Woods v. American Film Institute ( 2021 )

  • Filed 12/17/21
    LAURIE WOODS,                            B307220
    Plaintiff and Appellant,          (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. BC697649)
    Defendant and Respondent.
    APPEAL from an order of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County. Daniel J. Buckley, Judge. Affirmed.
    Setareh Law Group, Shaun Setareh and Thomas Segal for
    Plaintiff and Appellant.
    Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, Gary M. McLaughlin,
    Aileen M. McGrath, Jonathan P. Slowik and Victor A. Salcedo for
    Defendant and Respondent.
    Laurie Woods appeals from an order denying certification
    of a class of persons who worked without pay for respondent
    American Film Institute (AFI). Since 1987, AFI has presented an
    annual film festival in Los Angeles (the Festival) for which it
    uses volunteer workers. Woods contends that those volunteers
    were actually employees because AFI is not permitted to use
    unpaid labor under California law. Woods filed a putative class
    action alleging that such workers were therefore denied benefits
    that California employers are required to provide to employees,
    such as minimum and overtime wages, meal and rest breaks, and
    wage statements.
    The trial court denied class certification on the ground that
    common issues would not predominate over individual ones. The
    court reasoned that a worker cannot be classified as an employee
    unless the worker expects some compensation. Determining
    whether any particular class members expected compensation
    would therefore require separate, individual mini-trials. The
    court also found that whether AFI had an unlawful meal and rest
    break policy that it uniformly applied to its workers could not be
    determined through common proof.
    We affirm based upon the trial court’s first reason for
    denying certification. The trial court correctly decided that
    putative class members who expected no compensation were not
    employees under California law. The class that Woods moved to
    certify is broad enough to include persons who expected to be
    paid. Thus, if the case were to proceed as a class action, the trier
    of fact would need to decide whether each class member expected
    to be paid or was in fact a volunteer. The trial court acted within
    its discretion in finding that the need to decide such individual
    issues would preclude common issues from predominating.
    1.     Woods’ Allegations
    Woods’s operative First Amended Complaint (Complaint)
    alleges that AFI has solicited thousands of volunteers to work at
    its Festival “under the false pretense that volunteers will get to
    enjoy the event in exchange for their services.” In reality, the
    volunteers are required to work and do not have an opportunity
    to attend the event. Thus, the volunteers “do not receive any
    compensation for their ‘employment’ and in many cases incur
    expenses for which they have not been reimbursed by [AFI].”
    The Complaint alleges that the volunteers’ hours are
    controlled by a volunteer manager, and that the volunteers are
    typically asked to arrive earlier and stay later than their
    assigned shift. AFI imposes requirements such as a mandatory
    orientation and a minimum number of shifts that volunteers
    must work. The Complaint alleges that “[b]ecause volunteers
    were expected to, and in fact did, spend the vast majority of their
    time performing job duties under [AFI’s] direction, supervision
    and control, the promise of free admission was illusory.”
    Woods claims that she worked as a volunteer at the
    Festival for four days in November 2017. She alleges that she
    worked between 12 and 14 hours each of those days. She claims
    that members of the putative class regularly worked more than
    eight hours per day and more than 40 hours per week.
    The Complaint asserts claims for unpaid wages, unpaid
    overtime, missed meal and rest periods, failure to reimburse
    expenses, and failure to provide wage statements.
    2.     Woods’s Class Certification Motion
    Woods filed a motion seeking certification of a class
    consisting of “[a]ll persons who worked at the AFI Festival from
    March 20, 2014 through the date of class certification who were
    not paid for their work.” In support of the motion, Woods
    submitted declarations from a number of volunteer workers and
    provided evidence concerning AFI’s agreements with Festival
    The volunteers described their hours of work and their job
    responsibilities. The volunteers’ jobs included tasks such as
    ushering guests, handing out tickets and ticket forms, answering
    phones, controlling lines for events, working in the box office, and
    running errands. Several of the declarants testified that they
    worked longer than eight hours per day on occasion. None of the
    volunteers were paid, and none testified that they expected
    Evidence concerning the Festival sponsors showed that AFI
    received tens of thousands of dollars each from movie studios and
    film producers as well as sponsorship contributions from
    companies such as Coca-Cola, American Airlines, Dolby, and
    others. In return, AFI agreed to show the producers’ films,
    coordinate events surrounding the screenings and after parties,
    and provide transportation using vehicles from the event’s
    automotive sponsor. AFI also agreed to acknowledge the
    corporate donors as sponsors and to recognize their sponsorship
    in various ways at the events.
    Woods’s motion claimed that AFI is not a charitable
    organization that is permitted to use volunteers under California
    law. Rather, Woods asserted that AFI’s Festival simply “operates
    as a marketing operation for the film industry.” Woods argued
    that the question whether AFI could lawfully use volunteers for
    the Festival was itself an “overarching common issue that will
    determine the claims of the class.”
