People v. Hansen CA3 ( 2021 )

  • Filed 12/16/21 P. v. Hansen CA3
    California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for
    publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). This opinion has not been certified for publication
    or ordered published for purposes of rule 8.1115.
    THE PEOPLE,                                                                                   C093948
    Plaintiff and Respondent,                                     (Super. Ct. No. 20CF02707)
    Defendant and Appellant.
    Appointed counsel for defendant Dwayne Loren Hansen filed an opening brief
    that sets forth the facts of the case and asks this court to review the record and determine
    whether there are any arguable issues on appeal. (People v. Wende (1979) 
    25 Cal.3d 436
    (Wende).) After examining the record, we find no arguable error that would result in a
    disposition more favorable to defendant and affirm the judgment.
    Our recitation of the facts is derived from the probation report and Butte County
    Sheriff’s Office report No. 20-03450, to which defendant stipulated to as the factual basis
    for his plea.
    On May 29, 2020, a Butte County sheriff’s deputy contacted defendant and his
    wife near their motorhome at a boat launch in Oroville; the motorhome had an expired
    registration. Defendant admitted they possessed marijuana and consented to the deputy
    entering the motorhome to retrieve the marijuana. After marijuana and drug
    paraphernalia were located, defendant consented to a search of the motorhome and
    deputies located nunchakus, children’s underwear, and a second methamphetamine pipe.
    Given defendant’s status as a sex offender who was required to register and the presence
    of children’s underwear in the motorhome that defendant admitted using to masturbate, a
    deputy asked defendant for consent to search his electronic devices. Defendant admitted
    he possessed child pornography on a cellphone located in the bedroom of the motorhome.
    Defendant then fled on foot after telling the deputies they needed a warrant; he was
    subsequently detained. After obtaining a search warrant, a forensic analysis of
    defendant’s electronic devices located over 1,000 images and 62 videos of child
    In June 2020, defendant was charged with possession of sadomasochistic child or
    youth pornography (Pen. Code, § 311.11, subd. (c)(2); count 1),1 possession of over 600
    images of child or youth pornography (§ 311.11, subd. (c)(1); count 2), possession of
    child or youth pornography (§ 311.11, subd. (a); count 3), possession of a nunchaku
    (§ 22010; count 4), possession of methamphetamine with a prior conviction that requires
    1   Further undesignated statutory references are to the Penal Code.
    section 290 registration (Health & Saf. Code, § 11377, subd. (a); count 5), and resisting,
    delaying, or obstructing a peace officer (§ 148, subd. (a)(1); count 6).
    In December 2020, defendant agreed to plead guilty to count 2, possessing over
    600 images of child pornography, in exchange for dismissal of the remaining counts with
    a waiver pursuant to People v. Harvey (1979) 
    25 Cal.3d 754
    . The plea agreement left the
    matter of probation and sentencing to the trial court’s discretion. Defendant stipulated to
    a factual basis for his plea, and further stipulated that the trial court could consider facts
    from probation reports, police reports, or other sources as deemed necessary to establish
    the factual basis.
    In April 2021, the trial court denied probation and sentenced defendant to the
    upper term of five years. The court awarded defendant 328 days of actual credit and 328
    days of conduct credit for total presentence credits of 656 days and imposed a $300
    restitution fine (§ 1202.4); a $300 post release community supervision revocation
    restitution fine, stayed unless supervision was revoked (§ 1202.45); a $40 court
    operations assessment (§ 1465.8); and a $30 criminal conviction assessment (Gov. Code,
    § 70373).
    That same day, defendant filed a notice of appeal, claiming the appeal was based
    on the sentence or other matters occurring after the plea that did not affect the validity of
    the plea. A week later, on April 28, 2020, defendant filed a second notice of appeal that
    requested a certificate of probable cause. The trial court denied his certificate request.
    On June 18, 2021, defendant filed a third notice of appeal with a request for a certificate
    of probable cause; the trial court granted this request. The case was fully briefed on
    September 24, 2021 and assigned to this panel on October 29, 2021.
    We appointed counsel to represent defendant on appeal. Counsel filed an opening
    brief setting forth the facts of the case and requesting that this court review the record to
    determine whether there are any arguable issues on appeal. (Wende, supra, 
    25 Cal.3d
    436.) Defendant was advised of his right to file a supplemental brief within 30 days of
    the date of filing of the opening brief. More than 30 days elapsed, and we received no
    communication from defendant.
    Having examined the record, we find no arguable error that would result in a
    disposition more favorable to defendant.
    The judgment is affirmed.
    Duarte, J.
    We concur:
    Blease, Acting P. J.
    Krause, J.

Document Info

Docket Number: C093948

Filed Date: 12/16/2021

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 12/16/2021