City of Gardena v. State Water Resources Control Bd. CA4/3 ( 2021 )

  • Filed 9/22/21 City of Gardena v. State Water Resources Control Bd. CA4/3
    California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for
    publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). This opinion has not been certified for publication
    or ordered published for purposes of rule 8.1115.
    Plaintiff and Respondent,                                        G059466
    v.                                                          (Super. Ct. No. 30-2016-00833722)
    STATE WATER RESOURCES                                                 OPINION
    CONTROL BOARD et al.,
    Defendants and Appellants;
    Real Parties in Interest.
    Appeal from a postjudgment order of the Superior Court of Orange County,
    Glenda Sanders, Judge. Reversed.
    Xavier Becerra and Rob Bonta, Attorneys General, Robert W. Byrne,
    Assistant Attorney General, Gary E. Tavetian and Daniel M. Lucas, Deputy Attorneys
    General, for Defendants and Appellants.
    Casso & Sparks, John J. Harris; Locke Lord and Susan A. Kidwell for
    Plaintiff and Respondent.
    Jones & Mayer and Bruce A. Lindsay for Real Parties in Interest City of
    West Covina, City of Santa Fe Springs, City of Lakewood, and City of Claremont.
    Aleshire & Wynder, Christine M. Carson and Nicholas P. Dwyer for Real
    Parties in Interest City of Carson, City of Rancho Palos Verdes, and City of Signal Hill.
    No appearance for Real Party in Interest City of Baldwin Park.
    *          *           *
    A regional water board issued a permit requiring municipal entities within
    the region to reduce pollutants in their sewer systems. The state water board upheld this
    permit. Two of the municipal entities affected by the permit, the City of Duarte (Duarte)
    and the City of Gardena (Gardena), separately challenged it. After a bench trial, the court
    entered judgment in favor of both Duarte and Gardena and issued separate writs of
    mandate requiring the water boards to delete certain terms from the permit and to
    reconsider it. The trial court then awarded Duarte, Gardena, and certain other cities that
    had participated in the litigation their attorney fees pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure
    section 1021.5 (section 1021.5). The water boards filed separate notices of appeal from
    the judgments and the postjudgment orders awarding fees.
    On the appeal from the judgment, this court reversed the judgment and
    directed the trial court to deny the petition for writ of mandate. (City of Gardena v. State
    Water Resources Control Board (Jan. 28, 2021, G058540) [nonpub. opn.].) The
    California Supreme Court denied Gardena’s petition for review.
    This court also reversed the judgment and directed the trial court to deny the petition
    for writ of mandate in the Duarte case. (City of Duarte v. State Water Resources Control
    Bd. (2021) 
    60 Cal.App.5th 258
    .) The California Supreme Court denied a petition for
    review and a request for depublication of the opinion in that case.
    The appeal from the postjudgment order awarding attorney fees to Gardena
    and certain real parties in interest is now before us. Despite the reversal of the judgment
    originally in its favor, Gardena contends it is still the successful party. Normally, the
    reversal of a judgment automatically requires reversal of an attendant attorney fees order.
    Gardena nevertheless argues it is still the successful party because it achieved a
    significant benefit for itself and other similarly situated municipal entities. We disagree
    and reverse the postjudgment order awarding attorney fees.
    The facts underlying the issuance of the permit, the litigation challenging
    the permit, and the entry of judgment and issuance of a writ of mandate in favor of
    Gardena are set forth in the companion appeal, Duarte v. State Water Resources Control
    Board, appeal No. G059469.
    After the judgment was entered in its favor, Gardena filed a motion for
    attorney fees. Real parties in interest Rancho Palos Verdes, Signal Hill, and Carson filed
    a separate motion for attorney fees, as did real parties in interest West Covina,
    Lakewood, Santa Fe Springs, and Claremont, and real party in interest Baldwin Park.