    In opposition, AFI argued that common questions would
    not predominate over individual issues for the claims that Woods
    sought to certify. AFI argued that Woods was wrong in claiming
    that AFI is precluded from using volunteer labor. AFI provided
    evidence that it is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization dedicated
    to the film industry. AFI claimed that, as such, it is permitted to
    use volunteers under California law, and that individual
    members of the class would therefore have a claim only if they
    expected to be paid as employees. AFI argued that proving such
    an expectation by particular class members would require
    individual proof. AFI also argued that Woods failed to show that
    AFI uniformly applied an unlawful break policy to class members
    and failed to provide any common means to determine which
    class members worked more than eight-hour days for purposes of
    Woods’s overtime claim. Finally, AFI claimed that Woods was
    not a proper class representative.
    3.    The Trial Court’s Ruling
    The trial court denied certification on the ground that “any
    common questions present here are inundated and overwhelmed
    by the litany of unmanageable individualized inquiries that
    would be necessary to establish AFI’s liability to any putative
    class member.” The trial court rejected Woods’s argument that
    AFI was not permitted to use volunteers under California law.
    The court reasoned that “both employment and independent
    contractor relationships always contemplate an expectation of
    monetary compensation in exchange for services rendered.” In
    particular, the definitions in the wage order that governs working
    conditions in the motion picture industry “overwhelmingly
    support an interpretation of ‘work’ that interposes a threshold
    requirement that the ‘employee’ . . . expects at least some level of
    monetary compensation.” The court concluded that, under
    Woods’s interpretation of the law, “volunteerism in California
    would grind to a halt overnight.”
    The trial court concluded that, because workers are not
    employees unless they expect compensation for their services,
    determining whether particular class members were actually
    employees would create individual issues that would dominate
    the trial. “[E]ach individual class member would be required to
    testify that they did, or did not, expect payment in return for
    their services provided during the AFI film festival. This would
    splinter any potential class action into hundreds of individual
    The trial court also found that Woods had failed to provide
    evidence of an unlawful meal and rest period policy that AFI
    uniformly applied to the class. The court explained that Woods
    alleged only that AFI had no written meal and rest period policy.
    However, the evidence showed that AFI had an “unwritten policy
    encouraging and authorizing volunteers to take as many meal
    and rest breaks for however long they wanted . . . . Thus,
    individualized inquiries permeate and overwhelm Plaintiff’s meal
    and rest period claims.” The court also found that individual
    proof concerning the hours that each class member worked would
    be unmanageable.
    In light of these findings, the trial court did not reach AFI’s
    argument that Woods was not a proper class representative.
    1.     Standard for Class Certification and Standard
    of Review
    A lawsuit may proceed as a class action “when the question
    is one of a common or general interest, of many persons, or when
    the parties are numerous, and it is impracticable to bring them
    all before the court.” (Code Civ. Proc., § 382.) To certify a class,
    “[t]he party advocating class treatment must demonstrate the
    existence of an ascertainable and sufficiently numerous class, a
    well-defined community of interest, and substantial benefits from
    certification that render proceeding as a class superior to the
    alternatives.” (Brinker Restaurant Corp. v. Superior Court (2012)
    53 Cal.4th 1004
    , 1021 (Brinker).) The community of interest
    factor in turn has three requirements: (1) common questions of
    fact or law that predominate over individual issues; “ ‘ “(2) class
    representatives with claims or defenses typical of the class; and
    (3) class representatives who can adequately represent the
    class.” ’ ” (Ibid.)
    Where, as here, the class certification requirement at issue
    is predominance, the trial court must determine whether “ ‘the
    issues which may be jointly tried, when compared with those
    requiring separate adjudication, are so numerous or substantial
    that the maintenance of a class action would be advantageous to
    the judicial process and to the litigants.’ ” (Brinker, supra, 53
    Cal.4th at p. 1021, quoting Collins v. Rocha (1972) 
    7 Cal.3d 232
    238.) To answer this question, a court must “examine the
    allegations of the complaint and supporting declarations
    [citation] and consider whether the legal and factual issues they
    present are such that their resolution in a single class proceeding
    would be both desirable and feasible.” (Brinker, at pp. 1021–
    In addition to deciding whether common issues
    predominate, a court considering class certification must
    determine whether the remaining individual issues can be
    resolved “fairly and efficiently.” (Duran v. U.S. Bank National
    Assn. (2014) 
    59 Cal.4th 1
    , 28–29.) “In considering whether a
    class action is a superior device for resolving a controversy, the
    manageability of individual issues is just as important as the
    existence of common questions uniting the proposed class.” (Id.
    at p. 29.)
    Our review of the trial court’s class certification ruling is
    “narrowly circumscribed.” (Brinker, supra, 53 Cal.4th at p. 1022.)
    We review the trial court’s ruling only for abuse of discretion.
    “ ‘A certification order generally will not be disturbed unless (1) it
    is unsupported by substantial evidence, (2) it rests on improper
    criteria, or (3) it rests on erroneous legal assumptions.’ ” (Id. at
    p. 1022, quoting Fireside Bank v. Superior Court (2007) 
    40 Cal.4th 1069
    , 1089 (Fireside).)
