Theresa D. v. MBK Senior Living LLC ( 2021 )

  • Filed 11/30/21 Certified for Publication 12/21/21 (order attached)
    Plaintiff and Respondent,
    MBK SENIOR LIVING LLC et al.,                          (Sonoma County
    Super. Ct. No. SCV-268130)
    Defendants and Appellants.
    Defendants, operators of the Muirwoods Memory Care assisted living
    facility (Muirwoods), a residential care facility for the elderly (RCFE) appeal
    an order denying their petition to compel arbitration of plaintiff Theresa D.’s
    claims against them for elder abuse and neglect.1 We agree with the trial
    court that plaintiff is not bound by an arbitration agreement her daughter
    signed on her behalf when placing her at Muirwoods, and accordingly we
    affirm the order.
    Plaintiff brought this action on April 2, 2021, through her son and
    attorney-in-fact Raymond Donahue, alleging that plaintiff was a resident at
    Defendants are MBK Senior Living LLC; MBK Real Estate LLC;
    Muirwoods MSL LLC; MSL Community Management LLC; MSL Holdings IX
    LLC; Muirwoods Memory Care; and Jaime Gralund.
    Muirwoods from July 12, 2020 through March 20, 2021, that all adult
    residents of Muirwoods were dependent adults or elders, that defendants
    knew she suffered from dementia and was at risk of falls, that they failed to
    provide adequate care and supervision, and that as a result she suffered four
    falls at Muirwoods, the fourth fall resulting in a fractured hip and
    deteriorating health; she became bedbound, she suffered emotional distress,
    and her need for care and assistance increased. The complaint also alleges
    she was left in unsanitary conditions and infected with scabies while at
    Defendants moved to compel arbitration of the dispute, asserting that
    plaintiff’s daughter Kellie Tennier, as her authorized representative, signed
    an arbitration agreement pursuant to her authority to make health care
    decisions for plaintiff when assisting in her placement at Muirwoods. The
    arbitration provision required binding arbitration of “any and all claims and
    disputes arising from or related to this Agreement or to your residency, care
    or services at the Community,” with the exception of claims involving
    “unlawful detainer proceedings (eviction) or any claims that can be brought
    in small claims court,” and it included a delegation clause providing that an
    arbitrator would decide whether a claim or dispute must be arbitrated under
    the arbitration clause. The arbitration was to be conducted by Judicial
    Arbitration and Mediation Services (JAMS). The clause specified that the
    agreement to arbitrate could be withdrawn within 30 days and that “agreeing
    to arbitration is not a condition of admission to the Community.”
    In support of their motion, defendants provided the declaration of
    Jaime Gralund, the former executive director of Muirwoods, who stated
    Tennier had identified herself as plaintiff’s authorized representative with
    authority to make the health care decisions required for admission and to
    execute the residence and services agreement, including the arbitration
    agreement. According to Gralund, “I discussed with Ms. Tennier . . . that
    signing the Arbitration Agreement was not required for admission to the
    facility.” Defendants also provided a document entitled Physician Orders for
    Life-Sustaining Treatment, dated July 1, 2020, signed by Tennier as “Legally
    Recognized Decisionmaker,” and JAMS’s “Comprehensive Arbitration Rules
    & Procedures,” which provide that the arbitrator will determine
    “[j]urisdictional and arbitrability disputes, including disputes over the
    formation, existence, validity, interpretation, or scope of the agreement under
    which Arbitration is sought, and who are proper Parties to the Arbitration.”
    In opposition to the motion to compel arbitration, plaintiff argued the
    arbitration provision was unenforceable because she did not sign it and
    Tennier had neither actual nor ostensible authority to do so on her behalf,
    and because it was unconscionable. She submitted evidence that Donahue
    rather than Tennier had a general power of attorney to act on her behalf, and
    plaintiff’s counsel declared that Tennier had been neither appointed as
    plaintiff’s agent under an advance health care directive nor appointed as
    plaintiff’s conservator.
