Sugarman v. Brown ( 2021 )

  • Filed 12/27/21
    STEVEN A. SUGARMAN et al.,            B308318
    Plaintiffs and Appellants,        (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. 19STCV36697)
    Defendant and Respondent;
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEALS from orders of the Superior Court of Los Angeles
    County, Gregory Wilson Alarcon, Judge. Order on defendant
    Brown’s motion affirmed; order on defendant Turner’s motion
    affirmed in part and reversed in part.
    Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 8.1110, this
    opinion is certified for publication with the exception of part 2 of
    the Discussion.
    Anderson Kill California, Bridget B. Hirsch, Erik I. Jackson;
    Anderson Kill and Cozen O’Connor, Jeremy E. Deutsch and
    Christian V. Cangiano for Plaintiffs and Appellants.
    O’Melveny & Myers, William K. Pao and David L. Iden for
    Defendant and Appellant.
    Foley & Lardner, Samuel J. Winer, Adrian L. Jensen,
    Kathryn Shoemaker and Tony Tootell for Defendant and
    Plaintiff Steven A. Sugarman sued Banc of California,
    several individual directors and Banc executives, and Banc’s lead
    auditor, in the wake of a scandal that led to plaintiff’s resignation
    from his positions at Banc in January 2017. All the defendants
    filed anti-SLAPP (strategic lawsuits against public participation,
    Code Civ. Proc., § 425.16) motions to strike various of the
    12 causes of action plaintiff alleged. (Further statutory references
    are to this section of the Code of Civil Procedure unless otherwise
    These appeals are from rulings on two of the motions: one by
    the auditor, defendant Christopher L. Brown (the Brown order),
    and one by defendant J. Francisco A. Turner, Banc’s interim
    president and chief financial officer (CFO) until he too left Banc,
    and the banking industry, in June 2017 (the Turner order). Banc,
    and the other individual directors and executives as a group, also
    filed anti-SLAPP motions that are the subject of a separate appeal.
    (Sugarman v. Benett (Dec. 27, 2021, B307753).)
    In the published portion of our opinion, we affirm the Brown
    order granting defendant Brown’s motion in part. We hold
    statements in an annual 10-K report filed with the Securities and
    Exchange Commission (SEC) constitute statements “made in
    connection with an issue under consideration or review by [an]
    official proceeding” under section 425.16, subdivision (e)(2). In the
    nonpublished portion of our opinion, we affirm the Turner order in
    part and reverse it in part, concluding the trial court should have
    granted defendant Turner’s motion in its entirety.
    1.     The Parties
    Plaintiff is the former chairman of the board, president and
    chief executive officer (CEO) of defendants Banc of California, Inc.,
    and Banc of California, N.A. (Banc). He resigned his positions at
    Banc on January 23, 2017. The Steven and Ainslie Sugarman
    Living Trust, a revocable living trust and stockholder in Banc, is
    also a plaintiff. For convenience, we refer to both Mr. Sugarman
    and the trust in the singular as plaintiff.
    Plaintiff sued defendants in connection with their conduct
    after plaintiff’s resignation. Mr. Turner was interim CFO of Banc,
    and also became interim president when plaintiff resigned. (He
    was not a director.) He resigned and left the banking industry on
    June 12, 2017. Mr. Brown was employed by the accounting firm
    KPMG, Banc’s outside auditor, and was the lead audit partner for
    Banc’s 2016 fiscal year.
    The other seven named defendants are or were members of
    Banc’s board of directors or officers of Banc. The parties refer to
    these defendants (and Mr. Turner) as the Banc individuals, and to
    Banc and these defendants collectively as the Banc defendants.
    2.     The Complaint
    The operative complaint spans 166 pages, plus more than
    600 pages of attached exhibits. Plaintiff alleged 12 causes of
    action. The seven causes of action at issue in these appeals fall
    into four categories: (1) fraudulent inducement and negligent
    misrepresentation to induce holder to hold securities (the
    inducement claims); (2) preventing subsequent employment by
    misrepresentation (blacklisting) and tortious interference with
    prospective economic advantage; (3) unfair competition and
    conspiracy to engage in unfair competition (the UCL claims; Bus.
    & Prof. Code, § 17200 et seq.); and (4) defamation.
    The complaint alleges that plaintiff reported wrongdoing and
    self-dealing by defendant Halle Benett and others at Banc, and
    then he resigned, after the director defendants refused to address
    the wrongdoing (described at length in the complaint). A
    separation agreement provided severance payments in exchange
    for mutual releases of all potential claims that existed as of
    January 23, 2017. Defendants immediately launched a campaign
    to attack plaintiff in order to conceal their wrongdoing, dissuade
    him from selling his Bank stock, and harm his ability to compete
    with defendants.
    In addition to concealing “numerous illegal acts” and
    breaching various contracts, defendants “also have hidden from
    [plaintiff] the true state of Banc’s business including its cratering
    financial performance since his departure,” and took various
    actions “to obscure the devastating effects their illegal actions had
    on Banc’s business, financial performance and prospects.
    Defendants made their false representations in order to harm
    [plaintiff] including in order to induce [plaintiff] to hold his Banc
    securities in reliance on the false information, promises, and
    disclosures.” The complaint alleges defendants “have conducted a
    coordinated campaign . . . to further their Cover Up, to damage
    [plaintiff’s] reputation with a barrage of vindictive, untrue, and
    harmful actions; to publish and distribute false and misleading
    information intended to present [plaintiff] in a negative light; and
    to scapegoat [plaintiff] for their wrong-doing and [m]isconduct
    which has resulted in tens of millions of dollars of damages to
    We will describe the allegations in more detail in our legal
    3.     Background Facts
    As might be expected, plaintiff and defendants paint a very
    different picture of the circumstances surrounding plaintiff’s
    resignation and the aftermath. Some background facts are not
    open to dispute.
    Plaintiff is a prominent businessman and entrepreneur in
    California and headed Banc from 2013 until January 2017.
    On October 18, 2016, an anonymous blogger made
    allegations of wrongdoing against Banc and senior officers and
    directors at Banc, claiming they had extensive ties to notorious
    fraudster Jason Galanis, who was known for secretly gaining
    control of financial institutions and other public companies and
    looting their assets. The blog post concluded Banc was “simply un-
    investible.” Plaintiff was prominent among the officers and
    directors named in the blog post.
