In re Emily L. ( 2021 )

  • Filed 11/29/21 Certified for Publication 12/21/21 (order attached)
    In re EMILY L., a Person Coming                           B309567
    Under the Juvenile Court Law.
    LOS ANGELES COUNTY                                        (Los Angeles County
    DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN                                    Super. Ct. No. 19CCJP07079A)
    Plaintiff and Respondent,
    HELEN F.,
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from an order of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County, Lisa A. Brackelmanns, Juvenile Court Referee.
    Reversed and remanded with directions.
    Lelah S. Fisher, under appointment by the Court of Appeal,
    for Defendant and Appellant.
    Rodrigo A. Castro-Silva, County Counsel, Kim Nemoy,
    Assistant County Counsel, and Stephanie Jo Reagan, Principal
    Deputy County Counsel for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    The Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS)
    alleged, and the juvenile court found true, three allegations that
    Helen F. (Mother) had physically abused, failed to protect, and
    medically neglected her daughter Emily L. within the meaning of
    Welfare and Institutions Code1 section 300, subdivision (b). The
    court ordered Mother to participate in six months of services
    under the informal supervision of DCFS pursuant to section 360,
    subdivision (b). During the period of informal supervision, DCFS
    neither filed a petition on Emily’s behalf nor brought the matter
    back to court for any reason. While this appeal was pending,
    Emily turned 18 and is no longer subject to the jurisdiction of the
    juvenile court.
    Mother appeals from the jurisdictional and dispositional
    order, challenging the sufficiency of the evidence to support the
    juvenile court’s jurisdictional findings. DCFS requests that the
    appeal be dismissed as moot. Mother opposes dismissal. We
    conclude that although the appeal is moot as to Emily, we will
    exercise our discretion to address the merits. We reverse the
    order of the juvenile court asserting jurisdiction, vacate the
    court’s factual findings, and direct the juvenile court upon
    remand to dismiss the petition.
    A.    The Allegations of the Petition
    On October 31, 2019, DCFS filed a petition on behalf of 16-
    year-old Emily L. and 7-year-old Andrew F. Count a-1, entitled
    Serious Physical Harm, alleged that Mother Helen F “physically
    1    Further undesignated statutory references are to the
    Welfare and Institutions Code.
    abused the child Emily by grabbing the child’s neck, choking the
    child, causing the child to cough, gag, and have difficulty
    breathing. The mother pushed the child and forcibly grabbed the
    child’s wrists. The mother pulled the child’s hair. The child
    sustained a bump to the child’s forehead and a scratch to the
    child’s neck. On a prior occasion, the mother slapped the child’s
    face.” The petition alleged Father failed to protect the child from
    Mother’s physical abuse. This count further alleged Mother’s
    physical abuse and Father’s failure to protect placed Emily and
    Andrew at risk of serious physical harm, damage, and danger.
    Count b-1, entitled Failure to Protect, repeated the
    allegations of Count a-1 word for word. Paragraph b-2 added
    that both parents were “unable to provide [Emily] with
    appropriate parental care and supervision, due to the child’s
    special and unique behavioral problems, including dangerous,
    aggressive and assaultive behavior. The child’s special and
    unique behavioral problems and the mother and . . . father’s
    inability to provide the child Emily with appropriate care and
    supervision endangers the child Emily’s physical health and
    safety and places the child and the child’s sibling Andrew, at risk
    of serious physical harm, damage and danger.”
    Paragraph b-3 alleged both parents “medically neglected
    the child Emily, in that the mother and the . . . father knew of the
    child’s marijuana abuse, and the mother and father failed to
    obtain services to address the child’s substance abuse. Such
    medical neglect of the child Emily by the mother and the . . .
    father, endangers the child’s physical health and safety, creates a
    detrimental home environment and places the child and the
    child’s sibling Andrew, at risk of serious physical harm, damage,
    danger and medical neglect.”
    Finally Count j-1, j-2, and j-3, entitled Abuse of Sibling,
    alleged that Mother’s physical abuse of Emily and both parents’
    medical neglect of and failure to protect and supervise Emily
    placed Andrew at risk of serious physical harm, danger, damage,
    and medical neglect as well.