    The trial court awarded attorney fees to Gardena and the Real Parties in Interest as
    Gardena:                     $1,094,613.50
    West Covina:                 $91,280
    Lakewood:                    $68,160
    Santa Fe Springs:            $68,920
    Claremont:                   $13,360
    Baldwin Park:                $39,900
    Carson:                      $15,120
    Signal Hill:                 $23,560
    Rancho Palos Verdes:         $33,560
    The Water Control Boards appealed from the postjudgment order.
    As in the companion case City of Duarte v. State Water Resources Control
    Bd., supra, 
    60 Cal.App.5th 258
    , this court reversed the judgment and directed the trial
    court to deny the petition for writ of mandate sought by Gardena. (City of Gardena v.
    State Water Resources Control Board, supra, G058540.)
    Section 1021.5, the private attorney general statute, “awards attorney fees
    to a party whose action has resulted in the enforcement of an important right affecting the
    public interest.” (Club Members for an Honest Election v. Sierra Club (2008) 
    45 Cal.4th 309
    , 318.) There are four prerequisites for eligibility under section 1021.5:
    (1) the moving party’s action results in enforcement of “‘“an important right affecting the
    public interest,”’” 2) the action confers a significant pecuniary or nonpecuniary benefit
    on the general public or a large class of persons, (3) a private action by the moving party
    was necessary to obtain the public benefit, and (4) the financial burden of the private
    enforcement action makes it appropriate to award the moving party its attorney fees.
    (Conservatorship of Whitley (2010) 
    50 Cal.4th 1206
    , 1214; Bui v. Nguyen (2014) 
    230 Cal.App.4th 1357
    , 1365.) The party moving for an award of attorney fees under section
    1021.5 bears the burden of establishing each element of the statute. (Bui v. Nguyen,
    supra, at p. 1365.)
    In general, California law provides that if attorney fees are awarded under
    section 1021.5 based on a party’s success in litigation, and that success is negated by a
    reversal of the judgment, then the award of attorney fees must also be reversed. “A party
    seeking an award of section 1021.5 attorney fees must ‘prevail’ or be ‘successful,’ which
    generally involves obtaining a favorable judicial decision, i.e., a judicially sanctioned or
    recognized change in the legal relationship of the parties. [Citations.] Fees are not
    barred if the case was won on a preliminary issue or if the parties settled before trial.
    [Citation.] However, procedural success during the course of the litigation is insufficient
    to justify such attorney fees where the ruling is later vacated or reversed on the merits.”
    (Marine Forests Society v. California Coastal Com. (2008) 
    160 Cal.App.4th 867
    , 877,
    italics added.)
    Other opinions consistently state and apply this principle: “An order
    awarding [attorney] fees [under section 1021.5] ‘falls with a reversal of the judgment on
    which it is based.’” (California Grocers Assn. v. Bank of America (1994) 
    22 Cal.App.4th 205
    , 220; see Center for Biological Diversity v. County of San Bernardino
    188 Cal.App.4th 603
    , 613, fn. 4 [“even when there is no appeal of a postjudgment
    order awarding attorney fees to the prevailing party, and the award has become final, the
    appellate court’s reversal of the judgment on the merits extinguishes the order on fees”];
    Klajic v. Castaic Lake Water Agency (2004) 
    121 Cal.App.4th 5
    , 16 [reversal of judgment
    with directions to vacate writ of mandate means respondents were unsuccessful, and
    reversal of attorney fee award under section 1201.5 is “automatic”]; Ryan v. California
    Interscholastic Federation-San Diego Section (2001) 
    94 Cal.App.4th 1048
    , 1082
    [“Because we reverse the judgment to the extent that Ryan prevailed, we must also
    reverse the postjudgment order that followed awarding attorney fees and costs to his
    counsel under section 1021.5”]; National Parks & Conservation Assn. v. County of
    Riverside (2000) 
    81 Cal.App.4th 234
    , 238 [“where an appellate court reverses a judgment
    ordering issuance of a writ of mandate, ‘[i]t follows’ that the trial court’s section 1021.5
    attorney fees award must also be reversed”]; Kimble v. Board of Education (1987) 
    192 Cal.App.3d 1423
    , 1431, fn. omitted [“Under . . . section 1021.5, an award of attorney fees
    is limited to the successful party”].)
