O'Grady v. Merchant Exchange Productions, Inc. ( 2019 )

  • Filed 10/31/19
    Plaintiff and Appellant,
    MERCHANT EXCHANGE                                   (San Francisco County Super.
    PRODUCTIONS, INC.,                                   Ct. No. CGC-15-547796)
    Defendant and Respondent.
    An employer is in the business of providing a banquet facility at which food and
    beverages are served. The employer adds a mandatory, and substantial, “service charge”
    to the contract for every banquet. The employer distributes some of the service charge to
    managerial employees who do not serve food and beverages at the banquet. An
    employee filed a putative class action to force the employer to treat the service charge as
    a gratuity and distribute all of it to employees who do serve food and beverages at the
    banquet. The employer took the position that two Court of Appeal opinions hold, as a
    matter of law under stare decisis, that a service charge can never be a gratuity. The trial
    court agreed, and sustained the employer’s general demurrer without leave to amend.
    The issue presented here is whether the “service charge” may be a “gratuity” that
    Labor Code section 3511 requires to go only to the non-managerial employees involved
    with the actual serving of the food and beverages. We conclude there is no categorical
    prohibition why what is called a service charge cannot also meet the statutory definition
    of a gratuity, and thus we reverse.
    Statutory references are to the Labor Code unless otherwise indicated.
    Plaintiff Lauren O’Grady describes herself in her complaint as “a banquet server
    and bartender at the Julia Morgan Ballroom” in San Francisco that is owned and operated
    by defendant Merchant Exchange Productions, Inc. Plaintiff brought this putative class
    action for herself “and on behalf of all others similarly situated, namely all other non-
    managerial food and beverage banquet service employees who have worked at the Julia
    Morgan Ballroom.”
    The object of the action was defendant’s practice of automatically imposing a 21
    percent “service charge” to every food and beverage banquet bill. According to plaintiff,
    part of the monies collected as service charges are kept by defendant, with the rest
    distributed by defendant to “managers and other non-service employees.” Plaintiff
    alleged that the service charge constituted a gratuity, but defendant has “failed to
    distribute the total proceeds of [these] gratuities to non-managerial banquet service
    employees” as required by California law, and thus defendant’s practice “violates”
    section 351.
    The totality of plaintiff’s factual allegations (omitting only paragraph numbers)
    read as follows: “At the Julia Morgan Ballroom, Defendant has routinely added a 21%
    service charge to its food and beverage banquet bills. [¶] These service charges have
    been in the form of automatic charges which customers are required to pay, and which
    reasonably appear to be gratuities for the service staff. [¶] It is typical and customary in
    the hospitality industry that establishments impose gratuity charges in the range of 18-
    22% of the food and beverage bill. [¶] Thus, when customers have paid these charges, it
    is reasonable for them to have believed they were gratuities to be paid to the service staff.
    [¶] Indeed, because of the way these charges are depicted to customers, and the custom
    in the food and beverage industry that gratuities in the range of 18-22% are paid for food
    and beverage service, customers have paid these charges reasonably believing they were
    to be remitted to the service staff. [¶] However, the defendant has not remitted the total
    proceeds of these gratuities to the non-managerial employees who serve the food and
    beverages. [¶] Instead, the defendant has had a policy and practice of retaining for itself
    a portion of these gratuities and/or using a portion of these gratuities to pay managers or
    other non-service employees.”
    Defendant’s service charge practice was alleged to support the following causes of
    “COUNT I
    “Statutory Gratuity Violation
    “Defendant’s conduct, as set forth above, in failing to remit to non-managerial
    banquet service employees the total proceeds of gratuities added to banquet customers’
    bills constitutes a violation of California Labor Code § 351. This violation is enforceable
    pursuant to the California Unfair Competition Law, Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200 et
    seq (UCL). Defendant’s conduct constitutes unlawful, unfair, or fraudulent business acts
    or practices in that Defendant has violated California Labor Code § 351 in not remitting
    to the non-managerial service employees the total gratuities that are charged to
    customers. As a result of Defendant’s conduct, Plaintiff and class members suffered
    injury in fact and lost money and property, including the loss of gratuities to which they
    were entitled. Pursuant to California Business and Professions Code § 17203, Plaintiff
    and class members seek declaratory and injunctive relief . . . and to recover
    restitution. . . .[2]
    “Intentional Interference with Advantageous Relations
    “The Defendant’s conduct as set forth above in failing to remit the total proceeds
    of gratuities added to banquet bills to non-managerial service employees who have
    In a separate section of the complaint headed “CLASS ACTION
    ALLEGATIONS,” plaintiff alleges that “Plaintiff and class members have been deprived
    of gratuities that were not remitted to them.” There follows a number of “questions of
    law and facts common to the class” that continue to use the word “gratuity” instead of
    “service charge.” Defendant does not dispute that plaintiff has standing to prosecute this
    action under the UCL, even though section 351 does not provide for a private cause of
    action. (See Lu v. Hawaiian Gardens Casino, Inc. (2010) 
    50 Cal. 4th 592
    , 598; Matoff v.
    Brinker Restaurant Corp. (C.D. Cal. 2006) 
    439 F. Supp. 2d 1035
    , 1037–1038.)
    worked in the defendant’s banquet department constitutes unlawful intentional
    interference with the advantageous relationships that exist between these employees and
    the defendant’s customers under state law.
    “Breach of Implied Contract
    “The Defendant’s conduct as set forth above constitutes breach of implied contract
    under state law. The defendant has breached an implied contract with its customers that
    the employees would receive the proceeds of the gratuities, for which the service
    employees are third party beneficiaries.
    “Unjust Enrichment
    “The Defendant’s conduct as set forth above constitutes unjust enrichment under
    state common law.”
    As noted, defendant interposed a general demurrer, and explained its objection to
    each of plaintiff’s causes of action as follows: By reason of Searle v. Wyndham Internat.,
    Inc. (2002) 
    102 Cal. App. 4th 1327
    (Searle) and Garcia v. Four Points Sheraton LAX
    188 Cal. App. 4th 364
    (Garcia), “Plaintiff fails to state a [cause of action] because
    a mandatory service charge which is automatically added to a customer’s bill and which a
    customer is required to pay, is not a gratuity as a matter of law.” (Italics added.)
    Defendant elaborated: “Simply put, each of the four causes of action in the Complaint is
    predicated on a claim that is contrary to California law—specifically that the mandatory
    service charges Defendant adds to customers’ bills are gratuities that must be distributed
    to its servers. But, as a matter of settled California law, mandatory service charges, such
    as those alleged to have been charged by Defendant, are not gratuities, and thus need not
    be disseminated to employees as required for tips and other gratuities. [Citations.]
    Accordingly, none of the causes in the Complaint states facts sufficient to constitute a
    valid cause of action. . . . Further, because the critical flaw in Plaintiff’s Complaint
    cannot be cured by amendment, Defendant submits that the Complaint must be dismissed
    without leave to amend.” (Fns. omitted.)
    The trial court heard argument on whether Searle and Garcia—identified by the
    demurrer as the “settled California law”—did indeed foreclose liability. Concluding “I
    have no choice but to follow Garcia and Searle,” the court determined defendant was not
    violating section 351. Accepting defendant’s argument that the alleged statutory
    violation was the predicate for each of plaintiff’s causes of action, the trial court
    sustained defendant’s general demurrer to the entire complaint. Plaintiff appeals from
    that ruling.3
    In our original opinion, which was not certified for publication, we reversed.
