Simers v. LA Times Communications ( 2018 )

  • Filed 1/5/18
    T.J. SIMERS,                        B269565
    Plaintiff and Appellant,     (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. BC524471)
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from postjudgment orders of the Superior Court of
    Los Angeles County. William A. MacLaughlin, Judge. Affirmed.
    Shegerian & Associates, Carney R. Shegerian and Jill P.
    McDonell for Plaintiff and Appellant.
    Horvitz & Levy, David M. Axelrad, Scott P. Dixler; Davis
    Wright Tremaine, Emilio G. Gonzalez, Evelyn F. Wang; Ballard
    Rosenberg Golper & Savitt, Linda Miller Savitt and Elsa
    Bañuelos for Defendant and Appellant.
    In March 2013, plaintiff T.J. Simers was a well-known and
    sometimes controversial sports columnist for Los Angeles Times
    Communications, LLC (The Times or defendant). He had held
    that position since 2000, receiving uniformly favorable and often
    exceptional performance reviews from defendant. On March 16,
    2013, plaintiff, then 62 years old, suffered a neurological event
    with symptoms similar to a “mini-stroke.” He recovered quickly,
    for the most part, and soon was again writing his thrice-weekly
    Two and a half months later, The Times reduced plaintiff’s
    columns to two per week, to “give [him] more time to write on
    [his] columns.” His editors expressed the dissatisfaction of upper
    management with several recent columns, and stated “they had
    been having problems with [his] writing for the past 18 months.”
    Two weeks later, The Times learned from an article in another
    publication that a Hollywood producer (who had just filmed a 90-
    second video that had “gone viral,” in connection with one of
    plaintiff’s columns) was apparently developing a television show
    loosely based on plaintiff’s life. Viewing this as a possible ethical
    breach, defendant put plaintiff’s columns “on holiday” for 10 days,
    and then, on June 24, 2013, suspended the column pending an
    On August 8, 2013, after completion of the investigation
    and several meetings with plaintiff, defendant issued a “final
    written warning” that removed plaintiff from his position as a
    columnist and made him a senior reporter, albeit with no
    reduction in salary “for now.” Plaintiff’s lawyer informed
    defendant on August 12 that plaintiff could not work in that
    environment and considered himself to have been constructively
    On September 4, 2013, The Times asked plaintiff to return
    to his position as columnist. But defendant did not answer
    plaintiff’s questions about how many columns he would write and
    whether he had to change his interviewing approach, and
    plaintiff did not trust The Times. The next day, plaintiff met
    with editors at the Orange County Register, and by September 9,
    2013, had accepted a position as a columnist there.
    On October 15, 2013, plaintiff sued The Times. After a 28-
    day trial in the fall of 2015, the jury found in favor of plaintiff on
    his claims of disability and age discrimination, and on his claim
    of constructive termination. The jury awarded plaintiff
    $2,137,391 in economic damages for harm caused by his
    constructive termination and $5 million in noneconomic damages.
    The parties agreed to give the jury a special verdict form that
    instructed them to fill in the blanks for past and future economic
    damages only if they found plaintiff was constructively
    terminated. The special verdict form allowed the jury to award
    past and future noneconomic damages without identifying which
    noneconomic damages were caused by the constructive
    termination and which were caused by the discrimination.
    The trial court granted defendant’s motion for judgment
    notwithstanding the verdict (JNOV) on plaintiff’s constructive
    termination claim, and otherwise denied JNOV, finding
    substantial evidence supported the verdict on plaintiff’s age and
    disability discrimination claims. The court also granted
    defendant’s motion for a new trial on all damages, economic and
    noneconomic, finding it was not possible to determine what
    amount of noneconomic damages the jury awarded because of the
    discrimination but not because of the constructive discharge. The
    court denied defendant’s motion for a new trial on plaintiff’s
    discrimination claims.
    Both parties appealed. We affirm the trial court’s orders.
    1.     The Background
    a.     Plaintiff’s work at The Times
    Plaintiff joined The Times as a sports reporter in 1990. His
    editor at the time, Bill Dwyre, called him “the best, toughest
    reporter I had,” “hard working” and “highly ethical,” and in 2000
    promoted plaintiff to columnist, a job plaintiff described as “the
    best job in the country.” Mr. Dwyre picked plaintiff for the job
    because he “wanted somebody who I knew had guts and would go
    after tough subjects and would be a must read every day.” The
    position of columnist was “the most prestigious writing position
    in the newspaper[.]” Plaintiff wrote three columns each week for
    the sports section until the spring of 2013, when the events that
    are the subject of this lawsuit occurred.
    During his tenure as a sports columnist, plaintiff’s
    performance reviews were uniformly positive. He often received
    overall ratings of “exceptional,” and was described as a “brilliant
    columnist” and “unique among U.S. sports columnists.”
    Mike James became sports editor and plaintiff’s supervisor
    in 2009. He too described plaintiff in glowing terms as dedicated
    and talented, with good interviewing skills, and he encouraged
    plaintiff’s assertive and sometimes confrontational style.
    Plaintiff also worked with younger reporters, “[t]rying to guide
    them and instill some of the dogged reporting skills that can be
    important.” Mr. James’s review of plaintiff in February 2013, for
    the year 2012, described plaintiff’s columns as “a must-read
    element in The Times Sports section”; concluded plaintiff was
    “a very valuable asset to the department”; and gave him the
    highest possible rating in the “reporting and writing” category.
    On February 1, 2013, the then-editor of The Times, Davan
    Maharaj, congratulated plaintiff on “[m]aybe the [b]est interview
    with [Kobe Bryant] yet. What a get. Thanks!”
    b.    Plaintiff’s freelance work
    Under the ethics guidelines of The Times, staff members
    were “free to do outside creative, community or personal work,
    including writing articles and books, giving speeches or
    appearing on TV or online venues,” but were required to “obtain
    clearance from a supervisor” before accepting freelance
    assignments. While Mr. Dwyre supervised plaintiff (through
    2005), plaintiff had permission to do a radio show with his
    daughter five days a week, for two or three years. Plaintiff
    appeared on an ESPN television show (Around the Horn) for four
    or five months in 2003, after being recommended by Mr. Dwyre,
    and also appeared in a Disney movie. Plaintiff wrote about all
    those activities in his columns.
    In 2002 or 2003, plaintiff began writing television scripts,
    writing and rewriting three or four of them. He told Mr. Dwyre
    about the script writing, and Mr. Dwyre correctly predicted his
    failure in those endeavors; “[n]one of them ever went
    After Mr. James became sports editor in 2009, plaintiff told
    him about the scripts he had been writing and trying to promote,
    describing his meetings with production companies and “getting
    excited and then getting let down,” and Mr. James “found it
    amusing.” Mr. James, who had the authority to approve outside
    work, confirmed that if he knew about a project an employee was
    working on and did not object to it, “that would effectively
    indicate that you have no objection to it, that you approve it –
    approve of it.” Once an outside project has been approved, it
    “would not present a problem” if the project occurs “even three
    years down the line . . . . ” Mr. James knew that plaintiff had an
    entertainment agent, and a script or proposal he was trying to
    sell for a television show about plaintiff and his daughter, and
    Mr. James saw no conflict of interest or ethical violation in
    plaintiff’s doing so.
    Over the years up to March 2013, plaintiff met with
    “somewhere around a dozen production companies,” but got no
    further until he met Mike Tollin (“a big time producer”) in August
    2011 (after “a real script writing spurt” that ended in January
    2011). (Plaintiff’s agent, Bill Douglass, had told him to stop
    writing and instead to “talk ideas” and “come up with an idea
    that might excite [production companies].”) Plaintiff pitched the
    father/daughter concept, and Mr. Tollin “was excited about the
    concept.” Mr. Tollin told plaintiff, “Let’s get this going” and
    “[l]et’s see if we can make this work.”
    Plaintiff was excited by this development, and on
    August 18, 2011, sent an email to a friend saying he had a “deal
    with Mike Tollin” on a sitcom and “[w]ill let u know if it really
    goes anywhere.” Two weeks later, he sent another email to a
    friend saying “by the way, I just sold a sitcom.” (This apparently
    referred to the idea for a sitcom, and plaintiff never received any
    money for it.)
    Plaintiff and Mr. Tollin tried to involve writer Alan Zweibel
    in the project, and Mr. Zweibel eventually wrote a treatment in
    October 2012. But by July 2012, when Mr. Zweibel cancelled a
    meeting, plaintiff believed the project was dead, and he never
    saw the October 2012 treatment until discovery in this lawsuit.
    The last time plaintiff ever discussed the possibility of a
    father/daughter television show with Mr. Tollin was “probably
    October of 2012.”
    c.    Plaintiff’s health issues - March 2013
    On March 16, 2013, plaintiff suffered stroke-like symptoms
    and was hospitalized in Phoenix. Doctors told him he had had a
    “TIA” (transient ischemic attack) or “some sort of mini stroke,”
    and the incident could be a precursor to a full-blown stroke.
    Plaintiff “was having trouble speaking,” a problem “that every
    once in a while still pops up,” and some difficulty walking. He
    was “worn out,” frustrated “because of the speech,” and had
    “a headache in the back of my head, which I still have to this
    day.” In the weeks after the incident, his daughter observed
    plaintiff as very tired, very sluggish, limping a bit and
    intermittently “having trouble finding the right words.” Despite
    this, plaintiff completed a column while in the hospital and wrote
    another on March 18, 2013.
    Plaintiff consulted Los Angeles neurologist Doojin Kim on
    March 25, April 4, and November 5, 2013. Plaintiff had no
    symptoms at all on the first visit, and only headache on the
    second. (On November 5, plaintiff “was complaining about
    concentration difficulties, memory difficulties, and executive
    functioning difficulties.”) Dr. Kim told plaintiff it was highly
    unlikely he had had a TIA, because his symptoms had lasted for
    more than 24 hours. Dr. Kim ordered tests, and told plaintiff he
    may have suffered small strokes before the March 16 incident.
    He eventually diagnosed plaintiff with complex migraine
    syndrome, with symptoms that can mimic a stroke. There is no
    “absolute cure,” but the symptoms can be eliminated with
    Plaintiff’s neurologic event and its effects in the ensuing
    weeks were known to The Times, and were met with statements
    of concern and support. (Plaintiff wrote a column about his “mini
    stroke[]” and “TIA,” mentioning problems with his typing and
    speech, on March 18. A column on March 26 again discussed his
    “mini-stroke or whatever it was . . . .”) Mr. James reported
    plaintiff’s hospitalization to Marc Duvoisin, the managing editor,
    and Mr. Duvoisin emailed plaintiff, saying he knew about TIA’s
    and was very concerned; he encouraged plaintiff “to take as much
    time off as you need, and please let me know what, if anything,
    the paper can do to help,” and “[y]our column will be waiting for
    you as soon as you feel up to it.” Mr. Duvoisin in turn conveyed
    the information about plaintiff’s “micro-stroke” to Mr. Maharaj,
    who promptly emailed plaintiff. Mr. Maharaj wrote that he had
    just read plaintiff’s March 18 column “which was a hoot,” and “we
    are SOOO fortunate to get through this with you intact.”
