People v. Cross CA5 ( 2022 )

  • Filed 9/14/22 P. v. Cross CA5
    California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for
    publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). This opinion has not been certified for publication
    or ordered published for purposes of rule 8.1115.
    Plaintiff and Respondent,
    (Kings Super. Ct. No. 20CMS3804)
    JEROME LEE CROSS,                                                                        OPINION
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Kings County. Michael J.
    Reinhart, Judge.
    Jean M. Marinovich, under appointment by the Court of Appeal, for Defendant
    and Appellant.
    Rob Bonta, Attorney General, Lance E. Winters, Chief Assistant Attorney
    General, Michael P. Farrell, Assistant Attorney General, Louis M. Vasquez, Cavan M.
    Cox, and Amanda D. Cary, Deputy Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    *   Before Hill, P. J., Poochigian, J. and Detjen, J.
    Appellant and defendant Jerome Lee Cross was convicted of one count of felony
    vandalism exceeding $400, after he threw a rock and shattered the front glass door of the
    Hanford Police Department. (Pen. Code, § 594, subd. (b)(1).)1 Vandalism is a felony if
    the amount of the damages is $400 or more. (Ibid.) At trial, the court overruled defense
    objections and permitted the prosecution to introduce evidence that the damages were
    $598, based on $300 to temporarily board up the shattered glass door a few hours after
    the vandalism, and $298 for the replacement safety glass that was installed three days
    later. The jury found the damages resulting from defendant’s vandalism was $400 or
    more, and he was sentenced to the second strike term of four years in prison.
    On appeal, defendant renews the arguments he made at trial, that the actual
    damage resulting from the vandalism of the glass door was limited to the replacement
    cost of $298, and the temporary repair of $300 was an indirect cost and should not have
    been considered by the jury, and his conviction must be reduced to misdemeanor
    vandalism. We affirm.
    At approximately 3:00 a.m. on Sunday, August 2, 2020, Officer Rubalcava was in
    her patrol vehicle and parked in the rear compound of the Hanford Police Department.
    She received a dispatch that an act of vandalism had just occurred at the police
    department’s front glass door entrance. The glass was broken out of the door frame, and
    a rock that was “a little smaller than a football” was found inside the building.
    Officer Rubalcava drove on Lacey Boulevard to look for the suspect and saw
    defendant walking fairly quickly on the street. Defendant kept his head down, and he
    was sweating profusely and breathing heavily. Rubalcava contacted defendant. He was
    initially calm but became irate with another officer.
    1   All further statutory citations are to the Penal Code unless otherwise indicated.
    Officer Rubalcava arrested defendant and took him to the jail for booking. When
    Rubalcava escorted him into the jail, defendant stumbled and needed assistance so he
    would not fall. During the booking search, defendant was found in possession of a usable
    amount of methamphetamine. When the drugs were found, defendant said, “[I]f I had
    known that was there I would have smoked it already.”
    It was stipulated to the jury that defendant threw the rock that broke the glass door.
    The prosecution introduced invoices for the temporary repair and replacement of
    the broken glass door. Erin Payne, owner and manager of Kings County Glass, testified
    that on Sunday, August 2, 2020, the business performed “an emergency weekend board
    up” on the damaged door at the police department. The business charged $300, which
    Ms. Payne described as a reasonable price for an emergency boarding job performed on a
    David Lockwood, owner of Hanford Glass, testified that on Monday, August 3,
    2020, he received a work order from the police department because “the glass had broken
    out of the door that goes into the main door of the police department.” Lockwood
    measured the frame and ordered the safety glass that was required to replace that door. It
    took three days to get safety glass because it was not readily available. On August 6,
    2020, Lockwood installed the safety glass. The cost to replace the glass door was $298,
    which Lockwood described as a reasonable amount.
    As will be explained below, the prosecution argued the actual damage to the door
    was $598.
    Defendant testified that he was self-employed and washed cars. Defendant had a
    prior strike conviction from 2009.
