People v. Turner ( 2021 )

  • Filed 12/23/21
    Plaintiff and Respondent,
    DEREAK H. TURNER,                           (Alameda County
    Super. Ct. No. H58999)
    Defendant and Appellant.
    Defendant Dereak H. Turner appeals a judgment entered upon a jury
    verdict finding him guilty of second degree murder. He was charged with
    committing two unrelated murders (the Oakland and Hayward murders), and
    the cases were consolidated. At the close of evidence in the consolidated trial,
    he renewed his earlier motion to sever the two charges on the ground the
    evidence he committed the Oakland murder was weak. The trial court
    granted the motion, ruling it would leave the jury to decide only the Hayward
    case. Defendant then unsuccessfully sought a mistrial in the Hayward case
    on the ground the jury would be influenced improperly by having heard the
    evidence of the Oakland murder. His sole contention on appeal is that the
    trial court abused its discretion in denying his motion for a mistrial. We
    agree with him, reverse the judgment, and remand the matter for a retrial.
    I. The Hayward Case
    In the Hayward case (count 3 of the consolidated information),
    defendant was charged with murdering Thomas Cunningham (Pen. Code,
    § 187, subd. (a)),1 with allegations that he personally and intentionally
    discharged a firearm and caused great bodily injury and death (§§ 12022.7,
    subd. (a), 12022.53, subds. (b) & (d)). Defendant admitted he killed
    Cunningham but took the position that the circumstances justified a
    conviction only of voluntary manslaughter.
    When the case came to trial almost ten years after the homicide,
    Cunningham’s daughter Chelsie was the prosecution’s main witness.2
    Chelsie testified that on the evening of November 24, 2009, when she was 13
    years old, her father had a couple of drinks outside his home with Chelsie’s
    sister and her friends. Afterward, Chelsie walked with her father and her
    two dogs, a Pekinese Chihuahua mix and a German Shepherd, to a corner
    store to get ice cream. Chelsie waited outside the store with the dogs, and
    Cunningham went inside to buy the ice cream. Chelsie held the German
    Shepherd by the collar, without a leash, and the smaller dog walked
    Cunningham came out of the store, and Chelsie saw a man later
    identified as defendant approaching them. As Chelsie and her father started
    walking home, the German Shepherd pulled free from Chelsie and walked up
    to the man to sniff his leg but did not make physical contact. Chelsie saw the
    man “stop and freeze,” and he might have “put his hand up like he was
    1   All statutory references are to the Penal Code.
    2 We will refer to Chelsie and to other witnesses of this crime by their
    first names, intending no disrespect.
    surprised.” He asked her to grab the dog, sounding “uncomfortable or
    nervous or defensive maybe.” Chelsie called to the dog, walked up, and
    grabbed him by the collar. Cunningham, who was a few feet ahead, turned
    around asked the man, “What?” and began arguing with him from a distance
    of seven or eight feet. Their exchange was hostile, argumentative, and angry.
    Chelsie did not recall specifically what they were saying, but she thought
    they were “cussing.” She did not hear her father threaten the man, and the
    two men did not approach each other or exchange blows. By that point
    Chelsie had the German Shepherd by the collar, and the dog did not bark or
    try to pull away from her. Her attention was primarily focused on managing
    the dogs.
    Chelsie saw the other man pull a gun from his waistband, heard a
    gunshot, and saw her father stumble backward and fall. The man then ran
    away. Chelsie was later shown a photographic lineup and identified a picture
    of defendant as looking like the person who shot her father.
    Cunningham died of two gunshot wounds. His autopsy showed that he
    weighed 232 pounds and had a blood alcohol level of .22 percent.
    Yvonne G., who lived in the neighborhood, sometimes obtained crack
    cocaine from defendant and was hoping to do so the evening of the shooting.