    B.     The Initial Investigation
    This family came to the attention of DCFS on October 15,
    2019, the day after Mother called 911 asking for police assistance
    after she and Emily got into a physical altercation. When
    interviewed later, Mother stated she had found and destroyed
    Polaroid photos of Emily which Mother deemed inappropriate;
    Emily responded by telling Mother she wanted to live with
    Father. The argument escalated into a physical altercation.
    Emily said Mother pulled on her earring; the child’s left ear lobe
    was red with a small amount of blood and her forehead was red
    as well. Emily also complained of pain to her right forehead.
    Mother had a 2-inch bruise on her right bicep and a one-quarter
    inch laceration to her left thumb. Emily was briefly detained and
    then released to her home, where the maternal grandmother also
    The initial DCFS investigation included interviews with
    Mother, Father, Emily, Emily’s siblings Stephanie2 and Andrew,
    the maternal grandmother, and Emily’s school counselor. On
    October 16, 2019, a DCFS social worker made an unannounced
    visit to Emily’s school where, to no avail, she waited 25 minutes
    for Emily to arrive. Emily’s counselor said Emily had a history of
    2     Stephanie lives in the home with Mother, Emily, and
    Andrew. She is an adult and was not subject to dependency
    skipping class and was not doing well academically. She said the
    parents were involved and were trying to work with Emily to
    better her grades. The parents had taken away Emily’s cell
    phone. According to the counselor, Emily was behind in school
    credits, defied the dress code by wearing shirts with her breasts
    “spilling out,” and did not want a relationship with her father.
    The counselor reported she believed Emily was upset about her
    parents’ separation. The situation had not improved and was
    worsening. Emily displayed “an attitude” towards school staff
    and her parents. The counselor noted she had not seen Emily
    with any marks or bruises and had no child safety concerns.
    Two days later, the social worker made an unannounced
    visit to the school to interview Emily, who reported that she and
    her mother get into “really bad arguments” because Mother gets
    upset when Emily hangs out after school with friends and comes
    home late around 9:00 p.m. When Emily is out late, Mother calls
    her and Emily does not answer the phone, which further upsets
    Emily confirmed that she and Mother had a recent physical
    altercation. It started when Emily came home and discovered
    Mother had ripped up some of her Polaroid photographs because
    she found them inappropriate. Emily believed Mother was upset
    because the photos showed Emily in a bikini. They began to
    argue and curse at each other, and then Emily pushed Mother
    and Mother pushed Emily back. Emily then pushed Mother
    down to the floor where they were both pulling each other’s hair.
    Emily remembered punching Mother and being choked at a
    certain point by Mother. Mother removed her hands from
    Emily’s throat when Emily began to gag and cough. Emily felt
    like she was running out of breath; Mother called law
    enforcement because of what happened.
    Emily reported that when she gets angry, she cannot
    control herself. When the police arrived, they cuffed her, patted
    her down, and gave her “life lessons.” The police gave Emily a
    choice of staying at home or being arrested. She chose home.
    Later, Mother gave Emily three options: she could live with her
    father, stay at home with her, or go find somewhere else to live.
    Emily chose again to remain at home, but Mother took away her
    house key because she was still coming home late. Mother later
    returned the key because the maternal grandmother was going to
    be away in the afternoon and would be unable to let Emily into
    the house. Emily stated she did not want to live with her father
    because she wanted to continue to attend her current high school
    and she knew her father, who lived some distance away, did not
    want to wake up earlier than usual to attend to her.
    Emily reported that both parents have addressed her low
    grades and tried to help her catch up with her credits. Her
    counselor recommended she attend continuation school, which
    she did not want to attend. She communicated better with her
    father. She believed she was too far behind in credits to catch up
    and that it would take too much work on her part to even try to
    catch up. She acknowledged hanging out with “bad friends” who
    were not a good influence on her, with her best friend being the
    “main bad influence.” She smoked marijuana with these “bad
    friends.” Her parents had discovered she smoked marijuana and
    Mother began to search her backpack and look through her
    things, which Emily did not like. She stopped smoking
    marijuana when her best friend left the school two weeks ago.
    She credited her boyfriend with being a good influence. Emily
    told the social worker she would like to do better in school but
    knew she had made “wrong choices.”
