In re Samuel A. ( 2021 )

  • Filed 9/21/21
    In re SAMUEL A., a Person           B306103
    Coming Under the Juvenile
    Court Law.                          (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. 19CCJP00325A)
    Plaintiff and Respondent,
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from orders of the Superior Court of Los Angeles
    County, Craig S. Barnes, Judge. Reversed and remanded with
    Liana Serobian, under appointment by the Court of Appeal,
    for Defendant and Appellant.
    Amir Pichvai for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    The appointment of a guardian ad litem for a parent in a
    dependency proceeding radically changes the parent’s role,
    transferring direction and control of the litigation from the
    parent to the guardian ad litem. While necessary to protect the
    rights of an incompetent parent—an individual incapable of
    understanding the nature and purpose of the proceeding or
    unable to assist counsel in a rational manner—appointment of a
    guardian ad litem is not a tool to restrain a problematic parent,
    even one who unreasonably interferes with the orderly
    proceedings of the court or who persistently acts against her own
    interests or those of her child. Yet that is what occurred here:
    The juvenile court appointed a guardian ad litem for Patricia A.,
    the mother of five-year-old Samuel A. and unquestionably a
    difficult party, without any finding, let alone evidence, of her
    incompetence. We reverse.
    1. Dependency Petition, Jurisdiction and Disposition
    In June 2018 Patricia arrived at the hospital complaining
    of a migraine headache. Her blood alcohol level measured
    .297 mg/dL. Patricia explained to her medical providers she had
    been sober for 11 years but had recently returned to drinking
    alcohol socially and to alleviate her migraines. An investigation
    by the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family
    Services (Department) into Patricia’s neglect of Samuel, who was
    in daycare when Patricia checked herself into the hospital, was
    closed as inconclusive.
    On January 3, 2019 Patricia returned to the hospital, this
    time complaining of pain she attributed to chronic diverticulitis.
    Her blood alcohol level measured .296 mg/dL. Samuel was in
    daycare. While hospitalized, Patricia exhibited shaking,
    trembling, hot and cold sweats and increased agitation, which
    her medical providers attributed to severe alcohol withdrawal.
    Patricia left the hospital prior to receiving medical clearance for
    On January 16, 2019 the Department filed a petition
    pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code section 300,
    subdivision (b)(1), alleging Patricia had a long and unresolved
    history of alcohol abuse that made her unable to provide regular
    care for Samuel. Following a hearing, Samuel was detained from
    Patricia and placed under the temporary supervision of the
    Department. Two weeks later the Department filed an amended
    section 300 petition, adding a second allegation under
    subdivision (b)(1) that Patricia suffered from severe and
    untreated anxiety and depression, which also made her unable to
    provide regular care for Samuel.
    According to the evidence presented at the March 20, 2019
    jurisdiction hearing, Patricia had a long (more than two-decade)
    history of alcohol abuse. She had been sober for a time, including
    during her pregnancy with Samuel, but had begun consuming
    alcohol again to treat pain and anxiety. The Department
    provided evidence Patricia had been verbally abusive to, and
    threatened, nearly everyone in her orbit, including her neighbors
    and landlord, Samuel’s babysitters, social workers and visitation
    monitors. Patricia denied the allegations in the petition,
    insisting she did not have a problem with alcohol, and, although
    she may have anxiety, she did not suffer from a mental
    impairment that jeopardized Samuel’s safety.
    Statutory references are to this code unless otherwise
    The court sustained both allegations in the amended
    petition, finding Samuel to be a person described by section 300.
    Proceeding directly to disposition, the court declared Samuel a
    dependent child of the juvenile court, removed him from
    Patricia’s custody and ordered monitored visitation for Patricia
    for a minimum of six hours per week. The court also ordered a
    variety of other family reunification services. We affirmed the
    juvenile court’s jurisdiction finding based on Patricia’s alcohol
    abuse and its disposition order removing Samuel from Patricia’s
    custody with monitored visitation. We did not address the court’s
    additional jurisdiction finding. (In re Samuel A. (Dec. 16, 2019,
    B296535) [nonpub. opn.].)
    2. The Department’s and Patricia’s Section 388 Petitions
    and Patricia’s Court-ordered Psychiatric Evaluation
    On April 29, 2019 Patricia filed a section 388 petition
    seeking return of Samuel to her custody or, alternatively,
    liberalized visitation, including unmonitored and overnight visits.
    The Department filed its own section 388 petition the same day
    requesting, among other things, a court-ordered Evidence Code
    section 730 psychiatric evaluation and an order prohibiting
    Patricia from contacting Samuel’s foster parent or coming within
    a certain distance of the foster parent’s home. According to the
    Department, Patricia’s harassment of Samuel’s foster parent had
    already resulted in Samuel’s removal from one placement after
    the foster parent told the Department she feared for her safety,
    and his current foster parent had expressed similar concerns.
    Following an extended hearing on both petitions, the court
    denied Patricia’s section 388 petition, ruling she had not carried
    her burden to show a substantial change of circumstances since
    the March 2019 jurisdiction/disposition hearing. The court
    granted the Department’s request to order an Evidence Code
    section 730 evaluation for Patricia. Patricia’s appeal from the
    order denying her section 388 request for liberalized visitation
    was dismissed after a subsequent visitation order mooted the
    appeal. (See In re Samuel A. (Feb. 18, 2020, B299022) [nonpub.
