People v. Silva ( 2021 )

  • Filed 12/8/21
    Plaintiff and Respondent,            A160827
    v.                         (Alameda County Super. Ct.
    JOSEPH SILVA,                              No. 172865D)
    Defendant and Appellant.
    In 2014, Joseph Silva was convicted in a jury trial with two
    codefendants of two counts of first degree murder arising out of a home-
    invasion robbery and sentenced to 50 years to life in prison. In October 2019,
    Silva filed a petition for resentencing as a non-killer under Penal Code
    section 1170.95,1 through which he succeeded in having his two murder
    convictions vacated and was resentenced to a prison term of 16 years. The
    judge sentenced him not just based on two in-concert home-invasion robberies
    in lieu of the two murders, but on a total of six home-invasion robberies or
    attempted robberies based on the number of robbery victims alleged in the
    original information. He was never tried or convicted of any of these
    robberies, nor did the jury make findings against him as to any of them.
    1Undesignated statutory references are to the Penal Code.
    Subdivisions cited without reference to a statute are the subdivisions of
    section 1170.95.
    On appeal, Silva argues that it was constitutional error under the
    Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments to impose sentence upon him for
    offenses of which he was never found guilty by a jury, and that as a result, we
    must reverse and remand with directions that he be resentenced to a shorter
    term for only two second degree robberies. For his part, the Attorney General
    also requests a remand, but he contends Silva should have been sentenced to
    a longer term than the one the court imposed. We agree with Silva that due
    process requires notice and an opportunity to be heard on any request by the
    prosecution to designate an unadjudicated offense for resentencing under
    subdivision (e) of section 1170.95, but on the record presented here we believe
    that bedrock standard was met. Save for this procedural due process aspect
    of the position Silva takes here on appeal, we reject his various claims of
    constitutional error and conclude that the remand requested by each party is
    unnecessary. Instead, we shall strike one of the robberies (count 8) and
    otherwise affirm.
    A. The Underlying Crimes
    This court is well acquainted with the crimes underlying this appeal,
    having filed four previous opinions in the direct appeal in its various
    incarnations in docket number A144079.2 At Silva’s request, we have taken
    judicial notice of the entire appellate record in A144079. Three of our four
    prior opinions are contained in the clerk’s transcript of Silva’s current appeal.
    (See fn. 2, ante.)
    2People v. Tabron (Nov. 28, 2017, A144079) (nonpub. opn.) is not
    contained in the resentencing record; the other three opinions are: People v.
    Tabron (Dec. 7, 2018, A144079) (nonpub. opn.); People v. Tabron (Aug. 26,
    2019, A144079) (nonpub. opn.); People v. Tabron (Feb. 11, 2020, A144079)
    (nonpub. opn.).
    The two murders occurred during a 3:00 a.m. home-invasion robbery at
    the Gonzalez house in Oakland in March 2013, undertaken to settle a drug
    debt owed by Esteban Gonzalez, Jr. (Junior) to Joseph Tabron, one of Silva’s
    codefendants. Junior lived with his parents and others3 in the Gonzalez
    house. Tabron, a drug dealer who lived around the corner, masterminded the
    robbery. Tabron’s uncle, Joseph Castro, a longtime methamphetamine addict
    who lived with Tabron, participated in the robbery and was the third
    codefendant at trial. Another robber, called “Taco” during the home invasion,
    was involved but was never identified.
    Guns drawn, Tabron and Taco corralled everyone in the house into a
    back bedroom, took their cell phones and money, and looted the place of
    computers, televisions, collectibles, and other valuables. Tabron then ordered
    the victims to lie face-down on the floor just before the robbers left, telling
    them not to call the police or he would come back and kill them all.
    The two murder victims, Trisha Forde and Noe Garcia, did not live in
    the Gonzalez house. Forde entered the back bedroom while the robbery was
    in progress, apparently to buy drugs, and was planning to meet up with
    Garcia afterwards. After taking her money, Tabron and Taco forced Forde at
    gunpoint to go outside with them, where gunshots soon erupted. Garcia, who
    was apparently coming to meet Forde, may have been involved in the
    gunplay, but Forde and Garcia were shot and killed with two different guns
    within a minute or two after she was forced from the house. Both were shot
    mostly from behind, including in the back of the head at close range. After
    the gunfire, witnesses heard the screeching of tires.
    The residents of the Gonzalez house were Junior, his parents,
    Esteban and Dana Gonzalez, Esteban’s brother, Raul Gonzalez, Jose
    Mendoza, and Martin Ascencio. Esteban and Junior were drug dealers.
    B. Silva’s Role
    Silva’s involvement came after the robbery was underway. He testified
    at trial that he had bought an “eight ball,” or an eighth ounce of
    methamphetamine, from Tabron earlier in the evening and sold half to a
    friend. Silva went to Tabron’s house to pay him for the drugs after 3:00 a.m.
    but found no one at home. Tabron’s brother, Jeffrey Tabron (Jeffrey),4 just
    then drove up in his car and asked Silva to help load a flat-screen TV, some
    laptops, and other items from Jeffrey’s car into Silva’s truck. Silva obliged,
    and Jeffrey then asked Silva to come around the corner to load another TV
    into his truck.
    Once at the Gonzalez house, as Silva helped load a second TV into his
    truck, “red flags went up” and he knew “somethin’ was goin’ down,” but he
    continued helping load more items into his truck. Silva, testifying at trial,
    denied entering the Gonzalez house that night. In a police interview in
    September 2013, however, he said he went inside and saw several people
    lying face-down on the floor in a back bedroom, with a masked man standing
    over them holding a gun. When Silva went into the house a second time, he
    saw a man pushing a woman out of the door but could not see his face
    because he was wearing a hood. Silva told the police he saw Tabron and
    Jeffrey with guns that night and saw Tabron fire his weapon. Silva
    acknowledged in his police interview that he knew a “home invasion” was
    Silva testified he left the Gonzalez house with the two TV’s shortly
    after loading the second one into his truck, around 4:05 a.m., but the
    4 Jeffrey was also charged with the murders and other crimes in the
    original information and with the murders in the amended information. The
    trial court granted Jeffrey’s motion to sever his case from his codefendants’.
    Shotspotter gunshot detection system registered the shots at 3:54 a.m. Silva
    testified he never saw Garcia’s or Forde’s bodies, but he told the police he saw
    a body on the ground.
    C. The Charges and the Trial
    In the original information, the codefendants were charged in count 1
    with Garcia’s murder (§ 187) and in count 2 with Forde’s murder (§ 187).
    Those charges were combined with six robbery charges (§§ 211, 213,
    subd. (a)(1)(A)), one for each robbery victim in the Gonzalez house at the time
    of the home invasion,5 and four counts of kidnapping to commit another crime
    (§ 209, subd. (b)(1)), the alleged victims being Raul Gonzalez, Junior, Forde
    and Mendoza.6 By the time of trial, however, the district attorney had
    amended the information to allege only the two murders against all three
    codefendants and a felon-in-possession-of-a-firearm charge against Tabron
    (§ 29800, subd. (a)(1)), together with arming enhancements against all
    defendants (§ 12022, subd. (a)), two prison priors against Tabron, ten prison
    priors against Castro, and one prison prior against Silva (§ 667.5, subd. (b)).
    The amended information charged Tabron with the special circumstance of
    robbery for both murders (§ 190.2, subd. (a)(17)(A)), and kidnapping (§ 190.2,
    subd. (a)(17)(B)) and multiple murders (§ 190.2, subd. (a)(3)) for Forde’s
    5  The robbery victims were named as Trisha Forde (count 3), Jose
    Mendoza (count 4), Raul Gonzalez (count 5), Dana Gonzalez (count 6), Junior
    (attempted robbery) (count 7), and Jose Hernandez (count 8). The Attorney
    General contends there were nearly a dozen people present in the Gonzalez
    house when the crimes took place, which is why he urges us to remand for
    resentencing in part so the superior court might redesignate more felonies in
    lieu of the two murder counts and might impose a longer sentence on remand.
