Garcia v. Expert Staffing West ( 2021 )

  • Filed 12/29/21
    ROSEANA GARCIA,                       2d Civ. No. B307371
    (Super. Ct. No. 56-2018-
    Plaintiff and Respondent,      00506302-CU-OE-VTA)
    (Ventura County)
    Defendants and Appellants.
    Respondent Roseana Garcia had an employment
    agreement with her former employers, appellants Essential Seasons
    and Cool-Pak, LLC. The agreement did not include an arbitration
    clause. After that employment ended, Garcia applied for work with
    appellant Expert Staffing West. As a part of her application for
    employment with Expert Staffing West, Garcia agreed to submit all
    disputes between them to arbitration. Her application was rejected.
    Garcia later joined an existing class action for wage and
    hour violations against all three appellants. She based her claims
    on her prior employment by Essential Seasons and Cool-Pak. The
    issue presented here is whether the arbitration agreement between
    Garcia and Expert Staffing West applies to disputes arising
    between Garcia and her former employers. We conclude that the
    arbitration clause between a job applicant and her prospective
    employer does not apply to disputes between the applicant and her
    former employers based on the existence of a business relationship
    between the prospective employer and the applicant’s past
    Expert Staffing West and its Chief Executive Officer
    Edward Bright, Essential Seasons and its owner/managing partner
    Kathleen Winters,1 and Cool-Pak, LLC (collectively “Appellants”)
    appeal from the trial court’s orders denying their motion to compel
    Garcia to arbitrate her individual claims and denying their motions
    to dismiss her class claims and stay the action. Essential Seasons
    and Cool-Pak contend the trial court erred when it determined that
    the arbitration agreement between Garcia and Expert Staffing
    West did not apply to Garcia’s claims against them. We disagree
    and affirm.
    Garcia’s Employment at Essential Seasons/Cool-Pak in 2017
    Essential Seasons provided contract-based labor
    services for agricultural and foodservice companies. Cool-Pak, LLC
    is a company that labels, packs, and ships produce.
    In 2017, Essential Seasons hired Garcia and placed her
    at Cool-Pak as a packer. During the time Garcia was an Essential
    Seasons employee, Expert Staffing West provided payroll services to
    1 Future references to Expert Staffing West include appellant
    Bright and future references to Essential Seasons include appellant
    Essential Seasons.2 Garcia’s employment with Essential Seasons
    and Cool-Pak ended in December 2017.
    Job Application for Expert Staffing West
    In 2019, Garcia applied for employment at Expert
    Staffing West. Garcia completed and signed an arbitration
    agreement as part of the application package. Garcia did not obtain
    employment with Expert Staffing West after completing this
    The arbitration agreement stated: “In the event there
    is any dispute between Employee and the Company relating to or
    arising out of employment or the termination of Employee . . .
    regardless of the kind or type of dispute, Employee and the
    Company agree to submit all such claims or disputes to be resolved
    by final and binding arbitration . . . .” The agreement defined “the
    Company” as “Expert Staffing West and all related entities,
    including entities where employees are sent to work.” (Italics
    added.) The agreement also included a class action waiver, stating:
    “neither Employee nor the Company will assert any class action . . .
    claims against each other in arbitration, in any court, or otherwise.”
    The agreement stated that it was “governed by the Federal
    Arbitration Act, 
    9 U.S.C. § 1
     et seq.”
    Petition to Compel Arbitration
    In 2018, several former employees sued Appellants and
    others, alleging various individual and class action wage and hour
    2 In addition to providing payroll services, Expert Staffing
    West was also a temporary staffing company, which hired
    employees for temporary work assignments at client sites, but there
    is nothing in the record to suggest that Expert Staffing West was
    involved in the hiring or employment of Garcia by Essential
    Seasons/Cool-Pak in 2017.
    claims. In November 2019, the plaintiffs in that lawsuit filed a
    Third Amended Complaint, which added Garcia as a plaintiff.
