Martinez v. BaronHR, Inc. ( 2020 )

  • Filed 7/8/20
    JOSEPH MARTINEZ,                          B296858
    Plaintiff and Respondent,         (Los Angeles
    County Super. Ct.
    v.                          No. BC712582)
    BARONHR, INC., et al,
    Defendants and Appellants.
    APPEAL from an order of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County, Maureen Duffy-Lewis Judge. Reversed and
    remanded for further proceedings.
    Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, David L. Martin and
    Anne M. Turner for Defendants and Appellants.
    The Bloom Firm and Raquelle de la Rocha for Plaintiff and
    What if neither party to an arbitration agreement places
    initials next to a jury waiver contained in the agreement, even
    though the drafter included lines for their initials? On the facts of
    this case, we conclude the lack of initials is of no legal
    Here, when appellants BaronHR, Inc., BaronHR, LLC,
    Fortress Worldwide, Inc. and Luis Perez (collectively BaronHR),
    hired respondent Joseph Martinez, both Martinez and an
    employer representative signed an arbitration agreement, but
    neither initialed a jury waiver included in the agreement. Later,
    Martinez filed an employment-related lawsuit against BaronHR,
    who then moved to compel arbitration. For reasons discussed
    below, we conclude the court erred in denying the motion to
    compel arbitration, reverse the court’s order, and remand for
    further proceedings.
    BaronHR is an employment staffing company that recruits
    candidates for commercial, administrative and health care
    positions. BaronHR hired Martinez as a sales manager and gave
    him several employment-related documents, including an
    arbitration agreement. Martinez signed all of the documents the
    same day he was hired.
    Martinez filed a complaint asserting 18 employment-
    related causes of action stemming from BaronHR’s alleged
    discriminatory and retaliatory mistreatment of him. BaronHR
    moved to stay the lawsuit and to compel arbitration, arguing
    Martinez was bound by the arbitration agreement.
    The arbitration agreement, entitled “Mutual Agreement to
    Arbitrate Claims,” consists of three typed pages in which
    BaronHR is referred to as “Employer or Company” and Martinez
    as “Employee.” The first sentence of the agreement states
    Employer and Employee “mutually agree that they shall resolve
    by final and binding arbitration any and all claims or
    controversies for which a court or other governmental dispute
    resolution forum otherwise would be authorized by law to grant
    relief in any way arising out of, relating to, or associated with
    Employee’s application for employment with Employer,
    Employee’s employment with Employer, or the termination of
    any such employment . . . This Agreement shall be effective on
    the date it is signed by Employee.”
    The third paragraph of the agreement is the subject of the
    motion to compel. It consists of two sentences: “Employer and
    Employee each agree that arbitration, as provided for in this
    Agreement, shall be the exclusive forum for the resolution of any
    covered dispute between the parties. In agreeing to
    arbitration, both Employer and Employee explicitly waive
    their respective rights to trial by jury.” (Original emphasis.)
    Next to the bolded sentence, in the right-hand margin,
    “INITIAL:” is written. (Capitalization as in the original.) Beneath
    that is a short line. Neither a representative of BaronHR nor
    Martinez initialed the “INITIAL” line.
    The second paragraph of the third page of the agreement
    provides, in part: “This is the complete agreement of the parties
    on the subjects of arbitration of claims and waiver of trial by
    The final portion of the agreement, which we will refer to
    as the certification paragraph, contains a second express jury
    trial waiver which reads: “EMPLOYEE’S CERTIFICATION
    ARBITRATION PROCESS.” (Original emphasis, underscoring
    and capitalization.)
    Directly underneath the certification paragraph are two
    separate sets of three lines. One set is for “Employee” and the
    other is for “Authorized Company Representative.” The three
    lines provide space for the Employee and Authorized Company
    Representative to sign, print their names, and insert the date.
    Martinez signed, printed his name, and wrote the date, “5/3/17,”
    on the first set of lines. Julie Schlotterback, BaronHR’s
    authorized representative, signed, printed her name, and wrote
    the date, “5/9/17,” on the second set of lines.
    Martinez opposed BaronHR’s motion to compel arbitration.
    In support of his opposition, Martinez attached a declaration
    stating in relevant part: “[¶] 4. I remember coming across the
    arbitration agreement and pausing at the bolded paragraph
    which asked for an initial in the blank space to waive a jury trial.
    [¶] 5. Due to my experience as a professional in the industry, it
    was my belief and understanding that arbitration was not as
    beneficial to employees where employers have exhibited harmful
    activity. [¶] 6. I did not want to initial a statement agreeing to
    waive jury trial and I did not initial the statement agreeing to
    waive a jury trial.”
