In re A.V. CA3 ( 2021 )

  • Filed 12/22/21 In re A.V. CA3
    California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for
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    (San Joaquin)
    In re A.V., a Person Coming Under the Juvenile                                          C092928
    Court Law.
    SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES                                               (Super. Ct. No.
    AGENCY,                                                                      STKJDDP20200000110)
    Plaintiff and Respondent,
    Defendant and Appellant.
    The juvenile court exercised dependency jurisdiction over minor A.V. under
    Welfare and Institutions Code section 3001 and removed her from the custody of her
    mother, S.V. (mother). Mother challenges the sufficiency of the evidence supporting the
    1           Further undesignated statutory references are to the Welfare and Institutions Code.
    court’s exercise of jurisdiction as well as the resulting disposition order. She argues in
    the alternative that the court denied her due process right to be heard at the jurisdictional
    hearing when it made the challenged findings in her absence. We agree with mother’s
    latter contention and shall reverse without reaching her sufficiency of the evidence
    A.     Family History
    Mother has several children, including N.V., J.V., and A.V. The whereabouts of
    A.V.’s father, H.B. (father), are unknown. The family has a long history with Child
    Protective Services (CPS). As of April 2020, the family had been referred to CPS over
    30 times. During previous contacts, the family was offered various mental health and
    safety net services, including WRAP services.
    A.V. has severe mental health issues, which cause her to be aggressive to mother
    and her siblings. She often reports being hit or abused by mother. Subsequent
    investigations, however, have shown that A.V. is actually the aggressor who physically
    assaults mother.
    On March 6, 2020,2 respondent San Joaquin County Human Services Agency
    (Agency) investigated a referral from a reporting party that assessed A.V. at St. Joseph’s
    hospital. During the assessment, A.V. claimed her mother hit her with a spatula all over
    her body, spanked her, threw toys at her, and had previously hit her with a hanger. No
    marks or bruises were visible on A.V.’s body. It was also reported that A.V. had extreme
    violent behavior, had been diagnosed with adjusting disorder, and had been physically
    aggressive with mother in the past.
    2      Further date references are to 2020, unless otherwise indicated.
    B.     Dependency Petition
    In April, the Agency filed a section 300 petition on behalf of A.V. alleging that
    A.V. had suffered, or there was a substantial risk that she would suffer, serious physical
    harm or illness as a result of the failure or inability of her parent to supervise or protect
    her adequately (§ 300, subd. (b)(1)), and that A.V. had been left without any provision for
    support as the whereabouts of her father were unknown and reasonable efforts to locate
    him had been unsuccessful (§ 300, subd. (g)).
    According to the petition, at a Child and Family Team meeting on March 26, out
    of home care was recommended for A.V. due to mother no longer being able to provide
    the necessary parenting and care for A.V.’s significant behavioral and mental health
    needs. A.V. had had numerous mental health interventions, including being admitted to
    San Joaquin County’s Behavioral Health Center twice in an eight-day period with law
    enforcement escort due to her aggressive behaviors and a two-week stay at St. Helena
    Psychiatric Hospital after making claims of increased aggression towards her mother.
    A.V. had been diagnosed with mood regulation disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder
    and oppositional defiant disorder, and had been prescribed multiple psychotropic
    medications, including Latuda and Clonidine. Despite participating in Therapeutic
    Behavioral Services through Aspiranet and psychiatric care through Children’s Youth
    Services, she continued to require multiple mental health crisis contacts each month, with
    law enforcement escort, and continued to accuse mother of physically abusing her even
    though A.V.’s siblings reported that A.V. was actually the one who hit mother with
    objects such as spatulas and her hands. A.V. “act[ed] up,” got “wild,” and sometimes
    slept up to 20 hours a day, with frequent verbal and physical outbursts.