    After his hospitalization, plaintiff told Mr. James that he
    had to cancel an interview he had arranged with boxer Floyd
    Mayweather, because he (plaintiff) “was out of it. . . . I was
    exhausted. My brain was scrambled.”
    About two weeks after the incident, on April 2, 2013,
    Mr. James emailed plaintiff, expressing the hope that
    “everything went well in the tests” and suggesting a column
    topic, “[a]ssuming you’re off the DL [(disabled list)] and still plan
    to write . . . .” The next day, Mr. James emailed plaintiff to say
    “This is just a great column. No one has written anything like
    this. Really good . . . .”
    On April 4, 2013, Mr. Duvoisin wrote to plaintiff, saying
    plaintiff’s column was “as vigorous and delightful as ever, but I
    hear you’re still plagued by headaches. Please know that you
    have our full support to take as much time as you need to rest
    and recuperate. Everything . . . will be waiting for you on your
    return. We need another 20 years of columns out of you before
    you hang it up, so take whatever time you need to feel better.”
    (Mr. Duvoisin knew from Mr. James that plaintiff was
    complaining of headaches.)
    2.     Events After Plaintiff’s March 16 Hospitalization
    In April and May, plaintiff “didn’t know if [he] could get on
    a plane and have the energy to complete [an] assignment,” and
    “articulated some of this to Mike James,” telling Mr. James that
    he was “just trying to prove to myself that I can do this, but I
    believe I can.” He was “just tired,” and “[f]ocus and concentration
    were very difficult.” He had “a constant headache in the back of
    [his] head that still to this day I have . . . .” “I’m always dealing
    with the headache in the back of my head, and I’ve let the people
    at the paper know that I had the headache. [¶] I wasn’t asking
    for any special consideration. I just wanted them to know how I
    was, what I was doing.”
    Nonetheless, plaintiff continued to produce columns of the
    same quality as he had done before his hospitalization.
    Mr. James did not see any change in plaintiff’s work product or in
    his dedication to his work quality after the March 16 incident
    (and as already noted, Messrs. James, Duvoisin and Maharaj all
    complimented him on his work). He “landed two very big
    interviews” that occurred in April and May 2013, one of them, set
    for May 30, 2013, with basketball player Dwight Howard (more
    about this below).
    Then, at the end of May, Mr. Duvoisin and Mr. Maharaj
    began to express some displeasure with plaintiff.
    a.     May 28, 2013
    On May 28, 2013, Mr. James and assistant sports editor
    John Cherwa met with plaintiff and conveyed a decision by
    managing editor Duvoisin that plaintiff would write two columns
    per week rather than three, a decision that upset plaintiff.
    The genesis of the column reduction, according to
    Mr. Duvoisin, was “a string of columns” plaintiff wrote in late
    April and May.
    First, there was a series of columns written in Memphis in
    late April, in which plaintiff referred to Memphis as “Rathole,”
    Tennessee. Mr. Duvoisin “did not like that” and “thought that
    was inappropriate.” (But sports columnists had been using
    derogatory terms for other cities for many years, and plaintiff
    had done so numerous times without reprimand. And plaintiff’s
    column was required to be approved by one of the sports editors
    before publication, and the “Rathole” reference remained
    Second, Mr. Duvoisin was “troubled” by a column on
    May 11, 2013 about then Angels baseball team owner Arte
    Moreno, thinking the column was “needlessly harsh and unfair
    to” Mr. Moreno. (Plaintiff wrote that the players were “very
    much like their owner, and as they say, the fish stinks from the
    head down.”)
    Third, Mr. Duvoisin was similarly troubled by plaintiff’s
    column about Mark McGwire, then the Dodgers hitting coach, on
    May 15, 2013. Plaintiff (according to his column) asked
    Mr. McGwire, who had a history of steroid use, “Is it time to
    introduce the players to steroids?” and “asked if he could still
    score some steroids.” Mr. Duvoisin thought the column was
    “needlessly caustic and harsh and wasn’t funny” and “wasn’t
    At the May 28 meeting, Mr. James conveyed several
    criticisms from Mr. Duvoisin and Mr. Maharaj, in addition to the
    issues with the three columns just described: they thought
    plaintiff’s writing “had become sloppy” and they had been “having
    problems with [plaintiff’s] writing for the past 18 months”; they
    “questioned his interviewing abilities” based on an interview he
    had done with Jim Mora in November 2012, at which plaintiff’s
    behavior “reflected poorly on the paper” and was a “public
    embarrassment” to The Times; and “they had problems with
    stories filed right on deadline.” (This last problem had never
    been documented at any time during plaintiff’s 22 years with
    The Times. Mr. James testified that plaintiff met his deadlines,
    and John Cherwa, who had been deputy sports editor since 2009,
    testified that he “never had a problem with [plaintiff] filing his
    stories, his columns on time,” and he was “very vigilant on filing
    on time.”)
    Mr. James told plaintiff he was “just delivering the
    message” about the column reduction; he told plaintiff it was not
    his decision. The removal of the third column “was not
    something that I would have suggested,” and he “didn’t know
    what it would achieve[.]” (Mr. Duvoisin claimed the column
    reduction was a suggestion by Mr. James and assistant sports
    editors Cherwa and Hiserman to resolve the problems
    Mr. Duvoisin had with the three columns; “their opinion was . . .
    that [plaintiff] had trouble hitting the same standard with the
    third column as he had with the other two.”) Mr. James had
    never before documented plaintiff’s writing as “sloppy,” or told
    plaintiff he was a “public embarrassment” to The Times, and he
    knew of no occasion on which plaintiff’s columns had ever been
    Mr. James could not recall ever criticizing plaintiff about
    the November 2012 Mora interview. Mr. James had been “a little
    concerned about it but not to the point that I thought it was a
    serious problem.” (This interview with Mr. Mora (at a postgame
    press conference) had occurred six months earlier, and there was
    no criticism from upper management at the time.) The interview
    had been videotaped and posted on YouTube. In his column, and
    during the press conference, plaintiff expressed disbelief in
    various statements made by Mr. Mora (whom plaintiff had
    known for 25 years), and suggested Mr. Mora had intentionally
    held his UCLA team back, losing the game so the team would
    face Stanford instead of a better team in the upcoming
    championship game. Mr. James thought some of plaintiff’s
    comments were “on the edge” in terms of a respectful
    interviewing technique, and plaintiff admitted in a column he
    wrote two days later that one of his comments was “[w]ay out of
    line.” At the time of the May 28 meeting, Mr. James knew
    plaintiff had a longstanding, good relationship with Mr. Mora,
    who had just invited plaintiff to play in a charity golf
    Mr. James told plaintiff “that he agreed with 85 percent of
    the work [plaintiff] was doing, but there was 15 percent that he
    agreed with upper management.” And Mr. James “did not have a
    serious problem with [the three articles],” which were approved
    by his department before they were published.
    Plaintiff, who took pride in his columns, was very upset
    about the column reduction, and received permission from
    Mr. James to meet with Mr. Duvoisin.
    b.    May 29, 2013
    Plaintiff and Mr. Duvoisin met the following day. Plaintiff
    told Mr. Duvoisin “how blindsided [he] was,” and that he “didn’t
    understand where it was coming from.” Plaintiff explained “how
    passionate [he was] about newspapering[.]” They discussed the
    Mora interview, and Mr. Duvoisin conceded he might be “going
    overboard on . . . that criticism” and that perhaps it was not fair
    “ ‘to pick out one interview.’ ” Mr. Duvoisin “made it clear . . . he
    wasn’t a fan of my writing for the past year,” and “he just told me
    it wasn’t up to L.A. Times standard.” They discussed the three
    columns and Mr. Duvoisin’s criticisms (for example, as to the
    McGwire column, “ ‘We just don’t do that at The Times. We
    shouldn’t be doing that at The Times’ ”).
    Mr. Duvoisin also brought up the subject of plaintiff’s
    health, urging him “to get physically right.” Plaintiff said
    Mr. Duvoisin “was very nice about it,” saying plaintiff should
    “ ‘take as much time off as you like [without] counting it as
    vacation,’ ” but “it’s a weird thing when someone’s being nice to
    you but you’re not exactly sure they are being nice to you when
    they say, ‘get physically right.’ ” Plaintiff questioned “[t]he notion
    that I wasn’t physically right.”
    When the meeting concluded, Mr. Duvoisin said that they
    should continue the conversation when plaintiff returned from a
    planned trip. Plaintiff “felt invigorated” and that “maybe there
    was a chance that I had made some points about the interviewing
    process and . . . that he might reconsider [the column reduction].”
    c.     May 30, 2013 - the Dwight Howard
    interview and videotaping
    On May 22, 2013, plaintiff told Mr. James that he had
    obtained an exclusive interview with basketball star Dwight
    Howard, and that plaintiff’s daughter “[would] be showing
    [Mr. Howard] how to shoot free throws . . . we’re working on dates
    now.” (Mr. Howard “wasn’t great at free throw shooting,” and
    Mr. James thought it was a “fun idea” to have plaintiff’s daughter
    (who had been a successful high school basketball player)
    shooting free throws as a part of the interview process.)
    Mr. James said that obtaining the Howard interview was “huge,”
    and was “access that is beyond the norm.”
    After the interview was arranged, plaintiff saw Mr. Tollin
    (the Hollywood producer) on television at a Dodgers game, and
    sent him a text message telling him his plans for the Howard
    interview. Mr. Tollin contacted plaintiff the next day. Mr. Tollin
    told plaintiff he had a new website that produced 90-second
    vignettes on sports figures, and suggested videotaping plaintiff’s
    daughter teaching Mr. Howard how to shoot free throws. (On the
    day of the interview, this was changed to a free-throw
    competition.) At the time (May 2013), plaintiff “had no business
    relationship with Mike Tollin,” and “no development T.V. show at
    that time.”
    Plaintiff told Mr. James that Mr. Tollin was a “high-
    powered producer” who had done work for ESPN, had done
    documentaries, had his own production company, Mandalay
    Media Sports, and wanted to promote the Mandalay Media
    website. Mr. James approved the videotaping by Mr. Tollin and
    his production company. (The videotaping idea and Mr. James’s
    approval occurred on May 29, 2013, the day before the interview.
    The Times’s own videography department was “spread thin” and
    Mr. James planned to send a photographer.) The plan was that
    the video could run both on the Mandalay website and on The
    Times’s site. Mr. James talked to Mr. Maharaj before the
    videotaping and “told him exactly what was going to happen,”
    and Mr. Maharaj approved it.
