (GetFugu, Inc. v. Patton Boggs LLP (2013) 
    220 Cal.App.4th 141
    , 156 (GetFugu).) We disagree.
    A. Defamation Law
    Defamation is an injury to reputation that may be caused by libel—a
    “false and unprivileged publication by writing, printing . . . which exposes
    any person to hatred . . . shunned or avoided, or which has a tendency to
    injure him in his occupation.” (Civ. Code, §§ 44, 45.) Prevailing on a claim
    for defamation requires demonstrating the defendant published a statement,
    the statement was about the plaintiff, the statement was false, and the
    defendant failed to use reasonable care to determine whether the statement
    was true or false. (Hecimovich v. Encinal School Parent Teacher
    Organization (2012) 
    203 Cal.App.4th 450
    , 470.)
    The parties primarily disagree over whether the letter made a
    statement of fact. “Because the statement must contain a provable falsehood,
    courts distinguish between statements of fact and statements of opinion for
    purposes of defamation liability.” (ZL Technologies, Inc. v. Does 1–7 (2017) 
    13 Cal.App.5th 603
    , 624 (ZL Technologies).) Statements of fact are actionable.
    (GetFugu, supra, 220 Cal.App.4th at pp. 155–156.) Expressions of opinion
    are constitutionally protected, but do not enjoy “blanket protection.”
    (Id. p. 156.) “[W]here an expression of opinion implies a false assertion of
    fact, the opinion can constitute actionable defamation.” (Ibid.) Thus, the
    critical question is “ ‘ “whether a reasonable fact finder could conclude the
    published statement declares or implies a provably false assertion of fact,” ’ ”
    a question of law. (Ibid.; Summit Bank v. Rogers (2012) 
    206 Cal.App.4th 669
    In making that determination, we examine the totality of the
    circumstances, considering the statement’s language and the context in
    which the statement was made. (Franklin v. Dynamic Details, Inc. (2004)
    116 Cal.App.4th 375
    , 385 (Franklin).) When considering the statement in
    context, we “ ‘examine the nature and full content of the particular
    communication, as well as the knowledge and understanding of the audience
    targeted by the publication.’ ” (Bently Reserve LP v. Papaliolios (2013) 
    218 Cal.App.4th 418
    , 427 (Bently).) Looking at the circumstances here, a
    reasonable factfinder could conclude the letter contained statements that
    declared or implied provably false assertions of fact. Thus, Young has
    established a probability of prevailing. (Ferlauto v. Hamsher (1999) 
    74 Cal.App.4th 1394
    , 1401 (Ferlauto) [“ ‘If the court concludes the statement
    could reasonably be construed as either fact or opinion, the issue should be
    resolved by a jury’ ”].)
    A.    Statement “Of or Concerning” the Plaintiff
    As a preliminary matter, we reject Stanford Health’s claim the letter is
    not defamatory because it addresses Young’s lawsuit, not Young personally.
    (See Dickinson v. Cosby (2019) 
    37 Cal.App.5th 1138
    , 1160 (Dickinson II)
    [“defamatory statement is actionable only if it is ‘of and concerning’ the
    plaintiff”].) The letter referred to Young by reasonable implication. (Ibid.
    [standard for demonstrating whether statement concerns plaintiff].) The day
    after Young filed her lawsuit, Stanford Health sent its letter, expressly
    referring to a Stanford Health employee who filed a lawsuit alleging racism
    and patient safety issues. It then expressed regret for “communicat[ing]
    broadly about any individual [Stanford Health] employee.” Young further
    presented evidence that another employee immediately recognized the letter
    was about Young. (Cf. id. at p. 1163 [circumstantial evidence may be used to
    “show at least one third party heard the allegedly defamatory statements and
    actually understood them to refer to” plaintiff].) The letter is a statement “of
    or concerning” Young.
    B.    Language
    The language of the letter supports “the conclusion that a reasonable
    fact finder could conclude the . . . letter states or implies a provably false
    assertion of fact.” (Dickinson v. Cosby (2017) 
    17 Cal.App.5th 655
    , 687
    (Dickinson I).)