    Garcia’s allegations stemmed from her work at Essential
    Seasons/Cool-Pak in 2017. Based on Garcia’s claims, Cool-Pak filed
    a cross-complaint against Expert Staffing West and Essential
    Expert Staffing West filed a petition to compel
    arbitration of Garcia’s individual claims, a motion to dismiss
    Garcia’s class claims, and a motion to stay the action pending
    arbitration, based on the job application with Expert Staffing West,
    executed after Garcia’s employment with Essential Seasons/Cool-
    Pak had ended. Essential Seasons and Cool-Pak filed joinders to
    the petition to arbitrate.
    The trial court denied the petition. The court found
    that Garcia “had not been employed by (or through) [Expert
    Staffing West] for over a year when she signed the agreement at
    issue in this case. Moreover, she did not obtain a job as a
    consequence of her application for employment of which the
    arbitration agreement was a part.” In interpreting the contract to
    give effect to the parties’ mutual intent at the time of contracting,
    the court noted that the “agreement which Ms. Garcia signed does
    not even mention Cool-Pak.” The court found that under the
    circumstances, Garcia had not “agreed to arbitrate her claims
    against Cool-Pak[,] even conceding the principle of retroactivity as
    established by Salgado.[3]” The court also denied the motions to
    dismiss and stay the action.
    3Salgado v. Carrows Restaurant, Inc. (2019) 
    33 Cal.App.5th 356
    Appellants contend the trial court erred when it
    determined the arbitration agreement did not apply to Garcia’s
    individual wage and hour claims. They argue this result is
    compelled by our decision in Salgado, supra, 
    33 Cal.App.5th 356
    We disagree.
    An arbitration agreement is a contractual agreement.
    (Salgado, supra, 33 Cal.App.5th at p. 359.) “General contract law
    principles include that ‘[t]he basic goal of contract interpretation is
    to give effect to the parties’ mutual intent at the time of contracting.
    [Citations.] . . . “The words of a contract are to be understood in
    their ordinary and popular sense.” [Citations.]’ [Citation.]
    Furthermore, ‘[t]he whole of a contract is to be taken together, so as
    to give effect to every part, if reasonably practicable, each clause
    helping to interpret the other.’ [Citation.]” (Mitri v. Arnel
    Management Co. (2007) 
    157 Cal.App.4th 1164
    , 1170.)
    Although there is a general policy favoring arbitration,
    a party cannot be compelled to accept arbitration of a controversy
    which they have not agreed to arbitrate. (Avery v. Integrated
    Healthcare Holdings, Inc. (2013) 
    218 Cal.App.4th 50
    , 59 (Avery).)
    Without a clear agreement to arbitrate a controversy, courts will
    not infer that the right to a jury trial has been waived. (Ibid.)
    “‘There is no uniform standard of review for evaluating
    an order denying a motion to compel arbitration. [Citation.] If the
    court’s order is based on a decision of fact, then we adopt a
    substantial evidence standard. [Citations.] Alternatively, if the
    court’s denial rests solely on a decision of law, then a de novo
    standard of review is employed. [Citations.]’ [Citation.]
    Interpreting a written document to determine whether it is an
    enforceable arbitration agreement is a question of law subject to de
    novo review when the parties do not offer conflicting extrinsic
    evidence regarding the document’s meaning. [Citation.]” (Avery,
    supra, 218 Cal.App.4th at p. 60.) In this case, because the material
    facts are not in dispute and there is no conflicting extrinsic evidence
    relevant to the meaning of the agreement terms, we review de novo
    whether the arbitration agreement applies to Garcia’s claims.
    (Avery, supra, 218 Cal.App.4th at p. 60.)