    The trial court denied the motion to compel arbitration, ruling that
    Tennier was not plaintiff’s agent for purposes of binding her to arbitration.
    Defendants have appealed from this order.
    I. General Legal Principles
    In California, “ ‘[g]eneral principles of contract law determine whether
    the parties have entered a binding agreement to arbitrate.’ ” (Pinnacle
    Museum Tower Assn. v. Pinnacle Market Development (US), LLC (2012) 
    55 Cal.4th 223
    , 236.) Although public policy favors arbitration, that policy
    “ ‘ “ ‘does not extend to those who are not parties to an arbitration
    agreement.’ ” ’ ” (Espejo v. Southern California Permanente Medical Group
    246 Cal.App.4th 1047
    , 1057 (Espejo).)
    We review an order denying a motion to compel arbitration for abuse of
    discretion unless the matter presents a pure question of law, in which case
    our review is de novo. (Espejo, supra, 246 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1056–1057.) To
    the extent the court’s decision is based on disputed facts, we review the
    decision for substantial evidence. (NORCAL Mutual Ins. Co. v. Newton
    84 Cal.App.4th 64
    , 71.) There is no dispute as to the operative facts
    here, and our review is accordingly de novo.
    When a party has filed a petition to compel arbitration, the trial court
    must determine in a summary proceeding whether an “agreement to
    arbitrate the controversy exists.” (Code Civ. Proc., §§ 1281.2, 1290.2;
    Rosenthal v. Great Western Fin. Securities Corp. (1996) 
    14 Cal.4th 394
    , 412–
    413.) In that proceeding, “[b]ecause the existence of the agreement is a
    statutory prerequisite to granting the petition, the petitioner bears the
    burden of proving its existence by a preponderance of the evidence.”
    (Rosenthal, at p. 413; accord, Engalla v. Permanente Medical Group, Inc.
    15 Cal.4th 951
    , 972.)
    When parties have agreed to arbitration, challenges to the validity of
    the underlying contract are for the arbitrator to decide, but challenges to the
    validity of the arbitration clause itself are generally for the court. (Nielsen
    Contracting, Inc. v. Applied Underwriters, Inc. (2018) 
    22 Cal.App.5th 1096
    1107–1108 (Nielsen Contracting).) There is an exception, however, when “the
    parties have clearly and unmistakably agreed to delegate questions regarding
    the validity of the arbitration clause to the arbitrator.” (Id. at p. 1108;
    accord, Aanderud v. Superior Court (2017) 
    13 Cal.App.5th 880
    , 891–892
    (Aanderud) [noting “clear and unmistakable evidence that the parties
    intended to arbitrate arbitrability”].) In such a case, a delegation clause will
    generally be enforced. (Nielsen Contracting, at p. 1108.)
    II. Who Decides Whether an Arbitration Agreement Exists?
    The fundamental issue in this case is whether an agreement between
    plaintiff and defendants to arbitrate controversies arising out of her care at
    Muirwoods was ever formed—that is, whether such an agreement exists.
    Because plaintiff did not sign the agreement personally, the answer to that
    question turns on whether Tennier had authority to agree to arbitration on
    her behalf. Defendants urge us to treat this threshold issue as one for the
    arbitrator, rather than for the court, under the delegation provision, which
    states, “You agree that an arbitrator will decide any question about whether
    a claim or dispute must be arbitrated under this arbitration clause,” and
    under the rules of JAMS.
    We first note that defendants acknowledge that the trial court was
    authorized to make a preliminary finding as to the existence of an arbitration
    agreement, determining whether there was a written agreement and whether
    it was signed on behalf of plaintiff. Indeed, they would be hard pressed not to
    do so in light of the well-established rule that “a trial court has no power to
    order parties to arbitrate a dispute that they did not agree to arbitrate.”
    (Bouton v. USAA Casualty Ins. Co. (2008) 
    43 Cal.4th 1190
    , 1202.) But,
    defendants contend, questions regarding the scope of Tennier’s ability to bind
    plaintiff to arbitration fall outside this rule and are for the arbitrator, not for
    the court, to decide.