    She was walking to a liquor store that evening and spoke with defendant on
    the phone as she walked. She heard barking through the phone and was
    surprised because she knew defendant did not like being around dogs. As she
    approached within earshot of the store, she heard dogs yapping, then
    defendant screaming, “like[] they were attacking him,” “Get them off of me,
    . . . I’ll put a cap in your ass,” and another male voice speaking in a
    “mannerly” tone, then a little girl’s voice saying “Don’t let him kick my dog,”
    then “pow pow.” Defendant ran past Yvonne and, still hoping to get drugs
    from him, she told him to go to her house. In October 2017, Yvonne walked
    in to the police station to give her statement, apologizing for her years of
    A friend of defendant’s, Nicole H., testified that defendant called on the
    night of the crime and asked her to pick him up. When she did so, he told her
    that a man’s dog jumped on him, the man lunged at him, and he shot the
    Defendant, who was 20 years old at the time of the killing, testified at
    trial and admitted shooting Cunningham. Relevant to his defense, he is
    African-American and Cunningham was white. Defendant was smaller than
    Cunningham, with a height of 5 feet 10 inches and a weight of about 180
    pounds. Defendant testified that he carried a gun regularly because he was
    robbed and beaten at gunpoint when he was 13 years old.
    On the evening of the shooting, defendant had been smoking marijuana
    with a friend and was “a little high” and in a good mood. As he walked along
    the street afterward, a German Shepherd ran up to him and tugged at his
    pants leg, and he was nervous because he did not know whether the dog was
    vaccinated or how it normally behaved. When the dog stood on its legs as if
    to put its paws on defendant’s sweatshirt, defendant “kind of froze” and said,
    “Whoever dog this is, can you please come get your dog.” Chelsie ran up,
    grabbed the dog, and apologized, and defendant accepted her apology and
    told her the dog had made him nervous. Cunningham came out of the store
    and said, “What the fuck did you say, nigger?,” and defendant told him that
    he should get a leash for his dog and that it was “not that serious.”
    Defendant testified that he had “never experienced such hatred and racism,”
    and that it seemed Cunningham thought he had disrespected Chelsie.
    Cunningham threatened to “kick [defendant’s] ass” and to kill him, but
    defendant did not take the threats seriously.
    Defendant turned as if to walk away, and he heard Chelsie say, “No.
    Let’s just go.” Defendant looked back and saw Cunningham with his left fist
    balled up, lunging in defendant’s direction. Defendant thought he was about
    to be attacked and he was scared; he did not want to get in a fight with
    Cunningham, who “had [him] by 40 or 50 pounds,” and he was concerned the
    dog would protect its owner if there were a physical fight. He fired the gun
    toward Cunningham and ran away.
    Afterward, defendant called a friend and told her that “[t]his guy tried
    to attack me. I was afraid. I did what I had to do.” He testified that he did
    not intend to kill Cunningham and was ashamed when he learned
    Cunningham had died. When defendant later spoke to the police, he did not
    tell them what had happened; he was “[a]bsolutely” concerned that he had
    shot a white man, and he thought the police “just want to arrest someone and
    see someone in prison, particularly young African-American males.”
    II. The Oakland Case
    In the Oakland case, defendant was accused of murdering Jamal
    Waters and dissuading a witness, Dejon Barlow, by force or threat (Pen.
    Code, §§ 187, subd. (a), 136.1, subd. (c)(1); counts 1 and 2), with various
    enhancement allegations.
    Barlow testified at defendant’s preliminary hearing. He was found
    unavailable to testify at trial, and his preliminary hearing testimony was
    read to the jury. According to this testimony, Barlow used to hang out with
    Waters and several other people, including Dachaun Dupree. On March 11,
    2008, Barlow bought marijuana from Waters and they went to Dupree’s
    house. Defendant was there as well, and either he and Dupree or only
    Dupree accused Waters of having taken a gun, then defendant extended his
    arm and shot Waters in the head with a single shot, killing him. Defendant
    used a 9-millimeter gun that Barlow had previously seen in his possession.
    When Barlow was later arrested on an unrelated matter, he provided
    information to the police about the homicide.
