AMCO Ins. Co. v. All Solutions Ins. Agency , 244 Cal. App. 4th 883 ( 2016 )

  • Filed 2/8/16
    Plaintiffs and Appellants,
    (Super. Ct. Nos. CV57127,
    v.                                                            CV57121)
    LLC,                                                             OPINION
    Defendant and Respondent.
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Tuolumne County. Kate
    Powell Segerstrom, Judge.
    Alan Charles Dell’Ario; The Cole Law Firm and Stephen A. Cole, for Plaintiffs
    and Appellants.
    Shewry & Saldaña and Steven M. Shewry for Defendant and Respondent.
    *       Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rules 8.1105(b) and 8.1110, this opinion is
    certified for publication with the exception of part III of the Discussion.
    This appeal involves an insurance broker that allegedly failed to obtain insurance
    requested by its client, who subsequently sustained uninsured liability when he
    negligently caused a fire that spread to neighboring buildings. The client settled that
    uninsured liability by assigning to plaintiffs his causes of action against the insurance
    broker. The plaintiffs—neighboring business owners and an insurance company that paid
    for damages to a neighboring building—pursued the assigned causes of action by filing a
    lawsuit against the insurance broker. The insurance broker moved for summary
    judgment, which the trial court granted. The plaintiffs’ appeal of the summary judgment
    presents three legal issues.
    First, are a client’s causes of action against an insurance broker or agent
    assignable? We conclude that California, like the majority of jurisdictions in the United
    States, recognizes the assignability of a client’s causes of action against an insurance
    broker or agent for failing to obtain insurance.
    Second, does the rule of superior equities from California’s equitable subrogation
    doctrine apply to the contractual assignments in this case? We conclude that, in the
    insurance context, the rule from California’s equitable subrogation doctrine applies to a
    contractual assignment only if the assignee is an insurance company and the assignor was
    that insurance company’s policyholder. This relationship can give rise to an equitable
    subrogation when the insurance company (i.e., the subrogee) has paid a claim to or on
    behalf of the policyholder (i.e., subrogor).
    In contrast, when the parties to an assignment do not have a relationship that might
    give rise to a transfer of rights by equitable subrogation, there is no reason why their
    assignment should be subject to the rules governing equitable subrogation.
    Consequently, the limitations contained in the doctrine of equitable subrogation only
    apply to assignments that attempt to replicate or bolster a transfer that might have
    occurred by operation of law under California’s equitable subrogation doctrine. In this
    case, the assignees (an insurance company and neighboring business owners) did not
    issue an insurance policy to the assignor (i.e., the insurance broker’s client) and therefore
    were never potential equitable subrogees of the assignor. Thus, we conclude their
    contractual assignments are not subject to the rule of superior equities.1
    Third, did the insurance broker establish that there is no triable issue of material
    fact regarding its alleged negligent failure to obtain insurance? Our review of the record
    shows that the client and the employees of the insurance broker disagree over who said
    what to whom and when it was said. Consequently, there is a triable issue of material
    fact about whether the client requested the insurance broker to obtain insurance coverage
    before the fire.
    In summary, the insurance broker established none of the three grounds presented
    in its motions for summary judgment and those motions should have been denied.
    We therefore reverse the judgment.
    The Parties
    Plaintiff AMCO Insurance Company (AMCO) is a corporation authorized to
    engage in the business of insurance. AMCO insured commercial property owned by
    David Saari and located at 289 South Washington Street, Sonora, California.
    Plaintiffs Hideyo Ogawa and Myong Echols (Restauranteurs) owned and operated
    a restaurant at 293 South Washington Street, in Sonora, that did business as Koto
    Japanese Restaurant. For purposes of this opinion, “plaintiffs” refers to AMCO and
    Restauranteurs collectively.
    1      In phrasing the issue, we have succumbed to the temptation of using traditional,
    nearly impenetrable legalese and, perhaps, have avoided the pitfall, identified by Groucho
    and Chico Marx, of trying something new and having people wonder if we know what we
    are doing. (See generally, Kimble, Lifting the Fog of Legalese: Essays on Plain
    Language (Carolina Academic Press 2006); see also, fn. 4, post, and accompanying text.)
    Defendant All Solutions Insurance Agency, LLC (Broker) is an insurance broker
    authorized to do business in California. Harish Kapur and Rajni Kapur are licensed
    insurance brokers, employees and owners of Broker.
    The fire
    On December 15, 2009, a fire started at 301 South Washington Street, a two-story
    building with an apartment above a restaurant, owned by Amarjit Singh (Singh). The fire
    started in an electrical panel box and was caused by Singh’s negligence.
    Singh suffered $491,088.47 in property damage. In addition, the fire damaged the
    neighboring properties owned by Saari and Restauranteurs. Singh tendered his first party
    claim and plaintiffs’ third party claims to his insurance company, but the claims were
    denied because there was no policy in effect on the date of the fire.
    Lawsuits against Singh
    In 2010, Restauranteurs sued Singh for their property and business losses in
    Tuolumne County Superior Court. In November 2011, Singh stipulated to a judgment for
    $194,200.71, representing the damage to Restauranteurs’ property and business interests.
    Singh also assigned to Restauranteurs his rights against Broker for failing to obtain fire
    insurance coverage for Singh’s Property.
    AMCO paid its insured, Saari, $371,326 and then filed a subrogation action
    against Singh. In November 2011, AMCO obtained a stipulated judgment against Singh
    for the amount paid. Singh also assigned to AMCO his rights against Broker for failure
    to obtain insurance.
    Singh’s claims against Broker
    Before the fire, Singh received a notice of nonrenewal from his existing insurer. It
    is undisputed that Singh communicated with Broker’s personnel—namely, Harish Kapur
    and Rajni Kapur—after receiving the notice and before the fire. Singh and Broker
    disagree over the substance of those communications.
    To summarize their positions, Singh asserts that he requested Rajni Kapur to
    obtain insurance before the fire and he believed the property was insured at the time of
    the fire. In contrast, Broker contends that Singh did not request Broker to obtain either
    first party property or third party liability insurance for the property. Broker contends
    that (1) two different quotations for insurance were communicated to Singh on December
    10, 2009; (2) Singh was told that Broker would wait for his response before obtaining a
    policy; (3) Singh understood that he did not have insurance until he called Broker back
    with his decision; (4) Singh informed Broker that he would call back the following day
    with a decision; and (5) Singh did not provide Broker with his decision before the fire
    The parties’ dispute about their communications regarding insurance for Singh’s
    property is discussed in more detail in part III of this opinion.
    In December 2011, Restauranteurs filed a complaint against Broker in their
    capacity as assignees of Singh. A few days later, AMCO filed a separate lawsuit against
    Broker, also asserting rights as an assignee of Singh’s causes of action against Broker.