    On August 28, 2019, prior to the six-month review hearing
    (§ 366.21, subd. (e)), Patricia filed another section 388 petition
    seeking, pursuant to section 390, to set aside the court’s
    jurisdiction findings and dismiss the amended section 300
    petition in the interests of justice. In support of her petition
    Patricia relied primarily on the July 30, 2019 psychiatric
    evaluation prepared by Dr. Suzanne M. Dupée, pursuant to
    Evidence Code section 730, which Patricia attached to her
    petition as an exhibit. Based on Dr. Dupée’s July 2019 interview
    with Patricia, Patricia’s responses on the Minnesota Multiphasic
    Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) and Dr. Dupée’s telephone
    conversation with Dr. Nadine Winocur, Patricia’s treating
    psychologist, Dr. Dupée opined to “a reasonable degree of medical
    certainty that [Patricia] does not suffer from any major mental
    illness that impairs her ability to parent her child.” Although
    Dr. Dupée acknowledged Patricia’s MMPI-2 results reflected “an
    extreme attempt” to “present herself as being free of
    Section 390 provides, “A judge of the juvenile court in
    which a petition was filed, at any time before the minor reaches
    the age of 21 years, may dismiss the petition or may set aside the
    findings and dismiss the petition if the court finds that the
    interests of justice and the welfare of the minor require the
    dismissal, and that the parent or guardian of the minor is not in
    need of treatment or rehabilitation.”
    psychological problems in order to influence the outcome” of the
    evaluation, preventing the examiner from interpreting the
    results in “a straightforward manner,” Dr. Dupée nonetheless
    concluded, based on her overall evaluation of Patricia and
    telephone consultation with Dr. Winocur, that Patricia’s anxiety
    and anger management difficulties were a “direct result of the
    dependency proceeding” and not any underlying mental illness.
    In its opposition to Patricia’s petition, the Department
    highlighted deficiencies in Dr. Dupée’s and Dr. Winocur’s reports,
    observing, in part, that both of them had based their conclusions
    on Patricia’s representations without speaking with any of the
    Department’s social workers.
    On September 4, 2019 the court informed the parties of its
    concerns about the lack of specific findings and test results in
    Dr. Dupée’s report. The court ordered the Department to obtain
    the psychometric testing data by the next scheduled hearing on
    September 10, 2019, at which time the court would address both
    a pending request by Patricia to dismiss her appointed counsel
    and Patricia’s section 388 petition to set aside the jurisdiction
    findings and dismiss the amended petition.
    On September 10, 2019, following a Marsden hearing, the
    court denied Patricia’s request to dismiss her appointed counsel
    People v. Marsden (1970) 
    2 Cal.3d 118
     addresses the
    circumstances under which a criminal defendant has a right to
    have his or her appointed counsel replaced and the procedures to
    be used by the trial court in determining whether those
    circumstances exist. Because parents have a statutory and due
    process right to competent counsel in dependency proceedings, a
    comparable mechanism for challenging the adequacy of their
    representation by appointed counsel has been recognized by the
    courts. (See In re M.P. (2013) 
    217 Cal.App.4th 441
    , 455
    but granted her counsel’s request to withdraw from the case. The
    court appointed new counsel, Patricia’s fourth attorney in less
    than eight months. The court then granted Patricia’s new
    counsel time to review the section 388 petition and the
    psychometric test results supporting Dr. Dupée’s evaluation.
    On September 12, 2019 the Department filed a walk-on
    request for issuance of a restraining order to protect a social
    worker, Samuel’s foster parent and Samuel from Patricia. The
    Department informed the court that, after the last court hearing,
    Patricia had gone to the home of Samuel’s foster parent despite
    repeated warnings to stay away and her assurances to the court
    at the prior hearing that she would follow that directive.
    According to the Department, Patricia also called the child abuse
    hotline and falsely accused the foster parent of following her in
    his car and driving recklessly with Samuel in the car. The
    Department stated Patricia was becoming increasingly erratic
    and dangerous. Prior to a court hearing in late August 2019, the
    Department reported, Patricia violently threw documents at a
    person, resulting in “numerous bailiffs [taking] more than
    two hours to subdue [Patricia].” A sheriff’s deputy at the time
    noticed Patricia smelled of alcohol. In addition, the Department
    reported Patricia had exhibited volatile behavior toward the
    social worker during a monitored visit with Samuel at the
    Department’s offices on September 4, 2019, screaming the social
    worker was a criminal and a child abuser. After Patricia was
    [“‘[j]uvenile courts, relying on the Marsden model, have permitted
    the parents, who have a statutory and a due process right to
    competent counsel, to air their complaints about appointed
    counsel and request new counsel be appointed’”]; In re Z.N. (2009)
    181 Cal.App.4th 282
    , 289 [Marsden principles apply in
    dependency proceedings].)
    unable to calm down and the social worker asked her to leave,
    Patricia threatened the social worker, telling her “I know where
    you live.” The social worker smelled alcohol on Patricia’s breath.
    The Department also asked to include Samuel in the scope
    of the restraining order, asserting Patricia’s “unpredictable and
    violent conduct creates a substantial risk of detriment” to
    Samuel. Following a recess, the court stated it was issuing a
    temporary restraining order “on its own motion” until midnight
    October 3, 2019. The court ordered a mental health evaluation
    for Samuel, carved out an exception from the temporary
    restraining order to permit Patricia to have telephonic visitation
    with Samuel and set a further hearing on the restraining order
    for October 3, 2019.