    During the videotaping, a Times photographer and
    (unexpectedly) a Times videographer arrived at the interview
    site, but arrived late, after the proceedings were underway. They
    thought the proceedings were being scripted or staged, and
    expressed their concerns to the deputy managing editor in charge
    of visual journalism, Colin Crawford. Mr. Crawford thought
    Mr. James should not have approved the videotaping by
    Mr. Tollin. Ultimately, Mr. Maharaj, Mr. Crawford and others
    decided not to run the video on The Times’s website, but instead
    to run a link from plaintiff’s column to the Mandalay Media
    About an hour after the link was posted on The Times’s
    website, Mr. Maharaj ordered Mr. Crawford to remove the link.
    Mr. Maharaj was “troubled by it” and said it was “basically like a
    promotional piece and he wasn’t at all comfortable with it.”
    Mr. Maharaj expressed concerns to Mr. James about plaintiff’s
    daughter being in the video (Mr. Maharaj had told plaintiff in
    September 2012 that family photos should not accompany
    columns in The Times), and about plaintiff wearing a cap (that he
    always wore) showing the name of plaintiff’s favorite charity for
    Mr. James’s opinion was that “it was an entertaining video
    and that it was okay to have up on the site.” Plaintiff expressed
    his concern to Mr. James that The Times was not “following
    through on an agreement we had [with Mandalay Media], and it
    made us look bad,” and Mr. James admitted that “we did not
    follow through on the agreement.”
    d.    The June 2, 2013 column
    Plaintiff’s column about Dwight Howard was published on
    June 2, 2013. The day before, plaintiff sent Mr. Tollin a copy of
    the column, asking him if there were “any problems” with it.
    According to Mr. James, that was “not something we do,” because
    “you’re giving a source the opportunity to effect change in
    something that you’re writing that may benefit that source.” The
    column made no mention of the video.
    Mr. James was “very positive about the content [plaintiff]
    obtained,” and “thought it was a column that would be highly
    read.” The column was longer than guidelines normally
    permitted, but was published “as it is” because “of the content
    that [plaintiff] had gotten . . . .”
    e.    The June 10, 2013 Sports Business
    Journal article
    On June 10, 2013, the Sports Business Journal (SBJ)
    published an article about Mandalay Media. The article stated,
    in relevant part:
    “Mandalay Sports Media is developing a TV comedy
    based on the life of acerbic Los Angeles Times sports
    columnist T.J. Simers, one of several projects the 15-
    month-old sports production company has in the pipeline.
    “Formed last March by Warriors co-owner Peter
    Guber and Hollywood producer/director Mike Tollin,
    Mandalay plans to pitch the Simers show to broadcast
    networks in the coming months.
    “ ‘The series is about an old-school reporter in a
    medium that is quickly evaporating and a daughter who is
    a participant in the new media,’ Tollin said. ‘Ultimately, it
    will be a comedy focused on their relationship and the
    relationship they never had because he was always on the
    road and was kind of an absentee dad. He’s kind of trying
    to make up for lost time. She’s trying to teach the old dog
    new tricks.’
    “Mandalay has not made casting decisions for the
    show yet – neither Simers nor his daughter will star in it.
    “But Simers and his daughter played a starring role
    in a viral video Mandalay produced last month with Lakers
    All-Star center Dwight Howard. The video, of Simers’
    daughter beating Howard in a free throw shooting contest,
    was picked up by some of the most popular sports and
    entertainment websites, garnering more than
    “. . . Carrying no advertising or sponsorships, the
    three-minute video did not make money for Mandalay
    Sports Media. But Tollin believes it helped create buzz, not
    only around the show but also around Mandalay’s YouTube
    channel, which it launched last month.
    “ ‘You’ll never know if the viral video will help the
    series get off the ground. But we know that it won’t hurt,’
    Tollin said.”
    f.     Developments after the SBJ article
    The next day (June 11, 2013), plaintiff learned about the
    SBJ article in a text from “[s]omeone telling me that I had a T.V.
    show with Mandalay Sports Media.” Plaintiff “texted Mike
    Tollin, and I said, ‘I hear I have a T.V. show,’ and I think I used
    seven question marks.” Mr. Tollin called plaintiff later in the
    day, saying “no, it was just a story that I was hyping and . . . that
    was the angle [the reporter] took.” Mr. Tollin forwarded plaintiff
    the SBJ article that day, but plaintiff did not read it.
    On the same day, June 11, plaintiff replied to Mr. Tollin’s
    email forwarding the SBJ article, saying it had given him an
    idea. Plaintiff then suggested and described “a weekly bit on
    your new web site” involving “athletes who made an impression
    on folks . . . but left tough questions unanswered,” concluding
    with “of course this would mean me quitting my job, but that’s
    talk for another day . . . .”
    On June 13, 2013, The Times’s editors saw the SBJ article.
    John Cherwa showed it to Mr. James, who brought it to
    Mr. Duvoisin and Mr. Maharaj. Mr. James was “very concerned,”
    because “if this is true, then I felt I had been denied information I
    needed to know before making the decision on having the video
    shot.” Mr. James thought it “was potentially a serious issue,”
    because “it’s a real conflict of interest to use any material that is
    in the paper or on our website as a vehicle to promote an outside
    operation that would benefit the . . . creator of the article.”
    Mr. James “thought my superiors needed to see it from me before
    they saw it from someplace else.”
    Mr. Duvoisin was likewise concerned “because the article
    stated that the video . . . was intended to promote a T.V. show
    that [plaintiff] was developing on the side with . . . Mike Tollin,”
    and “that was not what [Mr. James] understood when he
    approved the video to be shot . . . .” Mr. Duvoisin and
    Mr. Maharaj decided that “we would need to look into this and
    find out what was going on.”
    g.    The June 14, 2013 column suspension
    The next day, Mr. Duvoisin emailed plaintiff, telling him to
    “put your column on holiday for 10 days.” Plaintiff and
    Mr. Duvoisin then spoke by telephone, and Mr. Duvoisin
    “essentially repeated himself, take the next 10 days off, very
    casually.” He did not explain why the column was being
    suspended. Mr. Duvoisin told plaintiff he “did not want to get
    into it with [plaintiff] that night,” a Friday, because both of them
    were leaving on trips the following morning, and they would talk
    when they were both back in the office, on Monday June 24.
    (Plaintiff went to Wisconsin to visit friends, returning shortly
    before the June 24 meeting.)
    h.    The June 24, 2013 meeting
    On June 24, plaintiff met with Mr. Duvoisin and
    Mr. Maharaj. Mr. Maharaj told plaintiff that “ ‘we’re here to find
    out about your business relationship with Mandalay Sports
    Media, with your T.V. show, and with your efforts to promote
    your T.V. show on our internet site.’ ” Plaintiff told them he had
    no T.V. show and no business relationship with Mandalay Sports
    Media. He was “dumfounded.” He had not read the SBJ article;
    he “didn’t need to read it” once Mr. Tollin told him that there was
    no T.V. show. Plaintiff told Messrs. Duvoisin and Maharaj “that
    I had tried to do a T.V. show. I had tried to write lots of scripts,
    sell T.V. shows over the years, get a show off the ground. I
    worked with Mr. Tollin, . . . but I said that deal fell apart and
    died, had gotten nowhere, and all my efforts were now scrap
    paper.” They showed him the SBJ article and he started to read
    it, but then laughed and said, “this is farcical,” meaning “there
    just was no truth to it as far as what I knew.”
    Mr. Maharaj told plaintiff he “would be internally
    investigated into my business relationship with Mandalay Sports
    Media, my T.V. show,” and plaintiff was outraged, telling the
    editors “there is no T.V. show.” Mr. Maharaj told him, “ ‘We do
    not want to hear your side at this time.’ ” They “indicated to me
    that there was going to be an internal investigation conducted by
    the business editor, who I didn’t know, and the photo editor, who
    I had never met.”
    Plaintiff continued to explain about his script writing, his
    agent, and that “everyone in the sports department knows I’ve
    done this for a number [of] years.” Mr. Duvoisin “interrupted to
    say that I had violated the ethics guideline, because “ ‘you didn’t
    have permission to pitch these ideas for outside work.’ ” Plaintiff
    again explained that Mr. James and before him Mr. Dwyre were
    “always aware of what I’d been doing.” He told them “that I had
    a previous relationship with Mike Tollin as well as other
    producers, but at the time of the video I had no relationship with
    him, no connection, no business, nothing going on”; “to suggest
    that we had a relationship because we were doing a T.V. project,
    is completely false.” (Mr. Duvoisin later testified that plaintiff
    told them “that he had worked with Mr. Tollin a while back” on a
    father/daughter sitcom, but that “the project went nowhere[.]”)
    The meeting concluded with plaintiff being told that his
    column was on suspension and “the investigators will be in
    3.     The Investigation: June 24 – August 7, 2013
    Mr. Maharaj tasked business editor Marla Dickerson and
    Mr. Crawford with conducting the investigation. Mr. Crawford
    said their job was to “get the facts” about “whether there was a
    tie between” the video shoot (which Mr. Crawford believed was
    “a staged production shoot”) and the SBJ article “that said
    basically that shoot was to promote a show that was in the
    works.” Ms. Dickerson’s job was to interview the people involved
    and Mr. Crawford’s job was to “look at e-mails” and “see if there
    was a trail or correlation between the two.”
    Ms. Dickerson interviewed plaintiff, Mr. James, Wally
    Skajit and Bethany Mollenkoff (The Times’s photographer and
    videographer, respectively), and Mr. Tollin. (When Mr. Tollin
    received a message on July 2, 2013, that Ms. Dickerson had
    called him about the video and The Times’s concerns about “how
    it came about, etc.,” Mr. Tollin emailed plaintiff, asking “do you
    want to talk before I call her back?” Plaintiff responded, “Yes –
    good idea.”)
    On July 10, 2013, Ms. Dickerson emailed a summary of her
    findings to Mr. Maharaj. (The summary was prepared without
    reviewing any emails, which Mr. Crawford was handling.) The
    Dickerson report concluded: “My interviews with [plaintiff] and
    others involved in the Dwight Howard video have turned up no
    evidence of serious breaches of The Times Ethics Guidelines by
    [plaintiff]. The actions of Mandalay Sports Media are another
    story, but those folks aren’t on our payroll.”