    That same day, Banc published a press release announcing it
    was aware of the allegations posted; the board, acting through its
    disinterested directors, had previously begun a thorough
    independent investigation of claims of an affiliation between
    Galanis and company personnel; the board had received regular
    reports over the last year from the law firm leading the
    investigation; and certain claims of affiliations made by Galanis
    concerning a company in which plaintiff had an interest were
    Three months later, on January 23, 2017, Banc issued two
    more press releases. One announced a new chairman of the board
    (defendant Sznewajs) and plaintiff’s resignation. The other
    provided an update on the independent investigation into the blog
    post allegations. It stated that, in response to the allegations in
    the blog post, the board formed a special committee that began a
    process to review the allegations. On October 27, 2016, Banc’s
    independent auditor, KPMG, sent a letter “raising concerns about
    allegations of ‘inappropriate relationships with third parties’ and
    ‘potential undisclosed related party transactions.’ ” On October 30,
    2016, the special committee hired a law firm with no prior
    relationship with Banc to conduct an independent investigation of
    the issues raised by the blog post and questions raised by the
    KPMG letter.
    The press release further stated the inquiry had determined
    that Banc’s initial October 18, 2016 press release contained
    inaccurate statements. While an investigation had been conducted
    before the blog post appeared, “it appears to have been directed by
    Company management rather than any subset of independent
    directors,” and the press release did not disclose that the law firm
    conducting the investigation had previously represented both Banc
    and plaintiff individually. (A declaration from a lawyer for the
    Banc individuals states that plaintiff ordered the October 18 press
    release to be published; plaintiff’s declaration states others at Banc
    drafted and disseminated the release.)
    The press release reported that on January 12, 2017, the
    SEC “issued a formal order of investigation directed at certain of
    the issues that the Special Committee is reviewing,” and
    subpoenaed documents from Banc, “primarily relating to the
    October 18, 2016 press release and associated public statements.”
    The January 23, 2017 press release also announced changes
    in corporate governance policies, including separating the roles of
    board chair and CEO, and indicated Banc was “in the process of
    preparing a more rigorous policy to govern review and approval of
    proposed related party transactions.”
    Also on January 23, 2017, the first of several class action
    complaints was filed, alleging violation of federal securities laws,
    naming Banc, plaintiff, and two other defendants. The complaint
    described the blog post and ensuing events, and alleged false or
    misleading communications to investors and failures to disclose
    material information relating to the blog post investigation.
    On February 9, 2017, the law firm conducting the
    independent investigation for the special committee reported that
    its inquiry found no evidence Jason Galanis had any control or
    undue influence over Banc.
    More than two and a half years later, on September 15,
    2019, the lead plaintiff in the securities litigation agreed to dismiss
    Mr. Sugarman with prejudice. The agreement states the class
    action plaintiff found no proof Galanis had any control over
    Mr. Sugarman or affected his actions, and the October 18, 2016
    press release reflected information provided to Mr. Sugarman.
    The agreement provided the dismissal with prejudice was to
    become effective upon approval of the agreement as well as a
    settlement with Banc.
    A month later, plaintiff filed the complaint in this case.
    Several weeks after that, plaintiff was voluntarily dismissed,
    without prejudice, from Banc stockholder derivative litigation.
    On December 20, 2019, the SEC concluded its investigation
    of plaintiff, with no action being taken.
    4.     The Anti-SLAPP Motions and Rulings
    This appeal concerns only the separate anti-SLAPP motions
    brought by Mr. Turner and Mr. Brown. We will describe the
    motions, relevant facts and rulings in the separate legal
    discussions of the Brown and Turner motions.
    The trial court granted Mr. Brown’s motion to strike
    allegations that concerned Mr. Brown’s sign-off representation as
    lead auditor in Banc’s 2016 audit report. The court granted
    Mr. Turner’s motion to strike plaintiff’s fraudulent inducement
    and reputational harm causes of action, and denied Mr. Turner’s
    motion to strike plaintiff’s UCL causes of action.
    Plaintiff appealed from the Brown order, and from the
    Turner order striking the inducement and reputational harm
    claims. Mr. Turner appealed from the Turner order denying his
    motion to strike the UCL claims.
    The anti-SLAPP statute and procedures have been described
    many times.
    A defendant may bring a special motion to strike any cause
    of action “arising from any act of that person in furtherance of the
    person’s right of petition or free speech under the United States
    Constitution or the California Constitution in connection with a
    public issue . . . .” (§ 425.16, subd. (b)(1).) When ruling on an anti-
    SLAPP motion, the trial court employs a two-step process. The
    moving defendant bears the initial burden of establishing that the
    challenged allegations or claims “ ‘ “aris[e] from” protected activity
    in which the defendant has engaged. [Citations.] If the defendant
    carries its burden, the plaintiff must then demonstrate its claims
    have at least “minimal merit.” ’ [Citation.] If the plaintiff fails to
    meet that burden, the court will strike the claim.” (Wilson v. Cable
    News Network, Inc. (2019) 
    7 Cal.5th 871
    , 884.)
    In making these determinations, the trial court considers
    “the pleadings, and supporting and opposing affidavits stating the
    facts upon which the liability or defense is based.” (§ 425.16,
    subd. (b)(2).) “As to the second step, a plaintiff seeking to
    demonstrate the merit of the claim ‘may not rely solely on its
    complaint, even if verified; instead, its proof must be made upon
    competent admissible evidence.’ ” (Monster Energy Co. v.
    Schechter (2019) 
    7 Cal.5th 781
    , 788.)
    Our review is de novo. (Soukup v. Law Offices of Herbert
    Hafif (2006) 
    39 Cal.4th 260
    , 269, fn. 3.)
    1.     Mr. Brown’s Anti-SLAPP Motion
    Plaintiff alleged two causes of action against Mr. Brown
    based on the same facts. Plaintiff alleged Mr. Brown made
    misrepresentations that induced plaintiff to hold his Banc common
    stock and warrants. The misrepresentations alleged were of two
    First, plaintiff alleged misrepresentations in January 2017
    (before he resigned), that Mr. Brown made directly to him, that
    Mr. Brown would conduct a thorough investigation of plaintiff’s
    allegations of wrongdoing, and KPMG would not certify Banc’s
    financials until ensuring the disclosures were accurate and
    The second kind of misrepresentation was Mr. Brown’s “sign-
    off representation” in the audit report. The complaint alleged
    plaintiff was “induced to hold his Banc securities because of
    representations by Defendant Brown including his personal sign
    off as lead audit partner on the Banc’s 2016 fiscal year financial
    audit on March 1, 2017,” and further referred to the “March 1,
    2017 Form 10K attaching the financial statements with Defendant
    Brown’s knowingly false audit report,” all attached to the
    Mr. Brown sought to strike both causes of action in their
    entirety. The trial court granted Mr. Brown’s motion in part.
    The court found Mr. Brown did not show the direct
    representations he made to plaintiff in January 2017 were
    protected activity. Mr. Brown’s sign-off representation in the audit
    report, however, was a statement included in a 10-K annual report
    filed with the SEC, and thus was protected activity as a statement
    made “in connection with an issue under consideration or review
    by a legislative, executive, or judicial body, or any other official
    proceeding authorized by law” (§ 425.16, subd. (e)(2)).