    Emily acknowledged that her parents split up when she
    was seven years old, but it still affected her. She missed the
    “good memories” of when they all used to live together. She saw
    her father three days a week and felt bad for Mother because she
    is a single mother with three children. Emily reported her
    younger brother Andrew was homeschooled because he had been
    diagnosed with kidney cancer and was undergoing strong
    chemotherapy treatment. The maternal grandmother stays with
    him during the day while Mother works. When asked if the
    situation with Andrew had affected her life, Emily teared up and
    said it was difficult to see Andrew in that situation. She did not
    respond when asked if Andrew’s illness was the reason for her
    current behavior. The social worker asked Emily if she would
    like to try some therapy to talk about the situation, and Emily
    said yes.
    On October 21, 2019, now one week after the physical
    altercation between Mother and Emily, the social worker visited
    Mother at home. Mother said Emily’s behavior was
    “uncontrollable.” Emily has a “strong character” and does not
    want to follow any of the house rules or hear any type of
    redirection or advice from her parents. She came home from
    school around 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. When Mother would call to find
    out where she was, Emily did not answer the phone calls or
    turned off her phone, which worried Mother. Emily was
    currently failing her classes. Both parents were trying to
    motivate and help Emily with school. Both parents had tried to
    discipline her by taking way her phone and WiFi privileges.
    Mother suggested they do things together in an effort to build a
    better bond, but Emily refused. Emily appeared to Mother to
    prefer spending time with her friends than with her family.
    Mother described the start of the altercation. She found
    photos of Emily posed in a bikini lying down on a bed. She
    believed Emily’s boyfriend took the photos. Mother ripped them
    up so they could not be used to bully Emily. When Mother told
    Emily she had destroyed the photos, Emily began throwing
    things around the bedroom they were in. She then began to
    advance toward Mother. Laughing, Emily started to rip up
    photos of her younger self. These included photos of Emily with
    her best friend, which Mother knew had sentimental value to
    Emily because her best friend had just moved away. Emily tried
    to hit Mother, who grabbed Emily’s wrist to keep from being hit.
    Emily grabbed the bunk bed ladder and began to push it in
    Mother’s direction. Mother had never seen Emily like this and
    was scared by her behavior. Emily pushed Mother, Mother
    pushed back, and Emily punched her. Mother tried to hold
    Emily’s wrists to stop the punching. Emily kicked Mother in the
    stomach and they grabbed each other’s hair. They fell to the
    floor; Emily climbed on top of Mother and began to hit her with a
    closed fist. Mother still had Emily by the hair. They stopped
    fighting and Emily went into the living room where she began
    kicking a glass table. She overturned the living room loveseat.
    Mother decided to call 911 because she did not know what
    else to do. Emily moved to the kitchen and began kicking the
    refrigerator and opening cabinets, throwing everything to the
    floor. Emily then charged Mother and began kicking her torso.
    At that point, they grabbed each other by the hair and fell to the
    floor again. Emily again began punching Mother with a closed
    fist. Mother flipped over and choked Emily with one hand to get
    her to stop. Emily began to cough and Mother let go and was
    able to get up off the floor. The police arrived and ultimately let
    Emily stay in the home. No incident like that has happened
    since. Mother reported that during the altercation, Emily
    laughingly said she hoped social services would arrive and take
    her little brother away. This comment hurt Mother deeply.
    Mother reported Emily had previously become aggressive.
    In the prior month, Emily charged Mother when Mother said she
    intended to take away her earphones because Emily had stolen
    money from Stephanie. Stephanie called 911 and by the time
    police arrived, Emily had calmed down. Mother had been able to
    keep Emily at a safe distance by extending her arm to keep her
    away. Mother wanted Stephanie to move Andrew out of the
    house so he would not witness Emily’s behavior.
    Two weeks earlier than the most recent incident, Emily
    told Mother she was “going to kill this bitch” when Mother woke
    her up for school. Mother slapped Emily in the mouth for her
    language and Emily charged at her, dropped her on the bed, and
    got on top of her. Mother raised her arms to protect herself.
    Andrew and Stephanie witnessed the incident. Stephanie
    removed Andrew from the room, returned, and she and maternal
    grandmother grabbed Emily by the arms and restrained her from
    hurting Mother.
    Mother advised she believed Emily was still affected by her
    parents’ separation, even though the parents have a good
    relationship with each other and Father sees Emily regularly.