    Defendant filed a petition for rehearing, raising a number of points. We also received a
    letter from the Labor Commissioner advising that the issue of whether a service charge
    may be deemed a gratuity for purposes of section 351 is a matter of “significant
    importance to service workers” and “continuing public interest,” warranting publication
    of the opinion. We granted rehearing to examine the issue more fully.
    Although plaintiff purports to appeal from a “judgment of dismissal after an
    order sustaining a dismissal,” the record and the register of actions establish that only the
    order sustaining the demurrer was ever filed or entered. That order is not itself
    appealable (I. J. Weinrot & Son, Inc. v. Jackson (1985) 
    40 Cal. 3d 327
    , 331), but it may be
    reviewed on appeal from an ensuing judgment or order of dismissal. (Code Civ. Proc.,
    § 906; Jennings v. Marralle (1994) 
    8 Cal. 4th 121
    , 128.) Nevertheless, “[t]he fact that no
    judgment of dismissal was entered on the order sustaining the demurrer does not present
    an insurmountable obstacle to the appeal.” (Shepardson v. McLellan (1963) 
    59 Cal. 2d 83
    , 88.) It would be inefficient to dismiss the appeal, order the trial court to enter a
    judgment of dismissal on the sustained demurrer, and then permit a subsequent appeal
    from the dismissal. (Ibid.) Instead, as the parties treat the order as a judgment and the
    appeal as properly before us, we “deem[] the order sustaining the demurrer to incorporate
    a judgment of dismissal and interpret[] plaintiff’s notice of appeal as applying to such
    dismissal.” (Federer v. County of Sacramento (1983) 
    141 Cal. App. 3d 184
    , 185, citing
    this court’s decision in Bellah v. Greenson (1978) 
    81 Cal. App. 3d 614
    ; cf. Estate of Dito
    198 Cal. App. 4th 791
    , 799–800 [“[W]here it is clear the court intended to entirely
    dispose of the action, we are empowered to amend the order to make it an appealable
    judgment of dismissal”].)
    Standard Of Review
    The scope of review for a general demurrer sustained without leave to amend is
    governed by established principles: Our review is de novo. We accept as true, and
    liberally construe, all properly pleaded allegations of material fact, as well those facts
    which may be implied or reasonably inferred from those allegations. (Guerrero v.
    Superior Court (2013) 
    213 Cal. App. 4th 912
    , 925.) Because such factual allegations
    “however odd or improbable” (Potter v. Arizona So. Coach Lines, Inc. (1988) 
    202 Cal. App. 3d 126
    , 130–131) are to be accepted, “ ‘ “the question of plaintiff’s ability to
    prove these allegations, or the possible difficulty in making such proof does not concern
    the reviewing court.” ’ ” (Quelimane v. Stewart Title Guaranty Co. (1998) 
    19 Cal. 4th 26
    47.) “[A]ny particular count which is well pleaded will not be affected by defects in a
    separate cause of action, so long as inconsistent or antagonistic facts are not pled.”
    (Longshore v. County of Ventura (1979) 
    25 Cal. 3d 14
    , 21–22.)
    On the other hand, we do not accept contentions, deductions, or conclusions of
    fact or law. (Strawn v. Morris, Polich & Purdy, LLP (2019) 30 Cal.App.5th 1087, 1094.)
    Similarly, although we permit some latitude to “ ‘the accuracy with which [the plaintiff]
    describes the defendant’s conduct’ ” (Quelimane v. Stewart Title Guaranty 
    Co., supra
    19 Cal. 4th 26
    , 47), we are not bound to respect a pleader’s “legal characterization” of
    events or transactions. (Morris v. Redwood Empire Bancorp (2005) 
    128 Cal. App. 4th 1305
    , 1314.) Our sole consideration is an issue of law—whether the plaintiff’s complaint
    is sufficient “to state a cause of action under any legal theory.” (King v. CompPartners,
    Inc. (2018) 5 Cal.5th 1039, 1050; Lee v. Hanley (2015) 
    61 Cal. 4th 1225
    , 1230.) Stated
    another way, the complaint “survives a general demurrer insofar as its states, however
    inartfully, facts disclosing some right to relief.” (Longshore v. County of 
    Ventura, supra
    25 Cal. 3d 14
    , 22; see Frances T. v. Village Green Owners Assn. (1986) 
    42 Cal. 3d 490
    496, fn. 2 [“ ‘plaintiff need only plead facts showing that [she] may be entitled to some
    relief’ ”].)
    The Nature Of “Gratuity” Under Section 351
    “Gratuity” is statutorily defined to “ include[] any tip, gratuity, money, or part
    thereof that has been paid or given to or left for an employee by a patron of a business
    over and above the actual amount due the business for services rendered or for goods,
    food, drink, or articles sold or served to the patron.” (§ 350, subd. (e).)
    Section 351 provides: “No employer or agent[4] shall collect, take, or receive any
    gratuity or a part thereof that is paid, given to, or left for an employee by a patron, or
    deduct any amount from wages due an employee on account of a gratuity, or require an
    employee to credit the amount, or any part thereof, of a gratuity against and as a part of
    the wages due the employee from the employer. Every gratuity is hereby declared to be
    the sole property of the employee or employees to whom it was paid, given, or left for.
    An employer that permits patrons to pay gratuities by credit card shall pay the employees
    the full amount of the gratuity that the patron indicated on the credit card slip, without
    any deductions for any credit card payment processing fees or costs that may be charged
    to the employer by the credit card company. Payment of gratuities made by patrons using
    credit cards shall be made to the employees not later than the next regular payday
    following the date the patron authorized the credit card payment.”
    “ ‘Agent’ means every person other than the employer having the authority to
    hire or discharge any employee or supervise, direct, or control the acts of employees.”
    (§ 350, subd. (d).) It is clear from the tip pool decisions (see fn. 6, post), that an
    employer who establishes a gratuity pool cannot require, or allow, that any portion of it
    go to persons who qualify as the employer’s agent. (Jameson v. Five Feet Restaurant,
    Inc. (2003) 
    107 Cal. App. 4th 138
    , 143–145; accord, Budrow v. Dave & Buster’s of
    California, Inc. (2009) 
    171 Cal. App. 4th 875
    , 878 [“Section 351 would be violated if
    management collected any part of the tip”].) However, an employee who also qualifies
    as an agent can keep tips left specifically for that employee by a customer. (See Chau v.
    Starbucks Corp. (2009) 
    174 Cal. App. 4th 688
    , 698 [“The code section does not provide
    that merely because an employee falls within the definition of an ‘agent’. . . , an employer
    must bar that employee from retaining a tip that was given to him by a customer for
    services provided to the customer. . . . Under this provision, an employer must permit
    and employee (without regard to the employee’s status) to keep a tip ‘paid given to or left
    for’ that employee by a customer”].)
    “The Legislature wanted to protect employees from employers who used their
    positions to unfairly command a share of the employee’s tip.” (Chau v. Starbucks 
    Corp., supra
    174 Cal. App. 4th 692
    , 696, 699 [“section 351 was enacted to prevent an employer
    from pressuring an employee to give the employer tips left for the employee”].) The
    purpose of section 351 is to prevent employers from using any gratuity-related practice
    which reduces an employee’s wages, or appropriates monies belonging to employees,
    practices which are condemned as a “fraud upon the public.” (§ 356; see Henning v.