    First, while not dispositive, the letter lacks any cautious phrasing
    suggesting that the “statement is less likely to be reasonably understood as a
    statement of fact rather than opinion.” (Baker v. Los Angeles Herald
    Examiner (1986) 
    42 Cal.3d 254
    , 260–261 [the words “impression” “belief”
    “view” or “opinion” may place reader on notice the author does not vouch for a
    statement’s accuracy].)
    Second, although the letter arguably employs some hyperbolic language
    indicative of an opinion by describing Young’s allegations as “grossly
    exaggerated and largely inaccurate,” it also supported that language with
    facts. (See Franklin, supra, 116 Cal.App.4th at p. 385 [generalized hyperbolic
    comments may “ ‘negate the impression that the author seriously is
    maintaining an assertion of actual fact’ ”]; Ferlauto, supra, 74 Cal.App.4th at
    p. 1403 [characterization of lawsuit as “a joke” and “frivolous” are descriptive
    terms that do not “improperly attack appellant’s competence or ethics and
    cannot be the basis for a defamation claim”].) This includes facts based on
    the CEO’s personal knowledge, which are indicative of a statement of fact,
    not opinion. (See Bently, supra, 218 Cal.App.4th at p. 429.)
    Before classifying Young’s allegations as “grossly exaggerated and
    largely inaccurate,” the CEO announced, “I want to ensure that you have the
    facts about this unfortunate situation,” indicating that the letter was both
    factual and comprehensive. (Italics added.) The CEO then disputed Young’s
    allegations by conveying his firsthand knowledge and experience in
    addressing patient safety and racial discrimination issues. This included
    noting that an independent organization absolved Stanford Health of any
    patient safety issues. The CEO also personally condoned a decision to
    terminate employees who were disrespectful about race, including the
    incident in which an employee allegedly wore a Ku Klux Klan costume. (See
    ZL Technologies, supra, 13 Cal.App.5th at p. 624 [factually specific statement
    by speaker with specialized or firsthand knowledge may be actionable].) The
    CEO concluded by emphasizing that media coverage about the lawsuit
    “requires our community receive this information.” (Italics added.) By
    providing facts that Stanford Health admits were incomplete to support the
    statement that Young’s allegations were grossly exaggerated and largely
    inaccurate, that statement could reasonably be considered a provably false
    statement of fact. (See Bently, supra, 218 Cal.App.4th at p. 428; see also
    Milkovich v. Lorain Journal Co. (1990) 
    497 U.S. 1
    , 18–19 [“Even if the
    speaker states the facts upon which he bases his opinion, if those facts are
    either incorrect or incomplete, or if his assessment of them is erroneous, the
    statement may still imply a false assertion of facts”].)
    For that reason, we disagree that characterizing Young’s allegations as
    “grossly exaggerated and largely inaccurate” simply expressed a “predictable
    opinion” that was nonactionable under GetFugu, supra, 220 Cal.App.4th at
    p. 156. In GetFugu, the allegedly defamatory “Tweet” stated: “GetFugu runs
    an organization for the benefit of its officers and directors, not shareholders
    and employees. The RICO suit was not frivolous. The 500K lawsuit is
    frivolous, however, so buyer be wary.” (Id. at p. 146.) The court concluded
    the Tweet was not actionable because it was a deprecatory statement about
    the merits of litigation. (Id. at p. 156.)
    But that Tweet was confined to generalized statements about the
    lawsuit; it did not present any facts. (See GetFugu, supra, 220 Cal.App.4th at
    p. 156 [noting a statement expressing a subjective reaction without “provable
    facts” may not lead a reasonable reader to understand the words were actual
    statements of fact].) The letter here, in contrast, contains more—a statement
    that Young’s allegations are “grossly exaggerated and largely inaccurate”
    followed by explicit factual statements rebutting some, but not all of, Young’s
    allegations. Because the letter included these admittedly incomplete factual
    statements, a reasonable reader could conclude the letter implies an
    assertion of fact about Young’s credibility—i.e., that she lied about racial
    harassment, discrimination, and patient endangerment and that Stanford
    Health appropriately dealt with any issues—that if false, could support a
    defamation claim. (See ibid.)