    As authority, defendants rely upon Rent-A-Center, West, Inc. v. Jackson
    561 U.S. 63
     (Rent-A-Center). The issue there was whether, under the
    Federal Arbitration Act (
    9 U.S.C. § 1
     et seq.), a court could decide the
    unconscionability of an arbitration agreement where the agreement explicitly
    assigned that question to the arbitrator. (Rent-A-Center, at p. 65.) The
    agreement there, between the plaintiff and his employer, granted the
    arbitrator “ ‘exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the
    interpretation, applicability, enforceability or formation of this Agreement
    including, but not limited to any claim that all or any part of this Agreement
    is void or voidable.’ ” (Id. at p. 66.) In seeking to avoid arbitration of his
    employment discrimination action, the plaintiff argued the arbitration
    agreement as a whole was unconscionable, but he did not challenge the
    delegation provision in particular. (Id. at pp. 71–73.) The high court
    concluded the delegation provision was severable from the remainder of the
    arbitration agreement and, in the absence of a direct challenge to that
    provision, the plaintiff must submit to the arbitrator the question of whether
    the arbitration agreement was unenforceable as unconscionable. (Id. at
    pp. 72–76.) The court left open the possibility that, if the unconscionability
    challenge was to the delegation clause itself, the question would be one for
    the court rather than the arbitrator. (Id. at p. 74; see Gibbs. v. Sequoia
    Capital Operations, LLC (4th Cir. 2020) 
    966 F.3d 286
    , 291 [under Rent-A-
    Center, court may consider enforceability of delegation clause where specific
    objection is raised]; Nielsen Contracting, supra, 22 Cal.App.5th at pp. 1109–
    1114 [court properly ruled on enforceability of delegation clause where party
    raised specific challenge to it].)
    Rent-A-Center does not support defendants’ position because it does not
    suggest that a party may be forced to submit to an arbitrator the existence,
    validity, or enforceability of an arbitration agreement if the party has not
    agreed to do so, either personally or through someone authorized to agree to
    arbitration on her behalf. Such a conclusion would fly in the face of the
    principle that arbitration agreements are governed by contract law and
    construed to effectuate the intentions of the parties. (See Aanderud, supra,
    13 Cal.App.5th at p. 890; see also Rent-A-Center, 
     561 U.S. at pp. 67–
    68.) There is no public policy in favor of forcing to arbitration a person who
    has not agreed to it (Aanderud, at p. 890), a rule that should apply with
    particular force under the “ ‘heightened standard’ ” that requires a “ ‘clear and
    unmistakable’ ” delegation of authority to the arbitrator to decide questions
    of arbitrability (id. at p. 892).
    Other cases on which defendants rely are no more helpful to their
    position. Dream Theater, Inc. v. Dream Theater (2004) 
    124 Cal.App.4th 547
    551, emphasized that “[t]he issue of who should decide arbitrability turns on
    what the parties agreed [to] in their contract.” (Italics added.) Rodriguez v.
    American Technologies, Inc. (2006) 
    136 Cal.App.4th 1110
    , 1122–1123, held
    that an arbitrator should decide issues concerning the scope of an arbitration
    clause when “the parties clearly and unmistakably” so agreed. (Italics
    added.) And the high court explained in Henry Schein, Inc. v. Archer & White
    Sales, Inc. (2019) 
    139 S.Ct. 524
    , that “[w]hen the parties’ contract delegates
    the arbitrability question to an arbitrator, a court may not override the
    contract, . . . even if the court thinks that the argument that the arbitration
    agreement applies to a particular dispute is wholly groundless.” (Id. at
    p. 529, italics added.) Nothing in those cases suggests a person who has not
    entered into an arbitration agreement may be required to submit any
    threshold issue to an arbitrator. (See Benaroya v. Willis (2018) 
    23 Cal.App.5th 462
    , 473 [authorizing arbitrator to decide what issues are
    arbitrable does not “give the arbitrator the power to compel a nonsignatory to
    the agreement to become a party to the arbitration”].)