    The doctor who performed an autopsy on Waters testified he died of a
    gunshot wound to the head, which would have caused death within a few
    The jury also heard Barlow’s preliminary hearing testimony about a
    second incident, the basis for the charge of dissuading a witness. In June
    2014, when Barlow was in custody at a local jail, defendant and another
    person came into his cell and “jumped” him. Defendant told Barlow he was
    “on paperwork”—meaning Barlow had provided information about the killing
    of Waters—and that Barlow would be killed if he made it to prison. A deputy
    sheriff testified that Barlow had a swollen eye and blood coming from his
    nose. After Barlow told the deputy sheriff who had attacked him, the deputy
    sought and spoke with defendant, and after being treated for his injuries
    Barlow was moved to a different area of the jail.
    In his testimony at trial, defendant denied shooting Waters or being
    present when he was killed. He acknowledged that he knew Waters and that
    he and Dupree were friends. He denied knowing anything about a dispute
    over a missing gun, and he said he did not think Waters would ever steal
    anything from him. He admitted that he assaulted Barlow in the jail, but he
    said he did so because he had heard that Barlow had killed Waters and that
    Barlow was spreading a rumor that defendant was the killer.
    III.   Procedural History
    The People moved to consolidate the Hayward and Oakland cases, and
    the trial court granted the motion on May 18, 2018 over defendant’s
    objection. Before trial, defendant moved to sever the two murder counts and
    order separate trials. The trial court denied that motion.
    It appears that, in addition to Barlow being unavailable to testify in
    person, two of the witnesses the prosecutor had anticipated would testify
    about the circumstances of the Oakland case were unwilling or unable to do
    so. After evidence was complete, defendant renewed his motion to sever. He
    argued that the evidence defendant killed Waters was too weak to support a
    conviction in an independent action, but that the far stronger evidence that
    he killed Cunningham—in a crime defense counsel described as the more
    inflammatory of the two—might persuade a jury that he also killed Waters.
    Defendant also argued that there was strong evidence the killing of
    Cunningham was manslaughter rather than murder, but that he would be
    prejudiced by the jury evaluating his defense “against the backdrop of . . . a
    weak case where he’s being accused of blowing [Waters’s] brains out for no
    apparent reason at all.”
    The court noted that evidence of the Cunningham killing encompassed
    approximately 85 percent of the testimony at trial and that “every once in a
    while, almost like a hiccup during a meal, there is a reference to what
    happened [in Oakland].” The trial court granted the motion to sever the
    cases. The prosecutor said he would continue the trial with count 3, the
    killing of Cunningham, and the trial court said it would remove the Waters
    homicide from the jury’s consideration and would instruct the jury with the
    pattern instruction for removal of a count.
    Defendant then moved for a mistrial on the ground that, in considering
    Cunningham’s death, the jury would be influenced by the evidence it had
    heard of the death of Waters. The trial court denied the motion, concluding
    the jury would be able to follow its instructions to disregard the evidence of
    Waters’ killing, evidence that it described as de minimis.
    Before closing arguments, the trial court instructed the jury it would no
    longer need to decide counts 1 and 2 and told it to disregard all evidence of
    these counts and to consider only the evidence of count 3, the killing of
    Cunningham. The court went on to specify that the jury must disregard in
    its entirety the medical evidence regarding Waters’s death, the testimony of
    Barlow and the deputy sheriff, and the portions of defendant’s testimony that
    related to the Oakland case. The court asked for a show of hands on whether
    the jurors understood, then obtained their individual promises to confine
    their deliberations to the remaining count.
    In his closing argument, defendant’s counsel contended defendant was
    guilty of voluntary manslaughter rather than murder under two theories.
    First, counsel argued, defendant acted under the influence of intense emotion
    when an intoxicated Cunningham, who thought defendant was behaving
    offensively toward his daughter, called defendant by a racial epithet and
    lunged at him. Second, defendant acted in imperfect self-defense, that is, in
    the actual but unreasonable belief he needed to use deadly force to avoid
    imminent danger of death or great bodily harm because he was afraid of both
    Cunningham and the German Shepherd.
    Before the jury began deliberating, the trial court again instructed the
    jury pursuant to CALCRIM No. 205: “Counts 1 and 2 charging the defendant
    with murder and intimidating a witness no longer need to be decided in this
    case. Do not speculate about or consider in any way why you no longer need
    to decide these counts.”
