City of Long Beach v. City of LA ( 2018 )

  • Filed 1/12/18
    CITY OF LONG BEACH et al.,
    Plaintiffs and Respondents;
    XAVIER BECERRA, as Attorney General, etc.,              A148993
    Intervener and Respondent,
    (Contra Costa County
    v.                                                      Super. Ct. No. CIVMSN140300)
    Defendants and Appellants;
    Real Party in Interest and Appellant.
    Defendants City of Los Angeles et al.1 and real party in interest BNSF Railway
    Company (BNSF) appeal a judgment granting consolidated petitions by government and
    public interest entities2 to set aside certification of the final environmental impact report
    (FEIR) relating to, and approval of, the proposed construction by BNSF of a new railyard
    approximately four miles from the Port of Los Angeles.3 Environmental analysis of the
    Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rules 8.1105(b) and 8.1110, this opinion is
    certified for publication with the exception of parts 5, 6, 8, 10, and 11 of the Discussion.
    Other named defendants include the City Council of the City of Los Angeles, the Port
    of Los Angeles, and the City of Los Angeles Harbor Department (harbor department).
    Defendants are collectively referred to as the City of Los Angeles.
    Plaintiffs include City of Long Beach, South Coast Air Quality Management District,
    East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice, Coalition for Clean Air, Century
    Villages at Cabrillo, Natural Resource Defense Council, Inc., Coalition for a safe
    Environment, Apostolic Faith Center, Community Dreams, California Kids IAQ, Long
    Beach Unified School District, Fast Lane Transportation, Inc., California Cartage
    Company, Inc., Three Rivers Trucking, Inc., and San Pedro Forklift, Inc.
    Amicus curiae briefs have been filed by California Communities Against Toxics,
    California Safe Schools, Communities for a Better Environment, Del Amo Action
    project dates back to at least 2005. The administrative record exceeds 200,000 pages, the
    FEIR exceeds 5,000 pages, and the trial court’s opinions dealing with the multitude of
    issues raised below exceed 200 pages.
    Appellants challenge the trial court’s conclusion that the FEIR is deficient because
    it fails to analyze the impact of rendering capacity at BNSF’s existing Hobart yard in the
    City of Commerce, some 24 miles from the port, available to handle additional traffic,
    arguing that the project description in the FEIR is misleading and that the FEIR fails to
    adequately analyze the indirect and growth-inducing impacts of the project. Appellants
    also dispute the trial court’s conclusions that the analysis of the project’s impacts on
    noise, traffic, air quality and greenhouse gas emissions is inadequate. Preliminarily,
    appellants also contend the trial court erred in concluding that the Attorney General, who
    intervened in the petition filed by the City of Long Beach, was entitled to assert
    objections to the sufficiency of the FEIR that were not raised by any party in the
    administrative proceedings.
    We conclude that the exhaustion requirement that generally apply to parties
    contesting the adequacy of an environmental impact report do not apply to the Attorney
    General and that the FEIR fails to adequately consider air quality impacts of the project,
    particularly impacts to ambient air pollutant concentrations and cumulative impacts of
    such pollutant concentrations. With respect to all other claimed deficiencies, we conclude
    that the analysis in the FEIR satisfies the requirements of the California Environmental
    Quality Act (CEQA) (Pub. Resources Code, § 21000 et seq.).4
    Committee, Mothers of East Los Angeles, NAACP Wilmington-San Pedro, the Regents
    of the University of California, the Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy and Jobs, and
    the Association of American Railroads in support of appellants.
    All statutory references are to the Public Resources Code unless otherwise noted. The
    administrative regulations adopted to implement CEQA, codified in title 14,
    section 15000 et seq. of the California Code of Regulations, are referred to as CEQA
    Guidelines. In interpreting CEQA, we accord the CEQA Guidelines great weight except
    where they are clearly unauthorized or erroneous. (Citizens of Goleta Valley v. Board of
    Supervisors (1990) 
    52 Cal. 3d 553
    , 564, fn. 3.)
    Factual and Procedural History
    Together, the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles (collectively ports) handle up
    to 64 percent of all oceanic shipping on the West Coast and about 35 percent of such
    shipping in the United States. As described in the FEIR, “The majority of goods coming
    into the ports arrive in shipping containers transported on container ships. Once the
    containers have been off-loaded from ships onto a marine terminal, they are sorted based
    on destination and transported out of the terminal by truck or train. Containers may be
    placed on trains inside the terminal (on-dock rail), they may be loaded onto truck chassis
    (trailers designed to hold containers) to be hauled to their final destination, or they may
    be loaded onto truck chassis to be drayed to a railyard outside the terminal (near-dock or
    off-dock rail).”
    As of 2008, there were nine operating “on-dock railyards” at the ports. “Typically,
    trains built on-dock consist of railcars all bound for the same destination, although
    exceptions do occur. Most cargo that cannot fill a single-destination train on-dock is
    drayed to an off-dock or near-dock railyard to be combined with cargo from other marine
    terminals headed for the same destination because those railyard facilities can provide
    space to hold containers from multiple terminals and assemble them into blocks for
    common destinations.” “Containers handled at the on-dock railyards leave the port area
    via the Alameda Corridor, a 20-mile long, multiple-track rail system with no at-grade (i.e.
    street level) crossings that links the rail facilities of the ports with the transcontinental rail
    network . . . near downtown Los Angeles.”
    Union Pacific operates the only “near-dock railyard” presently servicing the ports.
    Union Pacific’s near-dock facility is approximately five miles north of the ports.
    Containers from the ports are transported to the near-dock railyard via trucks on local
    roads. Trains departing the near-dock railyard utilize the “Alameda Corridor” to connect
    with the transcontinental rail network.
    Currently, there are two “off-dock railyards” that handle the majority of containers
    from the ports: BNSF’s Hobart yard and Union Pacific’s East Los Angeles yard. Both
    railyards are located near downtown Los Angeles, approximately 24 miles north of the
    ports. Containers are transported by truck, generally via the I-710 freeway, from the ports
    to the off-dock railyards.
    In September 2005, the harbor department released a notice of preparation and
    initial study for BNSF’s proposal to construct a 153-acre near-dock railyard
    approximately four miles from the ports. The proposed project is referred to as the
    Southern California International Gateway Project or “SCIG.” On October 31, 2005, a
    supplemental notice of preparation was issued.
    Nearly six years later, in September 2011, the harbor department released a draft
    environmental impact report (DEIR) for the project. Based on comments received during
    the public comment period, the harbor department revised major portions of the DEIR
    and on September 27, 2012, the harbor department released a recirculated DEIR (RDEIR)
    for a 45-day public review period.
    On February 22, 2013, the harbor department issued the FEIR. The FEIR
    describes the proposed project as consisting of “the construction and operation of a new
    near-dock intermodal rail facility by BNSF that would handle containerized cargo
    transported through the ports.” 5 The project would have the capacity to handle an
    estimated 1.5 million intermodal containers per year at full operation and would generate
    approximately 2 million truck trips between the facility and port terminals per year.6 “The
    primary objective and fundamental purpose of the proposed project is to provide an
    additional near-dock intermodal rail facility serving the San Pedro Bay Port marine
    Cargo that comes through the ports is referred to as either “intermodal” or
    “transloaded.” Shipment of intermodal cargo is made under a single ocean carrier bill of
    lading. The cargo is transferred in an intact shipping container directly from the port to
    the railyard. Transloaded cargo has been transferred from 40-foot shipping containers to
    53-foot domestic containers at a warehouse before arriving at the railyard.
    The FEIR uses different measures to quantify cargo capacity at the railyards. Twenty-
    foot equivalent units (TEUs) are used to measure container volume handled at individual
    railyards. Capacity is also quantified in terms of projected “lifts,” referring to “the
    movement of a container from a truck to a train or vice versa.” At full operation, the
    project would have the capacity to handle a maximum of 2.8 million TEUs, or 1.5 million
    terminals that would meet current and anticipated containerized cargo demands, provide
    shippers with comparable intermodal options, incorporate advanced environmental
    controls, and help convert existing and future truck transport into rail transport, thereby
    providing air quality and transportation benefits.” The FEIR explains, “The need for
    additional rail facilities to support current and expected cargo volumes, particularly
    intermodal container cargo was identified in several recent studies. As discussed in those
    studies, even after maximizing the potential on-dock rail yards, the demand for
    intermodal rail service creates a shortfall in railyard capacity. Those studies specifically
    identified a need for additional near-dock intermodal capacity to complement and
    supplement existing, planned, and potential on-dock facilities.”
    At present, BNSF processes intermodal, transloaded and domestic cargo at the
    Hobart yard. The FEIR indicates that upon completion of the new railyard, BNSF intends
    to transfer 95 percent of its intermodal business at Hobart to SCIG. “The proposed
    project would eliminate a portion . . . of existing and future intermodal truck trips
    between the ports and [Hobart] . . . by diverting them to the proposed SCIG facility.”
    Stated differently, the estimated 2 million truck trips between the port and the proposed
    new railyard “would replace truck trips that would otherwise go to the [Hobart] yard in
    East Los Angeles, a journey of 24 miles each way.”
    BNSF’s domestic and transloaded cargo business will remain at the Hobart yard.
    The FEIR does not analyze the level of activity that will remain at Hobart upon
    construction of the new railyard or the impact of additional traffic that may then be
    handled at Hobart. The document explains, “Whether or not SCIG is built, domestic
    traffic (i.e., traffic from non-Port sources) and transloaded cargos to Hobart will likely
    continue to grow at a rate related to market demand in the United States economy. . . .
    Because that growth is not dependent on SCIG being built, it is not appropriate to
    evaluate that growth as part of SCIG, or any truck trips not going to SCIG.”
    The FEIR concludes that the project would have significant unavoidable
    environmental impacts on, among other things, air quality, noise, greenhouse gas
    emissions and traffic.
    On March 7, 2013, the board of harbor commissioners certified the FEIR, adopted
    a statement of overriding considerations, and approved the project. The resolution was
    appealed to the Los Angeles City Council which, on May 8, 2013, affirmed the
    certification and approval.
    In June 2013, seven petitions for writs of mandate were filed in the Los Angeles
    County Superior Court, challenging the certification and approval. The petitions were
    consolidated for all purposes and later transferred to the Contra Costa County Superior
    Court. In May 2014, pursuant to a stipulation, the Attorney General intervened in the
    action filed by the City of Long Beach.
    On March 30, 2016, the trial court issued its opinion and order on the consolidated
    petitions. The court found the FEIR’s project description and analysis of indirect impacts
    and growth-inducing impacts to be deficient because they fail to discuss the reasonably
    foreseeable indirect impacts from freeing capacity at the existing Hobart yard. The court
    also held that the FEIR’s analysis of noise, traffic, air quality, greenhouse gases and
    cumulative environmental impacts and of mitigation measures are inadequate. Thereafter,
    the court issued a peremptory writ of mandate directing the City of Los Angeles to set
    aside its certification of the FEIR and approval of the project and to comply with CEQA.