    The petition further alleged that mother struggled to provide adequate and
    necessary care for A.V.’s significant mental health needs even though A.V. received
    extensive in-home services through Aspiranet. The Agency alleged that, according to
    several of A.V.’s mental health providers, mother did not always follow through with
    protocol or directives, she had trouble staying on task, and attempted to override the plans
    for A.V. recommended by Aspiranet providers. Mental health staff expressed concerns
    that mother contributed to the escalation of A.V.’s problematic behaviors and had trouble
    providing A.V. with space when A.V. began to escalate. Mother stated that she could not
    “ ‘parent on the minor’s level,’ ” but stated she was willing to accept help from service
    providers even if it makes her “ ‘look bad’ ”; at the time, A.V. was temporarily residing
    in the maternal grandmother’s house. The petition alleged mother admitted to
    experiencing anxiety herself, and that the whereabouts of A.V.’s father remained
    At a hearing on April 2, the juvenile court found a prima facie case that A.V. came
    within section 300 and ordered her detained outside mother’s home. The court further
    authorized a group home placement for A.V. The court set a jurisdictional hearing in
    May. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, on the court’s own motion, the jurisdiction
    hearing was later continued to June 11.
    At the June 11 hearing, the Agency requested a continuance to file an amended
    petition. The juvenile court continued the jurisdiction hearing to July 2.
    C.     First Amended Petition
    On June 30, the Agency filed a first amended petition, adding an allegation under
    section 300, subdivision (c) that A.V. was suffering, or was at substantial risk of
    suffering, serious emotional damage evidence by severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal,
    or untoward aggressive behavior toward self or others. The added allegation contained
    nearly identical language as previously alleged under subdivision (b)(1).
    D.     Jurisdiction
    At the July 2 jurisdiction hearing, where mother was present, the court continued
    the hearing to July 16, after mother’s counsel requested that the court appoint mother a
    guardian ad litem. The court sustained the petition as to father, who did not appear.
    On the afternoon of July 15, the day before the continued jurisdiction hearing,
    mother met with the assigned social worker to discuss the proposed case plan. During the
    meeting, mother informed the social worker that her infant son was sick with a fever, and
    she was concerned he might have COVID-19. The child’s pediatrician apparently
    recommended that mother take the child to get tested, although mother was unsure if she
    wanted to do that. The social worker advised mother to follow the pediatrician’s advice.
    Mother also expressed concerns about not being able to attend the jurisdiction hearing
    that was scheduled for the next day given her son’s condition. The social worker
    instructed mother to reach out to her attorney for legal advice about the hearing. The
    social worker requested that mother contact her attorney about whether she would be
    present at the jurisdiction hearing, and mother agreed to call her counsel.
    On the morning of July 16, the juvenile court held the jurisdiction hearing.
    Mother was not present in court and her counsel informed the court that she had not had
    an opportunity to speak with her that morning. Counsel noted that mother desired
    changes to the petition and wanted to set the matter for a contested jurisdictional hearing.
    Mother’s guardian ad litem told the court she had met with mother and did not see any
    need for her continued appointment. During the hearing, the social worker did not
    apprise the court of her meeting with mother the previous day when they discussed
    mother potentially missing the hearing due to her child’s fever and COVID-19 concerns.
    The juvenile court found there was no good cause to continue the matter, and that
    mother waived her rights by her nonappearance at the hearing. The court further found
    that there was a factual basis for the allegations in the petition, that the allegations were
    true, and that A.V. came within section 300. The court set the matter for disposition
    E.     Motion to Set Aside Jurisdictional Findings
    Five days after the jurisdictional hearing, mother’s counsel advised the court at a
    miscellaneous hearing regarding guardian ad litem issues that mother had left her a voice
    message the day before the jurisdiction hearing and said her baby had a fever, although
    she did not get the message before the hearing. She requested the court “withdraw the
    default” as to jurisdiction. The court requested a written motion, saying it would not
    consider an oral motion.