    Recently, Father told Mother that Emily had charged at him. He
    was able to fend her off and control her. Emily had refused to
    visit her father since that day, although Mother encouraged
    Emily to visit him.
    Mother reported that six months ago, in March 2019,
    Andrew was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on his kidney. He
    underwent surgery and chemotherapy and has been
    homeschooled ever since. Emily has declined to speak with
    Mother about her feelings surrounding Andrew’s illness and his
    frequent hospitalizations.
    On the same day of Mother’s interview, Andrew was
    interviewed. He corroborated that Mother and Emily got into
    verbal altercations. He reported Emily “gets super mad” at being
    disciplined and she does not go to school, stays out with her
    friends, and comes home late after dark. Once he saw Emily get
    on top of his mother, which scared him because he thought Emily
    was hurting his mother.
    Maternal grandmother was next interviewed. She
    confirmed Emily and Mother argued because Emily does not like
    to follow rules or have anyone telling her what to do. She
    confirmed when Mother called Emily, Emily would not answer
    the phone. She reported there was a physical incident between
    Mother and Emily when Emily charged at Mother. Father was
    involved with Emily, but stopped giving her gifts when she began
    her rebellious behavior. He cut off the internet and both parents
    have taken her phone away. Grandmother said Emily is violent
    towards both parents and has no respect for them.
    Stephanie confirmed that Emily and Mother had physical
    and verbal altercations and she and the maternal grandmother
    once had to grab Emily and pull her off Mother. Stephanie did
    not want her brother witnessing that kind of behavior. Stephanie
    also confirmed Emily had not seen their father since he took her
    phone away and she responded by throwing things around his
    house. Stephanie also confirmed Emily had stolen money from
    her by using Stephanie’s debit card without her permission. She
    was frustrated because she had to lock up her debit card to keep
    Emily from misusing it. She confirmed Emily had stolen from
    their mother as well. Stephanie had offered to “hang out” with
    Emily who declined, preferring to be with her own friends.
    On October 22, 2019, the social worker interviewed Father
    who said Emily is violent towards both parents. He blamed her
    bad behavior on hanging out with the wrong crowd. He had tried
    to advise Emily to change her behavior but she did not listen to
    him. Father stopped giving Emily money when he learned she
    smoked marijuana; he did not want her buying drugs. After a
    physical incident with Mother about a month ago, Father told his
    daughter to respect Mother. Emily told him “You’re always
    telling me the same shit.” Father asked Emily to apologize to
    him for being disrespectful. She got upset and began talking
    back, so he took away her phone. She responded by grabbing his
    tablet and dropping it to the floor. He responded by throwing her
    phone at the wall. She began throwing things around his home.
    She charged at Father and began hitting him on the head with a
    cast that was on her arm at the time. He grabbed her by the
    wrists and told her to go home to her mother. Emily has not
    visited or spoken to him since.
    After interviewing father, the social worker met with
    Mother, Father, and Emily together in the dining area of
    Mother’s home. The social worker told Mother it was wrong to
    choke Emily and she would be submitting a request for a warrant
    which meant there was a possibility that the children would be
    removed from her custody. Mother began to cry and stated
    Andrew needed her help because he was just getting through his
    cancer. Both parents asked the social worker to speak with
    The social worker met privately with Emily who asked
    when they would be removed. Emily said she was concerned
    about Andrew because he would suffer without his mother’s help.
    The social worker advised Emily to try to seek common ground
    with Mother and recommended that Emily seek therapy. Emily
    said she understood. Two nights later, Emily did not return
    home and Mother called the social worker to ask what she should
    do. The social worker advised Mother to check with the school
    and file a missing person’s report with the police.
    Emily returned home the following morning. Both parents
    were worried about where she had been. The social worker
    advised them to file a missing person’s report if it happened
    DCFS included all this information in its detention report
    and recommended that both children be detained because
    “mother and [Emily] have unresolved issues which endangers the
    physical and emotional wellbeing of the children such that the
    children are at risk of suffering emotional or physical harm.”
    DCFS concluded Mother had an inability to control Emily’s
    behavior in the home.