    The City of Los Angeles and BNSF timely filed notices of appeal in the
    consolidated proceedings.
    1. Standard of Review
    “In reviewing compliance with CEQA, we review the agency's action, not the trial
    court's decision. [Citation.] In doing so, our ‘inquiry “shall extend only to whether there
    was a prejudicial abuse of discretion.” [Citation.]’ [Citation.] Abuse of discretion is
    established ‘if the agency has not proceeded in a manner required by law or if the
    determination or decision is not supported by substantial evidence.’ [Citation.]
    Substantial evidence in this context means ‘enough relevant information and reasonable
    inferences from this information that a fair argument can be made to support a
    conclusion, even though other conclusions might also be reached.’ ” (Communities for a
    Better Environment v. City of Richmond (2010) 
    184 Cal. App. 4th 70
    , 80.)
    2. Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies
    “ ‘Exhaustion of administrative remedies is a jurisdictional prerequisite to
    maintenance of a CEQA action.’ [Citation.] Subdivision (a) of CEQA section 21177 sets
    forth the exhaustion requirement here. That requirement is satisfied if ‘the alleged
    grounds for noncompliance with [CEQA] were presented . . . by any person during the
    public comment period provided by [CEQA] or prior to the close of the public hearing on
    the project before the issuance of the notice of determination.’ ” (State Water Resources
    Control Bd. Cases (2006) 
    136 Cal. App. 4th 674
    , 791-792, fn. & italics omitted.) “ ‘The
    rationale for exhaustion is that the agency “ ‘is entitled to learn the contentions of
    interested parties before litigation is instituted. If [plaintiffs] have previously sought
    administrative relief . . . the [agency] will have had its opportunity to act and to render
    litigation unnecessary, if it had chosen to do so.’ ” [Citation.]’ [Citations.] [¶] To advance
    the exhaustion doctrine’s purpose ‘[t]he “exact issue” must have been presented to the
    administrative agency. . . .’ [Citation.] While ‘ “less specificity is required to preserve an
    issue for appeal in an administrative proceeding than in a judicial proceeding” . . .
    ‘generalized environmental comments at public hearings,’ ‘relatively . . . bland and
    general references to environmental matters’ [citation], or ‘isolated and unelaborated
    comment[s]’ [citation] will not suffice. The same is true for ‘ “[g]eneral objections to
    project approval. . . .” [Citations.]’ [Citation.] ‘ “[T]he objections must be sufficiently
    specific so that the agency has the opportunity to evaluate and respond to them.” ’ ”
    (Sierra Club v. City of Orange (2008) 
    163 Cal. App. 4th 523
    , 535-536.) “An appellate
    court employs a de novo standard of review when determining whether the exhaustion of
    administrative remedies doctrine applies.” (Id. at p. 536.)
    Appellants contend the court lacked jurisdiction to consider certain objections to
    the sufficiency of the FEIR asserted by the Attorney General because those objections
    were not made by any party in the administrative proceedings.7 The Attorney General
    argues that he is exempt from the exhaustion requirement under section 21177,
    subdivision (d).8 (Maintain Our Desert Environment v. Town of Apple Valley (2004) 
    124 Cal. App. 4th 430
    , 433 [Under section 21177, subdivision (d), “the Attorney General of
    California need not comply with the exhaustion of administrative remedies
    requirement.”].) Appellants argue that the exemption in subdivision (d) applies only to
    identity exhaustion under subdivision (b) and not to issue exhaustion under subdivision
    (a); that is, that the Attorney General may assert objections that were raised by someone
    during the administrative proceedings, even if not by the Attorney General, but may not
    assert objections that no party raised during those proceedings. Excusing the Attorney
    General from the issue exhaustion requirement does create the possibility that an
    environmental impact report may be held inadequate for a deficiency that was never
    brought to the agency’s attention and which the agency had no opportunity to correct.
    Nevertheless, we agree with the Attorney General and the court in Maintain Our Desert
    Environment v. Town of Apple 
    Valley, supra
    124 Cal. App. 4th 430
    that the plain language
    Appellants assert that the following contentions were not presented in the administrative
    proceedings: (1) The FEIR failed to analyze single-event maximum noise impacts using
    the Lmax noise metric as required by the City of Long Beach’s noise ordinance; (2) The
    FEIR’s density calculations misstate the number of trucks that will utilize San Gabriel
    Avenue; and (3) The FEIR does not explain whether the non-cancer hazard index levels
    refer to the combined hazard indices for the project and other past, present, and
    reasonably foreseeable future projects.
    Section 21177 provides in relevant part: “(a) An action or proceeding shall not be
    brought pursuant to Section 21167 unless the alleged grounds for noncompliance with
    this division were presented to the public agency orally or in writing by any person
    during the public comment period provided by this division or prior to the close of the
    public hearing on the project before the issuance of the notice of determination. [¶] (b) A
    person shall not maintain an action or proceeding unless that person objected to the
    approval of the project orally or in writing during the public comment period provided by
    this division or prior to the close of the public hearing on the project before the filing of
    notice of determination pursuant to Sections 21108 and 21152. [¶] . . . [¶] (d) This section
    does not apply to the Attorney General.”
    of section 21177, subdivision (d), exempts the Attorney General from all statutory
    exhaustion requirements.
    Contrary to appellants’ argument, the legislative history does not create any
    ambiguity in the statutory language, let alone establish with certainty that the Legislature
    intended subdivision (d) to exempt the Attorney General only from identity exhaustion
    under subdivision (b).9 To the contrary, the unqualified exemption is consistent with
    other statutory provisions that recognize the Attorney General’s unique authority to
    protect the environment of the State of California. (See Gov. Code, § 12600, subd. (b)
    [“It is in the public interest to provide the people of the State of California through the
    Attorney General with adequate remedy to protect the natural resources of the State of
    California from pollution, impairment, or destruction.”]; Gov. Code, § 12606 [“The
    Attorney General shall be permitted to intervene in any judicial or administrative
    proceeding in which facts are alleged concerning pollution or adverse environmental
    effects which could affect the public generally.”]; § 21167.7 [requiring every person who
    files an action challenging the decision of a public agency on the grounds of
    noncompliance with CEQA to provide copies of their pleadings to the Attorney General
    and precluding the granting of any relief until such copies have been furnished.].
    Appellants cite two pieces of legislative history: (1) a report prepared for the Assembly
    Committee on Natural Resources by the State Bar Committee on the Environment of the
    State Bar of California [Com. on the Environment of the State Bar of Cal., Rep. to
    Assem. Com. on Nat. Resources, The California Environmental Quality Act:
    Recommendations for Legislative and Administrative Change, Dec. 1983] and (2) an
    Assembly Committee analysis of the legislation that enacted section 21177 [Cal. Natural
    Resources Agency, Bill Analysis of Assem. Bill No. 2583 (1983-1984 Reg. Sess.) as
    amended March 22, 1984]. The Bar committee report at pages 93-95 merely
    acknowledges the common law exception to identity exhaustion and urges that the
    exception be codified. The bill analysis at pages 1 and 9 similarly indicates that a purpose
    of the statutory amendment is to “limit standing to those individual[s] who have
    participated in the public review process” but notes that this identity exhaustion
    requirement would not apply to the Attorney General. Both reports are silent with respect
    to issue exhaustion. Appellants’ request for judicial notice of these documents as well as
    the Senate Committee on Governmental Organization, Staff Analysis of Assembly Bill
    No. 2583 (1983-1984 Reg. Sess.) as amended June 20, 1984, is granted.
    3. Project Description
    “Under CEQA, a ‘project’ means ‘the whole of an action, which has a potential for
    resulting in either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably
    foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. . . .’ [Citations.] It refers to the
    underlying ‘activity’ for which approval is being sought. [Citation.] The entirety of the
    project must be described, and not some smaller portion of it. [Citation.] The Guidelines
    specify that every EIR must set forth a project description that is sufficient to allow an
    adequate evaluation and review of the environmental impact.” (San Joaquin Raptor
    Rescue Center v. County of Merced (2007) 
    149 Cal. App. 4th 645
    , 654.)
    “[A] project description that gives conflicting signals to decision makers and the
    public about the nature and scope of the project is fundamentally inadequate and
    misleading. [Citation.] ‘Only through an accurate view of the project may affected
    outsiders and public decision-makers balance the proposal's benefit against its
    environmental cost, consider mitigation measures, assess the advantage of terminating the
    proposal (i.e., the ‘no project’ alternative), and weigh other alternatives in the balance.’ ”
    (Citizens for a Sustainable Treasure Island v. City and County of San Francisco (2014)
    227 Cal. App. 4th 1036
    , 1052.)
    The trial court found that the project description is deficient because it fails to
    include “a discussion of the reasonably foreseeable indirect changes at Hobart.”
    Appellants contend the court’s holding is based on a misunderstanding of what must be
    included in a project description and confuses the project’s description with the analysis
    of the project’s environmental impacts. (See El Dorado County Taxpayers for Quality
    Growth v. County of El Dorado (2004) 
    122 Cal. App. 4th 1591
    , 1598 [“[A] project
    description describes the project; it does not analyze the project’s environmental
    impacts.”].) As appellants state, “the activity subject to governmental approval is ‘the
    construction and operation of a new near-dock intermodal rail facility by BNSF that
    would handle containerized cargo transported through the ports of Los Angeles and Long
    Beach . . . .’ That activity ‘require[d] discretionary approval from [the harbor department]
    and, therefore, it is subject to the requirements of CEQA.’ ”
    The project description here accurately describes the pertinent features of the
    construction and operation of SCIG. With respect to the project’s cargo handling
    capacity, the FEIR “takes a conservative approach: it analyzes the capacity the project
    applicant (BNSF) has applied for (a maximum of 2.8 million TEUs, or 1.5 million lifts at
    full operation), and assumes that market factors would determine the actual demand that
    it serves.” Respondents argue that the description of the project is misleading and
    inaccurate because it “defines the project as replacing—rather than increasing—existing
    BNSF capacity.” They argue that “[r]ather than accurately characterizing the project as
    increasing BNSF’s cargo-handling capacity by an additional 1.5 million cargo containers
    per year, the EIR states that SCIG will ‘replace’ or ‘eliminate’ operations from BNSF’s
    Hobart yard.” They suggest that by defining the project “not as creating additional
    capacity to handle increased cargo volumes, but as ‘eliminating’ existing activities at
    Hobart,” the EIR “profoundly skews the environmental analysis.”
    Respondents improperly characterize the project description. The FEIR accurately
    states that the project will permit BNSF to divert a portion of its operations from Hobart
    to SCIG and also acknowledges that the volume of cargo serviced at Hobart will continue
    to grow. Neither the project description nor any part of the FEIR suggests that BNSF’s
    total capacity will remain unchanged as a result of the project. There is nothing
    misleading or inaccurate about the project description. (See El Dorado County Taxpayers
    for Quality Growth v. County of El 
    Dorado, supra
    , 122 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1597-1598.)