    On the issue of “[o]utside work” and the SBJ article, the
    Dickerson report stated its “[k]ey findings: [Plaintiff] denied that
    any TV show is in the works and said the first he heard of it was
    when a couple of colleagues emailed him about the article. He
    said he and Tollin had some casual conversations about a father-
    daughter story ‘a couple of years ago’ but that nothing ever came
    of it. He said he was ‘as dumbfounded as anyone’ to hear about
    the article. ‘There is no TV show,’ [plaintiff] said. ‘There is no
    agreement to do one. There is no money that has exchanged
    hands.’ [¶] [Plaintiff] emailed me the photo of a text that he sent
    to Tollin on 6/11 asking what the heck was going on (it had 7
    questions marks in it). [Plaintiff] said he concluded that Tollin
    ‘embellished’ the whole thing – a case of a Hollywood guy trying
    to puff himself up. [¶] That’s pretty much the version Tollin
    gave, except that Tollin said the last time he and [plaintiff] had
    talked informally about a potential project may have been 2012.
    He said there was nothing to the S[B]J story, and characterized
    the whole thing as a misunderstanding. . . .”
    Ms. Dickerson’s “[f]inal thoughts” were that “Tollin has a
    pretty casual relationship with the truth, no question. But in the
    case of [plaintiff], until we find evidence to the contrary, we’re
    obligated to take him at his word.”
    Mr. Duvoisin knew, from Ms. Dickerson’s interview notes,
    that Mr. James told her that “[plaintiff] has tried to pitch this
    before [TV and movie projects]. This is something he’s been
    trying to do for a long time. I never saw an issue. We allowed
    him to do that. We never stopped him from doing that. . . . Three
    to four times he mentioned it. He was trying to get one done
    without any success.” As for the last time Mr. James
    remembered plaintiff talking about any project, Mr. James said,
    “As far as I know, a couple of years. It’s not something that has
    been a continual topic. But it is a long-standing thing.”
    Paula Markgraf, then the director of human resources for
    The Times, was “pulled [in to] participate in” the investigation,
    specifically “to pull e-mails,” on June 26. She did not have access
    to the email servers, and contacted the IT department in late
    June 2013 to download emails involving plaintiff. She received
    the emails on July 9, performed various searches, and reviewed
    and printed out “a rather thick set of e-mails” that she passed to
    Mr. Crawford on July 12. He in turn passed them to
    Mr. Duvoisin. Mr. Duvoisin reviewed the emails and created a
    six-page summary of “what we had found by reviewing the e-
    mails and . . . what the issues were that they raised,” and to
    “identify the things we wanted to ask [plaintiff] about.”
    The emails revealed plaintiff’s activities in 2011 and 2012
    that we have described in part 1.b., ante. They also showed that
    plaintiff had written a column in May 2012 about a Norwegian
    Olympian about whom Mr. Tollin produced a documentary that
    was to air on ESPN; plaintiff sent a copy of the column to
    Mr. Tollin for his review before publication, and made two
    “rather innocuous changes” Mr. Tollin suggested before
    submitting the column for publication. Then, Mr. Duvoisin’s
    summary states, there was “a big gap” in “the email trail” until
    the Howard interview arrangements and ensuing video
    controversy in May 2013. Mr. Duvoisin later testified there were
    no email communications in 2013 suggesting that plaintiff had
    sold a show, was getting money, had “discussed this project,” or
    that “suggested he was trying to do this video to help this
    project.” (Plaintiff testified he had not spoken to Mr. Tollin about
    a television show in 2013, and the record shows only one email
    exchange with Mr. Tollin in 2013 before the Howard video
    matter, and that had nothing to do with a television show.)
    Mr. Duvoisin concluded that plaintiff had been “untruthful
    with us about several things,” including statements that
    Mr. Tollin was “an old friend, and they’d talked casually about a
    TV project long ago” (plaintiff had met Mr. Tollin two years ago
    and the work they did was “very serious”). Mr. Duvoisin also
    doubted plaintiff’s claim that he had not read the SBJ article, and
    observed that plaintiff and Mr. Tollin “appeared to have
    coordinated their story” that the article was erroneous. Nor did
    plaintiff tell his editors about his June 11 pitch to Mr. Tollin
    about a weekly webcast “just weeks ago.” Mr. Duvoisin
    concluded plaintiff violated The Times’s newsroom ethics
    guidelines by “show[ing] stories to interested outside parties
    before publication”; by pitching the weekly webcast to an outside
    party without his editors’ approval or knowledge; and, if he had
    “sold” a sitcom in 2011, he did not disclose the outside income as
    required. Mr. Duvoisin proposed a number of questions to ask
    plaintiff and others.
    Meanwhile, on July 12, 2013, plaintiff wrote to
    Mr. Maharaj about The Times’s “disregard for the stress, impact
    on my health and potential damage to my reputation.” Plaintiff
    said he did not understand “the delay in this process, which
    heightens my suspicion something else is at work here.” Plaintiff
    stated he was leaving on a vacation the following day and would
    return on July 24, and asked that matters be resolved at that
    When plaintiff returned, a meeting was set for July 25,
    2013, and plaintiff was told “a human resources person would be
    attending the meeting.” He “cleaned out [his] desk, anticipating”
    a termination. He then met with Mr. Maharaj and Mr. Duvoisin,
    who told him the investigation was still ongoing, and set a
    meeting for July 30, 2013.
    At the July 30 meeting, Ms. Markgraf was also present,
    and the three of them questioned plaintiff. Mr. Duvoisin
    suggested plaintiff had not been truthful. Plaintiff said “they
    couldn’t get it through their heads that when I said, ‘there is no
    script,’ I was referring directly to the accusation that there was a
    T.V. show, a business relationship with Mandalay Sports Media.”
    On July 31, 2013, Ms. Markgraf emailed Mr. Maharaj,
    urging a final decision as soon as possible, saying: “[Plaintiff]
    made a good case for this dragging out as well as causing stress
    and harm to his reputation. I have seen many emails in his inbox
    asking what is happening from the public, including questions
    whether he is being fired.”
    Messrs. Duvoisin and Maharaj and Ms. Markgraf met
    again with plaintiff on August 7, 2013, to discuss “discrepancies”
    and “to ask more questions about them.” They showed plaintiff
    about a dozen emails and the January 2011 script, and “they
    were trying to link this 2011 script to 2013, the Dwight Howard
    video . . . .” Mr. Maharaj told plaintiff, “ ‘I’ve lost trust in you.’ ”
    Plaintiff told Mr. Maharaj that he had done nothing to merit that
    kind of comment, and he “was losing trust in them as my
    superiors[.]” It “clearly appeared to [plaintiff] that they were
    operating off of some plan because it didn’t matter what I said.”
    Ms. Markgraf said, “ ‘These two gentlemen will have to figure out
    your fate. One of the possibilities is termination.” Plaintiff “was
    numb at that point.”
    4.    The August 8, 2013 Demotion
    The four met again the following day, August 8, and on the
    same day plaintiff received a “final written warning.” Plaintiff
    was told, both orally and then in writing, that “[e]ffectively [sic]
    immediately, you are no longer a columnist. After your pending
    vacation, you will be a Reporter II on the sports staff. There will
    be no reduction in your salary at this time.”1
    1     Mr. Duvoisin testified that “Reporter II is a senior reporter
    at the L.A. Times. It is the job in which most of our most
    experienced staff hold that rank of Reporter II including . . .
    maybe six Pulitzer Prize-winning reporters. [I]t would be one of
    At the meeting, Mr. Duvoisin told plaintiff he “had broken
    the ethics code for not having permission to shop different
    projects around or . . . get involved in outside activities” and “for
    passing columns”; that he had “lost the trust of the editors” and
    “had . . . not been forthcoming in answering questions”; and
    “mentioned again the notion of a public embarrassment to the
    L.A. Times.” The written warning also stated that “[n]ot
    reporting the outside activities during the 2010, 2011 and 2012
    annual review of the Tribune Business Code of Conduct is also a
    violation of company policy.” The only mention of the Dwight
    Howard video was this: “Before any of the issues arose that led
    to an investigation of your activities, we had been concerned
    about the quality and tone of your column and about your public
    behavior. As you recall, we met separately with you and your
    editors on several occasions in May 2013 to discuss our concerns
    – well before the Dwight Howard video surfaced.”
    5.     Post-demotion Developments
    After the August 8, 2013 meeting, plaintiff did not return to
    work. About a week after the meeting, The Times received a
    letter from plaintiff’s lawyer stating that plaintiff believed he had
    been constructively discharged. “[R]elatively soon” after that, the
    then-publisher and chief executive officer of The Times, Eddy
    Hartenstein, asked Mr. Duvoisin and Mr. Maharaj to reconsider
    whether plaintiff could resume his column. They did so, and met
    with plaintiff on September 4, 2013, telling him “they wanted
    [him] back.” But when he asked how many columns he would
    write and whether he had to change his interviewing approach,
    they told him they would discuss that when he returned. He
    the most sought after positions you could have to be a senior
    reporter on the staff of the L.A. Times.”
    questioned their motives and did not trust them. A proposed
    contract “demand[ed] that I admit to wrongdoing” and was a
    “one-year . . . guaranteed contract” and “after the first three
    months, they could get rid of me . . . for no cause” but with the
    obligation to pay him for the rest of the year. (This proposed
    contract is not in evidence.)
    The next day, plaintiff met with editors at the Orange
    County Register, and by September 9, 2013, had accepted a
    position as a columnist there. The Register later experienced
    financial problems, and in June 2014 plaintiff accepted a buyout
    (three months’ severance pay in exchange for resignation) that
    the Register offered to its staff in advance of preparation of a
    layoff list.
    6.      The Lawsuit
    Plaintiff filed this lawsuit on October 15, 2013. In addition
    to the facts recited above, the evidence adduced during the 28-
    day trial included the following points.
    a.    Discrimination/pretext issues
    Mr. James testified that plaintiff’s “sense of journalistic
    ethics has been strong throughout” his career, and Mr. Dwyre,
    who was plaintiff’s supervisor for many years and after that a
    fellow columnist, testified that the incident in June 2013 “was the
    first time that there was any ethical question about” plaintiff.
    Kelly Bassin (formerly Kelly Burgess), who worked at The
    Times from 1983 until March 2012 and was Mr. James’s
    assistant from July 2009 until she left, testified about the layoffs
    she witnessed in the five years before she left (30 to
    40 employees). She noticed that “they seemed to be targeting and
    focusing on older, more long-term coworkers of mine, people who
    had been there for some time and were likely higher salaried
    employees.” Mr. James “confided in [her] that he was specifically
    told to target certain people, the older, higher salaried
    Mark Heisler was a columnist for The Times from 1991 to
    2011, when he was involuntarily laid off at the age of 67. One of
    the reasons cited by Mr. Cherwa for Mr. Heisler’s termination
    was that “we could maybe save another job. We could save
    someone who wasn’t, you know, . . . in that near retirement
    position.” (Mr. Cherwa asserted that Mr. Heisler “had already
    said he planned to retire . . . .” At the time of trial, Mr. Heisler
    was a freelance correspondent with L.A. News Group and a
    freelance blogger for
    After plaintiff left, Mr. James planned to request two new
    hires. Mr. James wanted to hire Steve Dilbeck, a versatile and
    solid writer, 61 years old, who was “very . . . plugged in to the
    sports scene in Los Angeles,” for one of the positions, and the
    other would be “someone younger.” Mr. James told Mr. Dilbeck
    that “the average age of our staff is 53,” and “we have to get
    younger.” Mr. Maharaj and Mr. Duvoisin made the ultimate
    hiring decisions. Two men, one in his 20’s and one in his 20’s or
    30’s, were hired. One of them came in at a “fairly high salary,”
    but “less than half” of plaintiff’s salary.