    On August 12, mother filed a written motion requesting the juvenile court set aside
    the July 16 default regarding jurisdiction and allow mother to litigate the jurisdictional
    allegations at a contested hearing. Mother’s counsel explained that after business hours
    on July 15, the day before the jurisdictional hearing, mother had left her two voice
    messages. The first message was not detailed, and counsel did not return mother’s call
    before leaving the office at 6:30 p.m. as she expected to see her at the jurisdictional
    hearing the next day.
    After mother failed to appear at the jurisdictional hearing, mother’s counsel
    checked her voice messages again after speaking with mother’s guardian ad litem, and
    counsel learned that mother had left her a detailed message at 6:38 p.m. on July 15,
    explaining that her child was sick with a fever, that she had discussed taking the child to
    the emergency room with the doctor, but over fears of being exposed to COVID-19, it
    was determined that they would set a teledoctor appointment for 9:30 a.m. on July 16 to
    evaluate the child’s health, and requesting that the jurisdictional hearing be continued.
    Mother’s second message also noted that she had spoken earlier in the day with the social
    worker and that she was trying to follow the social worker’s advice to contact counsel.
    Mother’s counsel stated in the motion that had she received mother’s second voice
    message prior to the jurisdictional hearing, that she would have advised mother to follow
    guidance from the CDC, California, and San Joaquin County to not attend the court
    appearance to avoid potentially exposing persons at the courthouse to COVID-19.
    Attached to the motion were copies of mother’s phone records showing the
    various phone calls she made to the doctor as well as the social worker before and after
    the jurisdiction hearing, as well as medical records regarding her child’s condition. The
    attachments included a text message mother sent the social worker around 8:00 p.m. on
    July 15, the night before the jurisdiction hearing, that explained she had been unable to
    get in touch with her attorney and requested that the social worker advocate with either
    the judge or her counsel to request a continuance of the jurisdiction hearing given her
    child’s illness.
    On August 19, the Agency filed a response to mother’s request to set aside the
    jurisdictional findings. The Agency opposed the request, arguing that it was not the
    social worker’s responsibility to inform the court that mother might miss the hearing over
    health concerns for her younger child. The Agency argued mother should have done
    more to contact her attorney and let her know she was unable to attend the jurisdictional
    F.     Denial of Motion to Set Aside Jurisdictional Findings and Disposition
    In an August 2020 disposition report, the Agency recommended services for
    mother but not father. According to the report, A.V. was living in a short-term residential
    treatment facility where her “severe” mental health needs required “significant
    monitoring and stabilization.” This allowed her needs to be met in one centralized
    location. Because A.V.’s mental health needs were so extensive, a relative placement
    was not considered at that time.
    Due to COVID-19, mother and A.V. visited biweekly via video calls. Both
    mother and A.V. wished to reunite and live together. Sometimes however, mother was
    still a trigger for A.V., and A.V.’s behavior worsened following visitation. According to
    the report, mother needed to develop an understanding of how her reactions to A.V.
    either triggered her or helped to deescalate her behaviors. Therapeutic visitation would
    be arranged to “monitor and strengthen the relationship” between mother and A.V.
    The court considered mother’s motion to set aside the default jurisdictional
    findings at a hearing on August 27. Mother’s counsel argued that the social worker had a
    duty to at least inform the court regarding her conversations with mother about
    potentially missing the jurisdictional hearing due to concerns over her infant child’s
    health, especially given the COVID-19 pandemic, even if she did not have a duty to
    advocate for a continuance on mother’s behalf. Counsel argued that mother had kept the
    social worker apprised of the situation and tried to contact counsel, although it was after
    work hours. The Agency disputed what exactly mother told the social worker at their in
    person meeting regarding the infant’s health, and reiterated its position that the social
    worker had no duty to request a continuance on mother’s behalf.
