Wheeler v. App. Div. ( 2021 )

  • Filed 12/15/21
    EMILY WHEELER,                     B310024
    Petitioner,                 (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. Nos. 9CJ00315,
    APPELLATE DIVISION OF              BR054851)
    Real Party in Interest.
    Petition for Writ of Mandate. H. Elizabeth Harris,
    Commissioner. Petition denied.
    Erika C. Anzoategui, Alternate Public Defender, Reid S.
    Honjiyo, Brock Hammond and Alvin Yu Deputy Alternate Public
    Defenders, for Petitioner.
    No appearance for Respondent.
    Michael N. Feuer, City Attorney, Meredith A. McKittrick,
    Supervising Deputy City Attorney, and Hannah M. Barker,
    Deputy City Attorney, for Real Party in Interest.
    Michael N. Feuer, City Attorney (Los Angeles), David J.
    Michaelson, Chief Assistant City Attorney, Taylor C. Wagniere
    and Kabir Chopra, Deputy City Attorneys, for the Los Angeles
    Department of Cannabis Regulation as Amicus Curiae on behalf
    of Real Party in Interest.
    Susana Alcala Wood, City Attorney (Sacramento), for City
    of Sacramento as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Real Party in
    Best Best & Krieger and Jeffrey V. Dunn for League of
    California Cities and California State Association of Counties as
    Amici Curiae on behalf of Real Party in Interest.
    Petitioner Emily Wheeler (Wheeler) seeks a writ of
    mandate directing the appellate division of the Los Angeles
    County Superior Court to set aside its opinion reversing the trial
    court’s dismissal of her criminal case under Penal Code section
    1385, and instead to affirm the dismissal. Wheeler contends that
    the trial court did not abuse its discretion in dismissing her case
    under section 1385. She also contends that the local ordinances
    she was charged with violating, Los Angeles Municipal Code
    (LAMC) sections 104.15(a)1, 104.15(b)4, and 12.21A.1.(a), are
    preempted by state law and thus unenforceable, providing an
    alternative basis to uphold the trial court’s dismissal of her
    criminal case.
    We hold that the local ordinances are not preempted by
    state law. We further hold that the appellate division did not err
    in concluding that the trial court abused its discretion by
    dismissing the charges primarily based on Wheeler’s lack of
    knowledge or intent, because the ordinances impose strict
    liability and do not require proof of knowledge or intent.
    Wheeler and her son are the owners of a commercial
    storefront building in the City of Los Angeles (the City). They
    leased the storefront to another person. During the lease term,
    Omar Brown allegedly was selling cannabis illegally from the
    Wheelers’ property. In June 2019, Wheeler, her son, and Omar
    Brown were charged with misdemeanor violations of various
    provisions of the LAMC.1 The charges relevant to this appeal are
    that Wheeler leased or rented her building to an unlicensed
    cannabis business in violation of LAMC section 104.15(a)1 and
    (b)4, and maintained a building for uses other than permitted in
    the zone in which it was located in violation of LAMC section
    Wheeler moved to dismiss the charges, arguing that the
    LAMC provisions were unconstitutionally vague, and that the
    charges should be dismissed in furtherance of justice under Penal
    Code section 1385, because Wheeler was 85 years old, had never
    been arrested or convicted of any crime, had no connection to the
    illegal cannabis shop, and was unaware of its presence on her
    The trial court did not grant Wheeler’s motion, but on its
    own motion dismissed the charges against Wheeler pursuant to
    Penal Code section 1385, explaining: “You have a woman born in
    1934 who has no prior criminal history. There is nothing to
    suggest that she knows anything about this, other than the fact
    that she owns the property, and the Code says, ‘in the interest of
    justice;’ and I think justice can only be served if a person who has
    1 Wheeler’s son and Omar Brown are not parties to this
    writ proceeding.
    lived an exemplary life for 80 plus years, and finds herself,
    because she owns property, and that property is leased to another
    individual, and that individual is operating a dispensary, that
    says to this court that justice would properly be served by
    dismissing the case in its entirety against Ms. Emily Wheeler.”
    The court added, “I don’t see where justice requires that she be
    subjected to prosecution on a situation where there’s no showing
    that she even knew anything about it.” The People objected that
    the court was “assuming that knowledge is an element of the
    offense,” to which the court responded, “[n]o, the court is not,”
    and reiterated that the dismissal was “in the interest of justice.”
    The People appealed the dismissal. Citing People v.
    Gonzalez (2020) 
    53 Cal.App.5th Supp. 1
    , 6 (holding that LAMC
    section 104.15(b)2 does not require proof of mens rea), the
    appellate division reversed, holding that the trial court’s “reliance
    on [Wheeler]’s lack of knowledge as a mitigating circumstance
    was improper” given that the ordinances are strict liability
    offenses. The appellate division further held that the section
    1385 dismissal was “an improper dismissal based on the court’s
    disagreement with the law.” The error was prejudicial, the
    appellate division concluded, because it was “reasonably
    probable” that the trial court might not have dismissed the
    charges if it had considered only appropriate factors, such as
    Wheeler’s age and lack of previous arrests or convictions.
