Zuniga v. Workers' Comp. Appeals Bd. ( 2018 )

  • Filed 1/23/18 (mod.); pub. order 1/25/18 follows unmodified opinion (attached)
    WORKERS’ COMPENSATION                                        (WCAB No. ADJ2563341)
    TRUCKING, INC., et al.,
    It is ordered that the opinion filed herein on January 12, 2018, be modified as
    follows: On page 12, the last paragraph in section B of the Discussion is changed to: “In
    sum, section 4610.6, subdivision (f) prevents the Board from ordering an IMR
    organization to disclose the names of IMR reviewers, and we therefore reject Zuniga’s
    various arguments to the contrary.” Footnote 11 remains at the end of the paragraph.
    This modification does not change the judgment.
    Dated: _______________________                               ___________________________
    Kline, P.J.
    Filed 1/12/18 Zuniga v. WCAB CA1/2 (unmodified opinion)
    WORKERS’ COMPENSATION                                     (WCAB No. ADJ2563341)
    TRUCKING, INC., et al.,
    As a result of amendments to California’s workers’ compensation law that took
    effect in 2013, an injured worker may challenge a decision denying medical treatment by
    requesting a determination of medical necessity from an independent medical review
    (IMR) organization. (Lab. Code, §§ 139.5, 4610.5.1) The IMR organization, which is
    regulated by the Division of Workers’ Compensation of the Department of Industrial
    Relations (Division) and operates under contract with the administrative director of the
    Division, designates one or more medical professionals to review pertinent medical
    records, determine whether the disputed treatment is medically necessary, and prepare a
    written report including statutorily-required findings to support the reviewer’s
    determination. (§ 139.5, subd. (a)(1), § 4610.6, subds. (a) through (e); Cal. Code Regs.,
    tit. 8, § 9792.10.1 et seq.) The determination of the IMR organization is deemed to be the
    Further undesignated statutory references are to the Labor Code.
    determination of the administrative director, and is binding on all parties, subject to
    appeal on narrow statutory grounds. (§ 4610.6, subds. (g) & (h).)
    Of significance to the matter before us, the IMR organization is required by statute
    to describe the qualifications of the medical professionals who prepare the determination
    of medical necessity and to keep the names of the reviewers confidential in all
    communications outside the IMR organization. (§ 4610.6, subd. (f).)
    Petitioner Saul Zuniga availed himself of the IMR process and then petitioned the
    Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (Board) to disclose the names of the reviewers.
    When the Board declined to do so, citing section 4610.6, subdivision (f), Zuniga filed this
    writ petition contending that the statute does not prohibit the Board from ordering
    disclosure and that any contrary reading violates due process. We granted Zuniga’s
    petition for writ of review and now affirm the Board.
    A.     Background on Worker’s Compensation
    To provide context, we summarize the relevant aspects of workers’ compensation
    procedure as it exists in the wake of major reforms that took effect in 2004 and 2013,
    drawing on the account by our colleagues in Division One in Stevens v. Workers’ Comp.
    Appeals Bd. (2015) 
    241 Cal.App.4th 1074
    , 1081 (Stevens).)
    An injured worker’s physician “submits a treatment recommendation that is
    reviewed under the employer’s UR [utilization review] process. (§ 4610.) A ‘medical
    director’ designated by the employer or insurer reviews all information ‘reasonably
    necessary’ to determine whether to approve, modify, or deny the recommendation.
    (§ 4610, subd. (d).) . . . [¶] A UR decision favoring the worker becomes final, and the
    employer is not permitted to challenge it. (See § 4610.5, subd. (f)(1).) But if the UR
    decision modifies, delays, or denies a request, the worker may seek review through an
    IMR. (§ 4610.5, subd. (d).) In other words, the IMR process gives workers, but not
    employers, a second chance to obtain a decision in their favor.” (Stevens, supra, 241
    Cal.App.4th at p. 1090, fn. omitted.)
    “The IMR is performed by an independent review organization, which assigns
    medical professionals to review pertinent medical records, provider reports, and other
    information submitted to the organization or requested from the parties. (§ 4610.6, subd.
    (b).) The physician reviewer must approve the requested treatment if it is ‘medically
    necessary based on the specific medical needs of the employee and the standards of
    medical necessity as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 4610.5.’ (§ 4610.6, subd. (c).)
    The IMR determination must state whether the disputed service is medically necessary,
    identify the employee’s medical condition and the relevant medical records, and set forth
    the relevant findings associated with the standards of medical necessity. (§ 4610.6, subd.