    After considering the parties’ arguments, the court denied the motion, finding that
    mother chose not to go to the emergency room and instead made a doctor’s appointment
    for her sick child during the time set for the jurisdictional hearing. Had mother really
    been concerned for her child’s health, the court surmised, she would have immediately
    contacted her attorney and taken the child to the emergency room. Although the court
    acknowledged ongoing concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the court found that
    at “four months into it, it has been addressed.” The court therefore found an insufficient
    basis to set aside the jurisdictional findings made in mother’s absence. Although
    information from the social worker would have been helpful, the court stated there was
    no guarantee it would have granted mother a continuance.
    After denying mother’s motion, the court set the matter for a dispositional hearing
    as to mother on September 3. At the Agency’s request, the court proceeded on
    disposition as to father, declaring A.V. a dependent of the court and removing her from
    mother’s home. The court bypassed father for reunification services.
    At the September 3 disposition hearing as to mother, the court again ordered A.V.
    a dependent of the court, found clear and convincing evidence the child’s custody had to
    be taken from the home, ordered that mother be given services, and incorporated the
    other recommendations of the social worker into the court’s findings and orders. Mother
    timely appealed.
    Mother contends insufficient evidence supports the juvenile court’s jurisdictional
    findings, or, in the alternative, that the court denied her due process by declining to set
    aside the jurisdictional findings made in her absence because, in her view, good cause
    existed to excuse her absence from court. We conclude good cause existed to excuse
    mother’s absence from the jurisdictional hearing, and that the court erred in denying her
    motion to set aside the findings.
    “ ‘Parenting is a fundamental right, and accordingly, is disturbed only in extreme
    cases of persons acting in a fashion incompatible with parenthood.’ ” (In re Angelia P.
    28 Cal.3d 908
    , 916.) Impairment of this fundamental right must strictly adhere to
    procedural due process. (In re Crystal J. (1993) 
    12 Cal.App.4th 407
    , 412.)
    In juvenile dependency, “[d]ue process includes the right to be heard, adduce
    testimony from witnesses, and to cross-examine and confront witnesses.” (In re
    Armando L. (2016) 
    1 Cal.App.5th 606
    , 620); specifically, due process “focuses on [a
    parent’s] right to notice and the right to be heard” before a child is removed from his or
    her care. (In re Matthew P. (1999) 
    71 Cal.App.4th 841
    , 851.) “When a parent is absent
    without good cause at a properly noticed hearing,” however, “the court is entitled to
    proceed in the parent’s absence.” (In re Vanessa M. (2006) 
    138 Cal.App.4th 1121
    1131.) Ordinarily, a parent’s failure to appear will not constitute the good cause
    necessary to justify a continuance because substantial importance is attached to the
    child’s need to promptly resolve the dependency matter. (Id. at pp. 1131-1132, citing
    Seiser & Kumli, Cal. Juvenile Courts Practice and Procedure (2005 ed.) § 2.104[5], p. 2-
    169, citing § 352, subd. (a).) Thus, “[a]n unjustified failure to appear at a duly noticed
    hearing reflects a parent’s choice not to attend,” and the juvenile court “may properly
    treat this choice as a waiver of the right to be present at that hearing and of the benefits
    of being present.” (In re Vanessa M., at p. 1132, original italics.)
    In the context of the jurisdictional hearing here, we must balance mother’s desire
    to retain custody of A.V. and to counter the allegations of the petition against the
    government’s goal of serving the child’s best interests by resolving dependency matters
    expeditiously and allowing the juvenile court wide latitude to control dependency
    proceedings. (In re Vanessa M., supra, 138 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1129-1130.) After
    considering the totality of the circumstances, including the backdrop of the relatively new
    COVID-19 pandemic at the time of the hearing,3 we conclude mother set forth good
    cause for her absence from the jurisdictional hearing. While the juvenile court may have
    been justified in initially proceeding in her absence without any explanation for her
    failure to appear (id. at p. 1131), the court subsequently erred in denying her motion to
    set aside the jurisdictional findings once mother provided sufficient evidence of a valid
    medical excuse for her nonappearance. (§ 385; Nickolas F. v. Superior Court (2006)
    3      We grant mother’s request to take judicial notice of official guidance from the
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that persons caring for someone who
    has symptoms of COVID-19, which includes fever, to stay home except to get medical
    care. (Evid. Code, §§ 452, subds. (c), (h), 459, subd. (a).)