    6 The kidnapping counts were dismissed at the prosecution’s request
    before the amended information was filed.
    murder. No robberies were charged, but the jury was instructed on robbery,
    burglary and kidnapping, and on felony murder and aiding and abetting.
    The jury found all three codefendants guilty of both murders and
    Tabron guilty on count three, the felon-in-possession-of-a-firearm charge.
    There were no jury findings specifying any felony it found true on the basis of
    the felony-murder instruction. It found the robbery and kidnapping special
    circumstance allegations true for Tabron but did not reach a finding on the
    multiple murders special circumstance. It found true that Tabron was armed
    with a firearm during the commission of the offenses but did not find that
    Castro or Silva was armed.
    After a bifurcated trial on the prior conviction allegations, Judge Allan
    Hymer sentenced Tabron to two consecutive terms of life in prison without
    possibility of parole, plus four years. He sentenced both Castro and Silva to
    50 years to life in prison after dismissing their prior convictions in the
    interests of justice. (§ 1385.)
    D. The Proceedings Under Section 1170.95
    After his convictions were affirmed but his plea for relief on direct
    appeal under Senate Bill No. 1437 (2017–2018 Reg. Sess.) (Senate Bill 1437)
    was rejected (People v. Tabron, supra, A144079 [Aug. 26, 2019]; see People v.
    Gentile (2020) 
    10 Cal.5th 830
    , 839 (Gentile)), Silva filed a petition for
    resentencing in Alameda County Superior Court under section 1170.95.
    Judge Morris Jacobson, who had presided over the preliminary examination
    in the underlying case, ordered the prosecution to respond to the petition and
    appointed counsel for Silva. (See People v. Lewis (2021) 
    11 Cal.5th 952
    , 960–
    970 (Lewis).)
    In its response, the prosecution conceded that Silva had made a prima
    facie showing of eligibility for relief in that he could not be convicted of the
    two murders under current law due to statutory revisions enacted by Senate
    Bill 1437. (§§ 188, 189, subd. (e)(2) & (3), 1170.95, subd. (d)(2).) The
    prosecution specifically conceded there was “no evidence he either harbored
    an intent to kill or was a major participant in the underlying crime and acted
    with reckless indifference to human life.” Given the People’s concessions,
    Judge Jacobson conducted no evidentiary hearing under subdivision (d)(3),
    but he took briefing, received letters from interested third parties, and heard
    argument on the legal and factual aspects of resentencing under
    subdivision (e).
    On July 30, 2020, the People filed a resentencing memorandum that
    summarized aggravating and mitigating factors for sentencing under
    California Rules of Court, rules 4.421 and 4.423 based on Silva’s history and
    his role in the crimes underlying his murder convictions. The memorandum
    did not make a specific resentencing recommendation.
    At the judge’s request, on August 4, 2020, the prosecution filed an
    updated resentencing memorandum that attached the presentence probation
    report prepared in 2015 describing the crimes and excerpts from statements
    made by Silva in his police interviews. The updated resentencing
    memorandum also said the prosecution intended to ask for a 24-year
    sentence, calculated as follows: “For the home invasion robbery of Trisha
    Forde, impose the aggravated term of 9 years. (Penal Code §§ 211, 213(a)(1).)
    [¶] For each of the four other home invasion robbery victims, impose one-
    third the midterm of home invasion robbery, for a total of 8 years. (Penal
    Code §§ 211, 213(a)(1); [o]ne-third the middle term of the triad for home-
    invasion robbery, 3-6-9.) [¶] For the one victim of attempted home-invasion
    robbery, impose one-half of one-third of the midterm for a total of 1 year. [¶]
    For each of the six crimes, impose a 1-year arming clause enhancement
    pursuant to Penal Code section 12022(a)(1) for a total of 6 years.”
    Thus, the district attorney proposed that the court revive the arming
    enhancements rejected by the jury, arguing that the jury misunderstood the
    instruction and incorrectly found the enhancements not true for Silva and
    Castro. (See § 12022, subd. (a) [defendant guilty of enhancement if principal
    armed with a firearm].) The Attorney General does not renew this argument
    on appeal. The updated resentencing memorandum was the first written
    notice to Silva that he was potentially subject to resentencing for the multiple
    robberies alleged in the original information.
    The next day, Silva’s attorney filed “defendant’s 1170.95 subdivision (e)
    memorandum,” in which he proposed the “legally correct sentence is
    redesignation of Mr. Silva’s two murder convictions as two residential
    robberies sentenced consecutively.” Although defense counsel referred to the
    redesignated offenses as “residential robberies,” he appears to have actually
    had in mind home-invasion robberies in concert based on the sentencing triad
    he quoted (3-6-9 years) and the statute he cited (§ 213, subd. (a)(1)(A)).
    Under his calculation, if the upper term of nine years were imposed for the
    Forde robbery in lieu of the Forde murder and two years consecutive (one-
    third the middle term) for a second in-concert home-invasion robbery in lieu
    of the Garcia murder, that would produce an 11-year sentence, which is what
    he advocated. This amounted to an implicit concession that the murders
    could be redesignated as home-invasion robberies in concert. Defense
    counsel, at the redesignation and resentencing hearing, withdrew that
    concession and urged the court to redesignate the murders as second degree
    robberies (2-3-5 triad), which would have produced a maximum sentence of
    six years (§ 213, subd. (a)(2)).
    E. Redesignation and Resentencing Under Subdivision (e)
    On August 13, 2020, the court held a redesignation and resentencing
    hearing, entertained argument from both sides, and granted Silva’s petition
    under section 1170.95. Judge Jacobson vacated the two murder convictions,
    recalled those sentences, and imposed no sentences on those counts. The
    court agreed with the defense that it could not impose the arming
    enhancements the jury had found not true, while rejecting the defense
    position that it was limited to resentencing on two robbery counts
    corresponding to two redesignated murder convictions. Although Judge
    Jacobson thought the evidence also supported a kidnapping conviction, he did
    not “wish to go outside the information” and declared the underlying felony in
    the murders to be a home-invasion robbery in concert. He also ruled he could
    impose terms for all robbery counts included in the original information, even
    though those counts were dropped from the amended information and were
    not determined at trial.
    Judge Jacobson declared the underlying felonies for the two murders to
    be five home-invasion robberies in concert (counts 3 through 6 and 8) and one
    attempted home-invasion robbery in concert (count 7). The original
    information charged each robbery as a “home-invasion robbery in concert”;
    none was charged as generic second degree robbery or even as simple
    residential robbery. He took this course because subdivision (e) implicitly
    provides for factfinding by the judge presiding over the section 1170.95
    proceedings in redesignating the conviction as one for the underlying felony
    or felonies and imposing the appropriate sentence. (See People v. Howard
    50 Cal.App.5th 727
    , 736–738 (Howard); cf. People v. Fortman (2021)
    64 Cal.App.5th 217
    , 223–226 [subd. (d)(3)], review granted July 21, 2021,
    S269228 (Fortman).)
    Judge Jacobson imposed a total prison term of 16 years, computed as
    follows: a nine-year principal upper term on count 3 for in-concert home-
    invasion robbery of Forde; consecutive two-year subordinate terms (§ 1170.1,
    subd. (a)) on counts 4, 5 and 6 for first degree home-invasion robbery in
    concert of Jose Mendoza, Raul Gonzalez and Dana Gonzalez; a consecutive
    one-year term on count 7 for in-concert home-invasion attempted robbery of
    Junior; and a concurrent six-year term on count 8 for first degree home-
    invasion in-concert robbery of Jose Hernandez.
    The judge called Silva a “full and voluntary participant in the home
    invasion robbery.” He found three aggravating circumstances with respect to
    the crime and no mitigating circumstances. He found the only mitigating
    circumstance relating to Silva personally that “arguably applies” was his
    early admission of wrongdoing, while all the aggravating factors applied.