    At trial, defendant admitted he threw the rock through the police department’s
    glass door and testified that he “did it for love.” Defendant explained that just before the
    incident, he used his unemployment benefits to purchase a 2004 “shiny red” Cadillac
    CTS with a sunroof. “I was just in love with this car” and “it was the only thing in this
    world that I loved.” He was homeless, he considered the car as his home, and his
    possessions were stored in the car. His cousin told him not to drive the car until he
    completed the registration process. He parked the car on 8th Street and walked to a
    friend’s house.
    Defendant testified that he felt that he needed to go back and check his car.
    Around 3:00 p.m., he arrived at the location where he parked the Cadillac and found
    police officers were “searching his car.” “I was like what are you doing with my car. So
    they jammed me up, pulled me to the side, gave me the field sobriety test and – and the
    sun was in my eyes so I turned like toward Harris Street … and [when] I turned toward
    8th Street back to the car and when I was done with the sobriety test the car was gone,
    they towed it. I got irate, irrational.”
    According to defendant, the officers said they towed the car because of the
    registration: “They told me I didn’t have registration for the car, and they don’t have to
    tell me anything. I am not the owner – the registered owner of the car. And I was like, I
    have the keys right here on my neck, and they was like that doesn’t matter, whatever. So
    I was like I would like to file a [citizen’s complaint] … I will write your ass up … and
    they was like whatever but your car is gone. So I didn’t know where the towing company
    had it or anything like that the VIN numbers, anything to get it back and … everything
    was in the car. My laptop, my phones, my jewelry, my money, clothes, everything….”
    (Italics added.)
    On further questioning, defendant admitted that one officer told him the car was
    taken to Hanford Towing. Defendant did not go to the tow yard because it was too far
    Around 5:00 p.m., defendant walked to the Hanford Police Department to file a
    citizen’s complaint. He entered the police department, and an officer was “really
    aggressive” toward him. “[S]omeone at the door [said] you get out of here, you leave
    right now. And I was like I just want to file [a] … citizen complaint form. And they was
    like, no, you leave right now, you cannot have a citizen complaint. I said, well, they took
    my car, and he was like so what[,] you get out now, or you will be arrested. So I just
    hung my head and I just bounced.”
    Defendant testified that he stayed around the civic auditorium all night, “getting
    high, whatever, just chilling, just trying to figure out what to do.”
    “I don’t have my car, I have nothing. I didn’t have my EDD card in my
    pocket. I didn’t have no money or nothing, so I don’t know, it just –
    morning came and I was out of drugs I thought, and I was just wandering
    around the streets and I seen the rock and I was like them bastards, they
    took … the only thing I owned, the only thing I loved, they took it from me.
    They ripped it from my heart. [¶] That is why I threw the rock through the
    window. Something told me in my head do not do it, do not do it, and I
    shook it off. I should have listened to that voice in my head. I should have
    listened to that voice in my head, but I threw the rock and I am here.”
    Defendant was arrested that night, and admitted an officer found drugs in his sock
    when he was booked at the jail. Defendant testified that he was surprised the drugs were
    in his sock, forgot he had the drugs, and did not realize he brought drugs into the jail: “I
    sure wish I would have known, because I would have smoked that up.”
    On September 9, 2020, an information was filed in the Superior Court of Kings
    County charging defendant with count 1, felony vandalism exceeding $400, in that he
    unlawfully and maliciously damaged and destroyed a glass door, real property which
    belonged to the Hanford Police Department, in the amount of $400 and more (§ 594,
    subd. (b)(1)), and count 2, bringing a controlled substance into the county jail (§ 4573,
    subd. (a)); with one prior strike conviction (§§ 667, subds. (b)–(i), 1170.012, subds. (a)–
    On March 22, 2021, defendant’s trial began with motions. The court accepted an
    agreement between the parties that defendant would stipulate he maliciously damaged the
    police department’s glass door, that amounted to at least a misdemeanor offense, with the
    only disputed issue being the actual amount of damages; and the People would allow
    defendant to testify about the motive for his actions, that was relevant as to count 2 and
    whether he was so agitated and upset that he did not knowingly bring methamphetamine
    into the jail. The court advised defendant of his constitutional rights and the impact of
    the stipulation, and he waived his rights and agreed to stipulate to the misdemeanor
    Preliminary Arguments About Damages
    During a recess in the prosecution’s case, the court asked the parties for briefing
    on how to calculate damages to determine whether count 1, vandalism, was a felony or
    misdemeanor, whether the vandalism damages included the temporary placement of
    boards over the broken doorway, or if the damages were limited to replacement cost of
    the glass door.