    BaronHR filed a reply brief but did not object to Martinez’s
    declaration. The trial court denied the motion to compel
    arbitration, explaining that while there was “no ambiguity in the
    language” of the agreement, there was “ambiguity” about
    whether Martinez in fact agreed to arbitrate and waive his right
    to a jury trial. BaronHR timely appealed, and the court issued a
    A.     Standard of Review
    An order denying a motion to compel arbitration is an
    appealable order. (Code Civ. Proc. § 1294, subd. (a).) As a
    preliminary matter, the parties dispute the appropriate standard
    of review. According to BaronHR, there are no factual disputes
    and we should thus review the denial of the motion to compel
    arbitration de novo. (Franco v. Greystone Ridge Condominium
    39 Cal. App. 5th 221
    , 227 [“‘[I]f the court’s denial rests
    solely on a decision of law, then a de novo standard of review is
    employed. . . .’”].) Martinez argues the trial court found there was
    insufficient evidence of mutual assent in light of his omitted
    initials and declaration. (Ibid. [If the trial court’s decision on
    arbitrability “‘ . . . is based on a decision of fact, then we adopt a
    substantial evidence standard. [Citations.]’”].)
    The issue before the trial court was whether mutual assent
    existed, which is a question of fact. (Alexander v. Codemasters
    Group Limited (2002) 
    104 Cal. App. 4th 129
    , 141.) In determining
    there was no mutual assent, the trial court relied on extrinsic
    evidence produced by Martinez and made an implied credibility
    finding from that evidence that Martinez did not want to
    arbitrate when he signed the agreement. Accordingly, we apply
    the substantial evidence standard of review. “‘We must accept the
    trial court’s resolution of disputed facts when supported by
    substantial evidence; we must presume the court found every fact
    and drew every permissible inference necessary to support its
    judgment, and defer to its determination of credibility of the
    witnesses and the weight of the evidence. [Citation.]’ [Citation.]”
    (Engineers & Architects Assn. v. Community Development Dept.
    30 Cal. App. 4th 644
    , 653.)
    B.     Mutual Assent
    “In California, ‘[g]eneral principles of contract law
    determine whether the parties have entered a binding agreement
    to arbitrate.’ [Citations.]” (Pinnacle Museum Tower Assn. v.
    Pinnacle Market Development (US), LLC (2012) 
    55 Cal. 4th 223
    236.) “An essential element of any contract is the consent of the
    parties or mutual assent. [Citations.]” (Donovan v. Rrl Corp.
    26 Cal. 4th 261
    , 270, Civ. Code §§ 1550, 1565.) The parties’
    mutual intent is to be ascertained solely from the contract that is
    reduced to writing, if possible. (Civ. Code § 1639, Palmer v. Truck
    Ins. Exchange (1999) 
    21 Cal. 4th 1109
    , 1115.) The contract
    language controls if it is clear and explicit. (Civ. Code § 1638;
    Palmer, supra
    , at p. 1115.) “Mutual assent is determined under
    an objective standard applied to the outward manifestations or
    expressions of the parties, i.e., the reasonable meaning of their
    words and acts, and not their unexpressed intentions or
    understandings. [Citation.]” (Alexander v. Codemasters Group
    Limited, supra
    , 104 Cal.App.4th at p. 141.)
    The language of the agreement between Martinez and
    BaronHR establishes their mutual assent to submit employment-
    related disputes to arbitration and to waive the right to jury trial.
    As noted, three separate terms of the agreement acknowledge in
    explicit and unmistakable language the parties’ mutual intent to
    arbitrate all disputes; two of those terms also acknowledge the
    parties’ mutual intent to waive their right to jury trial. Among
    them, is the uninitialed third paragraph with its boldface jury
    waiver: “Employer and Employee each agree that arbitration, as
    provided for in this Agreement, shall be the exclusive forum for
    the resolution of any covered dispute between the parties. In
    agreeing to arbitration, both Employer and Employee
    explicitly waive their respective rights to trial by jury.”
    Martinez does not dispute he signed the agreement. He is,
    therefore, deemed to have assented to all its terms. (Martin
    Storage & Trucking, Inc. v. Benco Contracting & Engineering,
    Inc. (2001) 
    89 Cal. App. 4th 1042
    , 1049 [Generally, “one who signs
    an instrument, which on its face is a contract, is deemed to assent
    to all its terms.”].) Moreover, as the certification paragraph
    makes explicit, in signing the agreement, the employee “agrees to
    be legally bound by all of the terms of this agreement,” which
    includes the third paragraph, and the employee “has no right to
    pursue claims against the company in court and before a jury but
    only through the arbitration process.” (Italics added.) This
    paragraph is prominently displayed in all capital letters and is
    located immediately above Martinez’s signature.