    Industrial Welfare Com. (1988) 
    46 Cal. 3d 1262
    , 1274; 
    Searle, supra
    102 Cal. App. 4th 1327
    , 1332.) The language of section 351 in several ways reflects the Legislature’s
    insistence that a gratuity is indivisible, inalienable and “the sole property of the employee
    or employees to whom it was paid, given, or left for.” Even in our increasingly cashless
    society, an employer is commanded to “pay the employees the full amount of the gratuity
    that the patron indicated on the credit card slip.” (§ 351.)
    The Indefinite Nature of a “Service Charge”
    The terms “tip,” “gratuity,” and “service charge” are commonly used as if they are
    interchangeable synonyms. (E.g., Cal. Code Regs., tit. 18, § 1603(h).) Many other states
    expressly use them all in measures that serve the same function as section 351.5
    However, investigation demonstrates that “service charge” is a protean term of no fixed
    Black’s defines service charge as “A charge assessed for performing a service.”
    (Black’s Law Dict. (10th ed. 2014) p. 1576, col. 2.) This tautological imprecision is
    hardly helpful, but it is representative. (See, e.g., Oxford Eng. Dict. “service charge”
    See, e.g., In re Alleged Labor Law Violation of Chafoulias Mgmt. Co.
    (Minn.Ct.App. 1997) 
    572 N.W.2d 326
    [statute and explanatory regulation]; Tenn. Code
    Ann., § 50-2-107. Hawaii has a statute unequivocally declaring that a service charge by
    “[a]ny hotel or restaurant . . . for the sale of food or beverage services” is “tip income”
    which shall be distributed “directly to its employees” unless the establishment has
    “clearly disclose[d] to the purchaser of the services that the service charge is being used
    to pay for costs or expenses other than wages and tips of employees.” (Hawaii Rev. Stat.
    § 481B-14, construed in Davis v. Four Seasons Hotel Ltd. (Hawaii 2010) 
    228 P.3d 303
    OED Online, Oxford University Press (June 2017) [www.oed.com/viewEntry 176678 [as
    of Oct. 29, 2019] (OED) [“a charge made . . . for services rendered”]; Webster’s 10th
    Collegiate Dict. (1993) p. 1067, col. 2 [“a fee charged for a particular service”].) Viewed
    in isolation, “service charge” is an amorphous, shapeless concept. It only assumes
    meaning from the surrounding context.
    For example, in the context of retail installment contracts, it commonly means
    interest on an unpaid installment (Dickey v. Bank of Clarksdale (Miss. 1938) 
    184 So. 314
    ; TruServ Corp. v. Morgan’s Tool & Supply Co., Inc. (Pa. 2012) 
    39 A.3d 253
    Michigan Pipe & Valve-Lansing, Inc. v. Hebeler Enterprises, Inc. (Mich.App. 2011) 
    808 N.W.2d 323
    ; Kenworthy v. Bolin (Wash.App. 1977) 
    564 P.2d 835
    ); but if interest is
    stated separately, it can be viewed as a late fee. (Roy A. Miller & Sons, Inc. v. Industrial
    Hardwoods Corp. (Ind.App. 2002) 775 N.E.2d. 1168.) In this context, the service charge
    would appear to be a cost for delayed payment of the debt principal.
    In the context of public utilities, a service charge is a fee charged for commencing,
    maintaining, or discontinuing gas, electricity, water, etc. (Gov. Code, § 54346.2;
    Brooktrails Township Community Services Dist. v. Board of Supervisors of Mendocino
    County (2013) 
    218 Cal. App. 4th 195
    ; Craig v. City of Macon (Mo. 1976) 
    543 S.W.2d 772
    ; Mountain Cable Co. v. Department of Taxes (Vt. 1998) 
    721 A.2d 507
    ; Roanoke v.
    Fisher (Va. 1952) 
    70 S.E.2d 274
    ; cf. Gov. Code, § 53056 [regulating amount of service
    charge by cable television system]; In re Vista Marketing Group Ltd. (Bankr. N.D. Ill.
    557 B.R. 630
    .) In this context, the service charge would appear to represent a
    labor cost.
    California pays particular attention to use of service charges to evade statutory
    commands or duties. For example, “ ‘ “A lender is not prohibited from charging an extra
    and reasonable amount for incidental services, expenses or risk additional to the lawful
    interest other than for the loan of money. He may make a reasonable charge for
    investigating, arranging, negotiating, brokering, making, servicing, collecting and
    enforcing his obligation,” ’ ” so long as the “service charge” is not a subterfuge for
    evading usury limits. (Forte v. Nolfi (1972) 
    25 Cal. App. 3d 656
    , 681, quoting Klett v.
    Security Acceptance Co. (1952) 
    38 Cal. 2d 770
    , 787.) An insurer is allowed similar
    latitude so long as it is not using a service charge to inflate the premium. (Troyk v.
    Farmers Group, Inc. (2009) 
    171 Cal. App. 4th 1305
    , 1324–1325.) And every credit card
    company and retailer “who fails to correct a billing error” within the statutory period
    “shall not be entitled to . . . any interest, finance charges, service charges, or other
    charges.” (Civ. Code, §§ 1747.50, subd. (b) [credit card issuer], 1747.60, subd. (b)
    In short, simply calling something a “service charge” hardly ever explains what it
    is—or why it is being imposed.
    A decade ago, this court considered the scope of a municipal hotel occupancy
    statute that taxed the services and accommodations accompanying the use and possession
    of the hotel room. We noted: “Just what qualifies as ‘services’ within the hotel context
    does not appear to have ever been addressed in a reported California decision. Food and
    drink would obviously appear to be included, were it not for specific exemptions under
    state law. [Citations.] Beyond that, however, ‘services’ would appear to be that vast
    residuum of amenities offered or made available to guests, limited only by the
    imagination—or the nerve—of hoteliers to charge extra. Use of a barber or hairdresser
    would likely qualify, as would a spa or gym facilities. So too the provision of business-
    related needs such as conference rooms, stenographic/copying resources, specialized
    communication equipment, or Wi–Fi access.” (Batt v. City and County of San Francisco
    184 Cal. App. 4th 163
    , 173.) If the concept of taxable “services” can be this broad,
    the potential scope for “charges” on those services would logically be equally
    Thus, depending upon how one chooses to read section 350, a mandatory service
    charge could be seen as either a sum paid by the customer “over and above the actual
    amount due . . . for . . . food [and] drink . . . sold . . . to the patron,” or included in “the
    actual amount due . . . for . . . services rendered . . . for . . . food [and] drink . . . served to
    the patron.” (§ 350, subd. (e).)6
    Given that the context here also involves the provision of food and drink, the
    restaurant tip pool decisions are an obvious point of reference,7 one to which we shall
    return. At this point it is appropriate to consider the two decisions deemed controlling by
    the trial court, both of which involved tipping, compulsion, and service charges.
    Searle And Garcia
    As previously noted, the trial court believed “I have no choice but to follow
    Garcia and Searle,” and thus those decisions put plaintiff out of court. Given this
    perceived importance, the decisions warrant close examination.