    Defense counsel argued that restitution statutes should be considered when
    determining the value of damaged property for purposes of vandalism, and damages
    under section 594 should be limited to “the actual cost of repairing damaged property –
    with the repairs actual[ly] possible.” Counsel stated the People’s arguments about
    aggregating the temporary repair and replacement costs were refuted by In re Kyle T.
    9 Cal.App.5th 707
     (Kyle T.), that “goes to the proposition of actual cost that might
    include the extraneous cost like boarding of the window, or before it gets repairs.” The
    prosecutor replied the repairs in this case were properly aggregated because they resulted
    from one act that damaged the glass door.
    Motion to Dismiss the Felony Charge
    After the prosecution rested, defense counsel made a section 1118.1 motion to
    dismiss as to count 1, felony vandalism of $400 or more, and argued damages were only
    $298 based on the cost to replace the glass door, and the charged felony offense must be
    reduced to a misdemeanor pursuant to section 17, subdivision (b).
    The court stated the question was whether damages under section 594
    encompassed “both the temporary repairs for the use of the wood placed in the door, and
    those temporary repairs also be combined with the permanent repairs of the door through
    the glass company … and aggregate those two figures to determine if the value exceeds
    the $400 in the statute.” The court stated:
    “[T]here [is] plenty of case law that supports aggregation of damages to
    various items to reach the $400 limit so long as those items are damages
    during the course of the same conduct. There is one item that was
    damaged. While noting that the term damages in the statute may not be
    coextensive with amounts of restitution that could be ordered in a sentence.
    There was some language in the case of Luis M. v. Superior Court [(2014)]
    59 [Cal.4th] 300, at page 405, that this Court finds [instructive]. And in
    that case the value of the stolen property or damaged property shall be at a
    replacement cost of the property or the actual cost of repairing the property
    when repair is possible. The Court is of the opinion, and that is a good
    definition also the term damages in [section] 594, and would adopt in
    making the ruling that I will be denying the [section] 1118.1 motion,
    because … the temporary placing of the wood in the door was an actual
    cost of the repair, and in the process of repair. So I will allow the matter to
    go to the jury.”
    Defense counsel argued that actual damage resulting from the vandalism was “the
    damage of the rock going through the glass,” that amount was $298, actual damage did
    not include “additional economic loss” arising from the temporary repair, and the court
    could not aggregate “economic loss” and “actual damage.” Counsel further argued the
    People could not “bootstrap” the cost for the temporary repair because it was not
    permanent. Counsel suggested there were other, less expensive options than temporarily
    boarding the door, and an officer could have parked in front of the police department to
    watch the entrance “until a glass company could come in immediately, then there
    wouldn’t be this bootstrap.” Counsel questioned whether the chosen glass company was
    the “most expeditious place to get the glass done” since it took three days to get the new
    The court stated the question for a section 1118.1 motion was whether there was a
    “sufficient factual basis to warrant it to go to the jury for determination. The Court reads
    and is holding that a reasonable jury on its facts to find that it was a process of repair as
    opposed to distinct repairs … it means it goes to the jury. Whether it is beyond a
    reasonable doubt it up to them. You can argue … the reasonableness of the cost.”
    Defense counsel again argued that damages for purposes of vandalism was limited
    to the actual repair cost “for a rock going through that glass door,” and the police
    department should bear the cost if it lost money by having the door boarded up for three
    The court disagreed and stated the question was “what is the injury to the victim,
    because it is punishment that this element [of damages] goes to.” The court again denied
    the section 1118.1 motion, and also denied the defense motion to reduce the felony to a
    misdemeanor, without prejudice to raising the motion later.
    Prior to closing argument, the prosecutor asked the court to prohibit the defense
    from arguing to the jury “whether the amount of value being $400 or more is a felony as
    opposed to a misdemeanor.” The court ordered that the parties could not discuss the
    issue of punishment in closing argument, and the jury could not consider punishment in
    this case. The jury received a special verdict form to find whether the damages were
    greater or lesser than $400, but the jury was not advised that the amount of damages
    would determine whether defendant was convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor.
