In re Baby Girl M. ( 2022 )

  • Filed 9/21/22
    In re BABY GIRL M., A Person             B311176
    Coming Under the Juvenile Court
    Law.                                     (Los Angeles County
    ___________________________________      Super. Ct. No.
    LOS ANGELES COUNTY                       20CCJP06535A)
    Plaintiff and Respondent,
    K.M., JR.,
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from orders of the Superior Court of Los Angeles
    County, D. Brett Bianco, Judge. Dismissed.
    Elena S. Min, under appointment by the Court of Appeal,
    for Defendant and Appellant.
    Rodrigo A. Castro-Silva, County Counsel, Kim Nemoy,
    Assistant County Counsel, Kimberly Roura, Senior Deputy
    County Counsel, and Stephen Watson, Deputy County Counsel,
    for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    K.M., Jr. (Father) appeals from juvenile dependency
    jurisdiction and disposition orders concerning his daughter, Baby
    Girl M. (Daughter). The jurisdiction finding was predicated on
    evidence of domestic violence between Father and J.P. (Mother),
    Daughter’s positive marijuana test at birth, and Mother’s history
    of substance abuse and recent abuse of marijuana. The juvenile
    court removed Daughter from her parents’ custody; ordered
    Daughter suitably placed; denied Mother reunification services
    pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code section 361.5,
    subdivisions (b)(10)-(11); and granted reunification services for
    Father appealed the jurisdiction findings and disposition
    order. The sole issue raised in his opening brief was whether the
    Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services
    (the Department) complied with its obligations under the Indian
    Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and related California law.
    Specifically, Father argued the juvenile court did not ask him, at
    his first appearance in the case, whether Daughter was an Indian
    child under ICWA and the Department did not follow up on
    Father’s assertion on an Indian heritage questionnaire (an
    “ICWA-20” form) that his grandmother was a member of a
    federally recognized Indian tribe. Father complained the
    Department did not contact any extended family members about
    ICWA issues and he specifically faulted the Department for not
    making an inquiry of his father and his grandmother.
    After Father filed his opening brief, the parties submitted a
    “Joint Application and Stipulation for Remand to the Superior
    Court” to this court. The Department conceded in the joint
    application that Father’s ICWA contentions were “well taken.”
    Citing In re Brooke C. (2005) 
    127 Cal.App.4th 377
    , however, the
    parties recognized some courts have held there is no need to
    reverse juvenile court orders to undertake proper ICWA inquiry
    (and, where necessary, notice) because, in the parties’ words,
    “[Daughter] is not in a permanent plan of any kind and, in
    particular, parental rights have not been terminated.” The
    parties therefore asked this court to remand the matter to the
    juvenile court—without reversing or affirming any juvenile court
    order—and to direct the juvenile court to order the Department
    to investigate Father’s assertion of Indian heritage.
    This court issued an order rejecting the parties’ joint
    stipulation for remand. The order recognized the parties’
    stipulation did not seek affirmance or reversal of the juvenile
    court order from which the appeal was noticed and instead
    sought a remand to the juvenile court with directions to order the
    Department to comply with the requirements of ICWA and
    related California law. The order invited the parties to address
    two issues in their respondent’s and reply briefs: “(1) whether
    this court may remand a matter to the juvenile court without
    affirming or reversing, even conditionally, an appealed order—
    and whether such a disposition would constitute an advisory
    opinion; and (2) whether the appeal is now moot because [the
    Department] has undertaken the ICWA investigation and, if
    necessary, notice that [the Department] stipulates is required in
    this case.”
    The Department’s respondent’s brief conceded it had not
    undertaken an appropriate ICWA inquiry at the time of the
    juvenile court’s jurisdiction and disposition orders. But the
    Department contended the appeal was moot because, in the
    interim, it was “already engaged in the further inquiry that was
    lacking in this case.” Specifically, a report filed in the juvenile
    court (of which this court took judicial notice) stated the
    Department had interviewed Father, interviewed Father’s father