    In Searle, a San Diego hotel imposed a service charge of 17 percent to every room
    service order. The bill presented with each room service order set out the amount of the
    order itself, the 17 percent service charge, a three dollar “room delivery charge,” and had
    “a blank line for a tip or gratuity.” Searle, who had spent a night at the hotel, alleged that
    the hotel’s room service billing practice was deceptive “because guests are not advised
    the service charge is in fact a gratuity paid to the server. Searle also contends the service
    This may reflect the malleable nature of what constitutes a service charge. In
    this connection we note that the full definition of service charge in the Oxford English
    Dictionary adopts the first approach—“a charge made (additional to that for the food,
    etc.) for services rendered, esp. for serviced in a hotel or restaurant.” (OED,
    [www.oed.com/viewEntry 176678 [as of Oct. 29, 2019], italics added.)
    Commencing with Leighton v. Old Heidelberg, Ltd. (1990) 
    219 Cal. App. 3d 1062
    , 1068, the validity of restaurant and food provider gratuities being pooled and then
    distributed them among employees, was addressed in Jameson v. Five Feet Restaurant,
    Inc., supra
    107 Cal. App. 4th 138
    , Budrow v. Dave & Buster’s of California, 
    Inc., supra
    171 Cal. App. 4th 875
    , Etheridge v. Reins Internat. California, Inc. (2009) 
    172 Cal. App. 4th 908
    , Chau v. Starbucks 
    Corp., supra
    174 Cal. App. 4th 688
    , and Avidor v.
    Sutter’s Place, Inc. (2013) 
    212 Cal. App. 4th 1439
    . Together with Searle, Garcia, and
    several federal district court decisions applying California law (see O’Connor v. Uber
    Technologies, Inc. (N.D. Cal. 2014) 
    58 F. Supp. 3d 989
    ; Matoff v. Brinker Restaurant
    Corp., supra
    439 F. Supp. 2d 1035
    ; Louie v. McCormick & Schmick Restaurant Corp.
    (C.D. Cal. 2006) 
    460 F. Supp. 2d 1153
    ), they constitute essentially the entire corpus of
    recent caselaw addressing the scope and application of section 351.
    charge is unfair because it compels guests to pay a gratuity, which Searle believes should
    be entirely voluntary. Thus Searle allege[d] the hotel’s room service practices violate the
    unfair competition law (UCL).” (
    Searle, supra
    102 Cal. App. 4th 1327
    , 1330–1331.) The
    trial court concluded no deceptive practice was alleged, and the Court of Appeal agreed.
    Section 351 does not feature prominently in the Searle opinion. The statute is
    mentioned as codifying state policy that “ ‘ensure[s] that employees, not employers,
    receive the full benefit of gratuities that patrons intend for the sole benefit of those
    employees who serve them.’ ” (
    Searle, supra
    102 Cal. App. 4th 1327
    , 1332, quoting
    Leighton v. Old Heidelberg, 
    Ltd., supra
    219 Cal. App. 3d 1062
    , 1068.) The Court of
    Appeal concluded the hotel’s billing practice was not an unfair one under the UCL:
    “[O]ther than Labor Code section 351, we are not aware of any express regulation of
    tipping on room service billing. Because [the hotel’s] practice is alleged to cause servers
    to receive more in the way of tips than would otherwise occur, it plainly does not violate
    the spirit or letter of Labor Code section 351.” (
    Searle, supra
    102 Cal. App. 4th 1327
    Reaching this conclusion, the court said this: “Searle argues that in imposing the
    17 percent service charge and failing to disclose to guests that the service charge is paid
    to the servers, Wyndham is acting unfairly in two respects: it is compelling payment of a
    gratuity which should otherwise be entirely voluntary, and second it is tricking
    consumers into paying servers more than they would otherwise provide by way of a tip.
    The difficulty we have with this argument is its premise: that because the 17 percent
    service charge is paid entirely to the server, we must therefore treat it as a gratuity.
    Neither logic nor the customs and usages associated with tipping support such a
    conclusion.” (
    Searle, supra
    102 Cal. App. 4th 1327
    , 1334.)
    The court explained: “The . . . room service patron[] is given both clear notice the
    service being offered comes at a hefty premium and the freedom to decline the
    service. . . . [T]he hotel patron has no legitimate interest in what the hotel does with
    the . . . service charge. The hotel is free to retain for itself the large premium, as well as
    the service charge, or to remit all or some of the revenue to its employees. Because the
    service charge is mandatory and because the hotel is free to do with the charge as it
    pleases, the service charge is simply not a gratuity which is subject to the discretion of
    the individual patron.
    “Moreover, the hotel’s decision to compensate its room service servers by way of
    the 17 percent service charge in no material way interferes with the patron’s reasonable
    expectations with respect to the custom of tipping. As commentary, custom and Labor
    Code section 351 make clear, tipping is solely a matter between patron and server. While
    some patrons will care about what the server receives from his employer, others will not.
    The curiosity of those who . . . want to know how much the server has in his pocket is
    just that: curiosity. It is a curiosity about something, i.e., the server’s financial condition,
    in which the tipper has no legitimate interest.
    “In arguing that it is deceitful to fail to clearly notify hotel guests that the service
    charge is paid to the server, Searle again assumes the patron has some right to know what
    the hotel is paying the room service server. . . . [W]e are not willing to indulge the notion
    that the custom of tipping somehow gives patrons the right to know how much a server is
    being paid by his or her employer. In this situation the only obligation the hotel has to
    the patron is the one codified in Labor Code section 351: an assurance that, however
    large or small, the tip will go to the server, not the employer. Wyndham’s compensation
    practices of course fully meet this obligation. In sum, in failing to advise its guests as to
    how it compensates its employees, the hotel is not guilty of any deceit even under the
    broad provisions of the UCL.” (
    Searle, supra
    102 Cal. App. 4th 1327
    , 1334–1335.)
    Garcia involved a city ordinance (the Ordinance) that in plain effect directed
    certain hotels to treat their mandatory service charges as owed “to workers who render
    the services for which the charges have been collected.”8 
    (Garcia, supra
    , 188
    Quoting parts of the Ordinance, the Garcia court summarized some of its
    provisions: “Section 184.02 states in pertinent part: ‘Service Charges shall not be
    retained by the Hotel Employer but shall be paid in the entirety by the Hotel Employer to
    the Hotel Worker(s) performing services for the customers from whom the Service
    Charges are collected.’ . . . Service charges collected for banquets or catered meetings
    ‘shall be paid equally to the Hotel Workers who actually work the banquet or catered
    13 Cal. App. 4th 364
    , 370.) The plaintiffs in Garcia were service workers employed by some
    of those hotels, who alleged that their employers “failed to compensate plaintiffs and
    members of the putative class in the amount of the entire service charge.” (Id. at p. 372.)
    The trial court sustained the hotels’ demurrer without leave to amend, and dismissed the
    employees’ complaints, concluding that “the gratuity provisions preempted the
    Ordinance” because the state statutes “set a ‘boundary between moneys which . . . belong
    to the employees, individually or jointly’ and have ‘served as a bright-line distinguishing
    the validity of competing claims (from business owner and worker) to moneys provided
    by the customer.’ . . . [T]he ‘employee does not have any claim to ownership in
    payments made by patrons which fall outside the definition of “gratuity.” The vice of the
    Service Charge Ordinance is that it tries to do exactly this. It attempts to give the
    employees an ownership interest in mandatory charges added by the hotel . . . .’ ” (Ibid.)