    The appellate division also considered Wheeler’s argument,
    raised for the first time on appeal, that the dismissal should be
    affirmed because the ordinances were preempted by Health and
    Safety Code section 11366.5, subdivision (a) which makes it a
    misdemeanor to knowingly lease or rent a building “for the
    purpose of unlawfully manufacturing, storing, or distributing any
    controlled substance.” The appellate division rejected the
    preemption argument because state law, and in particular
    Business and Professions Code section 26200, subdivision (a)(1),
    “explicitly contemplates that municipalities can implement and
    enforce their own rules concerning the regulation of the cannabis
    industry within their borders,” the ordinances at issue regulate
    commercial cannabis activities, and state law does not fully
    occupy the field.
    Wheeler filed a petition for transfer, which our court
    denied. Wheeler then filed a petition for writ of mandate, which
    our court also denied. Wheeler then filed a petition for review.
    The Supreme Court granted the petition and transferred the
    matter to our court, with directions to vacate the order denying
    mandate and to issue an order to show cause.
    I.    Principles of review
    Our court’s prior order denying Wheeler’s transfer motion
    was not reviewable. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.500(a)(1); Dvorin
    v. Appellate Department (1975) 
    15 Cal.3d 648
    , 650.) However,
    after unsuccessfully petitioning this court for a writ of mandate,
    Wheeler filed a petition for review, which the Supreme Court
    granted, transferring the matter to this court “with directions to
    vacate [our] order denying mandate and to issue an order
    directing the respondent Appellate Division of the Superior Court
    of Los Angeles County to show cause why the relief sought in the
    petition should not be granted.”
    Although the procedural route taken by this case is
    unusual, the matter is properly before us. In Barajas v. Appellate
    Division of Superior Court (2019) 
    40 Cal.App.5th 944
    , as in this
    case, a criminal defendant filed a petition for writ of mandate
    seeking to challenge the appellate division’s order reversing the
    dismissal of his case, which was denied. The Supreme Court
    granted review and transferred the matter to the Court of Appeal
    with directions to vacate the denial and issue an order to show
    cause. (Id. at p. 950.) The court noted that “ ‘[t]he Supreme
    Court may order review . . . [¶] . . . [¶] [f]or the purpose of
    transferring the matter to the Court of Appeal for such
    proceedings as the Supreme Court may order.’ (Cal. Rules of
    Court, rule 8.500(b)(4).) The matter is properly before us on the
    Supreme Court’s order.” (Barajas, at p. 951; see Tecklenburg v.
    Appellate Division (2009) 
    169 Cal.App.4th 1402
    A.    Forfeiture
    The People contend that the preemption issue is not
    properly before this court because Wheeler forfeited it by failing
    to raise it at trial. As the People correctly observe, preemption is
    a purely legal issue properly raised by demurrer (Wells Fargo
    Bank, N.A. v. Superior Court (2008) 
    159 Cal.App.4th 381
    , 385), so
    Wheeler could have raised it by demurrer below (Tobe v. City of
    Santa Ana (1995) 
    9 Cal.4th 1069
    , 1091, fn. 10 [“if a statute under
    which a defendant is charged . . . is invalid, the complaint is
    subject to demurrer”]). However, as stated in People v. Hamilton
    30 Cal.App.5th 673
    , 678, footnote 2, when concluding that
    a claim of federal preemption was not waived by the defendant’s
    failure to raise it below, “The People have cited no authority that
    would allow us to conclude that a criminal defendant waives the
    ability to argue on appeal that he has been convicted for engaging
    in conduct that the state has no authority to punish.” (Accord
    Molina v. Retail Clerks Unions Etc. Benefit Fund (1980)
    111 Cal.App.3d 872
    , 878 [since preemption is purely legal issue
    not involving disputed facts, it may be raised for the first time on
    Moreover, the preemption issue has now been fully briefed,
    both by the parties and by amici curiae. Considerations of
    judicial economy favor addressing the preemption issue on the
    II.   State law does not preempt LAMC sections 104.15 and
    A.    The LAMC provisions at issue
    Section 104.15(a)1 and (b)4 of the LAMC, under which
    Wheeler was charged with leasing a building to an unlicensed
    cannabis shop, are part of Ordinance No. 185343, a
    comprehensive scheme enacted in 2018 by local voter initiative
    “to regulate commercial cannabis activities in the City of Los
    Angeles.” The purposes of the ordinance are to “create a licensing
    system for certain cannabis-related businesses,” protect
    consumers from “the dangers inherent in ingesting and using a
    substance that was not subject to basic rules of safety” and from
    the ”unscrupulous practices” of “unregulated cannabis
    businesses,” and to “issue licenses in an orderly and transparent
    manner to eligible applicants according to the requirements of
    this article, . . . and to mitigate the negative impacts brought by
    unregulated Cannabis businesses.” (LAMC § 104.00.)
    The ordinance requires all businesses that manufacture,
    distribute, or sell medicinal and/or adult-use cannabis in the City
    to have a city-issued license. (LAMC § 104.02.) It requires that
    the license be “prominently displayed at the Business Premises.”
    (LAMC § 104.11(b).) The City maintains a website listing all
    businesses that have a license to sell cannabis, including a map
    feature allowing the public to search by address to determine
    whether a business at a particular location has a license.