    San Joaquin Raptor Rescue Center v. County of 
    Merced, supra
    149 Cal. App. 4th 645
    , cited by respondents, is distinguishable. That case involved an environmental impact
    report in connection with the issuance of a conditional use permit for the proposed
    expansion of an aggregate mining operation. The EIR described the project as an
    expansion that includes the mining of additional acreage “but is not proposed to
    substantially increase daily or annual production.” (Id. at p. 650.) However, the court
    found that “despite assurances to the contrary, the Project includes a substantial increase
    in mine production. [¶] . . . By giving such conflicting signals to decision makers and the
    public about the nature and scope of the activity being proposed, the Project description
    was fundamentally inadequate and misleading.” (Id. at pp. 655-656.) The “curtailed and
    inadequate characterizations of the Project were enough to mislead the public and thwart
    the EIR process.” (Id. at p. 656.) “The public hearings reflect similar confusion about the
    level of production allowed under the Project.” (Id. at p. 657.) As explained above,
    neither the project description nor any portion of the FEIR in this case indicates that
    BNSF’s overall capacity will not be significantly increased as a result of the construction
    of the new railyard. The FEIR is required to evaluate any indirect environmental impact
    that may be caused by the project arising from increased availability of capacity at
    Hobart, but there is no deficiency in the manner in which the FEIR describes the SCIG
    4. Indirect Impacts on the Hobart Yard
    “In evaluating the significance of the environmental effect of a project, the lead
    agency shall consider . . . reasonably foreseeable indirect physical changes in the
    environment which may be caused by the project.” (CEQA Guidelines, § 15064,
    subd. (d).) “An indirect physical change in the environment is a physical change in the
    environment which is not immediately related to the project, but which is caused
    indirectly by the project. . . .” (CEQA Guidelines, § 15064, subd. (d)(2).) “An indirect
    physical change is to be considered only if that change is a reasonably foreseeable impact
    which may be caused by the project. A change which is speculative or unlikely to occur
    is not reasonably foreseeable.” (CEQA Guidelines, § 15064, subd. (d)(3).) Indirect
    impacts “may include growth-inducing effects and other effects related to induced
    changes in the pattern of land use, population density, or growth rate, and related effects
    on air and water and other natural systems, including ecosystems.” (CEQA Guidelines,
    § 15358, subd. (a)(2).)
    The trial court found that the FEIR’s analysis of indirect impacts is deficient
    because it omits any discussion of the reasonably foreseeable impacts that will be caused
    by freeing capacity at the Hobart yard. The court observed that by constructing SCIG,
    BNSF will “nearly double” its capacity and the FEIR fails to analyze how “BNSF is
    going to utilize Hobart once additional capacity is created.”
    Master Response 3 of the FEIR was issued in response to the large number of
    comments raising concerns about the project’s indirect impacts at the Hobart yard. The
    response provides in relevant part, “A number of commenters have criticized the RDEIR
    for not evaluating regional changes in goods movement that they posit might occur with
    implementation of SCIG. Their reasoning is that if SCIG absorbs the international cargo
    currently going to Hobart, then domestic and transload cargo will backfill the freed-up
    capacity . . . . Other commenters have criticized the RDEIR for not including future
    operations at Hobart (i.e., truck and train trips) in the analyses. These assertions are
    speculative, and not supported by facts or evidence. [¶] In fact, . . . the suggestion that
    cargo would materialize to backfill the freed-up capacity [is] wholly unsupported by the
    The record reflects that at present there is no unmet demand for rail service at the
    Hobart yard that will give rise to additional traffic when intermodal traffic is diverted to
    the new railyard. As BNSF explained in its November 28, 2012 memorandum to the
    harbor department, “BNSF is not aware of any currently unmet demand for cargo
    transportation that would be generated as a result of moving direct intermodal
    international cargo from Hobart to SCIG. All Southern California domestic cargo
    requiring rail transport is already being transported by rail. There is no latent demand for
    rail transport that is not being served.”
    Master Response 3 further explained, “there is no reason to believe that cargo
    would somehow materialize to fill the freed-up capacity. Hobart and other intermodal
    facilities already accept all cargo in the region that demands rail transport and are not yet
    operating at capacity, meaning that there is no unserved cargo that would appear to fill
    freed-up capacity. This conclusion is reinforced by the results of analyses showing that
    existing railyards, while busy, are not operating at their maximum practicable capacity
    (MPC); for example, Hobart’s current MPC is approximately 1.7 million lifts, whereas,
    as described above and in Appendix G4, in 2010 it handled only about one million lifts,
    approximately one-half of them direct international containers. BNSF has already
    expanded Hobart, but cargo volumes, rather than suddenly increasing, actually decreased
    between 2007, when the expansion was completed, and 2010 (BNSF, 2012a; BNSF,
    2012b). Those volumes were driven by regional and national economic factors (i.e., the
    2008 recession), not by the availability of capacity at Hobart.”
    Domestic and transload cargo volumes are anticipated to increase in the future, but
    the freed-up capacity at Hobart will not give rise to indirect environmental impacts for at
    least two reasons. First, as shown by table 2.2 in the FEIR, cited in the master response,
    “domestic and transload cargo volumes would increase whether or not SCIG is built, and
    . . . the increases would be the same under either scenario. This is true because demand is
    independent of capacity—the region’s economy would grow at a rate unrelated to
    capacity at Hobart. . . . [¶] Hobart will continue to accept transload and domestic cargo
    with or without SCIG.” The Intermodal Rail Analysis, prepared by the harbor
    department, appendix G4 of the FEIR, explains, “The market demand for pure domestic
    cargo and transload cargo is independent of a project’s capacity. In the case of the SCIG
    project, the region’s economy drives the demand for domestic and transload cargo which
    would grow at a rate unrelated to capacity at Hobart. A facility’s capacity does not create
    growth in demand.”
    Second, substantial evidence supports the finding that BNSF has capacity at
    Hobart to meet all projected growth until at least 2035.10 Contrary to the finding of the
    trial court, substantial evidence supports the growth predictions used in FEIR. The FEIR
    predicts that by 2030 the ports will be processing 34.6 million TEUs annually. This
    prediction is based on a long-term forecast prepared by the Global Insight and Tioga
    Group in 2009. The “IHS Global Insight/Tioga” forecast is “a demand-based (i.e.,
    unconstrained) forecast, that assumed transportation and infrastructure capacity would be
    available to meet the demand.” The trial court acknowledged the “considerable studies
    done by and for the Port about the amount of [intermodal] business that will be generated
    by the world economy over various periods of time.”
    Appellants suggest this date is actually 2046 because the ports are expected to reach
    capacity in 2035 and thus no further growth is projected thereafter.
    The FEIR assumes that domestic cargo volumes will “continue to grow at a rate of
    2% per year with or without SCIG being built.”11 As the trial court noted, other studies
    also utilize an estimated growth in domestic cargo of 2 to 3 percent annually. The
    2 percent annual growth figure appears to be based on a “IHS Global Insight database”
    known as “TRANSEARCH” that “shows projections of cargo tonnage for domestic and
    international goods movement through 2040.” According to this database, the domestic
    cargo sector in the applicable region is projected to grow at rates between 2.1 percent and
    3 percent annually from 2012 to 2035. Contrary to respondents’ arguments, these growth
    rates are not unsupported assumptions. They are reasoned predictions by experts on
    which the city is entitled to rely. (Save Round Valley Alliance v. County of Inyo (2007)
    157 Cal. App. 4th 1437
    , 1467.)
    As the FEIR explains, “BNSF has already undertaken physical modifications and
    operational changes that have expanded the capacity of the Hobart Yard. To
    accommodate future increased cargo volumes at Hobart, BNSF would undertake
    additional operational and physical changes. . . . BNSF would implement additional
    physical changes to the Hobart and Commerce facilities that would increase their
    capacity; BNSF represents that those changes could be implemented without
    discretionary permits. . . .[12] The operational changes and the approved expansions would
    allow Hobart/Commerce to handle approximately 3 million lifts . . . per year by 2035,
    which is approximately 1 million lifts more than its existing capacity. The Port
    Table 2.2, which contains the predicted growth data shows the domestic cargo business
    growing by 66 percent between 2010 and 2035 (an average rate of 2.64 percent per year).
    In response to comments, the FEIR elaborates: “Further facility developments,
    technological and operational changes could be made to accommodate the demand projected in
    the 2009 Cargo Forecast. For example, BNSF could construct additional tracks. 250 wheeled
    parking spaces could be constructed on property currently owned by or otherwise available to
    BNSF. With respect to future operational changes, additional switching support, increased
    stacking, additional cargo handling equipment and manpower would enhance the strip track and
    parking turn times, thereby further increasing capacity. All of the foregoing may be implemented
    without discretionary permitting.”
    independently undertook engineering analyses of the Hobart/Commerce Yard that
    confirmed BNSF’s representations of the potential to expand capacity at these facilities.”
    In the with-SCIG (proposed project) scenario, BNSF would not have to make
    changes to its Hobart operations other than to add capacity at some point in the future
    when demand exceeds capacity (projected by independent analysts to occur as soon as
    2023). Since BNSF already has the right to expand its Hobart facilities, the freeing of
    capacity at Hobart by transferring intermodal traffic to the new railyard may at most
    delay the point at which BNSF elects to expand the Hobart facilities. The expansion will
    not be the consequence of constructing the new railyard.
    Because there is a sufficient evidentiary basis for the city’s conclusion that a
    predicted amount of economic growth will occur with or without this project and that the
    project is not necessary to enable BNSF to service the projected growth at Hobart, any
    such growth is not an indirect impact of the SCIG project that the FEIR was required to
    5. Growth Inducing Impacts*
    Section 21100, subdivision (b)(5), requires that an EIR analyze any “growth-
    inducing impact[s] of the proposed project” including the ways in which the proposed
    project could foster economic growth, either directly or indirectly, in the surrounding
    environment. (CEQA Guidelines, § 15126.2, subd. (d).) Chapter 8 of the FEIR analyzes
    the growth-inducing impacts of the project.
    The trial court found that with the exception of the potential growth-inducing
    impacts at the Hobart yard discussed above, respondents failed to “make clear what
    growth in the surrounding environment is omitted from the EIR.” The court
    acknowledged their argument that “the potential for additional cargo handling capacity”
    could foster economic growth but concluded that the “great majority” of references in the
    FEIR suggest that “an expanded Hobart” could accommodate predicted growth in
    intermodal container cargo. The court added that despite respondents written arguments,
    Part 5 is not certified for publication. (See fn., ante, p. 1.)
    “at oral argument, the issue of ‘growth-inducing impacts’ was largely subsumed in the
    argument over Hobart.” Ultimately, the court concluded, “Petitioners make no serious
    argument about any other growth inducing effect. Of course, they bear the burden of
    proving that the EIR has omitted some matter. Thus, the court gives no further
    consideration to any effect other than at Hobart.”