    Garcia is a lengthy opinion, with numerous parts. It was also a comprehensive
    defeat of the hotel employers’ broad-front strategy to overturn the Ordinance. The Court
    meeting’; service charges collected for room service ‘shall be paid to the Hotel Workers
    who actually deliver the food and beverage associated with the charge’; and service
    charges collected for porterage services ‘shall be paid to the Hotel Workers who actually
    carry the baggage associated with the charge.’ . . . [¶] A ‘service charge’ is defined in
    the Ordinance as ‘all separately-designated amounts collected by a Hotel Employer from
    customers that are for service by Hotel Workers, or are described in such a way that
    customers might reasonably believe that the amounts are for those services, including but
    not limited to those charges designated on receipts under the term “service charge,”
    “delivery charge,” or “porterage charge.” ’ ” 
    (Garcia, supra
    188 Cal. App. 4th 364
    375–376, fns. omitted.)
    Some years later, the same Court of Appeal that decided Garcia examined the
    legislative history of the Ordinance and determined that it was aimed at a specific
    practice: “ ‘[P]atrons of the . . . hotels are often charged a “service charge” of
    approximately twenty percent on their banquet fees. That charge is commonly and
    understandably mistaken as a gratuity by the consumer, and thus no actual gratuity is
    left.’ ” (Audio Visual Services Group, Inc. v. Superior Court (2015) 
    233 Cal. App. 4th 481
    , 494.) “As a result, hotel workers saw a decrease in their gratuities as customers
    either reduced or eliminated gratuities they would otherwise have paid because they
    assumed the service charge was paid to the worker.” (Id. at p. 493.)
    of Appeal rejected the hotels’ contention that the Ordinance was preempted by state law
    because the Ordinance “expressly contradict[ed] the Labor Code and impliedly enter[ed]
    a field fully occupied by general state law.” 
    (Garcia, supra
    188 Cal. App. 4th 364
    , 374.)
    The court concluded there was no conflict or overlap because the state statutes did not
    address service charges, while the Ordinance “is a purely local concern . . . aimed at
    ensuring decent compensation for hotel service workers . . . .” (Id. at p. 381.) The court
    also rejected arguments that the Ordinance was unconstitutionally vague or violated equal
    protection. (Id. at pp. 381–389.) Finally, the court found there was no taking of the hotel
    owners’ property because “the Ordinance does not operate upon or alter an identified
    property interest,” but merely “reallocates hotels’ revenue from service charges to pay
    compensation.” (Id. at p. 390.) In a telling phrase, the court noted: “A ‘service charge’
    under the Ordinance might better be described in common parlance as a charge imposed
    in lieu of gratuities.’ ” (Ibid.)
    Searle and Garcia do involve mandatory “service charges” imposed in the context
    of selling food and drink to the public—charges, we hasten to add, that were paid to
    employees. But it is undeniable that the two opinions contain certain language that
    cannot bring much comfort to plaintiff.
    Defendant naturally finds support in this language in Searle: “[T]he patron has no
    legitimate interest in what the hotel does with the service charge. The hotel is free to
    retain for itself the large premium, as well as the service charge, or to remit all or some of
    the revenue to its employees. Because the service charge is mandatory and because the
    hotel is free to do with the charge as it pleases, the service charge is simply not a gratuity
    which is subject to the discretion of the individual patron.” (
    Searle, supra
    102 Cal. App. 4th 1327
    , 1334–1335.) Even more understandably, defendant cannot too often
    quote these words from Garcia: “A gratuity is not a service charge. A service charge is
    a separately designated amount collected by a hotel from patrons that is part of the actual
    amount due the hotel for services rendered, rather than something ‘over and above the
    amount due.’ [Citation.] Thus, a service charge by definition is not a gratuity. The
    Legislature has made clear that amounts due for services (which include service charges)
    are not gratuities.” 
    (Garcia, supra
    188 Cal. App. 4th 364
    , 377.)
    We have looked long and hard at Searle and Garcia. The crux is, we believe, this
    paragraph in Garcia: “Hotels contend the Ordinance transforms a service charge into a
    gratuity because it is paid to the workers performing the services. Searle v. Wyndham
    Inc., supra
    102 Cal. App. 4th 1327
    , 1334–1335 has rejected that argument. The
    hotels contend the Ordinance’s treatment of service charges conflicts with the Labor
    Code because the statutory definition of gratuity excludes employers’ property (service
    charges). [Citation.] We reject the hotels’ argument.” 
    (Garcia, supra
    188 Cal. App. 4th 364
    , 377.)
    The sole argument made and addressed at pages 1334 and 1335 in the Searle
    opinion (quoted above) was whether the Wyndham’s hotel room service charge was
    actionable under the UCL. The Court of Appeal concluded in effect, “no harm, no foul.”
    The customer would end up paying the charge regardless of what it was called, regardless
    of why the hotel imposed it, and regardless of what the hotel did with it. The bottom line
    was that the Wyndham’s internal accounting practice of treating the service charge as a
    de facto gratuity for the employees was none of the customer’s business. The service
    charge might look like a gratuity because it ultimately went from the customer to the
    employee, but it was not a true gratuity, a gratuity for purposes of sections 350 and 351,
    because it was not rendered “subject to the discretion of the individual patron.” (
    Searle, supra
    102 Cal. App. 4th 1327
    , 1335.)
    With this somewhat glancing and oblique reference to a tip/gratuity being purely
    and exclusively voluntary, Searle was simply following the logic of Leighton v. Old
    Ltd., supra
    219 Cal. App. 3d 1062
    , the first of the tip pool decisions, and, at
    the time, pretty much the only discussion on the subject of Labor Code gratuities. Hence
    the reference to the hotel guest having “the freedom to decline the service.” (
    Searle, supra
    102 Cal. App. 4th 1327
    , 1334.) Moreover, Searle could be distinguishable because
    it did not involve what plaintiff’s complaint describes—the employer wrongfully keeping
    part of service charge and wrongfully directing the remaining part to persons not
    statutorily eligible to receive it. Most significantly, the patron here is alleged to have an
    idea—if not the actual intent because “of the way these charges are depicted to
    customers”—that the service charge willdinos “be remitted to the service staff.”
    The service charge in Searle was paid to employees but the customer was not told
    of this. Yet change two details—(1) suppose the hotel tells the patron that the service
    charge will be remitted to the employees, thus relieving the patron of paying gratuities to
    each individual employee, but in fact (2) the employer retains some or all of the service
    charge. Such a scenario is reasonably close to what defendant is alleged to be doing. We
    very much doubt that in this situation the Searle court would continue to maintain either
    “that how and what a hotel pays its room service servers is a matter between the hotel and
    the servers”—or that there was no deception. (
    Searle, supra
    102 Cal. App. 4th 1327
    As for Garcia, how can there be any doubt after reading the sentences “A gratuity
    is not a service charge” and “The Legislature has made clear that amounts due for
    services (which include service charges) are not gratuities”? 