    As to count 1, vandalism, the jury was instructed with CALCRIM No. 2900 on the
    elements of the offense.
    “To prove the defendant is guilty of this crime the People must prove that:
    [¶] One, the defendant maliciously damaged real property. [¶] And two,
    the defendant did not own the property. [¶[ Someone acts maliciously
    when he intentionally does a wrongful act, or when he acts with the
    unlawful intent to annoy or injure someone else.”
    The court also gave CALCRIM No. 2901:
    “If you find the defendant guilty of vandalism in Count 1, you must decide
    whether the People have proved that the amount of damaged caused by the
    vandalism was $400 or more. [¶] The People have the burden of proving
    this allegation beyond a reasonable doubt. If the People have not met this
    burden, you must find that this allegation has been proved.” (RT 924)
    Closing Arguments
    As to count 1, the prosecutor reminded the jury that defendant admitted he
    damaged the property and acted with malicious intent, and “the question is whether or not
    the damage was greater than $400.” “The case law is clear, what was the replacement
    cost or the actual cost of replacement property. What that means is what was the cost to
    the Hanford Police Department.” The prosecutor cited the testimony of the witnesses
    from the two glass companies – that $300 was a reasonable charge for the “emergency
    board up” on a Sunday, and $298 was a reasonable price for the safety glass required to
    replace the door – and argued the actual cost of the damage resulting from defendant’s
    vandalism was $598. “The board up was part of the [re]placement cost, it was part of the
    repair. The Judge earlier told you don’t forget your common sense…. What is inside of
    a Police Department? Can they leave the front door broken for really for any period of
    time? They had to board it up and that is part of the cost of the repair or cost of the
    replacement property. And the construction of the matter is what is the injury to the
    victim. Here the victim was the Hanford Police Department. The amount of damages,
    the injury to the Hanford Police Department was $598.”
    In her closing argument, defense counsel acknowledged defendant admitted he
    broke the glass door, but “the issue is the actual amount of damage” to the police
    department, and not the “actual cost.” Defense counsel argued the actual amount of
    damage to the glass door was $298, based on the cost to replace the door. Defense
    counsel agreed that the police department had to board up the broken door but argued that
    represented an “extraneous cost” that could not be considered part of the actual damage
    to the door.
    In rebuttal argument, the prosecutor replied the question was the “actual amount of
    damage caused by the vandalism” to the police department’s door, and that amount was
    what the police department actually spent as a result of defendant’s vandalism. There
    was no evidence of any extraneous costs aside from boarding up the broken door until the
    new glass was installed. “You aggregate this one act that happened. He threw a rock
    through the door, and the actual costs to the Hanford Police Department based on
    [defendant’s] actions was [$]598. And so, yes, I do get to add up the damage, because it
    was the actual cost to them.”
    On March 23, 2021, the jury found defendant guilty of count 1, felony vandalism,
    and made a separate finding that the amount of damage caused by the vandalism was
    more than $400.
    The jury also found the prior strike conviction true. Defendant was found not
    guilty of count 2, bringing methamphetamine into jail.
    Motion to Reduce the Conviction
    On May 10, 2021, the court held the sentencing hearing. Defense counsel
    renewed the motion to reduce count 1, felony vandalism, to a misdemeanor pursuant to
    section 17, subdivision (b), based on her previous arguments that the actual damage from
    the vandalism was only $298. The prosecutor again argued that the cost of the
    “emergency board up” of the broken door was part of the actual damages resulting from
    the vandalism because any business, even if not the police department, would have to
    protect the interior if the front door was broken, and defendant should not get a
    “windfall” because the actual cost for the repair was in two segments. Defense counsel
    replied that if the police department kept “an extra glass door in their storage room, the
    actual cost would be [$]298.”
    The court stated that it previously ruled the cost of the temporary repairs could be
    considered by the jury to determine whether the damages exceeded $400, but it had not
    decided “one way or another that it did or did not, I made a ruling that it could be
    considered because under one theory it could be considered a continuing process of
    repairs. And … both sides argued that issue before the jury.”