    2.     The Trial Court Acted Within Its Discretion in
    Denying Certification of the Proposed Class
    a.     The trial court properly considered legal
    issues necessary to decide whether class
    certification was appropriate
    Class certification is a procedural issue separate from the
    merits of the plaintiff’s case. Thus, “resolution of disputes over
    the merits of a case generally must be postponed until after class
    certification has been decided [citation], with the court assuming
    for purposes of the certification motion that any claims have
    merit.” (Brinker, 
     53 Cal.4th at p. 1023.) However, “[w]hen
    evidence or legal issues germane to the certification question bear
    as well on aspects of the merits, a court may properly evaluate
    them.” (Id. at pp. 1023–1024, italics added.) Indeed, “[t]o the
    extent the propriety of certification depends upon disputed
    threshold legal or factual questions, a court may, and indeed
    must, resolve them.” (Id. at p. 1025.) If resolution of an issue
    concerning the merits is necessary to decide class certification,
    the court’s review should be limited to “ ‘those aspects of the
    merits that affect the decisions essential’ to class certification.”
    (Id. at p. 1024, quoting Schleicher v. Wendt (7th Cir. 2010) 
    618 F.3d 679
    , 685.)
    Here, the dispositive legal issue is whether AFI could
    lawfully use volunteer workers for its Festival. The issue in
    dispute is even narrower. Woods does not dispute that workers
    may volunteer for some types of nonprofit organizations without
    becoming employees under California law. The parties also agree
    that a person who works for such a qualifying nonprofit might
    actually be an employee if that person expects to be paid. Thus,
    the parties disagree only on the question of whether AFI falls
    within the category of nonprofit organizations that may lawfully
    use volunteer labor.
    Consideration of that issue was essential for deciding class
    certification. Only by determining the applicable legal standard
    could the trial court decide whether the issue of liability was
    amenable to resolution through common proof.
    As mentioned, Woods sought to certify a class consisting of
    “[a]ll persons” who worked at the Festival “who were not paid for
    their work.” If Woods is correct that AFI may not use volunteer
    labor under California law, then the question whether class
    members were employees could be answered on a common basis
    because each class member was entitled to compensation whether
    or not they expected to be paid.
    However, the converse is not true. If AFI is correct that it
    may properly use voluntary labor, it would not be liable to class
    members who expected no compensation. But the class is defined
    more broadly than such persons. The proposed class of persons
    “who were not paid for their work” includes persons who did not
    expect to be paid as well as any class members who expected
    payment but did not receive it. The persons who expected
    payment might be entitled to compensation as employees. The
    trial court reasonably concluded that whether particular class
    members expected payment would need to be resolved through
    individual proof that would predominate over common issues.
    Woods claims that this is a manufactured issue. She
    explains that she “made clear that she did not intend to argue
    that either she, or anyone else who worked at the AFI [Festival]
    expected to be paid.” She argues that the legal issue of whether
    AFI could use volunteers was therefore itself a common issue
    that the trial court should have deferred to the merits stage of
    the litigation. Woods’s theory is apparently that, if she did not
    claim that any class members expected payment, the trial court
    could ignore the possible individual issues and the case could be
    resolved on the common legal issue alone.
    However, the relevant question is not what Woods intended
    to argue but rather what persons the class contains. If a class
    were certified and the case were litigated to resolution, class
    members who were given notice and did not opt out would be
    bound by the outcome. (See Fireside, 
     40 Cal.4th at
    p. 1083.)1 Unless the individual expectations of class members
    1 Indeed, the rule that members of a certified class are
    bound by the outcome of the lawsuit is the reason for the
    principle that the class certification ruling should precede a
    decision on the merits whenever possible. (Fireside, supra, 40
    Cal.4th at p. 1081.) Doing so prevents the problem of “ ‘ “ ‘one-
    way intervention,’ ” ’ ” where class members may “ ‘ “ ‘elect
    were considered at trial, class members who actually expected
    payment would see their claims extinguished if AFI prevailed.
    The trial court properly rejected the invitation to ignore the
    individual interests of unnamed class members.2
    Thus, the trial court’s ruling that individual issues would
    predominate was reasonable if some class members actually
    expected payment and therefore might be considered employees.
    Neither party provided any evidence on the question
    whether the class in fact included persons who expected to be
    paid. Each of the putative class members who submitted
    declarations in support of certification identified himself or
    herself as “a former employee” of AFI. Each explained their job
    duties and each testified that they were not paid. However, none
    stated whether they expected compensation.3
    whether to join in the action depending upon the outcome of the
    decision on the merits.’ ” ’ ” (Ibid., quoting Green v. Obledo (1981)
    29 Cal.3d 126
    , 146–147.)
    2  Doing so might have made class certification
    inappropriate for other reasons. If Woods simply abandoned the
    claims of unnamed class members, she may not have been an
    adequate representative. (See Evans v. Lasco Bathware, Inc.
    178 Cal.App.4th 1417
    , 1432 [“A proposed representative
    must adequately represent the class, and a trial court may
    conclude that requirement is not met if the class member ‘fail[s]
    to raise claims reasonably expected to be raised by the members
    of the class’ ”], quoting City of San Jose v. Superior Court (1974)
    12 Cal.3d 447
    , 464.)