    Again relying on Rent-A-Center, defendants insist that the trial court
    should have delegated to the arbitrator the question of whether an
    arbitration agreement exists because plaintiff raised no specific challenge to
    the delegation clause separate from the arbitration clause as a whole. This
    contention lacks merit. The question in Rent-A-Center was whether, where
    there was no claim that a delegation clause was unconscionable, the court
    should enforce the clause and allow the arbitrator to determine whether the
    arbitration agreement as a whole was unconscionable. (Rent-A-Center, supra,
    561 U.S. at pp. 70–75.) But here, the question is simply whether plaintiff
    entered at all into the arbitration agreement of which the delegation clause is
    a part. In the absence of an agreement, made either directly by plaintiff or by
    one capable of binding her to arbitration, there would be no basis to require
    plaintiff to submit any issue to the arbitrator.
    We therefore conclude the initial determination of whether Tennier was
    authorized to agree to arbitration on plaintiff’s behalf is one for the court, not
    the arbitrator.
    III.   Authority to Bind Plaintiff to Arbitration
    The trial court concluded Tennier did not have authority to bind
    plaintiff to arbitrate her disputes with defendants. Defendants argue this
    conclusion was error under the laws governing RCFE’s.
    An RCFE is “a housing arrangement chosen voluntarily by persons 60
    years of age or over, or their authorized representative, where varying levels
    and intensities of care and supervision, protective supervision, personal care,
    or health-related services are provided.” (Health & Saf. Code, § 1569.2,
    subd. (p)(1); see Cal. Code Regs., tit. 22, § 87101(r)(5).) The applicable
    regulations define “ ‘[r]epresentive’ ” as “an individual who has authority to
    act on behalf of the resident; including but not limited to, a conservator,
    guardian, person authorized as agent in the resident’s valid advance health
    care directive, the resident’s spouse, registered domestic partner, or family
    member, a person designated by the resident, or other surrogate
    decisionmaker designated consistent with statutory and case law.” (22 Cal.
    Code Regs., § 87101(r)(3), italics added.)
    The question here is not whether Tennier, as plaintiff’s daughter, had
    authority to place plaintiff in Muirwoods, and we will assume for purposes of
    our analysis that she did. The question is whether in the course of so doing
    she also had authority to bind plaintiff to arbitration. A series of cases has
    considered whether and in what circumstances a family member has that
    power when placing an elderly relative in an RCFE or nursing home.
    In a case defendants contend supports their position, Garrison v.
    Superior Court (2005) 
    132 Cal.App.4th 253
     (Garrison) considered whether a
    decedent’s daughter, the attorney in fact under durable powers of attorney for
    health care and for financial matters, was authorized to enter into a binding
    arbitration agreement on her mother’s behalf when admitting her to a facility
    the appellate court described as a residential care facility. (Id. at pp. 256,
    262.) The reviewing court concluded the daughter had such authority based
    on her durable power of attorney for health care, which authorized her to
    make “ ‘all health care decisions’ ” and did not restrict her authority as agent
    to enter into an arbitration agreement on the mother’s behalf. (Id. at p. 265.)
    As the Garrison court viewed the matter, “[w]hether to admit an aging parent
    to a particular care facility is a health care decision,” and “ ‘an agent or other
    fiduciary who contracts for medical treatment on behalf of his beneficiary
    retains the authority to enter into an agreement providing for arbitration of
    claims for medical malpractice.’ ” (Id. at pp. 264, 266.)