    At the October 3, 2019 hearing Patricia’s counsel requested
    the court grant the section 388 petition or schedule a hearing on
    the merits; the Department urged the court to deny the petition
    as procedurally improper and untimely; and Samuel’s counsel
    stated she had no objection to setting the petition for hearing on
    the same day as the upcoming six-month review hearing, as
    several of the issues would overlap. Accepting the Department’s
    argument the section 388 petition was procedurally improper and
    an untimely new trial motion under Code of Civil Procedure
    section 659, the court summarily denied the petition without
    deciding whether Patricia had made a prima facie showing under
    section 388 sufficient to warrant a hearing on the merits.
    Patricia appealed from the summary denial of her
    section 388 petition. On September 18, 2020 we reversed the
    court’s order summarily denying Patricia’s section 388 petition,
    explaining the juvenile court had erred in construing the
    section 388 petition as an untimely new trial motion. (In re
    Samuel A. (2020) 
    55 Cal.App.5th 1
    , 8-9.) We ordered the juvenile
    court on remand to consider whether Patricia had made a
    prima facie showing sufficient to justify a hearing on her
    section 388 petition. (Id. at p. 9.)
    3. Summary of Proceedings Leading to the Appointment of
    a Guardian ad Litem for Patricia
    The juvenile court first raised the possibility of appointing
    a guardian ad litem sua sponte on November 1, 2019, after
    granting the request of Patricia’s fourth counsel in these
    proceedings to be relieved, necessitating a further continuance of
    the contested six-month review hearing. On its own motion the
    court scheduled a hearing for November 6, 2019 pursuant to In re
    Sara D. (2001) 
    87 Cal.App.4th 661
     (a Sara D. hearing) to
    determine whether to appoint a guardian ad litem for Patricia.
    At the Sara D. hearing, which began on November 6th and
    continued to the following day, the court began by asking
    Christine Milo, Patricia’s newly appointed counsel, whether she
    was having any difficulty communicating with her client. Citing
    her ethical duty of loyalty to her client, Milo requested the court
    address its questions on this issue to Patricia directly. Turning
    to Patricia the court explained its thinking: “[T]his hearing is to
    decide the appointment of a guardian ad litem to act on your
    In In re Sara D., supra, 
    87 Cal.App.4th 661
    , the court of
    appeal held that, before appointing a guardian ad litem for a
    parent in a dependency proceeding, the juvenile court must hold
    an informal hearing and provide a parent with an oppourtunity
    to be heard. (Id. at p. 665, 672; see In re James F. (2008)
    42 Cal.4th 901
    , 910 [citing Sara D. with approval; due process
    hearing required before appointment of guardian ad litem].)
    Such a hearing is now commonly referred to as a Sara D.
    hearing. (See In re A.H. (2013) 
    218 Cal.App.4th 337
    , 342.)
    behalf. Let me explain what that is. It’s where someone would
    be appointed by the court to interface with your attorney and
    address the issues that [have arisen]. And the reason it comes up
    is that I’ve reached a conclusion that there is some impediment
    that seems to suggest you lack the capacity to advise and accept
    direction from counsel, consult rationally, and understand the
    proceedings. . . . There is a finite amount of time for you to
    reunify with your son. And so much time has been devoted to
    addressing your issues and not your son[’s]. And I’ll go through
    all of that. And the concern is that when we get to the contest, if,
    in fact, you are the impediment, you are the reason because of
    certain deficiencies that prevent you from aiding counsel in
    properly reunifying, you’ll run out of time.”
    In response to the court’s inquiry whether she would
    consent to the appointment of a guardian ad litem, Patricia
    adamantly refused, expressing concern about the court’s
    impression of her as the impediment to the proceedings. Patricia
    stated, “I don’t know how the court got the impression, but I can
    only guess that it’s because my court-appointed attorneys have
    simply not done their job. And I’m going to just point out for the
    purpose of time the most recent court-appointed attorney . . .
    pretty much told me right away she has 200 cases to deal with at
    the same time; that she has absolutely no time to read my emails,
    to go and meet with me, and to go—really go—into this case.”
    Patricia explained she had helped her counsel with exhibits,
    obtained numerous recommendation letters on her behalf, and
    her counsel simply do not want to hear it. “I clearly see
    impediments in this case. But I’m viewing it from my
    perspective. And my perspective as a parent is I have to rely on a
    competent counsel to please help me who has the time to go and
    help me.” Patricia explained she had repeatedly told her counsel
    about biased social workers and asked for assistance in removing
    a particular social worker, but her counsel disregarded her
    request and failed to respond to numerous emails from Patricia
    about preparing for the contested six-month review hearing.
    The court replied it had initially believed Patricia’s conflicts
    with counsel were due to several unexpected issues in the case
    that required flexibility on its part. However, over time, “when I
    look at the full record and I look at how you’ve conducted
    yourself, I see that there is, in fact, a more logical explanation,
    which is, I don’t think you understand the proceedings. I don’t
    think you fully grasp how to advise and provide information to
    counsel and work with them in a productive way; and that you
    are, in fact, the impediment.”