    Silva timely appealed, contending his new sentence was unauthorized
    under section 1170.95, subdivision (e) and violated his fundamental
    constitutional guarantees because the judge imposed sentences on six alleged
    robbery and attempt offenses that had never been tried to the jury and of
    which he had not been convicted. He claims the sentence imposed was
    erroneous as a matter of law, and not just an abuse of discretion. At least in
    this circumstance, the judgment is appealable. (See Couzens et al.,
    Sentencing Cal. Crimes (The Rutter Group 2021) § 23.51(M), pp. 23-198 to
    23-199 (rev. 9/2021) (Couzens).)
    A. Senate Bill 1437 and Section 1170.95
    Under the felony-murder rule in effect at the time of Silva’s crimes, any
    killing “committed in the perpetration of, or attempt to perpetrate” certain
    specified crimes, including robbery, even for a non-killer participant in the
    felony, was “murder of the first degree. All other kinds of murders [were] of
    the second degree.” (Former § 189; see Fortman, supra, 64 Cal.App.5th at
    p. 222, fn. 4, review granted.) Senate Bill 1437, which enacted various Penal
    Code amendments that became effective January 1, 2019, significantly
    altered liability for murder under the theories of felony murder and the
    natural and probable consequences doctrine. (See Lewis, supra, 11 Cal.5th at
    p. 957; Gentile, supra, 10 Cal.5th at pp. 846–848.) “In the introductory
    legislative ‘findings’ of Senate Bill 1437, our Legislature declared that its
    purpose was to more closely align the punishment for murder with one’s ‘own
    level of individual culpability.’ (Stats. 2018, ch. 1015, § 1(d); see Gentile, at
    pp. 845–846 [so noting].)” (Fortman, at p. 225; see Howard, supra,
    50 Cal.App.5th at pp. 735, 742.)
    By adding section 1170.95, Senate Bill 1437 also set forth a procedure
    by which non-killers convicted under the old law could have their convictions
    vacated and could be resentenced under the new law. (Lewis, supra,
    11 Cal.5th at p. 957.) As a non-killer, Silva can now avail himself of
    section 189, subdivision (e), which makes a non-killer liable for murder only if
    he or she, with the intent to kill, assisted the actual killer in a first degree
    murder, or was a “major participant” in the underlying felony who acted
    “with reckless indifference to human life.” (§ 189, subd. (e)(2) & (3).) The
    prosecution conceded Silva was not a major participant in the underlying
    felonies and had no intent to kill.
    Typically, once a petitioner makes a prima facie showing of eligibility
    for relief, the judge issues an order to show cause, and an evidentiary hearing
    is held in which the prosecution has the burden of proof beyond a reasonable
    doubt that the petitioner is ineligible for relief under the statute. (§ 1170.95,
    subd. (d)(3).) At the eligibility hearing, both the prosecution and the defense
    may rely on the record of conviction or may introduce new evidence or both.
    (Ibid.; Fortman, supra, 64 Cal.App.5th at p. 223, review granted.) A leading
    commentator has suggested the evidence at a subdivision (d)(3) hearing “can
    include the abstract of judgment, the section 969b prison packet, the charging
    document and plea form, transcripts of the petitioner’s plea, the factual basis
    given for the plea, preliminary hearing and trial transcripts, and appellate
    opinions.” (Couzens, supra, § 23.51 (J)(2), pp. 23-184 to 23-185; see People v.
    Myles (2021) 
    69 Cal.App.5th 688
    , 697–703 [parole comprehensive risk
    assessment report and transcript of parole suitability hearing admissible as
    “ ‘new evidence’ ” under subdivision (d)(3)].)
    The parties may waive the eligibility hearing and proceed directly to
    resentencing if the prosecution concedes the petitioner’s eligibility for relief
    (§ 1170.95, subd. (d)(2)), as it did here. Once the petitioner is determined to
    be entitled to relief, “the prior conviction, and any allegations and
    enhancements attached to the conviction, shall be vacated and the petitioner
    shall be resentenced on the remaining charges.” (§ 1170.95, subd. (d)(3).)
    But the statutory scheme specifically contemplates circumstances in which a
    petitioner may be resentenced for a “target offense” or an “underlying felony”
    that was not originally charged. Under section 1170.95, subdivision (e)—the
    provision at issue in this case—“[i]f . . . murder was charged generically, and
    the target offense was not charged, the petitioner’s conviction shall be
    redesignated as the target offense or underlying felony for resentencing
    purposes. Any applicable statute of limitations shall not be a bar to the
    court’s redesignation of the offense for this purpose.” (§ 1170.95, subd. (e).)
    Compared with subdivision (d)(3), subdivision (e) contains little detail as to
    how the redesignation and resentencing process is to be conducted. To
    address Silva’s arguments on appeal, we will explore that subject in some
    B. The Parties’ Positions
    Silva contends under the foregoing provisions he could only be
    sentenced for two redesignated second degree robberies in lieu of his two first
    degree murder convictions. He contends his rights to notice and an
    opportunity to defend under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, and jury
    trial, confrontation, and counsel under the Sixth Amendment, were violated
    by the redesignation procedure. Redesignating two murders as six robbery
    offenses of which he was never convicted, he argues, is inconsistent with the
    legislative intent and violates his fundamental constitutional rights.
    The Attorney General takes the position that (1) the murder of Forde
    was properly redesignated a first degree home-invasion robbery in concert;
    (2) the murder of Garcia should have been redesignated a first degree home-
    invasion robbery in concert; (3) the court acted within its discretion under
    section 1170.95 in imposing a sentence including punishment for first degree
    in-concert home-invasion robbery and attempted robbery on counts 4 through
    7 of the original information; and (4) Silva is correct that there was
    insufficient evidence to support a redesignation on count 8 and thus should
    not have been sentenced on that count.
    As a result, both parties agree the matter should be remanded for
    resentencing. Notwithstanding their agreement, we conclude a remand
    would be an idle act; we shall strike count 8 and affirm the remaining counts.
    C. Sentencing Silva Based on In-concert Home-invasion Robberies
    Before we decide whether Silva could be resentenced for six robbery
    and attempt offenses or only two, we must consider whether the judge erred
    in redesignating Forde’s murder as a first degree home-invasion robbery in
    concert. The parties agree the underlying felony was robbery, but disagree
    whether it could be redesignated as an aggravated form of robbery. It makes
    a difference in sentencing because the robbery statutes, then and now, define
    as first degree robbery, among other things, “every robbery which is
    perpetrated in an inhabited dwelling house.” (§ 212.5, subd. (a).) Most other
    forms of robbery are of the second degree. (§ 212.5, subd. (c).) But there is
    yet another aspect of this case that affects resentencing under section
    1170.95. Second degree robbery is punishable by two, three, or five years in
    state prison (§ 213, subd. (a)(2)); residential robbery is ordinarily punishable
    by three, four, or six years (§ 213, subd. (a)(1)(B)), but in the specific
    circumstance where the “defendant, voluntarily acting in concert with two or
    more other persons, commits the robbery within an inhabited dwelling
    house,” it is punishable by imprisonment for three, six, or nine years (§ 213,
    subd. (a)(1)(A)).
    In the redesignation and resentencing hearing, defense counsel initially
    argued Silva should be sentenced to two consecutive home-invasion robberies
    in concert, for a total of 11 years in prison (3-6-9 triad), but he later withdrew
    his concession on this point and argued only generic, second degree robberies
    should be redesignated. Under his theory that an in-concert home-invasion
    robbery redesignation was not allowed under the statute—which remains
    Silva’s theory on appeal—Silva would be subject to a maximum sentence of
    six years in prison (2-3-5 triad) for two second degree robberies sentenced
    consecutively. (§§ 213, subd. (a)(2), 1170.1, subd. (a).)
    Silva’s contention has no merit. More than a year ago, in Howard,
    50 Cal.App.5th 727
    , Division Five of this court rejected the same
    argument by a petitioner under section 1170.95 whose murder conviction was
    based on a nighttime residential burglary with a codefendant who shot and
    killed an elderly woman during the robbery. At trial, the court “instructed
    the jury on aiding and abetting, felony murder, and general burglary . . . .