    Plaintiffs subsequently amended their complaints. The operative pleadings are
    Restauranteurs’ first amended complaint and AMCO’s fourth amended complaint. The
    trial court ordered the two lawsuits consolidated based on a stipulation of the parties.
    In December 2013, Broker filed separate motions for summary judgment against
    AMCO and Restauranteurs. The motion against AMCO asserted that (1) Broker’s
    conduct did not fall below the standard of care of an insurance broker, (2) the assigned
    negligence cause of action was precluded by the rule of superior equities, and (3) the
    assigned negligence cause of action was not assignable. Broker’s motion against
    Restauranteurs asserted the negligence and breach of contract causes of action had no
    merit because Broker’s conduct did not fall below the standard of care of an insurance
    broker and the causes of action were not assignable.
    On July 2, 2014, following a hearing, the trial court filed two orders granting
    Broker’s motions for summary judgment and directing the entry of judgment in favor of
    Broker. The court granted the motions for the same reason, stating that “the case of
    Dobbas v. Vitas (2011) 
    191 Cal. App. 4th 1442
    [(Dobbas)] is controlling based on the
    undisputed material facts herein, such that the action has no merit and there is no triable
    issue of material fact.”
    The trial court’s order relating to AMCO also stated that (1) as an insurer,
    AMCO’s “rights are ultimately proscribed by equitable principles rather than the basics
    of assignment”; (2) AMCO, even as an assignee of an individual, was required to first
    establish an equitable right to subrogation that was superior in position to that of the party
    to be charged—namely, Broker; and (3) AMCO could not prove it was entitled to
    equitable subrogation because its loss was not caused by Broker’s failure to maintain the
    policy, but by the fire, the fire being the very risk that AMCO assumed.
    Similarly, in granting summary judgment against Restauranteurs, the trial court
    concluded Restauranteurs, as assignees of Singh, had to establish an equitable right to
    subrogation that was superior in position to the position of Broker. The court concluded
    Restauranteurs could not establish the required superior position because “it is undisputed
    that the [loss of the Restauranteurs’] building was caused not by [Broker], but by a fire
    for which the assignor (Singh) was responsible.”
    AMCO and Restauranteurs filed a timely notice of appeal.
    Broker presents two different legal theories to support its contention that the
    contractual assignments of Singh’s causes of action against it are invalid. First, Broker
    contends that the general rule allowing the assignment of causes of action should not be
    applied to causes of action against an insurance broker or agent. Second, Broker
    contends that if claims against insurance brokers and agents usually are assignable, the
    rule of superior equities from California’s subrogation doctrine invalidates the
    assignment to these particular plaintiffs, whose equitable position is not superior to
    We address Broker’s broader nonassignability argument first, even though it was
    not reached or addressed by the trial court, because the law governing assignability
    provides background for the subsequent discussion of equitable subrogation.
    A.     The Causes of Action against Broker
    California recognizes the general rule that an agent or broker who intentionally or
    negligently fails to procure insurance as requested by a client—either an insured or an
    applicant for insurance—will be liable to the client in tort for the resulting damages.
    (Saunders v. Cariss (1990) 
    224 Cal. App. 3d 905
    , 909.) Also, a breach of contract cause
    of action arises where the agent or broker breaches an oral agreement to obtain insurance
    as requested by the client. (Ibid.)
    In this case, Restauranteurs are assignees of Singh’s claims against Broker and
    their first amended complaint alleges causes of action for negligence and breach of
    contract against Broker. AMCO also is an assignee of Singh and AMCO’s fourth
    amended complaint alleges a negligence cause of action against Broker.
    B.     Contentions of the Parties
    Broker contends that California law should prohibit the assignment of a client’s
    causes of action against an insurance broker or agent. Broker’s contention, if accepted,
    would justify upholding the summary judgment in favor of Broker as to both AMCO and
    Broker acknowledges that Division Two of the Fourth Appellate District held that
    an insured’s negligence claim against an insurance broker could be assigned. (Troost v.
    Estate of DeBoer (1984) 
    155 Cal. App. 3d 289
    , 297 (Troost).) However, Broker argues
    that Troost is over 30 years old and should not be followed. Instead, Broker urges this
    court to treat causes of action against an insurance broker in the same manner as
    malpractice causes of action against an attorney and conclude the causes of action are not
    assignable. (See Fireman’s Fund Ins. Co. v. McDonald, Hecht & Solberg (1994) 
    30 Cal. App. 4th 1373
    , 1378-1380 (Fireman’s Fund) [“legal malpractice claims are generally
    not assignable”].)
    In response, AMCO and Restauranteurs contend we should follow Troost and
    argue that Broker’s analogy to legal malpractice actions is inapt because the rationale for
    holding legal malpractice claims are not assignable is the fiduciary nature of the attorney-
    client relationship and no such relationships exist in the insurance brokerage context.
    C.     Basic Principles Regarding the Assignment of Causes of Action
    1.      Common Law
    At common law, California followed the English and American approach that, as a
    general rule, causes of action were assignable and that nonassignability, the exception,
    was “‘confined to wrongs done to the person, the reputation, or the feelings of the injured
    party, and to contracts of a purely personal nature, like promises of marriage.’” (Rued v.
    Cooper (1893) 
    109 Cal. 682
    , 693.) These common law principles are not the final word
    on the subject because the Legislature has addressed the assignment of causes of action.
    2.      Assignment Statutes
    Civil Code section 953 defines a “thing in action” as “a right to recover money or
    other personal property by a judicial proceeding.” A “thing in action” refers to a cause of
    action. (Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1756, AFL-CIO v. Superior Court (2009) 
    46 Cal. 4th 993
    , 1001.)
    Civil Code section 954 addresses assignability by stating: “A thing in action,
    arising out of the violation of a right of property, or out of an obligation, may be
    transferred by the owner.” The term “obligation” is defined to mean “a legal duty, by
    which a person is bound to do or not to do a certain thing.” (Civ. Code, § 1427.)
    3.     Case Law Explaining and Applying the Statutes
    The California Supreme Court has discussed the relationship between the common
    law and these statutes by stating that “sections 953 and 954 of the Civil Code have lifted
    many of the restrictions imposed by the rule of the common law upon th[e] subject [of the
    assignability of causes of action].” (Wikstrom v. Yolo Fliers Club (1929) 
    206 Cal. 461
    464 (Wikstrom).) The court reiterated this point by stating: “That these statutes were
    intended to liberalize the common-law rule was expressly held in Morris v. Standard Oil
    Co. [(1926)] 
    200 Cal. 210
    , 214 ….” (Id. at p. 464.)