    Citing Patricia’s positive Evidence Code section 730 report,
    Milo requested the court not appoint a guardian ad litem and
    allow Milo the time to consult with her client and address
    Patricia’s concerns. The court agreed not to appoint a guardian
    ad litem, but told Patricia and Milo it would revisit the issue if
    Patricia continued not to appreciate the ramifications of her
    On January 2, 2020, four days before the rescheduled
    January 6, 2020 six-month review hearing, Milo, too, declared a
    conflict, citing an “irreparable breakdown of the working
    relationship between counsel and client whereby there are
    irreconcilable differences between the lawyer and client resulting
    in an ethical conflict” and requiring termination of the
    representation. Following an in camera proceeding, first on
    Patricia’s Marsden motion (which the court denied) and then on
    Milo’s request to be relieved, the court granted Milo’s request on
    January 6, 2020, appointed new counsel (Frank Ostrov) for
    Patricia and continued the contested six-month review hearing to
    February 3, 2020.
    On January 22, 2020 Ostrov moved to be relieved as
    counsel, citing Patricia’s hostile behavior and threats to him that
    made it impossible for him to zealously represent her. The court
    set a new guardian ad litem hearing for January 24, 2020 and
    indicated it would address Ostrov’s motion then. Following
    two continuances of that hearing due to Patricia’s unannounced
    absences (Patricia later explained she had been in the emergency
    room after being injured in an assault and was unable to contact
    anyone), the hearing to address Ostrov’s request and
    appointment of a guardian ad litem took place on February 3,
    2020. Ostrov recited Patricia’s statements to him, which he had
    recorded on his cell phone and played for the court. Among other
    things, Patricia insulted Ostrov’s family and told him she wished
    that he and his family would be killed. Patricia apologized for
    her behavior and withdrew her Marsden motion.
    The court initially denied Ostrov’s request to withdraw due
    to an irreconcilable conflict, then granted it after hearing the
    recording and Patricia’s admission that the recording was
    accurate. The court described Patricia’s behavior on the
    recording as “menacing” and recalled witnessing her outbursts
    both inside and outside of the courtroom on other occasions (for
    which security had been called.) The court appointed new
    counsel for Patricia, Melineh Hatamian, and continued the six-
    month review hearing to March 11, 2020. The court ordered the
    guardian ad litem hearing “taken off calendar and taken into
    abeyance,” based largely on Patricia’s assurances she was
    committed to cooperating with the court and her new counsel.
    On March 11, 2020, at the scheduled six-month review
    hearing, Patricia made a Marsden motion to dismiss Hatamian
    as her appointed counsel. The court denied the request, but
    granted Hatamian’s request to be relieved as counsel due to an
    irreconcilable conflict with Patricia in the representation. The
    court appointed new counsel, Sherwin Hosseini Amazan;
    continued the contested hearing to April 9, 2020, at which time it
    would conduct a combined six- and 12-month review hearing
    (§ 366.21, subds. (e), (f)); and stated its intent to continue on
    March 12, 2020 the guardian ad litem hearing that “began
    On March 12, 2020 Amazan informed the court he believed
    the case and client were simply too much for his solo practice and
    asked if his experienced colleague, Niti Gupta, who was present
    at the hearing, could substitute in for him. The court granted the
    request, appointed Gupta as counsel for Patricia, and rescheduled
    the combined six- and 12-month review hearings for April 3,
    Proceeding directly to the continuation of the guardian
    ad litem hearing, the court stated it had initially believed that
    Patricia simply did not understand or appreciate the nature of
    the proceedings and for that reason was incapable of
    understanding and assisting her counsel. However, citing the
    Evidence Code section 730 evaluation finding no evidence of a
    DSM-5 recognized condition, the court stated, “[S]o I don’t think
    it comes from mental health incapacity, and I have a feeling she
    understands these proceedings.” Finding Patricia’s conduct was
    a knowing and deliberate effort to obstruct proceedings she
    believed were not going to be favorable to her, the court
    appointed a guardian ad litem for her and ordered Patricia to
    communicate with her counsel only through her guardian ad
    litem. Gupta asked the court to stay its appointment order so
    that she could consult with Patricia and determine if a guardian
    ad litem was, in fact, necessary. The court agreed and stayed the
    order but told Gupta it did not want any further delays caused by
    Patricia’s conduct. If Gupta was unable to have meaningful
    communication with Patricia, Gupta should alert the court; and it
    would lift the stay of its guardian ad litem order.
    In early April 2020, following continuation of the combined
    six- and 12-month review hearing to May 7, 2020, Gupta filed a
    stipulated request signed by all counsel to lift the stay of the
    court’s prior order appointing a guardian ad litem for Patricia. In
    her written request Gupta stated, “Counsel for mother has
    worked extensively and diligently on this case since appointment
    and has determined that an appointment of the guardian
    ad litem is in fact necessary to assist counsel for the mother to
    adequately, effectively, and competently represent the interests
    of the mother in the upcoming section 21e/21f proceeding,
    scheduled for May 7, 2020 at 8:30 am in said Department. [¶]
    The undersigned has made every reasonable and diligent effort to
    have an effective and meaningful line of communication and
    cooperation with the mother without avail thereby making it
    difficult for counsel to fulfill her professional and ethical
    obligations.” The court lifted the stay of its March 12, 2020
    guardian ad litem appointment order.
    Patricia filed a timely notice of appeal from the March 12,
    2020 and April 20, 2020 orders appointing a guardian ad litem.