    (e).) These standards include, in the order listed in the statute: (1) the [Medical
    Treatment Utilization Schedule, which was adopted in 2007 and since updated], (2) peer-
    reviewed scientific and medical evidence regarding the effectiveness of the disputed
    treatment; (3) nationally recognized professional standards; (4) expert opinion; and (5)
    generally accepted standards of medical practice. (§ 4610.5, subd. (c)(2).) If multiple
    medical professionals review a case, a majority must agree on the final decision, and if
    they are evenly split, the decision must favor the worker. (§ 4610.6, subd. (e).)
    Decisions must include the reviewing medical professionals’ qualifications, but the
    independent review organization is to ‘keep the names of the reviewers confidential in all
    [outside] communications.’ (§ 4610.6, subd. (f).) The IMR determination is deemed as a
    matter of law to constitute the determination of the director [the administrative director of
    the Division] and is binding on all parties. (§ 4610.6, subd. (g).)
    “A worker who disputes the IMR determination may appeal it to the Board.
    (§ 4610.6, subd. (h).) . . . [T]he only specified grounds for relief . . . are that the director
    acted without authority, the decision was procured by fraud, the physician reviewer had a
    material conflict of interest, the decision was the result of bias, or the decision was based
    on a plainly erroneous fact that is not a matter subject to expert opinion. (§ 4610.6, subd.
    (h).)[2] If the Board reverses the decision . . . it may only remand the case for a new IMR.
    (§ 4610.6, subd. (i).)”3 (Stevens, supra, 241 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1090-1091.) The new
    IMR is to be performed by a different independent review organization, but if a different
    organization is not available, as will be the case if there is only one authorized IMR
    organization, the new IMR is to be performed by a different reviewer in the organization
    that performed the previous IMR. (§ 4610.6, subd. (i).)
    “Finally, a Board decision can . . . be challenged by filing a writ of review in the
    Court of Appeal. (§ 5950.) . . . [A]ppellate courts are . . . explicitly precluded from
    making ‘a determination of medical necessity contrary to the determination of the
    independent medical review[er]’ (§ 4610.6, subd. (i)) . . . .” (Stevens, supra, 241
    Cal.App.4th at p. 1091.)
    Section 4610.6, subdivision (h) states: “A determination of the administrative
    director pursuant to this section may be reviewed only by a verified appeal from the
    medical review determination of the administrative director, filed with the appeals board
    . . . and served on all interested parties within 30 days of the date of mailing of the
    determination to the aggrieved employee or the aggrieved employer. The determination
    of the administrative director shall be presumed to be correct and shall be set aside only
    upon proof by clear and convincing evidence of one or more of the following grounds for
    appeal: [¶] (1) The administrative director acted without or in excess of the
    administrative director’s powers. [¶] (2) The determination of the administrative director
    was procured by fraud. [¶] (3) The independent medical reviewer was subject to a
    material conflict of interest that is in violation of Section 139.5. [¶] (4) The
    determination was the result of bias on the basis of race, national origin, ethnic group
    identification, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, or disability. [¶] (5) The
    determination was the result of a plainly erroneous express or implied finding of fact,
    provided that the mistake of fact is a matter of ordinary knowledge based on the
    information submitted for review . . . and not a matter that is subject to expert opinion.”
    Although an employer cannot dispute a UR decision that is favorable to an
    employee (§ 4610.5, subds. (d) & (f)(1)), nothing in the statute prohibits an employer
    from disputing an IMR determination. (See § 4610.6, subd. (h) [referring to “the
    aggrieved employee or the aggrieved employer” in authorizing appeals from IMR
    B.     Reviews of Zuniga’s Treatment Plan
    Zuniga’s employer, Interactive Trucking, Inc., was insured for workers’
    compensation by the State Compensation Insurance Fund (State Fund).4 After a work-
    related injury to his left shoulder in 2007, Zuniga underwent several surgical procedures.
    He was left with continuing pain, and as of 2013 he had for several years been a patient
    of a pain-management specialist, Dr. Grant, who administered and monitored several
    medications. Zuniga’s pharmaceutical regimen changed little from about 2011 to 2013,
    when State Fund submitted Dr. Grant’s prescriptions for utilization review. The result
    was that one of the five prescriptions was approved and the other four were denied.
    Zuniga appealed the decision through the IMR process. As part of that process,
    State Fund sent relevant documents to the IMR organization, Maximus Federal Services
    (Maximus). The result of the IMR was a “Final Letter of Determination” approving one
    of the four previously rejected prescriptions and rejecting the other three.