    (Garcia, supra
    188 Cal. App. 4th 364
    , 377.) Logically, one would expect the court to strike down the
    Ordinance because it not only ignored these principles, but, indeed, abolished them by
    reclassifying a service charge as a gratuity, thereby legislatively transmuting the service
    charge into what amounted to a mandatory gratuity. But the Garcia court upheld the
    validity of the Ordinance, and revived the workers’ claim that the hotels were obligated
    by the Ordinance to hand over the service charges collected but not distributed by the
    hotels. In plain effect, the employees were deemed to have a property interest in the
    “service charges” imposed by the hotels which the Ordinance declared to be gratuities,
    and which must therefore be distributed to the employees.
    Thus, if the Legislature had indeed “made clear” that service charges “are not
    gratuities,” one would expect the Court of Appeal to go the other way and hold that the
    Los Angeles City Council had no power to flout this distinction with the municipal ipse
    dixit that the service charge was no longer “part of the amount due the hotel for services
    rendered,” but was now to be regarded as a gratuity and thus the exclusive property of the
    workers. Yet the Garcia court rebuffed the hotel-employers’ arguments to have the
    Ordinance struck down as contrary to state law in the form of section 350 and 351, or as a
    taking of their property.
    Both Searle and Garcia, and this dispute, demonstrate that it all may come down
    to what label is used and who gets to do the labelling. In Searle, it was the employer who
    made the “service charge” into a gratuity. In Garcia, it was the city council that relabeled
    the hotels’ “service charges” as gratuities and, like sections 350 and 351, mandated that
    they go only to employees performing the service, not management. (See fn. 8, ante.) In
    Searle the mandatory service charge was imposed by the employer, and the Court of
    Appeal had no problem with accepting it as a gratuity in all but name. In Garcia what
    the employer might call a service charge was legislatively reclassified as a gratuity, and
    the Court of Appeal had no problem in accepting the reclassification and letting
    aggrieved employees enforce it. The voluntary nature of a gratuity discussed in Searle is
    thus incompatible with the actual results in Searle and Garcia, namely, allowing a
    mandatory gratuity to stand.9 Neither Searle nor Garcia involved what we have here—an
    employee who alleges that what the ballroom customer meant for employees to have is
    being kept by the employer. Notwithstanding some of language found in the Searle and
    Garcia opinions, in neither case did the court take money from the employees. We do
    The notion of gratuity has clearly moved beyond the notion of some coins left
    on the diner counter after a meal, which appears to have been the factual matrix in the
    first modern decision to address sections 350 and 351. (See Leighton v. Old Heidelberg,
    Ltd., supra
    219 Cal. App. 3d 1062
    , 1065 [“Plaintiff was hired as a waitress by defendant
    restaurant . . . and terminated . . . for refusing to pool her tips with the busboys”]; cf. In re
    Application of Farb (1918) 
    178 Cal. 592
    , 600 (dis. opn. of Richards, J.) [“In the
    individual instance the offering is usually small”].) Not only are there the mandatory
    gratuities seen in Searle and Garcia, they are frequently encountered in modern-day life.
    For example, cruise ship passengers are routinely told that a daily charge will be added to
    their room bill and will be used as a gratuity for the ship’s personnel. A small-print
    notice is commonly found at the bottom of a menu advising that a group above a certain
    size will have specified gratuity automatically added to the bill. Tourists have made their
    peace with the service compris imposed in France and other parts of Europe. In short, the
    notion of an involuntary gratuity has perhaps become more widespread and accepted than
    in the past.
    not believe the Searle court, or the Garcia court, or the Legislature, would accept or
    approve the proposition that an employer should have the unfettered freedom of
    definition if it might result in depriving employees of sums that otherwise might qualify
    as gratuities. In short, what a court does is sometimes more significant than what it says.
    In light of the foregoing, we decline to treat either Searle or Garcia, or both
    together, as controlling. Neither, or both together, should be read, as defendant does, as
    categorially establishing that what may be called a “service charge” by an employer can
    never be a gratuity. Accordingly, plaintiff’s cause of action, for “statutory gratuity
    violation” is not per se foreclosed by Searle and Garcia, as the trial court believed. We
    now consider whether that cause of action makes out a claim for relief sufficient to
    survive a general demurrer.
    Plaintiff’s First Cause of Action
    The gist of plaintiff’s complaint is unambiguous—defendant is pocketing money
    that should go to its employees or directing it to persons ineligible to receive any part of
    that money. As will be shown, such alleged conduct could state a claim to relief under a
    number of labels.
    Although we would ordinarily hesitate to accept plaintiff’s characterization of the
    service charge as a gratuity because it smacks of a conclusion of fact or law (Strawn v.
    Morris, Polich & Purdy, 
    LLP, supra
    , 30 Cal.App.5th 1087, 1094; Morris v. Redwood
    Bancorp, supra
    128 Cal. App. 4th 1305
    , 1314), the same result can be achieved as
    a reasonable interpretation of factual allegations that defendant’s service charge is
    “depicted to customers” as intended for “the service staff,” and which “reasonably appear
    to be . . . for the service staff.” Moreover, the service charge is “added . . . to . . . food
    and beverage banquet bills.” These allegations must be given the meaning that they
    derive from the context in which they are used. (Speegle v. Board of Fire Underwriters
    29 Cal. 2d 34
    , 42; National Automobile & Casualty Ins. Co. v. Payne (1968) 
    261 Cal. App. 2d 403
    , 408.) The context here is the commercial provision of food and drink.
    That the service charge is added to the cost of food and drink logically makes it “over and
    above the actual amount due . . . for . . . food [and] drink.” (§ 350, subd. (e).) The fair
    inference from the allegations is that the service charge is plainly perceived by the
    customer to be a gratuity, and is intended by the customer to be a gratuity. This, we note,
    was the customer’s assumed intent in Garcia. (See 
    Garcia, supra
    188 Cal. App. 4th 364
    , 377 [“Hotel patrons assume the service charges are paid to the workers performing
    the services,” summarizing statutory language].) An equally fair inference is that the
    customer would not intend a gratuity to be pocketed by defendant.
    “We assume, as we must because this case is before us at the demurrer stage, that
    [plaintiff] has alleged conduct that could be unlawful, unfair or fraudulent.” (Congress of
    Cal. Seniors v. Catholic Healthcare West (2001) 
    87 Cal. App. 4th 491
    , 495; accord, Coast
    Plaza Doctors Hospital v. UHP Healthcare (2002) 
    105 Cal. App. 4th 693
    , 699.) There is
    no problem with plaintiff acting on behalf of her fellow servers, given that a collective
    gratuity is no novelty in this context, and indeed is the predicate for the entire line of tip
    pool decisions. (See Chau v. Starbucks 
    Corp., supra
    174 Cal. App. 4th 688
    , 692
    [“Collective tipping is the norm”].)
    In her complaint, plaintiff makes a clear distinction between “managers and other
    non-service employees” and “non-managerial” employees. Although the complaint does
    not define either of these terms, it is not hard to discern what plaintiff means: non-
    managerial employees are those “who serve the food and beverages,” work that is not
    done by managers. We construe the allegations of “managers or . . . non-service
    employees” as meaning agents, who are prohibited from receiving any part of a gratuity.
    (See fn. 4, ante.) Additionally, as for present purposes defendant’s service charge is to be
    treated as a gratuity, the allegation that defendant is “retaining for itself a portion” means
    that defendant is thus contravening sections 350 and 351 in two distinct ways:
    (1) keeping some of it, and (2) distributing some of it to persons who are not supposed to
    get any part of it.