    1. Governing Law
    “In a dependency case, a parent who is mentally
    incompetent must appear by a guardian ad litem appointed by
    the court. [Citations.] The test [for mental competence] is
    whether the parent has the capacity to understand the nature or
    consequences of the proceeding and to assist counsel in preparing
    the case.” (In re James F. (2008) 
    42 Cal.4th 901
    , 910.) Stated
    another way, “[a] person may be found incompetent if the person
    was either incapable of understanding the nature and purpose of
    the proceeding or unable to assist counsel in a rational manner.”
    (In re M.P. (2013) 
    217 Cal.App.4th 441
    , 452.)
    “Before appointing a guardian ad litem for a parent in a
    dependency proceeding, the juvenile court must hold an informal
    hearing at which the parent has an opportunity to be heard.
    [Citation.] The court or counsel should explain to the parent the
    purpose of the guardian ad litem and the grounds for believing
    that the parent is mentally incompetent. [Citation.] If the
    parent consents to the appointment, the parent’s due process
    rights are satisfied. [Citation.] A parent who does not consent
    must be given an opportunity to persuade the court that
    appointment of a guardian ad litem is not required, and the
    juvenile court should make an inquiry sufficient to satisfy itself
    that the parent is, or is not, competent. [Citation.] If the court
    appoints a guardian ad litem without the parent’s consent, the
    record must contain substantial evidence of the parent’s
    incompetence.” (In re James F., 
    supra, 42
     Cal.4th at pp. 910-911;
    accord, In re Jessica G. (2001) 
    93 Cal.App.4th 1180
    , 1186; In re
    Sara D., supra, 87 Cal.App.4th at pp. 667-668.)
    The appointment of a guardian ad litem for a parent in a
    dependency case “is no small matter. The effect of the
    appointment is to remove control over the litigation from the
    parent, whose vital rights are at issue, and transfer it to the
    guardian. Consequently, the appointment must be approached
    with care and appreciation of its very significant legal effect.
    ‘The court is being asked to dramatically change the parent’s role
    in the proceeding by transferring the direction and control of the
    litigation from the parent to the guardian ad litem.’ . . . Because
    the ‘decisions made can affect the outcome of the dependency
    proceeding, with a corresponding effect on the parent . . . the
    parent has a direct and substantial interest in whether a
    guardian ad litem is appointed.’” (In re Jessica G., supra,
    93 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1186-1187; accord, In re Sara D., supra,
    87 Cal.App.4th at p. 668.)
    2. The Court’s Appointment of a Guardian ad Litem for
    Patricia Is Not Supported by Substantial Evidence
    Patricia contends the court erred in appointing a guardian
    ad litem for her. While acknowledging overwhelming evidence
    that she was difficult, demanding, and frequently clashed with
    her appointed counsel, she argues there was no evidence, and
    indeed, no finding by the juvenile court, that she lacked the
    capacity either to understand the nature of proceedings or to
    assist counsel in a rational manner: The July 2019 Evidence
    Code section 730 evaluation found Patricia did not suffer from an
    underlying mental health condition; none of Patricia’s counsel
    had suggested the difficulties experienced with her were caused
    by Patricia’s mental incompetence; and even the trial court,
    which initially believed she lacked the capacity to assist counsel,
    ultimately appointed the guardian ad litem based on a finding
    her lack of cooperation was strategic.
    The Department responds that Patricia’s inability to assist
    counsel in a rational manner was plain on the face of the record:
    A multitude of experienced and competent counsel, and in some
    cases, their entire law firms, moved to be relieved from
    representing Patricia, citing irreconcilable differences and, at
    times, a total breakdown in communication with their client.
    That no attorney was able to represent Patricia for any
    meaningful length of time, the Department argues, was prima
    facie evidence of her inability to rationally assist counsel.
    Contrary to the Department’s contention, Patricia’s
    deliberate failure to cooperate with counsel, without more, does
    not demonstrate incompetency. (See People v. Mendoza (2016)
    62 Cal.4th 856
    , 879 [“[v]oluntary barriers to communication with
    counsel on the part of a defendant who was able to cooperate [but
    elected not to] do not demonstrate incompetence” under Penal
    Code section 1367 ]; People v. Mai (2013) 
    57 Cal.4th 986
    , 1034
    [“an uncooperative attitude is not, in and of itself, substantial
    evidence of incompetence”]; People v. Clark (2011) 
    52 Cal.4th 856
    893 [“‘the test, in a section 1368 proceeding, is competency to
    cooperate, not cooperation’”]; People v. Medine (1995) 
    11 Cal.4th 5
         Penal Code section 1367 provides a defendant is
    incompetent for purposes of a criminal trial “if, as a result of a
    mental health disorder or developmental disability, the
    defendant is unable to understand the nature of the criminal
    proceedings or to assist counsel in the conduct of a defense in a
    rational manner”—the same standard used to determine
    competence for purposes of appointment of a guardian ad litem in
    dependency proceedings (In re James F., 
    supra, 42
     Cal.4th at
    p. 916).
    694, 735 [“[d]efendant’s cursing and disruptive actions displayed
    an unwillingness to assist in his defense, but did not necessarily
    bear on his competence to do so”]; see also In re James F., 
    supra, 42
     Cal.4th at p. 916 [“[i]n a dependency proceeding, a juvenile
    court should appoint a guardian ad litem for a parent if the
    requirements of either Probate Code section 1801 [standards for
    appointment of conservator] or Penal Code section 1367
    [standards for finding criminal defendant mentally incompetent]
    are satisfied”].)