    We conclude that the arbitration agreement signed in
    2019 “is not susceptible of an interpretation that covers” Garcia’s
    prior employment by a different employer. (AT&T Technologies,
    Inc. v. Communications Workers of America (1986) 
    475 U.S. 643
    The first sentence at the top of the agreement states the
    agreement is part of the “onboarding package.” The word
    “onboarding”4 reflects that the parties intended the agreement to
    apply to new employees of Expert Staffing West. The agreement
    states that the parties agreed to arbitrate “any dispute between
    Employee and the Company relating to or arising out of the
    employment or the termination of Employee,” and “the Company” is
    defined as “Expert Staffing West and all related entities, including
    where employees are sent to work.”
    We conclude that the arbitration clause between a job
    applicant and her prospective employer does not apply to disputes
    between the applicant and her former employers merely because
    her former employers had a business relationship with her
    prospective employer.
    4“Onboarding” is defined as “the act or process of orienting
    and training a new employee.” ( Dictionary,
     [as of
    Dec. 14, 2021], archived at .)
    Salgado v. Carrows Restaurant, Inc.
    Appellants argue this case is governed by Salgado,
    33 Cal.App.5th 356
    , and that the broad language of the
    arbitration agreement retroactively applies to Garcia’s claims
    against prior employers because of the business relationship
    between the past and prospective employers. We disagree.
    Salgado sued Carrows Restaurant for employment
    discrimination and civil rights violations. (Salgado, supra, 33
    Cal.App.5th at p. 358.) The following month, Salgado signed an
    arbitration agreement with Carrows Restaurant. (Id. at p. 359.)
    Carrows moved to compel arbitration based on the arbitration
    agreement, and Salgado opposed the motion on the ground that her
    lawsuit predated the signing of the arbitration agreement. (Ibid.)
    We determined that the language of the agreement was “broad in
    scope” and retroactively applied to controversies that occurred
    between the same parties before the agreement was signed. (Id. at
    pp. 360-361; see also Franco v. Greystone Ridge Condominium
    39 Cal.App.5th 221
     [a broadly worded arbitration agreement
    signed after a lawsuit applied to the claims raised in the lawsuit].)
    The agreement in Salgado recited that the parties
    would “‘utilize binding arbitration as the sole and exclusive means
    to resolve all disputes which may arise out of or be related in any
    way to [the employee’s] application for employment and/or
    employment.’” It also recited that “‘any claim, dispute, and/or
    controversy . . . shall be submitted to and determined exclusively by
    binding arbitration.’” (Salgado, supra, 33 Cal.App.5th at p. 359.)
    We concluded that these provisions were “‘clear and explicit’” and
    applied regardless of the age of the claim. (Id. at p. 361.) Rather,
    the second provision “unequivocally require[d] arbitration for ‘any
    claim’” Salgado had against Carrows. (Ibid.)
    Salgado, supra, 
    33 Cal.App.5th 356
     does not apply here.
    Unlike Salgado, who was a Carrows employee when she signed the
    arbitration agreement, Garcia was a job applicant and had never
    been employed by Expert Staffing West when she signed the
    arbitration agreement. And Garcia’s claims arose when she was
    employed by a different company (i.e., Essential Seasons/Cool-Pak)
    before she applied for a job with Expert Staffing West. No evidence
    supports a finding that the parties intended to benefit Garcia’s
    former employers, or that those former employers are prejudiced by
    not being able to enforce an arbitration agreement they never
    bargained for or executed.
    The Former Employers are not Third-Party Beneficiaries
    Appellants argue that Essential Seasons and Cool-Pak
    can enforce the arbitration agreement because they are
    non-signatories or third-party beneficiaries to the arbitration
    agreement. We again disagree.