    The court denied defendant’s motion to reduce the felony conviction to a
    misdemeanor because “[t]he jury did determine that it was part of the damages.”
    Defense counsel argued defendant should receive the mitigated term since he
    admitted guilt. The court acknowledged defendant’s stipulation but found defendant’s
    prior criminal record was significant and decided to impose the midterm of two years,
    doubled to four years as the second strike sentence.
    The court imposed a restitution fine of $300 (§ 1202.4, subd. (b)) and stayed the
    parole revocation fine in the same amount (§ 1202.45); imposed the court facilities
    assessment of $30 (Gov. Code, § 70373) and the court operations assessment of $40
    (§ 1465.8); and also ordered victim restitution of $598 to the City of Hanford and the
    Hanford Police Department (§ 1202.4, subd. (f)).
    On May 11, 2021, appellant filed a notice of appeal.
    Defendant contends his conviction for felony vandalism is not supported by
    substantial evidence that the amount of actual damage was $400 or more, and the
    conviction must be reduced to a misdemeanor. Defendant argues that valuation of actual
    damage from vandalism is limited “to ‘direct’ abatement costs, determined by the cost of
    repair,” and that amount was limited to $298 to replace the damaged glass door.
    Defendant asserts the trial court improperly permitted the jury “to consider the additional
    $300 cost to board up the door pending actual repair,” but that amount “served only to
    secure the premises, not to repair the door,” and was “an ‘indirect’ economic loss” and
    could not be considered to determine actual damage for felony vandalism.
    Defendant concludes that “only direct abatement costs may be included in the
    valuation. Indirect costs, while recoverable as restitution, are not included. Boarding the
    door to secure the premises pending actual repair is an indirect cost; therefore, it does not
    raise the valuation” of actual damage, and his vandalism offense was not a felony.
    I.     Standard of Review
    In considering a challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence, “[t]he standard of
    review is well settled: On appeal, we review the whole record in the light most favorable
    to the judgment below to determine whether it discloses substantial evidence – that is,
    evidence that is reasonable, credible and of solid value – from which a reasonable trier of
    fact could find the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. [Citations.] If the verdict
    is supported by substantial evidence, we must accord due deference to the trier of fact and
    not substitute our evaluation of a witness’s credibility for that of the fact finder.” (People
    v. Koontz (2002) 
    27 Cal.4th 1041
    , 1078.) “A reversal for insufficient evidence ‘is
    unwarranted unless it appears “that upon no hypothesis whatever is there sufficient
    substantial evidence to support” ’ the jury’s verdict.” (People v. Zamudio (2008)
    43 Cal.4th 327
    , 357.)
    While defendant has raised this issue as one of substantial evidence, he is
    effectively arguing the trial court incorrectly interpreted section 594 to permit the jury to
    consider “indirect” costs to determine if the actual damages resulting from his vandalism
    was $400 or more, so that offense was a felony. To the extent defendant raises questions
    of statutory interpretation, we review the issue de novo. (See, e.g., John v. Superior
    Court (2016) 
    63 Cal.4th 91
    , 95; People v. Gonzalez (2017) 
    2 Cal.5th 1138
    , 1141.)
    II.    Vandalism
    Section 594 states: “Every person who maliciously commits any of the following
    acts with respect to any real or personal property not his or her own, in cases other than
    those specified by state law, is guilty of vandalism: [¶] (1) Defaces with graffiti or other
    inscribed material. [¶] (2) Damages. [¶] (3) Destroys.” (§ 594, subd. (a).)
    If the amount of the “defacement, damage, or destruction” is $400 or more, the
    offense is punishable as a felony or a misdemeanor. (§ 594, subd. (b)(1).) If such
    amount is less than $400, the offense is only punishable as a misdemeanor. (Id. at
    subd. (b)(2)(A).)
    Whenever a person violates this provision with respect to property belonging to a
    public entity, “it shall be a permissive inference that the person neither owned the
    property or had the permission of the owner to deface, damage, or destroy the property.”
    (§594, subd. (a).)