    The jury convicted Howard of first degree murder . . . with a felony-murder
    special circumstance, finding Howard was engaged in the commission of the
    crime of burglary . . . .” (Howard, supra, at p. 732, citations omitted.) In an
    initial appeal, Howard obtained vacatur of the special circumstance finding,
    but his murder conviction was otherwise affirmed. (Id. at p. 733.)7 Then, on
    remand, following the passage of Senate Bill 1437, Howard filed a
    resentencing petition seeking vacatur of his murder conviction. (Howard, at
    p. 733.) Under section 1170.95, subdivision (d)(2), the prosecution conceded
    eligibility for resentencing, and as in this case, the court proceeded directly to
    resentencing under section 1170.95, subdivision (e). (Howard, at p. 733.)
    Howard made no attempt to argue he could not be resentenced for
    committing a burglary, the sole offense for which he was ultimately
    resentenced. The only dispute was over the degree of burglary that could be
    used as the “underlying felony” under section 1170.95, subdivision (e).
    Howard argued for a sentencing triad based on general burglary, but the
    court chose to resentence him for first degree burglary, with its higher
    sentencing triad, since the undisputed facts at trial showed that the offense
    took place in a residence. (Howard, supra, 50 Cal.App.5th at p. 738.) The
    court also designated Howard’s burglary conviction a violent felony (§ 667.5,
    subd. (c)(21)) and reimposed an arming enhancement (§ 12022, subd. (a)(1))
    that had earlier been vacated along with the murder conviction as part of the
    relief Howard was entitled to under section 1170.95. (Howard, at pp. 740–
    741.) On appeal, Howard found all these sentencing decisions were within
    the resentencing court’s discretion. (Id. at p. 742.)
    Howard, like Silva, claimed a generic murder conviction based on
    felony murder, with no underlying felony charged, could only be redesignated
    7The basis of the reversal was that “the evidence did not establish
    Howard acted with reckless indifference to human life” (Howard, supra,
    50 Cal.App.5th at p. 733), not that there was any deficiency in the evidence
    that the murder took place in the course of a burglary.
    as a second degree felony, not an aggravated form of the felony.8 (Howard,
    supra, 50 Cal.App.5th at p. 738.) The Court of Appeal rejected that argument
    on both statutory construction and constitutional grounds, holding a
    resentencing court could redesignate a vacated murder conviction as a lesser
    offense commensurate with his participation in the underlying felony, not
    just generically, but with the petitioner’s individual culpability in mind based
    on the evidence at trial. (Howard, supra, 50 Cal.App.5th at pp. 738–740, 742;
    see People v. Gonzales (2021) 
    65 Cal.App.5th 1167
    , 1174–1175 (Gonzales).)
    What Howard did not say explicitly, but what it authorized in practice, was
    factfinding by the resentencing judge, something we believe is implicit in the
    redesignation process. (Cf. Fortman, supra, 64 Cal.App.5th at pp. 224–225
    [judge is “independent trier of fact” in hearing under subd. (d)(3)], review
    D. Sixth Amendment Right to Jury Trial and Other Trial Rights
    The question whether such factfinding by the judge offends the federal
    Constitution was also answered by Howard, supra, 50 Cal.App.5th at page
    740. Silva contends his Sixth Amendment right to jury trial was violated by
    the proceedings below because he was sentenced on charges never proved to a
    jury. The Sixth Amendment applies “[i]n all criminal prosecutions.” (U.S.
    Const., 6th Amend.) A petition under section 1170.95 is not a criminal
    prosecution, and the Legislature has very clearly placed in the judge’s hands
    8Silva also claims his sentence violated section 1157, which specifies
    that when the degree of the crime is not indicated by the fact finder, it “shall
    be deemed to be of the lesser degree.” Silva claims the robberies therefore
    must be sentenced as second degree. Howard rejected that argument, too.
    (Howard, supra, 50 Cal.App.5th at pp. 739–740.) We agree the argument is
    the decision about redesignation. Howard held there is no Sixth Amendment
    bar to its doing so.
    “The retroactive relief provided by section 1170.95 reflects an act of
    lenity by the Legislature ‘that does not implicate defendants’ Sixth
    Amendment rights.’ [Citations.] [¶] Here, the process by which a trial court
    redesignates the underlying felony pursuant to section 1170.95,
    subdivision (e) does not implicate Howard’s constitutional jury trial right
    under Apprendi v. New Jersey (2000) 
    530 U.S. 466
     or Alleyne v. United States
    570 U.S. 99
    . The redesignation does not increase Howard’s sentence.
    We reject Howard’s argument that the residential burglary designation
    violated his constitutional due process rights.” (Howard, supra,
    50 Cal.App.5th at p. 740.)
    Though Silva tries to convince us that Howard was wrongly decided,
    this Division recently joined several other intermediate appellate courts that
    have agreed with Howard’s Sixth Amendment analysis. (People v. James
    63 Cal.App.5th 604
    , 610–611.) Hence, we reject Silva’s argument that
    his new sentence violates the Sixth Amendment. (See People v. Perez (2018)
    4 Cal.5th 1055
    , 1063–1064 [retroactive application of Proposition 36, the
    Three Strikes Reform Act of 2012, is a legislative act of lenity that does not
    implicate Sixth Amendment rights].)
    E. Due Process
    1. A petitioner under section 1170.95, subdivision (e) is entitled
    to notice and an opportunity to be heard
    While the Sixth Amendment has no application to a section 1170.95
    resentencing proceeding, those who seek section 1170.95 relief do not
    sacrifice their rights to due process under the Fifth and Fourteenth
    Amendments. (U.S. Const., 5th & 14th Amends.; Cal. Const., art. I, §§ 7, 15.)
    Silva raises the due process issue, but briefly, and relying on cases involving
    original criminal prosecutions. He cites a selection of cases dealing with the
    pleading and sentencing rights to which a defendant is entitled in a criminal
    prosecution. (People v. Anderson (2020) 
    9 Cal.5th 946
    , 953 [underlying the
    statutory pleading requirements are constitutional rights to notice and an
    opportunity to be heard at trial]; People v. Mancebo (2002) 
    27 Cal.4th 735
    740–750 [court violated due process by imposing sentence on multiple victim
    circumstance under the one-strike law (§ 667.61, subd. (e)(5)) that had not
    been pleaded and proved]; People v. Jackson (1985) 
    37 Cal.3d 826
    , 835, fn. 12
    [conviction or sentence may not be imposed upon an uncharged
    enhancement]; People v. Davis (2002) 
    102 Cal.App.4th 377
    , 385 [section 290
    registrant could not be convicted of failing to notify one sheriff’s department
    of his move out of the county when the information had charged failure to
    notify a different county’s sheriff’s department of a different move]; cf.
    Presnell v. Georgia (1978) 
    439 U.S. 14
    , 16 [“fundamental principles of
    procedural fairness apply with no less force at the penalty phase of a trial in
    a capital case”].)
    Though these cited cases establish broad notice and sentencing rights
    in criminal prosecutions, we do not find them controlling in proceedings
    under section 1170.95. Silva cannot legitimately claim the robbery offenses
    the court chose to include in its resentencing package were “uncharged”; they
    were charged in the original information. Thus, it is an overstatement to say
    he had no notice whatsoever, at any point, that he might once again be put in
    jeopardy of conviction for them. The factual basis for Silva’s lack of notice
    complaint appears to be that the amended information not only gave him no
    notice he might eventually be sentenced for five robberies and an attempted
    robbery, but it led him to believe he would not be resentenced for anything
    other than a lesser offense to murder or a charge supported by sentencing
    enhancement findings returned against him at trial. While we reject any
    claim that the amended information constrained the court to selecting
    redesignated offenses that were charged and actually litigated at trial—
    section 1170.95, subdivision (e) on its face refutes that notion (see pt. II.F.,
    post)—we think a section 1170.95 petitioner is entitled to explicit notice of
    any offense the court or prosecutor proposes to redesignate as an underlying
    felony or target offense under subdivision (e) in lieu of a murder conviction.
