Sutter Health v. Eden Township Healthcare Dist. , 6 Cal. App. 5th 60 ( 2016 )

  • Filed 11/29/16
    SUTTER HEALTH et al.,
    Plaintiffs and Appellants,
    EDEN TOWNSHIP HEALTHCARE                             (Alameda County
    DISTRICT,                                            Super. Ct. No. RG09-481573)
    Defendant and Respondent.
    Appellant Sutter Health (Sutter) obtained a sizable judgment against respondent
    Eden Township Healthcare District (District). More than a year after the judgment was
    entered, the District filed a motion under Government Code section 970.6,1 which
    permits a local public entity to pay a judgment in up to 10 annual installments upon a
    showing that prompt payment would impose an “unreasonable hardship.” In addition, the
    District sought to change the rate of postjudgment interest established by the judgment to
    the interest rate specified by section 984, subdivision (e)(2), which applies to judgments
    paid by “periodic payment.” In support of its claim of hardship, the District‟s motion
    demonstrated that it lacked sufficient funds to pay the judgment, was unable to borrow
    additional money against its already encumbered assets, and might be forced into
    bankruptcy if required to sell assets to raise the funds necessary for a lump sum payment.
    The trial court granted the motion. In addition to permitting the District to pay the
    judgment in 10 annual installments, the court‟s order effectively amended the judgment
    Unless indicated otherwise, all further statutory references are to the Government
    nunc pro tunc to impose the postjudgment interest rate specified in section 984 from the
    date the judgment was entered.
    We affirm the trial court‟s grant of installment payment relief under section 970.6,
    concluding that the District‟s financial straits readily support a finding of “unreasonable
    hardship.” While we conclude that the postjudgment interest rate established by section
    984 is appropriate prospectively, we find no statutory basis for reducing the interest
    accrued prior to the trial court‟s grant of relief under section 970.6. We therefore reverse
    the retroactive portion of the trial court‟s order and remand for entry of an amended
    judgment consistent with our decision.
    The District is a public agency established pursuant to the Local Health Care
    District Law (Health & Saf. Code, § 32000 et seq.) to furnish hospital and other health
    care services. (Eden Township Healthcare Dist. v. Sutter Health (2011)
    202 Cal.App.4th 208
    , 213 (Eden I).) In this litigation, the merits of which are not
    pertinent to the issues on appeal, the District suffered a money judgment in favor of
    Sutter of $17 million, plus an additional $2.5 million in prejudgment interest, attorney
    fees, and costs.2
    More than a year after entry of the nearly $20 million judgment, the District
    moved for an order (1) permitting the District to pay the judgment in 10 annual
    installments under section 970.6 and (2) declaring that the postjudgment interest rate to
    be paid on the judgment will be the same as the interest rate on “one-year United States
    Treasury bills” in each year. (§ 984, subd. (e)(2).) The motion was supported by a
    declaration from Dev Mahadevan, the chief executive officer of the District. Mahadevan
    described various activities of the District, which include maintaining an endowment to
    A portion of the background of the litigation is described in our decisions in
    Eden I, supra, 202 Cal.App.4th at pages 214 to 218, and Eden Township Healthcare
    District v. Eden Medical Center (2013) 
    220 Cal.App.4th 418
    , 421–424. Following the
    litigation described in Eden I, the parties engaged in a second arbitration with respect to
    damages accruing from the District‟s breach of contract. The judgment was the result of
    that second arbitration.
    assist local organizations in providing health care to the disadvantaged, subsidizing the
    expenses of hospitals with financial problems, and operating three community medical
    offices (offices) in San Leandro, Castro Valley, and Dublin. The offices, owned by the
    District, are valued at approximately $69 million, encumbered by $45 million in debt.
    Rent and other income from the offices is the District‟s primary source of revenue. Of
    the three locations, by far the bulk of the District‟s income, 80 percent, is derived from
    the Dublin office complex. The District is required by its loan agreements to maintain a
    balance of at least $8 million in “unencumbered liquid assets.” At the time of the
    declaration, it possessed $4.5 million in liquid assets above the required minimum.
    To satisfy the judgment in one lump sum, Mahadevan believed, the District would
    be required to sell property. As a practical matter, this would require sale of the Dublin
    offices, since the Castro Valley and San Leandro offices have little value in excess of
    their encumbrances. Yet sale of the Dublin offices would “deprive the District of the
    majority of its revenue stream crucial to fulfilling its mission and would grossly
    undermine its ability to provide valuable healthcare services to the community.”
