People v. Webb CA3 ( 2021 )

  • Filed 12/2/21 P. v. Webb CA3
    California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for
    publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). This opinion has not been certified for publication
    or ordered published for purposes of rule 8.1115.
    (San Joaquin)
    THE PEOPLE,                                                                                C089213
    Plaintiff and Respondent,                                         (Super. Ct. No.
    Defendant and Appellant.
    On October 15, 2002, a jury found defendant Jack Kenneth Webb guilty of first
    degree murder (Pen. Code, § 187, subd. (a))1 and robbery (§ 211). The jury further found
    true the enhancement allegation that the murder had been committed during the
    commission of a robbery (§ 190.2, subd. (a)(17)(A)), but found not true the allegation
    that defendant had personally discharged a firearm causing great bodily injury
    1        Undesignated statutory references are to the Penal Code.
    (§ 12022.53, subd. (d)). The trial court sentenced defendant to five years for the robbery
    plus an indeterminate term of life without the possibility of parole. We affirmed
    defendant’s convictions and the special allegation finding in an unpublished decision
    issued June 29, 2005.2 (People v. Webb (June 29, 2005, C043001) [nonpub. opn.]
    Defendant petitioned the trial court for resentencing based on changes to the
    felony-murder rule under recently enacted Senate Bill No. 1437 (2017-2018 Reg. Sess.)
    (Senate Bill 1437). (Stats. 2018, ch. 1015, § 4, eff. Jan. 1, 2019.) The trial court
    summarily denied his petition before appointing him counsel after finding defendant
    could not make a prima facie showing for resentencing, given the jury’s true finding on
    the robbery-murder special circumstance under section 190.2, subdivision (a)(17)(A).
    The court reasoned that in finding the special circumstance true, the jury found that
    defendant committed acts consistent with the changes brought about by Senate Bill 1437.
    On appeal, defendant argues that because his petition complied with the statutory
    requirements, he was entitled to appointment of counsel and a hearing on the merits of his
    petition before the trial court’s denial. He further argues that even if the record of
    conviction could be properly considered in the trial court’s prima facie determination, the
    jury’s true finding on the robbery-murder special circumstance cannot preclude his
    petition relief because that finding predated the California Supreme Court’s decisions in
    People v. Banks (2015) 
    61 Cal.4th 788
     (Banks) and People v. Clark (2016) 
    63 Cal.4th 522
     (Clark). In accordance with the Supreme Court’s recent decision in People v. Lewis
    11 Cal.5th 952
     (Lewis), we conclude the trial court erred in summarily denying
    defendant’s petition without the benefit of the appointment of counsel and briefing.
    2      We granted defendant’s request to incorporate by reference the record from his
    prior appeal, thus mooting the People’s request that this court take judicial notice of those
    However, we find any error was harmless under the circumstances of this case, and
    accordingly, we affirm.
    A. The Underlying Robbery-Murder
    We take the facts from the unpublished opinion we issued in 2005 affirming
    defendant’s convictions in Webb:
    “On June 16, 2000, stipulated in the trial court to be the day of the full moon,
    defendant’s landlady served him with a three-day notice for nonpayment of rent.
    “The next day, defendant, Jacqueline Brooks, William ‘Billy’ Nelson, April
    Aguilar, and Jason ‘Bugsy’ Palmer were at defendant’s San Jose apartment using drugs.
    Nelson, the only testifying eyewitness, was a homeless drug addict and dealer who used
    LSD, marijuana and methamphetamines. He had been using methamphetamines since he
    was 11, and since about 1998 preferred to inject it. He had convictions for criminal
    threats, domestic violence and possession of marijuana. He knew defendant and Palmer
    from drugs ‘and living on the streets.’
    “Stephen Miranda had told his roommate he wanted to buy a van. He withdrew
    $4,000 from his bank that morning and sought a ride to San Francisco from defendant;
    defendant told him cars were cheaper in the valley.
    “Defendant, Miranda and Aguilar left in a van and returned with a rented Toyota
    Corolla, for which defendant signed the rental agreement, but for which Miranda paid the
    rental fee in cash. With defendant driving, he, Miranda, Nelson and Palmer went to San
    Francisco to look at vans. During the trip they used methamphetamine. They drove back
    to San Jose, then to Stockton, where they went to various places and used more drugs. At
    some point on the way back to San Jose, Nelson blacked out from overconsumption.