    Further, the court found plaintiff did not show a probability
    of prevailing on his claim. Plaintiff instead argued (contrary to the
    allegation in his complaint just quoted) that the audit report was
    not the misrepresentation on which he relied; he complained only
    of the January 2017 personal statements made directly to him; and
    the audit report was merely “evidence which misled Sugarman to
    believe that Brown actually followed through on his January 2017
    assurances.” The trial court rejected this contention.
    Mr. Brown does not challenge the court’s ruling that he did
    not establish his direct statements in January 2017 were protected
    activity. The only issue on appeal is Mr. Brown’s sign-off
    representation in the audit report. We conclude the
    representations in the audit report were protected activity, and
    plaintiff failed to show a probability of prevailing on his claim.
    a.    Protected activity
    Plaintiff argues first that Banc’s 10-K, containing Banc’s
    2016 fiscal year financial audit dated March 1, 2017—and
    Mr. Brown’s sign-off on that audit—is not protected activity.
    Plaintiff cites no authority for that proposition, and instead
    contends the precedent the trial court relied on—Hawran v. Hixson
    209 Cal.App.4th 256
     (Hawran)—does not support it. We
    think otherwise.
    The categories of activity protected under the statute appear
    in section 425.16, subdivision (e). They include any written or oral
    statement or writing (1) “made before a legislative, executive, or
    judicial proceeding, or any other official proceeding authorized by
    law” or (2) “made in connection with an issue under consideration
    or review by a legislative, executive, or judicial body, or any other
    official proceeding authorized by law” or (3) “made in a place open
    to the public or a public forum in connection with an issue of public
    interest,” or (4) “any other conduct in furtherance of the exercise of
    the constitutional right of petition or the constitutional right of
    free speech in connection with a public issue or an issue of public
    interest.” (§ 425.16. subd. (e)(1)–(4).)
    In Hawran, “the trial court found [the defendant company’s]
    Form 8-K put the issues identified in the form under consideration
    or review by the SEC,” and that the company’s press release, “from
    which [the plaintiff’s] claims arose, was thus protected as a writing
    ‘made in connection with an issue under consideration or review by
    . . . any other official proceeding authorized by law,’ ” quoting
    subdivision (e)(2). (Hawran, supra, 209 Cal.App.4th at p. 269.)
    The Court of Appeal continued: “This finding alone subjects [the
    plaintiff’s] claims to section 425.16.” (Ibid.) But the court went on
    to indicate that the plaintiff stated he would not challenge the trial
    court’s finding that his claims fell within subdivision (e)(2) (instead
    contending unsuccessfully that the commercial speech exception
    applied). Consequently, the court stated it “need not reach the
    correctness of that finding.” (Hawran, at p. 270.) Later, however,
    in a discussion of the fair reporting privilege, the court observed
    that the Form 8-K “was filed for the purpose of complying with the
    SEC’s mandatory disclosure requirements,” and “may constitute a
    writing before an official proceeding,” citing Fontani v. Wells Fargo
    Investments, LLC (2005) 
    129 Cal.App.4th 719
    , 731-732 (Fontani).1
    (Hawran, at p. 281.)
    In Fontani, the court held that the defendant’s report to the
    National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) on a Form U-5,
    describing the reasons for the plaintiff’s termination, was protected
    activity under subdivision (e)(1) of the statute (statements made
    “before . . . [an] official proceeding authorized by law”), and under
    subdivision (e)(4) (any other conduct in connection with an issue of
    public interest). (Fontani, supra, 129 Cal.App.4th at pp. 725, 728.)
    The court concluded the NASD was “a regulatory surrogate for the
    SEC,” and “[b]ecause at least one purpose of a Form U-5 is to
    trigger a regulatory investigation where warranted [citation], the
    NASD requires and receives [Form U-5’s] from members in its role
    as the primary regulatory body of the broker-dealer industry.”
    (Id. at p. 729.) Further, “the NASD is the type of regulatory body
    before which communication is routinely protected by the anti-
    SLAPP law.” (Id. at p. 730.)
    In Fontani, the plaintiff argued that “not every
    communication related to an official body, no matter how
    1     Fontani was disapproved on other grounds in Kibler v.
    Northern Inyo County Local Hospital Dist. (2006) 
    39 Cal.4th 192
    203, footnote 5.
    tangential that relation may be, qualifies as being made before an
    official proceeding under the anti-SLAPP law.” (Fontani, supra,
    129 Cal.App.4th at p. 731.) The court said that argument did not
    apply in the case before it, because subdivision (e)(1) “encompasses
    communications designed to prompt official action,” and “an NASD
    investigation is at least one potential consequence of a Form U-5
    filing that contains allegations of improper conduct by a broker-
    dealer.” (Fontani, at p. 731.) The court concluded the Form U-5
    was therefore a communication made in anticipation of the
    bringing of an official proceeding, and “constitute[d] a
    communication before an official proceeding authorized by law
    under section 425.16, subdivision (e)(1).” (Id. at p. 732.)
    Fontani also concluded that the defendant’s statement to the
    NASD “concerned possible conduct capable of affecting a
    significant number of investors,” and consequently “the Form U-5
    contents concerning [the plaintiff’s] purported misconduct . . .
    concern a matter of public interest under section 425.16,
    subdivision (e)(4).” (Fontani, supra, 129 Cal.App.4th at p. 733.)
    Neither Hawran nor Fontani directly addresses whether
    statements in an annual 10-K report filed with the SEC constitute
    statements “made in connection with an issue under consideration
    or review by [an] official proceeding” under subdivision (e)(2). But
    we think that is necessarily so given the SEC’s mandatory
    disclosure and review requirements. The SEC is required by law
    to review disclosures made by issuers of securities, “including
    reports filed on Form 10-K,” “on a regular and systematic basis”
    and no less frequently “than once every 3 years.” (
    15 U.S.C. § 7266
    , subds. (a) & (c).) “Such review shall include a review of an
    issuer’s financial statement.” (
    15 U.S.C. § 7266
    , subd. (a).) In our
    view, this alone subjects plaintiff’s claims against Mr. Brown to the
    anti-SLAPP statute. Moreover, in this case the audit report in the
    10-K specifically addressed the October 2016 blog post and Banc’s
    subsequent actions—matters that were, as the audit report
    indicated, then under investigation by the SEC. Under these
    circumstances, we conclude the audit report statements in the 10-
    K filing qualify for anti-SLAPP protection as statements “made in
    connection with an issue under consideration or review” by the
    SEC. (§ 425.16, subd. (e)(2).)