    On appeal, respondents argue the FEIR omits meaningful consideration of how the
    increase in BNSF’s cargo-handling capacity will induce growth at the ports. Appellants
    contend correctly that this argument in not cognizable because respondents did not file a
    cross-appeal. “As a general matter, ‘ “a respondent who has not appealed from the
    judgment may not urge error on appeal.” ’ [Citation.] ‘To obtain affirmative relief by way
    of appeal, respondents must themselves file a notice of appeal and become cross-
    appellants.’ ” (Preserve Poway v. City of Poway (2016) 
    245 Cal. App. 4th 560
    , 585
    [Project opponents, who did not cross-appeal, waived contentions that trial court erred in
    not setting aside a mitigated negative declaration on additional grounds.].)
    Anderson First Coalition v. City of Anderson (2005) 
    130 Cal. App. 4th 1173
    , 1181
    (Anderson) is instructive. In that case, the trial court agreed with project opponents that
    the EIR for a proposed shopping center and gas station failed to adequately evaluate the
    traffic and air quality impacts of the gas station. The court severed the gas station from
    the rest of the project and allowed the rest of the project to proceed. (Id. at pp. 1177-
    1178.) On the appeal by the project opponents of the severance order, the project
    proponents argued the trial court erred in finding the EIR deficient regarding the gas
    station’s traffic and air quality impacts. (Id. at p. 1181.) The Court of Appeal “deem[ed]
    the claim forfeited because [the city] and Wal-Mart have not cross-appealed on this
    point.” (Id. at pp. 1181-1182.) Just as in Anderson, respondents have forfeited any claim
    that the trial court erred in rejecting their challenge to the analysis of growth-inducing
    impacts, other than Hobart.
    We note briefly, however, that respondents’ argument is without merit in any
    event. With respect to economic growth-inducing impacts, the FEIR states, “[B]y
    facilitating the movement of containers through the ports of Los Angeles and Long
    Beach, the proposed project would directly accommodate future economic growth.” The
    FEIR concludes that “although the proposed project would provide a needed goods
    movement facility, it would not induce more cargo through the San Pedro Bay ports. The
    estimated demand for intermodal cargo capacity in the Los Angeles region can be
    accommodated by existing UP and BNSF intermodal facilities, especially in view of the
    planned capacity improvements . . . .” As discussed above, the city reasonably relied on
    expert predictions of the growth of domestic and international cargo and on expert
    opinions that market not capacity would drive growth. Likewise, as discussed above,
    substantial evidence supports the conclusion in the FEIR that BNSF has sufficient
    capacity at Hobart, with anticipated expansion, to accommodate projected growth.
    Accordingly, there was no deficiency in the FEIR’s analysis of growth-inducing
    6. Sheila Commerce Mechanical Repair Facility (Sheila yard)*
    The Sheila yard is a locomotive mechanical shop that primarily supports
    operations at the Hobart yard. As with Hobart, the FEIR concludes that no additional
    analysis of indirect impacts at Sheila yard is required because “[t]he locomotives that
    would haul trains to and from the SCIG facility would not be additional locomotives, but
    rather they would be existing and future locomotives that would haul international cargo
    trains with or without the project.” The trial court recognized that “to some extent this
    issue follows directly from the Hobart issue.” The court explained, “The court has found
    the EIR deficient for its failure to evaluate Hobart. If the Port chooses to supplement the
    EIR with an evaluation of Hobart, then it must consider whether its conclusions with
    respect to Hobart lead to the conclusion that additional work will be done at Sheila which
    Likewise, we summarily reverse the trial court’s related finding that the FEIR is
    deficient because it does not address Hobart yard in the cumulative impacts chapter. In
    light of our conclusion regarding the FEIR’s treatment of the Hobart facility, we need not
    consider BNSF’s alternative argument that the ICC Termination Act (49 U.S.C.
    § 10501(b)) preempts efforts “to use CEQA’s judicial review process to delay or prevent
    Part 6 is not certified for publication. (See fn., ante, p. 1.)
    may have environmental impacts.” Having found no basis to require further analysis of
    impacts arising from the freed capacity at Hobart, we similarly reject the argument that
    additional analysis of impacts at Sheila yard is required.
    7. Air Quality
    Impact AQ-3 assesses whether the proposed project will result in significant
    emission of criteria pollutants. In making this analysis, the FEIR measures and models in
    pounds per day (lbs/d) the mass of pollutants to be emitted by operation of the project.
    The FEIR includes data tables that present both the unmitigated average daily criteria
    pollutant emissions from operation of the proposed project in the benchmark years 2016,
    2023, 2035, 2046, and 2066 and estimated peak daily unmitigated emissions for the same
    benchmark years.14 Applying this data to applicable standards of significance, the FEIR
    concludes emissions “are below the significance thresholds for [oxides of nitrogen
    (NOx)15, particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter (PM10) and particulate matter
    less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5)] for all analysis years. Therefore the
    unmitigated project would have less than significant impacts.” Similar analysis of the no
    project alternative concludes that emissions under the no project alternative also would
    not be significant.16 Moreover, daily emissions of NOx, PM10 and PM2.5 under the project
    would be consistently lower than under the no project alternative in each of the
    benchmark years.17
    The benchmark years were selected to “correspond[] to the opening year (2016), the
    full facility throughput year (2035), and the lease termination year (2066).”
    “NOx is a generic term for the total concentration of mono-nitrogen oxides, nitric oxide
    (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2).” As the trial court noted, “the EIR used a conversion
    rate to translate NOx concentrations to NO2 concentrations.”
    The no project alternative assumed that “[b]usinesses currently occupying the project
    site would continue to utilize their existing facilities, and the activities of these businesses
    would be expected to grow by 10 percent from baseline levels by 2016, after which no
    further growth is assumed.”
    The sole exception appears to be in project year 2035 in which the peak daily
    operations emissions of NOx from the project will exceed emissions under the no project
    alternative by 22 pounds a day.
    Impact AQ-4 assesses whether project operations will result in significant “offsite
    ambient air pollutant concentrations” in the geographic area surrounding the project site.
    Under this analysis, the FEIR measures and models the concentration of pollutants in
    micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) that would occur at different geographic locations
    within the designated area as a result of operations at SCIG. The FEIR used “[d]ispersion
    modeling of onsite and offsite project operational emissions . . . to assess the impact of
    the project on local offsite air concentrations.” The air dispersion model used was
    “designed for use with emission sources situated in terrain where ground elevations can
    exceed the stack heights of the emission sources. The . . . model requires hourly
    meteorological data consisting of wind direction, wind speed, temperature, stability class,
    and mixing height. The . . . model allows input of multiple sources and source groupings,
    eliminating the need for multiple model runs.” “[R]ather than modeling each analysis
    year to identify the maximum pollutant concentrations, a single composite emissions
    scenario was modeled as a conservative approach. The composite emissions scenario is a
    combination of the peak year (for the annual NO2 and PM10 concentration thresholds),
    peak day (for the 24-hour . . . PM10, and PM2.5 concentration thresholds), or peak hour
    (for the 1-hour NO2 . . .) emissions within the modeling domain by source category. Note
    that the peak year or day emissions for a particular source category may not necessarily
    occur in the same year or day as the other categories.” The FEIR states that this
    methodology, characterized by appellants and the trial court as a “worst case” analysis,
    “results in conservative predictions of concentrations from project operational
    Applying this methodology, the FEIR concludes that project operations will have a
    significant impact on air quality because ambient air pollutant concentrations “would
    exceed the SCAQMD [South Coast Air Quality Management District] thresholds for 1-
    hour and annual NO2, 24-hour and annual PM10, and 24-hour PM2.5.”The FEIR also
    concludes that the no project alternative will result in similar significant impacts.
    Specifically, “The No Project Alternative would exceed the SCAQMD thresholds for 1-
    hour and annual NO2 and 24-hour and annual PM10.” Ground-level concentration of
    PM2.5 is not projected to exceed standards of significance under the no project alternative.
    Although the FEIR does not contain a table comparing the results of the modeling
    for the project and no project alternative, comparing table 3.2-28 (maximum offsite NO2
    concentrations associated with operations of the project) and table 5.7 (maximum offsite
    NO2 concentrations associated with operations of the no project alternative) shows that
    the total ground level concentration of NO2 under the no project alternative will exceed
    that of the project. But the opposite is true for the concentration of particulate matters. A
    comparison of table 3.2-29 (maximum offsite PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations associated
    with operation of the project) with table 5.8 (maximum offsite PM10 and PM2.5
    concentrations associated with operation of the no project alternative) shows that over a
    24-hour period ground level concentration of PM10 for project operations will be more
    than three times greater than the concentration under the no project alternative (9.1 μg/m3
    to 2.9 μg/m3) and that ground level concentration of PM2.5 for project operations will be
    five times greater than the concentration under the no project alternative (4.5 μg/m3 to
    0.9 μg/m3).
    Figures included in section 3.2 and appendix C2 of the FEIR show the geographic
    areas in which the ground-level concentration of various particulates are projected to
    exceed standards of significance. While the geographic area impacted by significant
    concentration of NO2 remains the same, the area impacted by significant annual and 24-
    hour concentrations of PM10 varies considerably. The significant concentration of PM10
    under the no project alternative occurs just to the east of Interstate 710, while the
    significant concentration of PM10 under the project is centered over and adjacent to the
    project site. Figure 3.2-9 shows that the impact of significant ground-level concentration
    of PM2.5 is restricted to small areas directly over the project site.
    The trial court found that the composite emissions scenario is misleading and
    provides insufficient information to permit meaningful comparison of the project and the
    no project alternative. The court explained, “Had the screening analysis shown that there
    would never be an exceedance of a concentration standard of significance the analysis
    could have ended there. [¶] But that is not what the screening analysis showed. . . . [¶] . . .
    [¶] Having screened—and having found potential exceedances from SCIG—the EIR
    stopped its analysis. It left the public and decision-makers in the dark about whether there
    would be exceedances of NO2, PM2.5 and PM10 standards in any given year at a given
    place. By combining concentrations from different years (for screening purposes) the EIR
    never examined the impact of SCIG in any given year. It showed that there could be an
    impact, but it did not examine what that impact might be, who might be affected, and for
    how long.” The trial court emphasized that this “is not a small point. The SCIG has been
    presented as a project that will improve air quality significantly. . . . Those commenting
    on the EIR, as it was being developed, expressed considerable concern about the impact
    of air pollution on those who live near the proposed project.”
    Appellants argue that the composite emissions scenario methodology is a
    “common industry-accepted protocol” that is amply supported by substantial evidence,
    including expert opinion. They argue that contrary to the court’s conclusion, this
    methodology is not misleading nor did it result in the omission of any necessary
    information from the FEIR.