    The Department’s reliance on In re M.P., supra,
    217 Cal.App.4th 441
     to support the court’s ruling is misplaced.
    In that case, a psychological examination found the mother
    involved in a dependency matter suffered from schizophrenia,
    paranoid type, with the presence of prominent delusions. The
    mother’s counsel requested the court hold a guardian-ad-litem
    hearing, advising the court, “[T]he mother . . . and I have run into
    a conflict, and our understanding of one another. And I do
    believe that she would benefit from the assistance of a guardian
    ad litem in terms of making legal decisions and legal strategy.”
    (Id. at p. 447.) The attorney explained that the mother did not
    agree with the appointment of a guardian ad litem and wanted a
    new attorney. The court held a Sara D. hearing. Citing a 2008
    psychological assessment that found the mother had “‘serious
    mental health needs’” and “‘is not able to . . . understand the
    difference between facts as the majority of people are
    experiencing [them] and the way that [she] is experiencing the
    world around her’” and that it was “‘impossible to have a
    The Department does not argue, and there is no evidence,
    that Patricia meets the standard for appointment of a
    conservator under Probate Code section 1801.
    competent intelligible kind of a legal conversation,’” counsel
    thought it best if the court appointed a guardian ad litem, who
    would work with the mother and understand what needed to be
    done “‘to move forward with this case.’” (Id. at p. 449.) During
    the hearing the court questioned the mother. Following
    responses from the mother that were “meandering, nonresponsive
    and sometimes unintelligible” (id. at p. 450), the court appointed
    a guardian ad litem for her.
    On appeal the mother in In re M.P., supra, 
    217 Cal.App.4th 441
     argued the court had simply assumed, without evidence, that
    mother’s mental illness rendered her mentally incompetent to
    understand the proceedings or assist her counsel in a rational
    manner. The court of appeal rejected that argument and
    affirmed the appointment of a guardian ad litem, finding
    substantial evidence, “[b]ased upon [the court’s] exchange with
    mother and her counsel at the closed [guardian ad litem]
    hearing,” that the mother “could not rationally confer with her
    counsel about the facts or rationally assist him with the case and
    she could not rationally give and take advice regarding legal
    strategy. Mother’s responses [at the hearing] indicated that she
    was still delusional and did not appreciate her own mental health
    problems that had led to the commencement of the dependency
    proceeding.” (Id. at p. 454.)
    Here, in stark contrast to In re M.P., none of Patricia’s
    counsel expressed any doubt about Patricia’s competence, nor did
    her responses to the court during the hearing suggest it. In fact,
    Gupta was the only counsel who stated, in her request to
    lift the stay of the prior court order appointing a guardian
    ad litem, that the appointment was necessary to allow her to
    competently represent Patricia at the upcoming six- and
    citing Patricia’s favorable Evidence Code section 730 evaluation,
    the court expressly found Patricia’s clashes with counsel were not
    the result of any mental health disorder but were deliberate and
    strategic, designed to frustrate and delay proceedings she
    believed were going to be unfavorable to her. Yet,
    notwithstanding a finding that Patricia was not incapable of
    assisting, but merely unwilling to do so, the court appointed a
    guardian ad litem for Patricia, reasoning it was the only means
    available to move the case along and ensure Patricia had the
    benefit of counsel while she still had some opportunity to reunify
    with Samuel. However well-intended the court’s ruling may have
    been, a parent’s due process right to communicate directly with
    counsel in proceedings that could culminate in the termination of
    her parental rights is fundamental. (In re Sara D., supra,
    12-month review hearing. Gupta did not indicate Patricia was
    unable, rather than unwilling, to cooperate with Gupta. And we
    do not know any more about the basis for Gupta’s request
    because the court did not hold a further hearing, but simply lifted
    the stay of its earlier order based on its mistaken finding there
    existed sufficient grounds for appointment of a guardian ad litem.
    Gupta’s request, unaccompanied by the required due process
    hearing and an opportunity for Patricia to respond (In re
    James F., 
    supra, 42
     Cal.4th at p. 910), neither constitutes
    substantial evidence to support the court’s appointment of a
    guardian ad litem nor renders the appointment of a guardian
    ad litem absent a proper hearing harmless. As discussed in
    section 3, this is not a case such as James F. where the parent’s
    incompetence is beyond dispute.
    During the pendency of this appeal challenging the
    appointment of a guardian ad litem, Patricia’s parental rights
    were, in fact, terminated at a hearing at which she was
    prohibited from communicating directly with counsel purportedly
    87 Cal.App.4th at p. 669 [“transferring direction and control of
    the litigation through appointment of a guardian ad litem [for a
    parent] in a dependency proceeding may jeopardize the parent’s
    interest as much, if not more, than any of the actions taken in the
    cited custody cases finding a due process violation”]; see also In re
    A.R. (2021) 
    11 Cal.5th 234
    , 245 [order terminating parental
    rights is “widely recognized as ranking ‘among the most severe
    forms of state action’”]; see generally M.L.B. v. S.L.J. (1996)
    519 U.S. 102
    , 128.) Patricia’s right to actively participate in this
    dependency proceeding may not be disregarded for the sake of
    expediency. (See In re Josiah S. (2002) 
    102 Cal.App.4th 403
    representing her. (We take judicial notice of the juvenile court’s
    May 7, 2021 order terminating Patricia’s parental rights
    pursuant to Evidence Code sections 452, subdivision (d), and
    459.) That order, as well as all other orders made by the juvenile
    court while a guardian ad litem was in place, must be vacated.