    Though subdivision (e) is silent on the procedure to be employed when the
    parties waive an evidentiary hearing under section 1170.95,
    subdivision (d)(2), we believe such notice reasonably in advance of the
    subdivision (e) determination is required as a matter of fundamental
    fairness. The Attorney General disagrees that due process is implicated here,
    but his only authority is Howard, supra, 50 Cal.App.5th at page 740, where
    there was no question the petitioner knew he might be resentenced to some
    form of the single burglary at issue, since that offense provided the basis of
    the special circumstance finding against him at trial (Id. at p. 732). In this
    case, by contrast, Silva was never called upon in the original prosecution to
    meet and prepare a defense to the individual robbery offenses for which he
    was resentenced.
    We have found no California case describing any due process
    protections to which a petitioner may be entitled in the redesignation and
    resentencing process under subdivision (e) of section 1170.95, though it is an
    issue of widespread importance upon which trial courts sorely need guidance.
    We begin our analysis by acknowledging that a resentencing proceeding
    under subdivision (e) does not require all the same due process protections of
    a criminal trial. At sentencing, “ ‘ “ ‘[d]ue process does not require a judge to
    draw sentencing information through the narrow net of courtroom evidence
    rules . . .[. S]entencing judges are given virtually unlimited discretion as to
    the kind of information they can consider and the source . . . whence it
    comes.’ ” ’ ” (People v. Prosser (2007) 
    157 Cal.App.4th 682
    , 692.) Still, we are
    convinced that whenever a court engages in criminal sentencing, the liberty
    of the party subject to such sentencing hangs in the balance, and he or she
    has a right to due process. (See Betterman v. Montana (2016) 578 U.S. ___
    136 S.Ct. 1609
    , 1618] [“After conviction, a defendant’s due process right to
    liberty, while diminished, is still present. He retains an interest in a
    sentencing proceeding that is fundamentally fair.”]; People v. Peterson (1973)
    9 Cal.3d 717
    , 726 [hearing violates due process if it is fundamentally unfair];
    People v. Eckley (2004) 
    123 Cal.App.4th 1072
    , 1080 [material factual
    inaccuracies in sentencing documents rendered sentencing fundamentally
    Even in the context of a court’s determination of restitution, a convicted
    defendant retains certain fundamental due process rights. “The scope of a
    criminal defendant’s due process rights at a hearing to determine the amount
    of restitution is very limited: ‘ “A defendant’s due process rights are
    protected when the probation report gives notice of the amount of restitution
    claimed . . . , and the defendant has an opportunity to challenge the figures in
    the probation report at the sentencing hearing.” ’ ” (People v. Cain (2000)
    82 Cal.App.4th 81
    , 86, italics added.) Thus, where a defendant was assessed
    some $8,000 in travel expenses for his victims as restitution, without notice
    that those expenses would be determined at the hearing, the proceeding was
    fundamentally unfair in that respect and violated due process. (People v.
    Marrero (2021) 
    60 Cal.App.5th 896
    , 913–914.)
    By the same token, we conclude a redesignation and resentencing
    procedure that abandons the most basic tenets of notice and an opportunity
    to be heard would be fundamentally unfair and would violate due process,
    and we refuse to so construe section 1170.95. Under section 1170.95, the
    resentencing judge retains much discretion to impose a range of possible
    sentencing choices, and his or her discretionary choices have a direct impact
    on the petitioner’s liberty interests, depending on the choice of redesignated
    crime(s) and the structure of the sentence imposed. In this case, for instance,
    the parties have proposed resentencing Silva to somewhere between six and
    24 years in prison, and though any sentence in that range would be a
    reduction from his former sentence, the vast range available implicates the
    petitioner’s liberty interest. We conclude, as in any sentencing proceeding,
    the protections for “life, liberty, or property” embodied in the due process
    clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments demand fundamental
    fairness in a section 1170.95 resentencing.
    Moreover, the subdivision (e) proceeding is not simply a resentencing,
    but also a redesignation of one or more criminal offenses which mimics a
    criminal conviction. This form of process, so far as we know unknown in
    criminal procedure before section 1170.95 created it, calls into play the same
    bedrock entitlement to notice and opportunity to be heard that we would
    recognize in advance of an actual conviction. In light of the liberty interest at
    stake, a petitioner facing resentencing under section 1170.95, subdivision (e),
    should not be left in the dark as to what uncharged “target offense” or
    “underlying felony” the court may be contemplating. To make an informed
    decision under section 1170.95, subdivision (d)(2) about waiving an
    evidentiary hearing and proceeding directly to resentencing, section 1170.95
    petitioners are entitled to notice of the offenses for which they may be
    resentenced so that they may consider whether they wish to put on evidence
    relevant to the court’s factfinding.
    Notice and an opportunity to be heard are the fundamental hallmarks
    of due process whenever “life, liberty, or property” is put in jeopardy. (U.S.
    Const., 5th & 14th Amends.; Cal. Const., art. I, §§ 7 & 15.) “Many
    controversies have raged about the cryptic and abstract words of the Due
    Process Clause but there can be no doubt that at a minimum they require
    that deprivation of life, liberty or property by adjudication be preceded by
    notice and opportunity for hearing appropriate to the nature of the case.”
    (Mullane v. Central Hanover Tr. Co. (1950) 
    339 U.S. 306
    , 313 (Mullane).)
    What we hold here, specifically, is that as a matter of procedural due process
    Silva was entitled to know, reasonably in advance of the court resentencing
    him, which crimes the prosecution sought to have redesignated as underlying
    felonies, the length of sentence the prosecution proposed, and how that
    recommended sentence was calculated. Unless we assume the Legislature
    intended to enact a scheme forcing the petitioner to guess what redesignated
    offense he faces, his right to avail himself of the opportunity to offer “new or
    additional evidence” at a subdivision (d)(3) hearing—should he chose to do
    so—is meaningless absent some form of notice. Notice is required so he may
    prepare to meet the arguments and evidence presented by the prosecution
    and to argue that a different crime was the underlying felony or target
    offense. If the prosecution makes no resentencing recommendation, the court
    must notify the petitioner in advance of its proposal for redesignation and
    resentencing and must give him or her an opportunity to respond.
    Gonzales, supra, 
    65 Cal.App.5th 1167
    , from the Second District,
    Division Four, does not hold to the contrary. That case dealt with an
    uncharged prior offense in a context raising an ex post facto issue. (Gonzales,
    at p. 1170.) At age 16 in 1998, petitioner Gonzales had engaged in a fistfight
    with a rival gang member, which led to a shooting death and a first degree
    murder conviction on a natural and probable consequences theory. (Id. at
    p. 1171.) He was sentenced to a term of 25 years to life in prison, plus 25
    years to life for an arming enhancement. His conviction was later reduced to
    second degree murder (15 years to life) under People v. Chiu (2014)
    59 Cal.4th 155
    . (Gonzales, at p. 1171.) His conviction was vacated under
    section 1170.95 and redesignated under subdivision (e) as the uncharged
    target offense: battery (§ 242). (Gonzales, at p. 1170.) Although battery
    ordinarily is a misdemeanor offense carrying a maximum sentence of six
    months in county jail, the court sentenced Gonzales under section 186.22,
    subdivision (d), which had not yet been enacted at the time Gonzales
    committed his crime. (Gonzales, at p. 1170.)
    In affirming the judgment, Gonzales noted that Senate Bill 1437
    “specifically provides that if relief is granted and the petitioner’s murder
    conviction is vacated, he or she will be resentenced on the remaining charges
    and/or, in some circumstances, on the previously uncharged target offense or
    underlying felony, so long as the new sentence is based upon the record of
    conviction and is not greater than the initial sentence. (§ 1170.95,
    subds. (d)(1), (d)(3), (e).)” (Gonzales, supra, 65 Cal.App.5th at p. 1174.)
    “Thus,” the court held, “Senate Bill 1437, in granting leniency to certain
    individuals who have been convicted of murder, gives notice that the
    individual may be resentenced on criminal offenses that were not charged but
    are supported by the record, with the limitation that the new sentence cannot
    exceed the original sentence.” (Ibid., italics added.) Although the court casts
    its holding in both ex post facto and due process terms, the notice issue
    addressed in that case arose in the context of a due process challenge made
    under the ex post facto clause. (Gonzales, at p. 1173, citing Weaver v.