    The court in Young v. Horizon West, Inc. (2013) 
    220 Cal.App.4th 1122
    1129 disagreed with Garrison to the extent that case concluded the term
    “ ‘health care decisions’ . . . encompasses the execution of arbitration
    agreements on behalf of the patient.” But whatever the resolution of this
    question, Garrison is easily distinguishable from the case before us because
    there is no indication Tennier had express authorization to make health care
    (or financial) decisions for plaintiff through a durable power of attorney or
    any other vehicle. Rather, it appears she acted solely in her capacity as a
    family member. The court in Garrison considered this difference dispositive,
    expressly distinguishing two earlier cases, Pagarigan v. Libby Center Care,
    Inc. (2002) 
    99 Cal.App.4th 298
     (Pagarigan) and Golinger v. AMS Properties,
    Inc. (2004) 
    123 Cal.App.4th 374
     (Golinger) on the ground that in neither case
    did the adult child who secured medical care for an aged parent act pursuant
    to a durable power of attorney. (Garrison, supra, 132 Cal.App.4th at pp. 264–
    The Pagarigan court concluded the status of two adult children of the
    deceased as next of kin did not authorize them to bind her to an arbitration
    agreement. (Pagarigan, supra, 99 Cal.App.4th at p. 302.) The court noted
    that the children had authority as next of kin to make medical decisions for
    the patient at the request of the treating physician (see Health & Saf. Code,
    § 1418.8), but concluded that authority did not “translate[] into authority to
    sign an arbitration agreement on the patient’s behalf at the request of the
    nursing home.” (Pagarigan, at p. 302.) The court also rejected the argument
    that since the next of kin had authority to sign the admission agreement on
    her behalf (Cal. Code Regs, tit. 22, § 72527, subd. (c)) they had implicit
    authority to sign an arbitration agreement, concluding that if the Legislature
    and the Department of Health Services had wanted to confer that authority
    on the next of kin, “they knew how to say so.” (Pagarigan, at pp. 302–303.)
    Pagarigan was followed by Golinger, which concluded that a daughter
    whom the mother allowed to make medical decisions for her did not have
    authority to bind her to an arbitration agreement. (Golinger, supra,123
    Cal.App.4th at pp. 376–377; see Hogan v. Country Villa Health Services
    148 Cal.App.4th 259
    , 268 [noting “critical” distinction between
    Garrison, where child admitting parent to facility had health care power of
    attorney, and Pagarigan and Golinger, where they did not]; see also Gordon
    v. Atria Management Co., LCC (2021) 
    70 Cal.App.5th 1020
    , 1026-1027, 1030
    [durable power of attorney authorized son to enter into arbitration
    Defendants seek to distinguish Pagarigan and Golinger on the ground
    that the facilities in question there were not RCFE’s but skilled nursing
    facilities, which are subject to regulations that require any arbitration
    agreement to be separate from the standard admission agreement. (See Cal.
    Code Regs., tit. 22, § 72516, subd. (d).) In failing to set a similar limitation on
    the use of arbitration agreements in RCFE agreements, defendants argue,
    the Legislature implicitly allowed arbitration clauses in admission
    agreements. As a further indication that the differing regulations for skilled
    nursing facilities and RCFE’s lead to different results, they point out that the
    RFCE regulations define “ ‘Admission Agreement’ ” to include “all documents
    that a resident or resident’s representative must sign at the time of, or as a
    condition of, admission,” without carving out an exception for arbitration
    agreements. (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 22, § 87101, subd. (a)(2).)
    These distinctions do not rob Pagarigan and Golinger of their
    persuasive value in the situation before us. First, as plaintiff points out, the
    “Resident’s Bill of Rights” for RCFE’s (Health & Saf. Code, § 1569.261 et seq.)
    prohibits an admission contract, “including all documents that a resident or
    his or her representative is required to sign as part of the contract for, or as a
    condition of, admission” to an RCFE, from requiring the resident to waive
    “benefits or rights to which he or she is entitled under this chapter or
    provided by federal or other state law or regulation” (Health & Saf. Code,
    § 1569.269, subd. (c), italics added). An arbitration agreement is indisputably
    a waiver of the patient’s legal rights, including the right to a jury trial.