    Zuniga filed a timely appeal, alleging that the IMR decision resulted from
    erroneous factual findings. After a hearing, the administrative law judge found that each
    of the IMR denials was based on a plainly erroneous finding of fact, and on that basis
    reversed the IMR decision. Because Maximus was the only authorized IMR organization
    during the pendency of the case, the matter was remanded to Maximus for review by a
    different reviewer.
    On February 25, 2014, while the second IMR was in process, Zuniga filed a
    petition asking the Board to order the IMR organization to disclose the identities of the
    first and second IMR reviewers to the parties or to the judge. Although the second IMR
    had not been completed, Zuniga argued that it is a denial of due process for an IMR to
    refuse to disclose the identities of the reviewers when the decision of the first reviewer is
    State Fund is an entity established by the Legislature, “ ‘at once both an agency
    of the state and an insurance carrier.’ ” (California Attorneys v. Brown (2011) 
    195 Cal.App.4th 119
    , 124, quoting P.W. Stephens, Inc. v. State Compensation Ins. Fund
    21 Cal.App.4th 1833
    , 1835.) State Fund claims to be the state’s largest provider
    of workers’ compensation insurance.
    ( [as of Jan. 12, 2018].)
    reversed and the dispute is referred to a different reviewer in the organization, claiming
    that without knowing the identities of the reviewers, an applicant is deprived of the
    opportunity to “dispute the findings of the second reviewer on the ground that they were
    made by the same reviewer whose opinion was reversed.” Zuniga argued that if the same
    reviewer wrote both reports, then the IMR could be challenged on the ground that
    director would have acted outside his authority (§ 4610.6, subd. (h)(1)) because the
    prohibition against using the same reviewer would be violated. (§ 4610.6, subd. (i).) He
    also argued that if the same reviewer wrote both reports, the determination might well
    have been procured by fraud (§ 4610.6, subd. (h)(2)), and the reviewer might have a
    material conflict of interest (§ 4610.6, subd. (h)(3)) because he or she would be reviewing
    his or her own prior decision.
    Before Zuniga’s petition was heard, Maximus issued a second IMR determination,
    labeled a “Final Determination After Re-Review,” stating that it “was the product of a
    complete re-review conducted pursuant to a court order,” and “was performed by a
    medical reviewer who was not associated with the original review.” This time, the IMR
    approved two of the four prescriptions that had been rejected in the utilization review,
    and disapproved the other two.5 Zuniga did not appeal the second IMR determination.
    A hearing on Zuniga’s petition to learn the identities of the IMR reviewers was
    held in May 2014. In June the administrative law judge issued his findings and order,
    concluding that in view of the confidentiality provision of section 4610.6, subdivision (f),
    he was required to deny Zuniga’s request to compel Maximus to disclose the identities of
    the reviewers.
    Zuniga petitioned for reconsideration, arguing that the statute did not prohibit the
    Board from ordering Maximus to identify the reviewers, and that the “secrecy provision”
    Despite this different result, and despite the fact that the two IMRs offer different
    rationales for their decisions disapproving medications, at oral argument Zuniga’s
    counsel characterized the two IMR determinations as “virtually the same.” Zuniga points
    to nothing in the record that suggests the two IMR determinations were prepared by the
    same physician.
    of section 4610.6, subdivision (f) “when read within the statute as a whole, can only be
    said to apply until the IMR decision is successfully challenged.” The administrative law
    judge issued a report and recommendation that reconsideration be denied, which was
    adopted by the Board.
    Zuniga timely filed a petition for a writ of review as authorized by section 5950.6
    After briefing was completed, we issued a writ of review and directed Zuniga to serve a
    copy of his petition on the administrative director of the Division, who then filed an
    informal opposition.7 We subsequently granted the California Worker’s Compensation
    Institute’s unopposed application to file an amicus curiae brief in support of respondent
    State Compensation Insurance Fund, and also granted an unopposed request from
    respondents Interactive Trucking, Inc. and State Fund that we take judicial notice of some
    legislative history materials.8
    State Fund argues that because Zuniga has not appealed the second IMR
    determination, he lacks standing to file a petition for a writ of review. But Zuniga is
    aggrieved by, and seeks review of, the Board’s denial of his request for the identities of
    the IMR reviewers, which he made on the basis of the result of the first IMR
    determination. It may be that Zuniga’s appeal is moot: even if we conclude that the
    Board should have ordered the IMR organization to disclose the names of the reviewers
    who prepared the first and second IMR determinations, it is unclear what effective relief
    we would be providing, because Zuniga did not appeal the second IMR determination,
    and the time to appeal it has passed. (Eye Dog Foundation v. State Board of Guide Dogs
    for the Blind (1967) 
    67 Cal.2d 536
    , 541 [an appeal will be dismissed as moot when the
    appellate court cannot grant effective relief]; § 4610.6, subd. (h) [appeal must be served
    within 30 days of the mailing of the IMR determination].) Nevertheless, we address the
    merits of Zuniga’s petition because the issue is likely to recur between the parties. (Los
    Angeles International Charter High School v. Los Angeles Unified School Dist. (2012)
    209 Cal.App.4th 1348
    , 1354 [“an exception to the mootness doctrine is the distinct
    possibility that the controversy between the parties may recur”].)
