In re Ari S. ( 2021 )

  • Filed 10/6/21
    In re ARI S., a Person Coming        B307714, B311334
    Under the Juvenile Court Law.
    ______________________________       (Los Angeles County
    LOS ANGELES COUNTY                   Super. Ct. No. 20CCJP03596A)
    Plaintiff and Respondent,
    KRISSY S.,
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from orders of the Superior Court of Los Angeles
    County, Sabina A. Helton and Stacy Wiese, Judges. Affirmed.
    Jesse McGowan, under appointment by the Court of
    Appeal, for Defendant and Appellant.
    Rodrigo A. Castro-Silva, County Counsel, Kim Nemoy,
    Assistant County Counsel, and Sally Son, Deputy County
    Counsel, for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    Krissy S., the mother of Ari S., challenges the juvenile
    court’s assumption of jurisdiction under the Uniform Child
    Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (“the Act”). She
    asserts Montana, not California, has jurisdiction. We affirm
    because California has significant connections jurisdiction under
    Family Code section 3421, subdivision (a)(2). Undesignated
    statutory citations are to the Welfare and Institutions Code.
    The mother has three adoptive children: Serenity (born in
    1993), Genesis (born in approximately 2002), and Ari (born in
    2013). Ari is the only child at issue in this case. Serenity is Ari’s
    biological parent. The mother adopted Serenity in Nevada
    through an adult adoption when Serenity was pregnant with Ari.
    When Ari was six months old, the mother adopted Ari in Nevada.
    The mother, Ari, and Genesis traveled and lived in a van.
    The timeline of the family’s whereabouts is indistinct. Most
    record dates come from the family’s involvement with child
    protective services agencies in different locations. We refer to the
    Los Angeles County agency as the Department.
    The family was in Montana in the beginning of 2019 when
    Montana’s child protective services agency removed Ari and
    Genesis from the mother’s care. We have few details about this
    removal. A Montana social worker spoke with a Washington
    state social worker, who told the Department this removal was
    because the mother neglected Ari and physically abused Genesis.
    A Montana court placed the children with their maternal
    grandparents but later returned them to the mother.
    The mother and the two children traveled to California. In
    March 2019 and September 2019, the San Luis Obispo County
    child protective services agency received referrals about them.
    In spring 2020, the three stayed in Washington state with
    Ari’s godmother, Linda K., for a month and a half. During that
    stay, the mother wanted to board up Linda K.’s windows and
    turn off the utilities because the mother believed “Christ was
    going to send fire from heaven in the form of a cross.” The
    mother predicted this would happen on May 27, 2020.
    After leaving Linda K.’s home, the three lived in the van in
    Washington. At the end of May 2020, the Washington child
    protective services agency began investigating the mother. An
    investigating social worker from Washington was concerned
    about the mother’s mental health but the family left the state
    before she could gather much evidence. The social worker
    believed the family’s many moves had made it difficult to protect
    The mother has had long-standing mental health issues
    that recently have become more severe. The mother has
    delusions. She believes King Louis V is her father and Donald
    Trump, Michelle Obama, and Queen Elizabeth communicate with
    her through satellites. She thinks the world is going to end and
    she told this to Ari, which frightened him.
    Ari said the mother smokes marijuana “a lot.” She has
    smoked in the van with Ari inside. “Sometimes, I can’t handle
    the smoke. I hold my breath.” “Sometimes, I suck that in and
    breathe it in when my mom breathes it out.”
    Genesis said the mother once closed her eyes and drove the
    van into a ditch with Ari inside. The mother said someone was
    talking to her through a satellite and was controlling her hands.
    Genesis and Ari did not attend school and the mother lied
    about homeschooling them. The mother physically abused
    Genesis and sometimes spanked Ari.
    On June 4, 2020, Genesis reported the mother to police in
    Franklin, California because the mother said Ari was “being
    raped by a Saudi Arabian satellite.”
    As of June 17, 2020, the family was in San Bernardino
    County. Someone referred them to that county’s child protective
    services agency alleging that the mother punched Genesis, that
    the mother said someone was controlling the mother’s mind, and
    that the mother did not feed Ari. The county deemed this
    referral inconclusive: it could not find the family.
    The mother, representing herself, filed a lawsuit in federal
    district court in California on June 25, 2020. She listed a
    California address in the filings. The complaint says Donald
    Trump made the mother the “current elected citizen president”
    and the mother’s grandmother is Queen Elizabeth. One page is
    styled as a handwritten declaration from Ari. It says, “Ari 6
    years old American Citizen First Military Survivor on Soil” and,
    “My name is Ari. So um judge okay so the people here are doing
    bad things to my mommy.”
    On July 3, 2020, the mother and Ari stayed at a hotel in
    Downey, California. The mother contacted police because she
    believed she heard someone make a bomb threat. Police arrived.
    The mother removed some of her clothing and defecated on
    herself. Police placed her under a psychiatric hold. A social
    worker interviewed Ari. The Department filed a section 300
    The mother told the Department the family had been at
    Dana Point before being in Downey and she had planned to go to
    Laguna Beach next. The mother said she had no family in
    California but she also said she lived in Niland, California with
    Genesis. The mother owned 10 acres of property in Newberry
    Springs, California. A family friend corroborated that the mother
    owned property in Southern California.
    On July 10, 2020, the court held a detention hearing. The
    court asserted temporary jurisdiction because of potential issues
    under the Act. It ordered Ari detained from the mother and
    ordered monitored visitation.