    The ordinance imposes criminal penalties for establishing,
    operating, or participating in “any unlicensed Commercial
    Cannabis Activity in the City,” which includes “renting, leasing to
    or otherwise allowing any unlicensed Commercial Cannabis
    Activity . . . to occupy or use any building or land.” (LAMC
    § 104.15(a)1 & (a)3.) The ordinance also provides that “it is
    unlawful to[ ] [¶] . . . [¶] . . . [l]ease, rent to, or otherwise allow an
    Unlawful Establishment to occupy any portion of parcel of land.”
    (LAMC § 104.15(b)4.) “Unlawful Establishment” is defined as a
    commercial cannabis activity that does not have a city-issued
    license. (LAMC § 104.01(a)27.) Violations of these provisions are
    subject to nuisance abatement procedures and to civil penalties of
    up to $20,000, and are punishable as misdemeanors by a fine of
    up to $1000 and up to six months in jail. (LAMC § 104.15(c) &
    Wheeler was also charged with a violation of LAMC section
    12.21A.1.(a), which provides that “[n]o building or structure shall
    be . . . used . . . for any use other than is permitted in the zone in
    which such building . . . is located and then only after applying
    for and securing all permits and licenses required by all laws and
    ordinances.” Violation of this ordinance is a misdemeanor
    punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 and up to six months in jail
    (LAMC § 11.00(m)), and is also subject to nuisance abatement
    procedures (LAMC § 11.00(l)).
    B.     State law regarding commercial cannabis activity
    1.     MAUCRSA
    In 2017, pursuant to a statewide voter initiative, California
    enacted the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and
    Safety Act (MAUCRSA), which is codified in Business and
    Professions Code sections 26000 to 26260. The stated purpose of
    MAUCRSA was “to establish a comprehensive system to control
    and regulate the cultivation, distribution . . . and sale” of
    medicinal and adult-use cannabis and to set forth “the power and
    duties of the state agencies responsible for controlling and
    regulating the commercial . . . cannabis industry.” (Bus. & Prof.
    Code, § 26000, subds. (b) & (c).)
    MAUCRSA creates a state licensing process for cannabis
    businesses (Bus. & Prof. Code, § 26010 et seq.), including
    penalties for licensing violations (§§ 26030–26037). It imposes
    civil penalties for “unlicensed commercial cannabis activity,” and
    provides that in addition to these civil penalties, “criminal
    penalties shall continue to apply to an unlicensed person
    engaging in commercial cannabis activity in violation of this
    division.” (§ 26038, subds. (a)(1), (f).)
    Despite the broad sweep of MAUCRSA, its licensing
    scheme explicitly contemplates that municipalities may also have
    their own regulations and licensing requirements for cannabis
    businesses. Subdivision (f) of Business and Professions Code
    section 26030 includes, as a basis for disciplinary action, “Failure
    to comply with the requirement of a local ordinance regulating
    commercial cannabis activity.” MAUCRSA includes a provision
    protecting landlords who rent to cannabis businesses from
    prosecution, but only if they rent to businesses that comply with
    state and local licensing requirements: “The actions of a person
    who, in good faith, allows his or her property to be used by a
    licensee . . . as permitted pursuant to a state license and, if
    required by the applicable local ordinances, a local license or
    permit, are not unlawful under state law.” (Bus. & Prof. Code,
    § 26032, subd. (b).) Finally, MAUCRSA provides that “[t]his
    division shall not be interpreted to supersede or limit the
    authority of a local jurisdiction to adopt and enforce local
    ordinances to regulate businesses licensed under this division,
    including, but not limited to, local zoning and land use
    requirements, business license requirements, . . . or to completely
    prohibit the establishment or operation of one or more types of
    businesses licensed under this division within the local
    jurisdiction. [¶] . . . This division shall not be interpreted to
    supersede or limit existing local authority for law enforcement
    activity, enforcement of local zoning requirements or local
    ordinances, or enforcement of local license, permit, or other
    authorization requirements.” (Bus. & Prof. Code, § 26200,
    subd. (a)(1), (2).)
    2.    UCSA
    Although MAUCRSA and previously enacted state laws
    have, to a large extent, legalized the sale of medicinal and adult-
    use cannabis, state law also continues to define cannabis as a
    controlled substance. The California Uniform Controlled
    Substances Act (UCSA) (Health & Saf. Code, § 11000 et seq.)
    includes cannabis under the category of “hallucinogenic
    substances.” (Health & Saf. Code, §§ 11054, subd. (d)(13), 11018,
    In particular, Health and Safety Code section 11366.5,
    subdivision (a) provides that “[a]ny person who has under his or
    her management or control any building . . . as an owner . . . who
    knowingly rents, leases, or makes available for use . . . the
    building . . . for the purpose of unlawfully manufacturing,
    storing, or distributing any controlled substance for sale or
    distribution shall be punished by imprisonment . . . for not more
    than one year.” As cannabis is a controlled substance (Health &
    Saf. Code, § 11054), and engaging in unlicensed commercial
    cannabis activity is a crime (Bus. & Prof. Code, § 26038,
    subd. (c)), the state misdemeanor penalty in section 11366.5
    would apply to a landlord who knowingly leases a building to an
    unlicensed cannabis shop.
    3.    Nuisance
    Finally, the state’s general nuisance statute, Penal Code
    section 373a, could also apply in situations where a landlord
    allows unlicensed commercial cannabis activity to occur on his or
    her property. This statute imposes misdemeanor penalties on
    every “person who maintains, permits, or allows a public
    nuisance to exist upon his or her property or premises . . . after
    reasonable notice . . . to remove, discontinue, or abate.” (§ 373a.)