    Plaintiff testified that many of the employees “being asked
    to leave” during the preceding five years “were close to my age,”
    so “I was aware that an older crowd . . . was being shown the
    b.    Damages issues
    Plaintiff presented extensive evidence of his emotional
    distress and worry about damage to his reputation during the
    investigation. He conveyed this to Mr. Maharaj as early as
    July 2, saying he was forced to avoid readers, friends and
    associates during the wait and there was already a rumor he was
    leaving the paper. He did so again on July 12, telling
    Mr. Maharaj he was “dumbfounded by the disregard for the
    stress, impact on my health and potential damage to my
    reputation” in the month since he had been told to stop writing.
    In addition to his own testimony, his wife and daughter
    testified about plaintiff’s stress, confusion, irritability and
    reclusiveness during the column suspension, and his depression
    and withdrawal after the loss of his column. The defense’s
    forensic psychologist (Dr. Francine Kulick) testified plaintiff
    developed “an adjustment disorder with features of anxiety and
    depression at the end of May 2013,” and diagnosed plaintiff with
    major depressive disorder in the severe range as of October 2014.
    She testified plaintiff “had an emotional reaction to the loss of
    prestige and recognition due to his decision to no longer work at
    the L.A. Times[.]” Plaintiff’s expert psychiatrist, Dr. Warren
    Procci, also presented testimony on this subject (including that
    plaintiff “certainly was already experiencing a very good deal of
    depression at the time that he quit. Now, it may be the case that
    the fact of quitting . . . did contribute to the depression
    We will discuss this and other evidence on noneconomic
    damages as necessary in connection with the legal issues on
    c.    The special verdict and postjudgment orders
    The jury found in favor of plaintiff on his claims of
    disability and age discrimination, and on his claim of constructive
    termination. The jury was directed to award past and future
    economic damages only if it found plaintiff was constructively
    terminated. The jury awarded past economic damages of
    $330,358 and future economic damages of $1,807,033. The jury
    found past noneconomic loss of $2,500,000 and future
    noneconomic loss of $2,500,000. The jury found that plaintiff did
    not prove by clear and convincing evidence that The Times acted
    with malice, oppression or fraud.
    Judgment was entered on November 5, 2015. Defendant
    filed motions for JNOV and for a new trial.
    The trial court granted defendant’s motion for JNOV on the
    claim for constructive termination and denied the JNOV motion
    on the claims for age and disability discrimination.
    The court also granted defendant’s motion for a new trial
    “on the claim for constructive discharge (termination) and all
    damages, economic and noneconomic, assessed and based on that
    claim.” The court denied the new trial motion as to the age and
    disability discrimination causes of action, stating that the
    “motion for a new trial is denied on all grounds other than the
    ground of the insufficiency of the evidence to sustain a claim of
    constructive discharge and the award of damages, economic and
    noneconomic, addressed in this ruling.”
    Plaintiff appealed from the posttrial orders granting in
    part defendant’s JNOV and new trial motions. Defendant
    appealed from the orders denying in part defendant’s JNOV and
    new trial motions.
    1.     Plaintiff’s Appeal
    a.    The JNOV ruling on constructive discharge
    i.     The standard of review
    “A motion for judgment notwithstanding the verdict may be
    granted only if it appears from the evidence, viewed in the light
    most favorable to the party securing the verdict, that there is no
    substantial evidence in support.” (Sweatman v. Department of
    Veterans Affairs (2001) 
    25 Cal.4th 62
    , 68.) On appeal, “the
    standard of review is whether any substantial evidence--
    contradicted or uncontradicted--supports the jury’s conclusion.”
    ii.   The law on constructive discharge
    “Constructive discharge occurs when the employer’s
    conduct effectively forces an employee to resign. Although the
    employee may say ‘I quit,’ the employment relationship is
    actually severed involuntarily by the employer’s acts, against the
    employee’s will. As a result, a constructive discharge is legally
    regarded as a firing rather than a resignation.” (Turner v.
    Anheuser-Busch, Inc. (1994) 
    7 Cal.4th 1238
    , 1244-1245 (Turner).)
    To establish a constructive discharge, an employee must
    prove “that the employer either intentionally created or
    knowingly permitted working conditions that were so intolerable
    or aggravated at the time of the employee’s resignation that a
    reasonable employer would realize that a reasonable person in
    the employee’s position would be compelled to resign.” (Turner,
    supra, 7 Cal.4th at p. 1251.)
    Turner further tells us that, “[i]n order to amount to a
    constructive discharge, adverse working conditions must be
    unusually ‘aggravated’ or amount to a ‘continuous pattern’ before
    the situation will be deemed intolerable.” (Turner, 
    Cal.4th at p. 1247; see id. at p. 1246 [“The proper focus is on
    whether the resignation was coerced, not whether it was simply
    one rational option for the employee.”].) “[A] poor performance
    rating or a demotion, even when accompanied by reduction in
    pay, does not by itself trigger a constructive discharge.” (Id. at
    p. 1247; see also Gibson v. Aro Corp. (1995) 
    32 Cal.App.4th 1628
    1635 (Gibson) [employee’s demotion does not constitute
    constructive discharge].) But, as the court observed in Scott v.
    Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (1995) 
    11 Cal.4th 454
     (Scott), “Turner
    did not hold . . . that a demotion can never be the basis for a
    wrongful termination.” (Id. at p. 468, fn. 3; see 
    that the question “whether a demotion may be so drastic or
    punitive as to constitute a constructive discharge” was not before
    the Scott court].)
    The standard by which a constructive discharge is
    determined “is an objective one, and the proper focus is on the
    working conditions themselves.” (Gibson, supra, 32 Cal.App.4th
    at p. 1637, citing Turner, 
     7 Cal.4th at pp. 1248, 1251; see
     [“Bruised egos and hurt feelings are not part of the Turner
    iii. Contentions and conclusions
    Plaintiff contends he “proved that his punitive demotion
    was accompanied by aggravating conditions.” By this we
    understand him to mean that there was substantial evidence his
    demotion, together with circumstances preceding it, constituted
    adverse working conditions that – as the jury was instructed –
    were “unusually aggravated or involve[d] a continuous pattern of
    mistreatment,” thus making the situation intolerable and
    effectively coercing his resignation. (See Turner, 
     7 Cal.4th
    at p. 1247.) We do not find such evidence in the record.
    Plaintiff lists, as the intolerable conditions that forced him
    to resign, the following: (1) the May 28 reduction in his columns
    from three to two per week; (2) Mr. Duvoisin’s statement to
    Mr. James (conveyed to plaintiff at the May 28 meeting with
    Mr. James) that plaintiff was a “public embarrassment” to The
    Times; (3) Mr. Duvoisin’s criticism, conveyed at the May 28 and
    May 29 meetings, that plaintiff’s writing was sloppy and not up
    to The Times’s standards; (4) “[f]alse accus[ations] of unethical
    conduct”; (5) the suspension of his columns “for an unreasonable
    55 days” (June 24 to August 8); (6) on June 24, plaintiff was “told
    not to say anything” about the investigation, so he could not
    “explain himself to his sources . . . and fans, damaging his
    journalistic resources”; (7) he was “[d]amaged in his professional
    reputation with his column inexplicably absent for two months”;
    (8) his demotion to an “entry-level assignment position, based
    upon false policy violations resulting from discriminatory
    motives”; (9) the August 8 final warning that “placed [him] on a
    performance plan warning of potential termination”; and (10) the
    September 4 offer of “an ambiguous columnist position, reporting
    to editors who falsely accused him and called him
    We conclude, as a matter of law, that none of these
    circumstances, alone or in combination, amount to working
    conditions that are either unusually aggravated or a continuous
    pattern of mistreatment. There is no evidence to support some of
    them. Others consist only of plaintiff’s subjective reaction to
    standard employer disciplinary actions – criticism, investigation,
    demotion, performance plan – that, even if undertaken for
    reasons (plaintiff’s age and disability) later found to include
    discrimination, are well within an employer’s prerogative for
    running its business. Unless those standard tools are employed
    in an unusually aggravated manner or involve a pattern of
    continuous mistreatment, their use cannot constitute
    constructive discharge.
    We begin with two points of clarification.
    First, there was, as the trial court found, substantial
    evidence that plaintiff’s age and disability were “substantial
    motivating reason[s]” for the adverse employment action or
    actions to which plaintiff was subjected. But the discriminatory
    motive for plaintiff’s working conditions has no bearing on
    whether the evidence was sufficient to establish constructive
    discharge. (See Cloud v. Casey (1999) 
    76 Cal.App.4th 895
    , 905
    [“The question . . . is not whether there was [unlawful gender]
    discrimination [the jury found there was, and the court upheld
    punitive damages], but whether the discriminatory working
    conditions were so extreme as to coerce a reasonable employee to
    resign, thereby constituting a constructive discharge”; “[u]nder
    the objective test set out in Turner,” the trial court correctly ruled
    the plaintiff’s resignation was not a constructive discharge as a
    matter of law].)
    Second, the record is clear on this point: The publication of
    the SBJ article provided a legitimate basis for an inquiry by
    defendant, because it suggested the possibility that the video of
    the Dwight Howard interview was being used to promote an
    outside business arrangement between plaintiff and Mr. Tollin
    for the creation of a television show. While the evidence may
    allow inferences of additional motives, no reasonable juror could
    conclude that defendant was not entitled to undertake an
    investigation. Plaintiff’s personal reaction to that investigation
    or to his demotion cannot provide a basis to conclude that
    plaintiff’s working conditions were “unusually aggravated” or
    that there was a “continuous pattern of mistreatment.” As
    Gibson expressly states, “[u]nder Turner, the proper focus is on
    the working conditions themselves, not on the plaintiff’s
    subjective reaction to those conditions.” (Gibson, supra, 32
    Cal.App.4th at p. 1636; see ibid. [“[The plaintiff’s]
    embarrassment about working as a sales representative does not
    convert his demotion into a constructive discharge,” and “People
    who are demoted naturally have new job responsibilities, new
    supervision, and lower pay. Inferentially, that is what is
    supposed to happen when one is demoted.”].)