    “Eventually, defendant stopped on a dirt road because Miranda had to relieve
    himself. Defendant and Palmer also got out of the car. Nelson was still under the
    influence, but was not hallucinating. He stayed in the car, and saw defendant shoot
    Miranda, then Palmer hit Miranda in the face. Defendant walked up to Miranda, who
    was on the ground, and shot him again. Palmer reached toward Miranda with ‘something
    in his hand’ and then he and defendant got back in the car and drove off. Palmer counted
    out about $3500 and gave it to defendant; defendant gave Palmer $1000 and kept the rest.
    Palmer threw Miranda’s wallet out of the car. As they drove back to San Jose, defendant
    gave a revolver to Palmer, who could not get the cartridges out because ‘they were
    stuck.’ Defendant said something about ‘thinking he was going to have to stomp him to
    death when it didn’t fire the second time.’ Defendant said, ‘see, it wasn’t that hard. Like
    I said, all I needed you to do was grab the wallet. I just can’t touch a dead guy.’ Later,
    they went ‘to Russ’s place’ where defendant gave ‘Russ some money. Told him it was
    what he owed him.’ Palmer still had the gun.
    “On the morning of June 18, 2000, a man checking his orchard found Miranda on
    the ground, convulsing. A small knife was nearby. Nelson testified he had given this
    knife to Palmer.
    “The next day, June 19, 2000, defendant paid his landlady $345 cash. Miranda
    died that day.
    “Nelson was in custody by June 29, 2000, and cooperated with the police.
    Defendant was arrested that night in San Jose, and slept in the police car back to
    Stockton. Statements he made to the police were introduced at trial. The jury saw an
    obviously edited videotape of the interviews; they were instructed to be guided by
    redacted transcripts. His statement, after first denying knowing anything about the
    murder, was that Palmer shot Miranda and then gave the gun to defendant before later
    throwing it into the river.” (Webb, supra, C043001, at pp. 2-4.)
    B. Legal Background
    Senate Bill 1437, which became effective on January 1, 2019, was enacted “to
    amend the felony-murder rule and the natural and probable consequences doctrine, as it
    relates to murder, to ensure that murder liability is not imposed on a person who is not the
    actual killer, did not act with the intent to kill, or was not a major participant in the
    underlying felony who acted with reckless indifference to human life.” (Stats. 2018,
    ch. 1015, § 1, subd. (f).) The legislation accomplished this by amending sections 188 and
    189 and adding section 1170.95 to the Penal Code.
    Section 188, which defines malice, now provides in part: “Except as stated in
    subdivision (e) of Section 189, in order to be convicted of murder, a principal in a crime
    shall act with malice aforethought. Malice shall not be imputed to a person based solely
    on his or her participation in a crime.” (§ 188, subd. (a)(3).) Section 189, subdivision (e)
    now limits the circumstances under which a person may be convicted of felony murder:
    “A participant in the perpetration or attempted perpetration of a felony listed in
    subdivision (a) [defining first degree murder] in which a death occurs is liable for murder
    only if one of the following is proven: [¶] (1) The person was the actual killer. [¶] (2)
    The person was not the actual killer, but, with the intent to kill, aided, abetted, counseled,
    commanded, induced, solicited, requested, or assisted the actual killer in the commission
    of murder in the first degree. [¶] (3) The person was a major participant in the
    underlying felony and acted with reckless indifference to human life, as described in
    subdivision (d) of Section 190.2.”
    Senate Bill 1437 also added section 1170.95, which allows those “convicted of
    felony murder or murder under a natural and probable consequences theory [to] file a
    petition with the court that sentenced the petitioner to have the petitioner’s murder
    conviction vacated and to be resentenced on any remaining counts when all of the
    following conditions apply: [¶] (1) A complaint, information, or indictment was filed
    against the petitioner that allowed the prosecution to proceed under a theory of felony
    murder or murder under the natural and probable consequences doctrine. [¶] (2) The
    petitioner was convicted of first degree or second degree murder following a trial . . . .
    [¶] (3) The petitioner could not be convicted of first or second degree murder because of
    changes to [s]ection 188 or 189 made effective January 1, 2019.” (§ 1170.95, subd. (a).)