    Mahadevan stated he had “explored options to satisfy the Judgment, including borrowing
    against other assets,” but he had concluded that “the District simply does not have the
    equity to obtain [the] additional financing needed.” “If the District is unable to satisfy the
    judgment through a periodic payment plan,” Mahadevan threatened, “it will likely
    commence the process to file a Chapter 9 bankruptcy petition.” The District‟s board of
    directors had adopted a resolution finding insufficient funds to satisfy the judgment and
    an unreasonable hardship if installment payments were denied.
    Mahadevan‟s views were confirmed in a declaration submitted by an accountant
    who had performed “an independent analysis” of the District‟s finances. The accountant
    stated that the District was required by a loan agreement to retain a minimum of
    $8 million in liquid assets. In addition to that amount, the District possessed
    approximately $4.5 million. He believed that an entity such as the District must retain
    liquid assets sufficient to cover its expenses for a reasonable period of time, from six
    months to a year, or a minimum for the District of approximately $4 million. The District
    therefore lacked the funds to make a lump sum payment to satisfy the judgment. Further,
    the District‟s income consisted primarily of rental income from offices in the buildings it
    owned. Without the revenue stream from the offices, “there would be considerable doubt
    that the District could continue as a going concern.” Based on his analysis of the
    District‟s projected income and expenses, the accountant concluded that it would require
    10 years to pay the judgment “without significantly impacting [the District‟s] ability to
    continue to service its residents.”
    Sutter opposed the motion. In support of its opposition, Sutter submitted the
    declaration of Stephen Goff, one of Sutter‟s attorneys in this litigation, who stated that,
    beginning in 2008, he had “periodically reviewed the District‟s published financial
    information.” Goff characterized the offices operated by the District as “investment
    properties.” He explained that the Dublin property consisted of three parcels, two of
    which held offices and the third as yet undeveloped. One of the lessees of the offices had
    been granted an option to purchase one parcel and a right of first refusal as to the entire
    property. Goff reviewed the District‟s grants to community medical service providers,
    finding that the grants had fallen considerably from between $1 to $3 million annually in
    the period 2008–2010, to less than $200,000 annually in the years since. He noted that
    virtually all of the District‟s income is now used to pay its own administrative expenses
    and the operating expenses of the offices.
    In an order entered on June 17, 2015, the trial court summarily granted the
    District‟s motion, authorizing it to pay the judgment in equal annual installments over 10
    years, beginning June 30, 2015, and setting the interest rate consistent with section 984,
    subd. (e)(2), beginning from the date of entry of the judgment.
    Sutter appeals the trial court‟s order, arguing the court erred in finding
    “unreasonable hardship” justifying installment payments under section 970.6 and,
    alternatively, in permitting payment over 10 years, rather than over a shorter period. In
    addition, Sutter contends the trial court erred in imposing the rate of interest established
    by section 984, subdivision (e)(2), both retroactively, from the date of entry of judgment,
    and prospectively, from the date of entry of the order granting the District‟s motion.
    A. Section 970.6
    A local agency, such as the District, is required to pay a judgment entered against
    it in the fiscal year in which the judgment becomes final, if it has sufficient funds
    available. If not, the agency is required to raise the necessary funds and pay the judgment
    in the following fiscal year. (§§ 970, subd. (c); 970.4; 970.5; Joseph v. San Francisco
    Housing Authority (2005) 
    127 Cal.App.4th 78
    , 81–82.) An exception created by
    section 970.6 permits a court to authorize payment in as many as 10 annual installments,
    if the agency‟s governing body adopts an ordinance or resolution finding that immediate
    payment would cause an “unreasonable hardship” and the court makes a similar finding.
    (§ 970.6, subd. (a).)