    With those principles in mind, it is plain the evidence did
    not support intolerable working conditions forcing plaintiff’s
    The first three items plaintiff lists (the column reduction,
    and Mr. Duvoisin’s criticisms of plaintiff as a “public
    embarrassment” and for sloppy writing) do not remotely resemble
    “unusually aggravated” working conditions. Criticism of an
    employee’s job performance, even “ ‘unfair or outrageous’ ”
    criticism, “ ‘does not create the intolerable working conditions
    necessary to support a claim of constructive discharge.’ ” (Gibson,
    supra, 32 Cal.App.4th at p. 1636, italics omitted.)
    The fifth, sixth and seventh items (the suspension of his
    columns “for an unreasonable 55 days,” during which he was
    “told not to say anything” about the investigation, thus damaging
    his journalistic resources and his professional reputation) find no
    support in the evidence. His column was suspended, but there
    was no evidence of any unreasonable delay in the investigation.
    Nor was there any evidence of damage to his sources or to his
    reputation. The evidence plaintiff cites for this is that he was
    worried about his reputation, and received many emails (from
    “everybody from big-time athletes to readers” who “wanted to
    know why [he was] not writing,” including “questions whether he
    is being fired.” While this is evidence of plaintiff’s own stress and
    concern, it is not evidence of damage to his reputation or to his
    relationships with his sources. As the trial court aptly stated,
    plaintiff’s avoidance of business associates and readers while
    awaiting the outcome of the investigation is not evidence of “an
    improper action or any resulting intolerable working conditions.
    Necessarily, when an employer undertakes a review of an
    employee’s conduct, there will be a passage of time before an
    investigation can be completed and it would be expected the
    employee would experience anxiety.”
    A similar conclusion applies to plaintiff’s fourth item
    (“[f]alse accus[ations] of unethical conduct”). Certainly there was
    conflicting evidence, and the jury could properly find plaintiff did
    not, in fact, engage in any unethical conduct. But an
    investigation into that issue does not create the “sufficiently
    extraordinary and egregious” conditions (Turner, supra, 7 Cal.4th
    at p. 1246) necessary to trigger a constructive discharge. The
    record fully supports the trial court’s conclusion there was no
    evidence that any damage to plaintiff’s reputation “was occurring
    or eventually occurred.” As the court pointed out, “There was no
    evidence that anyone in the workplace, beyond those involved in
    the investigation, knew of any allegations of ethics violations.
    Employee matters, including investigations, are considered to be
    confidential and there was no evidence that such confidentiality
    was breached at any time.”2
    2      Plaintiff points to Mr. Dwyre’s testimony that reputation is
    “huge” in the newspaper business and an alleged ethical violation
    can be “death” to a columnist’s career. No doubt that is so, but
    that has no bearing where there is no breach of confidentiality.
    And, as the trial court pointed out, Mr. Dwyre did not testify that
    any kind of ethical violation would have that effect. (“All of the
    so-called ethics violations that were potentially involved in this
    investigation related to the internal operations of the
    Finally, the eighth, ninth and tenth items (plaintiff’s
    demotion to an “entry-level” position, placement on a
    performance plan, and the post-resignation offer to restore his
    column) likewise are not evidence of “unusually aggravated”
    working conditions or a “pattern of mistreatment.” (There is no
    evidence plaintiff was demoted to an “entry-level” position – only
    plaintiff’s own perception that he was demoted from “the top of
    the hill down to the bottom.” And the offer to return plaintiff to
    his position as columnist occurred after his resignation and could
    not have contributed to it.) As we have already observed, Turner,
    and cases before and after it, all tell us that demotion cannot by
    itself trigger a constructive discharge. Neither can a performance
    plan, which is a natural accompaniment to a demotion.
    Plaintiff contends that a demotion when coupled with other
    circumstances may amount to “unusually aggravated” working
    conditions or to a continuous pattern of mistreatment, citing
    Thompson v. Tracor Flight Systems, Inc. (2001) 
    86 Cal.App.4th 1156
     (Thompson) [concluding substantial evidence supported the
    jury’s constructive discharge finding].) Specifically, plaintiff
    points to Thompson’s rejection of the employer’s “attempts to slice
    into separate incidents – and to evaluate individually – evidence
    from which the jury could and clearly did find a ‘continuous
    pattern’ of conduct on the part of [the employer].” (Id. at p. 1168.)
    Thompson does not help plaintiff. In Thompson (which did
    not involve a demotion), there was evidence the plaintiff’s
    newspaper[,] and not to relationships with those outside such as
    maintenance of confidentiality or accurate and truthful reporting
    of what was said or occurred. As a matter of common sense, it is
    the latter that has the potential of compromising the reputation
    of a columnist or reporter.”)
    supervisor “intentionally had made it impossible for [the
    plaintiff] to do her job through a continuous course of
    intimidation and harassment.” (Thompson, supra, 86
    Cal.App.4th at p. 1170.) Thompson observed that “employers
    have the right to unfairly and harshly criticize their employees,
    to embarrass them in front of other employees, and to threaten to
    terminate or demote the employee.” (Id. at p. 1171.) But
    “a continuous course of such actions, uncorrected by
    management, can constitute objectively intolerable working
    conditions.” (Ibid.) Citing the Turner standard (“ ‘adverse
    working conditions must be unusually “aggravated” or amount to
    a “continuous pattern” ’ ”), Thompson concludes: “Implicit in this
    disjunctive formulation is that even though individual incidents
    in a campaign of harassment do not constitute justification for an
    employee to resign, the overall campaign of harassment can
    constitute such a justification.” (Thompson, at p. 1172.)
    This case is nothing like Thompson. The evidence plaintiff
    cites does not show an “overall campaign of harassment,” as it did
    in Thompson. It shows meetings conveying criticisms (that
    plaintiff found insulting); suspension of plaintiff’s columns while
    an investigation was conducted (causing plaintiff anxiety and
    depression); the investigation (which plaintiff felt was “unfair”
    and “unreasonable,” but during which, as the trial court found,
    “[t]here was no evidence that at any time . . . he was the object,
    directly or indirectly, of any criticism, hostility or harassment”);
    and the ultimate demotion and final warning (performance plan),
    in which The Times indicated the investigation’s findings of
    ethical violations had “damage[d] our trust in you and in your
    suitability to serve as a Times columnist” (a conclusion with
    which plaintiff disagreed).
    In short, the evidence showed only plaintiff’s personal,
    subjective reactions to defendant’s use of standard disciplinary
    procedures: criticisms, a suspension, an investigation, and
    demotion with a performance plan – all performed with no breach
    of confidentiality and with no harassment or other mistreatment
    of plaintiff. While the evidence allowed the inference that age or
    disability discrimination was a motivating factor in one or more
    of defendant’s actions, nothing in the conveyance of the criticism,
    the performance of the investigation, or the resulting demotion
    and performance plan reflected any “unusually aggravated”
    working conditions or the “continuous pattern of mistreatment”
    necessary for a constructive discharge. It is the working
    conditions themselves – not the plaintiff’s subjective reaction to
    them – that are the sine qua non of a constructive discharge.
    (See Gibson, supra, 32 Cal.App.4th at p. 1636.)
    Plaintiff insists that Turner’s objective standard means we
    must assess the evidence of “whether conditions were intolerable”
    from the point of view of a “prominent columnist for [a] national
    publication” – not from the point of view of “reasonable employees
    generally.” He points out he was “a public figure in an influential
    position, whose actions and absences were observed by the
    journalism world, his sources and the public at large,” so the jury
    “properly considered evidence of [his] own emotional distress” in
    deciding “whether a reasonable person in his position would have
    found his working conditions similarly intolerable.” He concludes
    there was substantial evidence that “[his] situation had become
    so intolerable that he could not continue working for these men
    who had discriminated against him and impugned his integrity.”
    Plaintiff’s contention is simply contrary to law, which
    imposes an objective standard, and requires “the proper focus [to
    be] on the working conditions themselves,” and “not on the
    plaintiff’s subjective reaction to those conditions.” (Gibson, supra,
    32 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1636, 1637.) The standard does not change
    merely because of the employee’s prominence. To hold otherwise
    could turn any employer investigation of a well-known employee
    into a constructive discharge, and eviscerate the requirement the
    employee show “sufficiently extraordinary and egregious”
    conditions (Turner, supra, 7 Cal.4th at p. 1246) to trigger a
    constructive discharge.
    In the end, the evidence merely shows, as the trial court
    concluded, plaintiff’s “own reaction to the fact of an investigation
    in which The Times sought information from others instead of
    accepting his own version of events.” The evidence shows
    plaintiff’s loss of trust and confidence in his superiors at The
    Times, but “[t]his is also his personal response from the fact that
    he believes that he did nothing wrong.”
    In short, the record is devoid of evidence that defendant
    intentionally created or knowingly permitted “working conditions
    that were so intolerable or aggravated at the time of the
    employee’s resignation that a reasonable employer would realize
    that a reasonable person in the employee’s position would be
    compelled to resign.” (Turner, supra, 7 Cal.4th at p. 1251.)
    Accordingly, the trial court did not err in granting defendant’s
    JNOV motion on plaintiff’s constructive discharge claim, and we
    need not consider the court’s alternative order granting a new
    trial on that claim.
    b.     The ruling granting a new trial on damages
    i.     The standard of review
    “The determination of a motion for a new trial rests so
    completely within the court’s discretion that its action will not be
    disturbed unless a manifest and unmistakable abuse of discretion
    clearly appears. This is particularly true when the discretion is
    exercised in favor of awarding a new trial, for this action does not
    finally dispose of the matter. So long as a reasonable or even
    fairly debatable justification under the law is shown for the order
    granting the new trial, the order will not be set aside.” (Jiminez
    v. Sears, Roebuck & Co. (1971) 
    4 Cal.3d 379
    , 387 (Jiminez).)
    A new trial order “ ‘must be sustained on appeal unless the
    opposing party demonstrates that no reasonable finder of fact
    could have found for the movant on [the trial court’s] theory.’ ”
    (Lane v. Hughes Aircraft Co. (2000) 
    22 Cal.4th 405
    , 412.)
    ii.    Background
    In addition to granting defendant’s JNOV motion on the
    constructive discharge claim, the trial court granted defendant’s
    motion for a new trial “on the claim for constructive discharge
    (termination) and the damages assessed on that claim.” The
    court denied the new trial motion “on all grounds other than the
    ground of the insufficiency of the evidence to sustain a claim of
    constructive discharge and the award of economic damages
    addressed in this ruling.”
    The next day, January 5, 2016, defendant filed an ex parte
    application to clarify the court’s ruling “to expressly state that
    The Times motion for a new trial as to noneconomic damages is
    granted.” Defendant pointed out that plaintiff’s “alleged adverse
    employment actions supporting noneconomic damages are
    substantially interwoven with the now-defunct constructive
    discharge claim . . . .”