    The jury found defendant not guilty of first degree murder but guilty of
    second degree murder, and found true allegations that he personally used a
    firearm, personally and intentionally discharged a firearm, and personally
    inflicted great bodily injury. (§§ 187, subd. (a), 12022.7 & subd. (a), 12022.5,
    subd. (a), 12022.53, subds. (b), (c), (d).) Later, the trial court granted the
    People’s motion to dismiss counts 1 and 2 due to insufficient evidence.
    Defendant moved for a new trial, arguing that he suffered incurable
    prejudice from admission of the evidence relating to the Oakland case. The
    court denied the motion, noting as it did so that the jurors each said they
    would disregard the evidence of the Waters homicide and there was no
    indication they did not do so.
    The court sentenced defendant to 15 years to life for second degree
    murder, with an additional 25 years for a firearm enhancement (§ 12022.53,
    subd. (d)), for a total term of 40 years to life.
    Defendant contends the trial court abused its discretion and deprived
    him of due process of law when it denied his motion for a mistrial. He
    reasons that the ruling undermined his defense to the Cunningham homicide
    that he was guilty of only voluntary manslaughter rather than murder—
    under a theory of imperfect self-defense or because intense emotion in
    response to sufficient provocation obscured his reason or judgment. (See
    People v. Rios (2000) 
    23 Cal.4th 450
    , 453–454.) And, defendant argues,
    evidence of the Oakland murder would affect the jury’s evaluation of the
    credibility of his testimony about the encounter with Cunningham, including
    his testimony that Cunningham used a racial slur, that Cunningham lunged
    at defendant, and that defendant carried his gun because he had been robbed
    and beaten in the past.
    Defendant’s argument is that when the jury heard evidence that he
    killed Waters, it created a picture of him as a “cold-blooded assassin,” an
    impression that was “allowed to work on the jurors’ minds” for a week before
    the judge told the jury to disregard that evidence. Together with the
    evidence of defendant’s attack on Barlow in jail, this evidence created an
    image that undermined the credibility of his testimony that he believed he
    had to use deadly force to protect himself from death or great bodily injury
    when he shot Cunningham. And, he argues, his defense of manslaughter
    found substantial support in the evidence suggesting that Cunningham, who
    had a .22 percent alcohol level, believed a black man might have insulted his
    daughter, in Chelsie’s testimony that the incident involved “cussing,” in
    Cunningham’s advantage in size over defendant, in the fact that the dog who
    approached him was a German Shepherd, a large breed traditionally used as
    a guard or police dog, and in the evidence that defendant appeared
    apprehensive when the dog pulled away from Chelsie’s control.
    The Attorney General begins his argument from a different starting
    point. He asserts that because the two homicides “were properly joined
    initially, the jury was properly permitted to hear the evidence of the Oakland
    case.” We doubt the logic of this argument in a trial where the trial court
    ultimately severed the cases, but we begin by considering black letter law
    regarding joinder and the standards for granting a mistrial.
    Section 954 authorizes two or more offenses “of the same class of crimes
    or offenses” to be charged together. Our high court considered the standards
    for joinder and, as most pertinent here, severance of charges in People v.
    Simon (2016) 
    1 Cal.5th 98
    , 121–131 (Simon). Joinder is normally favored
    over separate trials because it promotes judicial efficiency, but a court has
    discretion to sever charges in the interest of justice and for good cause. (Id.
    at p. 122.) In reviewing the denial of a motion to sever, we consider
    “whether, in light of the information available at the time, the trial court
    abused its discretion in denying the severance motion.” (Id. at p. 122; People
    v. Westerfield (2019) 
    6 Cal.5th 632
    , 689.) To prevail on this point, the
    defendant must make a “ ‘clear showing of prejudice,’ ” one that is “stronger
    . . . than would be necessary to exclude evidence of other crimes in a severed
    trial.” (Simon, at pp. 122–123; accord, People v. Soper (2009) 
    45 Cal.4th 759
    Several factors are relevant to the severance inquiry. First, we ask
    whether the evidence relating to the different charges would be cross-
    admissible if the trials were held separately. (Simon, supra, 1 Cal.5th at
    p. 123.) Although cross-admissibility may be an “independently sufficient
    condition justifying a trial court’s denial of severance, it is not a necessary
    one.” (Ibid; Alcala v. Superior Court (2008) 
    43 Cal.4th 1205
    , 1221–1222.)