    The gravamen of plaintiff’s claim rests upon conduct or a practice that our
    Supreme Court has noted may be tantamount to conversion. (Cf. Lu v. Hawaiian
    Gardens Casino, 
    Inc., supra
    , 50 Cal.4th at 592, 603–604 [“To the extent that an
    employee may be entitled to certain misappropriated gratuities, we see no apparent
    reason why other remedies, such as a common law action for conversion, may not be
    available”].) Moreover, as will be shown, defendant’s practice may support a cause of
    action for restitution or unjust enrichment.
    Plaintiff alleges there is a custom “in the hospitality industry” to treat sums
    designated as “service charges” as gratuities for employees. For present purposes, we
    accept the existence of such an industry custom, however inartfully or inadequately
    alleged. (E.g., McConnell v. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. (1978)
    21 Cal. 3d 365
    , 382 [“custom is established by the allegations of the . . . complaint”];
    Tenet Healthsystem Desert, Inc. v. Blue Cross of California (2016) 
    245 Cal. App. 4th 821
    842–843; cf. Shaw v. Cal. Dept. of Alcoholic Beverage Control (9th Cir. 1986) 
    788 F.2d 600
    , 610 [“The plaintiffs need not specifically allege a custom or policy; it is enough if
    the custom or policy can be inferred from the allegations of the complaint”].)
    In its brief, and at oral argument, defendant emphasized that tipping has been
    traditionally thought of as a voluntary bilateral transaction between the patron of a
    commercial establishment and the employee of the establishment. Moreover, there are
    decisions treating the patron’s intent as unascertainable, if not irrelevant. (See
    Leighton v. Old Heidelberg, 
    Ltd., supra
    219 Cal. App. 3d 1062
    , 1069 [referring to “the
    near impossibility of being able to determine the intent of departed diners in leaving a
    tip”], quoted with approval in Avidor v. Sutter’s Place, 
    Inc., supra
    212 Cal. App. 4th 1439
    , 1446–1447 & fn. 2, 1448 [“customer intent is not relevant”]; Etheridge v. Reins
    Internat. California, 
    Inc., supra
    172 Cal. App. 4th 908
    , 919–920; Budrow v. Dave &
    Buster’s of California, 
    Inc., supra
    171 Cal. App. 4th 875
    m, 880, fn. 4.) But the traditional
    definition of gratuity may be changing.
    It is, for example, now accepted that the essential function of tip pools is a
    collective gratuity. (See Chau v. Starbucks 
    Corp., supra
    174 Cal. App. 4th 688
    , 692.)
    And in that context, courts have not shied away from undertaking “a reasonable
    assessment of the patrons’ intentions.” (Budrow v. Dave & Buster’s of California, 
    Inc., supra
    171 Cal. App. 4th 875
    , 883.) One court called this the “principle of implied or
    presumed customer intent” and the “implied ‘collective’ intent.” (Chau v. Starbucks
    Corp., supra
    174 Cal. App. 4th 688
    , 703 [text & fn. 7].) The legislative body in Garcia
    assumed it knew what was in patrons’ minds. Granted, most tipping involves modest
    amounts. (See fn. 9, ante.) But the context here is not ordinary, because the sums
    involved may be anything but modest. That being so, there almost certainly will be a
    written contract, where certain terms and undertakings may be spelled out. The universe
    of patrons may be small, and their intent vis-à-vis the mandatory “service charge” may be
    more subject to discovery than that of ordinary restaurant diners.
    On the other hand, the tip pool decisions accept that voluntary donative intent is
    not decisive. An accepted element of coercion may enter when a third party—the
    employer—imposes a mandatory practice requiring employees to share gratuities
    voluntarily made by customers. The customer may intend the gratuity left to go only to
    the individual who personally served him or her at the table, but the employer’s tip pool
    sharing policy will be enforced. In other words, the customer’s intent is not necessarily
    dispositive. Or even consulted. (See the practices mentioned in fn. 9, ante.)
    We are also mindful that Labor Code provisions concerning compensation and
    working conditions are to be liberally construed in favor of employees. (E.g., Augustus v.
    ABM Security Services, Inc. (2016) 2 Cal.5th 257, 262; McLean v. State of California
    (2016) 1 Cal.5th 615, 622.) Both section 350 and section 351 define a gratuity as what is
    “paid . . . for an employee by a patron.” This language does not preclude the possibility
    that the payment may not be entirely voluntary in the mind of the patron.
    We agree with Garcia that sections 350 and 351 are not the sole word on the
    subject of gratuities, and thus do not preclude what is called a service charge being
    treated as a gratuity. Collective tipping may be the result of private initiative (Searle) or
    legislative command (Garcia). Plaintiff is attempting to establish that it can have yet
    another source—the custom “in the hospitality industry” to treat sums designated as
    “service charges” as gratuities for employees. In other words, custom or usage can serve
    as a common law augmentation of sections 350 and 351. If true, defendant’s practice
    would clearly appear to be at odds with the purpose of section 351, which is “ ‘to ensure
    that employees, not employers, receive the full benefit of gratuities that patrons intend for
    the sole benefit of those employees who serve them.’ ” (
    Searle, supra
    102 Cal. App. 4th 1327
    , 1332.) That purpose would not be served by allowing employers to take money
    intended for employees simply by saying the customer has paid a “service charge.”
    Plaintiff’s Other Causes of Action
    In light of the foregoing, it remains only to briefly look at plaintiff’s other causes
    of action.
    The trial court concluded that plaintiff’s second cause of action, for “intentional
    interference with advantageous relations,” and her third cause of action, for breach of
    implied contract, were defective because “Our case law teaches that you need to show . . .
    that that interference is done wrongfully. There’s no allegation here of . . . anything
    being done wrongfully.” As just noted, the complaint is sufficient to make out a claim
    that defendant’s “alleged conduct that could be unlawful, unfair . . . fraudulent.”
    (Congress of Cal. Seniors v. Catholic Healthcare 
    West, supra
    87 Cal. App. 4th 491
    , 495.)
    Moreover, as already noted, the gravamen of plaintiff’s claim may amount to conversion,
    which would thus easily qualify as “wrongful” for purposes of the second and third
    causes of action. It will also be shown to support a claim for restitution. The
    wrongfulness of plaintiff’s practice is the clear and obvious inference of plaintiff’s
    complaint, which is sufficient here. (See Reeves v. Hanlon (2004) 
    33 Cal. 4th 1140
    , 1152
    [“a plaintiff seeking to recover for interference with prospective economic advantage
    must . . . plead . . . that the defendant engaged in an independently wrongful act . . . ‘that
    is, if it is proscribed by some . . . statut[e] . . . .’ ”].)