    Plaintiff had no opportunity to respond in writing (because
    January 5, 2016, was the last day the court had jurisdiction to
    modify its ruling), but counsel were heard fully at a hearing on
    that day. The court observed the application was “legitimately a
    motion for clarification because . . . at no place in the ruling did I
    specifically mention the noneconomic damages.”
    After all counsel presented their arguments, the court
    granted the ex parte application, stating the “application is
    granted and I will clarify.” The court concluded: “The
    clarification will be that I said all damages in several parts.
    I meant ‘all damages.’ I did not address specifically the reason
    why it is all damages, but I think the clarification calls for it and
    I will so clarify.” The court’s minute order states, “It was the
    court’s intention that the noneconomic damages should be
    included because it is not possible to determine what amount, if
    any, the jury awarded because of a constructive discharge.”
    Later that day, the court issued an amended ruling, adding
    this explanation: “[T]he granting of the motion for a new trial
    includes the issue of the noneconomic damages awarded on the
    ground that it is not possible to determine what portion, if any, of
    said damages was based on the claim of a constructive discharge
    which is an adverse employment action. There was substantial
    evidence of [plaintiff’s] emotional distress arising from the events
    that are the basis of his claims of discrimination. Those claims,
    however, included his distress arising from the conditions that he
    considered to be the basis of a constructive discharge and the
    effect and consequences of that discharge on his emotional
    health. It is not possible to separate what damages may have
    been awarded for the discrimination alone from what
    noneconomic damages were awarded that included a constructive
    discharge. It is probable that the jury’s award of noneconomic
    damages included some compensation for the constructive
    discharge which is an event of a very different character than a
    voluntary resignation.”
    iii. Contentions and conclusions
    Plaintiff contends the trial court made an error of law when
    it concluded it was impossible to determine “what amount, if any,
    the jury awarded because of a constructive discharge.” For the
    proposition that the court’s ruling was based on a mistaken
    conclusion of law, plaintiff cites Bermudez v. Ciolek (2015) 
    237 Cal.App.4th 1311
    , 1324. That case stated that “ ‘[w]hether a
    plaintiff “is entitled to a particular measure of damages is a
    question of law subject to de novo review,” ’ ” while the amount of
    damages is a fact question. (Ibid., see id. at p. 1329 [issue was
    proper measure of damages for medical expenses in suit by an
    uninsured plaintiff].)
    We fail to see the relevance of Bermudez to the trial court’s
    ruling: that it was impossible to determine what amount of
    noneconomic damages the jury would have assessed in
    circumstances where, as a matter of law, plaintiff’s decision to
    resign after his demotion was voluntary, not coerced. While
    plaintiff insists the ruling rested on an error of law, he provides
    no cogent explanation of the alleged error.
    First, he asserts he “was denied his due process rights”
    because he had no opportunity to respond in writing to
    defendant’s ex parte application to clarify the court’s ruling.
    Plaintiff cites no authority for, and no further discussion of, his
    due process claim, and accordingly we do not consider it further.
    As noted above, plaintiff was heard fully at the hearing, and he
    did not claim in the trial court that he was denied due process.
    Second, plaintiff repeatedly asserts that constructive
    discharge was a legal theory, not a separate cause of action – that
    is, his constructive discharge was one of the several adverse
    employment actions defendant took against him, all based on his
    age and disability. In fact, plaintiff alleged a separate cause of
    action, but in the end the court and all parties agreed it was
    unnecessary to give the CACI instructions on all the elements of
    constructive discharge in violation of public policy. Instead, the
    court and all parties agreed to give only a modified version of
    CACI No. 2510 explaining the phrase “constructive discharge.”
    The court and all parties agreed that plaintiff needed to maintain
    his claim for constructive discharge in violation of FEHA in order
    to recover economic damages. We find no relevance in plaintiff’s
    proposition that constructive discharge was a “finding” and “not a
    separate cause of action.”
    Plaintiff makes another confounding argument to the effect
    that the jury found his demotion was discriminatory; the
    evidence supporting his discrimination claims included “the same
    conduct on which the legal theory of constructive discharge was
    based”; and even if defendant’s conduct was insufficient to prove
    constructive discharge, that conduct “did not become inadmissible
    to prove [plaintiff’s] FEHA claims, and all damages resulting
    from discriminatory adverse conduct including demotion are
    recoverable.” All that may be so, but the question is not the
    admissibility of the evidence of defendant’s conduct (or the
    recoverability of all damages “resulting from” that conduct). The
    question is the amount of damages for emotional distress that
    actually did “result[] from” the discriminatory demotion – as
    opposed to the emotional distress that may have resulted from
    plaintiff’s own decision to resign (and his later decision not to
    accept defendant’s offer to return him to his position as
    There was evidence, for example, of plaintiff’s stress and
    anxiety during the column suspension, but there was also
    testimony about an increase in his depression after he left The
    Times. As recounted earlier, the defense’s forensic psychologist
    testified plaintiff “had an emotional reaction to the loss of
    prestige and recognition due to his decision to no longer work at
    the L.A. Times,” and plaintiff’s expert psychiatrist also testified
    that “it may be the case that the fact of quitting . . . did
    contribute to the depression worsening.” There was also
    testimony that plaintiff’s symptoms improved when he went to
    work for the Orange County Register, and he was eventually
    more depressed after leaving the Register.
    In short, we agree with the trial court’s conclusion that it is
    impossible to separate “what damages may have been awarded
    for the discrimination alone from what noneconomic damages
    were awarded that included a constructive discharge” – that is,
    damages for plaintiff’s distress arising from “the effect and
    consequences of that discharge,” an event “of a very different
    character than a voluntary resignation.”3 There was no error in
    the trial court’s ruling.
    3      Plaintiff also suggests that “[i]f any ambiguity theoretically
    resulted from the damages questions in the Special Verdict, then
    Defendant invited that error and is prevented from attacking the
    Special Verdict.” This claim is baseless. The comments of
    defense counsel that plaintiff cites (merely confirming plaintiff
    “could be discriminated against but not constructively terminated
    and have emotional distress damages”) occurred on October 28,
    2015, when the parties first discussed with the court their
    respective drafts of the special verdict form. The following day,
    after further discussions during the morning session and at the
    beginning of the afternoon session, the clerk handed the court a
    2.     Defendant’s Appeal
    Defendant contends the trial court should have granted its
    JNOV motion on all of plaintiff’s claims, because plaintiff “did not
    suffer an adverse employment action.” Alternatively, defendant
    contends the court should have granted a new trial on liability for
    plaintiff’s discrimination claims, “untainted by [plaintiff’s]
    erroneous constructive discharge theory.” We disagree with both
    a.     The ruling denying JNOV on plaintiff’s age and
    disability discrimination claims
    As discussed above, our review of the trial court’s denial of
    defendant’s JNOV motion is limited to whether any substantial
    evidence supports the jury’s conclusions. Defendant’s argument
    on appeal further limits our review, because defendant’s sole
    claim is that plaintiff “did not experience an adverse employment
    action,” and so his discrimination claims “fail as a matter of law.”
    We do not agree.
    Defendant’s claim depends on an insupportable
    characterization of both the facts and the law.
    First, defendant characterizes plaintiff’s demotion from
    columnist to reporter as a “proposed reassignment” and a
    “temporary reassignment to senior reporter” that “never took
    effect.” That is not what happened. On August 8, 2013, plaintiff
    was told, both orally and in a “final written warning,” that he was
    no longer a columnist, “effective immediately.”
    verdict form, and both parties told the court that they agreed
    upon the verdict form. Indeed, in his opening brief on appeal,
    plaintiff states, “Both parties agreed upon the Special Verdict
    Second, there was ample evidence that the position of
    columnist was significantly different from and far more
    prestigious than that of reporter. As defendant necessarily
    concedes, a job reassignment may be an adverse employment
    action when it entails materially adverse consequences. (McRae
    v. Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation (2006) 
    142 Cal.App.4th 377
    , 393 (McRae) [in a lateral transfer where a
    plaintiff “ ‘suffers no diminution in pay or benefits,’ ” the plaintiff
    does not suffer an actionable injury “ ‘unless there are some other
    materially adverse consequences . . . such that a reasonable trier
    of fact could conclude that the plaintiff has suffered objectively
    tangible harm’ ”]; see White v. Burlington Northern & Santa Fe
    Railway Co. (6th Cir. 2004) 
    364 F.3d 789
    , 803 (White)
    [transferring the plaintiff “from her forklift operator job to a
    standard track laborer job” that paid the same was an adverse
    employment action; the new position was “more arduous” and “
    ‘dirtier’ ” and the forklift position “required more qualifications,
    which is an indication of prestige”; “[i]n essence, . . . the
    reassignment was a demotion”].) Such “ ‘materially adverse
    consequences’ ” (McRae, at p. 393) are apparent here.
    In short, defendant’s action was not a “proposed
    reassignment”; it was “effective immediately” and it was entirely
    reasonable for jurors to conclude the change from columnist to
    reporter was necessarily accompanied by “ ‘materially adverse
    consequences.’ ” (McRae, supra, 142 Cal.App.4th at p. 393.)
    Unlike McRae, here the “proposed reassignment” involved “a
    change in status [and] a less distinguished title,” and a
    “significant change in job responsibilities.” (Ibid.) Testimony
    from plaintiff, Mr. Dwyre and others confirmed that the position
    of columnist was “the most prestigious writing position” at the
    newspaper, and “very different from a reporter, reporter II
    position at the paper,” giving the columnist “wide discretion” on
    writing topics. (Indeed, Mr. Duvoisin’s “final written warning”
    describes a Times columnist as “a privileged position in which a
    writer enjoys great latitude.”) The change from columnist to
    reporter was plainly a demotion, and certainly amounted to
    “a tangible injury supporting a claim of adverse employment
    action.” (McRae, at p. 394; see Burlington Industries, Inc. v.
    Ellerth (1998) 
    524 U.S. 742
    , 761 [“[a] tangible employment action
    constitutes a significant change in employment status, such as
    . . . reassignment with significantly different responsibilities”].)
    Defendant insists that “before [plaintiff] ever worked a
    single day in his new position, The Times decided to restore
    [plaintiff’s] column.” Consequently, defendant concludes,
    plaintiff’s “temporary reassignment to senior reporter” was not
    “sufficiently final to constitute an adverse employment action,”
    citing Brooks v. City of San Mateo (9th Cir. 2000) 
    229 F.3d 917
    930 (Brooks), and Dobbs-Weinstein v. Vanderbilt University (6th
    Cir. 1999) 
    185 F.3d 542
    , 546 (Dobbs-Weinstein). This contention
    ignores other facts, and the cited authorities do not support it.