    C.     Context
    The context also supports the conclusion that the letter states or
    implies a provably false assertion of fact. The letter comes from the CEO of
    Stanford Health, its highest ranking officer, on his official letterhead. It was
    sent to all employees of Stanford Health at their work email address one day
    after Young filed her lawsuit and garnered media coverage. Under these
    circumstances, the audience could reasonably conclude that the CEO had
    insider knowledge of the falsity of Young’s allegations and that the letter
    refuted those allegations based on that knowledge. This is sufficient to
    satisfy Young’s burden at this stage of the proceeding. (See Dickinson I,
    supra, 17 Cal.App.5th at p. 689 [context supported finding that letter implied
    a false statement of fact because letter came from attorney and responded to
    media inquiries about rape allegations against his client].)
    The litigation context in which the letter was published does not alter
    this conclusion. Stanford Health argues the letter was published in response
    to a lawsuit—an adversarial context which indicates that the letter is non-
    actionable opinion. Relying on Information Control Corp. v. Genesis One
    Computer Corp. (9th Cir. 1980) 
    611 F.2d 781
    , Stanford Health maintains it
    sent the letter to employees who would be expected to be aware of Young’s
    lawsuit and understand the phrase “grossly exaggerated and largely
    inaccurate” to be predictable opinion from a defendant to that lawsuit. (See
    id. at p. 784 [disparagement of an opponent’s lawsuit highly unlikely to be
    understood as presenting any facts].)
    True, language presented in an adversarial setting that might “be
    considered as statements of fact may well assume the character of statements
    of opinion.” (Gregory v. McDonnell Douglas Corp. (1976) 
    17 Cal.3d 596
    , 601.)
    But the mere fact that a statement responds to a lawsuit does not
    automatically render the statement a nonactionable opinion. (See Dickinson
    I, supra, 17 Cal.App.5th at p. 686 [whether a statement is a “predictable
    opinion” is simply one factor to consider when assessing the totality of the
    circumstances].) In Information Control Corp., the court noted that “the brief
    and conclusory language” used in a one-sentence press release disparaging
    the plaintiff’s lawsuit could not be the predicate for a defamation action.
    (Information Control Corp., supra, 611 F.2d at p. 784.) By contrast and as
    discussed earlier, the letter’s assessment of Young’s lawsuit was far from
    conclusory. Moreover, the general tenor and content of the letter did not
    reveal anything predictably self-serving or one-sided. Instead, it was
    prefaced as providing Stanford Health employees with “the facts,” suggesting
    a recital of facts rather than opinion. (Compare with Ferlauto, supra, 74
    Cal.App.4th at pp. 1402–1403 [audience could reasonably expect the
    defendant to provide partisan opinions of a lawsuit since the defendant’s book
    contained the same hyperbolic rhetoric].)
    Thus, the statement in the letter, at a minimum, could be reasonably
    construed as either a fact or opinion. Young has therefore demonstrated the
    requisite minimal merit for her defamation claim to proceed. (See Baral,
    supra, 1 Cal.5th at pp. 384–385.)
    The trial court order denying the anti-SLAPP motion is affirmed.3
    Young is awarded her costs on appeal.
    3 While this appeal was pending, Young moved for sanctions against
    Stanford Health for filing a frivolous appeal. We deferred ruling on the
    motion until we considered the merits of Stanford Health’s appeal. We now
    deny Young’s motion because she has not demonstrated that “any reasonable
    attorney would agree that the appeal is totally and completely without merit”
    or that the appeal was taken solely to harass or cause delay. (See In re
    Marriage of Flaherty (1982) 
    31 Cal.3d 637
    , 650.)
    Chou, J.*
    Fujisaki, Acting P. J.
    Petrou, J.
    *Judge of the Superior Court of San Mateo County, assigned by the
    Chief Justice pursuant to article VI, section 6 of the California Constitution.

Document Info

Docket Number: A161237

Filed Date: 9/17/2021

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 9/17/2021