    C.    Principles of preemption
    Having surveyed the local ordinances and state statutes at
    issue, we turn to preemption. Wheeler contends that the
    ordinances she was charged with violating are invalid because
    they are preempted by state law. She argues that the state has
    occupied the field of imposing penalties for drug crimes, and also
    that the local provisions duplicate and conflict with state law in
    that the ordinances impose strict-liability penalties for the same
    conduct that, under state law, requires proof of knowledge
    (Health & Saf. Code, § 11366.5) or notice and an opportunity to
    abate (Pen. Code, § 373a).
    Article XI, section 7 of the California Constitution states
    that “[a] county or city may make and enforce within its limits all
    local, police, sanitary, and other ordinances and regulations not
    in conflict with general laws.” “This inherent local police power
    includes broad authority to determine, for purposes of the public
    health, safety, and welfare, the appropriate uses of land within a
    local jurisdiction’s borders.” (City of Riverside v. Inland Empire
    Patients Health & Wellness Center, Inc. (2013) 
    56 Cal.4th 729
    738 (Inland Empire).)
    “[P]reemption by state law is not lightly presumed.”
    (Inland Empire, supra, 56 Cal.4th at p. 738.) “ ‘When local
    government regulates in an area over which it traditionally has
    exercised control, such as the location of particular land
    uses, . . . courts will presume, absent a clear indication of
    preemptive intent from the Legislature, that such regulation is
    not preempted.’ ” (Id. at p. 743.) Even outside the area of land
    use, courts are “ ‘reluctant’ ” to infer preemptive intent where
    there are significant local interests that may differ from one
    locality to another. (Big Creek Lumber Co. v. City of Santa Cruz
    38 Cal.4th 1139
    , 1149.) The presumption against
    preemption is even stronger in cases involving “home rule” or
    charter cities such as Los Angeles, which have the right to adopt
    and enforce ordinances that conflict with general state laws on
    subjects of municipal rather than statewide concern. (O’Connell
    v. City of Stockton (2007) 
    41 Cal.4th 1061
    , 1075–1076 (O’Connell);
    see Cal. Const., art. XI, § 7.)
    In contrast, “local legislation that conflicts with state law is
    void.” (Inland Empire, supra, 56 Cal.4th at p. 743.) Local
    legislation has been found to conflict with state law in various
    ways: if it “ ‘ “ ‘ “duplicates, contradicts, or enters an area fully
    occupied by general law, either expressly or by legislative
    implication.” ’ ” ’ ” (Ibid.)
    Local legislation “ ‘ “ ‘ “duplicates” ’ ” ’ ” state law when it is
    “ ‘ “coextensive therewith,” ’ ” regulating or prohibiting exactly
    the same conduct. (Inland Empire, supra, 56 Cal.4th at p. 743;
    Sherwin-Williams Co. v. City of Los Angeles (1993) 
    4 Cal.4th 893
    897.) Local legislation “contradicts” state law when “it is inimical
    or cannot be reconciled with state law,” such that it is impossible
    to comply with both. (O’Connell, supra, 41 Cal.4th at p. 1068;
    Inland Empire, at p. 743 [“The ‘contradictory and inimical’ form
    of preemption does not apply unless the ordinance directly
    requires what the state statute forbids or prohibits what the
    state enactment demands”].)
    Local legislation “ ‘enters an area that is “fully occupied” by
    general law’ ” either when “ ‘the Legislature has expressly
    manifested its intent to “fully occupy” the area [citation], or when
    it has impliedly done so in light of one of the following indicia of
    intent: “(1) the subject matter has been so fully and completely
    covered by general law as to clearly indicate clearly that it has
    become exclusively a matter of state concern; (2) the subject
    matter has been partially covered by general law couched in such
    terms as to indicate that a paramount state concern will not
    tolerate further or additional local action; or (3) the subject
    matter has been partially covered by general law, and the subject
    is of such a nature that the adverse effect of a local ordinance on
    the transient citizens of the state outweighs the possible benefit
    to the” locality.’ ” (Inland Empire, supra, 56 Cal.4th at p. 743.)
    D.    Case law applying preemption to local cannabis
    Inland Empire, supra, 56 Cal.4th at page 737, held that
    state statutes regarding medical marijuana do not preempt a
    local ban on medical marijuana dispensaries. In reaching this
    conclusion, the Supreme Court analyzed then-existing state laws,
    the Compassionate Use Act and the Medical Marijuana Program,
    which were later amended, reorganized, and incorporated into
    MAUCRSA. (Assem. Com. on Budget and Fiscal Review,
    Analysis of Sen. Bill No. 94 (2017–2018 Reg. Sess.) These laws
    exempted cultivation of medical marijuana by patients and their
    caregivers from prosecution under state drug laws. (Inland
    Empire, at p. 738.)