    The reason plaintiff did not “work[] a single day in his new
    position” is that he chose to leave The Times rather than accept
    the demotion. It is undisputed that he never returned to work
    after August 8, 2013, and that four days later, his lawyer advised
    The Times that plaintiff considered himself to have been
    constructively discharged. While we have concluded there was no
    constructive discharge, there was certainly a de facto voluntary
    resignation. Plaintiff’s refusal to accept The Times’s later offer –
    to “bring [plaintiff] back to the L.A. Times” – may affect the
    damages he can recover, but that belated offer cannot change the
    nature of defendant’s employment action. His demotion was
    “effective immediately,” and by its own terms was a “final written
    warning” that ended with the advisement that The Times would
    “keep an eye on [plaintiff’s] performance going forward” and that
    compliance with the listed performance expectations “will be
    necessary to ensure that any additional disciplinary measures up
    to and including termination are not necessary.” Plaintiff never
    returned to work, and the purpose of the September 4 meeting
    was to “discuss [plaintiff] returning.” Under these circumstances,
    no reasonable person would view The Times’s August 8 action as
    a “proposed reassignment” that “never took effect.”4
    Brooks and Dobbs-Weinstein do not support defendant’s
    assertion that plaintiff “did not experience an adverse
    employment action.” Brooks was a retaliation case, and the
    plaintiff “allege[d] that her performance review was downgraded
    from ‘satisfactory’ to ‘needs improvement’ because of her
    complaint about [an episode of sexual harassment by a
    coworker].” (Brooks, supra, 229 F.3d at p. 929.) The court
    observed that “an undeserved negative performance review can
    constitute an adverse employment decision.” (Ibid.) But in
    Brooks, the evaluation “was not an adverse employment action
    because it was subject to modification by the [employer].” (Id. at
    pp. 929-930.) (The plaintiff had refused to accept the review and
    submitted a written appeal to her employer, expressing her view
    that the evaluation was intended to retaliate against her for
    4     This conclusion makes it unnecessary to consider the
    parties’ debate over whether defendant’s various actions
    preceding the demotion (reduction in columns, allegedly
    unwarranted criticism, and so on) amounted to adverse
    employment actions.
    complaining about the coworker’s harassment. While her
    employer was considering her appeal, the plaintiff “left work and
    never returned.” (Id. at p. 922.)) The court concluded that,
    “[b]ecause the evaluation could well have been changed on
    appeal, it was not sufficiently final to constitute an adverse
    employment action.” (Id. at p. 930.)
    The differences between Brooks and this case are clear.
    Brooks does not support the proposition that plaintiff’s demotion
    was “subject to modification” and “not sufficiently final.” Plaintiff
    had no internal appeal; his demotion, which was “effective
    immediately,” followed a thorough investigation during which his
    column was suspended and which reached negative conclusions
    about plaintiff’s compliance with defendant’s professional
    standards. Brooks does not support defendant’s claim.
    The Dobbs-Weinstein case does not help defendant either.
    Indeed, the Sixth Circuit effectively disavowed Dobbs-Weinstein
    in White, supra, 
    364 F.3d 789
    .5 In White, the en banc court held
    “that a thirty-seven day suspension without pay constitutes an
    adverse employment action regardless of whether the suspension
    is followed by a reinstatement with back pay.” (Id. at p. 791.)6
    5    The White decision was affirmed in Burlington Northern &
    Santa Fe Railway Co. v. White (2006) 
    548 U.S. 53
    , 57, 70-72.
    6      White explained that in Dobbs-Weinstein (a case involving
    denial of tenure), “[d]espite the facts that [the plaintiff] was
    initially denied tenure and her employment ended temporarily,
    this court held that [the plaintiff] had not suffered an adverse
    employment action cognizable under Title VII. . . . We relied
    upon the fact that Vanderbilt reversed the decision of its dean
    and granted [the plaintiff] back pay as the result of its internal
    grievance procedure. [Citation.] This reversal, we reasoned, was
    In sum, there is no legal support for defendant’s assertion
    that plaintiff suffered no adverse employment action as a matter
    of law. Both the law and substantial evidence show otherwise.
    Defendant offers no other basis for finding error in the trial
    court’s denial of its JNOV motion on plaintiff’s discrimination
    claims, and we therefore affirm the ruling.
    b.     The ruling denying a new trial on plaintiff’s
    age and disability discrimination claims
    Defendant contends the trial court should have granted a
    new trial on liability for plaintiff’s discrimination claims
    “untainted by [plaintiff’s] erroneous constructive discharge
    theory.” Again, we find no merit in this claim.
    As already stated, a trial court’s ruling on a new trial
    motion “will not be disturbed unless a manifest and
    unmistakable abuse of discretion clearly appears.” (Jiminez,
    supra, 4 Cal.3d at p. 387.) The same is true of a ruling limiting a
    new trial to the issue of damages. (Liodas v. Sahadi (1977) 
    19 Cal.3d 278
    , 285 (Liodas) [“ ‘A new trial limited to the damage
    issue may be ordered where it can be reasonably said that the
    the ‘ultimate employment decision.’ [Citation.] We held that
    ‘intermediate’ tenure decisions that are appealable through a
    tenure review process cannot form the basis of a Title VII claim.”
    (White, supra, 364 F.3d at pp. 800-801.) But, after reviewing
    later authorities, the White court “now join[s] the majority of
    other circuits in rejecting the ‘ultimate employment decision’
    standard” (id. at p. 801), finding (among other reasons) that that
    standard contravened the purpose of Title VII to make persons
    whole for injuries suffered from employment discrimination.
    (White, at p. 802; see id. at p. 803 [holding the plaintiff’s election
    to challenge her suspension without pay “through an internal
    grievance process does not render the decision [to suspend her]
    not actionable under Title VII”].)
    liability issue has been determined by the jury. An abuse of
    discretion must be shown before a reviewing court will reverse
    the trial judge’s decision.’ ”]; Leipert v. Honold (1952) 
    39 Cal.2d 462
    , 467 [“It is presumed that in passing upon the motion [the
    trial judge] has weighed the evidence and the possibility of
    prejudice to the defendant.].) But, “ ‘When a limited retrial might
    be prejudicial to either party, the failure to grant a new trial on
    all of the issues is an abuse of discretion.’ ” (Liodas, at p. 286.)
    According to defendant, ordering a new trial only on
    plaintiff’s noneconomic damages was an abuse of discretion
    “because [plaintiff’s] erroneous constructive discharge theory was
    completely intertwined with [plaintiff’s] claims for age and
    disability discrimination, and the damages resulting from those
    claims.” Defendant summarizes by saying that plaintiff’s
    “constructive discharge theory was the sum and substance of his
    liability case,” and “the jury’s liability finding on [plaintiff’s]
    discrimination claims is inseparable from the jury’s conclusion
    that [plaintiff] was constructively discharged.”
    We are unable to find any factual or legal merit in
    defendant’s argument.
    First, as the special verdict form makes clear, the jury
    could not have found a constructive discharge without first
    finding that plaintiff’s age (or disability) was a substantial
    motivating reason for any adverse employment action. So, in
    that sense, plaintiff’s liability claims were related. But they were
    not, in any sense of the word, “inseparable.” The fact that the
    evidence was insufficient to sustain the constructive discharge
    claim (which requires intolerable working conditions) does not
    mean there was insufficient evidence that age (or disability) was
    a substantial motivating reason for plaintiff’s demotion.
    Second, the only evidence defendant cites in connection
    with its contention that “it would be unjust to permit the jury’s
    finding of liability for discrimination to stand” is evidence of the
    emotional consequences to plaintiff of the loss of his position at
    The Times. But this is evidence related to damages, on which
    there will be a new trial, not evidence on liability issues. And
    defendant does not claim there was any evidence admitted on the
    constructive discharge issue that would have been inadmissible
    on the discrimination issues. Defendant merely cites plaintiff’s
    opening statement and closing arguments to the jury to the effect
    that defendant’s conduct amounted to a constructive discharge.
    But arguments are not evidence, and we see no basis to conclude
    that counsel’s arguments somehow “tainted” the jury’s
    discrimination findings, which were clearly separate from and a
    precondition for its constructive discharge finding.
    Third, and most importantly, defendant misconstrues the
    meaning of the authorities it cites for the proposition that “where
    the damages issues in a case are ‘so interwoven’ with those of
    liability, a new trial on damages alone is impermissible.”
    Defendant cites, for example, Hamasaki v. Flotho (1952) 
    39 Cal.2d 602
    , for the proposition that “situations may arise where
    the issues are so interwoven that a partial retrial would be unfair
    to the other party.” (Id. at p. 608.) Of course that is so. But in
    Hamasaki, “the jury [had], by compromising the issues of liability
    and damages, inextricably interwoven those issues, [so] a retrial
    of the damages issue alone based on the erroneous assumption
    that defendant’s liability has been determined would be
    extremely unjust to him.” (Ibid.) This, of course, is not such a
    Nor is this a case like Liodas, supra, 19 Cal.3d at page 286,
    or like any of the other cases defendant cites of “interwoven”
    liability and damages. In Liodas, a new trial on all issues was
    required because a partial new trial on damages would have been
    prejudicial. Because of erroneous damages instructions, “it [was]
    not possible to determine on what basis liability was predicated,”
    and the matter of liability for numerous allegedly fraudulent
    transactions was “substantially inseparable from that of damages
    in the present posture of the case.” (Ibid.) The second jury
    “would have no basis for determining which of the transactions
    the first jury actually found fraudulent, and which, if any, it
    found fair,” issues that “go to the heart of the liability question.”
    Similarly, in Gasoline Products Co., Inc. v. Champlin
    Refining Co. (1931) 
    283 U.S. 494
    , 500, “the question of damages
    on the counterclaim is so interwoven with that of liability that
    the former cannot be submitted to the jury independently of the
    latter without confusion and uncertainty, which would amount to
    a denial of a fair trial.” This was because, “upon the new trial,
    the jury cannot fix the amount of damages unless also advised of
    the terms of the contract; and the dates of formation and breach
    may be material . . . .” (Id. at p. 499.) But it was “impossible
    from an inspection of the present record to say precisely what
    were the dates of formation and breach of the contract found by
    the jury, or its terms.” (Ibid.)
    This case is entirely different. Here, the issue of liability
    for discrimination was plainly determined by the jury, and that
    liability was independent of whether defendant’s discriminatory
    conduct amounted to a constructive discharge. Defendant has
    not shown how it could be prejudiced by a new trial, limited to
    the amount of noneconomic damages that resulted from the
    discrimination. The absence of a showing of prejudice or injustice
    is fatal to its claim. There was no error in the trial court’s denial
    of a new trial on plaintiff’s discrimination claims.
    The orders are affirmed. The parties shall bear their own
    costs on appeal.
    GRIMES, J.
    BIGELOW, P. J.
    FLIER, J.