    3AFI provided a declaration from Michael Lumpkin,
    Director of AFI Festivals, stating that “[t]o AFI’s knowledge, no
    volunteer besides Laurie Woods (when she filed this lawsuit) has
    Despite the absence of direct evidence, there was a
    reasonable basis for the trial court’s implicit finding that the
    class included persons who expected payment. First, as
    mentioned, the class definition included all persons who worked
    at the AFI Festival and who did not receive payment, regardless
    of their expectations. Based on this definition, the class might
    include persons with a variety of intentions, including those who
    freely volunteered; those who were promised compensation; and
    those who believed that they would receive some compensation
    based upon particular communications or other individual
    circumstances of their work.4
    ever demanded payment for volunteering. Rather, AFI’s
    understanding is that volunteers know that they are helping the
    organization without pay.” Lumpkin’s statement about the state
    of mind of all AFI volunteers may fairly be characterized as
    speculative. His statement that “to AFI’s knowledge,” no
    volunteer had ever demanded compensation could support an
    inference that volunteers generally did not expect compensation.
    But Lumpkin did not describe the basis for “AFI’s knowledge.”
    And, even if true, the lack of any demand for payment of wages
    does not foreclose the possibility that some class members
    expected some form of compensation that they did not receive.
    Especially in light of Woods’s own case theory (described below),
    this evidence did not preclude the trial court from reaching a
    reasonable conclusion that the class might contain persons who
    expected compensation.
    4 Whether a particular class member was actually an
    employee might depend upon factors in addition to an expectation
    of payment. But whether or not such an expectation of payment
    was sufficient to establish an employment relationship, under
    AFI’s interpretation of the governing legal standard it was
    Second, Woods’s own allegations support the conclusion
    that the class included persons who expected compensation.
    Regardless of what Woods intended to argue at trial, the theory
    of her Complaint is that volunteers were duped into working for
    AFI through promises of valuable compensation in the form of
    event passes that they were never actually given the opportunity
    to use. The Complaint alleges that AFI solicited volunteers
    “under the false pretense” that they would get to enjoy the event.
    The Complaint further alleges that AFI misrepresented the value
    of admission to the events, “such that Plaintiff and members of
    the putative class reasonably believed such compensation would
    have value commensurate with the value of the services rendered
    to Defendants.”
    Such allegations of promised compensation, if proved,
    might support contract or estoppel theories of employment. As
    our Supreme Court has explained, the employment relationship
    is fundamentally contractual, “meaning it is governed in the first
    instance by the mutual promises made between employer and
    employee. [Citations.] The promise to pay money in return for
    services rendered lies at the heart of this relationship.” (Voris v.
    Lampert (2019) 
    7 Cal.5th 1141
    , 1148 (Voris).) However, “[e]ven
    in the absence of an explicit promise for payment, the law will
    imply one, and thus authorize recovery, when circumstances
    necessary. (Cf. Talley v. County of Fresno (2020) 
    51 Cal.App.5th 1060
    , 1083 (Talley) [“The existence of remuneration alone does
    not prove an individual is an employee . . . , but the lack of
    remuneration precludes such a finding”].) Thus, individualized
    proof would be required to determine at least if class members
    expected compensation, and perhaps to determine other
    characteristics of employment as well.
    indicate that the parties understood the employee was not
    volunteering his or her services free of charge.” (Ibid.)
    Third, Woods bore the burden to establish the “community
    of interest” requirement, including the need to show
    “ ‘ “predominant common questions of law or fact.” ’ ” (Brinker,
     53 Cal.4th at p. 1021.) The trial court was permitted to
    consider the “ ‘theory of recovery’ ” described in Woods’s own
    Complaint in assessing whether Woods had met that burden.
    (Id. at pp. 1021–1022.) That theory suggested that individual
    class members might have claims that they were employees
    based upon their own expectations in agreeing to work for AFI.
    Thus, the trial court properly considered the governing legal
    standard in concluding that common issues would not
    predominate at trial.
    Quoting Hall v. Rite Aid Corp. (2014) 
    226 Cal.App.4th 278
    Woods argues that “at the class certification stage, as long as the
    plaintiff’s theory of liability is amenable to resolution on a
    classwide basis, the court should certify the action for class
    treatment even if the plaintiff’s posited theory is ultimately
    incorrect at its substantive level.” (Id. at p. 293.) In Hall, the
    court concluded that a class could be certified despite a dispute
    between the parties concerning the proper interpretation of the
    rule governing the employment practice at issue.5 However, in
    that case, the court concluded that common issues would
    predominate regardless of which party’s interpretation of the
    5 The interpretation issue was whether section 14 of Wage
    Order No. 7-2001—which requires an employer to make seats
    available to employees depending on the nature of the work—
    should be analyzed based on an employee’s job as a whole or in
    relation to specific common tasks.
    governing standard was correct. (Id. at pp. 294–295.) As
    discussed above, that is not the case here. Thus, unlike in Hall,
    Woods’s theory of liability here was not amenable to resolution on
    a classwide basis.
    b.     The trial court correctly found that class
    members were not employees if they did not
    expect compensation
    To determine whether common issues would predominate,
    the trial court needed to analyze the applicable law only to the
    extent of deciding whether AFI was precluded from using
    volunteer labor as a matter of law. If so, then the legal standard
    would not be an impediment to deciding liability on a common
    basis, because each member of the class would theoretically be
    entitled to compensation.6 However, if AFI was not precluded
    from using volunteer labor as a matter of law, then the trial court
    would need some mechanism for determining whether individual
    class members were volunteers or employees.