    DCFS aptly summarized the situation:
    “Mother and child Emily have a history of getting into
    three physical altercations in the past year in the presence of the
    child Andrew or while he has been in the home. Most recently,
    on or about March 14, 2019, they were involved in a physical
    altercation that Emily initiated, but also included mother
    resorting to choking Emily. Mother said she choked Emily with
    the intention of having Emily run out of breath to stop Emily
    from grabbing and kicking mother. In the past, Emily also has
    stolen money from her adult sibling’s debit card. Also, a month
    or so ago, when father attempted to speak with Emily about her
    disrespectful behavior and they argued, Emily charged at father
    and began hitting him on the head with a cast that was on her
    arm. Emily has been exhibiting increasingly volatile and
    aggressive behavior since about the eighth grade. She has been
    ditching class, not completing school work, and smoking
    marijuana. She stayed out late and sometimes does not return
    home until the next day. Mother and father have tried multiple
    interventions, including taking away her cell phone privileges
    and not purchasing unnecessary items for her, but she has
    continued to exhibit the same if not increasingly more serious
    C.    Detention Hearing and Subsequent Events
    The physical altercation between Emily and Mother
    occurred on October 14, 2019. On October 28, 2019, DCFS
    obtained orders to remove Emily and Andrew from the home.
    Emily was placed with Father and Andrew remained at home
    with his maternal grandmother and older sibling Stephanie.
    Mother moved out. At the detention hearing on November 1,
    2019, the court ordered Emily detained from Mother and released
    to the home of Father. Andrew was released to home of Mother
    on the condition that Mother reside with relatives.
    For various reasons including the pandemic, the
    jurisdictional and disposition hearing did not occur until 13
    months after the initial altercation. Before the hearing finally
    took place on December 1, 2020, several events occurred. The
    juvenile court ordered services for the parents and Emily. On
    December 19, 2019, Andrew underwent surgery to remove a
    cancerous tumor from his testicle. He entered a fourth round of
    chemotherapy and was scheduled for a bone marrow transplant
    at Children’s Hospital. The doctors advised Mother that
    Andrew’s prognosis was poor. Mother continued to work 35 hours
    a week to remain eligible for health insurance for the family. She
    worked six days a week and then spent the nights with Andrew
    at the hospital. She did not enroll in services for herself because
    she was going to and from work, the hospital, and Andrew’s
    medical appointments.
    At an interim hearing on December 27, 2019, the court
    ordered unmonitored visitation between Emily and Mother at the
    hospital only, as Andrew had been admitted for treatment. On
    December 29, 2019, Father filed a missing person’s report
    because Emily had not returned home the previous night. He
    reported Emily continued to leave home without permission and
    skip school. Emily was transferred to a continuation school
    where, as of January 31, 2020, she had 50 out of 210 credits
    needed for graduation. Her GPA was 1.0. Emily was visiting her
    mother, grandmother, and siblings at Mother’s home with an
    adult family member always present.
    By March 2020, wraparound services for Emily had still not
    been initiated. Andrew’s condition had worsened. On March 3,
    2020, the court referred the family for wraparound services. The
    court also permitted unmonitored visits between Mother and
    Emily and one overnight visit per week. The court gave DCFS
    discretion to permit Emily to move back home with her mother.
    The parties advised the court that they were exploring informal
    supervision. Mother was still going between work and hospital
    and Andrew’s medical visits. She was fully engaged in Andrew’s
    treatment. Father reported he was still having problems with
    Emily, who continued to leave the house without permission and
    arrive two hours late for school. He restricted her cell phone use,
    including turning off her data services. Although Emily and
    Mother were authorized to have unmonitored overnight visits,
    none had occurred because Mother spent her nights at the
    hospital with Andrew. Father and Emily visited Mother and
    Andrew twice a week at the hospital and then at home.
    In May 2020, Emily started receiving virtual wraparound
    On June 19, 2020, Andrew died.
    After Andrew’s death, DCFS allowed Emily to go on an
    extended visit with her mother, which lasted until September 7,
    2020. Mother started grief counseling and tried to get Emily into
    grief counseling as well. However, Emily was subject to a three-
    month wait after the death of her brother before she was eligible
    for counseling.