    As relevant here, once a complete petition is filed, “[t]he court shall review the
    petition and determine if the petitioner has made a prima facie showing that the petitioner
    falls within the provisions of this section. If the petitioner has requested counsel, the
    court shall appoint counsel to represent the petitioner. The prosecutor shall file and serve
    a response within 60 days of service of the petition and the petitioner may file and serve a
    reply within 30 days after the prosecutor response is served. . . . If the petitioner makes a
    prima facie showing that he or she is entitled to relief, the court shall issue an order to
    show cause.” (§ 1170.95, subd. (c).)
    C. Defendant’s Petition for Resentencing
    On March 11, 2019, defendant filed a petition in propria persona requesting
    resentencing under section 1170.95. Defendant did not use a form petition, instead
    averring in paragraph form that he had been charged and convicted of first degree murder
    under either felony murder or murder under the natural and probable consequences
    doctrine. However, because of changes brought about by Senate Bill 1437 to sections
    188 and 189, defendant could not now “be sentenced to Life Without the Possibility of
    Parole.” Defendant requested appointment of counsel, arguing such counsel was
    necessary because: (1) he “was not the actual killer”; and (2) he “did not, with the intent
    to kill, aid, abet, counsel, command, induce, solicit, request, or assist the actual killer in
    the commission of murder in the First degree.” Further, defendant averred he was not a
    “major participant,” nor did he “act with reckless indifference to human life during the
    course of the crime of or felony.” Finally, defendant averred the victim was not a police
    officer and “[a]lthough there has not been a prior determination by the court or jury that I
    was not a major participate [sic] or that I acted with reckless indifference to human life,
    [defendant] asserts that he is entitled to be resentenced in accord with § 1170(d)(2).”
    Included with defendant’s petition was a declaration wherein defendant swore that
    a jury had found him “guilty of murder of the First degree, P.C. 187, P.C.
    190.2(a)(17)(A), and P.C. 211.” However, the jury had found him “NOT guilty of
    intentionally and personally discharging a firearm with in [sic] the meaning of P.C.
    12022.53.” Further, “the jury was instructed that they could fine [sic] Defendant guilty
    by either of ‘Felony Murder’ or the theory of ‘Natural and Probable Consequences.’
    Because the recent statutory changes in P.C. 188 and P.C. 189, Defendant’s conduct
    would not allow for a sentence under the former sentencing guidelines. The changes in
    P.C. 188 and P.C. 189, in accord with P.C. 1170.95, make defendant eligible for relief
    from his current sentence.”
    On March 25, 2019, the trial court summarily denied defendant’s request for the
    appointment of counsel. On March 27, 2019, the trial court denied defendant’s petition
    in an ex parte order incorporating its statement of decision. This statement noted
    defendant’s jury had been instructed with CALJIC No. 8.80.1, and as a result, the jury
    had already decided that defendant committed acts consistent with the changes brought
    about by Senate Bill 1437. Accordingly, “[t]he jury’s findings do not support a prima
    facie case for resentencing.” As such, defendant was ineligible for relief, and his petition
    denied. Defendant timely appealed.
    Defendant argues he is entitled to reversal and remand because: (1) his petition
    complied with the statutory requirements for a prima facie showing, thus entitling him to
    appointment of counsel and a hearing on the merits of his petition before the trial court’s
    denial and (2) the robbery-murder special circumstance does not preclude his eligibility
    because the definitions of “major participant” and “reckless indifference to human life”
    were clarified by our Supreme Court after the jury made that finding in Banks, supra, 
    61 Cal.4th 788
     and Clark, supra, 
    63 Cal.4th 522
    . Thus, the special circumstance findings
    from his trial are potentially invalid. Relying on People v. Torres (2020) 
    46 Cal.App.5th 1168
    , review granted June 24, 2020, S262011 (Torres), defendant asserts Banks and
    Clark require further litigation of his case to determine his eligibility for relief.
    The California Supreme Court recently decided a defendant filing a facially
    sufficient petition for relief under section 1170.95, subdivision (b) is entitled to the
    appointment of counsel (if requested) and briefing prior to the trial court’s determination
    of whether the defendant has made a prima facie showing that he or she is entitled to
    relief under 1170.95, subdivision (c). (People v. Lewis (2021) 
    11 Cal.5th 952
    , 957.)
    Thus, it appears the trial court erred in summarily denying defendant’s petition without
    appointing counsel and allowing the matter to be briefed in accordance with section
    1170.95, subdivision (c).3 (Lewis, at p. 957.)