    As appellants’ argue, the FEIR analysis was conducted in accordance with the
    harbor department’s protocol for criteria pollutant dispersion modeling. The
    “Methodology for Criteria Pollutant Dispersion Modeling in Port of Los Angeles CEQA
    Documents” cited by appellants recommends using “screening-level dispersion modeling
    with conservative emissions” to screen out pollutants followed by modeling of maximum
    pollutant concentrations each project analysis year. The protocol recognizes, however,
    that for “large CEQA projects . . . it is often not practical to perform criteria pollutant
    dispersion modeling separately for each project analysis year because of the sheer
    number of model runs (pollutants × averaging periods × alternatives × mitigated &
    unmitigated × coarse & fine grids). To further complicate matters, the spatial and
    physical diversity of the source types often make it impossible to determine which
    analysis year would yield maximum concentrations. For example, cargo handling
    equipment emissions often peak in the early years of a project, while ocean‐going vessel
    (OGV) emissions often peak in the latter years; the concentrations associated with
    combined emissions could peak in either year or sometime in between. [¶] As a
    conservative solution, the air quality analyst may choose to limit the number of modeling
    runs by modeling a single composite emissions scenario for each combination of
    pollutant, averaging period, and project alternative. . . . The composite emissions scenario
    would include the highest emissions by source category over the appropriate range of
    analysis years. The highest emissions for a particular source category may not necessarily
    occur in the same year as the other categories. For example, project emissions could be
    grouped into the following source categories: trucks, cargo handling equipment, OGVs,
    harbor craft, locomotives, and construction. The maximum emissions over the range of
    applicable analysis years are determined separately for each source category. These
    maximum emissions are then modeled together to conservatively predict maximum
    ground‐level criteria pollutant concentrations for the pollutant and averaging period of
    interest. This screening method would result in conservative (i.e., over‐predicted)
    concentrations from project emissions.”
    “Under CEQA, an agency is not required to conduct all possible tests or exhaust
    all research methodologies to evaluate impacts. Simply because an additional test may be
    helpful does not mean an agency must complete the test to comply with the requirements
    of CEQA. [Citation.] An agency may exercise its discretion and decline to undertake
    additional tests.” (Save Panoche Valley v. San Benito County (2013) 
    217 Cal. App. 4th 503
    , 524.) It is the objector’s burden to establish that the methodology used was
    misleading or that “relevant, crucial information” was omitted that rendered the analysis
    legally inadequate. (San Joaquin Raptor/Wildlife Rescue Center v. County of 
    Stanislaus, supra
    , 27 Cal.App.4th at pp. 738-739; North Coast Rivers Alliance v. Marin Municipal
    Water Dist. Bd. of Directors (2013) 
    216 Cal. App. 4th 614
    , 643.)
    While we do not agree that the composite emissions, or worst case, methodology
    is misleading,18 we do agree with the trial court that the analysis of air pollution
    concentration impacts is nonetheless incomplete. “When assessing the legal sufficiency
    of an EIR, the reviewing court focuses on adequacy, completeness and a good faith effort
    at full disclosure. [Citation.] ‘The EIR must contain facts and analysis, not just the bare
    conclusions of the agency.’ [Citation.] ‘An EIR must include detail sufficient to enable
    those who did not participate in its preparation to understand and to consider
    meaningfully the issues raised by the proposed project.’ [Citation.] Analysis of
    environmental effects need not be exhaustive, but will be judged in light of what was
    reasonably feasible.” (Association of Irritated Residents v. County of Madera (2003) 
    107 Cal. App. 4th 1383
    , 1390-1391.)
    The trial court offered the following hypothetical to demonstrate how the
    methodology could be misleading: “Suppose the following: [¶] • the highest value for the
    No Project alternative occurs in 2016, while the highest value for the Project occurs in
    2035; [¶] • the 2016 No Project value is higher than the 2035 Project value; [¶] • for all
    years after 2016 the highest value for the No Project alternative is lower than the highest
    value for the Project. [¶] The composite analysis would have the reader of the EIR
    believe that the No Project alternative is worse than the Project, because the analysis is
    characterized by the highest value that ever occurs—even if just once in 50 years. This
    shows nothing about how the two alternatives compare in any given year. Indeed, it is
    terribly misleading.”
    Respondents suggest that the “undisputed facts” in the record support the factual
    basis for the trial court’s hypothetical and demonstrate that the methodology is
    misleading. However, as set forth above, the air quality modeling shows that the no
    project’s emissions levels would be consistently higher than project emissions in the
    benchmark years. There is no factual basis for the trial court’s hypothetical, which
    assumes that the impacts of the no project alternative would be consistently lower than
    those of the project in later years. Respondent’s defense of the facts underlying the
    hypothetical mistakenly considers emissions from only the project site, disregarding
    projected truck emissions on the I-710 freeway. The trial court’s unsupported
    hypothetical does not show that the analysis of air pollution concentrations is misleading.
    (See Save our Peninsula Committee v. Monterey County Bd. of Supervisors (2001) 
    87 Cal. App. 4th 99
    , 121 [“ ‘[A]n EIR must focus on impacts to the existing environment, not
    hypothetical situations.’ ”].)
    The trial court concluded that the analysis of air pollution concentrations is
    inadequate because a reader cannot compare the ambient air pollutant concentrations
    under the project and no project scenarios at any given point in time. Appellants contend
    that CEQA imposes no such specific requirement. They argue that the FEIR disclosed
    that the project would result in significant air quality concentration impacts and thereby
    adequately informed the public of the project’s impacts. They suggest that “an EIR that
    performs a ‘worst- case-scenario’ analysis of ‘the greatest potential impacts’ of a project
    properly ‘promote[s] informed decision making, and evidences a good faith effort at
    forecasting’ the project’s impacts, consistent with the goals of CEQA.”
    We agree with the trial court that crucial information has been omitted from the
    FEIR. Project neighbors reading the FEIR would learn that for benchmark years, peak
    and average daily emissions of PM10 will be lower under the project than under the no
    project alternative. The composite analysis shows, however, that the concentration of
    PM10 in the area immediately surrounding the project will in the worst case be three times
    greater under the project than under the no project alternative. Moreover, from what can
    be gleaned from data spread throughout the FEIR but never explicitly analyzed or
    discussed, the concentration of PM10 that currently exists over the lengthy stretch of
    highway over a mile away from the project site will, under the project, be concentrated in
    the area immediately surrounding the project, which includes both homes and schools.19
    Thus, it is particularly important to understand, and the FEIR does not disclose or
    estimate, how frequently and for what length of time the level of particulate air pollution
    in the area surrounding the proposed rail yard will exceed the standard of significance.
    The composite analysis does not disclose the frequency of occasions or the estimated
    length of time during which ambient pollutants will remain at heightened levels—
    The City of Los Angeles states in its brief that “Except for 1-hour NO2, the project’s
    significant concentration impacts would be confined to uninhabited or industrial areas
    close to the project site.” Figures 3-2.7 and 3-2.8 (annual and 24-hour PM10 ground-level
    concentration for mitigated project), figure 1-1 (proposed project site location) and figure
    3.2-1 (locations of sensitive receptors in the vicinity of the proposed project site) appear
    to indicate the contrary.
    whether the worst case will be the situation for only a day or for as long as the railyard is
    in operation. Will air quality improve over time or remain fairly constant?20 Without such
    an understanding, the public and decision-makers cannot fairly consider alternatives or
    mitigation measures or intelligently balance competing considerations before adopting a
    statement of overriding considerations. (See CEQA Guidelines, § 15093.)
    Appellants’ reliance on cases approving “worst-case scenario” analyses in CEQA
    cases is misplaced. For example, in Sierra Club v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
    (E.D.Cal. 2013) 
    916 F. Supp. 2d 1098
    , 1147, the EIR examined “the noise impacts of the
    project’s construction activity based on the ‘worst-case scenario’ in which the three
    loudest pieces of equipment would be operating at the same time.” The court concluded
    that the analysis was sufficient because the analysis was “thorough and carefully
    detail[ed] the level of noise that will result from the project” at “all times of day.” (Id. at
    pp. 1148-1149.) While a project neighbor in that case could predict what noise levels
    would be at any given time of day under the worst case scenario, the same cannot be said
    for a project neighbor in the present case. In this case, a neighbor will have no idea how
    bad air quality will be, if the railyard is constructed, at any point or for how long in the
    Finally, appellants cite no evidence to support their contention that the inclusion of
    additional information regarding air pollutant concentrations would be impractical. Citing
    the protocol quoted above, they argue, “were CEQA to require an EIR to analyze every
    potential impact for every year of a project’s lifespan, or even for a series of benchmark
    years, agencies would be required to run thousands of complex dispersion models –
    effectively grinding the CEQA process to a halt.” The protocol, however, does not excuse
    CEQA compliance. It provides general guidelines and requires the air quality analyst to
    determine whether it is appropriate to “limit the number of modeling runs” and to select
    the “appropriate range of analysis years.” A reasonable selection of benchmark years, as
    While the comparison of concentrations of NO2 is perhaps more meaningful because
    both emissions and concentrations are worse under the no project alternative, the analysis
    is still inadequate to the extent impacts are identified generally without reference to time.
    in other analyses, may be acceptable. In this instance, the decision to perform only a
    single modeling run with a 50-year analysis range does not comply with CEQA.
    Accordingly, we agree with the trial court that with respect to impact AQ-4, the
    harbor department “failed to proceed in the manner required by CEQA, and the [FEIR]
    fails to set forth sufficient information to foster informed public participation and
    reasoned decision making.”
    8. Mitigation Measure AQ-9: Periodic Review of New Technology and
    The EIR’s ninth mitigation measure for air quality impacts (MM AQ-9) provides
    in relevant part as follows: “The Port shall require BNSF to review, in terms of
    feasibility, any Port-identified or other new emissions-reduction technology, and report to
    the Port. Such technology feasibility reviews shall take place at the time of the Port’s
    consideration of any lease amendment or facility modification for the Project site. If the
    technology is determined by the Port to be feasible in terms of cost, technical and
    operational feasibility, BNSF shall work with the Port to implement such technology.”
    The mitigation measure continues, “As partial consideration for the Port agreement to
    issue the permit to BNSF, BNSF shall implement not less frequently than once every five
    (5) years following the effective date of the permit, new air quality technological
    advancements, subject to mutual agreement on operational feasibility and cost sharing,
    which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The effectiveness of this measure depends on
    the advancement of new technologies and the outcome of future feasibility or pilot
    studies.” MM AQ-9 was identified in the FEIR as a mitigation measure designed to
    reduce the impacts of exposure to significant levels of toxic air contaminants (TACs).21
    The FEIR states that construction mitigation measures “would reduce the impacts from
    the proposed Project by reducing emissions from construction equipment operating at the
    Port pursuant to LAHD Construction Guidelines. In addition to the construction
    Part 8 is not certified for publication. (See fn., ante, p. 1.)