    In Wikstrom, the court confirmed the assignability of a purchaser’s cause of action
    for fraud that alleged a misrepresentation about the number of acres being sold.
    (Wikstrom, supra
    , 206 Cal. at p. 464.) The court applied the statutory text as follows:
    “There can be little doubt that the cause of action set forth in the complaint
    here is a ‘thing in action,’ under said section 953, and arises ‘out of the
    violation of a right of property,’ under said section 954, and is expressly
    made assignable and declared to survive the death of the owner by the latter
    (Wikstrom, supra
    , 206 Cal. at p. 464.)
    More recently, the California Supreme Court stated: “A cause of action is
    transferrable, that is, assignable, by its owner if it arises out of a legal obligation or a
    violation of a property right. (Civ. Code, § 954.)” (Amalgamated Transit Union, Local
    1756, AFL-CIO v. Superior 
    Court, supra
    , 46 Cal.4th at p. 1003.)
    An example of the assignability of a cause of action against an insurance company
    is provided by Brown v. Guarantee Ins. Co. (1957) 
    155 Cal. App. 2d 679
    (Brown). In that
    case, the insurance company had wrongfully refused to settle an automobile accident
    personal injury claim against the insured. The court stated “that the very basis of the
    insured’s cause of action is the damage that he is forced to suffer because of the insurer’s
    wrongful act. The act strikes the insured in his pocketbook and diminishes his estate
    [citation]; it does not harm his person or his personality.” (Id. at p. 695.) The court
    concluded the insured’s cause of action for the wrongful refusal to settle was assignable,
    regardless of whether that cause of action was based on contract or tort. (Ibid.) The
    court supported this conclusion by stating, “The modern trend in favor of assignability
    dispels any remaining doubts concerning the transferability of the insured’s claim.”
    4.     The Exceptions to the General Rule of Assignability
    Under California law, the exceptions to the general rule favoring assignability of
    causes of action include tort causes of action for wrongs done to the person, the
    reputation or the feelings of an injured party. (7 Cal.Jur.3d (2011) Assignments, § 5, pp.
    14-15 [causes of action for slander, assault and battery, negligent personal injuries,
    seduction, breach of marriage promise, and malicious prosecution are not assignable].)
    One basis for distinguishing between assignable and nonassignable tort causes of action
    relates to whether that cause of action survives the death of the injured party. (Id. at p.
    17.) Actions that survive death are assignable. (Ibid.)
    Other exceptions include legal malpractice claims and certain types of fraud
    claims. (7 
    Cal.Jur.3d, supra
    , Assignments, §§ 6-9, pp. 17-22.) The rule that a cause of
    action for legal malpractice is not assignable is based on a number of public policy
    reasons, including protecting the attorney-client relationship. (Fireman’s 
    Fund, supra
    , 30
    Cal.App.4th at p. 1379.) “This view is predicated on the uniquely personal nature of
    legal services and the contract out of which a highly personal and confidential attorney-
    client relationship arises.” (7 
    Cal.Jur.3d, supra
    , Assignments, § 6, p. 18.)
    D.     Application of Principles
    In Troost, the court applied the general rule and concluded that a negligence claim
    against an insurance broker who failed to procure insurance was assignable. 
    (Troost, supra
    , 155 Cal.App.3d at p. 297.) The court explicitly considered whether the exception
    for legal malpractice claims should be extended to claims against an insurance broker.
    (Ibid.) The court referred to the unique quality of legal services, the personal nature of
    the attorney’s duty to the client and the confidentiality of the attorney-client relationship
    and concluded those factors were not present in the client-broker relationship before it.
    (Ibid.) As a result, the court declined to expand the exception.
    Broker disagrees with the rationale in Troost, arguing that “the reasons for
    prohibiting assignment of legal malpractice claims are equally applicable to assignment
    of insurance broker malpractice claims.” We reject this argument and are persuaded by
    the analysis in Troost of the dissimilarities in the relationships. Among other things,
    communications between a client and an insurance broker are not protected by a privilege
    of confidentiality and, given the standardized nature of insurance policies, the product
    ultimately delivered to the client cannot be regarded as highly or uniquely personal.
    Our conclusion that a client’s causes of action against an insurance broker are
    assignable is consistent with the majority view. In DC-10 Entertainment, LLC v. Manor
    Insurance Agency, Inc. (Colo.App. 2013) 308 P.3d. 1223, the court cited a number of
    cases and concluded that a majority of jurisdictions “that have addressed an insured’s
    assignment of negligence claims against an insurance broker or agent have found such
    assignments valid.” (Id. at p. 1228.) Thus, Broker’s suggestion that Troost is antiquated
    is at odds with current developments.
    In summary, we conclude that Singh’s negligence cause of action against Broker
    is assignable under California law. Therefore, the summary judgments granted in favor
    of Broker cannot be affirmed on the ground that Singh’s cause of action was not
    A.     Legal Context Provided by General Rule of Assignability
    The foregoing discussion of assignability provides the broader legal context into
    which we must fit Broker’s arguments about equitable subrogation. We refer to this legal
    context as broad because, under the general rule of assignability, Singh could have
    assigned his cause of action against Broker to nearly anyone in the world and that
    assignee would have been allowed to pursue the cause of action in a judicial proceeding.
    (See Civ. Code, § 954.)
    Viewed from the perspective of the general rule of assignability, Broker’s
    arguments are an attempt to use the common law doctrine of equitable subrogation to
    negate or override the application of that general rule to these particular plaintiffs. In
    effect, Broker is arguing that, while any other assignee in the world could pursue Singh’s
    cause of action against it, AMCO and Restauranteurs should be barred from pursuing that
    cause of action. Broker’s reason for treating AMCO and Restauranteurs differently from
    all other potential assignees is their closeness to the alleged wrong—they were an
    insurance company and fire victims affected by Broker’s allegedly negligent failure to
    obtain insurance for Singh. Broker’s approach, which creates two classes of assignees
    and treats the smaller, interested class less favorably,2 would be difficult to justify in the
    absence of the precedent established in Meyers v. Bank of America etc. Assn. (1938) 
    11 Cal. 2d 92
    In Meyers, the California Supreme Court concluded that “a formal, written
    assignment of a claim [that also was transferred by operation of law under equitable
    subrogation doctrine] adds nothing to the enforceability by the assignee of the cause of
    action [and] it is subject to the same defenses as though no assignment thereof of any sort
    had been made.” 