    Gardena has not cited, and we have not found in our own research, any case
    that awards attorney fees to a party when the judgment in that party’s favor was reversed
    in its entirety on appeal. This court’s reversal of the judgment with directions to deny the
    petition for writ of mandate and enter judgment for the Water Control Boards negated
    Gardena’s initial success in the litigation.
    Gardena argues that, notwithstanding the reversal of the judgment and the
    writ of mandate, it is still the successful party within the meaning of section 1021.5
    because it achieved a significant benefit as a result of the litigation. In its appellate
    briefing, Gardena does not use the term “catalyst theory,” as does Duarte. At oral
    argument, appellate counsel confirmed Gardena was not relying on the catalyst theory.
    In Graham v. DaimlerChrysler Corp. (2004) 
    34 Cal.4th 553
     (Graham), the
    California Supreme Court held that a plaintiff may recover section 1021.5 attorney fees
    “even when litigation does not result in a judicial resolution if the defendant changes its
    behavior substantially because of, and in the manner sought by, the litigation.” (Graham,
    supra, at p. 560.) To be entitled to such recovery (1) the plaintiff must have been a
    catalyst to the defendant’s changed behavior, (2) the lawsuit must have “some merit,” and
    (3) “the plaintiff must have engaged in a reasonable attempt to settle its dispute with the
    defendant prior to litigation.” (Id. at pp. 560-561.)
    A party need not obtain a final judgment in its favor in order to be the
    successful party. (Graham, 
    supra, 34
     Cal.4th at pp. 565-566.) No case cited by Gardena,
    however, would support an award of fees under section 1021.5 to Gardena or any of the
    Real Parties in Interest as a successful party in this case, where the judgment in
    Gardena’s favor was reversed in its entirety.
    Gardena contends that it remains a successful party despite the reversal of
    the judgment because it “obtain[ed] the enforcement of an important right affecting the
    public interest and conferred a significant benefit not only on the City’s residents, but the
    residents of all California cities and counties which operate a municipal separate storm
    water system subject to a NPDES permit issued by the Water Boards pursuant to their
    authority under both the federal Clean Water Act and California’s Porter-Cologne Water
    Quality Control Act. As a result of this litigation, it is now established that the Water
    Boards must comply with State law, and in particular, Water Code § 13241 of the
    Porter-Cologne Act, when they impose conditions and requirements in a MS4 NPDES
    Permit that exceed the requirements of the federal Clean Water Act. Achieving that
    objective warrants the affirmance of the award to Gardena of its attorney’s fees in this
    case for the very reasons stated in the trial court’s order.” Gardena is incorrect.
    The issues in the prior appeal were whether the permit required more than
    federal law requires in terms of numeric effluent limitations and whether the Water
    Control Boards sufficiently considered the economic considerations factor of Water Code
    section 13241, subdivision (d). (Duarte, supra, 60 Cal.App.5th at p. 269; City of
    Gardena v. State Water Resources Control Board, supra, G058540.) Whether the Water
    Control Boards were required to comply with state law was not an issue in the case, as
    the Water Control Boards never contended that they were not required to do so. The
    issue was a factual one—whether the requirements of state law (in this case, the factors of
    Water Code section 13241) were applicable, and whether the Water Control Boards
    complied with them. We determined that the Water Control Boards had fully complied
    with Water Code section 13241, and that we did not need to weigh in on the factual issue
    of that section’s applicability. (Duarte, supra, at pp. 271-272; City of Gardena v. State
    Water Resources Control Board, supra, G058540.)
    In this case, Gardena’s lawsuit did not cause the Water Control Boards to
    “change[ their] behavior substantially because of, and in the manner sought by, the
    litigation.” (Graham, supra, 34 Cal.4th at p. 560.) To the contrary, this court determined
    as a matter of law that the Water Control Boards had already performed the required cost
    analysis under Water Code section 13241, subdivision (d). (Duarte, supra,
    60 Cal.App.5th at p. 274; City of Gardena v. State Water Resources Control Board,
    supra, G058540.)