    TACs are “compounds that are known or suspected to cause short-term (acute) and/or
    long-term (chronic non-carcinogenic or carcinogenic) adverse health effects.”
    mitigation measures, other mitigation measures to reduce Project health risk impacts
    include the use of low-emission drayage trucks and periodic review of new
    technologies.” The harbor department’s findings of fact clarifies that the construction
    mitigation measures and use of low-emission drayage trucks were “quantified and
    included in the mitigated construction emissions” and as a result, the risks of exposure to
    TACs are “below the significance threshold for all categories of receptors.” Mitigation
    measure AQ-9 was not quantified but was expected to “contribute to the advancement of
    [the harbor department’s] environmental goals and objectives.”
    The trial court found MM AQ-9 was not “fully enforceable” as a mitigation
    measure because it did not seem likely to “actually result” in the implementation of such
    future feasible technologies at the project site. Appellants dispute the finding that the
    measure is not enforceable and argue further that “any perceived defect in enforceability
    was not prejudicial” because the FEIR does not rely on the measure to reduce the impact
    to a less than significant level.
    “When a project will result in an adverse change to the physical environment,
    CEQA instructs that ‘the agency “shall provide that measures to mitigate or avoid
    significant effects on the environment are fully enforceable through permit conditions,
    agreements, or other measures” [citation] and must adopt a monitoring program to ensure
    that the mitigation measures are implemented [citation]. The purpose of these
    requirements is to ensure that feasible mitigation measures will actually be implemented
    as a condition of development, and not merely adopted and then neglected or
    disregarded.’ ” (California Clean Energy Committee v. City of Woodland (2014) 
    225 Cal. App. 4th 173
    , 189.)
    The mitigation measure in dispute anticipates future improvements in technology
    that are not presently available and perhaps not even contemplated. In light of what is
    unknown, a more specific measure may be an impossibility. MM A-Q 9 imposes the
    requirement that BNSF not unreasonably withhold its agreement to the adoption of new
    technology. While disagreements in the application of this standard are possible, the
    standard is nonetheless objective and can be enforced. (Peak-Las Positas Partners v.
    Bollag (2009) 
    172 Cal. App. 4th 101
    , 104, 106 [Under contract requiring “mutual consent”
    which “shall not be unreasonably withheld,” reasonableness in withholding consent is
    determined under an objective rather than subjective standard.]; County of Amador v. City
    of Plymouth (2007) 
    149 Cal. App. 4th 1089
    , 1111 [Provision in a municipal services
    agreement, which is subject to CEQA requirements, that the city “will not unreasonably
    withhold any approvals required to implement the water and sewer provisions” represents
    a commitment by the city to a definite course of action.].) Under the circumstances we
    agree with appellants that the measure is reasonable.
    9. Cumulative impacts on Air Quality
    CEQA requires that an EIR discuss the significant cumulative impacts to which a
    proposed project would contribute, taking into account past, present, and probable future
    projects causing similar impacts. (CEQA Guidelines, § 15130.) “Cumulative impacts” are
    defined as “two or more individual effects which, when considered together, are
    considerable or which compound or increase other environmental impacts.” (CEQA
    Guidelines, § 15355.) Such impacts are “significant” when a project’s incremental effect
    on other projects’ effects is “cumulatively considerable.” (CEQA Guidelines, § 15130,
    subd. (a).)
    The FEIR identifies Union Pacific’s proposal to modernize and expand its existing
    Intermodal Container Transfer Facility (ICTF), located adjacent to SCIG’s northern
    boundary, as one of 170 present or reasonably foreseeable future projects that could
    contribute to cumulative environmental impacts.22 The FEIR concludes, under
    The DEIR included additional information about the proposed expansion of the ICTF
    that was, as discussed below, omitted from the RDEIR and the FEIR. According to the
    DEIR, the proposed expansion project would increase capacity to handle containers at the
    ICTF from the current annual average of 725,000 containers to an estimated 1.5 million
    containers and would increase truck traffic from 1.1 million one-way trips a year to 2.268
    million trips per year. Section 4.3 of the DEIR contains a combined analysis of the
    impacts from the SCIG and ICTF facilities. The DEIR states, “This section provides an
    analysis of the combined effects of the proposed SCIG Project and the proposed ICTF
    Modernization and Expansion Project for air quality (emissions, health risk), noise, and
    traffic. This analysis is not required under CEQA and is provided as additional
    cumulative impact AQ-4, that operation of “past, present, and reasonably foreseeable
    future projects,” including the proposed project and the proposed expansion of ICTF,
    would result in a significant cumulative air quality impact related to exceedances of the
    significance thresholds for NOX, PM10, and PM2.5. The FEIR explains that “Although
    there is no way to be certain if a cumulative exceedance of the thresholds would happen
    for any pollutant without performing dispersion modeling of the other projects, previous
    experience indicates that cumulative air quality impacts would be likely to exceed the
    thresholds for NOX, could exceed the thresholds for PM10 and PM2.5, and would be
    unlikely to exceed the thresholds for CO.” The FEIR adds that because “operation of the
    proposed project would cause exceedances of the SCAQMD thresholds for 1-hour and
    annual NO2, 24-hour and annual PM10, and 24-hour PM2.5 . . . , the project would result in
    a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative impact.” The FEIR
    also concludes, under cumulative impact AQ-7, that the “past, present, and reasonably
    foreseeable future projects” and the proposed project do not have a significant cumulative
    impact on non-cancer risk.
    The trial court acknowledged that the “ICTF facility and the ICTF expansion
    Project are mentioned throughout” the cumulative impacts chapter and that “[i]n many
    respects, these mentions are brief but sufficient.” The court found, however, that the
    analyses under cumulative impact AQ-4 (ambient air pollutant concentrations) and
    cumulative impact AQ-7 (noncancer health risks) were inadequate.
    information only because of the close proximity of the two proposed projects.” The
    combined analysis included data supporting the conclusion that there would be no
    significant cumulative impact from operational emissions of past, present and reasonably
    foreseeable future projects. The combined analysis was omitted from the RDEIR and
    FEIR because the anticipated publication date for the draft EIR for the ICTF project was
    delayed significantly. As appellants explained in the trial court, “the SCIG project and the
    ICTF [expansion] project were running essentially neck and neck in their progress for
    approval” when the draft EIR was prepared but “by the time the RDEIR was prepared,
    the ICTF had fallen far behind” so the analysts concluded that “the information
    concerning the [ICTF expansion] project was simply not concrete enough” to merit
    continued inclusion.
    With respect to the cumulative impacts analysis under AQ-4, the court explained
    that the analysis “disclaims an ability to know ‘if cumulative exceedances of thresholds
    would happen for any pollutant without performing dispersion modeling of the other
    projects’ ” but concludes that “operations of the past, present and reasonably foreseeable
    future projects, including the proposed project, would result in a significant cumulative
    air quality impact.” The court observed that the analysis relies on the “seriously
    deficient” screening methodology discussed above without any discussion of how the
    expansion at ICTF will affect pollutant concentrations. “This is important, since an
    increase in air pollution from the ICTF will be emitted ‘next-door’ to SCIG, and
    presumably have a significant impact on those living in the vicinity of both facilities.”
    Appellants contend that CEQA does not require quantification of any air quality
    impacts of the ICTF because quantification in this instance is impractical and
    unreasonable. Appellants are likely correct that conducting dispersion modeling for the
    ICTF expansion project would be unreasonably time consuming and impractical, if not
    already completed for the applicable project EIR, and that it is within the harbor
    department’s discretion to evaluate whether the original emissions data has become
    unreliable with the passage of time. Nonetheless, as the trial court observed, the fact that
    “CEQA does not require quantified analyses[] does not mean that all meaningful
    information on a subject can be omitted from an EIR’s cumulative impacts analysis.” We
    agree with the trial court that the analysis identifies the potential cumulative impacts of
    the ICTF expansion project “in such general terms that the ‘big picture’—two large
    railyard expansions located next to one [another]—is missing from the analysis” and that
    “when the combined analysis was removed from the DEIR, so too was the
    acknowledgment that the ICTF expansion project was not just another land use project in
    the area.” Accordingly, the harbor department must make a “good faith and reasonable
    disclosure” of the cumulative impacts before the FEIR may be approved.
    With respect to cumulative impact AQ-7, the court found that there was no
    substantial evidence to support the conclusion that “the past, present, and reasonably
    foreseeable future projects and the proposed project do not have a significant cumulative
    impact on non-cancer risk.” We disagree.
    Under cumulative impact AQ-7, the FEIR explains, “Emissions of TACs would
    increase chronic and acute noncancer effects compared to baseline levels . . ., but the
    increases would all be well below the 1.0 hazard index significance criterion at all
    receptors near the project site.” Appellants elaborate further: “Table 3.2-35 of the EIR
    shows various hazard indices for non-cancer health risks, breaking out the portion
    attributable to baseline conditions (‘CEQA 2010 Baseline’) and the portion attributable to
    SCIG (‘CEQA 2010 Increment’) to reach a total hazard index under the project scenario.
    The EIR forecasts that maximum non-cancer risks will occur at occupational and
    recreational receptors, where acute hazard indices under the project scenario measure 0.5
    (comprised of a 0.3 baseline and a 0.2 increase attributable to SCIG). . . . [¶] Even
    assuming the ICTF expansion project were next door to SCIG and had the same
    incremental impact on non-cancer hazard indices as SCIG (0.2), the maximum hazard
    index would still be only 0.7—that is, a 0.3 baseline, a 0.2 increase attributable to SCIG,
    and another 0.2 increase attributable to ICTF expansion. This would still be well below
    the 1.0 significance threshold.” The data in table 3.2-35 amply supports the conclusion
    reached under cumulative impact AQ-7. 23
    10. Traffic*
    According to the FEIR, all trucks traveling from the port to SCIG will be required
    to take Highway 103 northbound before heading westbound on Highway 1. San Gabriel
    The trial court’s contrary finding appears to have been based on a double counting of
    the baseline. The court explained only that if the acute hazard index for occupational and
    recreational receptors is 0.5 and “if ICTF has emissions equal to SCIG, it is not unlikely
    that the hazard index could rise to a level of significance.” Moreover, contrary to the trial
    court, we do not assume that the ICTF was not considered in reaching the conclusion that
    “past, present and reasonably foreseeable future projects and the proposed project do not
    have a significant cumulative impact on non-cancer risk.” Although not expressly
    referenced by name, the ICTF is clearly identified as a reasonably foreseeable future
    project for purposes of evaluating cumulative impacts.
    Part 10 is not certified for publication. (See fn., ante, p. 1.)
    Avenue is a short road with one lane in each direction that runs parallel to Highway 103
    for about half a mile. The exchange between Highway 103 and Highway 1 requires
    trucks exiting Highway 103 to merge onto southbound San Gabriel Avenue for a short
    distance (less than a block) before entering the on-ramp to Highway 1. By 2035,
    approximately 2,771 trucks a day would follow this route.
    The trial court faulted the FEIR for failing to analyze traffic on San Gabriel
    Avenue, particularly with respect to impacts on residents at the Century Villages at
    Cabrillo (Villages), a 27-acre supportive housing community located on San Gabriel
    Avenue just north of the off-ramp from highway 103 and the entrance to Highway 1.