    (Meyers, supra
    , 11 Cal.2d at p. 94.) The court then quoted a legal
    encyclopedia for the statement that “‘it seems that, if the surety is not entitled to
    subrogation, an assignment by the creditor will be ineffectual to give the surety a right of
    subrogation he would not otherwise have.’ (Italics added.)” (Id. at p. 95.) Simply put,
    when the doctrine of equitable subrogation and the law governing contractual
    2      AMCO and Restauranteurs have not argued, and we do not address, whether the
    creation of two classes of assignees violates equal protection because there is no rational
    basis for the treating the two classes differently.
    assignments apply to the same potential/attempted transfer, our Supreme Court concluded
    the equitable subrogation doctrine trumps contract law. The court’s discussion of its
    conclusion did not address certain consequences resulting from the rule of law adopted—
    consequences that are difficult to square with the policies and rationale underlying the
    general rule of assignability. Specifically, the court did not acknowledge that it was
    creating two classes of assignees and provide a rationale for why the assigned cause of
    action should be unenforceable when held by a surety yet enforceable when held by other
    assignees. Despite the absence of an explanation for the creation of two classes of
    assignees, we recognize that, insofar as it goes, the rule of law adopted by the Supreme
    Court in Meyers is binding on this court. (Auto Equity Sales, Inc. v. Superior Court
    57 Cal. 2d 450
    , 455 [binding effect of Supreme Court precedent].)
    A second way to view Broker’s argument is from the perspective of statutory
    interpretation. From this perspective, Broker’s arguments amount to a request that this
    court interpret Civil Code section 954 by engrafting certain equitable principles onto the
    statutory text and thereby narrowing the reach of the statute. Such an approach to
    statutory interpretation seems contrary to the Supreme Court’s statement that Civil Code
    sections 953 and 954 were intended to liberalize the common law and lifted many of its
    restrictions on the assignability of causes of action. 
    (Wikstrom, supra
    , 206 Cal. at p.
    464.) We note that, in Meyers, the Supreme Court did not mention Civil Code sections
    953 and 954 or address how limiting contractual assignments by extending the rules of
    equitable subrogation is compatible with the language of those statutes.
    The foregoing considerations about the general rule of assignability, and the
    statutory text creating that rule, explain some of our reluctance to limit assignability by
    taking an expansive approach to equitable subrogation’s rule of superior equities. (See
    Fort Bragg Unified School Dist. v. Colonial American Casualty & Surety Co. (2011) 
    194 Cal. App. 4th 891
    , 915-916 [other criticisms of the superior equities rule].)
    B.     Overview of Equitable Subrogation
    1.     Basic Principles
    Subrogation is a legal device or fiction that permits the substitution of one party in
    the place of another as a possessor of a tort or other rightful claim against a third party.
    (58 Cal.Jur.3d (2012) Subrogation, § 1, p. 659.) In the insurance context, this
    substitution occurs because the insurer-subrogee3 has paid for losses experienced by the
    policyholder-subrogor as the result of a third party’s wrongful act; subrogation allows the
    insurer to step into the shoes of the injured policyholder and pursue recovery from the
    third party wrongdoer. (Ibid.; 39A Cal.Jur.3d (2014) Insurance Contracts, § 713, p. 665
    [right to subrogation].)
    The goal of subrogation is to place the burden for a loss on the party ultimately
    liable or responsible for it and to relieve entirely the party who paid the loss and who in
    equity is not primarily liable for it. (58 
    Cal.Jur.3d, supra
    , Subrogation, § 3, p. 663.)
    Therefore, the substitution resulting from subrogation provides a method of compelling
    the ultimate payment by one who in justice and good conscience ought to bear financial
    responsibility. (58 
    Cal.Jur.3d, supra
    , Subrogation, § 2, p. 662.)
    Generally speaking, “subrogation” has its source in equity and arises by operation
    of law, but the term can also be used to describe a relationship that arises from contract or
    a statute. (58 
    Cal.Jur.3d, supra
    , Subrogation, § 1, p. 660; 39A 
    Cal.Jur.3d, supra
    Insurance Contracts, § 716, p. 668.) This lack of specificity in the use of the term
    “subrogation” and subrogation’s overlapping relationships with other areas of law caused
    one court to state, “It is hard to imagine another set of legal terms with more soporific
    3        The term “subrogee” is defined by Black’s Law Dictionary (9th ed. 2009) at page
    1564 as follows: “One who is substituted for another in having a right, duty, or claim;
    esp., the person or entity that assumes the right to attempt to collect on another’s claim
    against a third party by paying the other’s claim-related debts or expenses. An insurance
    company frequently becomes a subrogee after paying a policy claim, as a result of which
    it is then in a position to sue a tortfeasor who injured the insured or otherwise caused
    effect than indemnity, subrogation, contribution, co-obligation and joint tortfeasorship.”
    (Herrick Corp. v. Canadian Ins. Co. (1994) 
    29 Cal. App. 4th 753
    , 756.)4
    2.      Relationship to Assignment
    In this appeal, the pertinent overlapping relationship involves the terms
    “subrogation” and “assignment.” “Subrogation has been called a sort of assignment by
    operation of equity and the equivalent of an equitable assignment. Conversely, voluntary
    assignment has been deemed a kind of subrogation.” (58 
    Cal.Jur.3d, supra
    , Subrogation,
    § 4, pp. 663-664 (fns. omitted); see Offer v. Superior Court (1924) 
    194 Cal. 114
    , 117
    [subrogation described as substitution or equitable assignment].) Thus, the broadest usage
    of the term “subrogation” includes transfers of causes of action that are implemented by
    either (1) contract, which is a consensual arrangement, or (2) operation of law without the
    consent of the owner of the cause of action. (58 
    Cal.Jur.3d, supra
    , Subrogation, § 4, pp.
    This opinion seeks to avoid the ambiguity in the broad term “subrogation” and its
    potentially confusing overlap with contractual relationships by using the term “equitable
    subrogation” to refer to the transfer of rights against a third party that arises in equity and
    occurs only by operation of law because a party (i.e., the subrogee) has paid a loss of
    another (i.e., the subrogor). (See 58 
    Cal.Jur.3d, supra
    , Subrogation, § 5, pp. 665-666 [no
    written or oral assignment is necessary].) In contrast, we use the term “contractual
    assignment” to refer to the transfer of rights based on a voluntary agreement between the
    4       This quote continues: “Perhaps because the words describe legal relationships
    between multiple parties, they are vaguely reminiscent of complex mathematical
    equations which, after all, also describe relationships, except in numbers rather than
    words-and for most of us, they are about as easy to understand. Even lawyers find words
    like ‘indemnity’ and ‘subrogation’ ring of an obscure Martian dialect.” (Herrick Corp. v.
    Canadian Ins. 