    Graham (1981) 
    450 U.S. 24
    , 30, and People v. Sandoval (2007) 
    41 Cal.4th 825
    , 857.) There is no ex post facto issue in this case.
    2. Notice was given
    We require specificity with respect to notice of the intended
    redesignated felonies, but we still find no due process violation in Silva’s case.
    Through the updated resentencing memorandum, Silva received notice on
    August 4, 2020, of the People’s resentencing proposal, including the
    recommendations for redesignation and the calculation of the requested
    24-year sentence. The court’s redesignation decision was made on August 13,
    2020. Thus, Silva was notified nine days in advance that the prosecution
    would seek redesignation of all originally charged robbery and attempted
    robbery offenses. That was constitutionally sufficient notice in the
    While in some cases nine days’ notice might be considered inadequate
    to prepare for a hearing, there is no basis to believe it was inadequate in
    Silva’s case. All parties understood the judge would vacate the murder
    convictions and redesignate them as the underlying felonies. Silva’s counsel
    was able to file a written response to the proposed redesignation and
    resentencing on the very next day. Silva never requested an evidentiary
    hearing on the robberies and never requested more time to prepare for the
    redesignation and resentencing hearing, even after learning of the
    prosecution’s 24-year resentencing recommendation. He never indicated he
    intended to mount a defense to any of the robbery charges, either by putting
    on new evidence or by reference to evidence already in the record of
    Silva’s attorney, who had also been his trial attorney, objected to the
    resentencing based on the number of counts to which he was sentenced and
    preserved various legal objections, but we see no indication in the record that
    Silva had a defense to any of the robbery charges but was thwarted in
    presenting it by a lack of notice. We conclude Silva received sufficient notice,
    and even assuming there was a notice violation that was preserved for
    appeal, it was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt. (Chapman v. California
    386 U.S. 18
    , 24.) Except on count 8, the evidence against Silva as a
    participant in the underlying robberies was overwhelming, including by his
    own admissions. There is no reason to believe greater notice of the
    redesignated robberies would have led to a different outcome.
    3. Silva made no request for an evidentiary hearing on
    redesignation and resentencing and therefore was not
    deprived of an opportunity to be heard
    “ ‘The fundamental requisite of due process of law is the opportunity to
    be heard.’ [Citation.] This right to be heard has little reality or worth unless
    one is informed that the matter is pending and can choose for himself
    whether to appear or default, acquiesce or contest.” (Mullane, supra,
    339 U.S. at p. 314.) Thus, “notice and an opportunity to be heard” has
    become the definitional watchword for due process, and those rights are
    protected under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments regardless of whether
    Sixth Amendment protections apply.
    Silva did not receive an evidentiary hearing on the redesignation of his
    murder convictions, nor does the statutory language suggest such a hearing
    is always anticipated, since the statute expressly contemplates that it may be
    waived (§ 1170.95, subd. (d)(2)), as occurred in this case. Whether an
    evidentiary hearing must be afforded upon request is an issue we need not
    and do not reach. Silva made no such request. Indeed, whether an in-court
    hearing of any kind is required is not spelled out in the statute. Again, we
    take no position on whether a paper review by the judge, including briefing
    by the petitioner, would be an adequate opportunity to be heard, for more
    was provided in this case.
    We believe the type of hearing afforded to Silva gave him a meaningful
    opportunity to be heard appropriate to the circumstances. Before the
    hearing, Silva’s attorney filed “defendant’s 1170.95 subdivision (e)
    memorandum.” At the hearing, his attorney argued his legal interpretation
    of the requirements of subdivision (e), his objections to the prosecution’s
    proposed 24-year sentence, and the mitigating and aggravating factors under
    the Rules of Court. He made his own proposal for a sentence of 11 years. He
    did not argue, though he could have, that the evidence was insufficient on
    count 8. Given the procedural setting, this was a timely and meaningful
    opportunity to respond to the prosecution’s updated resentencing
    memorandum, which served as a postconviction equivalent of a charging
    instrument. There was no denial of Silva’s right to be heard.
    4. The record of conviction supports the court’s determination
    that Silva was guilty of five of the six originally charged
    robbery and attempt offenses
    a. Burden of proof and standard of proof
    Silva challenges the sufficiency of the evidence on some of the robbery
    and attempt charges, specifically counts 4, 7, and 8. As a threshold matter,
    his sufficiency of the evidence attack raises burden of proof and related
    standard of proof issues.
    The burden of proof was on the prosecution to prove any redesignated
    crimes because designation of a new crime in lieu of a murder conviction is
    analogous to a criminal conviction. (See People v. Aranda (2012) 
    55 Cal.4th 342
    , 356 [“Under the due process clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth
    Amendments, the prosecution must prove a defendant’s guilt of a criminal
    offense beyond a reasonable doubt”]; cf. § 1170.95, subd. (d)(3); Fortman,
    supra, 64 Cal.App.5th at p. 223 [subd. (d)(3) hearing], review granted.) But
    we need not decide the applicable standard of proof. Howard held the
    resentencing court in that case did not err in considering “uncontroverted”
    evidence in the record and “redesignating Howard’s conviction as first degree
    burglary, because the evidence at trial demonstrated beyond any dispute the
    building was a residence.” (Howard, supra, 50 Cal.App.5th at p. 738, italics
    added.) Because the parties have not addressed the burden of proof issue, we
    follow the approach taken in Howard and hold that on any standard—
    preponderance of the evidence, clear and convincing proof, or proof beyond a
    reasonable doubt—the prosecution met its burden since the proof here was in
    fact “beyond any dispute.” (Ibid.)
    b. The record of conviction
    The courts construing section 1170.95 have also held that, unlike
    subdivision (d)(3), which allows parties to introduce “ ‘new evidence’ ” (People
    v. Myles, supra, 69 Cal.App.5th at pp. 698–703), the prosecution’s proof of the
    underlying felony or target offense under subdivision (e) must be found
    exclusively in the record of conviction. (In re I.A. (2020) 
    48 Cal.App.5th 767
    774–776; Gonzales, supra, 65 Cal.App.5th at p. 1174.) The record of
    conviction in Silva’s case included full trial transcripts, preliminary hearing
    transcripts, and the appellate opinions in the case, all of which may be used
    in the resentencing process. (Lewis, supra, 11 Cal.5th at p. 972 [appellate
    opinion is part of the record of conviction under subd. (c), but “the probative
    value of an appellate opinion is case-specific”]; People v. Harris (2021)
    60 Cal.App.5th 939
    , 959, fn. 13, review granted Apr. 28, 2021, S267802
    [appellate opinion admissible and probative in subd. (d)(3) hearing]; People v.
    Clements (2021) 
    60 Cal.App.5th 597
    , 603, review granted Apr. 28, 2021,
    S267624) [appellate opinion admissible in subd. (d)(3) hearing]; People v.
    Williams (2020) 
    57 Cal.App.5th 652
    , 661–663 [same]; see People v. Woodell
    17 Cal.4th 448
    , 455–457 [appellate opinion part of the record of
    conviction and admissible, subject to hearsay exclusions]; People v. Reed
    13 Cal.4th 217
    , 223–226 [preliminary hearing transcript part of the
    record of conviction and admissible].) Silva’s attorney also stipulated to the
    judge’s use of the statement of the facts of the crime from the presentence
    probation report attached to the district attorney’s updated resentencing
    In Silva’s case, the trial transcripts unquestionably contain evidence
    supporting “beyond any dispute” (Howard, supra, 50 Cal.App.5th at p. 738)
    Judge Jacobson’s finding that the felony underlying both murder convictions
    was a middle-of-the-night home-invasion robbery involving four other
    participants and multiple victims, including Forde. The robberies all
    occurred as part of one continuous transaction during which both killings
    transpired, so the robberies were collectively the underlying felonies for both
    murders of which Silva stood convicted. Because Tabron and Taco had not
    arrived at a place of temporary safety before Garcia arrived at the Gonzalez
    house and was killed, the robberies were ongoing and were properly
    redesignated as the felonies underlying both murders. (See People v. Wilkins
    56 Cal.4th 333
    , 344–345, 348, fn. 4; People v. Cavitt (2004) 
    33 Cal.4th 187
    , 203–204, 206–209.)