    (Flores v. Evergreen at San Diego, LLC (2007) 
    148 Cal.App.4th 581
    , 594
    (Flores).) And here, although the arbitration clause was placed within the
    admission agreement, the agreement itself recited that agreeing to
    arbitration was not a condition of admission, and Tennier was so informed.
    Because the arbitration provision was optional, with its own signature line, it
    was in essence a separate agreement, and defendants have not shown
    Tennier, who did not act pursuant to a durable power of attorney or similar
    authorization, could bind a plaintiff to an arbitration agreement as part of
    authorizing her admission to an RCFE.
    This point is illustrated in a different context in Holley v. Silverado
    Senior Living Management, Inc. (2020) 
    53 Cal.App.5th 197
    . There, the
    temporary conservators of the person (but not the estate) of a woman
    suffering from dementia admitted her to a senior living facility, signing an
    arbitration agreement on her behalf in the course of so doing. (Id. at pp. 199–
    200.) Noting the limited powers of temporary conservators, the reviewing
    court concluded it was “simply beyond their powers without the court’s
    approval” to relinquish on her behalf “an important right—the right to use
    the courts for redress of grievances.” (Id. at p. 203.) And under the
    governing law, the conservators could not make medical decisions for her
    without a court adjudication that she lacked capacity to make such decisions
    for herself, an adjudication that had not yet been made when the agreement
    was signed. (Id. at pp. 203–204.) But Holley is of only limited assistance in
    the case before us because, although the opinion discloses that at least one of
    the conservators was the elderly woman’s adult child (id. at p. 200), the court
    did not discuss the daughter’s ability as a family member to act on her behalf.
    The parties dispute the effect of Hutcheson v. Eskaton FountainWood
    Lodge (2017) 
    17 Cal.App.5th 937
     (Hutcheson). The decedent there had
    executed a health care power of attorney (Prob. Code, § 4671, subd. (a))
    appointing her niece to make health care decisions for her (Hutcheson, at
    pp. 941–942, 946), and later a personal care power of attorney (Prob. Code,
    §§ 4123, subd. (a), 4450, subd. (b), 4459, subd. (d), 4460, subd. (a)) appointing
    both her sister and the niece to make decisions regarding her personal care,
    claims, and litigation and to enter into contracts to accomplish those
    purposes, but not to make health care decisions (Hutcheson, at pp. 942, 945–
    946). The sister later admitted the decedent to an RCFE and signed on her
    behalf an admission agreement that contained an arbitration clause. (Id. at
    p. 942.) In an action against the facility after the decedent’s death, the
    facility sought arbitration, contending the decision to admit her was not a
    health care decision and was authorized under the personal care power of
    attorney. (Id. at pp. 943–944.) The court rejected this contention, noting that
    RCFEs may provide medical care such as dementia care and employ medical
    professionals, and that the facility in question in fact provided such services
    to the decedent. (Id. at pp. 948–950.) Admission to the facility was thus a
    health care decision. (Id. at p. 941.) In the course of its discussion, the
    Hutcheson court recognized that other people—including next of kin—may
    make health care decisions for an incompetent relative who did not execute a
    health care power of attorney, but concluded that where such a power of
    attorney exists and is known to the health care provider, the attorney in fact
    so appointed has priority for health care decisions. (Id. at p. 957; see Prob.
    Code, § 4685.) Because the sister had no authority to make the health care
    decision, she had no authority to execute an arbitration agreement as part of
    a health care decision, and the agreement was void. (Hutcheson, at p. 957.)
    Defendants distinguish Hutcheson on the ground that here, no one
    holds a health care power of attorney, and Tennier was authorized as a
    family member to place plaintiff in an RCFE. As a result, they argue,
    Tennier could bind plaintiff to arbitration as part of the health care decision
    to admit her to Muirwoods. The trial court rejected this argument, as do we.