    The parties dispute the standard to be applied on appellate review of a hardship
    determination under section 970.6, with Sutter arguing for de novo review and the
    District seeking substantial evidence review. We side with the District. This is a typical
    situation in which “the trial court has, either by express statute or by rule of policy, a
    discretionary power to decide the issue.” (9 Witkin, Cal. Procedure (5th ed. 2008), § 362,
    p. 418; Williams v. City of Los Angeles (1988) 
    47 Cal.3d 195
    , 204.) We therefore review
    for abuse of abuse of discretion. (James L. Harris Painting & Decorating, Inc. v. West
    Bay Builders, Inc. (2015) 
    239 Cal.App.4th 1214
    , 1221.) In so doing, we affirm the trial
    court‟s decision unless “ „ “(1) it is unsupported by substantial evidence, (2) it rests on
    improper criteria, or (3) it rests on erroneous legal assumptions.” ‟ ” (Ayala v. Antelope
    Valley Newspapers, Inc. (2014) 
    59 Cal.4th 522
    , 530.) We will therefore affirm if the trial
    court‟s finding of unreasonable hardship and its decision to permit repayment over the
    full 10 years are supported by substantial evidence.
    As support for de novo review, Sutter cites Community Redevelopment Agency v.
    Force Electronics (1997) 
    55 Cal.App.4th 622
     (Force Electronics), in which the court was
    required to reconcile section 970.6 with Code of Civil Procedure section 1268.020, which
    permits a successful plaintiff in an eminent domain action to seek reconveyance of its
    property if the condemnation judgment is not promptly paid. In approaching this issue,
    the court wrote: “The trial court‟s order permitting the Agency to pay the balance of the
    judgment over 10 years is appealable as an order after judgment under section 904.1,
    subdivision (a)(2). Review by this court is de novo. Appellate courts may independently
    determine the proper interpretation of a statute; they are not bound by evidence presented
    in the trial court or by the trial court‟s interpretation. [Citation.] Likewise, application of
    the interpreted statute to undisputed facts is subject to independent appellate
    determination.” (Force Electronics, at pp. 629–630.) While we acknowledge that the
    court‟s language can be read to require de novo review of a hardship determination, the
    context of the statement suggests otherwise. The only issue actually addressed in Force
    Electronics was the conflict between the two statutory provisions. It was this issue,
    reconciling the statutes, to which the court intended to apply the de novo standard of
    review, not to the trial court‟s ruling on the issue of unreasonable hardship. In any event,
    because the court found section 970.6 unavailable to the local agency, it never reached
    the validity of the trial court‟s hardship determination. Any pronouncement on the
    standard of review applicable to that determination would therefore have been dictum.
    Section 970.6 does not define “unreasonable hardship,” and the meaning of the
    term has not been the subject of considered judicial interpretation.3 Because of the
    In passing, Force Electronics commented that, under section 970.6, “the agency
    can only move and the court can only grant an installment payment plan if it finds that
    the agency is essentially unable to pay the award.” (Force Electronics, supra,
    55 Cal.App.4th at p. 634.) Because the court ultimately found section 970.6 unavailable
    to the agency, however, this comment must be regarded as dictum. No other published
    decision addresses the meaning of the term. A Law Revision Commission comment from
    1980 states only: “In determining whether to order installment payments under this
    section, the court should consider all potential sources from which funds are available.
    For example, insurance may cover some or all of the public entity liability or the payment
    of the judgment in whole or in part may be passed on to the United States or some other
    entity under a grant, contract, or other arrangement. Section 970.6 is not intended to
    permit an insurance company or other source to minimize its obligation to make payment
    by permitting payment in installments.” (Cal. Law Revision Com. com., 37A Pt. 1A
    West‟s Ann. Gov. Code (2010 ed.) foll. § 970.6, p. 170.)
    District‟s particular circumstances, we find it unnecessary to go beyond its plain
    meaning. This is not a hard case. Mahadevan‟s declaration demonstrates that (1) the
    District does not have the funds to pay the judgment in a lump sum, (2) the District is
    unable to borrow the funds necessary to pay the judgment, and (3) a sale of assets to
    finance payment of the judgment would deprive the District of the funds required for it to
    operate, threatening bankruptcy. The same conclusions were reached by an accountant
    after an independent analysis of the District‟s finances and the District‟s board of
    directors in a formal resolution. By anyone‟s definition, an unreasonable hardship is
    imposed when the only means for payment of a judgment in a lump sum could result in
    the bankruptcy of a local public agency.