    In September 2020, DCFS noted that Emily and Mother
    were not making themselves available for services. However,
    Emily’s behavior had markedly improved – so much so that she
    was no longer eligible for wraparound services. Nor was she
    eligible for individual counseling services because she had private
    insurance through her parents. Emily returned to her father’s
    home on September 10, 2020. Her father reported she was doing
    well at home and during her visits with Mother. Father was
    frustrated that Emily was no longer eligible for wraparound
    As of October 2020, almost a year after the initial
    altercation, Emily had garnered 132.5 credits of the 210 needed
    for graduation. According to DCFS, about this time both Mother
    and Father became “unavailable” in that they stopped returning
    DCFS’s calls and, when contacted, they each questioned the
    ongoing need for DCFS involvement. At an unannounced home
    visit in October, Father reported to the social worker that Emily’s
    behavior had changed “drastically” in that she was logging into
    virtual school sessions regularly, turning in assignments, and
    respecting his house rules. She wanted to learn to drive and to
    start working. In November 2020, she was scheduled to begin
    private counseling, which Father had arranged with Kaiser.
    In November 2020 DCFS advised the court that Mother
    and Father were uncooperative, resulting in DCFS’s inability to
    assess Mother’s emotional state following the death of her son
    and her commitment to address the concerns that brought the
    family to its attention. DCFS recommended that the court
    declare Emily a dependent of the court and order services for
    Mother and Father.
    D.    Jurisdiction and Disposition
    On December 1, 2020, the court held the jurisdictional and
    disposition hearing. Mother, Father and Emily asked the court
    to dismiss the petition because circumstances with the family had
    markedly improved. DCFS opposed dismissal because Mother
    and Father had not been cooperative in the last few months,
    preventing DCFS from assessing whether Mother had learned
    anything that would prevent the physical violence from
    happening again. According to the minute order after the
    hearing, the court interlineated the petition, dismissing Father
    from the petition The minute order states that the court then
    sustained all remaining allegations against Mother as to Emily.
    However, according to the reporter’s transcript of the
    hearing, the court did not sustain all allegations. It stated: “I am
    going to sustain b1, but I am striking the Father from the
    allegations. B2, I am going to strike Father from the petition.
    And b3, and I am going to strike Father from the petition.” When
    counsel asked if the court was sustaining b3, the court reiterated:
    “Yes. I am sustaining b1, b2 and I am striking Father from the
    petition. And I am going to order [section] 360b in this case. The
    only reason I am not dismissing it is because of the Mother’s lack
    of cooperation with the Department and I want to, even though
    the child turns 18 in four months, I think it is important for the
    Mother to avail herself of any of the services she can and beyond
    that she didn’t demonstrate to the court while she had the
    opportunity. [¶] Parenting classes for the Mother are going to be
    ordered pursuant to [section] 360b, individual counseling,
    conjoint counseling with minor. [¶] And then for the child, Wrap
    T.B.S., F.S.P., conjoint counseling with parents if recommended
    by therapist. And I hope she takes advantage and does
    participate in those services. [¶] With regard to Father, he has
    really done—I’m going to strike parenting from his program. I
    think that he has demonstrated that the child is safe in his home.
    And I will note the Department’s objection and I will note all of
    counsels’ objections that the petition wasn’t dismissed.” The
    court did not refer to Count a in any way.
    Mother timely appealed.
    A.    Although the Minor Is No Longer Subject to Juvenile Court
    Jurisdiction, the Factual Findings Against Mother Are
    Such That Her Appeal Should Not Be Dismissed As Moot.
    When a minor turns 18, the minor is no longer subject to
    juvenile court jurisdiction, subject to some exceptions not
    applicable here. (§ 300; In re David B. (2017) 
    12 Cal.App.5th 633
    645; In re Gloria J. (1987) 
    188 Cal.App.3d 835
    , 838.) Generally,
    termination of juvenile court jurisdiction renders an appeal from
    a previous order in the dependency proceedings moot. (In re C.C.
    172 Cal.App.4th 1481
    , 1488.) “However, dismissal for
    mootness in such circumstances is not automatic, but ‘must be
    decided on a case-by-case basis.’ ” (Ibid.) “[T]he critical factor in
    considering whether a dependency appeal is moot is whether the
    appellate court can provide any effective relief if it finds
    reversible error.” (In re N.S. (2016) 
    245 Cal.App.4th 53
    , 60.)