    The trial court correctly concluded that AFI was not
    precluded from using volunteer labor as a matter of law. The
    trial court’s reasoning was broad. As mentioned, the trial court
    concluded that “both employment and independent contractor
    relationships always contemplate an expectation of monetary
    compensation in exchange for services rendered.” (Italics added.)
    6  Even if the legal standard permitted proof on a classwide
    basis that class members were employees, other obstacles to
    certification might remain, such as the trial court’s alternative
    findings concerning individual issues associated with proof of lost
    wages and missed meals and breaks. Because of our disposition,
    we need not consider these other potential obstacles.
    There is some support in the cases for this general
    conclusion. As explained above, our Supreme Court has stated
    that the “heart” of the contractual employment relationship is the
    “promise to pay money in return for services rendered.” (See
    Voris, supra, 7 Cal.5th at p. 1148.) In addition, several Courts of
    Appeal have decided that the receipt of compensation is a
    threshold requirement for a person to be considered an employee
    under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA,
    Gov. Code, § 12900 et seq.). (See Talley, supra, 51 Cal.App.5th at
    p. 1083 [“[t]he common law factor analysis utilized by federal and
    California courts alike, in the context of the FEHA and other
    similar antidiscrimination statutes, considers remuneration a
    dispositive threshold factor to determine whether an individual
    may qualify as an employee”]; Mendoza v. Town of Ross (2005)
    128 Cal.App.4th 625
    , 637 (Mendoza) [“compensation of some sort
    is indispensable to the formation of an employment
    relationship”]; Estrada v. City of Los Angeles (2013) 
    218 Cal.App.4th 143
    , 151 (Estrada) [same].)
    However, we need not decide whether the trial court was
    correct in suggesting that the expectation of compensation is a
    necessary condition to be an employee in all contexts. We need
    only consider whether persons may volunteer for an organization
    such as AFI without becoming employees.
    i.    Volunteers for nonprofit entities are not
    The Labor Code does not provide a direct answer to the
    question whether the minimum standards that protect employees
    under California law must be extended to those who volunteer
    their time for nonprofit organizations. The article of the Labor
    Code that governs the payment of wages defines the terms
    “wages” and “labor,” but does not define “employee.” (See Lab.
    Code, § 200.)7 Section 1194—which establishes the right for “any
    employee receiving less than the legal minimum wage or the
    legal overtime compensation” to sue for the unpaid balance—also
    “does not define the employment relationship nor does it specify
    who may be liable for unpaid wages.”8 (Flowers v. Los Angeles
    County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (2015) 
    243 Cal.App.4th 66
    , 74.) Rather, as discussed further below,
    “[s]pecific employers and employees become subject to the
    minimum wage requirements only through and under the terms
    of wage orders promulgated by the [Industrial Welfare
    Commission (IWC)], the agency formerly authorized to regulate
    working conditions in California.” (Ibid.)
    But the Labor Code does contain several analogous
    provisions supporting the conclusion that volunteers for nonprofit
    entities are not employees for purposes of the wage and hour
    rules. For example, California’s “prevailing wage law” (§ 1720
    et seq.) is a minimum wage provision that applies to those
    employed on “public works.” (Busker v. Wabtec Corp. (2021) 
    11 Cal.5th 1147
    , 1153.) This law was among those adopted during
    the Great Depression to “ensure that workers employed on public
    building programs would be paid daily wages commensurate with
    7Subsequent undesignated statutory references are to the
    Labor Code.
    8Section 1194 applies “[n]otwithstanding any agreement to
    work for a lesser wage.” Woods cites this provision as support for
    the proposition that the right to be paid the minimum wage
    cannot be waived. But the section cannot reasonably be read to
    prohibit volunteer labor. An agreement to work “for a lesser
    wage” is not an agreement to work for no wage.
    those prevailing in the local area for work of a similar character.”
    (Id. at p. 1155.) Like California’s wage and hour provisions, the
    prevailing wage law is intended to prevent employers from taking
    unfair advantage of workers. One of the law’s goals is to
    “ ‘protect employees from substandard wages that might be paid
    if contractors could recruit labor from distant cheap-labor
    areas.’ ” (Id. at p. 1156.)
    Section 1720.4 states that the prevailing wage law does not
    apply to “[a]ny work performed by a volunteer.” (§ 1720.4, subd.