    The Department’s reliance on Code of Civil Procedure
    section 372, subdivision (a), to argue expediency alone is a
    sufficient basis for the appointment of a guardian ad litem is just
    wrong. Code of Civil Procedure section 372, subdivision (a),
    provides in part, “A guardian ad litem may be appointed in any
    case when it is deemed by the court in which the action or
    proceeding is prosecuted, or by a judge thereof, expedient to
    appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the minor, person
    lacking legal capacity to make decisions, or person for whom a
    conservator has been appointed . . . .” This statute authorizes
    appointment of a guardian ad litem only if the requirements for
    appointment are met for a minor, a person lacking legal capacity
    to make decisions (that is, a legally incompetent person), or a
    person in a conservatorship. It does not authorize such a drastic
    measure for expediency’s sake alone. (See generally In re
    James F., 
    supra, 42
     Cal.4th at p. 910.)
    417-418 [“We understand from our prior review of orders issued
    in this case that appellant can be more demanding on the system
    than others. But that does not justify denying her the rights
    afforded under the law”].)
    3. The Appointment of a Guardian ad Litem for Patricia
    Was Not Harmless
    Relying on In re James F., 
    42 Cal.4th 901
     and In re
    Daniel S. (2004) 
    115 Cal.App.4th 903
    , the Department
    alternatively argues that any error in appointing a guardian
    ad litem was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.        In both
    In In re James F., 
    42 Cal.4th 901
     the Supreme Court
    held appointment of a guardian ad litem in violation of due
    process was subject to harmless error review (that is, it was not
    structural error) without specifying whether the question of
    prejudice should be analyzed under the standard for state law
    error stated in People v. Watson (1956) 
    46 Cal.2d 818
    , 836 (a
    reasonable probability of a more favorable outcome), the more
    exacting standard for federal constitutional error of Chapman v.
    California (1967) 
    386 U.S. 18
    , 24 (harmless beyond a reasonable
    doubt), or some intermediate standard of prejudice. (See
    James F., at p. 911, fn. 1 [“[b]ecause we did not grant review on
    the appropriate harmless error standard and the parties have not
    briefed it, we do not address that issue here”].)
    While we are inclined to agree with those appellate courts
    that have found the Chapman standard appropriate for the due
    process violation at issue (see In re Daniel S., 
    supra, 115
     Cal.App.4th at p. 914 [due process violation in appointing
    guardian ad litem held harmless “beyond a reasonable doubt”];
    In re Sara D., supra, 87 Cal.App.4th at p. 674 [due process
    violation in appointing guardian ad litem reversible error unless
    harmless beyond reasonable doubt]), we need not resolve that
    question because the error in appointing a guardian ad litem for
    James F. and Daniel S. the juvenile court appointed a guardian
    ad litem for a parent in dependency proceedings without proper
    notice to the parent or explanation to the party of the
    consequences of its order. In both cases the due process
    deprivation was held harmless because the parent’s incompetence
    was beyond dispute. (See James F., at p. 916; Daniel S., at
    p. 913.) Those cases have no application here, where, as we have
    explained, there is no evidence of Patricia’s inability to assist
    counsel due to a mental health disorder or developmental
    The Department emphasizes the juvenile court only
    appointed a guardian ad litem as a last resort, after finding other
    measures it had utilized to control Patricia’s behavior (calling
    security to prevent in-court outbursts after she was heard
    shouting and seen throwing things in the hallway outside the
    courtroom and issuing restraining orders to protect the subjects
    of her out-of-court threats) insufficient to address Patricia’s
    conflicts with her counsel. Implicit in the Department’s assertion
    of these facts is the question: What is to be done with a parent
    like Patricia, who engages in demanding, harassing, and even
    threatening behavior with her counsel, undermining counsel’s
    ability to provide effective representation and interfering with
    counsel’s own personal well-being?
    We appreciate the difficulty confronting counsel and the
    court on the front lines of Patricia’s behavior. We also agree with
    the juvenile court that Patricia has done herself no favors by
    engaging in conduct that alienated her counsel and, at the very
    least, delayed reunification efforts. Nonetheless, as Patricia’s
    a parent without a supportable finding of incompetence is
    prejudical under any standard.
    appellate counsel points out, a large part of the problem was
    caused by the court’s own rulings granting the requests of
    numerous appointed counsel to be relieved following Patricia’s
    unsuccessful Marsden motions. The court need not have granted
    permissible withdrawal if the delay caused by replacement of
    counsel would have prejudiced Patricia in proceedings in which
    time is of the essence. (See Lempert v. Superior Court (2003)
    112 Cal.App.4th 1161
    , 1173 [“[t]he determination whether to
    grant or deny an attorney’s motion to withdraw as counsel of
    record lies within the sound discretion of the trial court, having
    in mind whether such withdrawal might work an injustice in the
    handling of the case”]; Mandell v. Superior Court (1977) 
    67 Cal.App.3d 1
    , 4 [court has discretion to deny attorney’s request to
    withdraw when withdrawal would result in an injustice or cause
    undue delay]; see generally In re Jesusa V. (2004) 
    32 Cal.4th 588
    637 [the Legislature has declared that dependency actions be
    resolved expeditiously]; In re Marilyn H. (1993) 
    5 Cal.4th 295
    310 [time is of the essence in dependency proceedings]; In re
    Daniel S., 
    supra, 115
     Cal.App.4th at p. 913 [same].)