    The same basic facts were proved at the preliminary examination, over
    which Judge Jacobson presided for nine days. Accordingly, Judge Jacobson,
    while not the trial judge, was familiar with the evidence underlying the
    convictions and was in a good position to make the necessary factual findings.
    Based upon the evidence available to him, the judge was required to
    determine, and we think had ample support in the record to determine, that
    Silva was “concerned in the commission of ” the underlying robbery and
    attempt offenses. (Pen. Code, § 31; Evid. Code, § 664.)
    c. There was substantial evidence from which the court could have
    found Silva guilty of counts 4 and 7, but not count 8
    Preliminarily, for purposes of resentencing, defense counsel consented
    on Silva’s behalf to the court’s reliance on the description of the underlying
    crimes in the probation report, which was attached to the district attorney’s
    updated resentencing memorandum. Silva’s challenges to the sufficiency of
    the evidence implicitly assume the judge was limited to reviewing the facts as
    stated in the probation report. The judge was not so restricted merely
    because defense counsel stipulated to the court’s use of that document.
    Contrary to Silva’s argument, the resentencing court could also rely on the
    entire record of conviction, which provided substantial evidence under
    Jackson v. Virginia (1979) 
    443 U.S. 307
    , 318–319 to support its redesignation
    on those counts, except count 8. The judge did not specify, nor was he
    required to specify, precisely which items of evidence he relied on in making
    his redesignation findings. He said he arrived at his resentencing decision
    “based on all the evidence in this case.”
    The parties agree that no sentence should have been imposed on
    count 8. Jose Hernandez, the named victim in count 8, was a neighbor who
    called 911 when he heard the gunshots. There was no evidence he was a
    robbery victim. We shall strike the redesignated offense and the sentence on
    count 8.
    Substantial evidence supported the redesignated convictions for the
    robbery of Mendoza (count 4) and the attempted robbery of Junior (count 7).
    (Jackson v. Virginia, 
    supra, 443
     U.S. at pp. 318–319.) The evidence at trial
    showed that Taco pointed a gun at Mendoza and Junior, who were playing
    dice in the basement, and ordered them upstairs. Mendoza testified the
    perpetrators committed a home-invasion robbery. The robbers took his
    Mongoose mountain bike. After Tabron corralled all the victims, including
    Mendoza and Junior, in the back bedroom, he asked everyone for their money
    and phones. Mendoza, like the others, turned over his wallet. These facts,
    without more, constitute substantial evidence for the redesignation of Forde’s
    or Garcia’s murders as, among other things, a conviction for robbing
    Mendoza. (People v. Zamudio (2008) 
    43 Cal.4th 327
    , 356–357.)
    Junior, too, was moved upstairs at gunpoint. Tabron specifically
    demanded Junior’s money and cell phone. And while there was no testimony
    about what Junior might have turned over, the charge and verdict were for
    attempted robbery. The evidence easily supported that charge as one of the
    underlying felonies. (People v. Zamudio, 
    supra, 43
     Cal.4th at pp. 356–357.)
    d. The court did not fail to redesignate underlying felonies for
    Garcia’s murder
    The court did not err in redesignating the murders of Forde and Garcia
    as a series of home-invasion robberies in concert. The Attorney General
    suggests the judge considered all six robbery offenses as substitutes for the
    Forde murder conviction (count 2) and did not redesignate the murder of
    Garcia (count 1) at all because he was “not a robbery victim.” He argues the
    felony underlying the killing of Garcia was also a home-invasion robbery in
    concert and should have been so redesignated and resentenced. The
    sentencing colloquy is not without ambiguity, but as we understand the
    record, the judge redesignated the two murders as five home-invasion
    robbery offenses and one attempt without specifying which offenses
    substituted for which murder. We will therefore not address the Attorney
    General’s argument that Garcia’s murder should have been redesignated and
    resentenced as a home-invasion robbery in concert; we believe it was.
    F. Sentencing Silva for More Than Two Underlying Robberies
    We turn now to the heart of Silva’s appeal, namely that the court
    illegally resentenced him to prison on more counts of robbery than the
    number of murder convictions he had sustained, given that he had never
    been convicted by the jury of any robbery counts. We have already addressed
    his claim to a constitutional right to a jury determination. (See pt. II.D.,
    ante.) As a matter of statutory construction, we reject Silva’s claim that a
    redesignation cannot be made of past alleged crimes that remain
    unadjudicated. In cases in which the underlying felony or target offense was
    never charged, the resentencing judge necessarily must identify the
    appropriate redesignated offense and make factual findings on the
    petitioner’s guilt. (§ 1170.95, subd. (e).) If a judge may redesignate a murder
    as a crime that was never charged, as is implicit in subdivision (e), we see no
    reason why he or she cannot redesignate a murder as a charge once made but
    dropped in circumstances where the dismissal was not for lack of evidence,
    but in reliance on the felony-murder rule then in effect.
    The Legislature’s provision that the statute of limitations “shall not be
    a bar” to the redesignation decision (§ 1170.95, subd. (e)) implicitly empowers
    the court to reach back to long-past conduct, including counts in the original
    charging documents, for purposes of redesignation. That the prosecutor
    dropped the robbery charges from the amended information does not at this
    stage in the proceedings protect Silva from adjudication of the allegations as
    the underlying felonies of the two murders. In cases such as Silva’s, in which
    additional counts of the underlying felony have once been charged but no
    verdict has been rendered, the judge must make factual findings of guilt just
    as if the underlying felony had never been charged.
    1. People v. Watson (2021) 
    64 Cal.App.5th 474
    The decision in People v. Watson (2021) 
    64 Cal.App.5th 474
    significantly undercuts Silva’s argument by allowing the court to redesignate
    more than one underlying felony in lieu of a murder conviction. There, the
    defendant was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison after pleading guilty to
    one count of second degree murder in 1988. The victim had admitted the
    defendant into his hotel room, unaware that he and two accomplices had a
    preexisting “specific intent to grab him and steal his money from him.”
    (Watson, at p. 486.) Watson grabbed the victim from behind so his two
    accomplices could enter the room. In the ensuing struggle, the victim fought
    back, and one of Watson’s accomplices suddenly started wildly stabbing the
    victim, who died. (Id. at p. 479.)
    Watson, still in prison in 2019, petitioned for resentencing, and his
    murder conviction was vacated. (Watson, supra, 64 Cal.App.5th at p. 477.)
    The resentencing court concluded Watson had committed both first degree
    burglary and first degree residential robbery as felonies underlying his
    second degree murder conviction. (Id. at p. 480.) It sentenced Watson on
    both underlying felonies, staying execution of the robbery sentence under
    section 654 and, with 32 years’ credit for time served (§ 1170.95, subd. (g)),
    ordered him immediately released from prison.9 (Watson, at pp. 477, 481.)
    In affirming that resentencing decision, Division Three of this court
    held the Legislature’s use of the definite article in “the . . . underlying felony”
    in subdivision (e) and its use of the singular noun did not mean a single
    felony must be redesignated in lieu of each murder conviction that has been
    9 The Watson case started out as a People’s appeal, and Watson filed a
    cross-appeal. (Watson, supra, 64 Cal.App.5th at p. 481.) When the People
    later abandoned their appeal, the court decided just the remaining cross-
    appeal by Watson. (Ibid.)
    vacated under section 1170.95. (§ 1170.95, subd. (e); Watson, supra,
    64 Cal.App.5th at p. 485.) The phrase “ ‘underlying felony’ is susceptible of
    either singular or plural meaning depending on context. Viewed in this way,
    the Legislature’s use of the singular form was not necessarily intended to
    restrict courts to designating only one underlying felony under
    section 1170.95, subdivision (e).” (Watson, supra, at p. 485; see Pen. Code,
    § 7; Evid. Code, § 10.)