    Martinez claims “[b]y withholding his initials, [he] was
    manifesting his intent not to agree to arbitrate,” citing this
    court’s decision in Esparza v. Sand & Sea, Inc. (2016) 
    2 Cal. App. 5th 781
    , 788 (Esparza). However, Mitri v. Arnel
    Management Co. (2007) 
    157 Cal. App. 4th 1164
    (Mitri), upon
    which Esparza relies, is inapposite. In Esparza, the employee
    received an employee handbook, which contained an arbitration
    (Esparza, supra
    , 2 Cal.App.5th at pp.784-785.) On the
    first page of the handbook was a ‘“welcome letter,”’ which stated
    the handbook was “‘not intended to be a contract (express or
    implied), nor is it intended to otherwise create any legally
    enforceable obligations on the part of the Company or its
    employees.”’ (Id. at p. 784, italics omitted.) The employee signed a
    form acknowledging she had received the handbook, which
    mentioned the arbitration provision as one of the Company’s
    “‘policies, practices, and procedures[.]’” (Id. at p. 783.) On appeal
    from the denial of the Company’s motion to compel arbitration, a
    different panel of this court concluded the employee handbook’s
    disclaimer of “‘. . . any legally enforceable obligations,’” the
    emphasis upon its informational purpose, and the recognition
    that employees would not have read it when they signed the
    policy acknowledgment form precluded a finding the parties
    agreed, expressly or impliedly, to arbitrate disputes. (Id. at pp.
    Similarly, in Mitri v. Arnel Management 
    Co., supra
    157 Cal. App. 4th 1164
    , the employee handbook contained an
    arbitration policy stating employees would be obligated to sign a
    separate arbitration agreement. (Id. at pp. 1167-1168.) The two
    affected employees did not sign the separate agreement. (Id. at p.
    1168.) The appellate court concluded there was no binding
    agreement, because the employees had not consented to be bound
    by the arbitration agreement. (Id., at p. 1173.)
    Neither Esparza nor Mitri apply to the situation in this
    case: an employee’s execution of a stand-alone arbitration
    agreement unequivocally expressing the employee’s agreement to
    the employer’s arbitration policies. Nor has Martinez cited any
    cases holding the failure to initial a provision in such an
    agreement invalidates it. We found only one published case that
    is instructive.1 In Elsken v. Network Multi-Family Sec. Corp.
    (10th Cir. 1995) 
    49 F.3d 1470
    (Elsken), the plaintiff, an
    administrator of a murdered woman’s estate, filed suit against a
    security alarm corporation alleging breach of contract and
    negligence, among other claims. (Id. at p. 1472.) The murder
    victim, in an unsuccessful attempt to rent a safe apartment, had
    contracted for a twenty-four hour alarm system from the
    corporation at the same time she signed her rental lease. (Elsken
    1      BaronHR cites three unpublished federal district court
    opinions that are persuasive. (Haligowski v. Superior Court
    200 Cal. App. 4th 983
    , 990, fn. 4 [“Unpublished federal
    opinions are ‘“citable notwithstanding [Cal. Rules of Court, rule
    8.1115] which [ordinarily] only bars citation of unpublished
    California opinions. . . .” [Citations.]’” (Original italics.).]) In
    Anderson v. Pitney Bowes, Inc. (N.D.Cal., May 4, 2005, No. C04-
    4808) 2005 U.S. Dist. Lexis 37662 (Anderson), Burgoon v.
    Narconon of N. Cal. (N.D.Cal., Jan. 15, 2016, Case No. 15-cv-
    01381) 2016 U.S. Dist. Lexis 5489, and Hartung v. J.D. Byrider,
    Inc. (E.D.Cal., Oct. 16, 2008, 1:08-cv-00960) 2008 U.S. Dist. Lexis
    86972 (Hartung), the courts held the failure to initial a specific
    arbitration provision in a signed agreement was not dispositive of
    mutuality. In Anderson, the employee signed an application
    requiring arbitration as a condition of employment and an
    arbitration agreement containing, in addition to the uninitialed
    arbitration provision, an express jury trial waiver in the final
    paragraph above the signature line. 
    (Anderson, supra
    , at pp. 1-
    3.) In Hartung, although the purchaser signed the retail
    installment contract, she failed to initial the arbitration
    (Hartung, supra
    , at p. 4.) However, the purchaser
    initialed and signed a companion document entitled “Buyer’s
    Statement of Understanding,” which stated her understanding
    the contract contained an arbitration provision. (Id. at p. 8.)
    v. Network Multi-Family Sec. Corp. (10th Cir. 1995) 
    49 F.3d 1470
    , 1472.) “The Services Agreement contained an indemnity
    clause and a limitation” of liability clause. (Ibid.) Although the
    victim “signed the contract, she did not initial the reverse side of
    the Services Agreement[]” where the limitation of liability clause
    was located. (Ibid.) The victim’s signature on the agreement was
    placed directly below a provision referencing the limitation of
    liability claim. (Id. at p. 1474.)