    III.   Calculation of Vandalism Damages
    Section 594 “does not itself specify a method for proving the amount of property
    damage in a vandalism prosecution….” (Kyle T., supra, 9 Cal.App.5th at p. 713.) The
    cases interpreting section 594 have focused on the amount of defacement, damage, or
    destruction, and calculated that amount as the actual or estimated cost of repair. (See,
    e.g., In re A.W. (2019) 
    39 Cal.App.5th 941
    , 950 (A.W.); Kyle T., supra, 9 Cal.App.5th at
    pp. 713–714; People v. Carrasco (2012) 
    209 Cal.App.4th 715
    , 718, reversed on other
    grounds in People v. Whitmer (2014) 
    59 Cal.4th 733
    , 740–742 [a defendant may be
    convicted of multiple counts “based on separate and distinct acts of theft, even if
    committed pursuant to a single overarching scheme”].)
    These cases have relied on the restitution analysis in a vandalism case, Luis M. v.
    Superior Court, supra, 
    59 Cal.4th 300
     (Luis M.), for guidance on the calculation of
    damages to determine if a violation of section 594 was felony or misdemeanor vandalism.
    Luis M.
    In Luis M., supra, 
    59 Cal.4th 300
    , a minor defaced six locations with nine acts of
    graffiti. At the restitution hearing, an officer used a five-year-old cost model to estimate
    the city’s annual graffiti abatement costs, that included labor and material costs for both
    investigation and removal of graffiti. The officer compared that cost model to the city’s
    annual expenditures, calculated the city’s average outlay per graffiti incident, and then
    multiplied that figure by the minor’s nine instances of graffiti to arrive at the total amount
    of loss. (Id. at pp. 304, 309–310.) The officer offered “no information about the actual
    abatement costs related to [the minor’s] conduct.” (Id. at p. 304.) The juvenile court
    ordered restitution in the amount of $3,881.88, based on the officer’s testimony. (Ibid.)
    Luis M. reversed the restitution order because it “was not based on sufficient
    evidence that the amount of claimed loss was a result of [the minor’s] conduct.” (Luis
    M., supra, 59 Cal.4th at p. 303.) Luis M. cited the general restitution statute applicable to
    juvenile offenders, noted it was “ ‘parallel’ ” to section 1202.4’s restitution provisions for
    adult offenders, and that it limited restitution to “ ‘economic losses incurred as the result
    of the minor’s conduct,’ ” such as “ ‘the actual cost of repairing the property when repair
    is possible.’ ” (Luis M. at p. 304; id. at p. 305, italics added in original.)
    Luis M. held the restitution award may include “the materials, equipment, and
    labor costs incurred for remediation,” as well as “[p]reexisting expenditures, such as
    salaried employees and equipment purchases, … provided those costs can be fairly
    apportioned on a pro rata basis to the minor’s conduct.” (Luis M., supra, 59 Cal.4th at
    p. 309.) While a court awarding restitution “need not ascertain the exact dollar amount of
    the [c]ity’s losses” (ibid.) and “retains broad discretion … to estimate the material,
    equipment, and labor costs necessary to repair the damage caused by a discrete act of
    graffiti,” (id. at p. 310) the calculation “must have some factual nexus to the damage
    caused by the minor’s conduct.” (Id. at p. 309.) Luis M. held the city’s restitution model
    did not reflect the actual or estimated costs to clean up the graffiti caused by the minor’s
    conduct. (Id. at p. 303; cf. People v. Hurtado (2019) 
    35 Cal.App.5th 871
    , 879–880 [trial
    court’s determination of restitution for vandalism conviction had sufficient factual nexus
    to damage caused by defendant’s act, since it applied the standard cost to abate graffiti to
    the square footage and surface type actually damaged by defendant’s acts].)
    Kyle T.
    In Kyle T., supra, 
    9 Cal.App.5th 707
    , a minor was alleged to have committed one
    count of felony vandalism based on graffiti defacement. At the juvenile hearing, an
    officer testified about the amount of damages, based on a single-page “ ‘graffiti removal
    cost list’ ” prepared by an unknown author, that generally summarized the costs of
    removing graffiti in that area, but without reference to the specific acts committed by the
    minor. (Id. at pp. 710–711.)