    (who reported his mother, i.e., Father’s grandmother, was a
    member of the Cherokee tribe), and learned Father’s
    grandmother was deceased. The Department’s report also
    indicated the Department had contacted Cherokee tribes
    regarding the family’s ICWA status, and a minute order for a
    later juvenile court hearing indicates the court did not at that
    time find Daughter was an Indian child but ordered the parties to
    keep the court apprised of any new information, including any
    responses from the Cherokee tribes.
    The Department’s respondent’s brief maintained that if the
    matter were not dismissed as moot, this court could conditionally
    affirm the jurisdiction and disposition orders or remand the
    matter with directions even without affirming or reversing those
    orders because “a bare remand does not constitute an advisory
    Father’s reply brief emphasized the Department
    acknowledged it “failed to fulfill its further inquiry obligations as
    of the date of the disposition hearing” because it had not by then
    “made any inquiry of the paternal grandfather or any attempt to
    contact the paternal great-grandmother.” Father additionally
    disputed the appeal was moot, arguing the Department delayed
    too long “in conducting the requisite further inquiry” and the
    inquiry it did conduct was not adequate (a) because there was no
    evidence the Department interviewed other extended family
    members to see if they had additional information about Father’s
    grandmother and (b) because the Department’s reports were
    insufficiently specific about what tribes the Department
    contacted and what information it provided during those
    Two courts have recently held—in appeals from orders
    terminating parental rights—that additional ICWA-related
    inquiry or notice efforts by a juvenile court or child welfare
    agency while a case is on appeal will not moot deficiencies in an
    ICWA inquiry at the time a notice of appeal is filed. (In re E.V.
    80 Cal.App.5th 691
    ; In re M.B. (2022) 
    80 Cal.App.5th 617
    but see In re Allison B. (2022) 
    79 Cal.App.5th 214
     [appeal moot in
    light of additional ICWA investigation during pendency of the
    appeal].) Whatever the merits of these opinions, they do not
    concern the procedural posture here: an ICWA appeal at the
    jurisdiction and disposition stage where there will necessarily be
    further dependency proceedings in the juvenile court (at which
    continuing ICWA duties apply) and a basis for later appeal if for
    some reason the remedial ICWA investigation the Department is
    now undertaking falls short in Father’s view.
    Put differently, all we could order in resolving this appeal
    is that the Department and juvenile court fulfill their inquiry and
    notice obligations under ICWA and related California law.
    Because that is what the Department is already doing, and
    because we are not in a position to micromanage that process in
    this appeal (detailing, for instance, all those who must be
    interviewed, what they must be asked, and what must be
    included in any notice to tribes that is required), there is no
    effective relief we can now provide. The juvenile court must
    Father did not address the propriety of the parties’ initial
    stipulation for a remand to the juvenile court without affirming
    or reversing the order from which he appealed.
    direct that process, at least in the first instance. This appeal is
    moot.2 (See, e.g., In re N.S. (2016) 
    245 Cal.App.4th 53
    , 60 [“[T]he
    critical factor in considering whether a dependency appeal is
    moot is whether the appellate court can provide any effective
    relief if it finds reversible error”].)
    The First District Court of Appeal has analyzed the issue
    presented here in similar fashion, though affirming (apparently
    on harmlessness grounds) rather than dismissing as moot. (In re
    S.H. (2022) 
    82 Cal.App.5th 166
    , 177-180.) The Fourth District
    Court of Appeal has also affirmed in a case in an analogous
    procedural posture, though that court concluded it should vacate
    the juvenile court’s finding that ICWA did not apply. (In re
    Dominick D. (Aug. 23, 2022, E078370) ___ Cal.App.5th ___ [
    2022 WL 3592461
    ].) We see no need to order any ICWA findings
    vacated because ICWA-related obligations are continuing duties;
    that means earlier ICWA-related findings are subject to change
    and no order vacating an earlier finding is necessary here.
    The appeal is dismissed.
    BAKER, J.
    We concur:
    RUBIN, P. J.
    MOOR, J.

Document Info

Docket Number: B311176

Filed Date: 9/21/2022

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/21/2022