    Accordingly, to the extent there is merit to State Fund’s arguments that the
    administrative director did not receive proper notice of Zuniga’s petition and should have
    been included as a party, those arguments are moot.
    Interactive Trucking, Inc. and State Fund gave notice under California Rules of
    Court, rule 8.254 of two authorities issued after the parties completed their briefing:
    Stevens, supra, 
    241 Cal.App.4th 1074
    , and Ramirez v. Workers’ Comp. Appeals Bd.
    10 Cal.App.5th 205
     (Ramirez). Stevens is discussed in the administrative
    A.     Applicable Law and Standard of Review
    We interpret workers’ compensation statutes de novo, while giving great weight to
    the Board’s interpretation. (Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. v. Workers’ Comp. Appeals Bd.
    194 Cal.App.4th 809
    , 815.)
    “A fundamental rule of statutory construction is that a court should ascertain the
    intent of the Legislature so as to effectuate the purpose of the law. [Citations.] In
    construing a statute, our first task is to look to the language of the statute itself.
    [Citation.] When the language is clear and there is no uncertainty as to the legislative
    intent, we look no further and simply enforce the statute according to its terms.
    [Citations.] [¶] Additionally, however, we must consider [statutory language] in the
    context of the entire statute [citation] and the statutory scheme of which it is a part. ‘We
    are required to give effect to statutes “according to the usual, ordinary import of the
    language employed in framing them.” [Citations.]’ [Citations.] ‘ “If possible,
    significance should be given to every word, phrase, sentence and part of an act in
    pursuance of the legislative purpose.” [Citation.] . . . . “When used in a statute [words]
    must be construed in context, keeping in mind the nature and obvious purpose of the
    statute where they appear.” [Citations.] Moreover, the various parts of a statutory
    enactment must be harmonized by considering the particular clause or section in the
    context of the statutory framework as a whole. [Citations.]’ [Citations].” (Du Bois v.
    Worker’s Comp. Appeals Bd. (1993) 
    5 Cal.4th 382
    , 387-388.)
    In evaluating Zuniga’s due process claim, “we are mindful that ‘[a]ll presumptions
    and intendments favor the validity of a statute and mere doubt does not afford sufficient
    reason for a judicial declaration of invalidity. Statutes must be upheld unless their
    unconstitutionality clearly, positively and unmistakably appears.’ (Lockheed Aircraft
    Corp. v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County (1946) 
    28 Cal.2d 481
    , 484; see also
    director’s informal opposition and in the amicus brief. In a focus letter, we asked the
    parties to be prepared to address at oral argument how Stevens and Ramirez apply to this
    case, which they did.
    [Stevens, supra,] 241 Cal.App.4th [at p.] 1092.)” (Chorn v. Workers’ Comp. Appeals Bd.
    245 Cal.App.4th 1370
    , 1381.)
    B.     The Board Has No Authority to Order Disclosure of the Identity of
    IMR Reviewers
    We have no difficulty concluding that section 4610.6, subdivision (f), which says,
    “The [IMR] organization shall keep the names of the reviewers confidential in all
    communications with entities or individuals outside the [IMR] organization,” prohibits
    the Board from ordering Maximus to disclose the identities of the individuals who
    conducted the IMRs of Zuniga’s request for treatment. The language of the statute is
    unambiguous. Zuniga cites no statute or case that suggests the Board has the authority to
    order the IMR to perform an action that is specifically prohibited by statute. Nor does he
    cite any statute or case that suggests this unambiguous confidentiality requirement is
    abrogated by the reversal of an IMR decision that was based on an erroneous finding of
    fact. To the contrary, when an IMR determination is reversed the only authorized action
    is for the Board to remand the dispute to the administrative director to submit it for a new
    IMR review. (§ 4610.6, subd. (i).)