    Plaintiff contends that his claims against Mr. Brown did not
    arise from the audit report, and instead the audit report is merely
    evidence that plaintiff justifiably relied on Mr. Brown’s earlier oral
    representations in January 2017. We disagree with plaintiff’s
    contention, which is contradicted by his own verified complaint.
    “[A] claim may be struck only if the speech or petitioning
    activity itself is the wrong complained of, and not just evidence of
    liability or a step leading to some different act for which liability is
    asserted.” (Park v. Board of Trustees of California State
    University (2017) 
    2 Cal.5th 1057
    , 1060 (Park).) Park explained:
    “A claim arises from protected activity when that activity underlies
    or forms the basis for the claim. [Citations.] Critically, ‘the
    defendant’s act underlying the plaintiff's cause of action
    must itself have been an act in furtherance of the right of petition
    or free speech.’ [Citations.] . . . [T]he focus is on determining
    what ‘the defendant’s activity [is] that gives rise to his or her
    asserted liability.” (Id. at pp. 1062–1063.)
    Here, the audit report in the 10-K filing clearly “forms the
    basis for” plaintiff’s fraudulent inducement claims and “ ‘gives rise
    to [Mr. Brown’s] asserted liability.’ ” (Park, supra, 2 Cal.5th at
    pp. 1062, 1063.) Plaintiff said so himself in his verified complaint.
    For example, the complaint alleges plaintiff was induced to hold
    his Banc securities “because of representations by Defendant
    Brown including his personal sign off as lead audit partner on the
    Banc’s 2016 fiscal year financial audit on March 1, 2017.” And,
    “[t]he March 1, 2017 Form 10K attaching the financial statements
    with Defendant Brown’s knowingly false audit report was signed,
    inter alia, by Defendants Boyle, Turner, Sznewajs, Benett, Karish,
    Schnel and Lashley. These defendants knew that the statements
    in the Form 10K and attached audit report were false and
    We see no basis to conclude the “knowingly false audit
    report” did not give rise to Mr. Turner’s asserted liability, or that it
    “merely provides evidence that supports Plaintiff[’s] fraud-based
    claims,” particularly since plaintiff expressly alleged he was
    induced to hold his securities because of representations in the
    audit report.
    b.    Probability of prevailing
    Plaintiff presented no evidence on the merits of his claim,
    simply arguing the audit report was only evidence and not the
    misrepresentation on which he relied—the contention we have just
    rejected. Plaintiff offers no other evidence to establish the
    elements of fraudulent inducement or negligent misrepresentation,
    and accordingly has not shown a probability of prevailing on the
    claims that Mr. Brown’s audit report sign-off induced him to hold
    his securities. The trial court correctly struck those allegations.
    [Begin nonpublished portion]
    2.     Mr. Turner’s Anti-SLAPP Motion
    Plaintiff alleged six causes of action against Mr. Turner: the
    inducement claims, the reputational harm claims, and the UCL
    claims. We discuss the allegations, the evidence, and our
    conclusions separately for the inducement claims, and then turn to
    the other claims.
    a.     The inducement claims: the facts
    Plaintiff alleged Mr. Turner made significant
    misrepresentations on which plaintiff reasonably relied to hold,
    rather than sell his stock. These misrepresentations were made in
    six investor presentations, in an earnings call, and in a 10-Q
    quarterly report of financial performance filed with the SEC.
    The misrepresentations related to Banc’s financial
    projections, including optimistic earnings per share guidance
    asserting Banc “would make $2.00 per share and achieve very
    attractive financial returns across multiple metrics.” Plaintiff’s
    complaint cites and attaches Banc’s Form 8-K’s filed with the SEC,
    which attach the investor presentation materials containing the
    earnings per share guidance.2
    Mr. Turner’s alleged misrepresentations “also related to
    Banc’s ‘significantly enhanced corporate governance,’ and other
    similar statements related to Banc’s internal controls.”
    Earnings per share missed the January 30, 2017 guidance by
    over 60 percent.
    Mr. Turner’s anti-SLAPP motion contended the inducement
    causes of action arose from protected activity—from statements in
    SEC filings, investor presentations, and press releases about
    Banc’s internal controls and efforts to improve corporate
    governance—all of which were statements made to the public
    2     “The SEC requires disclosure of specified material changes
    and other events ‘that the registrant deems of importance to
    security holders’ whenever they occur via a Form 8-K.” (Hawran,
    supra, 209 Cal.App.4th at p. 263, fn. 2.)
    about an issue of public interest under section 425.16,
    subdivision (e)(4). Plaintiff could not establish a probability of
    prevailing, Mr. Turner argued, because they could not establish
    they relied on Mr. Turner’s statements when deciding to hold their
    securities, or that he made statements with the intent to induce
    plaintiff’s reliance.3
    In response to Mr. Turner’s motion and to the other anti-
    SLAPP motions, plaintiff submitted an 80-page declaration, along
    with several other declarations. (The other declarations relate to
    plaintiff’s reputational harm and UCL claims, discussed post.)
    Mr. Turner filed 140 objections, many of which were sustained.
    The trial court found all of plaintiff’s allegations against
    Mr. Turner arose from protected activity under subdivision (e)(4).
    The court stated the allegations that Mr. Turner participated in a
    May 3, 2017 earnings call, and approved and signed a 10-Q filed by
    Banc on May 10, 2017, misrepresenting Banc’s financial position
    including inflated earning guidance, were public statements
    relating to Banc’s financial position “with a likelihood to impact
    individual investors as well as ‘market sectors or the markets as a
    whole,’ ” citing Fontani, supra, 129 Cal.App.4th at page 733.
    Plaintiff could not prevail on these claims, the court said, because
    the allegations related to forward-looking predictions that were
    nonactionable opinions, and there was no competent evidence the
    representations were false when made.
    b.      The inducement claims: the law
    Section 425.16, subdivision (e)(4) protects any conduct in
    furtherance of the exercise of free speech or petition rights “in
    Mr. Turner also contended the negligent misrepresentation
    claim was barred by the statute of limitations.
    connection with a public issue or an issue of public interest” (ibid.),
    and is referred to as “the catchall provision” ( Inc. v.
    DoubleVerify Inc. (2019) 
    7 Cal.5th 133
    , 140 (FilmOn)). FilmOn—a
    case we discuss in more detail post in connection with plaintiff’s
    other claims—tells us the catchall provision “demands ‘some
    degree of closeness’ between the challenged statements and the
    asserted public interest” (id. at p. 150), and that we consider the
    context, “including audience, speaker, and purpose” (id. at p. 152).
    The fraudulent inducement claims concern Mr. Turner’s
    statements about Banc’s financial projections—statements made in
    earnings calls, and in reports to the SEC containing inflated
    earnings projections. We agree with the trial court’s assessment
    that these were public statements relating to Banc’s financial
    position, and were likely to impact individual investors and market
    sectors or the markets as a whole.