    (a).) A volunteer is a person “who performs work for civic,
    charitable, or humanitarian reasons for a public agency or
    corporation qualified under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
    Revenue Code as a tax-exempt organization, without promise,
    expectation, or receipt of any compensation for work performed.”
    Similarly, section 3352 excludes volunteers from the scope
    of the workers’ compensation law. That section defines
    “employee” to exclude any “person performing voluntary service
    for a public agency or a private, nonprofit organization who does
    not receive remuneration for the services, other than meals,
    transportation, lodging, or reimbursement for incidental
    expenses.” (§ 3352, subd. (a)(9).)
    Finally, as discussed above, cases have also interpreted
    “employee” for purposes of the FEHA to exclude volunteers. (See
    Mendoza, supra, 128 Cal.App.4th at p. 629 [volunteer community
    service officer for a city]; Estrada, supra, 218 Cal.App.4th at
    p. 145 [volunteer municipal police reserve officer].)
    In addition to these analogous statutory provisions, the
    language, history, and purpose of the IWC wage orders also
    support the conclusion that persons may volunteer for nonprofit
    entities without becoming employees. Wage order 12 (Wage
    Order), the relevant wage order here, governs wages, hours, and
    working conditions in the motion picture industry. (See Cal.
    Code Regs., tit. 8, § 11120.)9 The Wage Order defines “employee”
    simply as “any person employed by an employer.” An employer is
    one who “directly or indirectly, or through an agent or any other
    person, employs or exercises control over the wages, hours, or
    working conditions of any person.” And “employ” means to
    “engage, suffer, or permit to work.” (Wage Order, subds. (2)(D),
    (2)(E) & (2)(F).) These definitions are included in all IWC wage
    orders governing California industries. (Dynamex, supra, 4
    Cal.5th at p. 926, fn. 9.)
    Our Supreme Court interpreted this wage order language
    in Martinez v. Combs (2010) 
    49 Cal.4th 35
     (Martinez). In that
    case, the court considered whether produce merchants who
    contracted with a strawberry farmer could be considered
    employers of the farmer’s workers. (Id. at pp. 42–44.) The court
    explained that California’s wage orders were the result of
    legislation passed in 1913 that created the IWC in the context of
    “widespread public recognition of the low wages, long hours, and
    poor working conditions under which women and children often
    labored.” (Id. at p. 53.) The “ ‘suffer, or permit to work’ ”
    language in the wage orders was adopted from language in use
    9 “In California, wage orders are constitutionally
    authorized, quasi-legislative regulations that have the force of
    law.” (Dynamex Operations W. v. Superior Court (2018) 
    4 Cal.5th 903
    , 914, fn. 3 (Dynamex). We analyze the meaning of the Wage
    Order de novo. (Gonzalez v. Downtown LA Motors, LP (2013) 
    215 Cal.App.4th 36
    , 44.)
    throughout the country to reach “irregular working
    arrangements” for employing child labor. (Id. at pp. 57–58, 69.)
    The language means that a “proprietor who knows that persons
    are working in his or her business without having been formally
    hired, or while being paid less than the minimum wage, clearly
    suffers or permits that work by failing to prevent it, while having
    the power to do so.” (Id. at p. 69.)
    The definition of “ ‘employer’ ” as one who “ ‘exercises
    control’ ” over wages, hours, or working conditions “by its terms
    imposes liability on multiple entities who divide among
    themselves control over those different aspects of the
    employment relationship.” (Martinez, supra, 49 Cal.4th at p. 67.)
    Combined with the term “engage,” “[t]o employ, then, under the
    IWC’s definition, has three alternative definitions. It means:
    (a) to exercise control over the wages, hours or working
    conditions, or (b) to suffer or permit to work, or (c) to engage,
    thereby creating a common law employment relationship.” (Id. at
    p. 64.)
    Thus, the history of the definitions of “employ,” “employee,”
    and “employer” in the Wage Order suggests that the Wage Order
    was meant to apply to persons who are working for pay in
    commercial businesses. The “suffer or permit to work” and
    “exercises control” standards extend responsibility to businesses
    who benefit from and have the power to prevent exploitation of
    workers who are working for compensation. And the term
    “engage” reaches businesses that form an express or implied
    contractual relationship to compensate persons whom they hire.
    The purpose of the work standards in the IWC wage orders
    also suggests that those standards apply to businesses who
    employ workers for pay. In Dynamex, our Supreme Court
    explained that the “exceptionally broad suffer or permit to work
    standard in California wage orders finds its justification in the
    fundamental purposes and necessity of the minimum wage and
    maximum hour legislation in which the standard has
    traditionally been embodied. Wage and hour statutes and wage
    orders were adopted in recognition of the fact that individual
    workers generally possess less bargaining power than a hiring
    business and that workers’ fundamental need to earn income for
    their families’ survival may lead them to accept work for
    substandard wages or working conditions. The basic objective of
    wage and hour legislation and wage orders is to ensure that such
    workers are provided at least the minimal wages and working
    conditions that are necessary to enable them to obtain a
    subsistence standard of living and to protect the workers’ health
    and welfare.” (Dynamex, supra, 4 Cal.5th at p. 952.)10
    In addition to protecting workers, the wage orders help to
    ensure a level playing field among competitors. Industry-wide
    wage orders “are also clearly intended for the benefit of those
    law-abiding businesses that comply with the obligations imposed
    by the wage orders, ensuring that such responsible companies are
    not hurt by unfair competition from competitor businesses that
    10 As Woods correctly observes, the decision in Dynamex
    concerned the standard that applies in determining whether
    workers should be classified as employees or as independent
    contractors for purposes of the IWC wage orders. (Dynamex,
    supra, 4 Cal.5th at pp. 913–914.) While the opinion in that case
    is relevant to the proper interpretation of the definitions in the
    wage orders, it does not bear directly on the specific issue here,
    i.e., whether volunteers for nonprofits should be considered
    employees under California law.