    The confidentiality requirement of section 4610.6, subdivision (f) is consistent
    with the Legislature’s purpose in “establishing the IMR process to resolve workers’
    challenges to adverse UR decisions. (Stats. 2012, ch. 363, § 1.)” (Stevens, supra, 241
    Cal.App.4th at p. 1089.) The Legislature found that “[t]he existing process of appointing
    qualified medical evaluators to examine patients and resolve treatment disputes [was]
    costly and time-consuming, and it prolong[ed] disputes and cause[d] delays in medical
    treatment for injured workers.” ([Stats. 2012, ch. 363,] § 1(f).) The IMR process was
    intended to change the previously existing system in which “each side attempt[ed] to
    obtain medical opinions favorable to its position, and then counsel for each side trie[d] to
    convince a workers’ compensation judge based on this evidence what the proper
    treatment is. This system of ‘dueling doctors’ with lawyer/judges making medical
    decisions has resulted in an extremely slow, inefficient process that many argue does not
    provide quality results.” (Sen. Com. on Labor and Industrial Relations, Analysis of Sen.
    Bill No. 863 (2011-2012 Reg. Sess.) as amended Aug. 30, 2012, p. 6.) In the IMR
    process, “a conflict-free medical expert would be evaluating medical issues and making
    sound medical decisions, based on a hierarchy of evidence-based medicine standards
    drawn from the health insurance IMR process, with workers’ compensation-specific
    modifications.” (Id. pp. 6-7.) The Legislature found that “[t]imely and medically sound
    determinations of disputes over appropriate medical treatment require the independent
    and unbiased medical expertise of specialists.” (Stats. 2012, ch. 363, § 1(f).)
    The Legislature’s understanding that confidentiality helps to ensure that IMR
    reviewers are independent and unbiased is reflected in an analysis of a proposed, but not
    adopted, change to the IMR process. Senate Bill No. 626 was introduced in 2013 to
    reverse provisions of the 2012 workers’ compensation reform, which had included the
    establishment of the IMR process. (Sen. Com. on Labor and Industrial Relations,
    Analysis of Sen. Bill No. 626 (2013-2014 Reg. Sess.) as amended Apr. 18, 2013, p. 1.)
    Among other things, the bill proposed removing the confidentiality requirement for IMR
    reviewers. (Id. p. 3.) The bill analysis commented that, while the IMR process had been
    in effect for only six months, it “promises to speed up medical treatment and increase
    objectivity in the provision of medical services.” (Id. at p. 4.) The analysis further
    commented that, while the full impact of removing the confidentiality requirement was
    unknown, “one fear is that it would reduce the independence of the reviewer.” (Id. at pp.
    We are not persuaded by Zuniga’s argument that the confidentiality requirement
    conflicts with section 4610.6, subdivision (i), which provides that when an IMR
    determination is reversed, the Board must remand the matter to another IMR
    organization, or, if there is only one organization, as is the case here, to the original
    organization for review by a different reviewer. Zuniga argues that the Board has
    authority to enforce and modify its orders, as set forth in section 133, and therefore if it is
    to enforce orders made under section 4610.6, subdivision (i), it must have the authority to
    compel the disclosure of IMR reviewers’ identities. Zuniga argues that if the Board
    could not compel disclosure of reviewers’ identities, “section 4610.6(i) would be
    rendered meaningless because the remedy available to the Board would become
    unenforceable.” As the administrative director’s informal opposition correctly points out,
    questions about whether two IMRs were performed by different reviewers can be
    addressed short of releasing the reviewers’ names, such as by providing additional
    information about their backgrounds, or by requiring declarations under penalty of
    perjury from an officer of the IMR organization or a reviewer. Zuniga points to no
    authority to suggest that a statute is rendered meaningless simply because his preferred
    method of enforcing it is unavailable.