    Appellants dispute this finding. They argue that although the FIER does not expressly
    reference San Gabriel Avenue, impacts to the affected segment of San Gabriel Avenue
    were subsumed within the analysis of the freeway exchange between northbound
    Highway 103 and westbound Highway 1.
    Specifically, table 3.10-9 shows the baseline conditions for the “weaving section”
    at the junction of northbound Highway 103 and westbound Highway 1. The table
    indicates the level of service for this section at peak a.m. hours and at peak p.m. hours.
    Table 3.10-30 shows the “baseline plus proposed project conditions” for the same
    segment. The level of service remains the same. Appellants explained that the FEIR uses
    a “weaving” analysis to evaluate this connection because it is a “free-flow (no
    impediment such as stop sign or yield sign) movement with a merge.” As noted by the
    trial court, the highway capacity model cited by appellants provides substantial evidence
    for the selection of this methodology in these circumstances.
    Initially, respondents contend that there is no substantial evidence in the record to
    support the density numbers contained in table 3.10-30 that were used to calculate the
    level of service. Table 3.10-9 shows that the density24 for the a.m. peak hours is now 9.3
    The SCIG Transportation Appendix (Appendix G) indicates that density is measured in
    passenger cars per mile per lane (pc/mi/ln). These tables indicate, however, that density is
    measured in passenger cars per hour per lane (pc/hr/ln). Appellants suggest the label used
    in the tables is a harmless typographical error that could easily have been fixed if raised
    cars per mile per lane (pc/mi/ln) and the density for p.m. peak hours is 15.7 pc/mi/ln.
    Table 3.10-30 shows that under the project the density for the a.m. peak hours would
    drop to 9.2 and the density for p.m. peak hours would rise to 16.8. In the trial court,
    appellants cited the “weave analysis sheets” in Appendix G and explained that the harbor
    department’s “traffic experts found that the volume added due to the project is 200
    [passenger car equivalents or pce] in the p.m. peak hour at that location, which was added
    to the 175 pce of non-project trips, for a total of 375 pce trips weaving into Pacific Coast
    Highway [Highway 1] from the northbound Terminal Island Freeway [Highway 103] off
    ramp. This 375 pce trips with other analysis factors translates into 16.8 density value
    under a detailed calculation shown in the Highway Capacity Manual 2000.” The trial
    court acknowledged that “there may well be an explanation [for the density numbers] of
    the sort offered in respondents’ brief” but based on its review of Appendix G, the court
    was unable to “discern any evidence to support” the density numbers found in table
    3.10.30. In their reply brief on appeal, appellants concede that the “data, which had been
    collected and used to calculate the numbers in table 3.10.30, . . . was inadvertently
    omitted from the EIR’s appendices.”
    As noted above with respect to the exhaustion issue, appellants argue that the
    omission could have been corrected had a timely objection been made during the
    administrative proceedings. Assuming appellants are correct that the data exists and
    supports the numbers reflected in the table, the omission can easily be corrected in the
    continued administrative proceedings that will otherwise be required.
    More fundamentally, respondents contend the FEIR fails to consider how the
    influx of trucks will impact residents at the Villages. In its comment to the RDEIR,
    Villages expressed concern that the mixing of heavy truck traffic from the project with
    traffic to and from the Villages “will cause confusion and dangerous conditions” and will
    cause “traffic to slow significantly.” The city’s response states correctly, “While the
    during the administrative process. We agree and assume that the correction will be made
    during the continued administrative proceedings.
    comment suggests that the proposed project would cause ‘confusion and dangerous
    conditions . . . [and] . . . the mixing of traffic will also cause the truck traffic to slow
    significantly . . . ,’ the comment provides no evidence to support this conclusion.”
    Contrary to the Villages’ comment, the traffic modeling reflected in table 3.10-30
    suggests that there will be little traffic congestion on San Gabriel Avenue as a result of
    the project. Moreover, because the project requires trucks to follow the specific route to
    SCIG from the port, it is possible for residents of the Villages to avoid project trucks
    entirely. The only time trucks and residents must share the road is when they are both
    entering the on-ramp to westbound Highway 1. The FEIR reasonably concludes that
    “there are not many trips anticipated to be on San Gabriel Avenue south that would
    merge with the SR-103 off-ramp traffic” because San Gabriel Avenue serves only “a
    small residential area to the north.” Although respondents challenge the characterization
    of the Villages as a “small” residential community, the description is supported by the
    record. In November 2012, there were 1,830 residents at the Villages, 30 percent of
    whom were children. Presumably not all of them will be heading onto westbound
    Highway 1 at the same time. Accordingly, contrary to the trial court’s finding, the FEIR
    sufficiently analyzes traffic on San Gabriel Avenue.
    11. Noise Impacts on the City of Long Beach*
    The FEIR analyzed noise impacts from project construction and operation noise
    on sensitive receptors in the City of Long Beach including single-family residences,
    educational and religious establishments, industrial properties with potential residential
    uses, parks and open space and three fire stations. Impact NOI-6 evaluated impacts from
    construction and operational noise on “noise levels.” Under the standard of significance
    adopted in the FEIR, an impact would be significant “if ambient noise levels would be
    increased by three dBA [A-weighted decibels] or more; or maximum noise levels allowed
    Part 11 is not certified for publication. (See fn., ante, p. 1.)
    by the Long Beach Municipal Code would be exceeded.”25 Impact NOI-8 analyzed
    impacts from construction and operational noise on sleep disturbance. Under the standard
    selected in the FEIR, “A significant impact for sleep disturbance would occur when
    residences within the immediate vicinity of the Project Site and Project Site components
    within the City of Long Beach are exposed, at an average frequency of once in 10 days,
    to interior nighttime SEL [sound exposure level] sufficient to awaken at least 10 percent
    of their residents assuming windows remain open. The threshold of significance for
    interior nighttime noise is 80 dBA SEL.” Impact NOI-9 analyzed impacts from
    construction and operational noise on classroom speech interference. Under the standard
    of significance adopted in the FEIR, “A significant impact for classroom speech
    interference would occur when schools within the immediate vicinity of the Project Site
    and Project Site components within the City of Long Beach are exposed to exterior noise
    levels during school hours sufficient to result in interior noise level of 52 dBA, sufficient
    for momentary disruption of speech intelligibility in classroom teaching situations
    (assumed to be at 20 feet).”
    The FEIR concludes that “[p]redicted daytime operational noise levels from the
    proposed Project site would exceed existing measured ambient noise levels by 3 dBA or
    greater at the residence at 2789 Webster (R1) and at Cabrillo High School (R5). Predicted
    According to the FEIR, “Chapter 8.80 of the Long Beach Municipal Code controls
    unnecessary and excessive noise and vibration in the City of Long Beach. Section
    8.80.150 of the Long Beach Municipal Code outlines acceptable exterior noise levels by
    land use that apply to operations noise. As listed in table 3.9-11, daytime noise levels at
    residential areas are not to exceed 50 dBA. In addition, it is unlawful for any person to
    create any noise which causes the noise level when measured on residential property to
    exceed: [¶] [1.] The noise standard for that land use district as shown in Table 3.9-11 for
    a cumulative period of more than thirty minutes in any hour; [¶] [2.] The noise standard
    plus five dBA for more than 15 minutes in any hour; [¶] [3.] The noise standard plus ten
    dBA for a cumulative period of more than five minutes in any hour; [¶] [4.] The noise
    standard plus 15 dBA for a cumulative period of more than one minute in any hour; or
    [¶] [5.] The noise standard plus 20 dBA or the maximum measured ambient, for any
    period of time. [¶] If the measured ambient level exceeds that permissible, the allowable
    noise exposure standard shall be increased in 5 dBA increments in each category as
    appropriate to encompass or reflect the ambient noise level.”
    nighttime operational noise levels would exceed existing ambient noise levels by greater
    than 3 dB at the residence at 2789 Webster (R1), at the Buddhist Temple (R2), and at the
    Century Villages at Cabrillo (R7A). These increases represent a significant impact.
    [¶] Interior noise levels from Project operations would not be expected to exceed
    municipal code standards for classroom interior spaces. Further, interior operational noise
    levels would not be expected to approach or exceed existing ambient interior noise levels
    within active classrooms. Interior construction noise levels would exceed [Long Beach
    Municipal Code] standards at the Cabrillo Child Development Center (R6) and future
    noise levels would exceed existing ambient noise levels by greater than 3 dB at the
    Bethune School (R7); therefore, classroom noise impacts would be significant.” With
    proposed mitigation most of the impacts would be reduced to less than significant but
    nighttime operational noise levels would remain significant and unavoidable. The FEIR
    also concludes that the impact of the predicted SCIG train horns on sleep at nearby
    residences and the impact of on-site and rail corridor operational noise on speech
    intelligibility in classrooms would both be less than significant.
    The trial court concluded that the FEIR is inadequate because it fails to analyze
    under impact NOI-6 whether “single-event noise” would exceed “maximum noise levels”
    allowed under the City of Long Beach noise ordinance. The court found no inadequacy in
    the FEIR’s discussion of single-event noise impacts on sleep or speech intelligibility
    under impacts NOI-8 or NOI-9. Nor did the court find inadequate the analysis of project
    construction and operations on ambient noise levels under impact NOI-6. Rather, the
    court concluded that because the Long Beach noise ordinance sets maximum noise levels
    for both ambient and single-event noise and the FEIR expressly adopted the “maximum
    noise levels allowed by the Long Beach Municipal Code” as a standard of significance
    for impact NOI-6, the FEIR was required to analyze single-event noise as well as ambient
    noise under impact NOI-6.
    Appellants contend that NOI-6 was intended to analyze increases in ambient noise
    levels only, not single-event noise. According to appellants, the harbor department
    selected different standards of significance, based on SEL levels and maximum noise
    levels, to evaluate single event noise impacts on sleep (NOI-8) and speech intelligibility
    (NOI-9). They argue that the trial court disregarded the harbor department’s “discretion
    to select, develop, interpret, and apply its own thresholds of significance based on
    substantial evidence.”
    Although the language used in the FEIR is perhaps imprecise, a fair reading
    supports appellants’ argument that impact NOI-6 was intended to evaluate only increases
    in ambient noise levels. 26 Because the trial court’s conclusion was based solely on the
    premise that NOI-6 was intended to, but did not, analyze single-event noise, we cannot
    accept its conclusion. Respondents assert no other deficiency in the analysis of noise
    impacts, so that we conclude this portion of the FEIR complies with CEQA.
    12. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
    Chapter 3.6 contains the FEIR’s discussion of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
    The chapter analyzes two potential impacts. First, under impact GHG-1, the FEIR
    considers whether the project “would result in an increase in construction-related and
    operation-related GHG emissions.” The FEIR quantifies GHG emissions and concludes
    that significant impacts would occur under the proposed project because the new railyard
    “would produce GHG operational emissions that would exceed the CEQA baseline levels
    when the project reaches its full capacity in 2035 and beyond.”