    At a hearing on July 29, 2020, the court followed up about
    the Act. Court staff contacted an assistant attorney general in
    Washington. The court also spoke to a judicial assistant to a
    Washington judge. These sources identified no open cases
    involving Ari in Washington state. Washington was not
    asserting jurisdiction under the Act. A minute order states the
    court found California was Ari’s home state and the court had
    The mother did not object. Nor did she assert Montana had
    The Department filed an amended section 300 petition on
    September 3, 2020.
    On September 8, 2020, the court held a jurisdiction and
    disposition hearing. The mother asked the court to dismiss the
    petition for lack of evidence.
    The court sustained allegations involving the mother’s
    mental health and secondhand marijuana smoke. It removed Ari
    from the mother and ordered reunification services.
    The court held a six-month status review hearing on March
    9, 2021. The court found continued jurisdiction under section 300
    was necessary. The court maintained Ari’s placement, continued
    reunification services, and ordered a psychiatric evaluation of the
    mother. The mother did not object under the Act.
    California has jurisdiction under the Act.
    The mother appealed the juvenile court’s jurisdiction and
    disposition orders based on lack of jurisdiction under the Act
    (case no. B307714). She later appealed the six-month review
    orders on the same ground (case no. B311334). On our own
    motion, we consolidated the cases for oral argument and decision.
    The parties waived oral argument.
    We review the Act and its purposes and then explain why
    California has jurisdiction.
    The Act provides a framework to address custody issues
    across states. Nearly every state has enacted it. (In re J.W.
    53 Cal.App.5th 347
    , 355 (J.W.).)
    The Act has four ways for a target state to gain jurisdiction.
    First is home state jurisdiction. (Fam. Code, § 3421, subd.
    (a)(1).) A state is the child’s home state if the child lived there
    with a parent for at least six consecutive months immediately
    before the beginning of the child custody proceeding. (Fam. Code,
    § 3402, subd. (g).)
    Second is significant connections jurisdiction. This applies
    if no state has home state jurisdiction, or if the home state
    declines to exercise jurisdiction because the target state is a more
    appropriate forum, the child and at least one parent have a
    significant connection with the state, and substantial evidence is
    available in the target state “concerning the child’s care,
    protection, training, and personal relationships.” (Fam. Code,
    § 3421, subd. (a)(2).)
    The third basis for jurisdiction arises if all courts having
    jurisdiction under the first two grounds have declined to exercise
    jurisdiction because a court of the target state is the more
    appropriate forum. (Fam. Code, § 3421, subd. (a)(3).)
    Fourth is if no court of any state would have jurisdiction
    under the first three grounds. (Fam. Code, § 3421, subd. (a)(4).)
    The Act has several aims in the context of dependency
    proceedings: “avoiding jurisdictional competition and conflict,
    promoting interstate cooperation, litigating custody or visitation
    where the child and family have the closest connections, avoiding
    relitigation of another state’s custody or visitation decisions, and
    promoting exchange of information and other mutual assistance
    between courts of sister states.” (In re M.M. (2015) 
    240 Cal.App.4th 703
    , 715.)
    This case raises an issue of forfeiture. The mother did not
    make a claim about Montana’s jurisdiction in the juvenile court.
    The Department urges us to apply J.W., which held the Act does
    not govern fundamental jurisdiction, and therefore a party
    forfeits a challenge under the Act by raising it for the first time
    on appeal. (J.W., supra, 53 Cal.App.5th at pp. 357–358.) The
    mother insists J.W. was wrongly decided. We unanimously agree
    California has jurisdiction under the Act, so we need not and do
    not reach the issue of forfeiture.
    We review jurisdictional findings under the Act for
    substantial evidence. (In re A.C. (2017) 
    13 Cal.App.5th 661
    , 669
    (A.C.).) We independently review the juvenile court’s statutory
    interpretation and its determination of jurisdictional facts based
    on undisputed evidence. (Id. at p. 670.)
    We are concerned with the jurisdictional facts at the time
    the dependency proceedings began, so we consider the
    circumstances in July 2020. (See A.C., supra, 13 Cal.App.5th at
    p. 668.)
    California has the second kind of jurisdiction, which is
    significant connections jurisdiction. (See Fam. Code, § 3421,
    subd. (a)(2).) The mother concedes Ari has no home state.
    Substantial evidence supports the remaining requirements for
    this jurisdictional basis.
    The mother and Ari have significant connections to
    California and substantial evidence is available in California
    concerning Ari’s care, protection, training, and personal
    relationships. (Fam. Code, § 3421, subd. (a)(2)(A) & (B).)
    Beginning over a year before the proceedings began, the
    mother and Ari lived in various parts of the state: San Luis
    Obispo County in March and September of 2019, Franklin in
    early June 2020, and San Bernardino County in mid-June 2020.
    When the proceedings began, the mother’s stated intent was to
    continue traveling within California with Ari. The mother’s land
    ownership and litigation in the state also demonstrate her
    connections to California.
    The several referrals about the family within the state
    provide evidence of Ari’s care and protection. Genesis, who had
    extensive information about Ari, lived in California when the
    proceedings began, according to the mother.
    Ample information showed the mother’s and Ari’s
    significant connections to California and the availability of
    evidence about Ari in California.
    We affirm.
    WILEY, J.
    We concur:
    STRATTON, Acting P. J.
    OHTA, J.*
    *     Judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court, assigned by the
    Chief Justice pursuant to article VI, section 6 of the California

Document Info

Docket Number: B307714

Filed Date: 10/6/2021

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/6/2021