    In denying Patricia’s Marsden motions to replace her
    appointed counsel, the court implicitly recognized that bad
    behavior directed to one’s own counsel is not grounds for
    replacement of appointed counsel. (See, e.g., People v. Johnson
    6 Cal.5th 541
    , 576 [“[A] defendant may not force the
    substitution of counsel by manufacturing a conflict or a
    breakdown in the relationship through his own conduct.
    [Citations.] Here it was defendant who repeatedly spit on and
    unilaterally refused to cooperate or even speak with counsel—
    and who ultimately assaulted counsel in open court. A defendant
    cannot take such steps and then rely on that same behavior to
    assert an irreconcilable conflict with counsel”]; People v. Michaels
    To address Patricia’s behavior, Patricia’s counsel may find
    it helpful to impose reasonable and well-defined limitations on
    communications with Patricia, as Patricia’s appointed appellate
    counsel seems to have successfully done. For instance, to
    address Patricia’s sometimes hundreds of emails a day to counsel,
    28 Cal.4th 486
    , 523 [“Defendant cannot simply refuse to
    cooperate with his appointed attorney and thereby compel the
    court to remove that attorney. ‘“[I]f a defendant’s claimed lack of
    trust in, or inability to get along with, an appointed attorney
    were sufficient to compel appointment of substitute counsel,
    defendants effectively would have a veto power over any
    appointment and by a process of elimination could obtain
    appointment of their preferred attorneys, which is certainly not
    the law”’”].) Nevertheless, by repeatedly allowing Patricia’s
    attorneys to withdraw following Patricia’s unsuccessful Marsden
    motions, the court may have reinforced Patricia’s disruptive
    On June 7, 2021, after completion of briefing in this case,
    Patricia’s appointed appellate counsel filed a request to withdraw
    as counsel on two new appeals by Patricia from subsequent
    juvenile court orders for which briefing had not yet begun.
    Following appellate counsel’s consultation with the California
    Appellate Project, counsel’s own recognition that she was best
    suited for the representation in light of her extended involvement
    in this case, and Patricia’s promise to rein in her demands and
    refrain from the behavior that had impeded counsel’s ability to
    represent her as well as to maintain her practice and her
    personal well-being, Patricia’s appellate counsel asked this court
    to stay any ruling on her request to withdraw pending further
    developments on appeal, “if such need ever arises.” We granted
    that request. (We take judicial notice of this information, which
    is contained in the records of our court, pursuant to Evidence
    Code sections 452, subdivision (d) and 459.)
    counsel may require that Patricia send no more than a specific
    number of emails (two or three, for example) in a 24-hour period
    and state that counsel will respond only once during that same
    (or some other reasonable) period, with the understanding that
    these limitations (and Patricia’s violation of them) will not be
    grounds for replacement of counsel, either through a motion by
    Patricia or by counsel’s request to withdraw. To the extent
    Patricia attempts personally to file documents while represented
    by counsel, the court should reject those documents for filing
    without ruling on them. If Patricia’s outbursts in the courtroom
    continue (it appears Patricia has been able to control herself, at
    least while in the courtroom), the court may take appropriate
    measures, including, if necessary, having her removed. What the
    court may not do is appoint a guardian ad litem as a response to
    a legally competent, albeit exceedingly difficult, parent.
    Our holding reversing the guardian ad litem orders will
    require the juvenile court to vacate all subsequent orders made
    Following the appointment of a guardian ad litem, Patricia
    filed section 388 petitions in propria persona, without the
    assistance of counsel or her guardian ad litem. We take judicial
    notice of those filings (Evid. Code, §§ 452, subd. (d), 459) and
    note, without deciding, that the act of filing an appropriate
    petition for modification might be further evidence that Patricia
    is capable of understanding the proceedings and assisting her
    The appointment of the guardian ad litem in a case such as
    this one would seem to do little to ameliorate the harassment the
    court found troubling. Such an order merely transfers the
    intended target of Patricia’s behavior from counsel to the
    guardian ad litem tasked with speaking with her counsel on her
    during proceedings in which Patricia was denied the benefit of
    communicating directly with her counsel (see In re Kimberly F.
    56 Cal.App.4th 519
    , 535-536 [in light of reversal of court’s
    order denying parent’s section 388 petition, the court’s
    subsequent order terminating parental rights must also be
    vacated]; see generally California Public Records Research, Inc. v.
    County of Alameda (2019) 
    37 Cal.App.5th 800
    , 813). We
    recognize that this will further delay already delayed
    proceedings. While unfortunate, that is the inevitable
    consequence of proceeding in a manner that violated Patricia’s
    fundamental rights.
    The court’s March 12, 2020 order appointing a guardian
    ad litem for Patricia is reversed. On remand the juvenile court is
    ordered to vacate its April 20, 2020 order and all subsequent
    orders in which Patricia was denied the right to directly
    communicate with her counsel, including the court’s orders at the
    section 366.21, subdivisions (e), (f), hearing and the
    section 366.26 hearing that resulted in the termination of
    Patricia’s parental rights.
    PERLUSS, P. J.
    We concur:
    SEGAL, J.                FEUER, J.