    We nonetheless, find any error in failing to appoint counsel and allow briefing was
    harmless under People v. Watson (1956) 46 Cal.2 818. (Lewis, supra, 11 Cal.5th at
    pp. 972-974.) There is no question that the trial court was entitled to review the record of
    conviction when making its section 1170.95 subdivision (c) determination. (Lewis, at
    pp. 970-971) A review of that record confirms defendant’s jury was indeed instructed
    with CALJIC No. 8.80.1, which required the jury to make findings mirroring the current
    version of section 189, subdivision (e). (See CALJIC No. 8.80.1; § 189, subd. (e).)
    Given that special circumstance instruction and finding, there is nothing defendant’s
    attorney could have said that would eliminate his ineligibility for relief as a matter of law.
    (See Allison, supra, 55 Cal.App.5th at p. 457, [felony-murder special circumstance
    (§ 190.2, subd. (a)(17)) and new requirements for felony murder (§ 189, subd. (e))
    3       In reaching this conclusion, we are not deciding whether defendant’s inclusion of
    information with his petition showing his inability to obtain relief should alter this
    analysis. Defendant’s own declaration informed the court that he had been convicted of
    first degree murder, including the section 190.2, subdivision (a)(17)(A) enhancement,
    thus belying his asserted eligibility for relief. (See, e.g., People v. Allison (2020)
    55 Cal.App.5th 449
    , 452-453 (Allison) [a defendant convicted of felony-murder special
    circumstance (§ 190.2, subd. (a)(17)) is ineligible for resentencing under § 1170.95].)
    We will assume for our purposes that the inclusion of such disqualifying information will
    not defeat an otherwise facially sufficient petition prior to the court’s section 1170.95
    subdivision (c) prima facie determination.
    require the same findings, thus showing a defendant with a felony-murder special
    circumstance “could still be convicted of felony murder” precluding relief], review
    granted, italics omitted.) Therefore, even though the court acted improperly when it
    summarily denied defendant’s petition without counsel and briefing, the disqualifying
    information would have been submitted with that briefing and would still properly
    disqualify defendant from relief as a matter of law.
    Defendant argues he should be entitled to proceed with his section 1170.95
    petition notwithstanding the felony-murder special circumstance because subsequent
    developments in the law have placed the continuing validity of those findings into
    question. The Attorney General disagrees, contending that Torres was wrongly decided
    and that the Banks/Clark clarifications of law do not alter the disqualifying effect of a
    felony-murder special circumstance finding. The People’s position has been accepted by
    subsequent case developments following the submission of briefing in this case. (See
    People v. Gomez (2020) 
    52 Cal.App.5th 1
    , review granted Oct. 14, 2020, S264033;
    People v. Galvan (2020) 
    52 Cal.App.5th 1134
    , review granted Oct. 14, 2020, S264284
    (Galvan); People v. Murillo (2020) 
    54 Cal.App.5th 160
    , review granted Nov. 18, 2020,
    S267978; but see People v. York (2020) 
    54 Cal.App.5th 250
     (York), review granted
    Nov. 18, 2020, S264954 [following Torres and criticizing Galvan].)
    The division between the Courts of Appeal on this issue has continued (see, e.g.,
    People v. Smith (2020) 
    49 Cal.App.5th 85
    , review granted Jul. 22, 2020, S262835 (Smith)
    [enhancement not disqualifying]; Allison, supra, 
    55 Cal.App.5th 449
    , [enhancement
    disqualifying responding to York, supra 
    54 Cal.App.5th 250
    , review granted; People v.
    Jones (2020) 
    56 Cal.App.5th 474
    , review granted Jan. 27, 2021, S265854 [following
    Allison]; People v. Nunez (2020) 
    57 Cal.App.5th 78
    , review granted Jan. 13, 2021,
    S265918 [following Allison]) and is poised for decision by the California Supreme Court
    when it decides in People v. Strong (Dec. 18, 2020, C091162) [nonpub. opn.], review
    granted March 10, 2021, S266606, whether a felony-murder special circumstance finding
    (§ 190.2, subd. (a)(17)) made before Banks, supra, 
    61 Cal.4th 788
     and Clark, supra,
    63 Cal.4th 522
    , preclude a defendant from making a prima facie showing of eligibility for
    relief under section 1170.95. (Strong, review granted Mar. 10, 2021, S266606.)