    Appellants rely on Garcia v. Pexco, LLC (2017) 
    11 Cal.App.5th 782
     (Pexco), in which the Court of Appeal held that an
    employee was required to arbitrate claims against a nonsignatory to
    an arbitration agreement. There, the employee was hired by a
    temporary staffing company (Real Time) and was assigned to work
    at Pexco. (Id. at p 784.) The employee signed an arbitration
    agreement with Real Time, but the agreement did not mention
    Pexco. (Ibid.) The employee sued Real Time and Pexco for wage
    and hour violations which occurred during the employee’s
    assignment with Pexco. (Id. at p. 785.) Real Time and Pexco moved
    to compel arbitration. (Ibid.) The Court of Appeal determined that
    under the principle of equitable estoppel, “‘a nonsignatory
    defendant may invoke an arbitration clause to compel a signatory
    plaintiff to arbitrate its claims when the causes of action against
    the nonsignatory are “intimately founded in and intertwined” with
    the underlying contract obligations.’ [Citation.]” (Id. at p. 786.)
    Because the claims against Real Time and Pexco were based on the
    same facts and were inseparable from the arbitrable claims against
    Real Time, the employee was “equitably estopped from refusing to
    arbitrate his claims with Pexco.” (Id. at p. 788.)
    Pexco, supra, 
    11 Cal.App.5th 782
    , is distinguishable.
    Nothing in the record here supports a finding that Essential
    Seasons and Cool-Pak were third-party beneficiaries to the
    arbitration agreement. Most significantly, Garcia never obtained a
    job through her application with Expert Staffing West. There is no
    basis for an estoppel here.
    Effect of Agency Allegations
    Finally, appellants contend they can enforce the
    arbitration agreement because Garcia alleged in her complaint that
    Appellants were all agents/alter-egos of one another. A similar
    argument was rejected in Barsegian v. Kessler & Kessler (2013) 
    215 Cal.App.4th 446
    , 451 (Barsegian).
    There, the Kessler defendants argued that because the
    complaint alleged that the defendants are agents of each other, all
    defendants were entitled to enforce each other’s arbitration
    agreement. (Barsegian, supra, 215 Cal.App.4th at p. 451.) In
    rejecting this argument, the Court of Appeal observed that
    complaints in actions against multiple defendants often include
    allegations that the defendants were each other’s agents because
    such allegations may ultimately prove to be necessary. (Ibid.) The
    court observed that if the “defendants’ argument were sound, then
    in every multidefendant case in which the complaint contained
    boilerplate allegations of mutual agency, as long as one defendant
    had entered into an arbitration agreement with the plaintiff, every
    defendant would be able to compel arbitration, regardless of how
    tenuous or nonexistent the connections among the defendants
    might actually be.” (Ibid.) The court concluded that the allegations
    in the complaint did not constitute a judicial admission allowing the
    Kessler defendants to compel arbitration. (Id. at p. 453.)
    We agree with Barsegian, supra, 
    215 Cal.App.4th 446
    and conclude that the allegations regarding agency in the complaint
    did not allow Appellants to compel arbitration of Garcia’s claims.
    As in Barsegian, there has been no judicial admission here.
    Because the arbitration agreement does not apply to
    Garcia’s claims, we conclude that the trial court properly dismissed
    the motions to dismiss the class action claims and to stay the
    The judgment is affirmed. Garcia shall recover costs on
    We concur:
    GILBERT, P. J.
    PERREN, J.
    Henry J. Walsh, Judge
    Superior Court County of Ventura
    Epstein Becker & Green, Michael S. Kun and Kevin
    D. Sullivan for Defendants and Appellants Expert Staffing West
    and Edward Bright.
    Law Offices of Mary E. Lynch and Mary E. Lynch for
    Defendants and Appellants Essential Seasons, LLC and Kathleen
    Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, Evan R.
    Moses and Marlene M. Moffitt for Defendant and Appellant Cool-
    Pak, LLC.
    Marlin & Saltzman, Stanley D. Saltzman, Karen I.
    Gold; Weilbacher & Weilbacher, Brian R. Weilbacher, Lisa D.
    Walker; Law Office of William P. Haney and William P. Haney
    for Plaintiff and Respondent.

Document Info

Docket Number: B307371

Filed Date: 12/29/2021

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/29/2021