    There is no dispute that the evidence related to two homicides in this case
    would not have been cross-admissible in separate trials. Other factors are
    whether any of the charges are unusually inflammatory and whether a weak
    case has been joined with a strong case or another weak case, factors that
    reflect a concern that the jury might aggregate evidence or be influenced by a
    particularly inflammatory crime when the evidence of one offense may be
    weak. (Simon, supra, 1 Cal.5th at pp. 123, 127–128.)
    Even if the trial court did not abuse its discretion under state law when
    it denied a motion to sever under the information available at the time, we
    still reverse if “ ‘events after the court’s ruling demonstrate that joinder
    actually resulted in “gross unfairness” amounting to a denial of defendant’s
    constitutional right to fair trial or due process of law,’ ” that is, “if it is
    reasonably probable that the jury was influenced by the joinder in its verdict
    of guilt.” (Simon, supra, 1 Cal.5th at pp. 129–130, quoting People v.
    Merriman (2014) 
    60 Cal.4th 1
    , 49; see Simon, at p. 123.)
    A similar concern animates a motion for mistrial. The court should
    grant a mistrial “ ‘ “if the court is apprised of prejudice that it judges
    incurable by admonition or instruction. [Citation.] Whether a particular
    incident is incurably prejudicial is by its nature a speculative matter, and the
    trial court is vested with considerable discretion in ruling on mistrial
    motions. [Citation.]” [Citation.] A motion for a mistrial should be granted
    when “ ‘ “a [defendant’s] chances of receiving a fair trial have been
    irreparably damaged.” ’ ” ’ ” (People v. Edwards (2013) 
    57 Cal.4th 658
    , 703
    (Edwards).) When the trial court instructs the jury to disregard improper
    testimony, we review for abuse of discretion the trial court’s reliance on a
    curative instruction in place of declaring a mistrial. (People v. Cox (2003) 
    30 Cal.4th 916
    , 953 (Cox), overruled on another ground in People v. Doolin
    45 Cal.4th 390
    , 421, & fn. 22; People v. Navarrete (2010) 
    181 Cal.App.4th 828
    , 834 (Navarrete).)
    The issue before us is not whether the trial court properly denied
    defendant’s motion to sever the counts at the outset of the trial, at a time
    when it appeared there would be stronger evidence in the Oakland case than
    ultimately was available. That is an issue we have no occasion to decide
    because the trial court itself ultimately granted the motion to sever, and only
    the Hayward case was presented to the jury. In severing the cases, the trial
    court struck all evidence of the Oakland murder and the related jailhouse
    beating because that evidence was, in retrospect, all inadmissible in the trial
    on the Hayward homicide. The People have made no claim that this evidence
    was in fact admissible in a severed trial on the Hayward homicide. Nor have
    the People drawn our attention to any authority supporting their view that in
    a severed case we should apply the rules governing joinder of separate counts
    when analyzing the effect on the jury of hearing inadmissible evidence that
    defendant committed unrelated crimes. We see no reason to depart from the
    usual standards for analyzing the effect of inadmissible evidence when
    determining whether defendant was entitled to a mistrial. Under the rules
    we have discussed, the appropriateness of a mistrial depends on the likely
    effect on the jury of the mistakenly admitted evidence. (See Edwards, supra,
    57 Cal.4th at p. 703.) Why the evidence of the Oakland murder was
    mistakenly admitted in defendant’s trial on the Hayward homicide is
    irrelevant to this inquiry.
    In denying the mistrial motion, the trial court explained that it would
    instruct the jury to disregard the evidence of the Oakland case and that there
    was “absolutely nothing that makes me think that this group of 12 people is
    going to be incapable of following the instructions that I give, even in this
    situation.” The court told the jury that it should disregard all evidence in the
    Oakland case and specified the pertinent evidence, and it obtained a show of
    hands and the assurance of each juror that they would do so.