    Both parties agree that because Emily is no longer a minor and
    therefore is no longer subject to juvenile court jurisdiction, no
    order can be made that would affect or alter her custody or
    placement. We agree. This is especially so given that the
    juvenile court placed Emily under informal supervision pursuant
    to section 360, subdivision (b), which deprives the court of
    authority to take any further action unless the matter is brought
    back before the court pursuant to section 360, subdivision (c) via
    a new petition. (In re Adam D. (2010) 
    183 Cal.App.4th 1250
    1259–1260; In re David B., supra, 12 Cal.App.5th at p. 638 [no
    new jurisdictional findings can be made for a person who is not a
    minor and has not previously been declared a dependent of the
    juvenile court].)
    Nevertheless, Mother asks this court to review the
    jurisdictional findings despite termination of jurisdiction because
    of potential adverse consequences that may arise from the
    dismissal of the appeal. She argues the allegedly erroneous
    jurisdictional findings could subject her to inclusion in the Child
    Abuse Central Index (CACI), which she notes may be provided to
    “county licensing agencies and others conducting background
    investigations of people seeking employment or volunteer work,
    and to out-of-state agencies investigating prospective foster or
    adoptive parents.” Emily was subject to juvenile court
    supervision under section 300, subdivision (b)(1) (physical abuse,
    failure to protect, medical neglect) because it was alleged she and
    Mother got into a physical altercation during which Emily
    punched Mother, Mother choked Emily, and both sustained
    physical injuries as a result of their physical fight.
    This constitutes more than general neglect for purposes of
    CACI. Penal Code section 11165.2, subdivision (b), defines
    general neglect as “the negligent failure of a person having the
    care or custody of a child to provide adequate food, clothing,
    shelter, medical care, or supervision where no physical injury to
    the child has occurred.” Substantiated findings of general neglect
    are expressly excluded from those which must be reported for
    potential inclusion in CACI; only findings of “child abuse or
    severe neglect” are subject to the CACI reporting obligation.
    (Pen. Code, § 11169, subds. (a) & (c).) Child abuse and neglect
    include “physical injury or death inflicted by other than
    accidental means upon a child by another person” and “the willful
    harming or injuring of a child or the endangering of the person or
    health of a child.” (Pen. Code, § 11165.6.) “ ‘Severe neglect’
    means the negligent failure of a person having the care or
    custody of a child to protect the child from severe malnutrition or
    medically diagnosed nonorganic failure to thrive. ‘Severe neglect’
    also means those situations of neglect where any person having
    the care or custody of a child willfully causes or permits the
    person or health of the child to be placed in a situation such that
    his or her person or health is endangered . . . including the
    intentional failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, or
    medical care.” (Pen. Code, § 11165.2, subd. (a).)
    Because the conduct alleged here reasonably falls within
    the definition of child abuse, Mother is at risk of inclusion in
    CACI. Accordingly, she has demonstrated prejudice sufficient to
    warrant a discretionary review of the jurisdictional findings.
    (See, e.g., In re Drake M. (2012) 
    211 Cal.App.4th 754
    , 763.)3
    We also exercise our discretion to review the findings
    because this case presents the important issue of whether a
    juvenile court may, as happened here, take jurisdiction over a
    minor when insufficient evidence supports the jurisdictional
    order in order to provide a parent with services. (In re Isabella F.
    226 Cal.App.4th 128
    , 137.)
    B.    Substantial Evidence Does Not Support the Jurisdictional
    Finding of the Juvenile Court.
    While evidence of past conduct may be probative of current
    conditions, the question under section 300 is whether
    circumstances at the time of the hearing subject the child to the
    defined risk of harm. Thus, previous acts of neglect, standing
    alone, do not establish a substantial risk of future harm; there
    must be some reason beyond mere speculation to believe they will
    reoccur. (In re Ricardo L. (2003) 
    109 Cal.App.4th 552
    , 565.) The
    purpose of a dependency proceeding is to protect the child, rather
    than prosecute or punish the parent. (In re Alysha S. (1996)
    3      The California Supreme Court has granted review in a case
    as to (1) whether an appeal of a jurisdictional finding is moot
    when the parent asserts that he or she has been or will be
    stigmatized by the finding; and (2) whether an appeal of a
    juvenile court’s jurisdictional finding is moot when the parent
    asserts that he or she may be barred from challenging placement
    in CACI as a result of the finding. (In re D.P. (Feb. 10, 2021,
    B301135) [nonpub. opn.], review granted May 26, 2021, S267429.)