    Similarly, Zuniga asserts that the confidentiality requirement conflicts with
    subdivisions (h)(1) through (h)(4) of section 4610.6, which set forth four of the five
    grounds on which an appeal of an IMR determination may be taken: the director acted
    without authority, the decision was procured by fraud, the physician reviewer had a
    material conflict of interest, or the decision was the result of bias. Zuniga contends that
    an injured employee cannot prove any of those grounds unless the employee and the
    Board are aware of the identity of the reviewer, and that therefore the confidentiality
    provision of section 4610.6, subdivision (f) renders meaningless these grounds for
    appeal.9 We are not persuaded. For example, if an IMR decision were found to be based
    on an incorrect interpretation of the relevant medical standards, the IMR could be
    overturned on the grounds that the director acted without authority. (Stevens, supra, 241
    Cal.App.4th at p. 1101.) Impermissible bias influencing a determination might be
    reflected in the nature or text of the IMR determination.10 And although confidentiality
    Zuniga implicitly concedes, as he must, that even without knowing the identity
    of the IMR reviewer, an IMR determination can successfully be appealed on the ground
    that it is based on a plainly erroneous finding of fact, the fifth listed ground for appealing
    an IMR determination. (See § 4610.6, subd. (h)(5).)
    For example, an IMR review may be subject to challenge for bias if it includes
    language indicating that the determination is based on some generalization about race,
    ethnic group, age, sex or disability, rather than on the “specific medical needs of the
    employee and the standards of medical necessity.” (§ 4610.6, subd. (c).) Here, the IMRs
    include no such language.
    may make it more difficult to challenge an IMR determination on the basis of a conflict
    of interest, “workers have the opportunity to obtain significant other information bearing
    on conflicts of interest, including information about the IMR organization’s ‘method of
    selecting expert reviewers and matching [them] to specific cases,’ system of identifying
    and recruiting expert reviewers, and method of ‘ensur[ing] compliance with the
    [statutory] conflict-of-interest requirements.’ (§ 139.5, subds. (d)(2)(F)-(H); see id. subd.
    (e).)” (Stevens, supra, 241 Cal.App.4th at p. 1100, fn. 18; see also Ramirez, supra, 10
    Cal.App.5th at p. 229.)
    In sum, section 4610.6, subdivision (f) prevents the Board from ordering an IMR
    to disclose the names of IMR reviewers, and we therefore reject Zuniga’s various
    arguments as to why the Board can order an IMR organization to release names of
    C.     Keeping Reviewers’ Identities Confidential Does Not Violate Due Process
    Zuniga argues that if section 4610.6, subdivision (f) precludes the Board from
    ordering the disclosure of the identity of IMR reviewers, then that statutory provision and
    the entire IMR scheme violate the federal and state due process rights of injured workers.
    He argues that “due process requires a party to a workers’ compensation claim [to] be
    able to verify the qualifications of the person making the final determination as to
    whether benefits are to be awarded in a particular case, but the law currently forbids such
    Over the course of this litigation, Zuniga’s position on why the Board can order
    the disclosure of reviewer names has changed. Initially, after the first IMR was reversed
    but before the second was issued, Zuniga argued to the Board that the names should be
    disclosed once an IMR is overturned so that if the second IMR is performed by the same
    person the applicant can dispute it on that ground. After the second IMR was issued, he
    argued that knowing the identities of the reviewers would open the possibility of cross-
    examining them “to determine if there was cause for further appeal.” Permitting cross-
    examination for the purpose of uncovering additional grounds to challenge an IMR
    determination would undermine the Legislature’s intent in adopting the IMR provisions
    to reduce litigation and its attendant costs and delays. (Stats. 2012, ch. 363, § 1(b); see
    also Stevens, supra, 241 Cal.App.4th at p. 1091.)
    an inquiry.”12 He argues that the IMR reports are testimonial in character and that
    therefore due process requires he be allowed to cross-examine the doctors issuing the
    reports, which he cannot do if the identities of IMR reviewers are confidential.13 We are
    not persuaded.
    To address Zuniga’s California due process claim, it is necessary to understand the
    constitutional basis of the workers’ compensation law. Under Article XIV, Section 4 of
    the California Constitution, the Legislature “is . . . expressly vested with plenary power
    unlimited by any provision of this Constitution, to create, and enforce a complete system
    of worker’s compensation by appropriate legislation.” (Cal. Const., art. XIV, § 4, italics
    added.) As the Court of Appeal held in Stevens, the due process clause of the California
    Constitution (Cal. Const., art. I, § 7, subd. (a)) does not limit the Legislature’s authority
    to create a workers’ compensation system. (Stevens, supra, 241 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1092-
    1093.) Section 4 therefore “supersedes the state Constitution’s due process clause with
    respect to legislation passed under the Legislature’s plenary powers over the workers’
    compensation system.” (Id. at p. 1093.)
