Dent v. Wolf ( 2017 )

  • Filed 9/12/17
    SUSAN DENT,                         B278951
    Plaintiff and Appellant,     (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. BF052146)
    Special Administrator, etc.,
    Defendant and
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County, Shelley Kaufman, Judge. Reversed.
    O’Melveny & Myers, Mark A. Samuels; and Bradley N.
    Garcia for Plaintiff and Appellant.
    Kenneth S. Wolf, in pro. per., for Defendant and
    After concluding that appellant Susan Dent lacked
    standing, the trial court dismissed her paternity lawsuit. The
    narrow issue on appeal is whether a child who seeks a
    declaration of paternity after her putative father is deceased
    presents a justiciable controversy when the child requests no
    financial remuneration. We conclude that Dent has standing to
    pursue her paternity lawsuit and reverse the dismissal.
    On December 23, 2014, then 69-year-old Susan Dent filed a
    petition to establish parental relationship under Family Code
    section 7630.1 She named the executor of her putative father’s
    estate as respondent, and by the parties’ joint stipulation, the
    executor was later replaced by a special administrator
    (administrator). It is undisputed that Dent’s putative father died
    testate in 1985, and final judgment on his estate was entered in
    Administrator moved to dismiss Dent’s paternity petition
    “on the ground that the Petition presents no justi[c]iable
    controversy as it seeks only an Order determining paternity with
    no request for any relief or payments of any kind.” Administrator
    argued that Dent “does not stand to suffer any degree of injury in
    this matter, and only seeks to invoke the judicial process for
    apparently personal reasons. As a result, there is no actual
    controversy to be determined by this Court.” In response, Dent
    acknowledged that she was “not seeking any support or other
    financial relief.” Nor was “she seeking any distribution or other
    interest in the [putative father’s] Estate.” Instead she sought a
    declaration of paternity for reasons other than financial ones.
    1     Undesignated statutory citations are to the Family Code
    unless otherwise specified.
    The trial court dismissed Dent’s petition. The court
    explained: “Here, Petitioner is not a young child whose social
    and emotional strength and stability are at issue. The probate
    estate is closed precluding any financial interest in the deceased’s
    estate. Petitioner does not have a social relationship to maintain
    or create. The object of the paternity laws to protect a child’s
    well-being is not achieved by this suit. As her stated father has
    long since died, he cannot accept or contest the claim of
    paternity.” This appeal followed.
    In 1975, California adopted portions of the 1973 Uniform
    Parentage Act. (Johnson v. Calvert (1993) 
    5 Cal. 4th 84
    , 88.)
    “The legislation’s purpose was to eliminate the legal distinction
    between legitimate and illegitimate children.” (Ibid.) Under the
    act, “ ‘[t]he parent and child relationship extends equally to every
    child and to every parent, regardless of the marital status of the
    parents.’ [Citation.] The ‘parent and child relationship’ is thus a
    legal relationship encompassing two kinds of parents, ‘natural’
    and ‘adoptive.’ ” (Id. at p. 89.) “ ‘The [California] Uniform
    Parentage Act (UPA), Family Code section 7600 et seq., provides
    the statutory framework for judicial determinations of parentage,
    and governs private adoptions, paternity and custody disputes,
    and dependency proceedings.’ ” (In re D.A. (2012) 
    204 Cal. App. 4th 811
    , 824.)
    Section 7601, subdivision (b) explains: “ ‘Parent and child
    relationship’ . . . means the legal relationship existing between a
    child and the child’s natural or adoptive parents incident to
    which the law confers or imposes rights, privileges, duties, and
    obligations.” “ ‘[T]he establishment of the parent-child
    relationship is the most fundamental right a child possesses to be
    equated in importance with personal liberty and the most basic of
    constitutional rights.’ ” (County of Shasta v. Caruthers (1995) 
    31 Cal. App. 4th 1838
    , 1849.)
    With that background, we now turn to the basis for the
    appeal—to determine whether Dent had standing to bring her
    paternity petition. “ ‘Standing’ is a party’s right to make a legal
    claim and is a threshold issue to be resolved before reaching the
    merits of an action.” (Said v. Jegan (2007) 
    146 Cal. App. 4th 1375
    1382 [applying standing requirements under § 7630].) In the
    context of a paternity action, section 7360 identifies those with
    standing to pursue such a claim.2 (Michael M. v. Giovanna F.
    5 Cal. App. 4th 1272
    , 1278 [former Civ. Code, § 7006, the
    predecessor to Fam. Code, § 7360, governs standing to have
    paternity declared]; see Lisa I. v. Superior Court (2005) 
    133 Cal. App. 4th 605
    , 612 [“Section 7630, part of the Uniform
    Parentage Act, lists those persons who have standing to file an
    action to determine paternity.”]; see also J.R. v. D.P. (2012) 
    212 Cal. App. 4th 374
    , 384 [applying § 7630 to determine standing].)
    Under section 7630, subdivision (c) “an action to determine the
    existence of the parent and child relationship may be brought by
    the child.” Thus, California law expressly affords Dent—as a
    child—standing to bring a paternity suit. Section 7630 contains