    51 Cal.App.4th 393
    , 397 [evidence of father inappropriately
    touching child one year earlier is insufficient to allege those acts
    may continue in the future and was therefore insufficient to
    interfere with the family].)
    By the time of the hearing in Emily’s case, familial
    circumstances had undergone epic changes. Simply put, Emily
    had turned her life around. As of December 1, 2020, there was no
    evidence Emily was still quick to anger, prone to violence,
    smoking marijuana, ditching school, staying out overnight
    without permission, or disrespecting her parents and their rules.
    Rather, Emily was attending school, getting good grades, making
    up her class credits, communicating with and respecting the
    home rules of her two parents, turning in homework
    assignments, and, importantly, not fighting verbally or physically
    with her family members, including her mother. Emily’s sea
    change may have occurred because of her brother’s tragic death,
    the absence of her “bad” best friend, the little therapy she
    managed to receive, or simply because she had matured. In any
    event, no further confrontations had occurred with Mother in
    over a year, including during the three-month period of her
    “extended” stay with Mother from June to September 2020. 4 In
    light of Emily’s remarkable transformation, neither parent no
    longer needed to control her against her will. And there was
    4     Interestingly, Emily had more confrontations with Father
    than with Mother during the intervening 13-month period
    between the filing and adjudication of the petition, including a
    physical confrontation where Emily threw items at Father and
    Father had to restrain her by grabbing her wrists. Yet,
    notwithstanding these events, the juvenile court struck Father
    from the petition and dismissed the petition as to him.
    certainly no evidence that a violent altercation like the one Emily
    precipitated with Mother in October 2019 would occur again or,
    given the changed family circumstances and the family’s
    apparent bonding after Andrew’s death, that Mother herself
    would initiate a physical fight with Emily.
    The juvenile court must have recognized yet glossed over
    the absence of risk of future harm because it described no specific
    factual findings as to Mother and justified the assumption of
    jurisdiction over Emily as its way to get Mother and Emily
    services the court thought might benefit them during the last
    four months of Emily’s minority. Notably, the juvenile court did
    not instruct Emily or Mother as to what each needed to work on
    with these ordered services.
    We find this case very similar to In re Ma.V. (2021)
    64 Cal.App.5th 11
    , where the Court of Appeal reversed the
    juvenile court because its findings were based on “stale” acts of
    domestic violence and neglect which had occurred 10 months
    earlier and had not been repeated. There, as here, because of the
    pandemic, mother had an unusually long time before the
    jurisdiction hearing to resolve the key concerns from which
    jurisdiction arose. There, as here, the juvenile court justified its
    order by finding mother was uncooperative with children’s
    services. The Court of Appeal noted it is to be expected that
    parents may not be happy to have governmental interference in
    their private lives. The inability of a parent to get along with a
    social worker is not evidence to support a removal order. “While
    a social worker or juvenile court may feel more comfortable and
    confident about a parent who is friendly and gets along with
    them, that is not what the law requires.” (Id. at p. 25; see also In
    re Jasmine G. (2000) 
    82 Cal.App.4th 282
    , 290.)
    Given the lack of substantial evidence of any risk of future
    harm to Emily at the time of the jurisdictional hearing, we
    conclude the juvenile court erred in assuming jurisdiction over
    this action.
    The jurisdictional order of the juvenile court is reversed
    and its findings are vacated. The matter is remanded to the
    juvenile court with directions to dismiss the petition.
    We concur:
    GRIMES, Acting P. J.
    OHTA, J.*
    *     Judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court, assigned by the
    Chief Justice pursuant to article VI, section 6 of the California
    Filed 12/21/21
    In re EMILY L., a Person Coming             B309567
    Under the Juvenile Court Law.
    Plaintiff and Respondent,
    HELEN F.,
    Defendant and Appellant.
    The opinion in the above-entitled matter filed on November 29, 2021,
    was not certified for publication in the Official Reports. For good cause, it
    now appears that the opinion should be published in the Official Reports and
    it is so ordered.
    There is no change in the judgment.
    GRIMES, Acting P. J.             STRATTON, J.                 OHTA, J.*
    *    Judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court, assigned by the Chief Justice
    pursuant to article VI, section 6 of the California Constitution.

Document Info

Docket Number: B309567

Filed Date: 12/21/2021

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/21/2021