    Sutter argues that Mahadevan‟s declaration does not demonstrate that the District
    explored all available avenues of payment prior to filing its motion. Section 970.6,
    however, contains no requirement that an agency provide affirmative evidence of such an
    exhaustive search. In any event, Mahadevan states that the District “explored options to
    satisfy the Judgment, including borrowing against other assets,” but was unable to come
    up with a solution.
    Sutter claims that the District can raise revenue by taxing or issuing bonds, but it
    makes no attempt to demonstrate that these represent a realistic means for the District to
    make a lump sum payment of the judgment. Contrary to Sutter‟s claim, the District lacks
    the taxing power and must rely on the county board of supervisors to impose a levy.
    Further, such taxation is limited in amount and purpose (see Health & Saf. Code,
    §§ 32202, 32203), and Sutter makes no attempt to demonstrate that this power could be
    used to raise the necessary amount of cash required in time to pay the judgment in a lump
    sum, even assuming cooperation by the board. Nor is it clear that a bond issue could be
    used to pay the judgment, even assuming it could be issued in time. A health care district
    bond issue is limited in amount to “a maximum of 50 percent of the average of the
    district‟s gross revenues for the preceding three years” and may be issued only “to
    provide funds for the acquisition, construction, improvement, financing or refinancing of
    an enterprise, or the refunding of any bonds, notes, loans, or other indebtedness of the
    district.” (Health & Saf. Code, § 32316.) Again, Sutter makes no attempt to demonstrate
    that a bond issue is a realistic alternative for the District here.
    In other words, the sole realistic avenue available to the District to make a lump
    sum payment of the judgment that is supported by the evidence, sale of the offices,
    carries a substantial risk of undermining the District‟s operations, perhaps resulting in
    bankruptcy. Sutter hardly argues differently. Rather, it attempts to minimize the
    significance of a sale of the offices by characterizing them as “passive investments.” The
    characterization ignores the importance of the offices to the District‟s operations. First,
    income from the properties helps to fund the District, making its operations possible.
    Second, and more important, ownership of the properties is, in effect, the function of the
    District. The purpose of a local health care district is to “fulfill the function of protecting
    the public health and welfare by furnishing hospital services in areas where hospital
    facilities are for some reason inadequate.” (Talley v. Northern San Diego Hosp. Dist.
    41 Cal.2d 33
    , 40, overruled on other grounds, Muskopf v. Corning Hospital Dist.
    55 Cal.2d 211
    , 213.) Selling the offices would put the District out of business.
    Sutter does not shy from this conclusion. Its bottom-line argument is that we
    would all be better off if the District were put out of business, arguing, “the only true
    function the District accomplishes is to fund and perpetuate its own bureaucracy.”
    According to Sutter, “the District is a shell operation that owns passive investment
    properties outside the District boundaries . . . . The District does not own, govern, or
    operate a hospital, or participate in the ownership, governance, or operation of a hospital,
    and it does not perform any health care-related service or function.” Selling the offices, it
    is claimed, would permit the District to pay the judgment and leave it “with
    approximately $15 million in cash to use to support its statutory mission for its
    constituency. This sum would allow the District to do far more for its constituents than it
    has done for many years, or will do until after [the year] 2024.” Even assuming public
    policy would be better served if the District sold the offices to a private owner, that is a
    decision for the county‟s officials and residents to make.4 The purpose of section 970.6
    is precisely to prevent a large judgment from bringing an involuntary end to the
    operations of a local public entity.
    Sutter also contends the District should be required to pay the judgment because
    the installment payment mechanism makes it “an unwilling creditor.” Assuming this is
    true of Sutter, it is also true of every judgment creditor when a motion is granted under
    section 970.6. In enacting the statute, the Legislature expressed a willingness to create
    such creditors when to do otherwise would impose an unreasonable hardship on a local
    public entity. The decision relied on by Sutter in contending it cannot be made an
    unwilling creditor, Force Electronics, was decided under the eminent domain statute. As
    discussed above, that statute permits a judgment creditor to repossess its property if
    prompt payment is not made, demonstrating the Legislature‟s intent not to require
    persons whose property is subject to eminent domain to wait for payment. There is no
    similar statutory remedy available here.
    Sutter also argues the District did not demonstrate that it would need the full 10
    years to pay the judgment. On the contrary, the District submitted the testimony of an
    accountant that a 10-year installment plan was necessary to avoid “significantly
    impacting its ability to continue to service its residents.” This testimony provides
    substantial evidence to support the trial court‟s grant of the full 10 years. Sutter
    challenges the testimony as “conclusory,” but Sutter introduced no evidence to cast doubt
    on its validity. The trial court did not err in relying on an unchallenged expert opinion.