    Until we receive further guidance from the California Supreme Court, we find
    Galvan and Allison more persuasive on this issue than the cases to the contrary.
    Our Supreme Court’s decisions in Banks and Clark clarified “what it means for an
    aiding and abetting defendant to be a ‘major participant’ in an underlying felony and to
    act with ‘reckless indifference to human life,’ [and] construed section 190.2, subdivision
    (d) in a significantly different, and narrower manner than courts had previously construed
    the statute.” (Torres, supra, 46 Cal.App.5th at p. 1179, review granted; see also Galvan,
    supra, 52 Cal.App.5th at p. 1141, review granted.) In Galvan, the appellate court
    acknowledged these changes to section 190.2, subdivision (d) and considered whether a
    defendant could relitigate his special circumstance conviction using section 1170.95.
    (Galvan, at p. 1141.) There, as here, the defendant was convicted of first degree murder
    with a special circumstance finding under section 190.2, subdivision (a)(17) made before
    Banks and Clark were decided. (Galvan, at pp. 1138-1139.) On appeal, the defendant,
    like defendant here, argued that Banks and Clark had altered the meaning of “major
    participant” and “reckless indifference to human life” such that he was entitled to
    reconsideration of the conviction under section 1170.95. (Galvan, at p. 1137.)
    The Galvan court first considered the relevant statutory language: “In order to be
    eligible for resentencing, a defendant must show that he or she ‘could not be convicted of
    first or second degree murder because of changes to Section[s] 188 or 189 made
    effective’ as part of Senate Bill No. 1437.” (Galvan, supra, 52 Cal.App.5th at p. 1142,
    italics added; § 1170.95, subd. (a)(3), italics added.) The court concluded that as to
    Galvan the requirement was not met, because “[a]lthough [the defendant] is asserting that
    he could not now be convicted of murder, the alleged inability to obtain such a conviction
    is not ‘because of changes’ made by Senate Bill No. 1437, but because of the clarification
    of the requirements for the special circumstance finding in Banks and Clark. Nothing
    about those requirements changed as a result of Senate Bill No. 1437. Just as was the
    case before that law went into effect, the special circumstance applies to defendants who
    were major participants in an underlying felony and acted with reckless indifference to
    human life. If [the defendant] is entitled to relief based on Banks and Clark, the avenue
    for such relief is not section 1170.95, but a petition for writ of habeas corpus.” (Galvan,
    at p. 1142.)
    The Galvan court also observed that permitting defendants to relitigate a special
    circumstance finding by way of a section 1170.95 petition would “give [them] an
    enormous advantage over other similarly situated defendants based solely on the date of
    [their] conviction.” (Galvan, supra, 52 Cal.App.5th at p. 1142, review granted.)
    “Defendants convicted after the Supreme Court issued its decisions in Banks and Clark
    would be required to challenge the sufficiency of the evidence of the special
    circumstance finding on direct appeal, where the People would need only to show that
    substantial evidence supported that finding.” (Id. at pp. 1142-1143.) Defendants
    convicted before Banks and Clark, on the other hand, could challenge the special
    circumstance findings under section 1170.95, which would require the prosecution “to
    prove the special circumstance beyond a reasonable doubt.” (Galvan, at p. 1143.)
    “[N]othing in the language of Senate Bill No. 1437 suggests that the Legislature intended
    unequal treatment of such similarly situated defendants.” (Ibid.)
    Defendant urges us to follow Torres, supra, 
    46 Cal.App.5th 1168
    , review granted,
    which also addressed the denial of a section 1170.95 petition based on the changes made
    by Banks and Clark. The Torres court concluded the summary denial of the defendant’s
    petition based on the pre-Banks/Clark special circumstance finding raised the “possibility
    that [the defendant] was punished for conduct that is not prohibited by section 190.2 as
    currently understood, in violation of [the defendant’s] constitutional right to due process”
    and, as relevant here, reversed and remanded. (Torres, at p. 1180.)