    Co., supra
    , 29 Cal.App.4th at p. 756.)
    party transferring the rights (i.e., the assignor) and the party receiving the rights (i.e., the
    3.     Equitable Subrogation for Insurers
    The most common equitable subrogation action is one brought by an insurer
    against a wrongdoer whose wrong caused the loss paid by the insurer. (Patent
    Scaffolding Co. v. William Simpson Constr. Co. (1967) 
    256 Cal. App. 2d 506
    , 512 (Patent
    Scaffolding).) In other words, the first-party insurer pays its insured for its losses, then
    sues the third-party tortfeasor to recover the costs paid. When an insurer pursues a cause
    of action based on equitable subrogation, it must prove the following elements:
    “(1) The insured has suffered a loss for which the party to be charged is
    liable, either because the latter is a wrongdoer whose act or omission
    caused the loss or because he is legally responsible to the insured for the
    loss caused by the wrongdoer; (2) the insurer, in whole or in part, has
    compensated the insured for the same loss for which the party to be charged
    is liable; (3) the insured has an existing, assignable cause of action against
    the party to be charged, which action the insured could have asserted for his
    own benefit had he not been compensated for his loss by the insurer; (4) the
    insurer has suffered damages caused by the act or omission upon which the
    liability of the party to be charged depends; (5) justice requires that the loss
    should be entirely shifted from the insurer to the party to be charged, whose
    5       In State Farm General Ins. Co. v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (2006) 
    143 Cal. App. 4th 1098
    (State Farm), the court referred to the transfer of rights between an insurance
    company and its insured pursuant to contractual language in the insurance policy as
    “conventional subrogation.” (Id. at p. 1106.) The court subsequently addressed the
    distinction between equitable subrogation and conventional (i.e., contractual) subrogation
    by stating: “In California, however, this is a distinction without a difference. California,
    along with other jurisdictions, has adopted the superior equities doctrine in all cases of
    equitable or conventional subrogation. (See 
    Meyers, supra
    , 11 Cal.2d at pp. 101-103;
    ….)” (State 
    Farm, supra
    , at p. 1109.) Based on the facts of that case and the court’s
    many references to the relationship between an insurer and its insured, we conclude that
    the term “conventional subrogation” describes transfers between an insurer and its
    insured—the entities that form the most common type of subrogee-subrogor relationship.
    Thus, we do not read “conventional subrogation” as encompassing contractual
    assignments between an insurance company and a judgment debtor-assignor who was not
    an insured. Based on this reading, we do not believe our decision conflicts with the
    analysis adopted in State Farm.
    equitable position is inferior to that of the insurer; and (6) the insurer’s
    damages are in a stated sum, usually the amount it has paid to its insured,
    assuming the payment was not voluntary and was reasonable.” (Patent
    Scaffolding, supra
    , 256 Cal.App.2d at p. 509.)
    The fifth element reflects the rule of superior equities, which holds that the right of
    equitable subrogation “may be invoked against a third party only if that party is guilty of
    some wrongful conduct which makes the party’s equity inferior to that of the surety or
    insurer.” (39A 
    Cal.Jur.3d, supra
    , Insurance Contracts, § 716, p. 669.) It is the difference
    in equities that provide the reason for shifting the entire financial burden of paying for the
    loss. (State 
    Farm, supra
    , 143 Cal.App.4th at p. 1121.)
    The rule of superior equities encompasses the “compensated surety defense,”
    which is based on the idea that the insurer has been compensated (by receipt of
    premiums) for issuing the policy and should not be allowed to shift the very loss
    contemplated by the policy to an innocent party, even though that party, as between itself
    and the insured, would be absolutely liable. (State 
    Farm, supra
    , 143 Cal.App.4th at p.
    1121; see Mutual Service Cas. Ins. Co. v. Elizabeth State Bank (7th Cir. 2001) 
    265 F.3d 601
    , 625, 628 [predicting Illinois Supreme Court would not recognize compensated
    surety defense in cases of “contractual subrogation”].)
    Bearing in mind the foregoing overview of the law of equitable subrogation, we
    turn to the question whether the principles of equitable subrogation apply to limit the
    rights AMCO and Restauranteurs attempted to obtain from Singh through a voluntary
    C.     Restauranteurs Are Not Subject to Equitable Subrogation Principles
    Restauranteurs contend the rule of superior equities has no application to them
    because they were never subrogees. We agree.
    1.     Restauranteurs’ Roles
    Our analysis of whether Restauranteurs are subject to the principles of equitable
    subrogation begins with a description of the seven roles that Restauranteurs have played
    so far in connection with this litigation. Those roles, in chronological order, are (1)
    business owners and operators; (2) fire victims; (3) plaintiffs in a lawsuit against Singh,
    the person whose negligence caused the fire; (4) judgment creditors of Singh; (5)
    contractual assignees of Singh’s rights against Broker; (6) plaintiffs in a lawsuit against
    Broker; and (7) appellants before this court. At no time were Restauranteurs an insurer or
    surety. As a result, they never became equitable subrogees.
    2.     Issue
    The legal question presented is whether Restauranteurs’ rights as contractual
    assignees of Singh’s cause of action against Broker are limited by equitable subrogation
    doctrine—specifically, the rule of superior equities.6
    3.     Rule of Law
    In certain situations, California courts have applied the principles of equitable
    subrogation to bar a contractual assignee from pursuing the assigned cause of action.
    Meyers, supra
    11 Cal. 2d 92
    Dobbas, supra
    191 Cal. App. 4th 1442
    .) Therefore,
    6       At oral argument, counsel for Broker argued that Restauranteurs had waived the
    argument that they were not subrogees because Restauranteurs did not raise that point
    below. We reject this waiver argument because, in the factual context of this case,
    Restauranteurs’ argument that they were assignees implies that they were not equitable
    subrogees. Therefore, we find Restauranteurs did not intend to waive (i.e., intentionally
    relinquish or abandon) the argument that they were not equitable subrogees. (See Smith
    v. Adventist Health System/West (2010) 
    182 Cal. App. 4th 729
    , 745 [waiver is a question
    of fact based on intent].) Alternatively, in conducting our independent review of the
    motion for summary judgment, we may consider an issue not raised below when it
    involves a question of law relating to undisputed facts and has been briefed by the parties.
    (Noe v. Superior Court (2015) 
    237 Cal. App. 4th 316
    , 335-336.) Therefore, we will
    consider Restauranteurs’ argument that they are not subrogees.
    we must determine if Restauranteurs’ situation is one of those where the principles of
    equitable subrogation act as a bar to the assigned cause of action.