    B. Section 984
    The original judgment in this action, entered January 8, 2014, awarded Sutter
    “post-judgment interest at a rate of 7% per annum from the date of Judgment.” In
    Addressing this issue, Mahadevan asserted that the District “uses its tax
    advantages to keep the rents [at its offices] affordable for individual physicians and small
    physician groups, who cannot afford the commercially built properties . . . .” Sutter
    disputes this claim, but the issue is not pertinent here. The propriety of the continued
    existence of the District is not a cognizable issue on this motion.
    granting the motion under section 970.6, the trial court effectively amended the judgment
    nunc pro tunc, stating, “[t]he first of the ten installment payments shall be paid by June
    30, 2015 and will include interest on the amounts owed since entry of Judgment . . . at the
    U.S. Treasury bill rate as of January 1 of each year.” Sutter contends the trial court erred
    in reducing the rate of interest, both retroactively and prospectively.
    The trial court‟s original imposition of a 7 percent rate was presumably based on
    the default rate established in the state Constitution, which sets the rate for payment of
    postjudgment interest by a local public entity in the absence of any applicable statute.
    (Cal. Const., art. XV, § 1; City of Clovis v. County of Fresno (2014) 
    222 Cal.App.4th 1469
    , 1482.) There is no indication that either party challenged the imposition of this
    rate of interest at the time the judgment was rendered.5
    The trial court‟s award of postjudgment interest in the order granting the District‟s
    motion was based on section 984, subdivision (e), which states in relevant part:
    “(e) The following provisions apply to all judgments for periodic payment under
    this section against a public entity: [¶] . . . [¶] (2) Interest at the same rate as one-year
    United States Treasury bills as of January 1, each year shall accrue to the unpaid balance
    of the judgment, and on each January 1 thereafter throughout the duration of the
    installment payments the interest shall be adjusted until the judgment is fully satisfied.”
    To the extent the trial court‟s order is prospective, we find no error. By its terms,
    the interest rate in section 984, subdivision (e)(2) is applicable to “all judgments for
    periodic payment under this section against a public entity.” Section 984, subdivision (c)
    In fact, 7 percent appears not to have been the correct rate of interest. On
    January 1, 2014, a week prior to the trial court‟s entry of judgment, an amendment to
    section 970.1 became effective that set the rate of postjudgment interest on judgments
    against a local public entity at “the weekly average one year constant maturity United
    States Treasury yield at the time of the judgment plus 2 percent,” not to exceed 7 percent.
    (§ 970.1, subd. (c); Stats. 2013, ch. 424, § 3, p. 3825; San Diegans for Open Government
    v. City of San Diego (2016) 
    247 Cal.App.4th 1306
    , 1314 [a statute enacted at a regular
    session of the Legislature becomes effective on January 1 of the following year].)
    Because the District has not challenged the 7 percent rate, either at the time the judgment
    was entered or in this appeal, any objection to the trial court‟s error has been waived.
    expressly refers to a judgment rendered pursuant to section 970.6 as one “to be paid by
    periodic payments.”6 Given this reference, a judgment requiring installment payments
    under section 970.6 must be deemed a “judgment[] for periodic payment under this
    section,” even though the judgment was not literally rendered under “this section,” i.e.,
    under section 984. Imposition of the interest rate established by section 984,
    subdivision (e)(2) on a prospective basis was therefore appropriate.
    Sutter‟s argument to the contrary is based on subdivision (f) of section 984, which
    states that “[n]othing in this section shall prevent the parties from agreeing to settle an
    action on any other terms.” The District‟s failure to dispute the rate of postjudgment
    interest when it was originally imposed, Sutter argues, “is tantamount to agreeing to pay
    the interest specifically listed in the judgment.” Contrary to Sutter‟s claim, acceding to
    the compulsion of the law is not the same as agreeing to it. We need not pursue that issue
    further, however, because the “tantamount to agreeing” argument is irrelevant.
    Subdivision (f) permits a different interest rate (among other things) to be imposed as part
    of a settlement, but there is no evidence in the record to suggest that the interest rate in
    the judgment was imposed as a result of the parties‟ “agreeing to settle” the action.