    144 Cal.App.4th 92
    , 98 [under certain circumstances, juvenile court may reconsider prior
    interim orders when necessary to prevent a miscarriage of justice].)
    The record shows that the day before the scheduled jurisdiction hearing, mother
    met with the assigned social worker to discuss the proposed case plan, and she informed
    the social worker that her younger child was sick with a fever and she was worried that
    he may have COVID-19. She also expressed concerns about being unable to attend the
    jurisdiction hearing the next day because of her child’s illness. Given the COVID-19
    pandemic, the baby’s pediatrician had recommended that mother get the child tested.
    The social worker told mother to follow the pediatrician’s recommendation, and also told
    her to contact her attorney for legal advice about whether to attend the jurisdiction
    Mother did in fact call her counsel two times the night before the hearing as
    instructed by the social worker. Although the first message was not detailed and counsel
    did not return her call, the second message, which counsel did not listen to until after the
    hearing, alerted counsel that mother would not be able to attend the hearing in light of her
    baby’s health-related issues. While it would have undoubtedly been more prudent to call
    counsel during business hours, it appears mother’s counsel was in a hearing all afternoon,
    making it unlikely she would have been able to take mother’s call in any event. This is
    not a case, then, when mother simply did not show up for the hearing without any
    Not only did mother try to contact her attorney twice before the scheduled hearing,
    but she also texted the social worker, albeit after-hours, asking that the social worker
    request a continuance given her baby’s ill health and the COVID-19 pandemic that, at the
    time, was relatively new. These phone calls and text messages again show mother did
    attempt to notify the parties and counsel that she could not attend the jurisdiction hearing.
    And although we agree that the social worker did not have a duty to advocate for a
    continuance on mother’s behalf as the Agency argued below, we find it troubling that the
    social worker did not apprise the court of her conversation with mother the previous day
    when mother did not show up for the jurisdiction hearing and both her counsel and her
    guardian ad litem expressed surprise that she was not there. The social worker could
    have easily mentioned the conversation, at least to alert the parties and the court that there
    might be a reason for mother’s absence. Under such circumstances, the court could have
    taken a brief recess to allow mother’s counsel to contact her to clarify the reason for her
    absence. Such a minimal procedural step, we believe, comports with the juvenile law’s
    goal of family preservation whenever possible (Katie V. v. Superior Court (2005)
    130 Cal.App.4th 586
    , 596), and would not have unnecessarily delayed the proceedings to
    A.V.’s detriment.
    Based on the totality of the circumstances, especially when considered against the
    backdrop of the new COVID-19 pandemic and the guidance to stay home when sick or
    caring for someone who is sick or may be sick with COVID-19, we believe mother
    established sufficient good cause for her absence from the jurisdictional hearing.
    Because mother’s counsel informed the court at the jurisdictional hearing that mother
    desired changes to the petition and wanted to set the matter for a contested jurisdictional
    hearing, we cannot conclude the error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt. The
    juvenile court found there was a factual basis for the allegations in the petition in
    mother’s absence, and yet never considered, let alone admitted, the detention/jurisdiction
    report at the hearing and no witnesses testified at the hearing.
    Mother is entitled to challenge the basis for jurisdiction in a contested
    jurisdictional hearing. Given our conclusion, we do not reach mother’s sufficiency of the
    evidence challenge to the jurisdictional findings made in her absence.
    The jurisdiction and disposition orders as to mother are reversed, and the matter is
    remanded to the juvenile court to hold a contested jurisdictional hearing.
    BLEASE, Acting P. J.
    We concur:
    MAURO, J.
    RENNER, J.

Document Info

Docket Number: C092928

Filed Date: 12/22/2021

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 12/22/2021