    Kyle T. reversed the juvenile court’s adjudication for felony vandalism and held
    the People failed to present substantial evidence that was specific to the minor’s acts of
    vandalism to establish that the actual amount of damage caused by the minor’s act
    reached the felony threshold of $400. (Kyle T., supra, 9 Cal.App.5th at p. 709.) Kyle T.
    acknowledged that section 594 did not specify the method to calculate damages to
    determine felony vandalism and held Luis M.’s discussion of restitution was appropriate
    to determine damages in a vandalism case. (Kyle T., at p. 716.)
    “[S]ection 730.6, subdivision (h) of the Welfare and Institutions Code
    ‘authorizes full restitution for economic losses, including “the actual cost
    of repairing [damaged] property when repair is possible.” [Citation.]
    Awards under [Welfare and Institutions Code] section 730.6 are based on
    proof of the damage actually linked to the minor’s conduct ....’ [Citation.]
    This method for determining restitution arising from the abatement of
    juvenile vandalism ‘parallel[s]’ the method for determining restitution
    arising from the abatement of adult vandalism set forth in Penal Code
    section 1202.4, subdivision (f).” (Id. at p. 713.)
    Kyle T. noted that section 1202.4 similarly defined restitution in adult criminal
    cases as the amount to fully reimburse the victim for every determined economic loss
    “ ‘incurred as the result of the defendant’s criminal conduct’; the ‘value of … damaged
    property shall be … the actual cost of repairing the property when repair is possible.’ ”
    (Kyle T., supra, 9 Cal.App.5th at p. 713, citing § 1202.4, subd. (f)(3)(A); see also People
    v. Stanley (2012) 
    54 Cal.4th 734
    , 737.)
    Kyle T. further held that under the “ ‘actual cost’ ” method, “the amount of the
    award ‘must have some factual nexus to the damage caused by the [juvenile’s]
    conduct.’ ” (Kyle T, supra, 9 Cal.App.5th at p. 716.) Based on that standard, Kyle T.
    held the juvenile court’s felony vandalism finding was not supported by substantial
    evidence because the officer’s recitation of the average cost of graffiti removal, based on
    a generic, one-page cost list, was an unacceptable method of proving the amount of
    damage from the minor’s specific acts of vandalism. (Id. at p. 709.) “The most obvious
    way for the People to prove that [the minor] committed felony vandalism would have
    been to introduce at the adjudication hearing an invoice setting forth the actual cost of
    repairs to the two properties. No such evidence was introduced.” (Id. at pp. 713–714.)
    Kyle T. suggested “a contractor’s estimate of the cost to repair the actual damage that [the
    minor] caused might have sufficed, … assuming proper authentication and foundation.
    But the People afforded no such estimate either.” (Id. at p. 714; see also People v.
    Carrasco, supra, 209 Cal.App.4th at pp. 717–718 [the defendant’s conviction for felony
    vandalism affirmed based on actual cost to repair broken windows in a house and car,
    destroyed by the defendant’s multiple acts of vandalism pursuant to a single intent].
    In A.W., supra, 
    39 Cal.App.5th 941
    , a juvenile court found true five allegations of
    felony vandalism resulting from the minor’s graffiti defacement, and that the amount of
    actual damage exceeded the $400 felony threshold. A.W. reversed the findings, relied on
    Kyle T. and Luis M., and held that average cleanup costs for graffiti could not be used to
    prove the actual damage caused by the minor’s vandalism because “[t]he use of an
    average, or arithmetic mean, recognizes that cleanup costs for some graffiti is less than
    the average, and the cleanup costs for other graffiti exceeds the average. The average
    cleanup cost is untethered to the actual damage caused by minor.” (A.W., supra, 39
    Cal.App.5th at p. 945.)
    A.W. also held the juvenile court’s calculation of damages for felony vandalism
    improperly included “the cost of law enforcement, which, though proper in certain
    restitution settings, was not a proper consideration in assessing the damage [the] minor
    inflicted under section 594.” (A.W., supra, 39 Cal.App.5th at p. 945.) In doing so, A.W.
    relied on Luis M.’s discussion of the restitution statutes and distinguished between actual
    and indirect costs. (A.W., at p. 950.)