    Although a family member may place a person in an RCFE in appropriate
    circumstances (22 Cal. Code Regs., § 87101(r)(3)), the governing statutes and
    regulations say nothing about allowing the family member to waive the
    resident’s legal right to seek redress through the courts, and, as we have
    already explained, state law did not allow, and the agreement here did not
    provide, that agreeing to arbitration would be a condition of admission. In
    the absence of any action on plaintiff’s part granting, or implying she had
    granted, Tennier authority to waive her right of access to the courts, we agree
    with the trial court that she lacked that power. (See Flores, supra, 148
    Cal.App.4th at pp. 587–588 [no ostensible agency absent “intentional conduct
    or neglect on the part of the alleged principal creating a belief in the minds of
    third persons that an agency exists”].)
    Defendants argue that even if plaintiff is not a signatory to the
    arbitration agreement, she may still be compelled to arbitrate her dispute
    under a theory of equitable estoppel. JSM Tuscany, LLC v. Superior Court
    193 Cal.App.4th 1222
     (JSM Tuscany) sets forth several situations in
    which a nonsignatory may be required to arbitrate a dispute under this
    theory. First, “ ‘a nonsignatory defendant may invoke an arbitration clause
    to compel a signatory plaintiff to arbitrate its claims when the causes of
    action against the signatory are “intimately founded in and intertwined” with
    the underlying contract obligations.’ ” (Id. at p. 1237, italics added.) Here, in
    contrast, plaintiff is not a signatory to the arbitration agreement.
    JSM Tuscany went on to apply to nonsignatory plaintiffs the general
    rule that “[w]hen a plaintiff brings a claim which relies on contract terms
    against a defendant, the plaintiff may be equitably estopped from repudiating
    the arbitration clause contained in that agreement.” (JSM Tuscany, supra,
    193 Cal.App.4th at p. 1239, citing Boucher v. Alliance Title Co., Inc. (2005)
    127 Cal.App.4th 262
    , 272.) The court explained that applying estoppel
    against a nonsignatory plaintiff may be particularly appropriate where “all of
    the plaintiffs, signatory and nonsignatory, are related entities. A
    nonsignatory can be compelled to arbitrate when a preexisting relationship
    existed between the nonsignatory and one of the parties to the arbitration
    agreement, making it equitable to compel the nonsignatory to arbitrate as
    well.” (JSM Tuscany, at p. 1240.) These rules do not assist defendants.
    Defendants make no showing that plaintiff’s claims for elder abuse and
    negligence rely on the terms of the admission agreement rather than on
    defendants’ alleged violation of duties imposed by law. Tennier is not a
    plaintiff in this action, and defendants have not shown she signed the
    agreement as a party rather than as plaintiff’s putative representative.
    We conclude, therefore, that Tennier did not bind plaintiff to
    arbitration. Because we affirm the trial court’s order on this basis, we need
    not reach the question of whether the arbitration agreement was
    The order is affirmed. Plaintiff shall recover her costs on appeal.
    TUCHER, P.J.
    Theresa D. v. MBK Senior Living, LLC et al. (A163312)
    Filed 12/21/21
    THERESA D.,                                     A163312
    Plaintiff and Respondent,
    (Sonoma County
    v.                                              Super. Ct. No. SCV-268130)
    Defendants and Appellants.
    The written opinion which was filed on November 30, 2021 has now
    been certified for publication pursuant to rule 8.1105(b) of the California
    Rules of Court, and it ordered published in the official reports.
    Date:________________________              ___________________________ P. J.
    Tucher, P.J., Fujisaki, J., and Rodríguez, J. participated in the
    Trial Court:                                        Sonoma County Superior Court
    Trial Judge:                                        Hon. Patrick M. Broderick
    Counsel for Appellants:                             Beach Law Group, Thomas E. Beach, Darryl C.
    Hottinger, and Jay L. Raftery
    Counsel for Respondents:                            Stebner Gertler Guadagni & Kawamoto, Kathryn A.
    Stebner, Karman Guadagni, Deena Zacharin; and
    Needham Kepner & Fish, Kirsten Fish
    Theresa D. v. MBK Senior Living, LLC et al. (A163312)