    Inland Empire, supra, 56 Cal.4th at page 743, concluded
    that local zoning and nuisance ordinances which, in effect,
    banned medical marijuana dispensaries in the City of Riverside
    were not preempted as “ ‘ “duplicative” ’ ” of state law. Although
    the subject matter of the state medical marijuana statutes and
    the local ordinances overlapped, they were not “ ‘coextensive.’ ”
    The state statutes protected medical marijuana users and their
    caregivers from prosecution under certain state criminal laws
    including “ ‘drug den’ ” nuisance statutes; the Riverside
    ordinances, in contrast, defined the use of property for medical
    marijuana-related activities as a local nuisance, and as a
    violation of local zoning ordinances. (Id. at pp. 752, 754, 762.)
    Inland Empire also held that the local ordinances did not
    contradict state law. It was possible to comply with both the local
    ordinances and state law, by refraining from cultivating or
    distributing medical marijuana within the city’s boundaries, and
    the state laws did not require local governments to authorize,
    allow, or accommodate medical marijuana dispensaries. (Id. at
    pp. 754–755, 759.) Finally, Inland Empire held there was “no
    attempt by the Legislature to fully occupy the field of medical
    marijuana regulation as a matter of statewide concern, or to
    partially occupy this field under circumstances indicating that
    further local regulation will not be tolerated,” particularly in light
    of the varying local interests involved. (Id. at p. 755.) “[W]hile
    some counties and cities might consider themselves well suited to
    accommodating medical marijuana dispensaries, conditions in
    other communities might lead to the reasonable decision that
    such facilities within their borders . . . would present
    unacceptable local risks and burdens.” (Id. at p. 756.)
    Other cases have also rejected preemption challenges to
    local ordinances involving medical marijuana. Conejo Wellness
    Center, Inc. v. City of Agoura Hills (2013) 
    214 Cal.App.4th 1543
    1556 to 1557 (Conejo), held that state medical marijuana laws did
    not preempt local ordinances banning medical marijuana
    dispensaries, noting that the state statutes were amended to
    clarify that they “expressly permit[ ] ‘civil and criminal
    enforcement’ of local ordinances ‘that regulate the location,
    operation, or establishment of a medical marijuana cooperative or
    collective.’ ” Similarly, County of Los Angeles v. Hill (2011)
    192 Cal.App.4th 861
    , 868 (Hill), held that local nuisance
    ordinances restricting the location of medical marijuana
    dispensaries were not preempted by state statutes providing
    immunity from prosecution under state “ ‘drug den’ ” nuisance
    laws to medical marijuana patients and caregivers. Hill
    concluded that the state laws were not intended to occupy the
    field of medical marijuana regulation, and the local nuisance
    ordinances did not duplicate or contradict the state statute
    providing immunity from state nuisance laws. (Id. at pp. 867–
    869 [“County’s constitutional authority to regulate the particular
    manner and location in which a business may operate [citation] is
    unaffected by” state law granting immunity from state nuisance
    statutes]; see Browne v. County of Tehama (2013) 
    213 Cal.App.4th 704
     [local ordinance restricting cultivation of
    medical marijuana not preempted]; City of Claremont v. Kruse
    177 Cal.App.4th 1153
     [local ordinance requiring medical
    marijuana dispensaries to be licensed, and subjecting unlicensed
    dispensaries to nuisance penalties, not preempted].)
    Inland Empire, Conejo, Hill and similar cases considered
    only the state’s “careful and limited forays” into decriminalization
    and regulation of medical marijuana. (Inland Empire, supra,
    56 Cal.4th at p. 762.) In the years since those cases were decided,
    the state enacted additional legislation, culminating with the
    enactment of MAUCRSA in 2017, creating a far more
    comprehensive regulatory scheme that now encompasses both
    medicinal and recreational adult-use cannabis. (Bus. & Prof.
    Code, § 26000.) But the same principles articulated in the Inland
    Empire line of cases apply to broader state laws, including
    MAUCRSA. In Safe Life Caregivers v. City of Los Angeles (2016)
    243 Cal.App.4th 1029
    , 1045, the court rejected the notion that,
    given the enactment in 2015 of more comprehensive state
    medical marijuana legislation, “regulation of medical marijuana
    is now a matter of statewide concern, which therefore preempts
    municipal regulation.” The court concluded that regulation of
    medical marijuana “solely within the City’s borders” is still a
    “wholly municipal matter.” (Ibid.) Similarly, in City of Vallejo v.
    NCORP4, Inc. (2017) 
    15 Cal.App.5th 1078
    , decided shortly after
    the enactment of MAUCRSA, the court held that a local
    ordinance treating medical marijuana dispensaries as a public
    nuisance, but granting limited immunity to dispensaries that met
    certain requirements, was not preempted. The court noted that
    MAUCRSA—like its predecessor statutes—does not mandate
    that local governments authorize, allow, or accommodate the
    existence of marijuana dispensaries (id. at p. 1081), and does not
    preempt “ ‘the authority of California cities and counties, under
    their traditional land use and police powers, to allow, restrict,
    limit, or entirely exclude’ ” dispensaries, and to “ ‘enforce such
    policies by nuisance actions’ ” (id. at p. 1082).
    None of these cases specifically considered whether local
    ordinances such as LAMC section 104.15, which impose criminal
    penalties for unlawful commercial cannabis activities, in addition
    to civil penalties such as fines and nuisance abatement
    injunctions, are subject to a preemption analysis that is less
    deferential to local government interests. (See Kirby v. County of
    Fresno (2015) 
    242 Cal.App.4th 940
    , 957 [“the presumption
    against preemption that applies to local land use regulations does
    not apply in the area of criminal law”].)