    “[Welfare and Institutions Code section 730.6] … permits recovery of the
    ‘actual cost of repairing the property .…’ [Citation.] Similarly,
    section 594 requires the People to prove the amount of ‘defacement,
    damage, or destruction,’ which we interpret to include the cost of repairing
    or replacing the vandalized property. While the two statutes are different in
    that the burden of proof is much higher under section 594, they cover
    roughly the same categories of costs. What makes Luis M. instructive is
    that in the context of Welfare & Institutions Code section 730.6, our high
    court held that law enforcement costs are not recoverable: ‘These general
    provisions do not authorize restitution orders for law enforcement
    investigative costs. [Citations.] “Under the relevant case law and the
    statutory scheme, public agencies are not directly ‘victimized’ for purposes
    of restitution under Penal Code section 1202.4 merely because they spend
    money to investigate crimes or apprehend criminals.” ’ [Citation.] Instead,
    restitution is limited to the cost of repair, replacement, or restoration –
    these ‘direct abatement costs’ do ‘not include the costs of investigation.’
    [Citation.] Given the similarities in the recoverable categories of costs,
    investigative costs also cannot be included in the damage calculation under
    section 594.” (Ibid., italics added.)
    IV.    Analysis
    In this case, the court’s decision to permit the jury to consider the prosecution’s
    evidence of the costs for both the “emergency board up” and replacement of the glass
    door was appropriate under section 594. We agree with the analysis in Kyle T., based on
    the discussion in Luis M., that damages for the purpose of determining felony vandalism
    is based on the actual cost of repairing the property when repair is possible. (Kyle T.,
    supra, 9 Cal.App.5th at p. 713.) To the extent that defendant challenges the court’s
    decision as a question of law, we agree with A.W. that the cost of repair, replacement or
    restoration are direct abatement costs that may be included in the damage calculation
    under section 594. (A.W., supra, 39 Cal.App.5th at p. 950.)
    We further conclude there is substantial evidence to support the jury’s finding that
    the damages resulting from defendant’s vandalism exceeded $400, based on $300 for the
    temporary “emergency board up” and $298 for the permanent replacement of the glass
    door. We reject defendant’s attempt to characterize the “emergency board up” as an
    “indirect” cost that must be excluded from the calculation of damages resulting from his
    act of vandalism. Defendant shattered the glass door at approximately 3:00 a.m. on a
    Sunday. The very timing of his act precluded any possibility the door could be
    immediately replaced. Under the circumstances, the temporary placement of boards
    would be necessary to secure the damaged main entrance to any structure, whether a
    business or a residence, and ensure the occupants remained safe, and the contents were
    not subject to theft, destruction, or further vandalism, until a replacement door was
    installed. In this case, there was even more urgency to immediately and temporarily
    secure the front entrance since defendant’s vandalism damaged the glass entrance to a
    police department.
    The police department’s retention of Kings County Glass to temporarily install
    boards over the damaged front entrance was part of the direct and actual costs resulting
    from defendant’s vandalism. It was part of the process set in motion by defendant’s
    conduct, and necessary to secure the department’s front entrance on a Sunday, until the
    glass door could be permanently replaced. There was thus substantial evidence to
    support the jury’s finding that the damages from the vandalism exceeded $400, since
    securing the building’s entrance immediately after the vandalism was a direct,
    reasonable, and actual cost of the process to permanently repair the door.
    In contrast to Kyle T. and A.W., the prosecution’s evidence of the amounts charged
    by the two glass companies was based on testimony about the actual costs of the
    materials and services required to temporarily repair and permanently replace the actual
    damage resulting from defendant’s vandalism of the glass door, and not based on
    speculative averages or estimates unrelated to the actual damage.
    While defendant suggests the police department could have used another glass
    company or a less expensive method to repair or monitor the shattered door, he never
    introduced any evidence to undermine the reasonableness of Kings County Glass’s
    charge of $300 for the emergency “board up” job on a Sunday, Hanford Glass’s charge of
    $298 for the requisite safety glass, that safety glass was required for the police
    department’s front entrance, or that three days were required to obtain delivery of the
    safety glass.
    The judgment is affirmed.

Document Info

Docket Number: F082774

Filed Date: 9/14/2022

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 9/14/2022