People v. Allen , 6 Cal. App. 5th 1 ( 2016 )

  • Filed 11/28/16
    THE PEOPLE,                                                        C079143
    Plaintiff and Respondent,                (Super. Ct. Nos. 12F3775,
    12F4776, 13F0299, 13F0555,
    v.                                               13F4134, 14F0854, 14F2329)
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Shasta County, James
    Ruggiero, Judge. (Retired judge of the Super. Ct., assigned by the Chief Justice pursuant
    to art. VI, § 6 of the Cal. Const.) Affirmed.
    Steven S. Lubliner, under appointment by the Court of Appeal, for Defendant and
    Kamala D. Harris, Attorney General, Gerald A. Engler, Chief Assistant Attorney
    General, Michael P. Farrell, Assistant Attorney General, Michael A. Canzoneri and Paton
    Bowers, Deputy Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    A jury found defendant James David Allen guilty of escape for leaving his
    mother’s house, which was his assigned place of confinement under an alternative
    custody agreement. In challenging his escape conviction, defendant contends there was
    no substantial evidence that his failure to return to his mother’s house was willful.
    Defendant’s contention lacks merit. Accordingly, we affirm.
    As part of a previous felony conviction, defendant agreed to comply with a GPS
    monitoring inmate agreement. Defendant’s assigned place of confinement was his
    mother’s house. To comply with his curfew under the agreement, defendant had to be at
    his mother’s house between 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. The Shasta County Sheriff’s
    Department monitored him through an ankle monitor with a global positioning system
    that he had the responsibility to wear and recharge every day. Defendant was advised
    that if he had any problems returning to his place of confinement, he should notify
    alternative custody staff by phone or in person as soon as possible.
    Defendant was last at his place of confinement on April 6, 2014 at 2:36 a.m. At
    some point before that, defendant got into an argument with his mother. They argued
    over defendant not cleaning after himself, leaving dishes in the sink, and leaving
    paperwork lying around. Defendant’s mother told him that if he did not like her rules, he
    should leave. In response, defendant left. Defendant’s mother locked him out after he
    left. He never returned to the property or contacted alternative custody staff about his
    situation. He was later arrested for borrowing a car and failing to return it.
    The jury found defendant guilty of escape. Defendant timely appealed.
    Defendant challenges the sufficiency of evidence to support his escape conviction.
    Specifically, defendant contends the evidence of his absence from his place of
    confinement was insufficient to show that he willfully failed to return to his home
    confinement. We disagree and affirm.
    The standards for evaluating the sufficiency of the evidence are well established:
    “To assess the evidence’s sufficiency, we review the whole record to determine whether
    any rational trier of fact could have found the essential elements of the crime or special
    circumstances beyond a reasonable doubt. [Citation.] The record must disclose
    substantial evidence to support the verdict -- i.e., evidence that is reasonable, credible,
    and of solid value -- such that a reasonable trier of fact could find the defendant guilty
    beyond a reasonable doubt. [Citation.] In applying this test, we review the evidence in
    the light most favorable to the prosecution and presume in support of the judgment the
    existence of every fact the jury could reasonably have deduced from the evidence.”
    (People v. Zamudio (2008) 
    43 Cal. 4th 327
    , 357.)
    Penal Code1 section 4532, subdivision (b)(1), provides in pertinent part as follows:
    “Every prisoner . . . [who] is a participant in a home detention program pursuant to
    Section 1203.016 . . . who escapes . . . from the place of confinement in a home detention
    program pursuant to Section 1203.016, is guilty of a felony.”
    “An escape is an unlawful departure from the limits of an inmate’s custody.”
    (People v. Gallegos (1974) 
    39 Cal. App. 3d 512
    , 515.) “[S]pecific intent to escape is not
    required.” (Yost v. Superior Court (1975) 
    52 Cal. App. 3d 289
    , 293.) Subdivision (e) of
    section 4532 also provides that “[t]he willful failure of a prisoner . . . to return to his or
    her place of confinement no later than the expiration of the period that he or she was
    authorized to be away from that place of confinement, is an escape from that place of
    Under the limits of defendant’s custody agreement, he was required to be at his
    mother’s house between 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Thus, a reasonable jury could have
    1      All further section references are to the Penal Code.
    found that when defendant voluntarily left his mother’s house at 2:36 a.m., he unlawfully
    departed from the limits of his lawful custody and thereby committed an escape.
    Defendant’s contention that he did not commit an escape because he did not
    willfully fail to return to his place of confinement is a red herring. His failure to return
    after he unlawfully left is simply irrelevant; the escape was complete when he walked out
    of his mother’s house. Furthermore, defendant’s claim that he did not willfully fail to
    return to his mother’s house because she “insisted that he leave” and thereby “evicted”
    him from his place of confinement is based on a flagrant mischaracterization of the
    record. Defendant’s mother testified that she gave him the option to stay if he complied
    with her rules. Defendant chose to leave rather than clean up after himself. Under these
    circumstances, the jury was entitled to find that his voluntary departure constituted an
    escape from his home confinement under the basic meaning of the term “escape,”
    regardless of the fact that his mother locked the door after he left.
    For the foregoing reasons, there is no merit to defendant’s challenge to his escape
    The judgment is affirmed.
    Robie, J.
    We concur:
    Nicholson, Acting P. J.
    Duarte, J.

Document Info

Docket Number: C079143

Citation Numbers: 6 Cal. App. 5th 1

Filed Date: 11/28/2016

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023