    A preemption challenge to local ordinances imposing
    criminal penalties for drug-related activity was addressed,
    however, in O’Connell, where the Supreme Court found that a
    local ordinance allowing seizure and forfeiture of vehicles used to
    buy controlled substances was preempted by state law.
    Provisions of the UCSA also provided for forfeiture of vehicles
    used in drug crimes, but only for more serious offenses and only
    upon proof beyond a reasonable doubt, while the local ordinance
    allowed forfeiture even for misdemeanor possession, and upon
    proof by a preponderance of the evidence. O’Connell concluded
    that the state statute occupied the field of defining and punishing
    drug-related crimes: “The comprehensive nature of the UCSA in
    defining drug crimes and specifying penalties (including
    forfeiture) is so thorough and detailed as to manifest the
    Legislature’s intent to preclude local regulation.” (Id. at p. 1071.)
    Given the state’s “comprehensive enactment of penalties for
    crimes involving controlled substances, but exclusion from that
    scheme of any provision for vehicle forfeiture for simple
    possessory drug offenses,” the local ordinance imposing such a
    penalty was preempted. (Id. at p. 1072.)
    In reaching its conclusion, O’Connell relied on In re Lane
    58 Cal.2d 99
    , which held that a local ordinance
    criminalizing nonmarital sexual intercourse was preempted
    because the state had occupied the field of sex crimes. Lane is
    one of a line of cases holding that local ordinances imposing
    harsher penalties for the same conduct covered by state criminal
    laws, or criminalizing additional conduct in an area where the
    state has enacted comprehensive criminal laws, are preempted.
    (See, e.g., In re Portnoy (1942) 
    21 Cal.2d 237
     [local gambling
    ordinances preempted because they duplicated and conflicted
    with state law]; Lancaster v. Municipal Court (1972) 
    6 Cal.3d 805
    , 808 [city ordinance prohibiting massage by person of
    opposite sex preempted by state’s “general scheme for the
    regulation of the criminal aspects of sexual activity”]; People v.
    Nguyen (2014) 
    222 Cal.App.4th 1168
     [local ordinance prohibiting
    sex offenders from entering city parks preempted by
    comprehensive state laws regulating convicted sex offenders].)
    The difference between preemption analysis of local land
    use and licensing ordinances, and preemption analysis of local
    ordinances that enter the area of criminal law, is illustrated by
    Cohen v. Board of Supervisors (1985) 
    40 Cal.3d 277
    . Cohen held
    that state prostitution laws preempted provisions of a local
    ordinance regulating escort services penalizing “ ‘criminal
    conduct’ ” between escorts and clients (id. at p. 292), but did not
    preempt the local ordinance’s provisions requiring licensing of
    escort services, which fell within the city’s power to “regulate
    businesses conducted within its borders” (id. at p. 296).
    Similarly, Malish v. City of San Diego (2000) 
    84 Cal.App.4th 725
    distinguished between permissible land use and business
    regulations, and local ordinances that are preempted because
    they impose harsher penalties than state law for the same
    conduct. Local ordinances defining pawnbrokers as a “police
    regulated” business and requiring permits, inspection, and
    recordkeeping, were not preempted. (Id. at pp. 729, 730, 732–
    733, 736.) But an ordinance allowing revocation of a
    pawnbroker’s permit for a single violation of law was preempted
    by a state law providing that a state pawnbroker license may
    only be revoked upon proof of a pattern of unlawful conduct,
    because it imposed a harsher penalty for the same conduct. (Id.
    at pp. 734–735.)
    This distinction between ordinances that enter into the
    area of criminal law, and those that regulate local land use and
    business activities, was applied in the context of medical
    marijuana in Kirby v. County of Fresno, supra, 
    242 Cal.App.4th 940
    . Kirby involved a preemption challenge to a local ordinance
    banning medical marijuana dispensaries and cultivation, and
    classifying violations of the ordinance as both public nuisances
    and misdemeanors. (Id. at p. 951.) Kirby held that the aspects of
    the ordinance that regulated land use were not preempted. (Id.
    at pp. 947–948.) In contrast, the misdemeanor penalty for
    medical marijuana cultivation was preempted by “California’s
    extensive statutory scheme addressing crimes, defenses and
    immunities relating to marijuana” (id. at p. 948), which
    manifested “the Legislature’s intent to fully occupy the area of
    criminalization and decriminalization of activity directly related
    to marijuana” (id. at p. 961). Kirby also held that the local
    ordinance’s imposition of misdemeanor penalties for marijuana
    cultivation was preempted because it contradicted state law
    providing immunity from prosecution for marijuana cultivation to
    persons with a valid medical marijuana card. (Ibid.)