    In Dobbas, the insured owned a bull that escaped from a pasture and caused an
    automobile accident in which two people were killed. (
    Dobbas, supra
    , 191 Cal.App.4th
    at p. 1447.) The bull owner had a primary liability insurance policy for $1 million in
    coverage, believed he had an excess liability insurance policy for an additional $3 million
    in coverage, and had another excess liability insurance policy from American Guarantee
    in the amount of $7 million. (Ibid.) At the time of the accident, the $3 million excess
    liability policy was not in effect because the bull owner’s insurance agent, Vitas, had
    either cancelled or failed to renew it. (Ibid.) In the ensuing litigation over the auto
    accident, American Guarantee paid the accident victims $2.8 million and, as part of the
    settlement, received their assignment of the bull owner’s claim against his insurance
    agent, which the bull owner previously had assigned to the accident victims. (Id. at p.
    After American Guarantee received the assignment, it moved to intervene in the
    lawsuit originally filed by the bull owner against his insurance agent. (
    Dobbas, supra
    191 Cal.App.4th at p. 1448.) The trial court denied the motion on the grounds that
    American Guarantee was not entitled to equitable subrogation against the insurance agent
    because American Guarantee’s loss was not caused by the agent’s failure to maintain the
    $3 million excess liability policy, but was caused by the accident, which was the very risk
    American Guarantee had assumed by issuing its policy to the bull owner. (Ibid.) The
    appellate court affirmed the trial court’s order. (Id. at p. 1456.)
    The appellate court analyzed American Guarantee’s rights to proceed against the
    insurance agent (1) as an equitable subrogee and (2) as a contractual assignee. With
    respect to equitable subrogation, the court concluded American Guarantee’s equitable
    position was not superior to the insurance agent’s position and, thus, justice did not
    require the loss to be shifted entirely from American Guarantee to the insurance agent.
    Dobbas, supra
    , 191 Cal.App.4th at p. 1454.) The court explained its conclusion by
    stating: “Here, American Guarantee contracted to provide insurance to [the bull owner]
    that covered the accident in question. The fact that [the insurance agent] failed to obtain
    insurance that also would have covered the accident, does not create in American
    Guarantee an equity superior to [the insurance agent].” 14(Ibid.) American Guarantee’s
    equitable position was not superior to the insurance agent’s because, if the $3 million
    excess liability policy had been in place, both that policy and American Guarantee’s
    policy would have been available to satisfy a judgment against the bull owner and,
    accordingly, American Guarantee still would have been legally responsible for its pro
    rata share of damages. (Id. at pp. 1453-454.) As a result, American Guarantee was
    barred from pursuing an equitable subrogation claim against the insurance agent.
    The court also considered whether American Guarantee could proceed in the
    action based on the contractual assignment, which gave it ownership of the bull owner’s
    claims against the insurance agent for failure to secure excess insurance. (
    Dobbas, supra
    191 Cal.App.4th at p. 1455.) The court concluded any contractual right American
    Guarantee had to recover from the insurance agent was limited by the principles of
    equitable subrogation, quoting 
    Meyers, supra
    11 Cal. 2d 92
    , for the principle that
    “‘where by the application of equitable principles, a surety has been found
    not to be entitled to subrogation, an assignment will not confer upon him
    the right to be so substituted in an action at law upon the assignment. His
    rights must be measured by the application of equitable principles in the
    first instance, his recovery being dependable upon a right in equity, and not
    by virtue of an asserted legal right under an assignment.’ (Id. at p. 97.)”
    Dobbas, supra
    , at p. 1455.)
    Thus, Meyers and Dobbas are cases where the courts applied principles from
    equitable subrogation doctrine to limit a contractual assignment of a cause of action. We
    read these cases as limiting contractual assignments only if the assignee is “a surety …
    found not to be entitled to subrogation.” 
    (Meyers, supra
    11 Cal. 2d 97
    .) In other words,
    when the assignee-assignor relationship is a potential subrogee-subrogor relationship
    under the doctrine of equitable subrogation, that assignee-assignor relationship is subject
    to the principles of equitable subrogation.
    4.     Application of Rule
    Based on this reading of Meyers and Dobbas, we conclude that the principles of
    equitable subrogation do not extend to situations where the contractual assignee was not a
    surety and does not occupy the role of potential equitable subrogee. The practical impact
    of Meyers and Dobbas is that a surety in the position of a subrogee cannot avoid the
    principles of equitable subrogation by obtaining an assignment of the cause of action to
    bolster its position. Therefore, when the contractual assignee is not a potential subrogee,
    the limitation recognized in Meyers and Dobbas does not apply and the assignees fall
    under the general rule that causes of action are assignable.
    Here, Restauranteurs were not sureties and no payments, akin to the type of
    payment a surety would make on behalf of another, were made. Therefore, they had no
    possibility of pursuing a claim for equitable subrogation, much less an equitable
    subrogation claim that replicated the contractually assigned cause of action against
    Broker. Consequently, we conclude the limitation on contractual assignments recognized
    in Meyers and Dobbas does not apply to Restauranteurs. It follows that the order
    granting Broker’s motion for summary judgment against Restauranteurs cannot be upheld
    on the ground that equitable subrogation requires Restauranteurs’ position to be equitably
    superior to the position of Brokers.7
    7      We note that, in any event, Restauranteurs are in an equitable position that is
    superior to Brokers because Restauranteurs are (1) innocent of any fault and (2) did not
    agree or otherwise undertake to assume the risk of the fire. In contrast, if plaintiffs
    prevail on their claim, Brokers will have been proven to be at fault, which fault relates to
    aiding Singh in transferring the risk of fire from himself to an insurance company.
    D.     AMCO Is Not Subject to Equitable Subrogation Principles
    1.       AMCO’s Roles
    As with Restauranteurs, our analysis of whether AMCO’s claims are subject to the
    principles of equitable subrogation begins with a description of the roles AMCO has
    played in this litigation. Those roles, in chronological order, are (1) insurer of fire victim;
    (2) payor of the losses of Saari—its policyholder and a victim of the fire; (3) equitable
    subrogee of Saari’s claims against Singh, whose negligence caused the fire; (4) plaintiff
    in a lawsuit against Singh; (5) judgment creditor against Singh; (6) contractual assignee
    of Singh’s rights against Broker; (7) plaintiff in a lawsuit against Broker; and (8)
    appellant before this court. Therefore, in contrast to Restauranteurs, AMCO once
    occupied the role of equitable subrogee.
    2.       Issue
    Accordingly, the legal issue presented by AMCO’s situation is slightly different
    from the issue involving Restauranteurs. The issue can be phrased many ways, including
    the following: Should the principles of equitable subrogation that governed the subrogee-
    subrogor relationship that AMCO had with its insured, Saari, also apply to AMCO’s
    assignee-assignor relationship with Singh? We conclude those principles do not extend
    to that assignee-assignor relationship.