    Zuniga’s federal due process claim fails as well. The Court of Appeal in Stevens
    concluded that the IMR process, including the confidentiality requirement of section
    4610.6, subdivision (f), does not violate the federal due process clause. (Stevens, supra,
    241 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1096-1101; see also Ramirez, supra, 10 Cal.App.5th at pp. 227-
    Zuniga also argues that if the Board cannot order the disclosure of reviewers’
    identities, the decisions are unreviewable, and therefore due process is violated. His own
    experience in contesting an IMR determination shows that his premise is false: the first
    IMR decision was reviewed and reversed without the identity of the reviewer being
    Zuniga also argues that the statutory scheme violates his right to due process
    because in an IMR determination “an unknown and unknowable person with unknown
    motives and biases makes a decision regarding the necessity of a particular medical
    treatment, and no court or administrative tribunal may analyze or review that decision.”
    Zuniga’s characterization of the IMR process is flatly incorrect. Under section 4610.6,
    subdivision (h), IMR determinations are subject to review, and Zuniga sought, and
    received, review of the IMR determination in his case.
    229.) We agree with the reasoning in Stevens, which we summarize here. The Court of
    Appeal in Stevens assumed that an IMR determination is state action and implicates a
    protected property interest, which are prerequisites to a federal due process claim.
    (Stevens, supra, 241 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1096-1098.) The court concluded that even so,
    Stevens’s due process claim failed because the IMR process “afford[s] ample process.
    ‘The core of due process is the right to notice and a meaningful opportunity to be heard.’
    (LaChance v. Erickson (1998) 
    522 U.S. 262
    , 266; see Cleveland Bd. of Educ. v.
    Loudermill (1985) 
    470 U.S. 532
    , 547.) When due process must be afforded, the amount
    of process required is determined by balancing the affected private interest, the risk of
    erroneous deprivation of this interest, the probable value, if any, of additional or
    substitute safeguards, and the government’s interest in the process. (Mathews v. Eldridge
    424 U.S. 319
    , 334-335.)” (Stevens, supra, 241 Cal.App.4th at p. 1098.)
    In Stevens, the Court of Appeal was guided by California Consumer Health Care
    Council, Inc. v. California Department of Managed Health Care (2008) 
    161 Cal.App.4th 684
     (California Consumer), a case involving the denial of medical claims under the
    Knox-Keene Act,14 where requests for medical care are reviewed under an IMR process
    in which insurers are permitted to see and rebut claimants’ filings, but claimants are not
    permitted to see and rebut insurers’ filings. (Stevens, supra, 241 Cal.App.4th at p. 1098.)
    Despite that disparity, after balancing the interests in California Consumer, the Court of
    Appeal upheld the Knox-Keene Act’s IMR process against a federal due process
    challenge. (California Consumer, supra, 161 Cal.App.4th at p. 692.) In Stevens, the
    Court of Appeal concluded that workers’ interest in obtaining medical services was
    similar to that of the patients in California Consumer, but with multiple layers of review
    the risk of erroneous deprivations under the worker’s compensation system was likely
    less, and certainly not more, than under the Knox-Keene Act. (Stevens, supra, 241
    Cal.App.4th at p. 1099.) And the court concluded that government’s interest in the IMR
    The Knox-Keene Act is the Knox-Keene Health Care Service Plan Act of 1975,
    Health and Safety Code section 1340 et seq., which regulates California health
    maintenance organizations.
    process, which was “expressly and comprehensively identified by the Legislature itself
    when it established that process,” was at least as compelling as the government interest in
    “not being forced to disclose insurance documents” in California Consumer. (Ibid.)
    The court in Stevens specifically considered and rejected the argument that the
    IMR process violates due process because the reviewers are not identified and cannot be
    cross-examined. (Stevens, supra, 241 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1099-1100.) Contrary to
    Zuniga’s assertion, IMR determinations are not testimonial in character. The court in
    Stevens concluded that “[IMR] reviewers are not workers’ adversaries: they are
    statutorily authorized decision makers. We have found no authority for the proposition
    that a party has a right to cross-examine such decision makers.” (Stevens, supra, 241
    Cal.App.4th at p. 1099.)15
    As the Stevens court explained, “injured workers requesting treatment under the
    workers’ compensation system are given detailed explanations of the reasons for a denial
    or modification of their request, and they are given multiple opportunities to submit
    evidence and challenge those decisions. ‘Procedural due process is not a static concept,
    but a flexible one to be applied to the needs of the particular situation[s] . . . .’ ([Jennings
    In claiming that IMR reports are testimonial in character, Zuniga relies on
    Massachusetts Bonding & Ins. Co. v. Industrial Accident Commission (Himes) (1946) 
    74 Cal.App.2d 911
    , a case in which the Court of Appeal ruled that due process required a
    workers’ compensation applicant to be able to cross-examine physicians whose reports
    were submitted into evidence. The case is inapposite. Under the system at issue in
    Himes, the commission made determinations on medical issues on the basis of evidence
    that could include live testimony and physicians’ reports from petitioners and
    respondents, which might well conflict, and it was well-established that due process
    required that any reports filed after an open hearing be subject to cross-examination. (Id.