    It has long been the rule that a reviewing court presumes the jury
    follows an instruction to consider only the evidence pertinent to a charged
    crime and to disregard evidence that was admitted improperly. (People v.
    Yeoman (2003) 
    31 Cal.4th 93
    , 138; Navarrete, supra, 181 Cal.App.4th at
    p. 834.) The presumption that jurors follow instructions has been described
    in this regard as “ ‘[t]he crucial assumption underlying our constitutional
    system of trial by jury.’ ” (Yeoman, at p. 139.) And it is proper to accord
    weight to jurors’ assurances they can follow the law impartially. (See, e.g.,
    People v. Rountree (2013) 
    56 Cal.4th 823
    , 840–841 [crediting jurors’
    assurances they could be impartial despite exposure to publicity about case];
    People v. Lewis (2008) 
    43 Cal.4th 415
    , 450 [same]; Odle v. Superior Court
    32 Cal.3d 932
    , 946 [trial court is in best position to evaluate jurors’
    declarations of impartiality]; People v. Mackey (2015) 
    233 Cal.App.4th 32
    , 83–
    84 [same].)
    An admonition may be inadequate, however, in “exceptional
    circumstances,” an inquiry that depends on the facts of the case. (People v.
    Allen (1978) 
    77 Cal.App.3d 924
    , 935.) For example, the jury in Navarrete
    heard inadmissible evidence suggesting the defendant had confessed to the
    charged crime, a confession that would “eviscerate[] the presumption of
    innocence” and that “jurors cannot be expected to wipe from their minds.”
    (Navarrete, supra, 181 Cal.App.4th at pp. 834–835.) The matter was
    therefore remanded for a new trial. (Id. at pp. 837, 838.) Other opinions
    reach a similar conclusion on different facts. In one case, where the
    defendant was on trial for committing a lewd act on a child, a police officer
    testified that he had questioned the defendant about another case in which
    he had been a suspect. The trial court struck the statement and admonished
    the jury to disregard it, but the reviewing court concluded an admonition not
    to consider the statement did not cure the resulting prejudice, saying it “was
    no antidote for the poison that had been injected into the minds of the jurors.
    The defendant stood as one who had been accused of some other sex offense.”
    (People v. Bentley (1955) 
    131 Cal.App.2d 687
    , 689–691, disapproved on
    another ground in People v. White (1958) 
    50 Cal.2d 428
    , 430–431.) The same
    result was reached in People v. Allen, an “extremely close case” that depended
    on the credibility of the defendant and other witnesses. (Allen, at pp. 934–
    935.) The reviewing court there concluded an admonition did not cure
    improper testimony that the defendant was on parole. And in People v.
    Schiers (1971) 
    19 Cal.App.3d 102
    , 108–109, 114 the court found improper
    testimony that a lie detector test showed the defendant was lying to be
    incurably prejudicial.
    In other circumstances, cases have held that brief, isolated, or
    ambiguous references to inadmissible matter did not cause incurable
    prejudice. (See, e.g., People v. Collins (2010) 
    49 Cal.4th 175
    , 197–199 [“brief
    and ambiguous” testimony that defendant made collect calls from
    “Susanville” before he “ ‘got out’ ” could be cured by admonition]; People v.
    Valdez (2004) 
    32 Cal.4th 73
    , 128 [“brief and isolated” reference to “ ‘Chino
    Institute’ ” did not require mistrial]; People v. Bolden (2002) 
    29 Cal.4th 515
    555 [brief and fleeting reference to parole office].) And, significantly, our high
    court has noted the importance of a timely admonition to cure prejudice when
    a jury hears inadmissible evidence. (Cox, 
     30 Cal.4th at p. 953
    [erroneously offered polygraph evidence].)
    On the facts of this case, we conclude it was an abuse of discretion to
    rely on the admonition as sufficient to cure the prejudice from admission of
    evidence of the Oakland murder. In no manner can the evidence that
    defendant murdered Waters be called fleeting or ambiguous. The jury knew
    defendant was accused of the crime from the moment the prosecutor
    described in his opening statement how defendant had shot and killed two
    unarmed men, including specific allegations about the killing of Waters, and
    the jury heard as the evidence began graphic details from Waters’s autopsy.