    3.       Application of Equitable Limitations to Contractual Assignment
    AMCO contends that its subrogation cause of action was against Singh and not
    Broker and, therefore, the limitations contained in the equitable subrogation doctrine do
    not apply to the assignment. In AMCO’s view, (1) its subrogation claim ended when it
    obtained a judgment against Singh and (2) the assignment in question was made in partial
    satisfaction of that judgment. Therefore, AMCO contends the assigned cause of action
    against Broker is not a subrogation claim or duplicative of AMCO’s prior subrogation
    claim against Singh.
    In this case, AMCO had a subrogee-subrogor relationship with its insured, Saari.
    AMCO did not have a subrogee-subrogor relationship with Singh. Therefore, based on
    our reading of Meyers and Dobbas, we conclude that the contractual assignment of
    Singh’s cause of action against Broker is not subject to the principles of equitable
    subrogation. We have found no convincing policy reasons for extending the principles of
    equitable subrogation down the chain of relationships that can arise after an insurer has
    successfully pursued its rights as an equitable subrogee. Furthermore, the policies
    underlying the general rule of assignability and the relevant statutory text convinces us
    not to take language from Meyers and Dobbas out of context and create a new exception
    to the general rule of assignability.
    4.      Equitable Positions of AMCO and Broker
    As an alternate and separate ground for reversing the summary judgment granted
    against AMCO, we assume that the rule of superior equities applies to the contractual
    assignment of Singh’s cause of action against Broker to AMCO, and conclude that
    Broker has failed to establish its equitable position was equal or superior to AMCO’s
    equitable position.
    The question of how a court should identify and compare the equitable positions
    of two litigants was answered by the analysis employed by the court in Dobbas. There,
    the court (1) identified how the losses for the automobile accident would have allocated if
    the insurance agent had not committed the alleged wrong—that is, had not cancelled or
    failed to renew the bull owner’s policy for $3 million in excess liability coverage—and
    (2) compared that allocation of the losses with how those losses would be borne if the
    court barred the claim against the insurance agent. (
    Dobbas, supra
    , 191 Cal.App.4th at
    pp. 1454-1455.) The Dobbas court’s method of analysis is useful to our consideration of
    Broker’s motion for summary judgment because that method shows which facts are
    “material” to the application of the rule of superior equities and, thus, which facts Broker,
    as moving party, must show are undisputed to carry its initial burden in moving for
    summary judgment. (See Code Civ. Proc., § 437c, subd. (c) [moving papers must show
    “no triable issue as to any material fact”].)
    Here, Broker’s separate statement in support of its motion for summary judgment
    against AMCO sets forth 21 enumerated facts that Broker contended were undisputed and
    established AMCO’s negligence cause of action was precluded by the rule of superior
    equities. Those 21 enumerated facts made no attempt at showing how the fire losses
    would have been allocated if Broker had obtained insurance for Singh. As a result, we
    are unable to determine if the insurance that Broker’s allegedly should have obtained
    would have covered Saari’s losses. Also, we are unable to determine how the unobtained
    coverage would have related to the coverage provided by AMCO to its insured (Saari)
    and whether AMCO would have paid all of the losses, none of the losses, or (like the
    insurance companies in Dobbas) a pro rata share of the losses. Without these material
    facts, we are unable to balance the equities and reach a conclusion about the relative
    equities of AMCO’s position and Broker’s position. (See 
    Troost, supra
    , 155 Cal.App.3d
    at p. 297 [insurer that paid for damages relating to a gap in the insured’s coverage had an
    equitable position superior to the insurance agent whose negligence caused the gap in
    Broker’s appellate brief argues AMCO does not have an equitable position
    superior to its own and implies that the information described in the foregoing paragraph
    is not material to deciding the equities of this case. As in the trial court, Broker has not
    explicitly addressed which facts it regards as “material” to the examination of the equities
    of each party’s position. Nonetheless, Broker’s argument about the equities refers to
    three facts—(1) the fire was not caused or spread by Broker; (2) Broker did not itself
    agree to indemnify anyone for the loss; and (3) the insurance that it allegedly failed to
    obtain for Singh might have covered Saari’s fire losses. Therefore, Broker’s argument
    implies that these are the only “material” facts it needed to establish AMCO’s equitable
    position was not superior to its position. We disagree with this implied argument about
    which facts are “material” to the analysis of the parties’ equitable positions. The court in
    Dobbas conducted a more detailed analysis of the facts about the unobtained insurance
    than that used by Broker and we do not regard those facts as legally immaterial to the
    question of equities. (See 
    Troost, supra
    , 155 Cal.App.3d at p. 297.)
    Therefore, we conclude that Broker’s separate statement omitted material facts
    and, as a result, Broker failed to carry its burden of making a prima facie showing that
    AMCO’s cause of action would have been precluded by the rule of superior equities
    (assuming the rule applied to the assignment). This omission of material facts provides a
    second ground for our conclusion that Broker is not entitled to the entry of judgment in
    its favor based on the rule of superior equities.8
    The last ground Broker presents for affirming the judgment is that Broker’s
    conduct did not fall below the standard of care of an insurance broker. The trial court did
    not reach this ground.
    A.     Standard of Review for Motions for Summary Judgment
    Appellate courts independently review an order granting summary judgment.
    (Saelzler v. Advanced Group 400 (2001) 
    25 Cal. 4th 763
    , 768 (Saelzler).) In performing
    this independent review, appellate courts apply the same three-step analysis as the trial
    court. (Brantley v. Pisaro (1996) 
    42 Cal. App. 4th 1591
    , 1607 (Brantley).)
    8      The instant case provides yet another example of “the importance of … accurately
    identifying the facts material to the moving party’s legal theory” (Haney v. Aramark
    Uniform Services, Inc. (2004) 
    121 Cal. App. 4th 623
    , 632 (Haney)) and actually including
    those material facts in the separate statement. (See pt. III.A.2, post.)
    *      See footnote, ante, page 1.
    1.     Issues Framed by Pleadings and Material Facts
    First, the court identifies the issues framed by the pleadings because the moving
    papers must show there is no factual basis for relief on any theory reasonably
    contemplated by the opponent’s pleadings. (AARTS Productions, Inc. v. Crocker
    National Bank (1986) 
    179 Cal. App. 3d 1061
    , 1064.) Stated from another perspective, the
    materiality of a disputed fact is measured by the pleadings, which set the boundaries of
    the issues to be resolved by the motion for summary judgment. (Conroy v. Regents of
    University of California (2009) 
    45 Cal. 4th 1244
    , 1250.)
    2.     Moving Party’s Showing—Facts and Evidence
    Second, the court determines whether the moving party has satisfied its initial
    burden by making a prima facie showing of the nonexistence of any triable issue of
    material fact. (Aguilar v. Atlantic Richfield Co. (2001) 
    25 Cal. 4th 826
    , 850 (Aguilar).)