    The trial court concluded that, with respect to plaintiff’s fourth cause of action, for
    unjust enrichment, “under California law, it’s not a cause of action.” True, there are
    decisions to this effect (e.g., Melchior v. New Line Productions, Inc. (2003) 
    106 Cal. App. 4th 779
    , 793), but this Appellate District appears split on the issue. (See Dunkin
    v. Boskey (2000) 
    82 Cal. App. 4th 171
    , 197 [recognizing cause of action]; Hirsch v. Bank
    of America (2003) 
    107 Cal. App. 4th 708
    , 717, 721–722 [same]; McBride v. Boughton
    123 Cal. App. 4th 379
    , 387 [“Unjust enrichment is not a cause of action,” citing
    Melchior & distinguishing Dunkin]; see also Johnson & Johnson, What Happened to
    Unjust Enrichment in California The Deterioration of Equity in the California Courts
    (2010) 44 Loyola L.A. L.Rev. 277, 279, 288 [unjust enrichment “is sometimes no longer
    interpreted as a cause of action; rather it has been reduced to a light echo in remedial
    analysis”], [Melchior “has no basis in California law”]; cf. Rest.3d Restitution & Unjust
    Enrichment, § 1, com. e(3) [attacking “misconception . . . that restitution is essentially a
    The point is largely academic because this District has long taken the position that,
    even if unjust enrichment does not describe an actual cause of action, the term is
    “synonymous with restitution,” which can be a theory of recovery. (See Dinosaur
    Development, Inc. v. White (1989) 
    216 Cal. App. 3d 1310
    , 1314–1315 [recognizing
    possibility of restitution cause of action but concluding it was not made out in the
    complaint]; Lauriedale Associates, Ltd. v. Wilson (1992) 
    7 Cal. App. 4th 1439
    McBride v. 
    Boughton, supra
    123 Cal. App. 4th 379
    , 387–388 [“we construe McBride’s
    purported cause of action for unjust enrichment as an attempt to plead a cause of action
    giving rise to a right of restitution”]; Rest.3d Restitution & Unjust Enrichment, § 1, com.
    b [“In no instance does the fact or extent of liability in restitution depend on whether the
    source of that liability is conceived or described as unjust enrichment”], com. c [“When
    used in this Restatement . . . the terms ‘restitution’ and ‘unjust enrichment’ will generally
    be treated as synonymous”].) This is accepted even by the courts which do not consider
    unjust enrichment a proper cause of action. (See Prakashpalan v. Engstrom, Lipscomb &
    Lack (2014) 
    223 Cal. App. 4th 1105
    , 1132; Melchior v. New Line Productions, 
    Inc., supra
    106 Cal. App. 4th 779
    , 793.)
    Thus, the actual title of plaintiff’s Count IV cannot be dispositive. This District
    has also repeatedly accepted that “ ‘there is no particular form of pleading necessary to
    invoke the doctrine’ of restitution.” (Dinosaur Development, Inc. v. 
    White, supra
    216 Cal. App. 3d 1310
    , 1315; accord, Dunkin v. 
    Boskey, supra
    82 Cal. App. 4th 171
    , 198, fn.
    15.) It is particularly apt to hold this principle in mind because reviewing courts are more
    concerned with the substance of the underlying allegations than how the plaintiff labels
    the cause of action. (E.g., Quelimane v. Stewart Title Guaranty 
    Co., supra
    19 Cal. 4th 24
    at pp. 38–39; McBride v. 
    Boughton, supra
    123 Cal. App. 4th 379
    , 387 [“we . . . ignor[e]
    erroneous or confusing labels if the complaint pleads facts which would entitle the
    plaintiff to relief”]; Porten v. University of San Francisco (1976) 
    64 Cal. App. 3d 825
    , 833
    [“Mistaken labels and confusion of legal theory are not fatal . . . . An action cannot be
    defeated merely because it is not properly named”].) Even if unjust enrichment is not to
    be recognized as an independent stand-alone cause of action, plaintiff alleges she and her
    fellow workers are entitled to restitution of the service charges wrongfully withheld from
    them. Lastly, it must be remembered that the first cause of action was framed under the
    authority of the UCL, which allows for restitution. (See Matoff v. Brinker Restaurant
    Corp., supra
    439 F. Supp. 2d 1035
    , 1038–1039, citing Kraus v. Trinity Management
    Services, Inc. (2000) 
    23 Cal. 4th 116
    , 126–127.)
    As for plaintiff’s third cause of action for “Breach of Implied Contract,” this court
    has noted that an implied contract “is simply another way of describing . . . restitution.”
    (McBride v. 
    Boughton, supra
    , 123 Cal.App.4th at p. 388, fn. 6.) Thus, given that
    plaintiff’s third and fourth causes of action amount to the same thing—a claim for
    restitution of monies defendant has improperly failed to distribute to employees—what
    we have said with respect to Count IV is equally applicable to Count III.
    The preceding discussion demonstrates that plaintiff’s complaint, while decidedly
    skimpy, has allegations more than sufficient to make out both a claim to “some relief” in
    her complaint. (King v. CompPartners, 
    Inc., supra
    , 5 Cal.5th 1039, 1050; Longshore v.
    County of 
    Ventura, supra
    25 Cal. 3d 14
    , 22.)
    Concluding Remarks
    In the wake of Brinker Restaurant Corp. v. Superior Court (2012) 
    53 Cal. 4th 1004
    , and armed with the authorization of the Labor Code Private Attorneys General Act
    of 2004 (§ 2698 et seq.), individual employees have brought class actions on behalf of
    themselves and fellow employees, flooding the courts with so-called “wage and break”
    cases, and related claims based on various provisions of the Labor Code that employers
    are allegedly violating with the result of preventing employees from receiving the full
    value of their wages and compensation due and owing. The numerous complaints of
    unpaid minimum or overtime wages, delayed payment of wages owed at separation,
    denied meal or rest periods, unreimbursed business-related expenses, and prohibited
    bookkeeping practices constitute a “matter of continuing public interest” to the Labor
    Commissioner. In her request for publication, the Labor Commissioner drew our
    attention to the legislative findings behind the municipal ordinance in Garcia, the city
    council determining it was necessary because hotel workers “ha[d] seen their income
    decline, and ha[d] reported a reduction in the gratuities they receive from customers,
    because . . . hotels ha[d] instituted a practice of add a mandatory service charge of ‘15%
    to 20% of the bill for banquets and other large group events.’ ” 
    (Garcia, supra
    188 Cal. App. 4th 364
    , 376–377; see also Audio Visual Services Group, Inc. v. Superior 
    Court, supra
    233 Cal. App. 4th 481
    , 493 [purpose of the Ordinance was “to ensure that . . . hotel
    workers who relied on gratuities earned a living wage”].) Clearly, the Labor
    Commissioner does not believe this situation is confined to downtown Los Angeles.10
    The “Order Granting Defendant Merchant Exchange Productions, Inc.’s Demurrer
    to Plaintiff’s Class Action Complaint” filed April 5, 2016, is amended by adding the
    following paragraph: “Plaintiff’s complaint on file herein is dismissed.” As so modified,
    the order/judgment is reversed. Plaintiff shall recover her costs on appeal.
    This subject was recently the cover story in a national magazine. (See Samuels
    & Burnley, Living on Tips (Sept. 2, 2019) TIME, p. 40 et seq.)
    Richman, Acting P.J.
    We concur:
    Stewart, J.
    Miller, J.
    O’Grady v. Merchant Exchange Productions, Inc. et al. (A148513)
    Trial Court:                              San Francisco County Superior Court
    Trial Judge:                              Honorable Harold E. Kahn
    Attorney for Plaintiff and Appellant:     Lichten & Liss-Riordan, Michael
    Freedman, Matthew D. Carlson, Shannon
    Attorney for Defendant and Respondent:    Littler Mendelson, P.C., Joseph A.
    Schwachter, Galen M. Lichtenstein.