    utilize substandard employment practices.” (Dynamex, supra, 4
    Cal.5th at p. 952.) Finally, the minimum work standards in wage
    orders help to protect the public from the need to assume
    responsibility for the “ill effects to workers and their families
    resulting from substandard wages or unhealthy and unsafe
    working conditions.” (Id. at p. 953.)
    All three of these factors—protecting workers from
    exploitation; protecting businesses from unfair competition; and
    protecting the public from the need to assist workers who were
    compelled to labor for substandard pay or in substandard
    conditions—apply to businesses that employ paid labor. They do
    not apply to persons who intend to volunteer their time to
    nonprofit entities.
    The language of the Wage Order also supports the
    interpretation that it applies to persons who work for
    compensation. The Wage Order states that it “shall apply to all
    persons employed in the motion picture industry, including extra
    players, teachers, and welfare workers, whether paid on a time,
    piece rate, commission, or other basis.” (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 8,
    § 11120, subd. 1, italics added.) The reference to the mode of
    payment suggests an assumption that the workers subject to the
    Wage Order are working for pay. The same language appears in
    the section defining the scope of the Labor Code chapter
    governing wages and working conditions. (See Lab. Code, § 1171
    [“The provisions of this chapter shall apply to and include men,
    women and minors employed in any occupation, trade, or
    industry, whether compensation is measured by time, piece, or
    otherwise”], italics added.)
    Importantly, the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
    (DLSE) has also concluded that the IWC wage orders do not
    apply to volunteers who work for nonprofits.11 In 1988, the
    DLSE issued an opinion letter (Opinion Letter) explaining that,
    for purposes of the IWC work orders, a person who works for a
    “religious, charitable, or similar nonprofit corporation” is not an
    employee if he or she “intends to volunteer his or her services for
    public service, religious, or humanitarian objectives, not as an
    employee and without contemplation of pay.” (See
     [as of
    Dec. 9, 2021], archived at .)
    However, if a person works for a commercial enterprise operated
    by such a religious, charitable, or nonprofit corporation (such as a
    restaurant or thrift store), the DLSE considers that person to be
    an employee. (Ibid.)12 The DLSE has incorporated this opinion
    into its Enforcement Policies and Interpretations Manual
    (Dec. 2018, § 43.6.7, p. 43-6). (See  [as of Dec. 9, 2021], archived
    at .)
    11“The DLSE is the administrative agency authorized to
    enforce California’s labor laws, including applicable wage orders.”
    (Dynamex, supra, 4 Cal.5th at p. 945, fn. 18.)
    12  The DLSE’s opinion letters, while not controlling on the
    courts, “ ‘ “ ‘ “do constitute a body of experience and informed
    judgment to which courts and litigants may properly resort for
    guidance.” ’ ” ’ ” (Brinker, 
     53 Cal.4th at p. 1029, fn. 11,
    quoting Seymore v. Metson Marine, Inc. (2011) 
    194 Cal.App.4th 361
    , 369, fn. 5.) “A court may adopt the DLSE’s interpretation if
    the court independently determines that the interpretation is
    correct.” (Oliver v. Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A.,
    Inc. (2020) 
    51 Cal.App.5th 1
    , 27.)
    ii.    Woods’s arguments are unpersuasive
    Woods does not dispute that some nonprofit organizations
    may use volunteer labor. However, she argues that AFI is not
    included in the scope of such organizations because it is not a
    religious or charitable organization. Woods argues that only
    organizations dedicated to helping the poor or the “ ‘needy or
    suffering’ ” fall within the category of charitable organizations
    that may use volunteers according to the Opinion Letter.
    The language in the Opinion Letter is not so limited. The
    letter refers to volunteers working for “public service, religious, or
    humanitarian objectives” in a “religious, charitable, or similar
    nonprofit organization.” (Italics added.) Woods acknowledges
    that this language is apparently derived from section 1720.4.
    That section defines “volunteers” more directly as those who work
    for “civic, charitable, or humanitarian reasons for a public agency
    or corporation qualified under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
    Revenue Code as a tax-exempt organization.” (Lab. Code,
    § 1720.4, subd. (a), italics added.) There is no dispute here that
    AFI is a tax-exempt, Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3)
    Other than her strained interpretation of the DLSE
    Opinion Letter, Woods does not provide any support for her
    argument that only organizations serving the needy may use
    volunteers under California law. Consider the implications.