    2. Silva could legally be resentenced for five home-invasion
    robberies in concert and one attempted robbery in lieu of
    two murder convictions
    Applying Watson’s reasoning to the issue before us, there appears to be
    no statutory impediment to the imposition of sentence on more counts on
    resentencing under subdivision (e) than the number of murder convictions
    originally sustained. But even under Watson’s holding, we find a distinction
    worth noting.
    In Watson, the resentencing court found the defendant guilty of two
    redesignated felonies, but the sentence on one count was stayed, and in any
    event, both felonies were committed against the same victim who was
    murdered. (Watson, supra, 64 Cal.App.5th at pp. 478, 481.) Here, we are
    asked whether the resentencing court could properly find Silva guilty of six
    counts of robbery or attempted robbery, all except one victimizing individuals
    other than the murder victims, and could sentence him consecutively on
    those counts in lieu of only two counts of murder of Forde and Garcia.
    Silva contends this was a violation of due process, the right to jury
    trial, confrontation, and the right to counsel.10 (U.S. Const., 5th, 6th & 14th
    10 As we have already explained, the Sixth Amendment did not apply to
    Silva’s resentencing. (See pt. II.D., ante.) Moreover, Silva was represented
    by appointed counsel throughout the section 1170.95 proceedings beginning
    Amends.) The Attorney General contends the resentencing judge had
    discretion under subdivision (e) to redesignate more offenses than one in lieu
    of each of Silva’s murder convictions in order to more closely approximate the
    gravity of his conduct. In our view, the Attorney General’s position more
    faithfully reflects the legislative intent. We conclude the federal and state
    Constitutions pose no bar to the redesignation of additional counts, so long as
    the petitioner receives notice, an opportunity to be heard, and the prosecution
    bears its burden of proving guilt on the redesignated counts.
    Subdivision (e) of section 1170.95 appears to invest the superior court
    with considerable discretion in redesignating the petitioner’s murder
    convictions as underlying felonies and resentencing a petitioner to an
    appropriate term of years based on his or her individual culpability. We
    believe the court may consider the full extent of the petitioner’s criminal
    conduct, and the redesignation may reflect, among other things, the number
    of crime victims, not just the number of murder charges on which the
    petitioner was convicted. (See Howard, supra, 50 Cal.App.5th at p. 742 [“the
    purpose of section 1170.95 is to punish a defendant commensurate with his
    individual culpability”].) The focus is on achieving a just sentence—not
    making sure the redesignated offenses line up numerically with the vacated
    murder convictions. (See § 1170.95, subd. (e) [court redesignates murder
    conviction “for resentencing purposes”].) “When a court resentences a
    defendant pursuant to section 1170.95, the only limitation is the new
    sentence cannot be greater than the original sentence. (§ 1170.95,
    subd. (d)(1).)” (Howard, at p. 742.)
    just days after he filed his petition. (§ 1170.95, subd. (c).) (See Lewis, supra,
    11 Cal.5th at p. 957].)
    Except for the redesignation of count 8, the judge did not violate
    section 1170.95 or the federal or state Constitutions in resentencing Silva,
    nor did he abuse his discretion in selecting a term of 16 years. We shall
    strike count 8 for lack of supporting evidence, but because count 8 was
    sentenced concurrently, striking it does not alter the length of Silva’s
    aggregate sentence.
    3. There is no need to remand for resentencing
    Both parties request a remand for resentencing. Although a remand
    could possibly lead to clarification of the court’s reasoning in some respects, it
    is highly unlikely to result in a shorter sentence, as we did not find any error
    by the court that contributed to the length of the sentence. Moreover, the
    record demonstrates that Judge Jacobson would not impose a longer
    sentence, even if it were available. He believed he had the option of imposing
    a longer sentence by sentencing count 8 consecutively, but he deliberately
    rejected that alternative and sentenced count 8 concurrently. “I’m finding
    that 16 years appears to me, based on all the evidence in this case, to be
    appropriate based on Mr. Silva’s history, his behavior in this case, and the
    damage and harm that was done in this case.” For this reason, even if a
    longer sentence could be calculated on remand, we think it clear the court
    would not impose a longer sentence. Remanding the case for resentencing
    would be an idle act and a waste of judicial resources.
    The redesignated offense and sentence on count 8 are ordered stricken
    for lack of evidence. The judgment is otherwise affirmed. The superior court
    shall prepare an amended abstract of judgment omitting count 8 and shall
    forward it to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
    POLLAK, P. J.
    ROSS, J.*
    *Judge of the Superior Court of California, City and County of San
    Francisco, assigned by the Chief Justice pursuant to article VI, section 6 of
    the California Constitution.
    STREETER, J., Concurring.
    Although we conclude that the burden of proof question is unnecessary
    to our disposition, the question of what burden must be met when a
    resentencing court selects one or more uncharged “target offense[s]” or
    “underlying felon[ies]” under Penal Code section 1170.95, subdivision (e)—
    preponderance of the evidence, clear and convincing proof, or proof beyond a
    reasonable doubt—is not only closely related to the issues of notice and
    opportunity to be heard that we decide here, but is a pressing matter in its
    own right. I would have preferred to see us go further and decide it along
    with these other issues of fundamental fairness. To me, we must bear in
    mind the applicable burden of proof when we evaluate the sufficiency of the
    evidence. (Conservatorship of O.B. (2020) 
    9 Cal.5th 989
    , 1000–1007.)
    “ ‘[T]he degree of proof required in a particular type of proceeding “is
    the kind of question which has traditionally been left to the judiciary to
    resolve.” [Citation.] [Fn. omitted.] “In cases involving individual rights,
    whether criminal or civil, ‘[t]he standard of proof [at a minimum] reflects the
    value society places on individual liberty.’ ” [Citations.]’ ‘The standard of
    proof must satisfy “ ‘the constitutional minimum of “fundamental
    fairness.” ’ ” ’ [Citations.] ‘The function of a standard of proof is to instruct
    the fact finder concerning the degree of confidence our society deems
    necessary in the correctness of factual conclusions for a particular type of
    adjudication, to allocate the risk of error between the litigants, and to
    indicate the relative importance attached to the ultimate decision.’
    [Citation.])” (People v. Bradford (2014) 
    227 Cal.App.4th 1322
    , 1344–1345
    (conc. opn. of Raye, P. J.).)
    Had we reached the issue, I would have concluded that the prosecution
    bears the burden of proving any redesignated offense under Penal Code
    section 1170.95, subdivision (e), beyond a reasonable doubt. (Cf. People v.
    Frierson (2017) 
    4 Cal.5th 225
     [prosecution bears burden of proving Prop. 36
    petitioner’s ineligibility for resentencing under Three Strikes Reform Act of
    2012 beyond a reasonable doubt].) I think that is not only constitutionally
    compelled as a matter of due process (In re Winship (1970) 
    397 U.S. 358
    362), but also as a matter of statutory interpretation. When the entirety of
    the statutory scheme is read as a whole, I see no reason why the Legislature
    would have intended to place a beyond a reasonable doubt burden on the
    prosecution at a section 1170.95, subdivision (d)(3) hearing, but some lesser
    burden at a section 1170.95, subdivision (e) hearing where the parties choose
    to proceed solely on the record of conviction. Accordingly, whether viewed as
    a matter of statutory interpretation as in Frierson, or as a matter of due
    process as in Winship, I think the burden of proof here is beyond a reasonable
    Trial Court: Alameda County Superior Court
    Trial Judge: Hon. Morris Jacobson
    Counsel:        Law Offices of Joseph C. Shipp and Joseph C. Shipp, by
    appointment of the Court of Appeal under the First District
    Appellate Project, for Defendant and Appellant.
    Xavier Becerra and Rob Bonta, Attorneys General,
    Lance E. Winters, Chief Assistant Attorney General,
    Jeffrey M. Laurence, Senior Assistant Attorney General,
    René A. Chacón and David M. Baskind, Deputy Attorneys
    General, for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    A160827 People v. Silva