    Further along in the trial, the jury heard extensive testimony from Barlow
    about the circumstances in which defendant was said to have shot Waters in
    the head in a shocking and unprovoked manner. The jury also heard of the
    jailhouse attack on Barlow, an act of violence to which defendant admitted in
    testimony the jury also should never have heard. It was not until a week
    after Barlow’s testimony was played for the jury—after defendant had
    addressed the Waters murder in his testimony and been subjected to cross-
    examination about it—that the trial court admonished the jury not to
    consider the killing of Waters.
    The Attorney General points out that the evidence defendant murdered
    Waters was not strong—indeed, that is why the trial court granted the
    severance motion at the close of evidence—but the evidence was sufficiently
    substantial that the trial court at the same time denied a motion for
    judgment of acquittal. (See Pen. Code, § 1118.1). Thus, the jury heard
    substantial but inadmissible evidence that defendant committed an
    unrelated brutal and senseless murder, evidence we conclude was incurably
    prejudicial in a case where malice is the contested issue.
    In reaching this conclusion we do not question the diligence of the judge
    attempting to mitigate the damage from the jury’s exposure to the
    inadmissible evidence, nor the good faith of jurors who committed to
    deliberate only on the Hayward homicide. But jurors are human and cannot
    be expected completely to ignore, in deciding whether or not defendant shot
    Cunningham in an act of imperfect self-defense or in response to provocation
    sufficient to negate malice, evidence that on other occasions he murdered a
    man in cold blood and then beat a witness to that crime. Defendant’s chances
    of a fair trial on the Hayward case were irreparably damaged by the
    admission of substantial evidence he committed the unrelated Oakland
    homicide, and it was therefore an abuse of discretion to deny his motion for a
    mistrial. (See Edwards, supra, 57 Cal.4th at p. 703.)
    We are not persuaded otherwise by the fact the jury acquitted
    defendant of first degree murder and convicted him only of murder in the
    second degree for killing Cunningham. It is true that conviction on a lesser
    charge can “ ‘strongly suggest[] that the jury was capable of weighing the
    evidence and differentiating among [the] various charges.’ ” (Simon, supra,
    1 Cal.5th at p. 130, citing People v. Lucas (2014) 
    60 Cal.4th 153
    , 217,
    disapproved on another ground in People v. Romero and Self (2015) 
    62 Cal.4th 1
    , 53, fn. 19, People v. Jones (2013) 
    57 Cal.4th 899
    , 927, and People v.
    Ruiz (1988) 
    44 Cal.3d 589
    , 607.) But the evidence that defendant
    premeditated before killing Cunningham was less than overwhelming, a
    matter reflected in the prosecutor’s argument that even if jurors did not think
    the murder was first degree, he was confident they would all agree it was
    second degree, and the jury need not “get caught up on first or second degree
    murder.” The success of defendant’s position that he was guilty only of
    voluntary manslaughter, on the other hand, depended largely on the jury
    accepting his credibility when he testified that Cunningham used a racial
    slur and lunged toward him and that he was afraid of Cunningham and the
    dog—credibility that was surely damaged by evidence this was not the first
    time he shot and killed an unarmed man for no apparent reason. On these
    facts, the verdict of second degree murder does not show the jury was
    uninfluenced by the evidence that defendant murdered Waters.
    The judgment is reversed. The matter is remanded for retrial.
    TUCHER, P.J.
    Trial Court:                 Alameda County Superior Court
    Trial Judge:                 Hon. Paul A. Delucchi
    Counsel:                     J. Courtney Shevelson by appointment of the Court of
    Appeal under the First Appellate District Project’s
    Independent-Case System for Defendant and Appellant
    Rob Bonta, Attorney General of California, Lance E.
    Winters, Chief Assistant Attorney General, Jeffrey M.
    Laurence, Senior Assistant Attorney General, Amit
    Kurlekar and Melissa A. Meth, Deputy Attorneys
    General for Plaintiff and Respondent
    People v. Turner (A159822)