    Under Woods’s interpretation, local community theatre
    organizations, community orchestras, and other cultural
    nonprofit entities would be required to treat all their workers as
    employees, even if those workers were dedicated to the mission of
    the organization and wished to volunteer their time. Such a rule
    would have unforeseen and potentially devastating financial
    implications for such groups. Woods’s interpretation lacks any
    legal support or policy justification, and we reject it.
    Woods also argues that AFI does not qualify to use
    volunteers because it is not organized for a “humanitarian”
    purpose. In essence, Woods claims that AFI is not a bona fide
    nonprofit arts organization but simply exists to promote the films
    that it screens and the studios and production companies that
    make them.
    But Woods did not provide any evidence to support that
    theory. Woods does not dispute that AFI is qualified as a tax-
    exempt nonprofit. Nor did she provide any evidence that AFI
    engaged in promotional or marketing activities that were
    inconsistent with its tax-exempt status.13 She points only to
    evidence that AFI receives money for its Festival from various
    corporate sponsors and from companies who produce the films
    that it screens.
    Such evidence is not sufficient to show that AFI is a
    commercial promotional entity rather than a qualifying
    nonprofit. Again, consider the implications. Under Woods’s
    theory, a publisher’s contributions to a book fair or a musical
    13  To the contrary: The contracts between AFI and the
    Festival sponsors that Woods submitted in support of her class
    certification motion suggest that AFI sought to remain within the
    bounds of promotional conduct that was permitted for an Internal
    Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) organization. Sponsors agreed
    that, in recognition of AFI’s tax-exempt status, “AFI’s name and
    AFI Marks . . . cannot be utilized without written authorization
    by AFI and will not be utilized so as to create the impression that
    AFI is endorsing, or is otherwise promoting, Distributor or its
    products as such an endorsement or promotion could jeopardize
    AFI’s tax exempt status.”
    instrument company’s donations to a music festival might
    preclude the use of volunteers for those events. And any
    payments by a commercial entity in return for sponsor
    recognition would likewise force such events to use paid
    employees only. Woods provides neither legal nor factual support
    for her argument that AFI must be treated as a commercial
    business entity for purposes of its obligations to its workers.
    We need not, and do not, decide the obligations of such
    commercial entities. We note the DLSE’s opinion that charitable
    entities may not use volunteers when they operate commercial
    enterprises suggests that the DLSE interprets the IWC wage
    orders to apply to all persons working in commercial ventures.
    (Opinion Letter, p.1.) The Opinion Letter does not explain the
    reason for this interpretation. Presumably it reflects a concern
    that commercial employers could take advantage of workers who
    agree to forgo pay in the hope of securing future paid employment
    or other career benefits.
    Woods argues that the demand for career opportunities in
    the film industry creates just such a concern. Other courts have
    considered similar concerns in the context of deciding whether
    unpaid interns should be considered employees. (See, e.g., Glatt
    v. Fox Searchlight Pictures, Inc. (2d Cir. 2015) 
    811 F.3d 528
    , 535
    (Glatt) [“employers can . . . exploit unpaid interns by using their
    free labor without providing them with an appreciable benefit in
    education or experience”].)
    Whether this concern is sufficient to justify treating unpaid
    interns or other volunteers in commercial businesses as
    employees may be subject to debate.14 But we do not find it
    compelling here. AFI is not a for-profit commercial business.
    Consistent with the DLSE’s Opinion Letter, we hold only that
    persons may volunteer for nonprofit entities, including arts
    organizations such as AFI, without becoming employees under
    California law.
    14 For example, the Fair Employment and Housing Council
    has issued a regulation defining “ ‘[u]npaid interns and
    volunteers’ ” for purposes of the FEHA which concludes that
    “[u]npaid interns and volunteers may or may not be employees.”
    (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 2, § 11008, subd. (k); see also Glatt, supra,
    811 F.3d at pp. 531–532, 536–537 [applying a test to determine
    whether interns at a film production company were employees in
    which the lack of expectation of payment was only one factor
    among others]; Benjamin v. B&H Educ., Inc. (9th Cir. 2017) 
    877 F.3d 1139
    , 1146–1147, 1150 [predicting that the California
    Supreme Court would likely apply the same multi-factor test
    under California law]; but see Mendoza, supra, 128 Cal.App.4th
    at p. 636 [citing with approval a federal decision that an unpaid
    intern “did not meet the definition of employee for common law
    agency”]; Talley, supra, 51 Cal.App.5th at p. 1082 [2014
    amendments to the FEHA extending some protections to “unpaid
    student interns and other volunteer work situations” did not
    mean that such unpaid workers are employees]; Kao v. Holiday
    12 Cal.App.5th 947
    , 957 [suggesting in dicta that a
    “nonemployee trainee” might not be subject to California wage
    and hour laws].
    The trial court’s order denying class certification is
    affirmed. American Film Institute is entitled to its costs on
    LUI, P. J.
    We concur:
    CHAVEZ, J.