    Torres had already sought habeas relief, claiming the special circumstance finding
    was no longer valid; his petition for relief had been denied. (Torres, supra,
    46 Cal.App.5th at p. 1180, fn. 4, review granted.) The appellate court considered
    whether that habeas petition precluded the section 1170.95 petition, but did not opine on
    whether habeas relief was more appropriate in light of section 1170.95’s statutory
    language. (Torres, at p. 1180.) Defendant further relies upon Smith, supra, 
    49 Cal.App.5th 85
    , review granted, which also did not discuss the appropriateness of a
    habeas first approach and which agreed with Torres that a special circumstance finding
    issued prior to Banks and Clark, and which was not affirmed by a court after Banks and
    Clark, would not establish a defendant’s eligibility for resentencing under section
    1170.95 as a matter of law. (Smith, at pp. 93-94.)
    The propriety of requiring a defendant to first seek relief in a habeas petition was
    squarely addressed by the Allison court, which had asked the parties to address:
    “Whether the trial court properly relied on [the defendant’s] admission of felony-murder
    special circumstances (§ 190.2, subd. (a)(17)) as the sole basis for finding that he had not
    made a prima facie showing that he was entitled to relief.” (Allison, supra,
    55 Cal.App.5th at p. 456.) The Allison court first emphasized that section 1170.95
    requires a prima facie showing by petitioner that he “ ‘could not be convicted of . . .
    murder because of changes to Section 188 or 189 made’ in Senate Bill No. 1437.”
    (Allison, at p. 456.) It noted that the requirements for a finding of felony murder under
    the newly amended version of section 189 were identical to the requirements of the
    felony-murder special circumstance that had been in effect at the time of the challenged
    murder conviction (in the Allison case, 1997; in this case, 2002). (Allison, at p. 456.)
    Thus, the special circumstance finding showed “as a matter of law that Allison could still
    be convicted of felony murder even under the newly amended version of section 189”
    and precluded a prima facie showing of eligibility. (Id. at p. 457.)
    The Allison court disagreed with the argument to the contrary embraced by York,
    54 Cal.App.5th 250
    , review granted, that because no court had examined whether
    there was a factual basis for the special circumstance finding since Banks and Clark were
    decided, the finding was insufficient to show ineligibility as a matter of law. (Allison,
    supra, 55 Cal.App.5th at p. 457.) We agree with the Allison court that Banks and Clark
    did not change the law, but merely clarified the same principles that existed earlier. (See
    Allison, at p. 457; see also In re Miller (2017) 
    14 Cal.App.5th 960
    , 978.) As the Allison
    court noted, the pattern jury instructions remain the same; Banks and Clark merely
    resulted in the addition of optional language thereto. (Allison, supra, 55 Cal.App.5th at
    p. 457.)
    We further observe that the language in section 1170.95, subdivision (d)(2)
    anticipates, rather than precludes, the possibility of habeas relief before a section 1170.95
    petition because one way to obtain a “prior finding” that meets the subdivision’s
    requirements is via a habeas petition. (In re Ramirez (2019) 
    32 Cal.App.5th 384
    , 406.) If
    a defendant has successfully obtained such relief, the trial court must provide the
    petitioner access to section 1170.95 relief. Nothing precludes relief under section
    1170.95; the language simply presumes a petitioner will pursue alternative relief first.
    Finally, we disagree that reliance on a special circumstance finding to determine
    that a defendant cannot make a prima facie case for resentencing as a matter of law
    requires the trial court to make “a separate determination concerning the validity of the
    special circumstance.” (York, supra, 54 Cal.App.5th at p. 262, review granted.) Such
    reliance on the jury finding requires only a simple review of the record to determine
    whether the factfinder found the special circumstance to be true and what that finding
    entailed. Such a review of prior proceedings is fully contemplated by section 1170.95,
    subdivision (c). (People v. Verdugo (2020) 
    44 Cal.App.5th 320
    , 329-330, review granted
    Mar. 18, 2020, S260493.)
    We find the Allison court’s responses to York persuasive, and the analyses of
    Allison and Galvan, considered together, convince us that the appropriate avenue for
    defendant’s challenge to the special circumstance allegations is through a petition of
    habeas corpus, rather than the section 1170.95 petition filed in this case. (See In re
    Miller, supra, 14 Cal.App.5th at p. 979 [permitting habeas challenge to special
    circumstance conviction].) Accordingly, the trial court did not err when it denied
    defendant’s petition.
    The trial court’s order is affirmed.
    \s\                    ,
    BLEASE, J.
    We concur:
    \s\                     ,
    RAYE, P. J.
    \s\                     ,
    HULL, J.

Document Info

Docket Number: C089213

Filed Date: 12/2/2021

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 12/2/2021