    There is not, however, a bright line between the local land
    use, zoning, and nuisance ordinances restricting commercial
    cannabis activity—which have generally survived preemption
    challenges--and local criminal penalties for cannabis-related
    activity such as the one struck down in Kirby. Section 104.15 of
    the LAMC is an example of a type of criminal law “often referred
    to as public welfare offenses.” (In re Jorge M. (2000) 
    23 Cal.4th 866
    , 872.) Although these statutes impose criminal penalties,
    they are “ ‘regulatory in nature’ ” and are “ ‘ “enacted for the
    protection of the public health and safety” ’ ”; their “ ‘ “primary
    purpose . . . is regulation rather than punishment or
    correction,” ’ ” so they are “ ‘ “not crimes in the orthodox sense.” ’ ”
    Conejo, supra, 214 Cal.App.4th at pages 1546 to 1547 arose
    in the context of a code enforcement investigation rather than a
    criminal prosecution, but the ordinances at issue were
    enforceable both by nuisance abatement processes and by
    prosecution for a misdemeanor, so the case could have involved
    criminal as well as civil penalties. Likewise, in Kirby v. County of
    Fresno, supra, 242 Cal.App.4th at page 961 while drawing a
    distinction between local land use ordinances—which were not
    preempted—and local criminal penalties for marijuana
    cultivation—which were preempted—the court also noted that
    the “indirect criminal sanction” of a potential misdemeanor
    prosecution for failing to abate a public nuisance involving the
    cultivation of medical marijuana was not preempted by state law.
    Thus, the central question in this case is whether section
    104.15 of the LAMC is a “drug crime” ordinance that would be
    preempted by state criminal laws, or a permissible enforcement
    mechanism for the City’s land use ordinances and business
    licensing requirements for commercial cannabis activities.
    E.    Application of preemption principles to LAMC
    sections 104.15(a)1 and (b)4, and 12.21A.1.(a)
    We begin our preemption analysis of the LAMC ordinances
    at issue by noting that field preemption does not apply.
    MAUCRSA explicitly disavows any legislative intention to occupy
    the field of commercial cannabis regulation, and explicitly
    contemplates that cities and counties will also impose their own
    licensing requirements and other restrictions on commercial
    cannabis activities. (Bus. & Prof. Code, §§ 26030, subd. (f),
    26200, subd. (a)(1).) MAUCRSA states explicitly that its
    provisions “shall not be interpreted to supersede or limit existing
    local authority for law enforcement activity” as well as for
    “enforcement of local zoning requirements or local ordinances, or
    enforcement of local license, permit, or other authorization
    requirements.” (Bus. & Prof. Code, § 26200, subd. (a)(2), italics
    Nor does the UCSA occupy the field to the exclusion of local
    ordinances criminalizing cannabis-related activities. Although
    cannabis is still listed in the UCSA as a controlled substance
    (Health & Saf. Code, § 11054, subd. (d)(13)), under current law it
    is primarily regulated by MAUCRSA rather than prohibited by
    UCSA. Possession of cannabis for personal use by persons over
    21 is no longer a crime under state law. (§ 11362.1.) State
    criminal penalties apply to commercial cannabis-related
    activities only if they fail to comply with MAUCRSA. (Bus. &
    Prof. Code, § 26038, subds. (a), (c).)
    Even though the state has not occupied the field, the
    ordinances at issue may still be preempted if they duplicate or
    contradict state law. Wheeler argues that LAMC section 104.15
    duplicates and conflicts with section 11366.5 of the Health and
    Safety Code, in that it penalizes the same conduct—leasing a
    building to an unlicensed cannabis shop—but the local ordinance
    imposes strict liability while the state law requires proof of
    The two provisions, however, are not coextensive. Section
    11366.5 of the Health and Safety Code penalizes landlords if they
    knowingly permit any of a wide range of drug-related activities to
    occur on property located anywhere in the state, including the
    manufacture, distribution, or sale of any controlled substance.
    So, for example, landlords who knowingly allow a
    methamphetamine manufacturing lab, a cocaine-distributing
    cartel, or a street-level heroin dealer to operate on their property
    could be prosecuted under this statute. LAMC section 104.15, in
    contrast, applies only to landlords who allow commercial
    cannabis activity to occur on their property within the City,
    without a City-issued license. It is not the presence of a
    controlled substance that triggers enforcement of this ordinance,
    but the location of the business within the City and the absence
    of a license. Nor are the state and local provisions contradictory
    in the sense of being “inimical.” It is possible for landlords to
    comply with both of them, by refraining from allowing an
    unlicensed cannabis business to operate on property located in
    the City.
    LAMC section 104.15 and section 11366.5 of the Health and
    Safety Code are also not duplicative or contradictory in the
    broader sense discussed in O’Connell, Portnoy, and similar cases,
    where local criminal or quasi-criminal ordinances were held to be
    preempted because they imposed different, broader, or harsher
    penalties for the same conduct addressed in state criminal laws.
    Cannabis, unlike other controlled substances such as
    methamphetamine, cocaine, and heroin, is not unlawful in all
    contexts. Through successive enactments of state and local
    legislation, cannabis has gradually come to be regulated in a
    manner more similar to alcohol, prescription medications, or
    firearms than to these other controlled substances. There is no
    such thing as a licensed methamphetamine lab or heroin
    dealership. Any manufacture, distribution, or commercial
    activity involving these other controlled substances is necessarily
    clandestine, so it would violate basic principles of fairness to
    impose strict liability on a landlord from whom such activity has
    been successfully concealed. But cannabis shops are businesses,
    operating openly in public, and so it is not unfair to impose on
    landlords the responsibility to ensure that they are licensed,
    especially because cannabis businesses are required to display
    their licenses prominently, and the City maintains a publicly
    accessible website listing all licensed cannabis businesses.