    “[C]onduct capable of affecting a significant portion of the
    investing public can meet the test” under the catchall provision.
    (Fontani, supra, 129 Cal.App.4th at p. 732.) “[A] publicly traded
    company with many thousands of investors is of public interest
    because its successes or failures will affect not only individual
    investors, but in the case of large companies, potentially market
    sectors or the markets as a whole.” (Global Telemedia Int’l, Inc. v.
    Doe 1 (C.D.Cal. 2001) 
    132 F.Supp.2d 1261
    , 1265.) The financial
    projections of a large, publicly traded company like Banc are of
    great interest to a significant community of investors.
    When we consider the context of Mr. Turner’s statements on
    the earnings call and earnings guidance in the 10-Q report—
    “including audience, speaker, and purpose” (FilmOn, supra,
    7 Cal.5th at p. 152)—we find the statements had a high “ ‘degree of
    closeness’ ” (id. at p. 150) to the public interest in the well-being (or
    not) of a publicly traded company with many investors. Those
    statements were thus made “in connection with a public issue or
    an issue of public interest.” (§ 425.16, subd. (e)(4).)4
    We also agree with the trial court that plaintiff failed to
    make a prima facie showing he would prevail on his inducement
    claims against Mr. Turner. As the court observed, statements or
    predictions about future events (the anticipated $2 per share
    earnings guidance for 2017) are deemed nonactionable opinions,
    and there was no admissible evidence that the representations in
    investor presentations and earnings calls were false when made.
    Plaintiff cites federal district court cases stating that
    forward-looking statements accompanied by cautionary language
    are not immunized under federal securities laws where “plaintiffs
    have alleged facts suggesting that defendants had actual
    knowledge of the falsity of their statements.” (E.g., In re PMI
    Group, Inc. (N.D.Cal. Nov. 2, 2009, No. C 08-1405) 2009
    U.S.Dist.Lexis 101582, at p. *11.) These cases do not help
    plaintiff, who presented no admissible evidence suggesting that
    4     Our decision on this point makes it unnecessary to address
    Mr. Turner’s contention that his alleged statements giving rise to
    both the inducement and reputational harm claims were also
    protected as communications made in connection with the then-
    ongoing securities fraud class action litigation and the SEC
    investigation, under section 425.16, subdivision (e)(2). In that
    connection, we also deny plaintiff’s request for judicial notice of the
    complaint filed in DeFrees v. Kirkland (C.D.Cal. Aug. 23, 2012,
    Nos. CV 11-4272, CV 11-4574) 2012 U.S.Dist.Lexis 195922), which
    pertains only to Mr. Turner’s contention about protected activity
    under subdivision (e)(2).
    defendants knew the earnings guidance or statements in the
    earnings call were false when made.
    Plaintiff says we may infer knowledge of falsity of
    Mr. Turner’s financial projections from other evidence, but that
    evidence has no bearing on the earnings guidance at the time it
    was issued.5 Then he cites paragraphs 147 and 148 of his own
    declaration, but this gets him nowhere either.
    In paragraph 147, plaintiff quotes the complaint’s allegation
    that Mr. Turner knew the earnings guidance was false because he
    stated to others in February 2017 “that earnings per share were
    coming in well below guidance and Banc was seeking to
    manipulate earnings to obscure that fact from the market and
    from [plaintiff].” The trial court sustained Mr. Turner’s objection
    to that paragraph of plaintiff’s declaration.
    The next paragraph (¶ 148) stated that “Turner made these
    statements to colleagues and Banc employees, including Jeff
    Seabold, the then-Vice chairman at Banc, on or about February
    2017.” The court overruled Mr. Turner’s objection to paragraph
    Plaintiff contends that Mr. Turner’s statements to Seabold
    (the content of which is not in evidence due to the sustained
    objection) and Seabold’s statements to plaintiff (presumably to the
    same effect, although plaintiff does not specifically say so) “are not
    5     Plaintiff says we can infer Mr. Turner knew the earnings
    guidance was false from (1) later conversations with defendant
    Boyle after the earnings results did not come to pass, to the effect
    they would blame plaintiff; (2) Mr. Turner’s attempt to pump up
    earnings by liquidating capital assets; (3) Mr. Turner’s
    participation in the cancellation of bonuses; and (4) Mr. Turner’s
    “attempts to intimidate and silence any potential whistleblowers.”
    hearsay, as Turner is a party . . . and both Turner and Seabold
    were employees of Banc, which is also a party . . . , and thus, their
    statements are either admissions or admissions on behalf of Banc.”
    We think not. Plaintiff does not explain or offer authority for
    the proposition, in effect, that any alleged statement by a party is
    an admission, no matter how many levels of hearsay are involved.
    “Multiple hearsay may not be admitted unless there is an
    exception for each level.” (People v. Sanchez (2016) 
    63 Cal.4th 665
    675.) Here, plaintiff says that Seabold (who is not a party) said
    that Turner said Banc was seeking to manipulate earnings. That
    is at least double hearsay. Nor does plaintiff offer any authority to
    support the assertion that Seabold’s hearsay statement was an
    “admission[] on behalf of Banc.” Plaintiff does not even trouble to
    refer to the Evidence Code at all.
    In short, plaintiff presented no admissible evidence
    Mr. Turner knew or should have known the earnings guidance was
    false when made, and so has not made a prima facie case
    supporting his fraudulent and negligent inducement claims.
    c.    The reputational harm and UCL
    claims: the facts
    In his claims for blacklisting, tortious interference with
    prospective economic advantage, violation of the UCL and
    conspiracy to violate the UCL, plaintiff alleged that Mr. Turner
    made certain statements that caused plaintiff reputational harm
    and interfered with his business relationships after he left Banc.
    Plaintiff alleged (and produced declarations in response to
    Mr. Turner’s motion) that Mr. Turner and others “discussed how
    they were going to make sure that [plaintiff] was ‘crushed.’ ”
    A declaration from Martice Mills further stated that Mr. Turner
    and others discussed “that they had to convince investors that
    Banc’s poor performance during the first quarter was really
    [plaintiff’s] fault and so they were going to do whatever it took to
    make sure [plaintiff] was blamed for everything negative at Banc.
    They also stated that they knew that what they were doing would
    cause his future ventures to ‘fail’ and that it was important that
    his new businesses failed and he didn’t land at a new bank quickly
    or the suggestion that he was to blame would not be as plausible.”
    Mr. Mills described other conversations among Banc employees
    where Mr. Turner said that plaintiff “did improper and illegal
    things while CEO of Banc”; and that he (Turner) “could handle
    KPMG and Chris Brown and that everything was going to just be
    blamed on [plaintiff].”