    The prima facie showing is made by (1) the facts set forth in the moving party’s separate
    statement and (2) the supporting evidence referenced in that separate statement. (See
    Code Civ. Proc., § 437c, subd. (b)(1); Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.1350(d).)
    The facts set forth in the moving party’s separate statement are sufficient to make
    the required prima facie showing when, standing alone and accepted as true, those facts
    require a favorable ruling for the moving party under the applicable rules of law.
    If the facts stated in the moving party’s separate statement are sufficiently
    complete to justify a ruling in its favor, the court then examines the referenced evidence
    to determine whether that evidence establishes, “either directly or by inference, the
    material fact that the moving party asserts is undisputed.” 
    (Haney, supra
    , 121
    Cal.App.4th at p. 632.) Establishing a material fact is undisputed based on circumstantial
    evidence (i.e., by inference) can be difficult because, if more than one reasonable
    inference can be drawn from the evidence and those inferences are contradictory, a triable
    issue of fact exists. (Code Civ. Proc., § 437c, subd. (c).)
    3.     Opposing Party’s Showing
    Third, if the moving party has carried its initial burden, the court addresses
    whether the opposing party has demonstrated the existence of a triable issue of material
    (Brantley, supra
    , 42 Cal.App.4th at p. 1602.) Courts performing this independent
    review, consider the evidence in a light favorable to the nonmoving party, liberally
    construing that party’s evidentiary submission while strictly scrutinizing the moving
    party’s own showing and resolving any evidentiary doubts or ambiguities in the losing
    party’s favor. 
    (Saelzler, supra
    , 25 Cal.4th at pp. 768-769.)
    B.     Triable Issues of Material Fact
    A motion for summary judgment “shall be granted if all the papers submitted
    show that there is no triable issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is
    entitled to a judgment as a matter of law.” (Code Civ. Proc., § 437c, subd. (c).) A
    moving party is “entitled to a judgment as a matter of law” when it establishes by
    admissible evidence that the “action has no merit.” (Code Civ. Proc., § 437c, subd. (a).)
    There is a triable issue of material fact if, and only if, the evidence would allow a
    reasonable trier of fact to find the underlying fact in favor of the party opposing the
    motion in accordance with the applicable standard of proof. 
    (Aguilar, supra
    , 25 Cal.4th
    at p. 845.)
    C.     Broker’s Moving Papers
    1.     Facts Asserted in Separate Statement
    Broker’s contention that it did not breach the applicable standard of care was
    supported by a separate statement asserting the following facts were undisputed:
    “10. Before the fire, Singh did not request [Broker] obtain and maintain
    either property or liability insurance. [¶] [Citation to evidence.]
    “11. Singh did not request that [Broker] procure a certain amount of
    coverage for a certain premium. [¶] [Citation to evidence.]
    “12. [Broker] presented two different quotations for insurance to Singh on
    or about December 10, 2009. [¶] [Citation to evidence.]
    “13. Singh said he would call [Broker] back with his decision the
    following day. [¶] [Citation to evidence.]
    “14. [Broker] specifically told Singh it would wait for his response before
    obtaining the policy. [¶] [Citation to evidence.]
    “15. Singh understood he did not have insurance until he called [Broker]
    back with his decision. [¶] [Citation to evidence.]”
    In response, AMCO’s separate statement explicitly disputed Broker’s fact No. 10
    and Nos. 12 through 15 and stated that fact No. 11 was undisputed for purposes of the
    summary judgment motion.
    2.     Broker’s Evidentiary Support for Fact No. 10
    As supporting evidence for the undisputed fact No. 10, Broker refers to lines 9
    through 14 of page 128 of Singh’s December 6, 2013, deposition. Our quote from that
    deposition begins at the first line of page 128 because the pages of Singh’s deposition
    submitted with Broker’s moving papers jump from page 101 to page 128:
    “Q. … that you had asked [Broker] to obtain and maintain first and third-
    party coverage for the property located at 301 South Washington Street,
    S[o]nora, California. Is that true?
    “A.    Why I ask for that?
    “Q.    I don’t know.
    “A.    I have said in November that he will take care that.
    “Q. This is what’s alleged, is that sometime prior to December 15, 2009,
    you requested that Mr. Kapur, as your insurance broker, obtain and
    maintain first and third-party coverage for your property at 301 South
    Washington Street;[9] is that true?
    “A.    No, I didn’t.”
    9       This question was based on paragraph 13 of AMCO’s fourth amended complaint,
    which states in full: “Prior to December 15, 2009, Amarjit Singh requested that his
    insurance broker, Harish Kapur, All Solutions Insurance LLC’s employee, obtain and
    maintain first and third party coverage for the property located at 301 South Washington
    Street, Sonora, California.”
    This last question and answer from Singh’s deposition is the sole evidentiary basis
    listed in Broker’s separate statement for the undisputed nature of fact No. 10.
    D.     AMCO’s Opposition
    AMCO disputed Broker’s fact No. 10 by asserting that “Singh requested Rajni
    Kapur to obtain insurance for Bombay Pizzeria two weeks prior to the fire.” AMCO
    supported this version of the facts by citing testimony from Singh’s June 25, 2010,
    deposition and his February 2014 declaration. Paragraph 7 of the declaration states: “On
    December 10, 2009, Rajni Kapur advised that [s]he would obtain the insurance through
    Alliance Insurance for my property located at 301 So. Washington Street, Sonora,
    California.” In his June 2010 deposition testimony, Singh stated, “I spoke with them on
    9th, Thursday” and “I told her to go and get the insurance over the telephone.”
    E.     A Triable Issue of Material Fact Exists
    Broker attempts to establish that, before the fire, Singh did not request it to obtain
    and maintain either property or liability insurance by referring to Singh’s deposition
    testimony about what he requested of Mr. Harish Kapur. That testimony does not address
    what Singh requested Ms. Rajni Kapur to do. Based on the evidence referred to by
    AMCO about Singh’s telephone request to Rajni Kapur, we conclude there is a triable
    issue of material fact about what Singh requested Broker’s employees to do and when
    that request was made.
    Therefore, we conclude that the order granting Broker’s motion for summary
    judgment cannot be upheld on the ground that Singh never ordered any insurance through
    Broker and, as a result, Broker’s conduct did not breach the applicable standard of care.
    The judgment is reversed. The trial court is directed to vacate its July 2014 orders
    granting the motions for summary judgment and enter a new order denying those
    Plaintiffs shall recover their costs on appeal.
    FRANSON, Acting P.J.
    PEÑA, J.
    SMITH, J.