    Moreover, there are policy justifications supporting LAMC
    section 104.15’s imposition of strict liability, that do not apply in
    the context of other controlled substances. As explained in the
    amicus brief of the Los Angeles Department of Cannabis
    Regulation, there is a large volume of unlicensed commercial
    cannabis activity that undercuts the City’s licensing scheme, and
    circumvents public health, safety, and environmental
    regulations. The City may reasonably believe that imposing
    strict liability on landlords who rent to cannabis shops without
    confirming that they are licensed is essential to the City’s
    ongoing efforts to combat the negative impact of unlicensed
    commercial cannabis activity on the health, safety, and welfare of
    the City’s residents.
    For similar reasons, LAMC section 12.21A.1(a), and its
    enforcement through the City’s nuisance ordinances, is not
    preempted by section 373a of the Penal Code, even though the
    ordinance lacks the explicit notice requirement contained in the
    state statute. Once again, the state has explicitly disavowed any
    intention to occupy the field of nuisance abatement. (Gov. Code,
    § 38771 [“By ordinance the city legislative body may declare what
    constitutes a nuisance”]; Inland Empire, supra, 56 Cal.4th at
    p. 761 [“[n]uisance law is not defined exclusively by what the
    state makes subject to, or exempt from, its own nuisance
    statutes”; unless there is “clear conflict with general law, a city’s
    or county’s inherent, constitutionally recognized power to
    determine the appropriate use of land within its borders
    [citation] allows it to define nuisances for local purposes”].)
    This ordinance does not duplicate or contradict state law.
    It falls well within the City’s land use powers to enforce its
    zoning ordinances through criminal as well as civil nuisance
    penalties, and it is common for such “public welfare offenses” not
    to require proof of knowledge or intent. (In re Jorge M., 
    Cal.4th at p. 872 [“ ‘ “[u]nder many statutes enacted for the
    protection of the public health and safety . . . criminal sanctions
    are relied upon even if there is no wrongful intent” ’ ”].)
    We conclude that the appellate division correctly held that
    LAMC sections 104.15(a)1, 104.15(b)4, and 12.21A.1.(a) are not
    preempted by state law.
    III.   The appellate division did not err in reversing the Penal
    Code section 1385 dismissal.
    Section 1385, subdivision (a) of the Penal Code provides
    that “[t]he judge . . . may . . . in furtherance of justice, order an
    action to be dismissed.” The standard for appellate review of a
    decision to dismiss charges in the furtherance of justice is abuse
    of discretion. (People v. Williams (1998) 
    17 Cal.4th 148
    , 162;
    People v. S.M. (2017) 
    9 Cal.App.5th 210
    , 218.) This standard of
    review is “deferential. [Citations.] But is not empty.” (Williams,
    at p. 162 [affirming Court of Appeal’s ruling that trial court’s
    Pen. Code, § 1385 dismissal was abuse of discretion].) Although
    the trial court’s discretion to dismiss pursuant to Penal Code
    section 1385 is broad, it is “ ‘ “by no means absolute.” ’ ”
    (Williams, at p. 158.)
    Because the Legislature did not define the term “ ‘ “ ‘in
    furtherance of justice,’ ” ’ ” “ ‘ “appellate courts have been faced
    with the task of establishing the boundaries of the judicial power
    conferred by the statute.” ’ ” (People v. Williams, 
    17 Cal.4th at p. 159.) Williams reviewed the extensive case law
    on Penal Code section 1385 and concluded that “ ‘ “several
    general principles emerge. Paramount among them is the rule
    ‘that the language . . . [citation] “in furtherance of justice,”
    requires consideration both of the constitutional rights of the
    defendant, and the interests of society represented by the
    People . . . .’ . . . ” “ . . . in ‘the fair prosecution of crimes properly
    alleged.’ ” ’ ” (Williams, at p. 159.) A trial court abuses its
    discretion if its Penal Code section 1385 dismissal is “ ‘ “guided
    solely by a personal antipathy for the effect that the . . . law
    would have on [a] defendant.” ’ ” (Williams, at p. 159; People v.
    McGlothin (1998) 
    67 Cal.App.4th 468
    , 476 [“A court may not
    simply substitute its own opinion of what would be a better
    policy, or a more appropriately calibrated system of punishment,
    in place of that articulated by the People”].)
    In this case, the “interests of society” as expressed in the
    ordinances at issue are to aid the City in enforcing its commercial
    cannabis licensing scheme, and to minimize incentives to
    undercut this scheme by operating unlicensed cannabis
    businesses, by imposing criminal liability on landlords who rent
    to cannabis businesses without ascertaining that such businesses
    are licensed. Given these societal interests, the appellate division
    did not err in concluding that “[f]inding that a person’s lack of
    knowledge called for the dismissal of offenses, when the offenses
    required no knowledge for conviction, in effect, was an improper
    dismissal based on the court’s disagreement with the law, or
    disapproval of the impact the provisions would have on
    The petition for writ of mandate is denied. Upon remand,
    the trial court may, upon its own motion, reconsider whether to
    dismiss the charges in the interests of justice, on the basis of
    factors other than Wheeler’s lack of knowledge.
    We concur:
    EDMON, P. J.
    *Judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court, assigned by the
    Chief Justice pursuant to article VI, section 6 of the California