    A declaration from Paul Simmons, chief credit officer of Banc
    at the time, stated he attended an investor conference in March
    2017. He was standing with Mr. Turner and defendant Boyle,
    when “[n]umerous analysts and investors approached us to find
    out what really happened with [plaintiff’s] departure. Turner and
    Boyle told the analysts and investors that [plaintiff] was unethical,
    that he had broken securities laws and bank regulations, that he
    had engaged in self-dealing, that Banc was hard pressed to recover
    from the damage that he had done to Banc.” Two other former
    Banc employees, Heather Endresen and Gary S. Dunn, also
    declared Mr. Turner said that plaintiff had done bad and unethical
    things while he was at Banc.
    Plaintiff identified several entities with whom he had
    economic relationships, and asserts he “lost those relationships
    and benefits as a result of Turner’s interference.” The Mills and
    Simmons declarations stated that J.P. Morgan Chase, Silvergate,
    Texas Capital Bank and Wells Fargo “declined to do business
    with,” or in one case delayed investments in, two of plaintiff’s
    businesses. (Plaintiff does not specify any communications by
    Mr. Turner with those entities.)
    Similarly, plaintiff’s complaint alleged that Banc defendants
    engaged in unfair competition against plaintiff by pressuring third
    parties not to do business with him, and by making false and
    defamatory statements that plaintiff had engaged in unlawful
    behavior. The complaint alleged plaintiff and defendants are
    competitors, and defendants’ attacks on plaintiff’s “reputation,
    relationships, financial strength, and ability to fairly compete with
    Banc” were made “in order to keep [plaintiff] from competing with
    the Defendants in the banking business and within private equity
    and financial services.” This resulted in plaintiff’s inability to
    pursue suitable replacement employment or other profitable
    partnerships with banks and other financial services
    Mr. Turner contended these claims, too, were statements
    made to the public about an issue of public interest. Plaintiff could
    not establish a probability of prevailing, Mr. Turner argued,
    because the statute of limitations barred the blacklisting and
    interference claims. And, plaintiff could not show Mr. Turner
    made any of the alleged statements to a prospective employer or
    third party with whom plaintiff had an existing economic
    The trial court found plaintiff’s allegations against
    Mr. Turner arose from conduct protected by the catchall provision
    as statements or conduct “in connection with a public issue or an
    issue of public interest” under subdivision (e)(4). The allegations
    “that Mr. Turner signed off on publicly filed documents with
    statements regarding [plaintiff’s] departure from Banc” were
    protected; the “high-profile nature of [plaintiff’s] departure from
    Banc and the reasons for his departure, could have impacted
    individual investors and the markets, and was of concern to a
    substantial number of people.” And the statements made in
    private communications related to plaintiff’s departure from Banc
    were protected because they concerned a public issue; citing the
    FilmOn case, the court said “[t]he statements as alleged may
    contribute to the public conversation despite . . . being made to
    individuals in some circumstances, rather than larger groups.”
    The court found plaintiff failed to establish a probability of
    prevailing on the reputational harm claims, both of which were
    barred by the statute of limitations (one year for the blacklisting
    claim and two years for the interference claim). (Mr. Turner’s
    latest statement occurred in May 2017, and the complaint was
    filed in October 2019.) The court observed that plaintiff “[has] not
    refuted this contention,” and further stated plaintiff produced no
    admissible evidence Mr. Turner made any statements concerning
    plaintiff “in 2017–2019.”
    The court reached a different conclusion on plaintiff’s UCL
    claims, finding plaintiff had presented evidence “adequate to show
    ‘minimal merit’ ” to those claims. The court cited the Mills, Dunn,
    Endresen, and Simmons declarations described above, and
    concluded that evidence was sufficient to establish plaintiff’s
    unfair competition claims had minimal merit “as unfair business
    d.     The reputational harm and
    UCL claims: the law
    Plaintiff contends the trial court erred when it concluded
    Mr. Turner’s communications about plaintiff’s conduct at and
    departure from Banc were protected under the catchall provision.
    We disagree.
    i.      Protected activity
    under the catchall provision
    Our analysis is informed by FilmOn, which provides
    direction on how a court should analyze whether communications
    qualify for anti-SLAPP protection under the catchall provision.
    (FilmOn, supra, 7 Cal.5th at pp. 142–143.) The court first
    concluded that we “must consider the context as well as the
    content of a statement in determining whether that statement
    furthers the exercise of constitutional speech rights in connection
    with a matter of public interest.” (Id. at p. 149.) The court then
    “The inquiry under the catchall provision . . . calls for a two-
    part analysis rooted in the statute’s purpose and internal logic.
    First, we ask what ‘public issue or . . . issue of public interest’ the
    speech in question implicates—a question we answer by looking to
    the content of the speech. (§ 425.16, subd. (e)(4).) Second, we ask
    what functional relationship exists between the speech and the
    public conversation about some matter of public interest. It is at
    the latter stage that context proves useful.” (FilmOn, supra,
    7 Cal.5th at pp. 149–150.)
    “In articulating what constitutes a matter of public interest,
    courts look to certain specific considerations, such as whether the
    subject of the speech or activity ‘was a person or entity in the
    public eye’ or ‘could affect large numbers of people beyond the
    direct participants’ (Wilbanks v. Wolk (2004) 
    121 Cal.App.4th 883
    898[]); and whether the activity ‘occur[red] in the context of an
    ongoing controversy, dispute or discussion’ [citation], or ‘affect[ed]
    a community in a manner similar to that of a governmental entity’
    [citation].” (FilmOn, supra, 7 Cal.5th at pp. 145–146.)
    “We are not concerned with the social utility of the speech at
    issue, or the degree to which it propelled the conversation in any
    particular direction; rather, we examine whether a defendant—
    through public or private speech or conduct—participated in, or
    furthered, the discourse that makes an issue one of public
    interest.” (FilmOn, supra, 7 Cal.5th at p. 151.) “[A] statement is
    made ‘in connection with’ a public issue when it contributes to—
    that is, ‘participat[es]’ in or furthers—some public conversation on
    the issue. [Citation.] But the inquiry of whether a
    statement contributes to the public debate is one a court can
    hardly undertake without incorporating considerations of
    context—including audience, speaker, and purpose.” (Id. at
    pp. 151–152.)