    In none of the cases cited by Gardena in support of its significant benefit
    theory were section 1021.5 attorney fees awarded to a party after the judgment, initially
    in that party’s favor, was reversed in its entirety.
    In Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust v. City Council of San Marcos
    132 Cal.App.4th 614
    , 618, San Marcos city residents Lori A. Drake and Randall
    R. Walton submitted a referendum petition challenging the city’s general and specific
    plan amendments that would have permitted the development of a Wal-Mart store.
    Wal-Mart filed a petition for writ of mandate against the city, Drake, Walton, and others
    seeking to invalidate the referendum petition. (Ibid.) The trial court denied Wal-Mart’s
    petition on the ground the challenge was premature and entered judgment against
    Wal-Mart. (Id. at p. 619.) The referendum succeeded, the city’s plan amendments were
    defeated, and Wal-Mart brought no postelection challenge. (Ibid.) The court determined
    that Drake and Walton were entitled to recover their attorney fees under section 1021.5
    even though the trial court did not enter a judgment addressing the substantive merits of
    Wal-Mart’s petition. (Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust v. City Council of
    San Marcos, supra, at p. 617.)
    In People v. Investco Management & Development LLC (2018)
    22 Cal.App.5th 443
    , 448, individual investors specially appeared in a securities fraud
    enforcement action and successfully opposed a motion that would have stayed all
    individual actions against the investment company. The court concluded that the
    investors were entitled to recover section 1021.5 attorney fees. (People v. Investco
    Management & Development LLC, supra, at p. 471.)
    In RiverWatch v. County of San Diego Dept. of Environmental Health
    175 Cal.App.4th 768
    , 771, the plaintiffs sought a writ of mandate against the
    Department of Environmental Health in connection with the approval of a landfill.
    The trial court granted the petition in part and denied it in part, and the appellate court
    affirmed. (Ibid.) The trial court awarded the plaintiffs attorney fees under
    section 1021.5; the appellate court also affirmed that award on appeal. (RiverWatch v.
    County of San Diego Dept. of Environmental Health, supra, at pp. 771-772.)
    In Wallace v. Consumers Cooperative of Berkeley, Inc. (1985)
    170 Cal.App.3d 836
    , 841, consumer interest groups challenged the validity of legislation
    authorizing the Department of Food and Agriculture (the Department) to set minimum
    retail milk prices. As a result of settlement negotiations, the parties agreed to continue
    the trial to allow the Department to conduct public hearings on the issue. (Id. at
    pp. 841-842.) Following the public hearings, the Department suspended the regulations
    setting milk price minimums. (Id. at p. 842.) The trial court then awarded the consumer
    interest groups attorney fees under section 1021.5 because they “‘set in motion the
    machinery by which milk prices ultimately were suspended.’” (Wallace v. Consumers
    Cooperative of Berkeley, Inc., supra, at p. 842.)
    None of these cases involves a party awarded attorney fees before the
    judgment in its favor was reversed on appeal. In all of them, as detailed ante, the party
    recovering attorney fees under section 1021.5 achieved a successful resolution of their
    In light of our holding, we need not address the other issues raised in the
    parties’ briefs, including but not limited to whether Gardena was acting primarily in its
    own financial interest, and whether Gardena obtained a financial benefit as a result of the
    Gardena also cites Graciano v. Robinson Ford Sales, Inc. (2006) 
    144 Cal.App.4th 140
    153, in which the prevailing party did not seek attorney fees under section 1021.5.
    The postjudgment order awarding attorney fees is reversed. Appellants to
    recover costs on appeal.
    FYBEL, J.
    O’LEARY, P. J.
    ZELON, J.*
    *Retired Justice of the Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, assigned by the Chief
    Justice pursuant to article VI, section 6 of the California Constitution.

Document Info

Docket Number: G059466

Filed Date: 9/22/2021

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 9/23/2021