    The plaintiff argued, in part, because the victim did not
    initial the limitation of liability clause, it was not in effect
    because she did not agree to it. 
    (Elsken, supra
    , 49 F.3d at pp.
    1473-1474.) The circuit court rejected this contention, finding the
    contract itself, which the victim signed, advised her of the terms
    on the back page of the agreement. (Id. at p. 1474.) The Elsken
    court found the signature directly above a reference to the
    provision meant the victim agreed to the contract in its entirety,
    including the limitation of liability clause which she failed to
    initial. (Ibid.)
    We find this analysis persuasive. As in Elsken, Martinez’s
    signature is adjacent to the certification paragraph, which refers
    to all terms of the agreement sought to be enforced. In this
    situation, that Martinez did not also initial the subject paragraph
    does not provide a basis for concluding the parties did not
    mutually assent to the arbitration agreement.
    Martinez points to his declaration as, “at a minimum,”
    resolving any ambiguity in the agreement caused by the omission
    of his initials. But as discussed previously, the language of the
    signed agreement is not ambiguous. It is an objective expression
    of the parties’ mutual assent to arbitrate.
    Martinez attempted to create ambiguity with his previously
    undisclosed assertions he did not want to arbitrate or waive his
    jury trial right when he signed the agreement. We defer to the
    trial court’s finding the declaration was credible. The court,
    however, should not have considered Martinez’s unexpressed
    intentions as evidence of the lack of mutual assent. The law is
    well-settled that unexpressed subjective intentions are irrelevant
    to the issue of mutuality. (Reigelsperger v. Siller (2007) 
    40 Cal. 4th 574
    , 579-580 [“uncommunicated subjective intent is
    irrelevant” to mutual assent, which is determined from
    reasonable meaning of parties’ words and actions], Hilleary v
    Garvin (1987) 
    193 Cal. App. 3d 322
    , 327 [because “existence of
    mutual assent is determined by objective criteria[,]”
    uncommunicated subjective intent is irrelevant], Schmitz v.
    Wetzel (1961) 
    188 Cal. App. 2d 210
    , 212 [“‘[Where] the terms of an
    agreement are set forth in writing, and the words are not
    equivocal or ambiguous, the writing or writings will constitute
    the contract of the parties, and one party is not permitted to
    escape from its obligations by showing that he did not intend to
    do what his words bound him to do.’ [Citation.]” (Italics
    omitted.)].) This is substantive contract law, so the employer’s
    failure to object to Martinez’s declaration did not permit the court
    to consider his unexpressed intent when construing the contract.
    Reigelsperger v. 
    Siller, supra
    40 Cal. 4th 574
    , is illustrative.
    A patient entered into an arbitration agreement with a
    chiropractor for lower back pain treatment. (Id. at p. 576.) The
    agreement stated it applied to the patient’s treatment “now or in
    the future[.]” (Id. at p. 577 (Original emphasis).) Two years later,
    the patient returned to the chiropractor, this time seeking
    treatment involving the cervical spine and shoulder. (Ibid.) The
    patient filed a lawsuit, alleging this most recent treatment was
    negligent. (Id. at pp. 577.) The trial court denied the
    chiropractor’s motion to compel arbitration, and the Court of
    Appeal affirmed the order. (Ibid.) In reversing the Court of
    Appeal, the California Supreme Court concluded the wording of
    the agreement was dispositive, noting the agreement stated it
    “‘ . . . is intended to bind the patient and heath care
    provider . . .who now or in the future treat[s] the
    patient . . .’ . . . To contradict this objective manifestation of the
    parties’ intent to arbitrate, [the patient] asserts that he had not
    intended to return to [the chiropractor] for treatment. However,
    his uncommunicated subjective intent is irrelevant.
    [Citations.] . . . Regardless of whether [the patient] had a present
    intention to return for treatment, he agreed that if he did decide
    to do so, the arbitration provision . . . would apply to a future
    dispute.” (Id. at pp. 579-580 (Original emphasis).) Thus,
    Martinez’s declaration is insufficient evidence as a matter of law.
    The trial court erred in denying BaronHR’s motion; the
    parties are required to arbitrate.
    The order denying the motion to compel arbitration is
    reversed. The cause is remanded for further proceedings
    consistent with this opinion. Appellants are awarded their costs
    on appeal.
    CURREY, J.
    We concur:
    WILLHITE, Acting P.J.