    In FilmOn, the defendant provided confidential reports to its
    clients that labeled websites as containing “adult content” or
    “copyright infringement” material, and one of the websites sued
    the defendant, alleging disparagement of its digital distribution
    network. (FilmOn, supra, 7 Cal.5th at p. 140.) The reports were
    issued privately, “to a coterie of paying clients,” who use the
    information “for their business purposes alone. The information
    never entered the public sphere, and the parties never intended it
    to.” (Id. at p. 153.) The court found the defendant’s reports “—
    generated for profit, exchanged confidentially, without being part
    of any attempt to participate in a larger public discussion—do not
    qualify for anti-SLAPP protection under the catchall provision,
    even where the topic discussed is, broadly speaking, one of public
    interest. This is not because confidential statements made to serve
    business interests are categorically excluded from anti-SLAPP
    protection. It is instead because [the defendant’s] reports are too
    tenuously tethered to the issues of public interest they implicate,
    and too remotely connected to the public conversation about those
    issues, to merit protection under the catchall provision.” (Id. at
    p. 140.)
    ii.   This case
    As FilmOn directs, we first “identify[] the relevant matters
    of public interest” and then move “to addressing the specific nature
    of defendant’s speech and its relationship to the matters of public
    interest.” (FilmOn, supra, 7 Cal.5th at p. 152.)
    In contrast to the reports involved in FilmOn, here, the
    circumstances of plaintiff’s departure from Banc were a topic of
    considerable public discussion at the time. Beginning on
    October 18, 2016, when the blog post first publicized the
    allegations against Banc and plaintiff, the record is replete with
    public discussion of Banc, plaintiff’s conduct at Banc and his
    departure on January 23, 2017. There were press releases from
    Banc, securities fraud lawsuits, an SEC investigation, and articles
    on websites and in the Los Angeles Times and other publications.
    By way of example of the last category, a Bloomberg Law news
    story on March 2, 2017, about Banc’s 10-Q and 10-K filings states
    “[a]dverse opinion on internal controls due to ‘inadequate tone at
    the top’ isn’t surprising given former CEO Steven Sugarman’s
    quick exit, inaccurate press release in Oct., historically-weak
    corporate governance, excessive related-party transactions” and
    that “Banc disclosed other related-party transactions from
    Sugarman era that it’s taken steps to curtail.” (Maranz, Banc of
    California’s ‘Clean’ Filings Remove Overhang: FBR, Bloomberg
    Law (Mar. 2, 2017).)
    In short, as the trial court aptly put it, “[r]eview of the
    complaint and filings in this motion disclose the high-profile
    nature of [plaintiff’s] departure from Banc and the reasons for his
    departure.” Plaintiff “ ‘was a person . . . in the public eye’ ” and the
    speech occurred “ ‘in the context of an ongoing controversy, dispute
    or discussion’ ” (FilmOn, supra, 7 Cal.5th at p. 145), so we have no
    doubt the reason for plaintiff’s departure was a matter of public
    That brings us to “addressing the specific nature of
    defendant’s speech and its relationship to the matters of public
    interest.” (FilmOn, supra, 7 Cal.5th at p. 152.) Here, the requisite
    connection between the challenged statements and the issue of
    public interest is direct, not tenuous or remote.
    As we have described, the evidence of Mr. Turner’s
    statements consists of the Mills, Simmons, Endresen and Dunn
    declarations. These were to the effect that Mr. Turner discussed
    with Mr. Mills and others how they were going to “crush” plaintiff
    and make sure he was blamed for everything negative; told
    Ms. Endresen plaintiff “had done some very bad things” while he
    was at Banc, and made similar statements to Mr. Dunn; and made
    statements to numerous analysts and investors at a conference
    that plaintiff was unethical, had broken securities laws and
    engaged in self-dealing.
    This is not a case, as in FilmOn, where the defendant’s
    statements were “too tenuously tethered to the issues of public
    interest they implicate[d],” and “too remotely connected to the
    public conversation about those issues, to merit protection under
    the catchall provision.” (FilmOn, supra, 7 Cal.5th at p. 140.) On
    the contrary, Mr. Turner’s statements were about the specific
    issues being publicly discussed in the press and in lawsuits. In
    FilmOn, the information in the defendant’s confidential reports to
    its clients “never entered the public sphere, and the parties never
    intended it to.” (Id. at p. 153.) The opposite is true here.
    Mr. Turner was Banc’s interim president and CFO after
    plaintiff resigned and his statements reflected Banc’s position in
    the ongoing, very public controversy about Banc’s and plaintiff’s
    conduct. Mr. Turner made those statements to an audience of
    other bank employees and investors and analysts, all of whom
    were likewise interested in the circumstances surrounding
    plaintiff’s departure. The context—audience, speaker and
    purpose—demonstrates Mr. Turner’s speech was “in connection
    with” an issue of public interest, as required by FilmOn.
    Plaintiff insists that Mr. Turner’s statements were “private
    conversations meant to be kept private” and did not “contribute to
    public conversation.” Plaintiff’s claim Mr. Turner’s statements
    were “meant to be kept private” is contradicted by plaintiff’s own
    evidence the statements were made in response to “[n]umerous”
    analysts and investors who were inquiring about the
    circumstances of plaintiff’s departure, and by his own allegations
    that Mr. Turner’s statements were made in order to harm
    plaintiff’s reputation in the banking industry.
    Much of plaintiff’s brief is spent discussing Murray v. Tran
    55 Cal.App.5th 10
    . In Murray, unlike here, there was no
    ongoing public conversation about the issue of public interest—
    which was the plaintiff’s competence as a dentist. (Id. at p. 30.)
    The court found, for example, that certain of the challenged
    statements were not made to patients or anyone outside the
    parties’ dental practice, and were made solely for private purposes,
    such as to enhance the quality of dental care at the practice. (Id.
    at p. 36.) Here, by contrast, there clearly was an existing public
    discussion about the circumstances surrounding plaintiff’s
    departure from Banc.
    As FilmOn tells us, “[w]e are not concerned with the social
    utility of the speech at issue,” but rather with whether a defendant
    “participated in, or furthered, the discourse that makes an issue
    one of public interest.” (FilmOn, supra, 7 Cal.5th at p. 151.) That
    standard is met here.
    iii. The probability of prevailing on the
    reputational harm causes of action
    Plaintiff did not satisfy his burden of showing a probability
    of prevailing on his claim against Mr. Turner of intentional
    interference with prospective economic advantage.6 The elements
    of the tort are “ ‘ “(1) an economic relationship between the
    plaintiff and some third party, with the probability of future
    economic benefit to the plaintiff; (2) the defendant’s knowledge of
    the relationship; (3) intentional acts on the part of the defendant
    designed to disrupt the relationship; (4) actual disruption of the
    relationship; and (5) economic harm to the plaintiff proximately
    caused by the acts of the defendant.” [Citations.]’ ” (Korea Supply
    Co. v. Lockheed Martin Corp. (2003) 
    29 Cal.4th 1134
    , 1153 (Korea
    Supply).) “[T]he third element also requires a plaintiff to plead
    intentional wrongful acts on the part of the defendant designed to
    disrupt the relationship.” (Id. at p. 1154.)