    Under impact GHG-2, the FEIR considers whether the proposed project would
    “conflict with state and local plans and policies adopted for the purpose of reducing GHG
    emissions.” The FEIR concludes that the proposed project “is consistent with state and
    local policies and plans for GHG emissions and climate change. Accordingly, there are
    no significant impacts resulting from inconsistencies with existing plans and policies.”
    The FEIR explains, “The proposed project would result in more efficient use of fossil
    fuels to move goods as a result of increased use of rail versus trucking between the Ports
    and the SCIG facility. The project is consistent with key legislation, regulations, plans
    Appellants may well be correct that this ambiguity could have been resolved had a
    proper objection been raised in the course of the administrative proceedings.
    and policies described in section 3.6.3, applicable regulations. [¶] The ratio of locomotive
    fuel efficiency to truck fuel efficiency on a per-ton-mile basis ranges from 1.9 to 5.5
    (Federal Railroad Administration, 2009). Increased fuel efficiency reduces GHG
    emissions on a per-ton-mile basis. The project, by shifting the drayage truck trips from
    Hobart yard to the SCIG facility, would increase the fuel efficiency of regional cargo
    movement and decrease GHG emissions. This fundamental feature of the Project is
    consistent with the California Air Resources Board’s [CARB] scoping plan[27] for
    reducing GHG emissions from the Goods Movement sector which calls for efficiency-
    based GHG reductions in activities such as port-related trucks, cargo handling equipment,
    and freight transport.”
    In contrast, the FEIR concludes that the no project alternative would conflict with
    state and local plans and policies adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of
    GHGs. The FEIR explains, “The no project alternative would not increase use of more
    efficient modes of goods movement by continuing to move cargo by truck to the Hobart
    yard. Therefore no additional efficiency in cargo movement is realized in the no project
    alternative, which is inconsistent with the goals of the AB32 scoping plan, the Western
    In 2006, the Legislature enacted Assembly Bill No. 32 (2005-2006 Reg. Sess.) which
    directed “CARB to ‘determine what the statewide greenhouse gas emissions level was in
    1990, and approve in a public hearing, a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit that is
    equivalent to that level, to be achieved by 2020.’ [Citation.] The Legislature also directed
    CARB to prepare a ‘scoping plan’ to identify how to achieve the “maximum
    technologically feasible and cost-effective reductions in greenhouse gas emissions . . . by
    2020.’ [Citation.] The scoping plan prepared by CARB explained that ‘ “[r]educing
    greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels means cutting approximately 30 percent from
    business-as-usual emission levels projected for 2020, or about 15 percent from today’s
    levels.” [Citation.] The scoping plan then set out a “comprehensive array of emissions
    reduction approaches and tools” to meet the goal, including expanding energy efficiency
    programs, achieving a statewide renewable energy mix of 33 percent, developing with
    our regional partners a cap-and-trade program for greenhouse gases, establishing targets
    and policies for emissions in transportation and implementing existing clean
    transportation programs, and creating targeted fees on certain activities affecting
    emissions.’ ” (Cleveland Natl. Forest Foundation v. San Diego Assn. of Governments
    (2017) 3 Cal.5th 497, 505.)
    Regional Climate Action Initiative, the Mayor of Los Angeles’ Executive Directive
    No. 10, and the Port of Los Angeles Climate Action Plan.”
    The trial court found that the discussion of impacts under GHG-2 is inadequate
    because it “does not inform the public or decision makers of the reasons it believes the
    project is consistent with . . . ‘key legislation, regulations, plans and policies.’ ” 28 The
    court also observed that the analysis is “misleading” because “[a] project that will
    increase GHG emissions cannot be in harmony with state and local plans and policies that
    require a decrease in GHG emissions.” We disagree.
    In Center for Biological Diversity v. Department of Fish and Wildlife (2015) 
    62 Cal. 4th 204
    , the court acknowledged that a comparison of the project’s expected
    emissions to a hypothetical business-as-usual scenario is an appropriate “tool for
    evaluating efficiency and conservation efforts” and may be used “to show the project
    incorporates efficiency and conservation measures sufficient to make it consistent with
    achievement of A.B. 32’s reduction goal, not to show the project will not increase
    greenhouse gas emissions over those in the existing environment.” (Id. at p. 225.) GHG-2
    properly uses such a comparative tool to show that shifting the drayage truck trips from
    the Hobart yard to the SCIG facility will increase the fuel efficiency of regional cargo
    movement and decrease GHG emissions, consistent with the goals of the scoping plan.
    In Center for Biological Diversity v. California Department of Fish and 
    Wildlife, supra
    , 62 Cal.4th at page 225 the court ultimately concluded that there was no substantial
    evidence for the finding that the project’s emissions would not conflict with statewide
    emission reduction goals. Unlike in the present case, the lead agency in that case
    attempted to establish “consistency” with state plans and policies by showing that the
    “project-level reduction of 31 percent in comparison to business as usual is consistent
    The trial court also concluded that the analysis of GHG emissions under GHG-1 is
    deficient because it fails to consider the impacts of continued operations at the Hobart
    yard. As discussed above, we have rejected the argument that the effects of continued
    operations at Hobart are an indirect impact of the project that require analysis in the
    FEIR. For the same reason, we disagree that emissions at Hobart are required to be
    included in the analysis of the project’s GHG emissions.
    with achieving Assembly Bill 32’s statewide goal of a 29 percent reduction from business
    as usual.” (Ibid.) The court explained why this was inadequate as follows: “At bottom,
    the EIR’s deficiency stems from taking a quantitative comparison method developed by
    the Scoping Plan as a measure of the greenhouse gas emissions reduction effort required
    by the state as a whole, and attempting to use that method, without consideration of any
    changes or adjustments, for a purpose very different from its original design: to measure
    the efficiency and conservation measures incorporated in a specific land use development
    proposed for a specific location. The EIR simply assumes that the level of effort required
    in one context, a 29 percent reduction from business as usual statewide, will suffice in the
    other, a specific land use development. From the information in the administrative record,
    we cannot say that conclusion is wrong, but neither can we discern the contours of a
    logical argument that it is right. The analytical gap left by the EIR’s failure to establish,
    through substantial evidence and reasoned explanation, a quantitative equivalence
    between the Scoping Plan's statewide comparison and the EIR’s own project-level
    comparison deprived the EIR of its ‘ “sufficiency as an informative document.” ’ ” (Id. at
    p. 227.) In the present case, the harbor department did not purport to measure
    “consistency” with a specific quantitative reduction goal. The harbor department
    separated its quantitative analysis (GHG-1) from its qualitative analysis (GHG-2),
    informing the reader that emissions will exceed baseline levels, resulting in a significant
    impact, but that the project is consistent with state and local plans and policies that
    encourage adoption of more efficient use of fossil fuels to move goods. This analysis is
    particularly apt in this instance where the no project alternative also results in significant
    impacts and is not consistent with conservation goals. Accordingly, there is no
    inadequacy in the FEIR’s analysis of GHG emissions.
    The judgment granting respondents’ petition for writ of mandate is affirmed in
    part and reversed in part. The judgment is affirmed insofar as it grants the consolidated
    petitions for a peremptory writ of mandate directing respondents to set aside certification
    of the FEIR and specified actions and approvals predicated on the certification, and to
    suspend project activities until respondents have taken the necessary actions to comply
    with CEQA. Insofar as the judgment implies that compliance with CEQA requires
    correction of inadequacies in the FEIR’s analysis of air quality impacts, particularly
    impacts to ambient air pollutant concentrations and cumulative impacts of such pollutant
    concentrations, the judgment is affirmed. Insofar as the judgment implies that compliance
    with CEQA requires correction of deficiencies in the FEIR’s analysis of impacts related
    to the Hobart railyard, GHG emissions, noise, transportation and the cumulative impact
    of ICTF on noncancer health risks, and specification of mitigation measures AQ-9, NOI-
    1 and NOI-3, the judgment is reversed. On remand, the trial court may reconsider its
    award of costs. The parties shall bear their respective costs on appeal.
    Pollak, Acting P.J.
    We concur:
    Siggins, J.
    Jenkins, J.
    Counsel for defendants and appellants:    Office of the City Attorney of Los Angeles
    Michael N. Feuer, Janna B. Sidley, Joy M. Crose
    The Sohagi Law Group, Margaret M. Sohagi
    Counsel for real party in interest and    Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
    appellant:                                Theodore J. Boutrous, Jr., Kahn A. Scolnick, and
    Daniel M. Kolkey
    Munger, Tolles & Olson
    Benjamin J. Horwich and Usha C. Vance
    Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver & Wilson
    Amrit S. Kulkarni, Julia L. Bond, and Peter S.
    Counsel for amicus curiae on behalf of    Klapach & Klapach and Joseph S. Klapach for The
    appellants:                               Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy & Jobs
    Reed Smith LLP
    Dennis Peter Maio for Regents of the University of
    Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman
    Mark E. Elliott and Kevin M. Fong for Association
    of American Railroads
    UCLA School of Law
    Sean B. Hecht and Julia Forgie for California
    Communities Against Toxics; California Safe
    Schools; Communities for a Better Environment;
    Del Amo Action Committee; and Mothers of
    East Los Angeles; NAACP Wilmington-San
    Counsel for plaintiffs and respondents:   Shute, Mihaly & Weinber
    Rachel B. Hooper, Winter King, and Susannah T.
    Daniel P. Selmi
    Charles Parkin, City Attorney and Michael J. Mais,
    Assistant City Attorney for City of Long Beach
    Kurt R. Wiese, General Counsel, Barbara Baird,
    Chief Deputy Counsel, Veera Tyagi, Principal
    Deputy District Counsel, and Mary J. Reichert,
    Senior Deputy District Counsel for South Coast Air
    Quality Management District
    David R. Pettit, Melissa Lin Perrella, Morgan
    Wyenn, and Ramya Sivasubramanian for East Yard
    Communities for Environmental Justice; Coalition
    for Clean Air; Century Villages at Cabrillo; and
    Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.
    Johnson, Smith & Foy
    Abigail A. Smith and Kimberly A. Foy for
    Coalition for a Safe Environment; Apostolic Faith
    Center; and Community Dreams; California Kids
    Chatten-Brown & Carstens
    Douglas P. Carstens and Michelle Black for Long
    Beach Unified School District
    Peterson Law Group
    John S. Peterson and Stacy W. Thomsen for Fast
    Lane Transportation, Inc.; California Cartage
    Company, Inc.; Three Rivers Trucking, Inc.; and
    San Pedro Forklift, Inc.
    Counsel for intervener and respondent:   Xavier Becerra, Attorney General, Sally Magnani,
    Senior Assistant Attorney General, Sarah E.
    Morrison, Supervising Deputy Attorney General,
    Catherine M. Wieman and Brian J. Bilford, Deputy
    Attorneys General

Document Info

Docket Number: A148993

Filed Date: 1/12/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2018