    no conditional requirement that the child express a pecuniary
    interest as a condition of the paternity suit. Nor does it contain
    an age limitation.
    Administrator largely ignores the express permission in
    section 7630 for a child to pursue a paternity petition. Instead
    administrator argues that Dent’s paternity suit “presented no
    2    Code of Civil Procedure section 377.60 similarly identifies
    persons with standing to bring a wrongful death action.
    actual controversy and was therefore not justiciable.”
    (Underscoring omitted.) This argument lacks merit; Dent’s
    lawsuit presented an actual controversy—i.e. whether a parent-
    child relationship existed.
    The purpose of a paternity suit—to determine the
    relationship between a parent and child—is achieved by Dent’s
    lawsuit. “[T]he establishment of the parent-child relationship is
    the most fundamental right a child possesses . . . .” (Ernest P. v.
    Superior Court (1980) 
    111 Cal. App. 3d 234
    , 237; see Ruddock v.
    Ohls (1979) 
    91 Cal. App. 3d 271
    , 277-278 [“In contrast to
    enforcement of a child’s right of a present or past support
    obligation, the establishment of the parent-child relationship is
    the most fundamental right a child possesses to be equated in
    importance with personal liberty and the most basic of
    constitutional rights.”].) Moreover, a paternity action “cannot
    properly be characterized as a ‘claim for damages, money or other
    property.’ ” (Ernest 
    P., supra
    , at p. 237.) “[A] child’s right to
    support, once paternity is established, may constitute such a
    claim.” (Ibid.) These principles ineluctably lead to the conclusion
    that Dent has a personal stake in the outcome of the paternity
    action, i.e. the accurate identification of her father and other
    collateral benefits such as the ability to amend her birth
    certificate and to develop a relationship with family members.
    (See § 7639 [permitting modification of a birth certificate
    following a parentage action].) The interest in identifying her
    father is independent of a claim for financial remuneration,
    affords her standing, and demonstrates a justiciable controversy.
    Wilson & Wilson v. City Council of Redwood City (2011) 
    191 Cal. App. 4th 1559
    (Wilson)—upon which the administrator
    heavily relies—does not suggest a different result. Wilson
    explains general principles of justiciable controversies as follows:
    Justiciability “ ‘involves the intertwined criteria of ripeness and
    standing. A controversy is “ripe” when it has reached, but has
    not passed, the point that the facts have sufficiently congealed to
    permit an intelligent and useful decision to be made.’ [Citation]
    But ‘ripeness is not a static state’ [citation], and a case that
    presents a true controversy at its inception becomes moot ‘ “if
    before decision it has, through act of the parties or other cause,
    occurring after the commencement of the action, lost that
    essential character” ’ [citation].” (Id. at p. 1573.) In Wilson, the
    court held that the substantial completion of a project rendered
    moot a resolution approving the redevelopment project. (Id. at
    pp. 1575-1576.)
    The principles explained in Wilson support the conclusion
    that Dent has standing to sue for paternity. Dent does not seek
    an advisory opinion of parentage but seeks an actual
    determination of her parent-child relationship—an issue upon
    which the court can grant her effective relief. Dent’s injury arises
    from the absence of an established parent-child relationship, not
    from the absence of child support or other payments from her
    putative father or his estate.3 The issue is not moot because it
    3      Administrator makes other arguments—such as whether
    he is a proper party and whether the estate has an interest in the
    litigation. Those arguments—which differ from standing—are
    based on unsupported assertions. We do not consider them
    because (1) the only ground for dismissal was standing, (2)
    administrator’s factual assertions are not supported by the
    record, and (3) administrator fails to provide legal authority in
    support of his position. We note that Dent has not sued any
    alleged relatives of her putative father’s such as in William M. v.
    Superior Court (1990) 
    225 Cal. App. 3d 447
    , 453-454. Nor has she
    was never adjudicated, and although her putative father’s death
    forecloses his companionship, that is but one reason for a
    paternity suit. Moreover, Wilson does not address standing in
    the context of a statute expressly delineating persons who can
    bring a particular lawsuit, and as noted administrator ignores
    the express language of section 7630.
    The dismissal of Susan Dent’s paternity lawsuit is
    reversed. Appellant is entitled to costs on appeal.
    FLIER, J.
    RUBIN, Acting P. J.
    GRIMES, J.
    requested any of her putative father’s family members undergo
    DNA testing as in Estate of Sanders (1992) 
    2 Cal. App. 4th 462
    468-469. Further, administrator relied only on standing, not on a
    statute of limitations as in the Texas case denying a 57-year-old
    child the right to establish the identity of her deceased putative
    father. (In re Sicko (Tex.Ct.App. 1995) 
    900 S.W.2d 863
    , 867.)

Document Info

Docket Number: B278951

Filed Date: 9/12/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/12/2017