    Rather, it was imposed by the court after Sutter was successful in an arbitration against
    the District. For that reason, subdivision (f) is, by its terms, inapplicable.
    That does not necessarily resolve the issue of the trial court‟s decision to amend
    the judgment retroactively to change the rate of postjudgment interest accruing from the
    entry of judgment until its grant of the motion. Here we are guided by the language of
    the statute. As noted, section 984, subdivision (e)(2) applies to “judgments for periodic
    payment under this section against a public entity.” As originally formulated, the
    judgment against the District was not one for periodic payments; it was a lump sum
    judgment. Only later was the judgment converted to one for periodic payments by the
    Section 984, subdivision (c) reads, in its entirety, “A judgment against a public
    entity may be ordered to be paid by periodic payments only if ordered under Section
    667.7 of the Code of Civil Procedure or Section 970.6, or if the public entity has made an
    election under subdivision (d), or if the parties have agreed to it.”
    trial court‟s grant of the District‟s motion under section 970.6. Accordingly, as the
    judgment was originally entered, it was not subject to the interest rate established in
    section 984, subdivision (e)(2).
    We find this conclusion reinforced by other language in section 984,
    subdivision (e)(2). Although a motion under section 970.6 will, in most cases, be granted
    after entry of a judgment, section 984, subdivision (e)(2) does not state that its prescribed
    interest rate shall apply retroactively or from the date of entry of the judgment. Instead, it
    states that the specific interest rate “shall accrue to the unpaid balance of the judgment.”
    At the time the trial court granted the District‟s motion, the “unpaid balance” of the
    judgment against the District included nearly 18 months‟ of postjudgment interest
    accruing at the rate of 7 percent annually. The failure of the statute expressly to impose
    the interest rate retroactively and its reference to the “unpaid balance” of the judgment
    suggests that its interest rate should be imposed on a prospective basis, based on the
    unpaid balance of the judgment existing at the time the judgment becomes one for
    periodic payments.
    The District argues that “[n]othing in the statute provides that a different post-
    judgment interest rate shall apply and accrue until the issuance of the trial court‟s ruling
    that the judgment should be subject to periodic payments.” While this is true, the
    converse is also true; as noted above, it does not provide that the prescribed interest rate
    shall apply from the date of entry of judgment. The statute‟s failure specifically to
    address this issue is therefore not conclusive either way. We find it more persuasive that,
    as noted above, the interest rate established by section 984, subdivision (e)(2) expressly
    applies to a judgment for periodic payments. Prior to the grant of a motion under section
    970.6 (or other authority for periodic payments), the judgment is one for a lump sum,
    making the interest rate of subdivision (e)(2) inapplicable.
    The District also argues that imposition of an initial higher rate would contravene
    the Legislature‟s intent because section 984 applies a “reduced” interest rate to periodic
    payment judgments. The District, however, cites no actual evidence of this purported
    legislative intent beyond the language of section 984. For the reasons discussed, we are
    unwilling to infer, solely on the basis of the statutory language, that the Legislature
    intended to alter the amount of interest already accrued under a judgment when a local
    public entity seeks such conversion at some point after a judgment has been entered.
    The order of the trial court granting the District‟s motion for relief under section
    970.6 is reversed to the extent it purports to alter the rate of postjudgment interest
    applicable to the judgment prior to the date of entry of the court‟s order granting the
    relief. The order is in all other respects affirmed. The matter is remanded to the trial
    court with directions to enter an amended judgment consistent with this decision. The
    parties shall bear their own costs on appeal. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.278(a)(3).)
    Dondero, J.
    We concur:
    Humes, P. J.
    Margulies, J.
    A146002 Sutter Health v. Eden Township Healthcare District
    Trial Court:          Alameda County Superior Court
    Trial Judge:          Hon. Kimberly L. Colwell
    King and Spalding LLP, Stephen L. Goff, William Scott Cameron, for Plaintiffs
    and Appellants
    Archer Norris, W. Eric Blumhardt, Sharon C. Collier, for Defendant and
    A146002 Sutter Health v. Eden Township Healthcare District

Document Info

Docket Number: A146002

Citation Numbers: 6 Cal. App. 5th 60

Filed Date: 11/29/2016

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023