    Plaintiff contends his claim is not barred by the statute of
    limitations (two years), even though Mr. Turner’s last statement
    was made in May 2017, and the complaint was filed in October
    2019. Plaintiff says the statute of limitations accrued when his
    economic relationships were disrupted, not when Mr. Turner made
    his statements. Plaintiff asserts his “relationships were disrupted
    6     Plaintiff makes no argument in his opening brief challenging
    the court’s ruling on his blacklisting claim.
    as late as 2020 . . . ,” and he “submitted evidence that his economic
    relationship with Broadway Federal was disrupted as a result of
    Turner’s defamatory statements in 2020.”
    Plaintiff’s assertion has at least one fatal flaw. All the
    evidence he cites in his brief to support it is evidence to which
    Mr. Turner’s objections were sustained.7 Plaintiff says this
    evidence “is admissible,” making a two sentence argument: “The
    statements of Turner are admissions. The other statements by
    [third parties] are offered to show their respective states of mind.”
    That is not a reasoned argument, and no legal authority is offered
    to support it. Consequently, plaintiff has demonstrated no abuse
    of discretion in the trial court’s evidentiary rulings, and there is no
    admissible evidence showing Mr. Turner’s alleged interference
    occurred within the statute of limitations.
    Even without the bar of the statute of limitations, plaintiff
    has not presented admissible evidence to satisfy the elements of a
    claim of tortious interference with prospective economic advantage
    against Mr. Turner. Plaintiff says he presented evidence “that
    Turner reached out to specific entities with which Sugarman had
    an economic relationship with the probability of future economic
    benefit.” The trial court sustained objections to the pertinent parts
    of all the evidence he cites.
    In his reply brief, plaintiff argues at some length that the
    trial court abused its discretion and “many of the statements are
    admissible” as prior inconsistent statements, party admissions, or
    7     We also harbor considerable doubt that a defendant’s
    statements in 2017 could be “designed to disrupt” and actually
    disrupt (Korea Supply, supra, 29 Cal.4th at p. 1153) a deal that
    “died as of April 2020.”
    to prove state of mind. We do not consider arguments made for the
    first time in the reply brief.
    e.   Mr. Turner’s appeal: the merits
    of the UCL claims
    We agree with Mr. Turner that the trial court erred as a
    matter of law in finding plaintiff’s UCL claims had minimal
    On his UCL claims, plaintiff’s complaint requested “that
    Mr. Sugarman be awarded restitutionary damages in an amount to
    be determined at trial, plus an award of reasonable legal fees and
    expenses, and that the Court enter an order enjoining the Banc
    Defendants from continuing to take actions to disrupt
    Mr. Sugarman’s ability to compete in the financial and banking
    The only remedies available under the UCL are restitution
    and injunctive relief. Restitution is the only monetary remedy
    available. The principles are explained in Korea Supply, supra,
    29 Cal.4th at page 1149.
    “[A]n order for restitution is one ‘compelling a UCL
    defendant to return money obtained through an unfair business
    practice to those persons in interest from whom the property was
    8     In his respondent’s brief on Mr. Turner’s appeal, plaintiff
    contends Mr. Turner did not establish “that the Warrant Share
    Claims arise from protected activity.” This refers to plaintiff’s
    “UCL claims to the extent they are based on Banc Defendants’
    breaches of or interference with certain agreements to which
    Plaintiffs and Banc were parties and Banc’s failure to convert
    certain Warrant Shares under those agreements.” This is another
    baseless contention; none of the causes of action relating to breach
    of these agreements was alleged against Mr. Turner.
    taken, that is, to persons who had an ownership interest in the
    property or those claiming through that person.’ [Citation.] The
    object of restitution is to restore the status quo by returning to the
    plaintiff funds in which he or she has an ownership interest.”
    (Korea Supply, supra, 29 Cal.4th at p. 1149.)
    Korea Supply held “[t]he remedy sought by plaintiff in this
    case is not restitutionary because plaintiff does not have an
    ownership interest in the money it seeks to recover from
    defendants.” (Korea Supply, 
     29 Cal.4th at p. 1149.) “Any
    award that plaintiff would recover from defendants would not be
    restitutionary as it would not replace any money or property that
    defendants took directly from plaintiff.” (Ibid.) “Further, the relief
    sought by plaintiff is not restitutionary under an alternative
    theory because plaintiff has no vested interest in the money it
    seeks to recover.” (Ibid.)
    The same is true here. (See Korea Supply, 
     29 Cal.4th
    at pp. 1150–1151 [“The nonrestitutionary disgorgement remedy
    sought by plaintiff closely resembles a claim for damages,
    something that is not permitted under the UCL. As one court has
    noted: ‘Compensation for a lost business opportunity is a measure
    of damages and not restitution to the alleged victims.’ ”].)
    Nor can plaintiff obtain injunctive relief against Mr. Turner.
    The UCL “has not altered the nature of injunctive relief, which
    requires a threat that the misconduct to be enjoined is likely to be
    repeated in the future.” (Madrid v. Perot Systems Corp. (2005)
    130 Cal.App.4th 440
    , 465; id. at p. 463 [“Injunctive relief is
    appropriate only when there is a threat of continuing
    misconduct.”].) The evidence that Mr. Turner has not worked at
    Banc or in the banking industry since June 2017 is unrefuted.
    Plaintiff has offered no evidence that Mr. Turner has said anything
    to anyone to disparage plaintiff, or has done anything to “disrupt
    [plaintiff’s] ability to compete,” after he (Mr. Turner) left Banc in
    June 2017. “[I]n the absence of a threat that an unlawful act will
    occur in the future” (id. at p. 464), injunctive relief is not
    authorized under the UCL.
    Accordingly, plaintiff has not established a probability of
    prevailing on his UCL claims against Mr. Turner.
    [End nonpublished portion]
    The order granting defendant Brown’s anti-SLAPP motion to
    strike allegations of fraudulent and negligent inducement to hold
    securities, to the extent the allegations refer to defendant’s sign-off
    on Banc’s 2016 fiscal year financial audit, is affirmed. The order
    granting defendant Turner’s anti-SLAPP motion to strike
    plaintiff’s second, third, seventh and eighth causes of action is
    affirmed. The order denying defendant Turner’s anti-SLAPP
    motion to strike plaintiff’s fifth and sixth causes of action is
    reversed and the trial court is directed to grant the motion. Both
    defendants shall recover costs on appeal.
    GRIMES, Acting P. J.
    STRATTON, J.         HARUTUNIAN, J.†
    Judge of the San Diego Superior Court, assigned by the
    Chief Justice pursuant to article VI, section 6 of the California