    at pp. 913-914, 916.) Himes held that due process likewise required that testimony and
    reports received as evidence during the hearing be subject to cross-examination. (Id. at
    pp. 915-916.) Here, in contrast, the Board does not make determinations on medical
    issues. “In no event shall a worker’s compensation administrative law judge, the appeals
    board, or any higher court make a determination of medical necessity contrary to the
    determination of the [IMR] organization.” (§ 4610.6, subd. (i).) IMR determinations can
    be reversed only on non-medical grounds (§ 4610.6, subd. (h)), which have been
    characterized as “nonsubstantive.” (Ramirez, supra, 10 Cal.App.5th at p. 213.)
    v. Jones (1985)] 165 Cal.App.3d [1083], 1090-1091.) The IMR is only one aspect of the
    process afforded to workers who request treatment, and we conclude that the process in
    its entirety provides sufficient due process protections.” (Stevens, supra, 241
    Cal.App.4th at pp. 1099-1100, fn. omitted; see also Ramirez, supra, 10 Cal.App.5th at p.
    229.) These protections include the extensive conflict-of-interest and reporting
    requirements imposed by statute on the IMR organization. (§ 139.5, subds. (c) through
    (e).) For example, neither the IMR organization, nor its officers, directors or employees,
    nor the experts it designates to conduct a review is permitted to have any material
    affiliation, whether professional, financial, or familial, with the employer, insurer, claims
    administrator, utilization review organization, employee, physician or other provider
    involved in the treatment being disputed, or the facility where the services recommended
    by any party would be provided. (§ 139.5, subd. (c)(2).) The IMR organization must
    identify its major stockholders and major bond or note holders, provide information about
    affiliated organizations (including the nature and extent of any ownership or control, and
    that affiliated organization’s type of business) and revenue sources, and provide the
    names and biographical information about the organization’s directors, officers and
    executives, including their past or present relationships with such entities as workers’
    compensation insurers and medical provider networks. (§ 139.5, subd. (d)(2).) Further,
    the IMR organization must “demonstrate that it has a quality assurance mechanism in
    place” that, among other things insures the independence of the medical experts
    designated to make IMR determinations and adequate screen for conflicts of interest.
    (§ 139.5, subd. (d)(3)(E).) And the Division must provide “upon the request of any
    interested person, a copy of all nonproprietary information, as determined by the
    administrative director, filed with it” by an IMR organization. (§ 139.5, subd. (e).)
    Zuniga mischaracterizes the IMR process as one that provides for no review, and
    does not even attempt to identify or balance the interests implicated in this case. We
    conclude that Zuniga has not demonstrated that his due process rights are violated by the
    statutory provision that the identity of IMR reviewers must remain confidential.
    The Board’s orders are affirmed. The parties are to bear their own costs.
    Miller, J.
    We concur:
    Kline, P.J.
    Stewart, J.
    Filed 1/25/18
    WORKERS’ COMPENSATION                             (WCAB No. ADJ2563341)
    TRUCKING, INC., et al.,                           FOR PUBLICATION
    The opinion in the above-entitled matter filed on January 12, 2018, was not
    certified for publication in the Official Reports. For good cause and pursuant to
    California Rules of Court, rule 8.1105, it now appears that the opinion should be
    published in the Official Reports, and it is so ordered.
    Dated: _______________________                    ________________________________
    Kline, P.J.
    Court: Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board
    WCAB Judge: Hon. Christopher Miller
    Attorneys for Petitioner                     Jonathan J. Belaga
    Lisa E.. Ivancich
    Pegnim &Ivancich
    Attorneys for Respondent                     Lisa A. Liebson
    State Compensation Insurance Fund            Mary A. Huckabaa
    Cynthia J.. Woelke
    Attorneys for Amicus Curiae                  Michael A. Marks
    California Workers’ Compensation             Law Offices of Allweiss & McMurtry
    Institute in support of Respondent           Travis E. Cochran
    Lozano Smith
    A143290, Zuniga v. Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board

Document Info

Docket Number: A143290

Filed Date: 1/25/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/25/2018